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Posts posted by Lycan

  1. On 3/10/2016 at 0:01 PM, Ariel - The Crowned Lion said:

    Name: Paradise Dream
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: (8) Provisional Master
    ID:  50852
    Roll: 12 (11+1)
    Item Type: Tool
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    +1 Crafting Die
    Description: Custom made fingerless gloves that help any aspiring crafter in the job of his choosing. Only a small white crowned lion logo is visibly added on the back of the right glove, branding the items as originary from 'The Lion's Den'.

    Name: Feline's Aid
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: (8) Provisional Master
    ID:  50853
    Roll: 12 (11+1)
    Item Type: Plushie
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    +1 Crafting Attempt
    Description: Custom made plushie in the form of a feline of sorts, easily open to interpretation. A small white crowned lion logo is visibly added to the left side of the stomach, branding the items as originary from 'The Lion's Den'.

    Name: Generic Armor MK.5
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: (8) Provisional Master
    ID: 50854
    Roll: 11 (10+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Rare
    +2 Eva
    Description: A generic armor that at first seems pretty bland. But it's made in such a way that once equipped to gain a relatively big degree transparency such that if one wears something with bright colors underneath it, this armor piece is practically invisible. Only a small white crowned lion logo is visibly embroidered on the right side of the stomach. 

    Name: Generic Armor MK.6
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: (8) Provisional Master
    ID: 50855
    Roll: 7 (6+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    +1 Eva
    Description: A generic armor that at first seems pretty bland. But it's made in such a way that once equipped to gain a relatively big degree transparency such that if one wears something with bright colors underneath it, this armor piece is practically invisible. Only a small white crowned lion logo is visibly embroidered on the right side of the stomach. 

    Name: Generic Armor MK.7
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: (8) Provisional Master
    ID: 50857
    Roll: 11 (10+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Rare
    +2 Eva
    Description: A generic armor that at first seems pretty bland. But it's made in such a way that once equipped to gain a relatively big degree transparency such that if one wears something with bright colors underneath it, this armor piece is practically invisible. Only a small white crowned lion logo is visibly embroidered on the right side of the stomach. 

    Name: Generic Armor MK.8
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: (8) Provisional Master
    ID: 50858
    Roll: 8 (7+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Uncommon
    +1 Eva
    Description: A generic armor that at first seems pretty bland. But it's made in such a way that once equipped to gain a relatively big degree transparency such that if one wears something with bright colors underneath it, this armor piece is practically invisible. Only a small white crowned lion logo is visibly embroidered on the right side of the stomach. 

    Name: Generic Armor MK.9
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: (8) Provisional Master
    ID: 50859
    Roll: 11 (10+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Rare
    +2 Eva
    Description: A generic armor that at first seems pretty bland. But it's made in such a way that once equipped to gain a relatively big degree transparency such that if one wears something with bright colors underneath it, this armor piece is practically invisible. Only a small white crowned lion logo is visibly embroidered on the right side of the stomach. 

    All Items Approved.


    Name: Nebula Cleaver

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 1

    ID: #51055

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: 2 Handed Straight Sword
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Slot 1: Accuracy. Slot 2: Bleed 

    Description: Orange colored blade, tapered great sword, with red hued edges, as is the hilt. One side of it is serrated. 


    Name: Star Slayer Sabre

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 1

    ID: #51056

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: 1 Handed Curved Sword
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Slot 1: Accuracy. Slot 2: Bleed 

    Description: Shaped like a sabre, it reflects the tint of a sunrise from tip to base. The tip glows blood red, while as you go down the sword it turns into a deep blue hue. The hilt is black with a shimmer that denotes the soft speck of the stars. 

    Both Items Approved.

  3. Please note that Tsubasa's Roll ID# 47916 is invalidly linked to the incorrect post. There are also several roll IDs which are also linked to incorrect posts.

    That being said, your familiar is NOT APPROVED.

    This quest was not completed and may be taken again. Since the monsters fall within the parameters, you are permitted to keep the materials, but not the bonus Col.

    Revised rewards are as follows:

    Iri: 3 Mats, 400 col, 1 sp

    Tsubasa: 3 Mats, 400 col, 1 sp, +1 snake familiar

    To correctly link the post to the roller, post first, use the new post's link in the roller, then edit your post to insert the roll. The roll MUST be linked to the correct post, or the actions within are invalid.

  4. Alright! My first locked thread. Lucky you!

    First matter of business, your very first roll that gave you +1 Mats was linked improperly to the post. I'm going to let it slide this go around, but be extra careful when pasting the post URL into the roller. If that was a life or death roll... Well, you get the picture!

    Moving on, let's see those bonus mats...

    -Spins the Wheel - "What'we got, Bob?"

    ID# 51045: +1 Bonus Material!

    Womp, womp... Welp! Don't forget you can do an EaL thread again for another chance at bonus mats! See ya next time!

