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Status Updates posted by Yunalesca

  1. It's only day three of classes and I can already feel senioritis kicking in....^-^;

  2. Classes are back on. It should be interesting trying to work this in with school and work, but I'll do my best. For those I'm RPing with, I'll try and get posts up after my night class tonight. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      My trick is to go on SAO in class or during my study periods.

    3. Zelrius


      Lots of rush. Rush, hurry, I am an impatient apathetic little kid who demands posts. :P is k, take your time


    4. Yunalesca


      Haha. Thanks everyone~ 

      And I'll defiantly try that method, @Tristan Delaney!

  3. That moment when you find out that the face claim for your character is an actual character in a anime. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Calrex


      Hm...I think I might have seen that character somewhere before. Probably at a convention XD

    3. Helios


      yeye me too yeye

    4. Zandra


      I know exactly that feeling. And guess what, Calrex said almost the same thing to me but an anime as the first comment. :)

  4. Thanks everyone for the get well wishes! I am feeling much better and will be getting posts up today! 

    1. Zandra


      Thats good to hear, that you feeling better :)

    2. Zelrius


      Welcome back, and I see your response and will get to it.

  5. My apologies for not posting recently. I seem to have caught a flu or something of that nature and have been taking some time to rest. I'm going to try and sleep it off at least one more day before post. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Calrex


      Argh! That must mean my inbox is full. Gimme a sec I'll get it cleaned up XD

    3. Yunalesca
    4. Calrex


      Alrighty got more than enough space now :P

  6. Happy New Year's Eve everyone! I'll be going to a little get-together tonight from work, so I won't be on much, but I'm going to get some posting done now while I can. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yunalesca


      @Zelrius I'm trying to get something down before I go. :)

    3. Zelrius


      Okay, No rush. Thank you

    4. Yunalesca


      Also, thanks @Calrex , I'm sure I will. ;P

  7. Got my journal finished, now to wait for the review. Can't wait to get started again! 

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Zandra


      Wouldnt you rather prefer Shizuka since she is your guildmate? If you listen to her Im not great, Im pathetic. Since she is sooo great and epic*rolling eyes* I guess she is a better healer for you ;)


    3. Zelrius


      I feel she is replused by me, and really don't give a [censored]. I voted against her for the guild, and while she is a good person, I am just eh. Zandra, You're a fine healer, please don't be passive aggressive like that?

    4. Zandra


      Thou, to describe Zandra, she is more kind of Support then Healer. Huge AOE stun, +Damage, Heal, Crystals.

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