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Posts posted by Elyth

  1. After consuming the food from the lady from earlier, Elyth placed the tray back on the table, and got up to get her bag. The bag wasn't at all different from how Elyth had seen it last, so at least that was something she didn't have to worry over. Checking the rest of her body, Elyth saw that her regular outfit was still on, and her sword- the Hell Fang from the Catfish Forge- was in the bag. After digging out her sword and equipping it, she slipped the bag onto her shoulders, and remembering what the lady from earlier had told her, sat down on the bed, responsibly picking up the compress from where it had slipped off her forehead earlier. 


    Soon, the door to the room sprung open, and the lady from earlier, accompanied by a man in white and blue robes, sauntered into the room. 


    "This is the adventurer I found outside, Sir Priest," the lady said to the priest. She gestured towards Elyth, and moved to take the compress and the tray, which Elyth handed to her, momentarily breaking eye-contact with the priest.


    The priest nodded, and smiled broadly. "I see, Madam Junia." Then, turning to Elyth, he continued. "'tis a pleasure to meet an adventurer like yourself. Please, what is your name?"


    Elyth, who had been fidgeting all the while, clapped one hand to her chest and the other to the bed, as if to stabilize herself. "My name is Elyth, Sir Priest."


    A small message screen appeared as Elyth said that, and went away even though she did not swipe it away. So, this is a quest, and one with a continuous story-line. How interesting.

    Your name in this quest will be Elyth.

    But you know, Elyth thought to herself, tsukkomi-ing- I'm already Elyth!

  2. Elyth shuddered. The first thing that came to her mind was that it was dark, and there was something cold on her head- forehead! Elyth's eyes opened suddenly, and a sudden light momentarily overwhelmed her senses. It was sunlight! Through a window? 


    Where am I? What happened just then? I remember that book- THE BOOK OH GOSH WHAT DID IT DO?  Elyth groaned, and tried to pick herself up. Orienting her senses, she looked around. 


    "Bed, I'm on a bed, and there's a blanket, a cold towel on my forehead, a table with a bowl of... water, or something, a blue bag, that's mine, isn't it, reddish wood on the walls, a stack of firewood, a door, and a window..." Elyth murmured quietly, careful to not disturb her surroundings just yet. Propping herself up on the bed with an elbow, Elyth took a look out the window. 


    Several trees dotted the landscape outside, and houses filled in the blank spaces where there were no trees. From her vantage point, Elyth could tell that she was not on ground level, rather, perhaps the second or third floor of a building. 


    The door flew open, drawing Elyth's attention. In came a jolly and heavy woman, wearing a bodice and a shawl, and carrying a wide smile. "Oh, you've awakened! Please wait a moment, I'll go fetch the priest. Here" -she said, pointing to the tray she was carrying, with two bowls- "is your breakfast. Don't worry, you need not pay for tonight." 


    Quickly, the woman switched the tray and the bowl on the table, and headed out the door, leaving Elyth only a chance to say "Thank you" for everything that had happened. As a matter of fact, what did happen?


    Elyth took a look at the food on the tray and then scarfed down the contents of the two bowls, one a sweet porridge and the other some warm lentil soup. The lentil soup tasted odd to Elyth's predominately asian-flavored taste buds (she did spend the last year living in Japan), but she nommed it anyway, because why not.

  3. Elyth walked up along the rickety old spiral stairwell. Then, as if from a rift in space, a book fell down from the ceiling.


    W-was that a book just now? It's raining books? Haha, heaven in Aincrad, Elyth thought, and swiftly turned about, scouring her surroundings for the book she heard fall somewhere behind her. 
    The book was lying on a step some feet away from where Elyth was standing to hear it fall. She swooped down the stairs, long white hair tied back into a braid today, and picked up the book, dusting it over carefully. Suddenly overwhelmed by curiosity and lethargy, Elyth sat down on the spiral stairwell. Thankfully, the book wasn't harmed, other than a scratch visible on the spine, but that couldn't have been caused by falling on carpeted ground.
    "What’s this? Hmm, it has a small inscription on it… Ri- Riona? Yes, I believe it says Riona… Where’s the title?" Elyth said, scrutinizing the tiny green inscription on the woven auburn book cover before gingerly flipping the book open to the first page.
    Before Elyth could read the contents of the first page, a small message screen appeared, obscuring the writing which Elyth had had only glimpsed at, but could be certain was readable.