  5. Lycan smiled at the Lioness's approval. Beasts were a far better judge of character than man. If Cardinal was as impressive as he had been lead to believe, that meant this fact proved true in Aincrad as well. Beasts also did not lie. The loyalty and personality the cub exhibited toward its master showed a bond far beyond the system dictated relationship of familiar and player.

    Lycan took Ariel's hand to hoist himself up, offsetting her weight only slightly as he rose.

    "Thank you," he said with a smile.

    With a dusting of his hands, Lycan opened his player menu and flipped through the sub menus to send Ariel an invitation to join his party. Then, with a swipe, he pulled up the area map to study for a brief moment. With a rub of his chin, he added:

    "Well, given the layout, we have two clearing here..." He tapped his mapped for personal emphasis. "And here. If I were to assume, something important has to be in one of those two clearings. If not, there's a really dense part of the forest here that might be a good place to look. Though, honestly?"

    Lycan swiped his hand to dismiss all his menus.

    "I have no idea where the Wasps are coming from. The closest of the three places is just a few meters from here to the northeast of where we are. There first?" Lycan asked to his new teammate. Ariel was welcome too.

    ((OOC: Playful use of words at the end. Hope it garnered a smile. Also, congrats on the engagement!!!))

  6. "If it's God you're looking for, boyo, you've climbed to the top of the wrong mountain. He's two peaks over." Spoke a strange, weathered, and sarcastic voice.

    With a raised brow, Lycan tilted his head back to the source of the remark. What he saw was an elder man, short, wrinkled, and with a long, white, wirey beard. He crouched over and used a plain cane fashioned from an old piece of wood. Oddly, he wore a hawaiian dress shirt, swim trunks, and a pair of bright red geta.

    "The heck...?" was the extent Lycan could verbalize as a reaction.

    "Well, kiddo, you're all sorts of lost! Heck is down thatta way!" the old geezer laughed with a jab of his walking stick toward the cliff side.

    Lycan lifted his body off the grass and brushed himself off as he stood. When he turned around to face the stranger, he noticed a large expanse of green grass. Two buildings sat on each side with an Eastern influence in the architecture. Arches and pillars were bright red with maroon, clay singles atop the roofs. In between the two buildings, the grass had been worn down to a sandy soil with a massive stone pillar in the middle. Shrine banners wrapped all around the stone with a rather sad wooden sign staked in front of it. The sign read, "Fite me".

    Lycan held an expression of bewilderment, utter confusion, and awkward concern on his face.

  7. Spoiler

    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +3 -- EN: +1


    Lycan: 20/20 HP -- EN: 1/5 -- HATE: 0 --

    Lycan watched as the newcomer's spear sang out and hit true. Two blows and the wasp was but dust in the wind. The teen exhaled sharply and with a roll of his shoulders, snapped his blade to the side to rid the blood off its length in his old habit. Granted, this world didn't have blood or even soil the blades, but the traditional kendo practice stuck. He returned Harbinger to its sheath on his back and turned to Xion.

    "It's not bragging if you have the skill to show for it," Lycan commented. "And that you do."

    He held out his hand to the new acquaintance.

    "Thanks for the assist. Truth be told, this Lone Wolf-ing it can be a drag. Speaking of, what brings you round these parts? You after the Queen too, or passing through?"



    Rollbot, give me your strength!
     ID# 50797: -- BD: 1 -- CD: 3 -- LD: 1 -- MD: 8 --
    Screw you rollbot...

    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1


    Combat Phase:
    Wind Wasp
    : 2/10 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
    Stinger Jab: ((8-3EVA)) MISS!

    Lycan: 20/20 HP -- EN: 1/5 -- HATE: 2 --
    Normal Attack: ((1 


    Wind Wasp: 2/10 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Lycan: 20/20 HP -- EN: 0/5 -- HATE: 2 --
    Xion: 52/52 HP -- EN: 12/13 -- HATE: 0 -- (1 heavy momentum) 


    "Damn right they are!" Lycan replied to the stranger. His own name formed on the tip of his tongue, but Lycan was forced to swallow it in favor of a diving dodge roll. The wasp's lethal stinger only grazed Lycan's coat, avoiding any true damage. The teen tumbled to his feet and quickly recovered, throwing his weight into a retaliatory blow.

    "The name's--!" he began, cut off by the effort of his own swing. The blade missed by a clean inch as the Wasp took to a higher altitude. Out of reach and out of harm's way, Lycan followed it with fierce amber eyes.

    "Lycan," he finished.

    The bee apexed in its arc and began to make a turn for a diving attack. The young soldier rooted his stance and tightened his grip on Harbinger.

    "I appreciate the help," Lycan continued. "When it comes in for this pass, go for a lunge. It shouldn't be able to dodge that effectively. If it manages the maneuver, switch me in."

    With a fierce hum of massive wings, the Wind wasp dove, stinger first toward Lycan.

  9. Too many.

    Two words, unlimited weight. To ask someone to bear the burden of seeing just one comrade fall in battle, helpless to stop it, would be too much to ask of anyone.

    Too many.

    One was too many. The way it left her lips and made its way to his ears was something surreal. His near death encounter was incredibly sobering, but those two words gave this reality gravity. It gave it form. It gave it perspective.

