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Posts posted by Dracul

  1. 'What a curious character' I thought as I waved at him once. It was basic courtesy to send off somebody after all, despite his earlier outburst. Looking down, I notice the panda was still here. I bend over a bit and ask it: "Aren't you going to follow your master?" a sarcastic smile creeping on my face. Then I straighten up and return to my normal way while I address the blonde girl that just excused herself : "No need for apologies milady! This is just a natural reflex of ours, please don't let it bother you too much." Seeing her change, the crimson girl stepped beside him and while arranging her glasses, she commented: "Yes, you should have seen milord when he was younger. He barely was able to dress himself properly, not to mention manners."

    The comment caught me off guard as I look at my assistant: "She didn't need to know that, Claudia." I said with a sigh. "So, what bring you here unattended? we're you expecting somebody? I find it hard to believe it was that guy from before as he randomly decided to leave by himself." he didn't want to bring him up anymore so the better they finished establishing his position, the better.

  2. I was a bit surprised as how this guy reacted, if a simple gaze fired him up this much I could only imagine what would happen if I would word my thoughts or not refrain from my actions. But sadly I couldn't do that as not one but two ladies were present. Even so when one of then thought so poorly of me that she thought I would indulge him in this open duel invitation. The image of a blonde front liner with her lion familiar flashed in his head 'Not her... I don't need that now.' I thought as I banished her random appearance.

    With a sigh I ignore him despite almost him being on the point of drawing his weapon and look at the girl. "My apologies Lady Jemma. I did not meant to upset you, please find it in your heart to excuse my behaviour I will try to correct it. " I say despite not quite understanding what I did wrong. Then I look at the boy threatening me in a safe zone : "No need to apologize Liam, I am indeed from Transilvania*. Claudia over here is also from my household but despite telling her that she didn't need to act like my servant she continues to."

    I let out a sigh, moment in which the person in question stepped in and engaged in conversation: "I can't leave milord alone, he's not used to living on his own. Please understand and excuse his behaviour." She said with a light bow. Why was she apologizing for me now? I shook my head a couple of times and sit non-nonchalantly on the bench and let out a sigh.

    *occ: here Dracul says the region's name with his Romanian accent.

  3. 'Old english people?' what was this guy talking about. My manner of speech was but expected of someone of my status but then again, this wasn't my homestead... a mere virtual world that tried to emulate the real one and actually succeed to some degree.But that was a thought better left for later times, now...  "Pardon my intrusion but what are you to this lady?" I asked in a polite manner, despite having the urge of shouting profanities in his direction for engaging in conversation when I did all my best to ignore him. Then to answer his question, I brush my blonde hair backwards and turn towards my assistant, she'd nod to me and I would nod in return before replying: "And to answer you last question, we are fine thank you very much!"

    With that I had enough of this guy, changing my gaze towards the familiar who returned me a nasty look like it wanted to jump at my throat and rip it off. 'Bring it on!' I thought as I next changed my focus on the girl who replied in a angelic tone accompanied by a even more divine smile. I could feel my confidence shaking with just that gesture: 'What's this???' I asked myself as I take a deep breath and address her. "Good to hear it. Allow me to introduce myself, Dracul Vladislav the Third but since this is just a mere game, Dracul or Vlad will suffice. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, milady!" I say with a small bow but as I bring my left hand behind my waist and my right hand to my heart. Making a proper 'high class' introduction. Seeing me, the girl behind me gently grabs the sides of her skirt and also makes a lady-like bow and introduces herself. "My name is Claudia, lord Dracul's servant. And I am fine as well, thank you for asking, sir." she said, the last part directed towards the unknown male.

  4. For some reason my eyes remained fixated on the girl on the bench, 'Is she OK?' I surprisingly found asking myself, flabbergasted by the fact that I actually showed something remotely close to 'caring' towards another person. I had hate, pride and indifference but this was new to me. I found my feet quicking their pace as I approached her, I could hear from behind me: "What's the matter, milord?" followed by footsteps. I ignored my crimson haired companion and found myself running towards her, only to stop`shortly after as a panda? beat me to her. Next came, what I assumed was its master.

