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    Video games, cats, mythology. Idk lots of stuff. Especially music.

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  1. Ok, another boring question from the newbie. Is the Evasion cap of 3 per item, or overall? As in, could you get 6 evasion through Trinket + Armor?

    Because that seems kind of strong.

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    2. Glow


      Yea, noticed I was bad at maths and deleted that status just before you put the reply. Glad I dropped it at AS xD

    3. Emerath


      Haha, no worries. I'm fast on the replies. ;P But yeah, it's a strong argument either way, for which is better, MIT or EVA, because MIT, you pretty much can't do anything to keep yourself from being hit, but you can mitigate even critical damage.

      Whereas EVA, you never get hit, but lawdy if you get crit you're in pain.

    4. Opal


      Panoply of the Blood Oath [+2 EVA, +1 Light Momentum] || Black Leather Jacket [+2 Savvy, +1 EVA]

      Thats my current equipment for PvE on Solo Play. I evade about 90% of the time. When you are with a group though and a dedicated tank, you wont need the evasion, so its a good idea to have extra armor in place or bring something to boost acc all the way up so you can hit. 

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