    You have found Riona’s Book. Would you like to LOOK INSIDE?

    This doesn't happen with OTHER books, Elyth thought, suddenly excited. What could be all so different about this book? Then, what should I do?


    "Look inside," Elyth whispered quietly, somehow unsure. The book flashed, and the message screen disappeared. Elyth felt a searing pain in her eye and blacked out, still holding the book in one hand.

  4. Elyth flipped open that book she had found on the front desk to the first page. There it was, a startling description of the place she was now:



    Nim’s Library-- A repository of books of all kinds and sizes, the librarian Nim has been in the business of collecting books from all over Aincrad. There are multiple wings of this library, each holding different types of books. To the EAST is the wing on all pure sciences investigated upon in the world of Aincrad. To the WEST lies the catalog of items and mobs in Aincrad. [However, the reader cannot find information on mobs and items not yet encountered, making this wing not all that useful for the average player. This also applies to books on locations in Aincrad.] To the SOUTH lies the repository of novels, for the sake of the fantasy-loving player. To the SOUTHWEST resides books outlining the history of each floor of Aincrad, and law books of each cleared floor’s governments and cultures. To the SOUTHEAST is a lounge and dormitory, where players can find respite.


    Yup, this book is pretty darn awesome, Elyth thought. I'm gonna explore all of Aincrad with this thing. Too bad I can't observe things I haven't see yet...


    She looked up from the book. She was in the South wing of the library, and a few moments of unnoticed wandering could seriously trap her in this library. That would be bad, as she didn't have a teleporting crystal with her at the moment.


    "Well, as long as I keep track of where I put my feet, I should be fine," Elyth thought, and began to climb a staircase. It was one of those spiral staircases, where like the stairs up to a princess's tower or something, except it led to a loooooot of bookcases. Welp, this was Elyth's version of a princess, so that was fine, she considered.

  5. "Do I know where we're going? Oh... uhm... I do... At least I think I do," Shanok said, and kept walking straight towards some obscure destination.


    Oh well,  Elyth thought. It's not like I have anything less vague to follow. BESIDES RIDING THOSE DRAGONS AW YUS

    "Ely-" Shanok said as Elyth ranted on. "Elyth! I don't want to burst your bubble, but, I don't think there are any flying devices in SAO and I also don't think that there'd be a quest where you can fly those things, seeing as you could fall down."


    Elyth took a moment to process that. She kept walking, but couldn't help but release a small "aw" in disappointment. It was too bad, honestly. She had had some brilliant ideas to implement on flying vehicles. She supposed she wouldn't be able to fly in this game. But wait! This game isn't the only game!


    "Huhuhu," Elyth laughed. "Then I just need to make it out of this game alive and find a game that I can fly in later, right? HAHAHAHA! Oh, by the way, Shanok, think we can hitch a ride on one of those merchant NPC carts? I'm too lazy to walk the whole way, and it feels like it'll take forever if we just keep walking."


    Elyth beamed. Optimism, it seemed, came as easily to her mind as ideas did.