    As I reached the small group, I make a small fake cough to unconsciously get their attention and speak in a formal manner. "Is there something the matter?" I asked the girl, ignoring the guy beside her and glancing towards the panda. From behind me, the bespectacled crimson beauty finally caught up and at the sight of the crowd brushed the dust off her uniform and offered a small bow, in a maid-like fashion.

  5. "master......master" I hear someone talking beside me but what she is saying completely goes a through one ear and exits the other as I pay little attention to the content. "geez....MASTER!" comes a terrible shout that was directed into my ear, the girl even pinched it as she delivered the awful noised pollution. It partially takes me by surprise as I jump to the side and ask: "What's your problem woman?" a bit of irritation find its way on my expression as I rub my poor abused ear. Then I straighten the collar of my white shirt and fix my black tie. The crimson haired girl, 18 of age... 4 years younger than I, that was dressed in a dark colored maid-like outfit, lets out a sigh as she replies: "Gosh, you're always like this!Like I said, uncle has tasked us with getting some materials for him. Make sure you don't forget, or he...your teacher, will get mad as well and you won't want that happening. Or have you already forgotten what happened last time?" she emphasized the bolded words in her speech.

    I let out a casual "Yeah got it!" as I walk forwards, looking around for nothing in particular... that until I saw a lonely girl sitting on a bench a bit in front of us. Our previous discussion could probably be heard by her and any other nearby players.

  6. I hear the brunette give a relieved sigh from my side once he heard Lessa's words. "You have no idea, milady. Your words honor me!" Well, do as you like... in the end it looks like she's going with Dracul* ... good choice. I rather liked her tone now, even if it was clear enough that she had much more to say. I enjoyed seeing those eyes burn with passion but something happened midway that made me unconsciously drew a step closer to her: "Are you alright?" I asked yet again surprised a bit by the concerned tone I wore.

    But she quickly recovered and seemed irritated at me again, making me think that my previous inquiry was out of place. Then she yet again affirmed her support for us, even if here eyes seemed to shot daggers at me in particular...or was it my imagination? but that demanding tone kept fueling my drive to oppose her. "Milady, you will see that I have all the necessary skills and more." confidence and the arrogance resulted from it, both being very vivid in my speech a natural treat of someone of noble birth. "Please lead the way!" I said while accepting the party invite. Darius did so too with a bow and a bright smile on his face like a kid looking at his Christmas present. 'Its not like that' he says..... you little liar.

    *OOC note: Actual modern translation in Romanian is 'The Devil' but when referring to it now, the character has in mind the medieval Romanian historical name that had attributed to it the meaning 'Dragon', instead of the recent modern adaptation.

    ' Actually Dracul is 22 and Darius is 19 years old. Sorry if I made you think otherwise.

    " In the end its like you mentioned, Darius and his sister are non-journal players used for RP fodder. I'll have to get them some decent backgrounds.

  7. I raised my eyes in surprise at Darius's statement and decide to shut up and listen to the blonde haired lady. My eyes kept deviating from her ocean blue ones to the almost flaming yellow of her long hair and the curves that were outlined by her crimson armor. I was already aware that clothing was on a apparent one size universal fit so I doubted that what was before my eyes was less than what she actually possessed. As for the scolding-like attitude and serious tone... It passed through me like water through a valley to the point that didn't had any effect on me since I have under my care a couple of very...VERY ....'devoted' brothers that seem to be on my case about everything I do. Apparently I'm too easygoing about the world around me and treat it like my personal playground....PFFFT what do they know?

