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Posts posted by Lawfer

  1. Watching as the little spearman, turned away from him, the blonde popped the top of his flask and took a large pull from his alcoholic elixir. "Suit yourself big guy." He commented as he patted him on the back. "It's about the taste... You'll come around to it... And don't worry... I wont do anything reckless. I have the devil's luck when it comes to surviving." He jested as he took another swig and recalled his first close call with death, "Come to think of it, there was one time right after the Sword Arts upgrade that I took on a bit more then I could chew. I thought it was a good Idea to go after an Alpha wolf on floor 2 when I was still green. The thing left me with 3 hp.... If i hadn't had crit'd him on my last attack... You wouldn't be looking at me today." he finished as he let out a booming laugh. "Those were the times."

  2. "Bahahahah." The spearman erupted as he looked over to his companion. "Well... I thoroughly examined that book on more than a few occasions, that's why I was taking it so hard. But thanks for that Mikael." The kohai had managed to shed some light on some much needed truth that he needed to hear. For the first time since he heard the news, he had a sincere, real smile. "But on a serious note, I'll find her eventually. There are only fifteen floors that she could be hiding in, and if anyone can find her... It would be me." Pausing for a moment, he raised his right hand, and browsed through his invenotry. Selecting a flask of scotch, it materialized in his hand. "Want first swig? Its water... Yeah... Water."

  3. "Yeah... Oikawa gifted me my Highwind as well, and also helped me clear a quest... So I was under the impression that he was a good man as well." He replied as he began reflecting back on the last quest that he shared with both Opal and Oikawa. OPal had been silent for the most part, but that was no indication of her being a killer, and Oikawa... he seemed like more than a decent person. Overall, the thoughts just added to the tangled mess that was the mans current state of mind. "It's really funny though, I had thought that Opal and I were close. I mean... We shared a lot of time together. I knew that she had seen some horrible things... But... To kill a man. I just didn't think she had it in her..." As the breeze picked up and scattered more of the white dandelion petals, he couldn't help but laugh. "Guess I'm not as good at reading people as I thought I was." 

  4. Beginning to chuckle at Mikael's scrub comment, he was brought back to earth by his following question. 'I guess just about everyone has heard about now.' he thought to himself as he brushed back some of the stray strands of hair that had fallen forward. "Yeah... one of them was the Vice Commander, Opal..." He commented as he shook his head. "There isn't much information out about it now, I really dont know why she did it. But, I'll find out eventually when I see her next." He replied as he looked out past the field of Dandelions into the outline of the forest that was quite a ways off. "Nostalgic... That's a good way to put it... But more than anything. This place is actually my favorite spot in Aincrad." He replied as his gaze shifted back to the sky. "What brought a scrub like you to the Dandelion field?" he asked while chuckling.

  5. As a shadow shifted over the blonde spearman, he turned his head to make out the silhouette of his new found friend DaMikael. Chuckling slightly, the man sat up while kicking his arms back to rest on them. "I'm not to worried about them..." He replied, having just heard about the betrayel of his comrade was a bit of a sore subject, but he still tried to seem unfased. "It's treating me as well can be expected, but overall im doing well... Unlike the rest of Aincrad that's almost become unhinged." He commented, while taking a brief moment to survey the area once more. "How's my little senpai..... I mean Kohai? Kohai right.... how's my little kohai doing?" He asked jokingly.

  6. Looking out across the field of Dandelions, LAwfer thought back to the first time he had moved onto floor three. It had been quite sometime ago, but the memories continued to rush back to him like it was yesterday. This was the first place that he found real beauty in this virtual world, which brought him solace. The wind picked up and tossed the dandelion pedals back and forth, it was as if they were dancing all across the sky. Reaching out with his right hand, the aloof spear-man tried to grasp the stray petals but missed. "Guess I need to be quicker..." He commented, as he chuckled slightly. As he proceeded to lay down in the field, he looked up at the all encumbering blue sky. "This is way better than the dreaded feel of the higher floors."

