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Posts posted by Lawfer

  1. "You got it boss lady.... I mean Vice Commander." He commented as he looked back towards the group before he heard the roar of another group of mobs. "Ah [censored]!" He yelled as he dodge rolled out of the way of a leaping Jaguar. He did want to avoid anymore confrontations but it looks like the mobs weren't going to have any of that. Raising his highwind, he began the premotion of his next attack. Activating <Charge> he dashed into the group of the mobs and unleashed his <Trip Expand>. The tip of his spear ravaged the beasts before they evaporated into pixels. "Sorry guys." he stated under his breath as he collected the dropped materials. 

    Spinning his spear in his hand, he stopped it mid spin and then slung the strap over his shoulder. Running back through the thick foliage he met up with the party again with Magda in tow. "Sorry about that Opal... I may need to rest up momentarily before I can help with the dungeon." He commented as he pushed up his halfvisor, revealing his azure eyes. Winking slightly at the woman, he smirked. "have you been able to find the entrance to the cave?"

    ID: 59549
    BD: 3+3=6
    LD: 5=+4Mats

    Lawfer: 120/120 l EN: 7/30 l SA: <Trip Expand> -12EN  l 12+1= 13x2x3= 78DMG -17= 61DMG

    Jungle Jaguar: 0/60 l 18DMG l 17 Mit
    Jungle Jaguar: 0/60 l 18DMG l 17 Mit
    Jungle Jaguar: 0/60 l 18DMG l 17 Mit
    Jungle Jaguar: 0/60 l 18DMG l 17 Mit

  2. Lawfer sat back in his chair, as he heard the news come directly from the big man himself. The Dragoon had suspected something was amiss but this was all but sureal... they had all been played for fools by the caniving woman. It was hard to grasp and he knew that this was simply one side of the story, if he wanted to know the rest he would need to hear it from Opal. He had one guess where the woman might be but he would need to wait until the meeting was adjourned. As the rest of the knight chimed in, Lawfer let the words seep in and tried to listen carefully but all in all it was difficult to remain focused. He was appointed a new position as well, one that put him in charge of the finances for the guild. "You got it Mack..." he replied. Taking a deep breath, he tried to focus at the task at hand. "Now that I am in charge of finances, will I still be apart of the Strike Team? Or am do I need to remove myself so that I can dedicate all my time to the treasury?" he asked as he brushed aside some of the stray hairs that had fallen forward when he sank his head slightly.

  3. Chuckling slightly, the spearman watched as Takao worked his magic once more and was able to easily find another advanced dungeon. "You make that look way too easy... You do realize that, dont you?" He commented as he looked at Takao, hanging back momentarily. Turning his head to the Ultramarine Knight, "Cal, I'll follow after you. I still need a little time to restore my Energy before I can be of any help." He stated as the trailed behind the party. He disliked the fact that he lacked the deep energy pool that was needed to be effective in instances like this, but there wasn't much else that could be done at the moment. 

    <Out of combat recovery- +6HP, +1EN>

  4. "You felt those too?" the spearman asked as he looked around. He too felt the lingering gaze of the monsters that were wrought about the field. "I think it would be best for Xion to draw them out. Then we can clean up after him." He commented as he looked to the tank. "What do you say Xion? Think you can draw them out so we can make some quick work of them?" He asked as he removed his spear from its resting spot on his shoulder and spun it in his hand. "Who's ready to do some work?" He asked the group, as he trailed behind the tank, ready to clear the mobs that he could in a fell swoop.

  5. As the dragoon felt the hand thwack against his back, he couldn't help but laugh it off. "Sounds good to me. Lets clear this quick then try to find a subdungeon." He commented as he began to walk towards the main gate of the town. "How have you been Hirru?" the blonde spearman asked as he pulled down his helms half visor. Raising his right hand, he selected his Highwind. As it materialized on his shoulder he grasped the shaft of the spear, readying himself for the upcoming battle. "Mack, do you know where this new field boss is supposed to be or do we have to use our wits to figure it out?"

  6. "I've been to places like that Mack, but none of them had all the women taller than me." He jested back as he turned his head and identified the final companion of the group. "Oh come on now Mack, just because it isn't as clean as your cloak you cant give him the short finger." He jested once more as he raised his hand and waived at the Jade hunter. "Welcome Hirru!" He paused for a moment as he raised his right hand and created the party, sending invites to his companions. "Thoughts are what set us apart from the beasts Hirru. But I agree, I say we get this show on the road unless there are any objections." He finished as he began walking towards the outskirts of town. "Hirru, do you know where we are heading?"

