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Posts posted by Elyth

  1. "Right then! Let's go hunt for the miniboss, Haine!" Elyth shouted, taking Haine by the hand and walking to the northwest exit/entrance of Ridge, where there was a trail leading to the ≪Blackiron Quarries≫. It was a fairly safe route, and the path was wide enough for all sorts of carts. That was why many NPC merchants ferried their goods to Ridge this way.

    Pardon me, godmodding a bit.

    Elyth and Haine reached the northwest path quickly, passing by the Monster Arena and a variety of shops and carts, and from there, Elyth lead Haine towards a mountain in the distance, where they then saw a sign saying, "Blackiron Quarries." The sign pointed to a few holes in the mountain, and the earth beneath Elyth and Haine shook with a resounding 'thud' every few minutes.

    "Haine, we're here! The golems are just inside these caves," Elyth cheered, a bit tired from walking for such a long time.

    This is the picture I found for the golems:


    This is the picture for the Mini-boss Golem:


    And this is the special thing I'm going to pull because if I don't it won't be fun for Haine:


  2. "Agh!" Elyth shouted as she jumped. She had nearly dropped the map to the caves, and scrambled to keep it in her hands. It seemed that Haine was as good as scaring Elyth as a the walking dead. She grinned as she turned around to see Haine, fully equipped with a katana and a cheerful smile.

    "HAINE! I missed you! How've you been?" Elyth cheered joyfully and hugged her friend. "Did you get a boyfriend? Do you want some red bean rice?"

    Elyth let go of her friend after many a squeeze, and sat down on the bench provided near the entrance to Ridge. She took out the piece of paper (map) she'd gotten ahold of and showed it to Haine. "This is a map to the ≪Blackiron Quarries≫。It's a dungeon with iron golems and the like. I've been told that the mobs all drop crafting material, but no one really goes there because a mini boss appears after one defeats twenty or so golems. Oh, and they say the mini boss can drop double the normal amount of crafting materials! Isn't that... profitable... no, it's cool as floor 4 in winter!"

    Elyth's eyes were glittering, and she grabbed Haine's hands in excitement. "Let's go, Haine! We're going to defeat that mini boss! And I also want to draw a picture of it, so, uhm, yeah!"

  3. Sword Art Online had a pretty generic way of separating they weak from the strong, and that was either through superior weaponry or level, and most of the time, both. For Elyth, who did not have such a high level, it was essential to get some good equipment. That was why she had privately messaged her friend Haine for help getting materials for a crafter to help make her some stronger gear.

    Elyth had reasoned that a sword, an iron sword, would be dropped by an iron golem or the sort, which was why she chose the 7th floor, a mountainous range, as a location for hunting for materials.

    At the present moment, Elyth stood before the great archway leading to the town of Ridge, the home of the great Monster Arena. She glanced patiently at her surroundings, and took out a map to the well-known «Blackiron Quarries» near the town.

    It was said that after one defeated around twenty of the golems inside, a stronger miniboss would appear, and that was what Elyth really wanted to try fighting.

  4. With a sigh, the Ent toppled over, and Elyth brushed away a bead of sweat and checked for drops.

    Obtained 50 col

    "Does this mean... That I have to... endure all that AGAIN?" Elyth groaned, collapsing onto the ground lazily.

    Sighing, she searched the landscape before her for another Ent. She soon found one, disguising itself as a tree, and began using the boomerang and rope to go up and stab its eye.

    1-4: Fail
    5-8: -1 to Enemy
    9-10: -2 to Enemy
    Elyth: 21/21
    Ent #2: 8/8
    Loot! :DDDD
    1-10: 5x Enemy HP in Col
    11-18: 1 «Wood»
    19-20: 2 «Wood»

  5. A-as expected. Whenever Elyth let her mind wander too far, she didn't get a hit in.

    That or she was too weak. Sighing, Elyth continued swinging the hatchet.