  7. As the party entered the dungeon, a slight smirk danced across the spear mans face. This would be the third time that Takao was able to find a dungeon while the dragoon was around, and that meant at least one more level for the midleveled play. With the aquamarine knight engaging and dispatching his enemies with ease, that now meant that Lawfer could let his Highwind loose on some of the mobs that remained. Removing the bi-dent from his shoulder, he searched the dimly lit ruins for his prey. "My turn..." he stated as he zeroed in on the next set of creatures that began shuffling forward to meet the group.

    Pushing off his back foot the dragoon, readied his spear by engaging the pre-motion for <trip expand>. Stopping just short of the mobs, he planted his lead foot and swung. As his sword art engaged, he was spun multiple times by the momentum, and sliced the four oddly shaped creatures ribbons. As they shattered into pixels and dissolved, he turned to his companions. "That's four more down..."

    ID: 56389
    BD: 6+3= Hit
    MD: Dead
    LD: 15= +4Mats

    Lawfer: 112/112 l EN: 8/28 l  SA Used: TripExpand -12EN - 6x11=66DMG

    ???? Enemy 1: 0/48 | MIT: 12
    ???? Enemy 2: 0/48 | MIT: 12
    ???? Enemy 3: 0/48 | MIT: 12
    ???? Enemy 4: 0/48 | MIT: 12

    Remaining MObs: 7/15

  8. "Gotta do what you have to do to survive, so it sounds like a solid plan to me." he stated as he trailed behind the two upper echelon on Aincrads elite frontliners. He was in quite a unique position to be questing with them, not only was he going to gain the sweet sweet SP he needed, but he could learn from their battle tactics and try to emulate them within his guild. Raising his right hand, he entered his interface, and switched to the equipment menu. "You guys think I should switch out my accessory now? Or wait until after we clear out the mobs?" The dragoon interjected. This would be his first time dealing with a highly overpowered boss, so he wanted to be sure he made the correct choices in equipment.

  9. Having heard of the man's profession, the golden haired dragoon just had to see if there was more to his new equipment than meets the eye. There were plenty of other things that would help the man in his growing pursuit to get stronger. But if there was a possabillity that he was sitting on something better, he knew he had to take it. Meeting up at the designated spot, Lawfer pulled up his map to make sure the meeting place remained the same. "Looks about rig..." He stopped mid sentence as he noticed a faint jade flame approaching. He knew that wagon from questing with the man before. "Hey Hirru! Mind appraising my equipment for me?" The spearman asked, as he raised his hand and transferred 6 Mats and 3k worth of col.

  10. A sigh of relief escaped from the blondes lips as he watched his companion Takao finish the battle with eleven strikes from his sword. It was a sight to see, being able to hit for that much damage without using any buffs. Hearing the faint sounds of clapping, Lawfer turned his head to the Ultramarine knight. "Thanks! It was my first time being able to take part in a boss fight with something that had more health than me..... Well except the sub dungeons... but i really didn't do much in those." He stated, then chuckled for a moment as he turned to Takao, while slinging his Highwinds strap over his right shoulder. "So Takao... Where did you say that dungeon was?" He asked curiously, as he used his thumb to slide back his visor back into his helmet.

  11. (OOC: Gonna Spawn the Boss so we can move forward, got Opals Approval. And i found Zoidberg waiting for us... Also this will be the post order we follow. 48 Hour rule applies.)



    Lawfer watched as the Vice Commander did her fancy new trick and disappeared into the void. "I really hate it when she does that." The blonde spearman commented as he looked back at the rest of his companions. "Xion, I know your the tank. But I'm gonna check out the boss room and scout ahead... The Vice Commander is probably already in there so I figure we should push on and provide relief for her." As he finished he nodded, and motioned for the rest to follow behind him. As of late, the dragoon had been powerleveling and felt confident that he would be able to fell just about anything on the lower floors. 

