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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. For the enhancement, Skill Rank, does <<First Aid>> count as a combat skill?

    1. Ebony


      Im going to be a healer build, so Im scrambling for SP at the moment. Are you up for a short hang out thread? If not, that's all right.

    2. Emerath


      Certainly. Emerath is a healer as well, so perhaps our characters can do a bit of bonding over a shared interest. Ought to be fun! Would you like to start the thread, or shall I?

    3. Ebony


      Can you? Im asking for no particular reason, im just feeling a bit lazy right now.

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  2. Just a quick question. If I get a good quality piece of armor, does that have any damage mitigation effects or is it just for show at that point?

    1. Ebony


      One last question... What is thw difference between light armor and heavy armor? Are they different stat wise?

    2. Kalesh


      The only difference is the type of enhancements you can put on the armor :) There is a category specifically for that in the tutorials. The blacksmith armor is the heavy stuff and the tailor armor is the light stuff!

    3. Ebony


      All right. Thank you guys. :D

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  3. My journals been approved. Anyone up for a short hunting thread?

  4. I just joined, and am looking forward to rping with you all. :D My journal has been submitted, so once that's been approved ill start rping right away. Pm me if youd like to do a thread.

    1. Ebony


      Oh. I must have deleted one of the virtues by mistake. :D I thought it was strange that I had 2 virtue slots and 3 flaw ones.

    2. Ebony


      I like your profile pic btw. @Lily  No Game No Life is one of my favorite animes.

    3. Koumori


      Good luck getting it approved

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  5. Ebony

    Ebony Rose

    Profile Username: Ebony Rose Real name: Ebony Rōzu Age: 17 Gender: Female Height: 5' 9" About: History/personality History: Ebony had never played a virtual reality game before SAO. She’d always enjoyed games, but the physical kind. She enjoyed board games, card games, computer games, and sports. Despite loving games and playing them with all sorts of people, she never made many friends due to her shy nature. On the outside she always appeared calm and collected, seeming content with being a loner. On the inside she was extremely lonely though, and filled that empty spot with e
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