  7. Raising his right hand, the spearman looked across the plaza of Amazon to notice Mack still waiting for some of his comrades to meet up. "Yo Mack!" Lafwer yelled trying to catch the mans attention. Walking towards him, he used the raised hand to enter his inventory. Equipping his armor and cloak, he was encased in scarlet and white. "Looks like I'm the first to arrive." He continued as he patted the red haired mountain on the shoulder. "So looks like its gonna be us and one more lucky soul to traverse the thick rain forest." He stated as he looked out at all the large NPC beauties. "Now if only women like this were real..." he muttered under his breath.

  8. "Yeah its pretty tastey." the man stated as he watched Calrex stand and make his way over to the bar. Taking a large pull from his brew, he looked over at the white haired woman. There was plenty of things that he wanted to say to the woman, but those were irrelevant now. The last they had met, she tried to kill him because he would not convert to her philosophy. Shaking his head, he continued to take another drink of his ale. As the ultramarine knight took his seat once again, he raised his large tankard and clanked it to his. "Cheers buddy." He commented, before responding.

    "Yeah this will be the first time I take part in a Boss raid. I figure now that I'm a respectable level I should get into the fray." Pausing a moment to take another drink from his tankard. "I'll be sure to hold you to that. But until the information portion of the meeting, I say we finish these big guys off and get another." He joked as he took another large gulp from his beverage. "They sure know how to make these taste just right."

  9. Watching as Calrex dispatched the Lich King he smiled, spinning his spear casually he then slung it over his shoulder. "Way to make that look too easy Cal..." He commented with a smirk then the dragoon looked at his HP bar and shook his head. "That thing sure hit pretty hard." He stated as he sighed slightly. Turning his attention to Takao's question he nodded. "Yeah that works for me. My energy is pretty depleted so I may need to hang back for a bit and recover but I wont turn down another dungeon." He continued as he smiled. Pushing up his half-visor, he then pulled his right arm across his chest to stretch out a bit.

    <Out of combat recovery- +6HP, +1EN>

  10. Running his fingers through the bangs of his hair, Lawfer looked at the urgent message he received from Mack. It was a hailing to meet at the guildhall. A large wrenching feeling reverberated in his stomach. Something wasn't right, why would Mack send the message. It was all a bit strange given the fact they had just completed the rais. Shrugging his shoulders, he stood from his perch and lept down from a tree that had been on the outskirts of Delilah Village on floor 3. Sprinting to the middle of town, "Taft!" he spoke as the teleportation gate lit up and he was absorbed in light. 

    As his feet touched down in the center of the Taft, he began walking towards the guild hall. Raising his right hand, he selected his cloak and scarlet armor. As it encased his body, he strutted along until he reached the doors of the hall. Pushing the door open, he looked at the members of his guild who had already claimed their spots at the planning table. Finding a free seat at the table, he sat down and removed his helmet then brushed the long strands of hair back over his shoulders. Looking over to the commander, he smiled. "Good to see you Commander Heathcliff." He stated, before turning his head to Mack. "I apologize for the tardiness." He commented as he placed the his helm on the table in front of him. 

  11. Placing his hand on the door handle of the pub, Lawfer pulled the door open. Letting a light breeze of air into into the establishment as he walked in. He had recognized most of the attendees minus a few that he hadn't had the pleasure of questing with before. Raising his hand, he first waved at Takao. The man had been a crucial part of his his leveling as of late, so the blonde spearman couldn't help but acknowledge him. His attention was then drawn to the white haired woman Opal, before he purposely averted his attention. Making his way to the bar, he nodded at the bartender. "I'll have whatever your strongest brew is,in the largest possible container." He commented as he raised his hands and transferred the appropriate amount of col. Reaching out, he grasped the large glass and smiled. "Thanks." He commented as he turned and looked for a free seat. 

