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Posts posted by Phillia

  1. The boar in the front attacks Phillia first, it successfully hits her but depletes its own health bar due to Phillia's Thorns. After the first strike, the three boars in back of the leader attack in unison, two of them hit Phillia but unknowingly kill themselves (Thorns). The fourth boar stops running as soon as it saw the other two die, and then pairs up with its leader. Things aren't looking too good for the boars.

    ID#48258 Results:

    Mob 8 


    ID#48259 Results:

    Mob 8


    ID#48260 Results:

    Loot 19

    (+1 Uncommon)

    Mob 8


    ID#48261 Results:

    Mob 2


    Phillia 16/20 HP 1/5 Energy

    Boar#1: 1/10 HP

    Boar#2: -7/10 HP Dead x-x

    Boar#3: -7/10 HP Dead x-x

    Boar#4: 2/10 HP

    All Boar Stats: 10 HP, 3 DMG, 1 MIT

    +2 Materials

    +1 Uncommon Item


  2. Phillia took quick notice of the boars getting up ready to charge at her, and her reflexes told her to use the sword art >>Streak<< as they came to her. She hit three of the boars dealing a significant amount of damage to them, they staggered and allowed the first boar to deal with the fighting as they moved to the rear, leaving their leader in the fore. 'They're smarter than I thought they were, oh well, at least they still drop materials.'

    ID#48156 Results:

    Battle 6


    Phillia 19/20 HP  1/5 Energy

    Boar#1: 10/10 HP

    Boar#2: 2/10 HP

    Boar#3: 2/10 HP

    Boar#4: 2/10 HP

    All Boar Stats: 10 HP, 3 DMG, 1 MIT

  3. The boars become enraged at the sight of Phillia, they ready their horns and charge at her with full speed. It was strange; three of the boars tumbled to the ground as they ran, and only one successfully hit Phillia. It dealt a critical, but because of Phillia's Mitigation (9), she only took one damage. The three fallen boars get up as soon as they see the first boar land a successful hit. They wanted to join in the fun too.

    ID#48250 Results:

    Mob 9

    Critical Success!

    ID#48251 Results:

    Mob 2


    ID#48252 Results:

    Mob 5


    ID#48253 Results:

    Mob 2 


    Phillia 19/20 HP 5/5 Energy

    Boar#1: 10/10 HP

    Boar#2: 10/10 HP

    Boar#3: 10/10 HP

    Boar#4 10/10 HP

    All boars stats: 10HP, 3  DMG, 1 MIT.

  4. She found a group of four boars and charged at them using the skill >>Charge<<. It failed and Phillia seemingly missed her intended target. She realized what it means to miss in Battle; incoming attack. The attacks from the boars wouldn't be much, her Mitigation would reduce the damage to 1 from each boar, and if they all attacked they'd take 9 damage from the Thorns on her gloves.

    ID#48249 Results:

    Battle 4


    Phillia 20/20 HP 5/5 Energy

    Boar: 10/10 HP

    Boar: 10/10 HP 

    Boar: 10/10 HP 

    Boar: 10/10 HP

    All boars stats: 10 HP, 3 DMG, 1 MIT

  5. Phillia decided that it was time to get serious about the game, it's been a while and nobody passed the 80's. A majority of the players were level 20-35, and she couldn't wait to become as powerful as them. At her current level (5) she couldn't even face a floor boss, but that will all change soon. Once she kills around thirty two boars she could afford a set of perfect items, her rapier >>Astra<< which she just received from a newbie will accelerate this process. "Onward!" She shouts while running towards the field with sword in hand.

  6. Phillia wondered if this was a scam or a joke, Himeko would be receiving less than she payed for. She was confused, what were her motives? Nevermind that, there was a great trade opportunity right in front of her, and she wasn't going to let is pass by. Phillia put in her four materials and 200 col in the trade and accepted it. "Nice doing business with you." She exits through the door and closes it on her way out. Happiness floods her mind, she just got a good weapon and was going to test it out immediately.

    -Phillia leaves the thread

    +1 Astra

    -4 Materials

    -200 Col

  7. Phillia passes by the market looking to see if there was anything worth buying, maybe she could get something for a measly 200 Col and four materials. She kept looking until she saw a pink haired girl with a perfect rapier in her inventory. 'Is that really a rapier?' she wondered. Walking up to the girl, Phillia questioned her about the enhancements of the rapier and offered the girl 200 Col and 4 Materials for it.

