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Posts posted by Phillia

  1. Phillia hears the sounds of footsteps from people coming towards her, so she silently runs to an alleyway and hides behind a crate offering a bit of darkness to mask her prescense. "Good, they won't be able to find me here, maybe I'll hear Nixon flirt with that other guy." She whispers to herself while fantasizing a bunch of pretty guys flirting with each other. 'So cute!' She thinks. A catastrophic wave of cute guys and twincest invade her mind as she loses all control of it. 


    Base Stealth: 10

    Shadows (2) 

    Crate (1)

    Total: 13 Stealth Rating

    (Roll LD of 14 or higher to find Phillia)


  2. Phillia looks at Nixon and CookieKat in delight. 'Guy on guy!' Her mind explodes as she is very excited, she couldn't bear it anymore and opened a nearby window so that the sun can come in. Phillia exits the tavern and looks through the window, imagining Hikaru and Kaoru from Ouran Host Club as CookieKat and Nixon. "Yes, yes! Twincest!" She shouts unaware of how close she is to Nixon and CookieKat.

  3. She sheathes her rapier noticing the child was scared. Phillia takes off her hood and offers Aikoh a friend request, "If you ever need any help, then just message me." She tells the little girl before walking off to an alleyway, the shadows they offer mask Phillia's escape and she is now nowhere to be seen.

    -Phillia leaves the thread

  4. Phillia falls off the boar and lands on her arms, without hesitating she gets back up and reaches for her rapier that landed in a bed of lush green grass. After picking it up, she holds it in her left hand and smiles. "Hope this works!" She said before attacking the boar. Red pixels release from the boar's body, meaning Phillia hit it directly.


    Result: Battle 10

    Critical Success!

    Phillia 7/8 HP 1/2 Energy

    (Don't want to insert the rest of your stats)

    Boar 5/8 HP 3 DMG 1 MIT (8-3=5)

  5. Phillia takes notice of the two sneaking past the large group and follows them, "You two look a lot like brother and sister." She says jokingly. "I'm just kidding, I know what you're trying to do so you don't need to spill the beans out loud." She reaches for her rapier and pulls it out, suggesting that she wants to help Aikoh (The loli) fight boars.

  6. Phillia turns around from her normal sitting position, taking notice of the strange man who just fell over. Phillia giggles and goes up to Tsubasa, "Did he hit a soft spot on you?" She asks him jokingly. She pats Tsubasa on the back (No Tsuphillia! That ship will never leave harbor! Embargo ahoy!) and goes back to sit down next to Nixon and gives him the 'Really?' look. She finds it odd; the guy just fell down like he's drunk and Nixon is trying to get him even more drunk. 'Weirdos' she thought.

  7. Phillia watches the group from a distance, "There's the clown that guy told me about." She says as she puts on her hood and begins walking towards them, her black hair (Which looks somewhat like a light bluish color) goes down from her hood and around her torso area; some of it flies in the wind. "Antofer, are you flirting with girls again? Blech, that's disgusting, and look at her! She's a child!" Phillia crosses her arms and turns her head to the side as if she was disgusted. 'I wonder what's going to happen, maybe something fun... Hehehe... Yeah, it has to be something fun, he'll say it's a big misunderstanding and freak out... Or maybe he'll do something else..' She thinks in her mind some very weird thoughts.

  8. Phillia, a Japanese girl, walks by only to figure out she's missed out on all the action. She saw a bunch of light, meaning that something had died, and decided to investigate. There she found two men, and by the looks of it they were older than her. She tugs at Teselmar's arm, her inner Tsundere awakening. "Did you take my spotlight?" she sighs. At least that guy Nixon flirted with didn't die; her chances to research love have not been destroyed.

    (Japanese train ftw!)

  9. Phillia jumps out of the bench behind Nixon, "Boo!" she shouts. Laughing a bit, she brings Nixon up to his feet by grabbing his arms, then notices the other player besides him. "N-Nixon..." tears start flooding out of her eyes. "A-Are you flirting with this guy!" she slaps Nixon and runs away from him, still crying. Phillia keeps running until she finds a building which she hides behind, peeking very subtly in the corner. 'I've got him now, let's see him chase me down! Yess! I can research what this 'love' thing is!'

  10. "Hey Nixon, are you thinking about flirting in your head? If you are, then it's... It's disgusting okay! Don't think that I'll ever fall for you or anything, you're not my type." she tells him with a bit of anger in her tone. (YOU JUST GOT FRIENDZONED >;D) Phillia looks in her inventory, and stares at the good item she got from the boar, "Hey Nixon, do you want it? It's a really nice piece of clothing, and I think you'd also like the smell of it too." she asks.

  11. Phillia laughs as well, and slaps Nixon. "Don't talk to me like that!" she crosses her arms forcefully with a slightly angry expression, "S-Sure, I'll go, but you better not flirt with me." Her mood would appear to be playful after the strange incident that happened, who knew you could bond like that so quickly. She shrugs it off, it's not much of a big deal, but she does wonder if Nixon will die or not.





  12. Phillia turned over to Macradon, her hood covering everything except for her mouth. She sat there with arms crossed, and said nothing while turning back in the direction where people were talking. She then uncrossed her arms and checked her inventory, seeing nothing inside there. The girl closes it, and silently sits waiting for some words to come out.

  13. Red particles emit from Phillia's leg, but she does not stagger. 'It's just a scratch!' she thinks to herself. Gripping the rapier tighter, Phillia gets into a stance and activates the sword art >>Linear<<. Her sword glows as the system guides her into the move. Midway during the move, she does a flip mid-air and lands on a boar. The boar frantically jumps up and down as Phillia tries to keep herself on the boar. 

    ID# 47408

    Results: Battle 1

    Epic Fail!