    This would be the first time that he took part in a boss raid, so the dragoon was a bit ecstatic about that fact. Scanning the room for a free seat, he noticed a vacant chair next to Calrex. Making his way over he gave a nod to his fellow KoB members that were in attendance before plopping down next to the Aquamarine Knight. "Hey Cal, whats going on big guy?" He asked before bringing the over-sized glass to his lips and took a large pull. "So is there normally this much tension before a boss raid?" He asked with a bit of a smirk, as he took another drink.

  12. Lawfer smiled as he looked at how handily his comrades manhandled the Sub-boss taht had just appeared. Not only had they smashed the Banshee, but now they would be able to send this warrior to its final resting place. "Don't worry Seul, I've got this." He commented as he lowered his level and began the premotion for his spear art. Pushing off his back foot, <Charge> activated and in a blur of scarlet, he appeared in front of the howling undead warrior. "Rest in peace..." the dragoon stated as <Dimension Stampede> activated. Five lighting fast jabs pierced the undead warrior, then Lawfer jumped and slammed down with his Highwind on top of the warriors skull, shattering the sub-boss into polygonal pixels that danced in the sky then evaporated. 

    Spinning his Highwind in his hand, he grasped the grip then slung the spear strap over his shoulder. Turning to his companion, the Dragoon smiled. "Looks like its time to head home Knights." He stated as he used his thumb to open his half-visor revealing his azure eyes. "I'm ready for a beer, who wants to join me?" Lawfer asked everyone. After a long depressing day in the void, a cold brew sounded like a great idea.

    ID: 58176
    BD: 4+3-2=6
    LD: 6... -_-



    [H:6] Mack - [173 / 173 hp // 18 / 42 en]
    [H:5] Seul - [108 / 108 hp // 17 / 27 en] 
    [H:3] Lawfer - [120 / 120 hp // 3 / 30 en] (+1/-10)
    [H:3] Hirru - [104 / 104 hp // 12 / 26 en] 
    [H:0] Xion - [80 / 80hp // 19 / 20 en]
    [H:1] Opal - [ 176 / 176 hp // 33 / 44 en]
    [H:0] Magda - [ ? / ? hp // ? / ? en]
    [H:1] Grave - [ 100/100 HP // 17/25 EN]


    <<Sorrowed Warrior>> HP: -2/600 -130
    DMG: 70

  13. As he watched the two engage the mighty Lich, Lawfer took a deep breath. It had been his first time that a single mob had been able to dish out that much damage to him in one go. Pulling himself out his self made crater in the wall of the arena, he grasped his Highwind tightly. Calrex had managed to pull most of the aggro and Takao had stepped in to make a devastating strike, but still the Lich King stood. "Guess i get one more crack at him." He commented as he pushed of his back foot and began to sprint toward the hulking mass of bones and steel. Pulling back his spear, he began the premotion for <Vent Forth>. Activating <Charge>, he jetted forward in a blur of scarlet. 

    As he stopped center mass in front of the Lich King, his sword art activated and in a stream of scarlet and gold he unleashed three slashing strikes followed by a powerful lunge that knocked back the Lich KIng. The Lich stepped forward and swung its massive blade once more, ducking under and then around, the dragoon pivoted back and circled out of range from another attack. Watching as the Lich's HP bar dipped into red the spearman looked over to the ultramarine knight. "Cal, mind finishing this thing off?" he asked as motioned forward with his head.

    ID: 58175
    BD: 10

    [H:4] Lawfer: 57/124 l 17/32 EN (+1/-8) l SA Used: <Vent Forth -8EN> 12+2+2=16*8=128 DMG
    [H:3] Calrex: 287/287 | 63/63 EN |
    [H:1]Takao: 229/229 (44/56)

    Lich King: 51/350 [ -128 HP ]

  14. As the blond spearman came to, he looked around. "What the hell happened?" He asked himself as he squinted his eyes. The room was dark and dreary, with wrought iron bars that sealed him into his cell. As he looked down, he found leather steps bound around his wrists and ankles. "Really..." He asked again as he tried to pull his arms back. Rolling over he pressed up off the ground and stood, wobbling a bit he regained his balance. "I wonder if this will work." He stated as he raised his hands above his head and slung his arms down connecting it to his thighs causing the restraints to bust open. "Guess it does work."  reaching down, he unbound his feet. Looking past the iron gate, he noticed the glimmer of his scarlet armor. "I need to get to those..."