    Following the walls of the cavern, Lawfer came across an already open door stone door. "Guess that means the commander is already in there." He stated as he peeked in. The torches on the side of the room, lit one by one, shedding light on the darkness within. The cavern had stone flooring for the most part, but a dark pool sat at the far back of the room. As Lawfer took a few steps in, the pool began to bubble over and a humanoidish figure emerged. As it staggered into the light, the dragoon reeled back in disgust. It was unlike anything the Spearman had seen before. AS it screeched, you could see the feeler tenticals that dangled from its lip arch back. The body was made of a thick carapace that was blood-orange in color. It was garbed in tattered clothes, presumably from victims that wandered into the dungeon. All that his cursor stated was -Lord Decapodian-.

    Grasping his Lawbreaker he turned to the rest of the party. "Ok guys... I'm gonna take point on this and snag the first hit, to distract and stun it." he paused for a moment then looked at each of them individually, while a grin decorated his face. Lawfer was confident, that much was sure. "Then I everyone to follow up. I'm strong enough to take a few blows but I need someone to pull aggro if the fight draws too long." He commented as he looked at Seul and Xion. "I'm positive that the Vice commander will step when she sees a chance to deal major damage... But until then, we Knights need to step in and crush this thing to prove that we are worthy of such a title." He concluded his seemingly long winded speech as he heard the Decapodian screech once more.

    Spinning the heavy halberd in his right hand, Lawfer jetted forward, his eyes targeting the Decapodian's center line. As the boss, thrashed out with its massive claws, Lawfer slipped the attack to the outside, and rolled under the extended arm. His Lawbreaker glowed gold and silver, as he activated <Divide>. One powerful slash from the bottom of the Decapodians Carapace all the way up through its chin. As it knocked the monster back, it stood there dazed and confused. "Did my job..." the dragoon stated with a smirk as he circled our of range.

    [ID: 56225]
    [BD: 10]
    [MD: 3] Miss
    [Sword Art: Divide -10 EN] 8+2= 10x1x7= 70DMG + Stun

    [H: 2] Lawfer - [96 / 96 
    hp // 7 / 24 en] (+1/ -10)
    [H: 0] Opal - [154 / 172 
    hp // 43 / 43 en]
    [H: 0] Hirru - [100 / 100 
    hp // 17 / 25 en]
    [H: 0] Seul - [100 / 100 
    hp // 21/ 25 en]
    [H: 0] Xion - [68 / 72 
    hp // 18 / 18 en]
    [H: 0] Magda - [ 36 / 36 
    hp // 9 / 9 en] 
    Grave - [Nope]

    -Lord Decapodian-  350/420  66DMG l -70DMG (Stunned)

  12. "What the [censored]!!!" Lawfer exclaimed as he grasped the handle of his Highwind as he picoted and turned to the broker. "You know I was just trying to help you out!!!" He yelled as the broker was intercepted by the Jade Hunter. "Thanks Hirru..." He stated with a smiled as he watched the borkers moves.... He had power... but no accuracy... that would cost him. Dashing towards the broker, his spear began to glow yellow and silver. This was going to be the attack that finished the broker off. Lawfer was sure of it. <Vent Forth> Activated and with three spinning slashes, the dragoon plunged the dual pronged spear head into the broker to have him shatter and fill the air with digital dust.

    "That was ridiculous." He stated as he turned his head to the hunter. "Thanks for getting my back though." He stated as he knelt down and picked up the banner that now lay on the ground, but now with its stats exposed. "This will be useful."

    [ID: 56222]
    [BD: 9]
    [Sword Art: Vent Forth -8EN] 11+1= 12*2*4= 96DMG

    Lawfer - [95 / 104 hp // 4 / 26 en] (+1/-8) 
    Hirru - [96 / 100 hp // 7 / 25 en] 

    Info Broker 0/150 - 96DMG 

    +Banner of Support

  13. Nodding to his companions, Lawfer "Aside from Taft, i haven't explored much of the higher floors that have been unlocked. But i get what you mean about depressing." The spearman commented as he surveyed the area. The depressing fog that was riddled about the swamp was no where near delightful and cheery. With each step, his boots seemed to sink deeper and deeper into the marshy terrain. Brushing his hair over his shoulder, he checked his map. According to the broker he got the information from the party would soon be coming upon the Sea Wyvern. 

