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Status Replies posted by Emerath

  1. Also, is it possible to have a side character who doesn't get engaged in a combat? (Ex. Partner in crime, Servant, etc.)

    1. Emerath


      Unless you are fighting said NPC player, in which they would be regarded in combat as a monster. However, unlike normal player killing, I don't believe this counts to turn you orange, but I'm not sure the exact rules on that.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. If only the Gun Gale Online rp was revived somehow...

    1. Emerath


      Why is my text so big in my last post? Silly mobile posting. And duly noted, Tristan, thank you. I'm simply more familiar with Erron being the owner so I default to that when speaking of the dev team. Also because I coordinate with Erron on the newsletter. Is there some sort of area listing the staff and their roles? Cause that'd make things like that more clear and helpful.

    2. (See 83 other replies to this status update)

  3. If only the Gun Gale Online rp was revived somehow...

    1. Emerath


      If you're familiar at all with coding, ALO and to a lesser degree GGO due to being dev run, are open source code. We can make changes, and even if those changes don't make it into the final game, it was good experience and good fun working on the code. That's pretty much how I look at it.

    2. (See 83 other replies to this status update)

  4. If only the Gun Gale Online rp was revived somehow...

    1. Emerath


      I think everything will be fine. It's no secret that everything takes a backseat to SAO. We just have to keep ourselves in check by never assuming that it's our project and getting proper approval or rejection for everything we do. we literally just have a Skype chat full of ideas. When we start putting those ideas on paper we can begin talking to Erron and team.

    2. (See 83 other replies to this status update)

  5. If only the Gun Gale Online rp was revived somehow...

  6. If only the Gun Gale Online rp was revived somehow...

    1. Emerath


      Yes, that's pretty much what I said. So long as we follow the proper channels, we'll be fine. The biggest things, always, about assisting dev teams with forgotten projects is to check who runs it and submit to them first, and only if truly dead pick up the project as your own.

      Thus, GGO ideas go to Erron and team, ALO ideas go to Tristan and Zelrius.

    2. (See 83 other replies to this status update)

  7. If only the Gun Gale Online rp was revived somehow...

    1. Emerath


      It means that Erron and team, the actual site staff, run GGO, unlike ALO, which is entirely player driven.

    2. (See 83 other replies to this status update)

  8. If only the Gun Gale Online rp was revived somehow...

    1. Emerath


      Of course, in response to your guys' comments about ALO, our entire ideas are going to be submitted as we build them to you guys, and feedback from the devs already working on ALO would make the most sense, not to mention we'd need your guy's approval to submit changes anyway.

      And my apologies as I did make an assumption that GGO was player run as well, but I think that regardless of that, thinking of and submitting ideas to the devs was our intention anyway, and we've all had a good bit of fun just throwing ideas around, so I doubt we'll be too upset even if it's in vain.

    2. (See 83 other replies to this status update)

  9. You folks ready for what December brings on the site? No? Well too bad you'll have to live with it! Better be ready though, 'cause *drumroll* winter is coming...to SAO-RPG. Whether that's bad or good only time will tell.

    1. Emerath


      *opts to remain optimistic about the situation, will probably be the first to die*

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  10. If only the Gun Gale Online rp was revived somehow...

    1. Emerath


      I'm not sure who the current mod team is for GGO, but I'd find out if they're even still active, and then find the documentation they left behind and begin working with that. Your best bet on any and all system reworks like this is always to work with the base that you have and fill in the gaps of things you need to improve or canonize. You don't need permission to work on player run content, but you do need permission to say that "This is how the rules work" so make sure you always submit any changes or work you do through the proper channels.

      Sure thing Seul. We're currently setting up a lot of the stuff, but once we have our base team worked out and everyone has begun work, we can provide you with permissions and let you in on a spot we may not yet have covered. :)

    2. (See 83 other replies to this status update)

  11. If only the Gun Gale Online rp was revived somehow...

    1. Emerath


      I honestly think the same about ALO, Manta. There are people who love both ALO and GGO, along with SAO. So I'm happy to hear that people are just as excited about GGO as I am about ALO.

    2. (See 83 other replies to this status update)

  12. If only the Gun Gale Online rp was revived somehow...

    1. Emerath


      Haha, Koumori, you should see the current setup we have for working on ALO. GOOGLE SHEETS EVERYWHERE.

    2. (See 83 other replies to this status update)

  13. If only the Gun Gale Online rp was revived somehow...

  14. If only the Gun Gale Online rp was revived somehow...

    1. Emerath


      Honestly, when it comes to revamping systems, if you think you have some great ideas and wish to do something about something you love, like GGO, begin building things and submitting them to the devs. They'll take notice, and perhaps over time you'll have helped to flesh out the systems into a stable working environment.