  15. As the lancer followed the brunettes directions, a smirk danced across his face. He could see the outline of the Colosseum in the distance, and that would make things much more interesting in the short term. "Looks like things are gonna get more interesting." He commented as he removed his Highwind from over his shoulder. Spinning it in his hand his smirk grew to a smile. Ever since he began developing his skills, combat had began to grow much more exciting now that he didnt need to rely on others as much. The gates to the Colosseum grew closer and closer, as the party made their way through the depressing landscape.

    As the group made it through the gates of the arena, the doors closed behind them as the Lich King stepped forward and let out a shriek. As it slammed its large broadsword to the ground, the two doorways behind it opened and the undead began to pour in. As two Shambling soldiers and two Skeletal Lich's poured in and backed up the King, the Dragoon spun his spear once more. "I'll wipe out the small ones, I'll leave the big guy to you guys." He commented as he pulled his spear back and began the pre-motion for <Hellish Twice>. Sprinting two the left, he pulled the aggro from the mobs off of the party, before the flanking was completed. The Spearman activated <Charge> And appeared next the the small mobs. "Fall..." He stated as his spear glowed silver, and with two slashes he dispatched the 4 minor undead. 

    As he turned his head to the King it roared as it glowed green, indicating he tied to absorb the health of the mobs that were just slain. In an instant, the King wretched back his arms then swung the enormous great-sword horizontally at him. Trying to back-step quickly, the spearman could fell the sword rend his midsection, then flung him to the opposite side of the arena near his comrades. Crashing into the wall behind his comrades the dragoon watched his HP dipped into the yellow zone, and let out a chuckle. "Guess that didn't work out the way I planned...."

    ID: 57945
    BD: 9
    MD: 10
    LD: 3 -_-

    [H:2] Lawfer: 57/124 l 24/32 EN l SA Used: <Hellish Twice -8EN> 12+1+2= 60DMG AOE

    Lich King: 350/350  112+2= 114-27= 57 DMG
    Shambling Soldier: 0/20HP
    Shambling Soldier: 0/20HP
    Skeletal Lich: 0/45
    Skeletal Lich: 0/45

  16. As the lancer raised his hand preemptively to accept the request, he smiled as the samurai was mauled by the lovely blonde woman. He had met her before in his time with the blades when the lioness helped some of the lower level players of the guild topple the Avalanche ice golem. Using his raised hand, he gestured a wave. "Well hello again Ariel, its good to see you again." He commented as he winked unconsciously, it had become a habit that he formed when around women. 

    "Well looks like our party just got a lot stronger, Baldur." He continued as rose his right hand once again and pulled back some more hair that had drifted across his shoulder once more. Then bringing his hand out, he entered his interface and equipped his Lancer set of equipment. AS his body was encased in the scarlet armor, he slung his spear over his shoulder. "I'm ready when you two are." He stated, as his half-visor fell into place.

  17. "Sounds like a solid plan!" The Scarlet Dragoon replied as he raised his right hand and skimmed through his inventory one more time before they set out. "I'm ready to go as well." He commented again as he looked over to Macradon and patted the Templar on the back. "Good to see you again!" He continued, "Ok guys, Let's set out." With that, he began to walk towards the gate of the safe zone. "If i recall, I saw some dug out caverns to the north, I think its best we head that way. If there are no objections." He stated as he pulled down his half visor from his helm. As the visor fell into place, his vision was changed to that of scarlet from the tinted eye pieces.

  18. As the dragoon materialized in the swamp town of Lazaro, the golden haired man shook his head. He had planned on exploring the floor in a little more detail than the last time that he visted, when he completed the <Lord of the Sea's> quest. But the dreariness of the floor, coupled with the field effect, made him rethink his plans. "Man I really hate this place." He stated as he looked around the town, aside from the NPC's not too many players were active, minus one. As he began to walk towards the man, he lifted his right hand and waved. "You don't see many actual players around here." He commented as he extended his hand for a handshake. "I'm Lawfer." He stated as he gave the man a firm handshake, "You wanna team up for a bit of hunting?" He asked, as he brushed a the loose strands of hair over his shoulder.

  19. Raising his hand, the spearman waved to the aquamarine knight. "Yeap thats the one, I guess its called the Lich King." He stated as his attention was drawn to the brunette that had just wandered up. "Thanks for the help again Tak. Im ready to go if you both are." He stated as he motioned with his head towards the gate. Raising his right hand, he scrolled through his inventory and equipped his Lancer set of gear. As he was encased in his scarlet armor. He turned to his head to the two, "So which way are we headed to smack down the Lich king?" He asked, as he pointed with his finger, moving it back and forth tracing the landscape.