    It was then that Lawfer heard a screech coming from the large, moss ridden lake in front of him. Grasping his Highwind, he slung it from around his shoulder. "I think I want first crack at this thing." The dragoon stated as he spun the spear in his hand. Taking a step further, a wave of water washed ashore as the Sea Wyvern emerged from the depths. Dashing forward, Lawfer began the pre-motion for his sword art. The Wyvern snapped forward with its long neck, exposing itself to the brunt of his attack. <Divide> activated, and with one vertical slash from his Highwind, Lawfer managed to inflict decent damage, while stunning the beast in one fell swoop.

    <<Battle Engaged>>

    ID: 56191
    BD: 10+3
    MD: Stunned

    Lawfer: 112/112 l EN: 28/28 l SA Used: <Divide -10EN> 11+2= 13*1*7= 91 DMG +Stun

    Sea Wyvern: 209/300 HP <Stunned>

  14. Looking at the cloth banner that Hirru picked up after felling the Iron guard, Lawfer smiled. "That matches the description.... Time to take that sucker back and finish the quest." The dragoon responded as he motioned for the two of them to return to the wagon. Both had hoped on and began their return journey when Lawfer looked over to Hirru. "Good job out there." He stated with a warm expression. "I would have been done for if i took this quest by myself." 


    Hours passed as the two finally made it back the the shack that the information broker used on the outside of town. "Its a good thing hes an NPC... couldnt imagin a shop out here that would be safe." He commented as he hoped out of the wagon. As the info broke came out of the cabin, LAwfer smiled. "Here you are." He stated as he handed the mangled banner back to the NPC.

    "You're jsut giving me it back?" He asked. "Don't try to trick me i know your kind!" the broker screamed as he lunged after Lawfer. With a flick of its hand, it tried to cut down Lawfer as he tuned his back. Ducking, Lawfer managed to avoid any damage.

    "I wont let you lead me into a trap you little twerps." 

    <<Battle engaged>> Info Brokers turn:

    [ID: 56189]
    [BD: 4]
    [CD:11] Healed +13


    [H-2] Lawfer - [95 / 104 hp // 11 / 26 en] 
    [H-1] Hirru - [96 / 100 hp // 14 / 25 en]

    Info Broker 150/150

  15. "Hirru!!!!" The scarlet dragoon screamed as he watched his comrade fly several meters away. Pressing forward once more, he walked down the guardian. "Give it your best shot!" He exclaimed as he watched the guardian pull back its masive arm, and swung it at the spearman. Leaning forward, Lawfer braced for the attack by digging his feet into the ground. Skidding back slightly, Lawfer shrugged of the damage. While pulling his own weapon back, as it charged with a bright yellow aura, Lawfer released <Vent Forth> once more. With three spinning slashes, it knocked the guard up of the Guardian, and the final lunge pierced the colossuss face. As the boss' health dipped down once more, the dragoon looked over to the recovering hunter. "Finish this...."

    [ID: 56182]
    [BD: 8+3]
    [MD: 6] 54DMG- 57MT= 1DMG
    [Sword Art: Vent Forth -8EN]

    [H-1] Lawfer - [95 / 104 hp // 11 / 26 en] -4 Thorn DMG, -1DMG
    [H-1] Hirru - [96 / 100 hp // 14 / 25 en] 

    Iron Guardian [1 / 225 hp] -88DMG

  16. "Great! Thanks for the help guys." The dragoon stated as he turned towards the town gates. Raising his right hand, he entered his interface and opted to choose his hunter set that allowed for max mitigation and accuracy. As the scarlet armor encased his body, he pulled down the half-visor down on his helmet. It was enough, to shield his eyes and nose, but left the mouth open making it easy to breath in the thick heavy armor. "You guys have any success hunting before you got here?" The blond haired spear man asked, turning his head back to his companions. 

  17. Stepping in right after the hunter had delivered a very crucial blow to the guardian, Lawfer, began charging his Spear art. Releasing <Vent Forth> the Highwind danced across the stunned iron guardian. After three spinning splashes, a devastating lunge hit the stunned guardians core. Launghing it back a few feet. As it skid to a stop, Lawfer looked at Hirru and nodded. "Your turn buddy!"