  8. Phillia sat down besides a rock and waited for her health to regenerate. She checked her inventory for the materials, they would later go towards creating equipment that would help her get stronger in the game, and maybe join a guild. The Knights of the Blood didn't sound too bad, it was a step up from being a nobody, and they'd provide her with protection (Maybe not). The blue sky had a certain beauty in it that Phillia couldn't understand, the sky rose and perished each day, and she saw true sadness and happiness in that.

    Phillia 16/16 HP (14+3=16) 1/4 Energy 9 MIT

  9. "Let's get this over with!" She shouts as she uses her sword art >>Streak<<. Phillia was getting bored (PUN!) of fighting these boars, the only thing they ever did was miss and she didn't get to see many boars die by her thorns. Although she was lucky enough to not get hit, her luck didn't extend to the fun category as this ordeal was more slow than fast. As she slices the boars, one of them turns into a shower of blue pixels.

    ID#48194 Results:

    Battle 9

    Critical Success!

    Phillia 14/16 HP 0/4 Energy 9 MIT

    DMG: 4 (1+1=2, 2x2=4)

    Boar#1: -1/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT DED

    Boar#2: 0/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT DED

    Boar#3: 0/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT DED

    +3 Materials

    +40 Col

    (LD 12)


  10. The three boars become enraged, however due to their low health they begin to stagger as they attack Phillia. It happened again, all of the boars failed to hit Phillia while she was standing still. 'My luck is really weird today, normally this doesn't happen.' This has been quite a strange day for Phillia, she goes out hunting and none of the boars can hit her? What's going on with the game?

    ID#48191 Results:

    Mob 5


    ID#48192 Results:

    Mob 3


    ID#48193 Results:

    Mob 1


    Phillia 14/16 HP 2/4 Energy 9 MIT

    Boar#1: 2/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT

    Boar#2: 3/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT

    Boar#3: 3/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT


  11. Phillia sees an opening in the boars attack, she doesn't hesitate in slashing at the first boar that failed to hit her. Another gash of pixelated red appeared on the boar, and some of its brown fur withered off of it. 'Would be disgusting if all of the fur came out, yuck.' Phillia pictured a furless boar on the fields, and then got that picture out of her head; it was disgusting.

    ID#48190 Results:

    Battle 8


    Phillia 14/16 HP 2/4 Energy 9 MIT

    DMG: 1 (1+0=1)

    Boar#1: 2/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT

    Boar#2: 3/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT

    Boar#3: 3/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT

  12. The boars have lost all patience and break into a frenzy charging at Phillia. Four horns slide past Phillia's legs and a very small portion of her health bar drops. One of the boars die thanks to the rare gloves Phillia has (Thorns), and the other lands a critical hit. The other two boars run right past her again, and they astonish Phillia. "How do they miss twice in a row?"

    ID#48186 Results:

    Mob 4


    ID#48187 Results:

    Mob 9

    Critical Success! (+1 DMG)

    ID#48188 Results:

    Mob 5


    ID#48189 Results:

    Mob 7


    Phillia 14/16 HP 1/4 Energy 9 MIT

    Boar#1: 3/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT

    Boar#2: 3/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT

    Boar#3: 3/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT

    Boar#4: -1/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT DED

    +1 Material (Mob)


  13. Phillia prepares her rapier and violently slices at the boars using her Sword Art >>Streak<< once more. Red pixelated gashes appear on the bodies of the boars meaning they've taken quite a lot of damage. It's Phillia's first time hunting solo, it was an experience to enjoy, but also one to be afraid of. Probably, hunting solo was a bad idea, but also a good idea. She wouldn't need to share the loot of course, and she would be able to hone her combat experience. Both of these are benefits that will reward Phillia greatly (Decently).

    ID#48185 Results:

    Battle 8


    Phillia 16/16 HP 1/4 Energy 9 MIT

    DMG: 2 (1x2=2)

    Boar#1: 3/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT

    Boar#2: 3/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT

    Boar#3: 3/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT

    Boar#4: 8/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT


  14. The boars become enraged, their eyes turn red and they charge at Phillia. Eight horns somehow miss Phillia and her health bar does not go down at all. She expected some red pixels to fly up into the air, but all the monsters missed.. 'S-Seriously...' She thought. 'This has gotta be a joke...' The boars reminded her of herself when she first fought some boars. All the boars charged right past her, and they didn't stop until they noticed they didn't hit Phillia. "Damn, my thorns should've kicked in, but they missed..." That opportunity disappeared sadly, and Phillia is forced to fight the boars manually.

    ID#48181 Results:

    Mob 5


    ID#48182 Results:

    Mob 1

    Critical Failure!