  20. Taking a deep breath in, the scarlet dragoon had lost all interest in the settlement of StoneWall. The dreariness of the upper floors were all but laughable at this point. "You would think Kayaba would actually wait for the floors to be this dreary until the late 80's." He stated as he raised his right hand. Scrolling to the messenger tab,he selected both Takao and Calrex. The two had helped him before on his journey to get stronger and the spearman would need all the help he could get if he were to defeat the Lich King that he had heard about from the information broker. As he hit send, he began walking towards the center of town where the teleport gate had been. "Guess i'll just wait here until they show up." He commented as he pulled his hair back into a ponytail. 

  21. Scoffing at the woman's comment, the golden haired Dragoon walked up behind the woman and placed his hand on her shoulder. "You were the one who tried to kill me first Opal." The man stated as his hand glowed green, as <First Aid> activated, the woman was engulfed in a green light. Her HP bar increased once more, taking her from the yellow zone to the green zone. "I've been trying to save you from yourself... But even I realize its futile now." He said as he removed his hand once again and looked at the dazed Lava giant. "Well... You should go finish him off right about now." He commented as he walked past the woman. It was a waste to lose out on the killing blow, but all that mattered to him at this point was survival. 

    ID: 57127
    CD: 8+3=11 FA Used +28HP
    MD: <Stunned>

    Lawfer HP: 124/124 l EN: 2/31
    Opal HP: 155/176 l EN: 21/44 [Hate: 3]

    Keoahikamakaua: 36/490 l 77DMG [Stunned]

  22. "Watch it!" The dragoon yelled as he watched the lumbering Lava God rear back from the assualt. As it turned away, it shoot back and swung its large fist at the woman. As she braced for impact, the shear weight behind the attack launched her backwards into the caverens wall. "OPAL!" LAwfer yelled as he sprinted over to the woman, putting some distance between them and the boss. As he stood over the battered woman, he smirked slightly then kneeled down.

    Reaching down with both hands glowing, he placed them over her chest. <First Aid> activated and in a flash of light her HP bar raised gradually.  "That should patch you up a bit." He commented as he removed his hands from her chest and grabbed her hand. Pulling her out from the rubble, "And you thought I was good with my hands before." he joked as he turned his attention back to the Lava god. "Ok lets try to finish this one up."

    ID: 57124
    CD: 6+3 = 9 First Aid Used
    MD: 7

    Lawfer HP: 124/124 l EN: 0/31
    Opal HP: 127/176 l EN: 20/44 -77DMG +28HP from FA

    Keoahikamakaua: 156/490 l 77DMG

  23. Turning his head slightly, he noticed the fair skinned beauty looking down at their hands. It was a common reaction, but it was more interesting that she hadn't withdrawn her hand. A slight smirk danced across his face, then a smile. As the two continued to push on the silence was broken by her question. 

    "but, um... Do you remember before this? Before, SAO?" she asked.

    "Yeah, I remember everything... My mind won't let me forget anything, some of it is hazy but I miss it." He paused as he looked back and smiled at Snow. Trying to look into her eyes in the dim light made it difficult, but he still was able to find the slight reflection of light that bounced off of her baby blues. "I don't really have much of a family back home, but there are times that I miss them. But I think I miss meeting random people the most... Don't get me wrong, I meet new people every once in awhile here. But on the higher floors, its typically the same people you run into." Looking down at the ground, he noticed a slight silhouette of a large stone a few meters ahead that would be troublesome in the darkness.

    Tugging her arm lightly to move her out of the way of the large stone. Drawing the woman in close, he shuffled around the stone and motioned for her to do the same. "Sorry about that... Didn't want you falling down for no good reason." He stated with a smile, as he tripped over another stone that he hadn't seen. Letting her hand go for a moment, the Dragoon tried not to drag her down as he caught his balance. "I guess that's what i get for trying to act chivalrous. But anyways..." He commented as he let out a slight chuckle, reaching back once more Lawfer grasped her hand again. "What about you, Snow? Do you remember anything about the real world before SAO?" 

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