    One word... or one sentence, brought me out of my internal review of her and myself. 'My name is Lessa' I snap out of it and show her a smile..different from the 'practiced formal' one I use when meeting new people. To my surprise I didn't have to strain my facial muscles to form it... it came out painless and natural. A bit surprised by the fact, I introduce myself in a bit of a clumsy way despite trying to keep the formal 'mask' on. "A pleasure to meet you my lady, I appreciate your kind offer and will take it. I still don't think that this 'queen' is above myself but at least you seem to be a better company than a certain nagging brunette what does as he pleases and goes after strangers." My eyes glanced at Darius for a second then returned to Lessa. "Allow me to introduce myself as well, my name is Dracul Vladislav The Third... but as this is a mere game, Dracul or Vlad is sufficient. Whichever you prefer Lady Lessa." I say with with a light bow while I put my right hand in front of my chest a a bit above stomach level and the left one behind my back

    Words like 'low level' and 'death sentence' didn't have any effect on me. My pride wouldn't allow it and seeing as people tried to make me stop from doing things, I'd get more motivated to do so. But little to none knew of this 'noble pride' I kept inside me and I intended to keep it that way. To the outside word..well outside virtual world, I may seem like an arrogant schmuck but only I know of my blood ties with a certain ruler from the 15th century.

    Seeing my action, the boy dressed as a butler does a more deep bow while keeping his hands parallel with his body: "I'm called Darius my lady, please forgive me for my forcefulnesses earlier....I was.. acting on instinct rather than judgment. I am lord Dracul's humble servant" With a satisfied nod after looking at his perfect posture and poor choice of wording, I return my gaze at the wild blonde beauty. "Well he's my assistant at the shop but I let him and his sister call themselves whatever they please at this point. I'm too tired of correcting, telling them that they need not act this way and dress in that manner outside the shop." A soft sigh escapes my lips as I try to dismiss the topic as quickly as possible, awaiting her reply.

  8. Making my way onwards, my eyes move towards my left once I take notice of the unusual silence emanating from there. "Darius...is something....." I cut my words short as I see that the place where once my assistant stood is now empty. Where did he go? I stop on my tracks and look around. No signs of him...dammit where did he go? I start getting anxious as a grim expression takes over my features. He couldn't just get lost he wasn't some happy-go-by kid. "Draci!!!!!"(Devils!) a Romanian swearing word slips out of my lips as I focus on my surrounding. Different 'bad' scenarios were running through my mind as I unconsciously dismissed the most basic one.

    I loosen up the tense as I saw the familiar brown head and butler uniform dashing towards me. There you were! I was about to shout but I notice another figure next to him. Despite being clad in almost full plate armor she  was moving with the agility of a feline. In remain silent at the scene as the two come into my close proximity. I look at the girl first and then address my assistant in a lightly harsh tone: "If you're going after ladies at least give me a heads up first! Geez... you must have something for crimson since you first fell for that Teayre chick and now for this crimson clad lady." I avoid mentioning that his sister is crimson haired as well to not make him look like somebody with a sister complex.

    With a relieved sigh I put my hand on his shoulder as he receive my words with his head hung down. I crack a soft smile saying: "Don't make me worry like that again k?" I turn towards the new face and made a light bow. "I'm sorry if he caused you any trouble, my lady." not forgetting the proper form of addressing a young woman, despite this being a game I seen to not be able to let go of RL habits. In that moment, Darius raised his head and with some newfound conviction spoke to me, despite blushing up to his ears: "Is not like that my lord, I've asked for her to help us"...

  9. Claudia bowed and after taking a glance at me sat down....was that her looking for my approval?.... Don't ask permission for such trivial things woman! These were my thoughts as this time Toothpick translated that gaze in words. Do I look like a vile master that rules with a iron fist? I sight at that thought and contemplate my behavior around my assistants. That is until Toothpick started describing our objective. He talked about a material lottery and how this was not meant to be a guild recruitment but a friendly group gathering in search of mats. He nodded to his words and straighten the collar of his white shirt :" Sounds like a good plan and its good to hear that is not a guild recruitment since I'm already a part of... " I strained my eyes as I looked at the guild logo near my HP bar, to remember the name of my guild since its not been even a day since I entered it. Claudia read me like a open book and finished my sentence with calmly muttering the words: "Velvet Room." in a soft tone.

    I thank her internally and showed her a smile as I continued: "I don't have the howl skill yet but if you let me go first I can tank pretty well since this shirt has been given to me by..... a certain patron of mine" I avoided telling her name simply because they had no need to know it nor it will be of any use for their little exploration. "SO, lead the way leader" I say in a mild proud tone while looking at Toothpick.