  6. Store: The Garden Of Art (Artisan)


    Item: Rose Quartzcraft Ring Prototype
    Quality: Uncommon
    Shop: Garden of Art
    Description: This ring was crafted from silver and embedded with a red jewel of Quartz. It gives off the aura of the determination of the wielder and is shaped in the likeness of a rose, hence it's name. It is also intended to be a prototype design for ornaments from the Garden of Art.
    Effect: +1 Damage


    CD:9 + 1(This item here)10 [made before this new dice thing]


    Item: Chrysanthemum Quartzcraft Ring Prototype
    Quality: Rare
    Shop: Garden of Art
    Description: This ring was crafted from silver and embedded with a jewel of Champagne Quartz. It gives off the aura of the optimism and impatience of the wielder and is shaped in the likeness of a chrysanthemum, hence its name. It is also intended to be a prototype design for ornaments from the Garden of Art.
    Effect: +2 Evasion


    CD: 10 + 1(This item here)=11 [also made before this new dice thing]


    Item: Lilac Quartzcraft Ring Prototype
    Quality: Perfect
    Shop: Garden of Art
    Description: This ring was crafted from silver and embedded with a jewel of Amethyst. It gives off the aura of the creativity of the wielder and is shaped in the likeness of a lilac, [to the best of the maker's ability...] hence its name. It is also intended to be a prototype design for ornaments from the Garden of Art.
    Effect: +1 Ambition [Artisan]


    CD: 11 + 1(This item here)=12 [also made before this new dice thing]


    Item: Glowing Mithril Pendant
    Quality: Uncommon
    Shop: Garden of Art
    Description: This pendant lights up near orcs and other sub-human species.
    Effect: +1 Skill Rank to Search and Detect [+1 LD]


    CD:9 + 1(This item here)10 [made before this new dice thing]


    Pretty much. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  7. Elyth would have really liked to tell Miaki about the spiders, but decided against it. Of course, if the spiders weren't attacking them, there was no reason to provoke a fight. Really, they were spiders.


    Like Nisepandas, they were cute, little fuzzy spiders. Absolutely delightful.

    Elyth steered her mind away from that train of thought and towards the corridor before her. There was a blank wall at the very end of the tunnel, and Elyth wasn't sure what they would do when they got there. On closer inspection...

    Was that little knotch a button?

  8. "So...what do you do for fun?" Kiliua asked, and really couldn't think of anything, and so just said, "Well, I explore? Come to think of it, I'm not really too sure myself. I'm much to weak to fight on the front lines, so I explore SAO as a hobby!"

    She looked at Kiliua, who was evidently tired, and then to the village, which seemed to be in the close vicinity. Perhaps, if they rushed, they could get to the village before noon, and she could ask the innkeeper to use the portal [for RP uses only, of course], and decided to take a piece of the sandwich, chewing it while asking, "Do you have any more questions? Uhm... Why don't we get to the village before noon? There's a portal in the inn's basement that can take us to the napping place."

    She smiled happily, because honestly, the food was good, and waited for Kiliua to say something and eat something. "Oh, and Itadakimasu! Thanks for the food, Kiliua!"

  9. Elyth took some of her last metal and heated it until it grew malleable. She took a plier and shaped it into a crossing pattern. The metal was then decorated with indentures in the shape of a circle. Slowly, Elyth inserted a glowing metal ball into the prison-shaped metal, and watched it begin to glow, as if in resonance with its new home. Shortly thereafter, Elyth closed the bottom of the prison entirely, twisting the metal ends until they closed completely.
    "Ding!" The system notified Elyth of the pendant's completion.
    "Identify!" she said whilst stringing a cord through the top of the pendant. 

    CD: 1 + 9 = 10



    Item: Glowing Mithril Pendant
    Quality: Uncommon
    Shop: Garden of Art
    Description: This pendant lights up near orcs and other sub-human species.
    Effect: +1 Skill Rank to Search and Detect [+1 LD]


    +3 EXP

    8/13/14: Crafting Attempts Left: 1/3
    EXP: 49/80
  10. Elyth marched back into the shop on the 13th of August, muttering, "I really need to get more materials..."

    She was here to craft again, and took one of the silver ores, and hammered it until it was in the shape of a circle, and then melted it until it it could be shaped. She molded it until it could be seen as the contour of mold for a jewel.

    Elyth then carved the Amethyst she had on hand into a four-cornered flower shape, and fitted it in gently into the socket in the ring.

    "Done!" She said, proud of herself, and shoved it into the sunlight coming in through the large window in the room.