    1-4: Fail
    5-8: -1 to Enemy
    9-10: -2 to Enemy
    Elyth: 21/21
    Ent #1: 1/10
    Loot! :DDDD
    1-10: 5x Enemy HP in Col
    11-18: 1 «Wood»
    19-20: 2 «Wood»

  6. On second thought, chopping away at the Ent was a bit boring. Elyth soon grew tired of doing so.

    However, hacking away at the tree was boring and Elyth had nothing to say other than that she was getting really bored.

    1-4: Fail
    5-8: -1 to Enemy
    9-10: -2 to Enemy
    Elyth: 21/21
    Ent #1: 3/10
    Loot! :DDDD
    1-10: 5x Enemy HP in Col
    11-18: 1 «Wood»
    19-20: 2 «Wood»

  7. Beep beep intruding in this OP, hope you don't mind
    And where the heck are we? I thought we were in the Town of Beginnings, near the gate. Did someone drag ham outside or something?
    ham is a nice name. Can I eat you? Smoked?


    Why was just casually walking through the streets so hard? Why was it so natural to happen upon a group of people and feeling so natural in butting in on their conversation? Why was walking so overdone?

    Why was Elyth now on the ground, squeezing her head with her hands and listlessly groaning in frustration? Why did she always overreact? Was it because she couldn't bring herself to stop being a procrastinator, or was it because she had an overworked imagination that told her to avoid doing almost anything, for the sake of the "continuation" of her life? Either way, she felt like her brain was growing excessively dull without being pressured to do anything.

    In a way, Elyth didn't really care about anything or anyone but herself. Except for a few, either saintly, foolish, or brainwashed, loyalty to another was a virtue that came second to the preservation self, and that was fine, for survival was a instinct embedded deeply inside every person, and whether they chose to transcend such a state of ignorance was their choice.

    It was a choice that Elyth liked to influence in other people.

    Quickly, a memory tried to surface, but after glimpsing at it, Elyth shoved it back down whatever deep abyss it had come from. She had tried. That was good enough.

    A picture of the ground on the cobblestone path and the shadow of the Town of Beginning's tall wall came into focus in Elyth's sight, and she felt her shoulders relax. Oh yes, she was still on the road. OKAY, SHUT UP, ME, Elyth thought, clapping her hands to her now smiling face, in a way she had imagined would be somewhat comforting and encouraging, before finding the strength to stand up again.

    Today, like all the other, overused openings, Elyth was walking. She was walking towards the front gate of the Town of Beginnings from the outside, whereupon she spotted blue. The blue seemed to belong to a head, and blue heads usually meant either Haine, a friend of Elyth's or her family members.

    Blue head = Friend!

    Such was Elyth's simple train of thought.

    This'll be the death of me one day, she realized immediately, and her smile quickly turned into a grimace. Nevertheless, she began trotting towards the blue head, which was now moving towards a boat and decimating it completely. As she got closer, Elyth saw that the figure had pigtails.

    "Hey, someone Yudai! Hi!" Elyth shouted, closing in on the distance between herself and the other side of the gate. She skidded to a stop as the color of the road changed from dull gray to a light brown color that suited clay more than rock. Curious. "You're Ruri, right? Didn't think I'd see you here. Randomly."

    She grinned, before noticing the other two people. There was a curled-up figure who looked as if he had been crying. Checking his username, Elyth saw that it was ham.


    "Can I eat you?" Elyth asked in the normal-iest way she could. "Do you want to be smoked or dipped in honey?"


    "Okay, I'm sorry, that was a horrible joke, please forgive me," Elyth cried out, curling up into a fetus in her mind, while performing a deep and eloquent bow before ham.

    To relieve herself of her embarrassment, Elyth ran back to Ruri, and hoped that time would wipe ham's memory of her stupid pun.

  8. "You're amazing, Scarlet! I wish I could fight as well as you, but I dunno how," Elyth grinned, sitting up with her legs crossed, and stretching her torso. "And about adventuring with me- please take care of me!"

    Elyth promptly arose, and took Scarlet by the hand. "So! What do you want to do first? Exploring or fighting?"