      Honestly, that's what my friends and I are doing right now in ALO. We're attempting to breathe some life into it, not only by RPing there, but coming up with our own rules and ideas to submit to the GM team for consideration. It's a ghost town right now, sure, but we can change that through our own activity. :D

      I have faith that you guys can do the same with GGO, and if you need help then let me know and I'll assist where I can when I'm not busy, as I love GGO as well. :)

    2. (See 83 other replies to this status update)

  15. One of the few survivors of this plague... 0-0

    1. Emerath


      Seul, no, it's okay! She's just wearing santa clothes! The santa clothes are the antithesis to the santa hat. #SantaClothesRebellion

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. One of the few survivors of this plague... 0-0

    1. Emerath


      Seul, I feel like we've gotten trapped in a zombie apocalypse movie. How long do you think we'll survive?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. Merchants have a new thing to replace voucher crafting! Make those not perfects relevant, maybe get lucky and get a unique enhancement! Vouchers that already exist are still valid.
    All details in the Profession guide.

    1. Emerath


      My guess is that since good items can now be enhanced through appraisals, we need to now at least declare what item type the good item is upon crafting it. I do so with my potions, despite that they don't need to be evaluated, just for notekeeping purposes. We can still do whatever we want with the good/bad items. They just have real value now, so we can't just call them "basic items" anymore.

      The major reason this becomes important is due to the fact that trinkets, potions, food, etc. can't be enhanced. So I, as an alchemist, can't just go to a merchant and say, "Here ya go. Here's a bunch of nameless good items." Cause he can't actually do anything with my good potions anymore, like he could in the past with vouchers.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  18. Merchants have a new thing to replace voucher crafting! Make those not perfects relevant, maybe get lucky and get a unique enhancement! Vouchers that already exist are still valid.
    All details in the Profession guide.

    1. Emerath


      Welp. I suppose that's what alts are for. Thank you!

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  19. Merchants have a new thing to replace voucher crafting! Make those not perfects relevant, maybe get lucky and get a unique enhancement! Vouchers that already exist are still valid.
    All details in the Profession guide.

    1. Emerath


      Speaking of mourning profession choices, this is pretty cool. Would the mod team perhaps be willing to consider allowing for like, a couple weeks of doing <<Earning a Living>> for people willing to switch to Merchant (and start over from the bottom, of course) similar to what you guys did for when Wild Dance and Whip were released?

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  20. It says you are a Staff Member...Congrats!? :D 

  21. It says you are a Staff Member...Congrats!? :D 

    1. Emerath


      Indeed it does, and indeed we do. Along with playing SAO: Lost Song! Ah, that game has been fun as well. But yes, if there is anything I've realized it was that I had started waaaaay too many threads. So I'll be trimming the fat over the next few days, cleaning up what I can, and along the way, I believe I owe you the remainder of our thread, so I'll get to that as I'm able.

      Thank you again, Opal. Your kind words mean a lot to me. :)

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  22. It says you are a Staff Member...Congrats!? :D 

    1. Emerath


      Ah, thank you Opal! I appreciate the faith. I actually submitted the initial newsletter to Erroneous already and hopefully we'll see it appear on the site soon!

      To be honest, I was just as surprised to see myself in the "Staff Online" box. Still hasn't really even quite sunk in that I was chosen for the role! To the point that I've pushed myself to return from the initial hiatus I was taking early and get back to it!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  23. If anyone has a spot in their party for a healer/DPS for the <<War of the Ancients>> quest, I'd like to get Emerath in on that before it's gone.

    1. Emerath


      Sounds great, Ebony. I'll message Rebekah for the details, thanks!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  24. Ok, another boring question from the newbie. Is the Evasion cap of 3 per item, or overall? As in, could you get 6 evasion through Trinket + Armor?

    Because that seems kind of strong.

    1. Emerath


      Haha, no worries. I'm fast on the replies. ;P But yeah, it's a strong argument either way, for which is better, MIT or EVA, because MIT, you pretty much can't do anything to keep yourself from being hit, but you can mitigate even critical damage.

      Whereas EVA, you never get hit, but lawdy if you get crit you're in pain.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  25. Ok, another boring question from the newbie. Is the Evasion cap of 3 per item, or overall? As in, could you get 6 evasion through Trinket + Armor?

    Because that seems kind of strong.

    1. Emerath


      If the monster rolls an 8 and you have 4 EVA, that would be 8-4 = 4, which means they would still miss, actually.

      Ideally 3 is all you would need, but again - EVA on monsters exist, so it doesn't hurt to have that extra point if you choose to build that way. :) Also, that extra point would help you in PVP (if you PVP at all) against people and their +ACC bonuses.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

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