    CD: 1 + 11 = 12



    Item: Lilac Quartzcraft Ring Prototype

    Quality: Perfect

    Shop: Garden of Art

    Description: This ring was crafted from silver and embedded with a jewel of Amethyst. It gives off the aura of the creativity of the wielder and is shaped in the likeness of a lilac, [to the best of the maker's ability...] hence its name. It is also intended to be a prototype design for ornaments from the Garden of Art.

    Effect: +1 Ambition [Artisan]

    +8 EXP


    8/13/14: Crafting Attempts Left: 1/3
    EXP: 46/80
  11. Even if Miaki didn't do anything, Elyth was eager to press on. She stood up, bending her neck so that it didn't bump onto the pretty short cave ceiling, and walked further into the cave. She was a couple meters in when she noticed a hole in the ceiling. Being a particularly bold nisepanda, she stuck her head into the hole.


    Elyth took her head down, and kept on walking. The awkward truth was that she had just seen a cave of spiders and... No.

  12. Elyth, hearing Hikari's inquiry, tried saying, "Inventory" in Nisepandanese, but the thing would not open, and so Elyth could not use her inventory things. Instead, a sign popped up, saying:

    You are cursed with Nisepanda

    Your Inventory and HUD are unresponsive

    Status Effects: +? HP

    Well then, she thought. That made up for this inconvenience. Then, NOT AT ALLLLLLLL

    Elyth groaned and shook her head at Silver. Apparently she was going to have to carry Nisepanda's materials now. Perhaps Silver could make some equipment for Elyth once she turned back into a human with said materials. Some better equipment would be nice.

    Elyth was so weak. Elyth wanted to cry.


    (Note: Elyth-drama in progress)

  13. In the meantime... crafting! Elyth took one of her last silver ores and melted it until it seemed like it was at a suitable temperature in the

    CD: 1 + 10 = 11



    Item: Chrysanthemum Quartzcraft Ring Prototype
    Quality: Rare
    Shop: Garden of Art
    Description: This ring was crafted from silver and embedded with a jewel of Champagne Quartz. It gives off the aura of the optimism and impatience of the wielder and is shaped in the likeness of a chrysanthemum, hence its name. It is also intended to be a prototype design for ornaments from the Garden of Art.
    Effect: +2 Evasion


    +5 EXP

    8/12/14: Crafting Attempts Left: 0/3
    EXP: 38/40
  14. Elyth came back to the shop to categorize. She took up a notepad and a pen, and began to write:



    • one chair - get a few more?
      two desks
      one furnace

      • Artisan's Knife
        Artisan's Hammer

    Yep, she was going to need to get some more stuff.


    Rank 3:40  total EXP and 4 Crafts a day
    1=Epic fail 
    4-5=bad Item 
    6-8=Good Item
    9-10=Uncommon Item
    11=Rare Item
    12= Perfect Item

  15. Elyth was running out of materials, so she decided to stop momentarily for the day, at least until she was able to get some more. Perhaps she could go on yet another adventure, but that would mean almost abandoning today's remaining craft. Yet, her luck was pretty horrible today, so Elyth decided to go to the Crafting Guild (or was it Crafter's Guild?) today.

    Her to-do list was as follows:

    >Find how to make wires

    >Get an Artisan's Knife

    >Get an Artisan's Hammer

    >Find information on other Artisan tools

    Elyth left the shop, and put Miaki's bag on the counter in the spot most visible by the door. On the paper by the door, she wrote,

    "Miaki, pick up your stuff"

  16. Elyth reached for one of her silver ores, which were dwindling in number. Soon she would have to get some more... What a pain. She melted it in the stone furnace, and decided to wait for the process to be over with. But alas, she had left the ore there for too long. This could not be called a passing craft anymore!

    So Elyth let the ore dry and then tried to get it out of the furnace, before dumping it in a container with all the other "bad" metal Artisan Crafts she had gotten.