  9. When Shanok had pointed to the flying things, Elyth didn't even have to express herself- Shanok did it for her. "We should go there!" Elyh had stared at the dragons- no, flying things- as she felt Shanok and his shirt pulling her to the other end of the bridge.

    "Shanok, do you know where we're going?" She asked, as another mountain loomed before them, the single stone beige connecting the town of Nimbus and this one seeming almost as long as that tall building in Tokyo. What was it called again? Oh yes, the Tokyo Tower. Such a comparison amazed Elyth, and she summed it up to both her horrible judgement of space and the sheer distance between two mountains.

    As Shanok and Elyth approached the entrance of the second mountain, the flying creatures had almost but faded from view behind the bulk of the mountain, and all that was left in view ahead was the gray of the mountain rocks and a large archway, less elaborate than Nimbus', yet much larger. Many NPC carts could be seen rolling out from this archway, and green luminous crystals like those in Nimbus could be seen growing out of the cavern's walls.

    Suddenly, a rush of wind blew through the cave and along the edge of the mountain, and Elyth watched in awe and jubilous terror as a flying reptilian dived down at the stone bridge and back up, right in front of her.

    "Shanok, I want to fly one of those!" She exclaimed, and started ranting. "First, we're going to need some rope, a flying device, some sedatives, wyvern food- fish, maybe? Let's also look for a quest for an item to summon them or something, that'd be so awesome!"

    Are we communicating through codes? GO SHIRO-senseiiiii
    Anyway, here goes nothing:

    Chuunibyou was something Elyth'd have to fix/undo/outgrow one day. For now, she endured this unpleasant and untimely phase with a smile both lacking in sincerity and over-pouring with awkwardness and an urge to cry or run far, far away. Instead, she stood her ground before the NPCs of the Town of Beginnings with their round faces and sharp eyes staring at her in confusion.

    Noooooooooooo! What did I just do- why were there NPCs here to hear that 'OBJECTION' thing from that lawyer anime I don't remember the name of?

    The conscious and panicking voice in Elyth's head sung rapturous melodies of her embarrassment and terror at the speed of... thought, and Elyth swiveled her terror-stricken head around to confirm that yes, she was indeed in a secluded street far away from any other human interference and/or observance any time soon.

    Upon confirming such a fact, Elyth let a small sigh be released from behind her lips. However, the battle was not yet over! Summoning all her courage and wit, Elyth... walked away from the street as confidently as she could, pretending to be one with an air of grace and elegance.

    She finally relaxed as she got away from the street and walked out into the light shining upon the busy central plaza of the Town of Beginnings. The scene lay before her, a picture of harmony between the digital world and the minds of those from another world beyond. And there were chairs! Elyth had been walking a lot recently, something she wasn't particularly used to yet, and something to sit on that was carved to the shape of butts and made for the purpose of such was, frankly, a godsend.

    She ran up to the bench, eyeing the spare seat, and plopped down. Nothing would be bothering her for some time, except for the thought of food.

    Unfortunately, the food made by NPCs all tasted like sand pressed together into a solid shape and sprinkled with salt, with the exception of water, with tasted like water, with a lack of words to describe it, and Elyth was yet to encounter this rare species of player with the profession of "Cook."

    Elyth sighed and looked around, only to notice that another person was sitting on the bench. The person had black hair and was twirling said hair around a finger. In her surprise, Elyh had failed to notice anything else of particular note, and was now bobbing her head up and down in some gesture of "apologies" and "please don't kill me."

    She jumped. "Um, I'm sorry, was I intruding in your personal space?"

  11. Nooo! The Ent seemed to cry, writhing in tree pain, as Elyth slowly chipped away at its stump area. Even the perpetrator herself felt bad for it, but since it was in the 「Death Mistã€, it must have been animated against its will and subsequently enslaved.

    Elyth couldn't be harmed by the Ent as she were, and the Ent's movements suddenly became erratic and avoidable with the loss of it's only eye. She kept hacking away.