  10. It was mid day on the second floor. Sun was shinning and other things were..... who really cares? Those were some of my thoughts as a certain brunette youth, about 19 years old was trying to make me pay attention to his words. He was explaining to me the details of a quest that I've send him to fetch from a certain whiskered information broker. It was not cheap and I've already ran through the data but he stubbornly insisted with his youthful passion that we review it together. Well I call him youthful but I'm barely older than him... 3 years or so splitting us apart. My gaze wonders off to the distant horizon as my mind drifts away with ethereal matters.

    "My lord.....my lord... MY LORD!!!!???" a beast like scream comes from my left side and awakes me from my idle daydream. With a lightly displeased face I turn my head and face the source of it. The young man, wearing a butler-like outfit had his arms crossed and a irritated expression. I soften up at the sight and ask with a smile: "Sorry there Darius, you were saying something?" I say with a fake innocent tone, while brushing a few strands of wild blonde hair backwards. He showed a displeased face and then after a exasperated  sigh talks in a normal, yet a bit too formal for my taste, tone: "As I was saying... this 'Wasp Queen' is located at this floor. It has a bit of a high damage so we will need to use one of our shop's crystals and another one to increase your damage as well. Also I've taken the liberty of removing some HP potions just in case your lord's health drops into a danger zone. "

    I nod to him out of reflex but again pay little attention to his words. After straightening up my white rose shirt, a present from a certain blonde patron of mine, I address him: "If you're so worried about my health why don't we bring someone along with us?" He winches to the casual manner that I refer to my own health and answers while rubbing his forehead. "That was the first thing I thought about but unfortunately, my master is not the most sociable player in Aincrad. Except for Miss Ariel and Miss Teayre, your contact list is practically empty. And I doubt they will take their time from the front lines to help out of the goodness of their heart." He made his point, as we were walking through the main settlement of the second floor. Our discussion was quite loud, more due to the fact that I managed to aggravate my assistant who had a short fuse, so anybody that was around could easily hear it.

    I settle with a blank "Is that so...?" and continue my way. Darius on the other hand let another exasperated sigh and walked along, trying once again to get my attention on other detail regarding the quest.


    *sighs* then you're not a big anime fan are ya?


    Short for deredere (デレデレ) that basically means 'lovey dovey', the counterpart of tsuntsun (ツンツン) meaning to turn away in disgust. Usually, but not always in reference to anime or manga.

    1. Exhausted.
    2. Lovestruck.
    3. When a person becomes spoony in front of his/her lover
    I think mostly the last two apply.
    Source: Urban Dictionary

    and here's a list of anime girl stereotypes.... the 'dere' ones included and how they look on a affection scale:




    Don't get me wrong! Is not like I wanted to help you or anything! I just felt like doing so.
    *activates Tsundere mode*

  12. A bit taken aback by her question, I am once again reminded that she's simply a NPC from this world. No idea of its mad creator or the existence of an outside world. I clear my throat and look into her golden eyes: "Nothing really, just a stray thought that I've unconsciously voiced. Please ignore me on that, Claudia." I say trying not to look suspicious but fail as she raises an eyebrow... but simply lets out a smile and nods. out of the blue a nepent crosses our path and ingages me in attack. I evade it and swing my sword at it. Critical hit, one 3rd of its hp is gone.

    ID: 34028  BD:10  MD: 1

    Dracul: 12 / 12 HP
    Nepent:  4 / 6 HP | 2 MIT | 3 DMG

  13. We entered the woods and payed attention to our surroundings. Claudia kept looking for materials while I peeled my eyes for any mobs not just nepents but spotted nothing of the kind. Also the only sounds around us were the one we produces and the wind gently blowing in the leaves. There was a awkward moment of silence between us and I had to get out of it. This girl seemed to be okay with walking in the woods with someone like my.... was it trust or plain ignorance. "If this was the real word" I mutter, catching her attention without meaning to. The crimson haired maid turns around and asks "What world are you referring to, my lord?" her violet eyes looking at me with a puzzled expression.