    CD: 1 + 5 = 6

    +1 EXP

    8/12/14: Crafting Attempts Left: 1/3
    EXP: 33/40

  17. Elyth took a nap before waking up to the sound of the NPCs of the Town of Beginnings. Oh yes, she was trying to make a sapphire ring yesterday. She went up to the book she had borrowed from Nim's library, and inspected the designs of rings in the book. The following were particularly appealing, but Elyth wasn't sure which she should make:

    Design 1

    Design 2

    Design 3

    Design 4

    Design 5

    Well this ring was for Miaki, who was going to use it to propose [Wedding = Food = Food = YAY!], so he should be the one to decide. Elyth decided to PM him while she worked on other crafts.

  18. Elyth put on the Gold and Opal Hairpiece she had made earlier before she took a piece of silver ore and melted it until it was at a suitable temperature for molding. She then took her knife and shaped it as best as she could into the shape of a ring.

    CD: 1 + 9 = 10



    Item: Rose Quartzcraft Ring Prototype

    Quality: Uncommon

    Shop: Garden of Art

    Description: This ring was crafted from silver and embedded with a red jewel of Quartz. It gives off the aura of the determination of the wielder and is shaped in the likeness of a rose, hence it's name. It is also intended to be a prototype design for ornaments from the Garden of Art.

    Effect: +1 Damage

    +3 EXP


    8/12/14: Crafting Attempts Left: 2/3
    EXP: 32/40
  19. Hurriedly, Elyth took another silver ore and put it in the furnace. She was going to try crafting a ring now. Hopefully it would have some enchantment, though she'd be satisfied with just a good item.

    Elyth took the silver out and carefully molded it into the shape of a circle, making one side more intricate than the other, and began to cut the sapphire into a circular gem, which she then put into a slot she had made for the jewel.

    It didn't really work, so Elyth took the sapphire out before more damage could come to it.

    +1 EXP

    8/11/14: Crafting Attempts Left: 0/3
    EXP: 29/40

  20. Elyth began to work at the golden ore again. She melted it until it was a malleable substance in her furnace, and took it out, hurriedly molding it iinto a circular shape. She intended to make this a hairpiece of some sort, thought she didn't know exactly what.

    "Done... Hold on, Perfect Item? What?" Elyth exclaimed, nearly falling to the floor in surprise. So this was what getting a perfect for the first time felt like!

    Diety, I'm all rainbows now, thank you so much, She thought, and said, "Identify!"

    But first, a picture of a rainbow:




    Item: Gold and Pearl Hairpiece

    Quality: Perfect

    Shop: Garden of Art

    Description: Designed to improve the wearer's accuracy, this hairpiece has a pearl embedded within its center and is made of pure gold.

    Effect: +1 CD [Artisan]

    +8 EXP


    8/11/14: Crafting Attempts Left: 1/3
    EXP: 28/40
  21. “How far?" Kiliua asked, and Elyth pointed to the speck that was Horunka in the distance.

    "It's not really that far, but it'll take some time to reach," she replied, and turned to see Kiliua smiling... nervously? worriedly? What was the right adjective...?

    Oh well, she thought, abandoning that particularly pointless train of thought, and Kiliua said, " We should stop and drink a bit while we can."

    Elyth looked from the village and back to Kiliua, and went off the path to a particularly open meadow, where she stopped her horse and slipped off. She flicked white hair into a ponytail high above her head, and stood up, waiting for Kiliua to follow. She had nothing to say against eating early.

  22. Elyth began cataloging her crafts.

    There were the bad items, two of which she was going to scrap, or at least try to, and two good crafts, the White Leather Band and the Mirage Sphere, two uncommon crafts, the Dryad's Pendant #1 and the Wooden Knife Sculpture, and one rare craft, the Wind's Whisper.

    She had received a PM from a friend for the making of the Mirage Sphere, and so she took a paper bag and put the Mirage Sphere inside, sealing the top with by rolling the paper, and grabbed a marker. She wrote:

    For: Miaki

    Contents: 1 Mirage Sphere

    From: Elyth


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