    While chopping with the hatchet, Elyth noticed that the Ent's HP was going down faster than before. That was probably because of the hatchet's x2 damage to wood-based mobs.

    1-4: Fail
    5-8: -1 to Enemy 
    9-10: -2 to Enemy
    Elyth: 21/21
    Ent #1: 7/10
    Loot! :DDDD
    1-10: 5x Enemy HP
    11-18: 1 «Wood»
    19-20: 2 «Wood»

  12. The sword didn't pierce exactly into the Ent's eye, but it was close enough to do some damage. Elyth sheathed her sword and took out the hatchet now, determined to finish this as quickly as possible.

    Since she was now on the surface of the Ent's bark, she began to divide up the wood into cartable sections, 5m long each, and let go of the rope.

    At the approximate line where the trunk of the Ent began, Elyth began chopping.

    1-4: Fail
    5-8: -1 to Enemy
    9-10: -2 to Enemy
    Elyth: 21/21
    Ent #1: 9/10
    Loot! :DDDD
    1-10: 5x Enemy HP
    11-18: 1 «Wood»
    19-20: 2 «Wood»

  13. Rolling back into the soft dirt, Elyth luckily did not sustain any damage from the Ent's attack.

    She looked around frantically for anything to help propel herself up to the Ent's eye, and there it was, lying in the ground, either forgotten or purposely left there for Elyth's use- a coil of rope and a boomerang.

    Why a boomerang-nevermind, Elyth thought, sheathing her «Anneal Blade» and throwing the smooth piece of carved wood tied with the rope at the one of the Ent's low hanging branches.

    The rope curled around the branch, and Elyth ran around to catch the rope and avoid the Ent's line of sight. Once caught, Elyth threw the boomerang over and over again, before tugging on last time to make certain it was secure.

    Elyth took the rope in her hand and clumsily put her feet against the animate bark of the Ent, and climbed up, agonizingly slowly and carefully, taking the greatest caution to not fall off, as the Ent was now reacting violently to this new stimuli by thrashing its limbs about and shaking back and forth and the like. She moved slowly around the circumference of the tree, and found its eye. It was then that she took out her sword and stabbed it into the Ent's only visible organ.

    1-4: Fail
    5-8: -1 to Enemy
    9-10: -2 to Enemy
    Elyth: 21/21
    Ent #1: 10/10
    Loot! :DDDD
    1-10: 5x Enemy HP
    11-18: 1 «Wood»
    19-20: 2 «Wood»

  14. Okay, she should've expected that her first try stabbing her sword into a target beyond her arm's length would be a failure, but even so, it was a very close failure, hahaha...

    Elyth fell down onto her back as the Ent attempted to strike at her in return. She had dodged, but that was not nearly enough.

    1-4: Fail
    5-8: -1 to Enemy
    9-10: -2 to Enemy
    Elyth: 21/21
    Ent #1: 10/10
    Loot! :DDDD
    1-10: 5x Enemy HP
    11-18: 1 «Wood»
    19-20: 2 «Wood»

  15. So now Elyth was scrambling around, trying to get out of the 「Death Mistã€and still find the trail again, when suddenly she ran into a tree.

    That tree was not even near Elyth a moment ago.

    Yes, it was an Ent!

    Elyth hurriedly drew her sword, dropped it, picked it back up, and checked the enemy's HP.

    10 HP, plus an added bonus of 2 due to the effect of 「Death Mistã€! Was Elyth going to har to fight five of these and maybe more just to get to the Quaetid Iron?

    Just as she was about to sigh in resignation, she saw the Ent's HP go down by two.


    Anyway, Elyth rushed forward with the intent of stabbing the Ent somewhere vulnerable- which she thought would be its one eye, which was now staring at her in... Derision? Contemplation? Contempt?

    Battle roll!
    1-4 Fail
    5-8 one damage
    9-10 two damage

  16. Walking around the same landscape of tall tough-barked trees and vines and leaves and dirt forest path floor thing, Elyth had spotted a log, on which she now sat.

