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    Video games, cats, mythology. Idk lots of stuff. Especially music.

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  1. Ok, another boring question from the newbie. Is the Evasion cap of 3 per item, or overall? As in, could you get 6 evasion through Trinket + Armor?

    Because that seems kind of strong.

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    2. Emerath


      The idea is, you can make your evasion so strong that unless a mob gives you -EVA (some do) or crits you, you can't be hit. But a monster will always at least hit on a crit.

    3. Glow


      Ah, I see. Cool! Thanks for the information. I'll have to look up picking up +3 eva when I can; seems a little more useful than damage migation for PvE, which is what I think I'll be doing most.

    4. Emerath


      If the monster rolls an 8 and you have 4 EVA, that would be 8-4 = 4, which means they would still miss, actually.

      Ideally 3 is all you would need, but again - EVA on monsters exist, so it doesn't hurt to have that extra point if you choose to build that way. :) Also, that extra point would help you in PVP (if you PVP at all) against people and their +ACC bonuses.

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