    ID#48183 Results:

    Mob 3


    ID#48184 Results:

    Mob 4


    Phillia 16/16 HP 2/4 Energy 9 MIT

    Boar#1: 5/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT

    Boar#2: 5/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT

    Boar#3: 5/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT

    Boar#4: 8/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT

  15. The boars are still quite a distance away, but nonetheless, Phillia can still attack them if she uses her >>Charge<< skill. Killing the boars would be easy, they aren't that very high in level and Phillia has enough thorns to just sit around and let them die. The sun shined brightly on the boars, and the wind blew the grass to the east. They sense a strange presence but they are unsure of what it is. Here's the moment Phillia was waiting for, she pulls out her Rapier and charges at the boars (Using the >>Charge<< Skill) while also activating her Sword Art >>Streak<<. She lands a hit on three of them dealing a good amount of damage.

    ID#48180 Results:

    Battle 9

    Critical Success!

    Phillia 16/16 HP 2/4 Energy 9 MIT

    DMG: 4 (1+1=2, 2x2=4)

    Boar#1: 5/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT

    Boar#2: 5/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT

    Boar#3: 5/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT

    Boar#4: 8/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT

  16. Hunting monsters was something Phillia was capable of; although her weapons sucked she could tank the hits pretty well thanks to her rare gloves. "Guess I won't be slacking off anymore, time to train." Getting serious was hard for her, normally she'd be lazy and say that she'll do it later, but right now she's not in the real world. Every single minute of not doing anything is wasted time, and Phillia knows that wasted time will never come back; time waits for nobody and she is no exception. She sees a field with some tiny hills, a perfect place to train. Maybe there are a few boars there . "Looks like I'm right." She spots a group of four boars in the distance and gets closer to them waiting to attack.

  17. Phillia gets up from her seat and sees the... Wait, ROMANCE?!? "Damnit I've failed!" The cute little thing she was petting was no longer pettable. It was stolen by the hands of a black haired boy who was blushing. "I guess cute things don't last." It was amazing, petting the hair of Himeko, the soft and silky feeling of it was softer than a plushy! All cute things must end, so Phillia decided to exit the tavern and go for another training session.

    -Phillia leaves the thread

  18. Phillia walks into the tavern taking note of the chaotic scene and the creepy guy trying to touch some pink-haired girls' hair. It reminded her of her first time in a tavern, the scene was a bit more intense and chaotic than this, but she finds a certain joy in it. She recognizes a couple of people like Yuji, Tsubasa, and some others, but besides those few, everyone else is a new face to her. Phillia notices that a certain pink haired girl sticks out the most, and decides to sit next to her. 'Oh, she's asleep.' She pets the girl's hair and smiles. "So cute!"

  19. The hooded girl raises her head up again to face Komrk and puts it back down. "Get lost pal." She recognizes his low level and makes a grin under the hood. 'He cant hurt me, even if he has a group, might as well get better equipment right now. No use of sticking here and getting any information, time to go.' She thought. Phillia stood up and exited the tavern.

    -Phillia leaves the thread

  20. Phillia realizes how chaotic the scene is getting; CookieKat and Nixon flirting, people flooding in the tavern. It's time to leave, no twincest for today, she tells herself. She decides that it is time for her to get serious about this game, and start power leveling. Walking away from the window, she makes a goodbye wave and is now nowhere in sight.

    -Phillia leaves the thread

  21. Phillia looks at Yuji failing at killing the boar and laughs. She didn't expect it, but somehow it happened, at least that other guy showed up. 'Time to go in for the kill!' With rapier in hand she activates the Sword Art >>Rip Ravine<< and slashes at the boar wildly. She lands a direct hit and the boar becomes a shower of rainbow pixels. For some reason they all cover Yuji just like they covered Phillia.

    ID#48000 Results:

    Battle: 7


    Phillia 7/8 HP 0/2 Energy

    Yuji:  71/72 HP    8/18 Energy

    CookieKat: 12/12 HP 3/3 Energy

    Boar: -1/8 DED x-x

    ID#48000 Results:

    Loot: 12


    Any Type of Good Item

    +1 Black Leather Boots


  22. After being discovered, she looks at Nixon like she wants to hurt him (Really badly!) and nods. "F-Fine... Be like that Nixon!" she crosses her arms while closing her eyes, following Nixon and the man he just flirted with. 'Damn! I wonder what would've happened if Nixon didn't spot me, oh well, I can just learn some more while we walk, maybe he'll kiss that guy!' Thoughts begin to build up in her mind, they are mostly about guy on guy relationships, Nixon, and that new guy who flirted with him.

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