  14. Seeing as Claudia took the initiative and asker for the owner I took a look around and saw that my initial assertion of the place was right, This place was a witch's den, the owner proved it herself when she emerged in a witch-like outfit. I simply dismiss the sight with a sigh as she greets us, she was polite with her greeting and I could see she bears some sentiments for my blonde.... patron of sorts. Be it friendship or respect for her, or something else entirely.... I couldn't know. A small chuckle escaped my mouth at the mention of ghosts but my assistant covered for me and spoke. "Ah, miss Opal a pleasure indeed. My name is Claudia and this is my lord Dracul the Second." she said in a respectful tone...pretty much her regular one. Then nods discreetly towards me... 'I get it, geez. People would take you for my boss instead of the other way around.' I keep that complain unvoiced in my head as I show a light bow and twirl of the right hand while I keep the left hand in my pocket. Then proceed in accessing my shop inventory and pull out a vial containing a white liquid with a name label and my shop's logo on it and send opal a trade request with it. "She said that it would be in my best interest to deliver this to you... it wasn't like I had tons of work in my shop or anything." I let out a complain towards blonde, just to not leave here without saying anything. My eyes glanced at the girl's body for a second... she was indeed a fine work of art. So I had to accept the witch-like attitude. "Now we must bid you farewell as we don't want to disturb your...practice more than needed. Good luck with your work, vrajitoareo" I said revealing my Romanian accent , making another light bow as I turn around and head towards the exit. A small translation bubble appeared next to me with the words ' Noun, origin RO: "Witch" '. The crimson maid let out a almost inaudible sigh at my behavior then after a deep bow she said : "We will luck forward on working with you." and turned around, following me. She's sure to give me an earful later but like the last times she would only waste her breath as I don't intend on changing my behavior any time soon.

    Transfered Novum principium potion to Opal.

    • Name: Novum principium
    • Item Type: Potion
    • Quality: Perfect
    • Enhancements: Crafter's Respite
    • Description: A vial that contains a white liquid with a nasty lemon flavor. On the glass there is a sticker with the item name, effect description, store name (Regalis Quinta Essentia) and logo, the pair of blue roses with thorns.


  15. "Are you sure we're not lost?" I asked in a slightly irritated voice. The crimson haired girl that was besides me gave a firm nod while speaking in a frank tone: "Yes my lord, I know exactly were we are. Miss Ariel gave us precise directions on where the shop is located, it might be hidden from public view but with these we will surely reach it. Now to the right" she said while pointing in the direction. I already know that she was right but asked her just for the fun of seeing her reaction, she probability knew it as well but for some reason she played along. Could be around the same reason she addresses me as lord or master and wears the maid outfit but I stopped caring for those a while ago.Now I'm letting her and her brother do as they please as my assistants.

    "There it is!" she says with a bit of relief in her voice. I simply nod and push through the front entrance... It wasn't as impressive as my shop's but decent enough to be seen as a magus workshop. I frown at the thought of magic, it was an absurd absurd thing, more illogical as there was no equivalent exchange... this seemed to be like a wannabe magus place. I ignore the elven runes as they were almost opposite in use compared with the Celtic runes and alchemy symbols engraved on my blue round pendant, that was visibly dangling from my neck over the white shirt.

    "Master, you shouldn't be so rude" came a almost hushed voice from behind me then continued in a formal tone. "Hello is somebody here? We were send by Miss D'Sole, we have an item to deliver to this shop's owner." said the crimson girl, dressed in a maid uniform, as she stepped in front of me and looked around.

    • Name: Malum crystallus, 1st grade
    • Profession: Alchemist
    • Rank: (3)Professional
    • ID: 35090
    • Roll: 12
    • Item Type: Crystal
    • Quality: Perfect
    • Enhancements: (+3) Damage
    • Description: A vial that contains a blue liquid with the sweet metallic flavor of blood. On the glass there is a sticker with the item name, effect description, store name and logo, the pair of blue roses with thorns.
    • Name: Arx, 1st grade
    • Profession: Alchemist
    • Rank: (3)Professional
    • ID: 38217
    • Roll: 12
    • Item Type: Potion
    • Quality:Perfect
    • Enhancements: (+9) Damage Mitigation
    • Description: A vial that contains a green liquid with the sweet taste of bamboo. On the glass there is a sticker with the item name, effect description, store name and logo, the pair of blue roses with thorns.
    • Name: Novum principium
    • Profession: Alchemist
    • Rank: (3)Professional
    • ID: 38219
    • Roll: 12
    • Item Type: Potion
    • Quality: Perfect
    • Enhancements: Crafter's Respite
    • Description: A vial that contains a white liquid with a nasty lemon flavor. On the glass there is a sticker with the item name, effect description, store name and logo, the pair of blue roses with thorns.