    [ID: 56177]
    [BD: 5+3 ]= hit
    [Sword Art: vent forth-8EN] 11x8= 88 dmg 

    ]H-1] Lawfer - [100 / 104 hp // 16 / 26 en]
    [H-1] Hirru - [96 / 100 hp // 16 / 25 en] 

    Iron Guardian [89 / 225 hp] (-88 hp) [Stunned]

  18. As the two stood before the spearman, he smiled. "The more the merrier Takao." He stated with a smile as he turned his attention to Takao's companion. Lawfer had heard of the one man army, known as Calrex before, but never had the opportunity to actually meet him. "Its good to meet you Calrex." He replied to the bluenette as he raised his hand and gestured a friendly wave. "Onto the matter at hand. I got some info about a Sea Wyvern and I wanted to try to tackle it. But since I haven't Grand Mastered my spear just yet, i figured it would be suicide to try to solo it. You two think you could run me through it?" he asked, Lawfer hated asking for help, but in order to get stronger he knew he would have to reply on others until they could rely on him in times that it really mattered.

  19. Hoping out of the wagon, the dragoon sprinted towards the towering guardian. "Take this!" the blonde yelled as he ripped his Highwind from its shoulder sling and stepped in heavy on the lead foot. Putting his whole body into the swing, all that could be heard was the clang of metal on metal. Lawfer's hands shook, he only managed to hit the massive iron arms, and the attack was nullified. Leaping backwards as the guardian, swung the arm it used to depend itself, the spearman aptly dodged. "Hirru, Flank it. Make sure you don't connect with the arms... they dont take any damage."

    ID: 56173
    BD: 1 -__-
    MD: 1 :)

    Lawfer [104 / 104 hp // 24 / 26] -2EN
    Hirru [100 / 100 hp // 25 / 25]


    Iron Guardian [225 / 225 hp]

  20. Lawfer thought back to his time in the blades, so much had transpired since that time. Raising his right hand, he proceeded to scratch the back of his head, then fixed the strands of hair that fell forward into his face. "I had almost forgetten about being apart of the blades. I've spent so much time out there in the wilderness that most of that time seems like a distant memory. But now that I'm with the Knights... Things have gotten so much easier." He commented as he took another swig of his flask. "Now its time for all of us to make it to the frontline as fast as we can. No more waiting around, for everyone to save us from our problems." Lawfer commented as he looked over at the Jade hunter. "Well enough of me spilling my guts. I think we are getting pretty close to the Iron Guardian. How is your energy?"

    <EN 3/3>

  21. "Lazaro.." Lawfer spoke, as his body was encased in light and then transported to the swamp city of Lazaro. It was the dragoon's first time on the swamp ridden floor. Pulling his white cloaks neck wrapping above his nose, he tried to block out the faint putrid stench that accompanied such a swamp. Turning his head, he surveyed the area, the wooden homes that were built on stilts, were interesting to the man. With one bad storm it seemed like the place could be washed away. Raising his hand, he entered his interface and switched to the messenger Tab. Shooting a quick message to Takao, he asked for his help in finding and dispatching the Sea Wyvern. "Guess i'll just wait." He murmured as he walked around the rag tag central plaza.

  22. As the blonde rapier toting man charged forward and smashed into the oversized scorpion that was lumbering forward. Lawfer readied his Highwind. "Thanks Oik.... I think I figured out the balancing on this spear you made me." He replied, as he followed suit and dove into the thrall of battle. Pulling back his spear, he activated <Vent Forth>. With three slashes followed by a massive lunge at the end, Lawfer circled back. "Tak... , mind finishing it off?"

    <<Battle Engaged>>

    HP: 104
    EN: 18
    Sword Art: Vent forth ||  8EN || 11 11x8= 88 DMG

    ID: 56163
    BD: 8

    « Scorpia, the Supreme»
     10/350 HP  || 55 Dmg

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