    Boar2: 6/8 HP 

    Boar3: 8/8 HP 

    Boar4: 8/8 HP 

  14. She pays attention to every word he says, "Yeah, whatever you say." She says playfully. "Hey, we should look for some materials." She looks around for something, but finds a useless lump of dirt. "This is weird." She thinks out loud. "I haven't even been flirting with him, this doesn't make sense! I'm going to need to do some research on love." She checks in her inventory, and looks at the good item she got from killing the boar, and closes it in disgust. "Yuck."

    (Everything with "" is something she said out loud)


    ID#: 47406

    Result: Loot 10


  15. She rolls her eyes, "So what are you thinking about right now?" she asks him playfully, curious of what's going on in his brain. It took her about a minute to notice that he was looking for materials, as he is ignoring her right now. 'Look at me! Look at me!' her mind begins yelling. Sighing, she does the same thing as Nixon, look for materials in a boring plain filled with grass, rocks, and dirt.

    ID# 47403 results: Loot 10


    She finds a ball of mud...

    Yes, how useless!



  16. Phillia looks at the cool move that he had just pulled, and gets excited like Iri. She grins, "My turn!" she says cooly. Phillia runs up to a boar and uses slashes at it with her rapier. The boar has some red particle effects coming out of it (meant to be blood, well, SAO blood) and readies itself to charge at Phillia. The rest of the boars do the same, and they all focus on Phillia as their main target.


    Result: Battle 9

    Critical Success!

    Yuji: 72/72 HP   Energy: 13/18 

    Philia: 8/8 HP

    Iri: 8/8 HP

    Zeri: 20/20 HP

    (All boar stats: 3 Damage, 2 D.Mitigation)

    Boar#1: 0/8 HP   7(1*3)=21

    Boar#2: 6/8 HP   1+1=2

    Boar#3: 8/8 HP

    Boar#4: 8/8 HP



  17. Phillia looks at Nixon surprised. Her face turns a bright red color and her eyes get watery. "Well I... I..." there is an awkward pause, and Phillia puts her hand to her mouth like she's trying to hide some words, and a tear drops from one eye. Suddenly, her face goes back to it's normal color and she bursts out in uncontrollable laughter. "I wouldn't want to lose my meat shield!" she continues to laugh. "I mean, if he dies who's going to take those hits for me? Right?" She replays the situation in her head and wonders what might happen if she didn't look like she was confessing her false love.

  18. The boar hits Phillia, but she is only slightly harmed. She looks at her gloves, "Thanks Antofer..." she whispered. "Alright, it's time to die!" Phillia charges at the boar with her rapier and looks over to Nixon, winking, "Like I said, don't die!" Breaking into full sprint with rapier in hand, she considers activating a sword art, but decides it's not worth the energy to do.


    Result: Battle 9

    Critical Success!

    (Correcting miscalculated damage)

    Phillia HP: 7/8 Energy: 2/2   MIT 9

    Nixon HP: 4/8 Energy: 2/2 3 DMG

    Boar: 0 (-2) / 4 DEAD


  19. She looks at Iri awkwardly and tries to shake the question off, "How about we focus on training instead?" she asks. Phillia goes a distance away from Iri and sighs, "Phew, glad I dodged that, he wouldn't want to know the real reason." She looks in the horizon again, and spots a group of four boars. Smiling, Phillia points at it and waits for the others to take the lead.

  20. As she sees Nixon get knocked down she glares at the boar, ignoring Nixon's question. Phillia rushes at the boar in a blind rage with rapier in hand. While running, she looks over to Nixon and winks, "Like I said, you better not die!"


    Result: Battle 9

    Critical Success!

    Phillia HP: 8/8 Energy: 1/2

    Nixon HP: 4/8 Energy: 2/2 3 DMG

    Boar HP: 2 (-2) / 4 3 DMG 1 MIT 

  21. A very depressed looking girl walks into the tavern with a hood on. She looks at her surroundings, and notices some people. Phillia walks over to sit down near them, and pull her hood down so that only her mouth is visible (And also her hair). She crosses her arms, and leans back while also putting one leg over the other. The strange girl's gear seems terribly worn-out with lots of visible damage (Scratches, burns, and some ripped areas). Phillia goes silent and awaits to hear what the others will say.

  22. Phillia pulls out her rapier, and looks at Nixon, "You better not die." She activates the sword art >>Rip Ravine<< and her rapier begins to glow as the system leads her into the move.

    Phillia HP: 8/8 Energy: 0/2

    Nixon HP: 8/8 Energy 2/2 3 DMG

    Boar#4 HP: 4/4 3 DMG 1 MIT.


    Result: Battle 1

    Critical Failure!

    Phillia is surprised at how she missed the hit... It's truly depressing and she ends up cursing in front of Nixon.



  23. She sees that all the boars have 1HP, and decides to go in for the kill. She spins her rapier, and activates a sword skill. The rapier begins to glow a light green color, and uses the sword art >>Streak<<


    Result: Battle 9


    Phillia 8/8 HP 0/2 Energy

    Yuji 72/72 HP 16/18 Energy

    Iri 8/8 HP 2/2 Energy


    (Boar stats: 3 Damage, 2 Mitigation)

    Boar#1: 0/8 HP Dead

    Boar#2: 0/8 HP Dead

    Boar#3: 0/8 HP Dead

    Boar#4: 1/8 HP 

    (Don't have enough energy to hit all 4 with AoE skill)


  24. Phillia seems disappointed as Yuji steps in. "I'm here to train, and yes, I'm that 'girl' from the tavern." she tells him angrily. Here was an opportunity for a bunch of col and loot, but then someone stepped in... However, that doesn't matter too much, she might still be able to get the col and loot if she kills the boars first.


    [OOC] (Can you spawn in the boars?)

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