  16. I was in the middle of working when a somehow familiar voice rang in the place, almost ruining a craft attempt that the 3 of us were making. I decided to half ignore the smile the incoming crimson headed have to my male assistant and answered her while Darius lightly blushed. "Ah, Teayre the pendant works like a charm!" I said, bringing forth the mentioned item from my neck, bringing it into her attention. The blue alchemical markings were glowing since we were in the process of 'experimenting'. Next I go to the counter and present her the desired item while taking the bag of items: "These will go perfectly with my plans." I wave her goodbye and pat Darius on the back "Sorry buddy, from what I hear she's taken by Aincrad's highes lvl player. Better luck next time." And with that they go back to work.

    +6 Mats
    - Item:

    • Name: Malum crystallus, 1nd grade
    • Profession: Alchemist
    • Rank: (3)Professional
    • ID: 35090
    • Roll: 12
    • Item Type: Crystal
    • Quality: Perfect
    • Enhancements: (+3) Damage
    • Description: A vial that contains a blue liquid with the sweet metallic flavor of blood. On the glass there is a sticker with the item name, effect description, store name and logo, the pair of blue roses with thorns.


  17. Its been a while since I've done some crafting so I decided to pay a visit to my assistants and see the shop's state. Mundane problems had kept me apart from a active life and I feel like they will do the same in the fi¡uture. But now I was in a good mood so I took my assistants to the works place and we began experimenting in hopes of reaching a new level.

    ID#38217  CD: 12 (nat) [Perfect Item: 8 XP] - 2 Material 


    • Name: Arx, 1st grade
    • Profession: Alchemist
    • Rank: Professional
    • ID: 38217
    • Roll: 12
    • Item Type: Potion
    • Quality:Perfect
    • Enhancements: (+9) Damage Mitigation
    • Description: A vial that contains a green liquid with the sweet taste of bamboo. On the glass there is a sticker with the item name, effect description, store name and logo, the pair of blue roses with thorns.

    ID#38218  CD:1 (nat) [Bad Item: 1 XP] - 1 Material 

    ID#38219  CD: 12 (nat) [Perfect Item: 8 XP] - 1 Material 


    • Name: Novum principium
    • Profession: Alchemist
    • Rank: Apprentice
    • ID: 38219
    • Roll: 12
    • Item Type: Potion
    • Quality: Perfect
    • Enhancements: Crafter's Respite
    • Description: A vial that contains a white liquid with a nasty lemon flavor. On the glass there is a sticker with the item name, effect description, store name and logo, the pair of blue roses with thorns.


    ID#38220  CD: 6 (5+1) [Good Item: 2 XP] - 1 Material 

  18. As I approached them, the two seemed to have taken initiative and engaged me and my assistant in light conversation starting with a couple of inquires. I was about to spurt out some mild profanities and urge them to mind their own business but a couple of obviously fake coughs coming from my side made me rethink that strategy and I simply went with a formal introduction. My tone was normal, showing a shadow of nobility as I used is to greet people coming to our home/mansion IRL. Despite his offer, I decided to stand and perform a light bow that was barely perceptible, the crimson girl behind him decided to mirror my actions: "Da, I've put my name on the open invitation for a low level meeting. My name is Dracul Vladislav the Third but you can call me either Dracul or Vlad since I care little for formality in a game." Next I took a short step to the side and waved my hand at my companion, motioning her to introduce herself. The maid-like character nodded and took a step forward, then grabbed the hem of her skirt and made another bow in a lady-like fashion while lightly lifting her skirt. "My name is Claudia, I am lord Dracul's faithful servant. Pleased to make your acquaintance." she said in a polite tone. I made an exasperated expression and let out a sigh as only I knew how many times I already corrected her.