    "Mayhaps the map has a clue?" She said aloud, taking out the piece of parchment and scrutinizing it closely. Hmm. Se turned the parchment around, and looked at the backside. Nothing.

    That was disappointing. Which meant Elyth had no choice but to follow the path- wait, couldn't she follow the path back to the way she came? But no, Elyth remembered some foliage and undergrowth when she first rushed into the forest, so that wouldn't work.


    There was nothing particularly exciting or eye-catching for some time, and Elyth couldn't find another log to sit down on. Just when she was growing somewhat excessively bored-


    You have entered the 「Death Mistã€

    Description: From here on out, the forest is populated with the dead of this forest. For every hour in the 「Death Mistã€, player health goes down by two.

    Aw poop.

  17. Elyth followed the shape of the dog until she couldn't see it anymore.

    Saying "Where did it go?" would be entirely pointless, because such a small dog could've hidden nearly anywhere. With a sigh, Elyth looked around. This particular clearing in the woods was bordering a tall purple mountain in the background, and were she able to see from a bird's-eye view, Elyth would've seen the glimmering aqua lake closing off all entrance to a mysterious gap in the mountain range.

    As she tilted her head- Again! There it was again! Even she could see it from here, that tiny glimmer- Elyth noticed yet again the glare of light on some silvery pelt, and chased it into the forest.

    She was aware of a rustic yet even forest path underneath as she ran, chasing the glint, but yet again it disappeared as quickly as it came, as if taunting Elyth of her inability to catch up or keep up, whichever it was. This time, Elyth was stuck in the middle of a moderately-lit forest, lost, instead of outside, where she could still see Horunka Village.

    Whoops, she thought, casually and grimly apologizing to herself.

  18. Upon inspecting the map, Elyth discovered that she perhaps was doomed to get lost somewhere along the way. Well, that was fine, since she was hunting Ents anyway. Elyth headed out of Horunka Village, and skirted the borders of the forest, looking for what looked like a large wolf-head, from where she was to follow a sort of trail to a large cave entrance.

    Expectedly, this arch was hard to find. Elyth wandered around for hours before spotting what looked like a small dog with shiny white fur that glaringly reflected the artificial sunlight. Her next thought went something like this:

    A dog? And it's a special looking one too... Wait, this could be related to the wolf head on the map! So, dog->wolf, right?

    And thus, she began running towards the little dog shining in the sun.

  19. "Of course!" Elyth said, and held out her hand as the shopkeeper handed to her a small scroll of paper. It was nondescript, a single scroll of yellowish paper slightly rough to the touch.



    "Thank you very much, sir," Elyth said as she bowed, swiping away the pop-up as she did.

    As Elyth exited the store, she thought, Perhaps I should take inventory.




    Well, she was somewhat ready to go!


    "So cool!" Elyth thought, wishing she had some kind of flying avatar so she could fly up and stand on the top of the mountain whilst planting a flag on the very top, proclaiming that she had scaled the entire mountain or the like. That would be very cool, to have conquered Nimbus in a way...

    "Shanok! Let's go, go, go! We'll go on an adventure and do all sorts of crazy stuff! Let's go plant a flag on top of Nimbus or something equally as prominent!" Elyth thought in her head. Never mind. It was probably too early to ask that of her companion. She would have to gather supplies first, and there might be a risk of death from falling, and so far she hadn't heard of any NPC guides up these mountains. Too bad.

    Instead, Elyth sighed and looked forward at the long length of road before herself and her companion. It would be some time before they reached another village in another mountain, from where they could span out to explore said mountain. Lightly she tugged at Shanok's shirt and motioned forward, smiling lightly and feeling quite let down by reality and the workings of a modern mind.




    Ohhhhh-kay, now that I've gotten that out of the way, nice to meet you, Megane-chan! Allow me to call you that from now on! Also, I'll be stalking you because of this glasses thing, so if you'd like, please RP with me, because being a closet stalker is pretty boring...

    Oh, and welcome.

    EDIT: I just went to your journal.


    Let's procrastinate together.

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