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    Video games, cats, mythology. Idk lots of stuff. Especially music.

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  1. Ok, another boring question from the newbie. Is the Evasion cap of 3 per item, or overall? As in, could you get 6 evasion through Trinket + Armor?

    Because that seems kind of strong.

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    2. Glow


      Was thinking about +3EVA on the armor, +3ACC on the Trinket and +3KEEN on the weapon, maybe swapping out damage for some bits.

      And doesn't MIT only give you +3 per slot? Thought that'd make it a little weaker than EVA.

      Oh yea; doesn't having a shield just... make you better than two-handed people through enhancements? I mean... is there any advantage not having one? It's extra stats you can gain by equipping an extra item, so you have four instead of three, and one-handed weapons aren't too far behind the two-handed in terms of sword skills and energy usage. Or am I missing something obvious?

    3. Opal


      You can load your character with 3 pieces of equipment, not four. Most of the time shield give the extra mitigation boost, but thats only if you plan on becoming a tank class character or maybe even a healer/support. 

    4. Glow


      Oh, ok. So they can't have a trinket. Makes sense; thanks!

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