    From the two's introductions only the names stood out to me, first was Toothpick's... 'Why would anyone chose a name like that?' was the question on my mind but decided to hold back, for the time being. As I heard the second name I found myself aimlessly repeating it...."Kaluluwa...kalulu...kalu...Calu?" that last one was a customary Romanian nickname that we gave to tall people, I myself had been called that, even though I disliked it, since I was 6'1" by American standards or 187 cm, even now I was lightly towering the two...three if I include Claudia. 'Is not like it really matters' I thought and with a shrug I refocus on the two and pose a natural pair question in this circumstance: "May I ask what is the purpose of this meeting...what are we going to do exactly? and are there others coming?" I asked brushing my blonde hair backwards, genuinely curious about their answer.

  19. "What a drag!" I muttered in a lightly displeased voice as walked around the second floor with my hands behind his head, casually looking up towards the skies. "You mustn't use such vulgar words, Master!" came a voice that was girlish yet carried a firm tone filled with authority. The origin of that voice was a crimson haired girl that wore a maid-like outfit with black army-like leather shoes that came from under her frilly white and black skirt. Her appearance was that of a 18 or 19 years old girl.

    Myself, the man....or boy as I am older than her by only 3 years.... the blonde youth to whom she addressed with the word 'Master' simply made a shrug and continued my idle walk, next asking in a relaxed tone: "Why do I have to meet those guys? Can't we just stay in the lab and continue our research?" I already knew the answer but was asking just to annoy her a little.

    The crimson maid shook her head in disapproval saying in a somehow scolding tone: "That won't do! I appreciate my Lord's enthusiasm and perseverance but you need to take a break sometime, meet new people and socialize. Me and my brother aren't sufficient for that." Her words didn't falter as she was scolding me, the one she and her brother thought as their master. I tried correcting them several times by now, telling them that they are my 'assistants' not my 'servants' but the two stubbornly continued to address me in that manner despite my best efforts. NPCs have the tendency to do that.

    "Da bine" I said, letting my Romanian accent roam around freely as a translation bubble with the words 'Yeah fine' appeared next to me. Irritated I tried pushing it by my side but found my effort fruitless. The girl simply nodded and continued walking, in the distance there could be seen 2 figures next to a bench. "Looks like we're here!" I said while straightening up my white shirt, that bore a crowned lion logo at the breast pocket. Next came the red tie that had a blue rose logo near the tip. I wasn't all elegantly clothed as my shirt was shamelessly tucked out of my pants but a bit of preparation wouldn't hurt. After all, this was a initial meeting with some new characters so I couldn't afford to be sloppy. The maid adopted a similar attitude as I saw her straightening some lose crimson hair strands and patted her skirt, adjusting the frills at the hem.

    OOC: Sorry for being late to the party!

  20. Despite the rather crude method of advertissing, the guy found himself surrounded by people either interested in the guild or friends that seemed to be already in it. Even with all that he took time to answer my monologue so looked him in the eyes and replied. "My plan? That's quite simple to answer friend. To survive, gain wealth through my proffesion and maybe help those on the front lines." I then put my finger on the flier right under where "Tanks commander" is written, in a fast motion that makes the blue round pendant with alchemical signs and runes on it, come into the guy's view. Then I continue with a smile: "This tittle seems like a decent start for that"

    The crimson haired maid let out a smike saying: " As expected from the young lord" while the brunette butler simply nodded in agremment with his sister's words.

  21. the above are yesterday's crafts... this is from today's rollz.

    • Name: Palladium
    • Profession: Alchemist
    • Rank: (3)Professional
    • ID: 35188
    • Roll: 12
    • Item Type: Potion
    • Quality: Perfect
    • Enhancements: Safeguard Potion
    • Description: A vial that contains a blue liquid with a minty flavor. On the glass there is a sticker with the item name, effect description, store name and logo, the pair of blue roses with thorns.
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