    "We're at war, aren't we?" his lips formed as his mind began to pull from his limited life experiences and text book knowledge. That shock, anger, and sadness in her eyes... The expression Lycan would have expected from a veteran of the old world wars. As he tried to frame it into perspective, his lips continued to move.

    "We are the Spartans," he spoke from reference, not caring about her perception of his words - how silly or offensive they may or may not be to the situation. "An army of few versus a limitless, unknown, and powerful enemy. Our numbers are finite. Theirs are not..."

    He motioned his arm into view and his eyes caught a glare of light from the edge of his blade.

    "This isn't a game or a story. This is war. Whether we want to admit it or not, we all fly the same banner. We are a hodgepodge army in a messy alliance with the same goal."

    He paused, the cool and comfortable breeze now feeling harsh and merciless.

    "I am a soldier."

    He lowered his arm, looking to Lessa. He didn't know what she had seen. He didn't know who she was, where she came from, what she wanted. He did, however, know she held her demons inside. She didn't have time nor concern to carry burdens for anyone but her self and those who she deemed worthy. Somehow, by chance, luck, or pity, Lycan made the latter of the list. While she kept her words short, and she made him feel like a liability to her, he held this strange woman in high regard.

    She was the veteran. He was the recruit.

    She was saving his life and in more ways than just one.

    Lycan's mind began to calm from the swirling enigma and faux realism of the world - of Aincrad.

    "I'm sorry for your losses," Lycan added, knowing all well he had no right to appeal to her personal experiences. "And I'm sorry to add to your burden. I'll follow your lead. No more resistance, no more bull-headedness, and no more personal questions. I appreciate the help."

    That cheer in his voice? Gone. The inquisitive, curious boy? Gone. Those dreams of grandeur? Gone. Today's lesson was harsh. In time, some of that positive, witty, and curious teenager may return.Today? Well... today's tone had been set. 

  10. "Climb the mountain he said... It'll be worth it he said," Lycan groaned has he dug his armored hands into a stone griphold of a rather high cliff. The teen took a moment to glance down (you never want to glance down) as a strong gust of wind whipped his hair wildly. His amber eyes couldn't even see the ground from the height he was at, a thick fog preventing his vision and thereby adding to the fear factor of this endeavor. The teenager let out a less than silent gulp and reverted his gaze skyward.

    "When I get back to town..." Lycan grumbled through clenched teeth, his ire focused on the info broker he shared a rather love/hate relationship with. Then, with a huff, a grunt, and a guffaw, the swordsman continued to ascend the stone wall. Surely a fall from this height would mean bad news. Death perhaps? He couldn't tell because he couldn't see the forlarkin' ground.

    As the boy continued to climb, shouted obscenities withstanding, he began to approach what looked like the finish line of this grueling physical torture.

    "Oh please..." Lycan whined as his body somehow screamed for rest even in this world of intricate zeros and ones.

    Sure enough, his metallic grasp reached over the cliffside and dug into soft, rooted soil. Elation boiled up from deep inside and gave Lycan the strength to heft his body up onto the ledge. With a moan, a roll, and a plop, he laid on his back, staring upward at the large fluffy clouds just a rock's throw away.

    "Thank... God..." the boy huffed.

  11. A new day meant new chances. Lycan bust out his little chemistry set and began cooking away his drugs, tonics, and feed goods. This day, the sun beat heavily down on his little stand. Luckily, with his first sale, he was already in discussions with the local traders to acquire a shop of his own. After a few more sales, he'd finally have enough to upgrade. Unfortunately, today was all about himself. After seeing Ariel take such an interest in his damage potions, Lycan sought out to make a few of his own. In fact, we was shocked that he hadn't kept any of his current wares. This had to change.


    Level 3 Professional Alchemist
    54/ 80 EXP Needed for Level 4
    4 Attempts Per Day

    ID# 50718: -- CD: 12+1 ((Alchemist's Pestle)) --
    PERFECT ITEM!!! - 1 Material Consumed
    Name: Beast Blood Elixir
    Job Level: Apprentice Alchemist - Lv. 3
    Item ID: 50718
    Item Type: Status Update Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: [Perfect]
    Enhancements: [+3 Damage]
    Description: A custom potion designed specifically for Lycan's personal use. The vial is plain, no frills and no nonsense. It is capped with a plain cork. The contents are a thick, red ichor with a bitter, coppery flavor. Upon consumption, a dark power stirs to the surface.
    ((+8 EXP))

    ID# 50719: -- CD: 12+1 ((Alchemist's Pestle)) --
    PERFECT ITEM!!! - 1 Material Consumed
    Name: Beast Blood Elixir
    Job Level: Apprentice Alchemist - Lv. 3
    Item ID: 50719
    Item Type: Status Update Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: [Perfect]
    Enhancements: [+3 Damage]
    Description: A custom potion designed specifically for Lycan's personal use. The vial is plain, no frills and no nonsense. It is capped with a plain cork. The contents are a thick, red ichor with a bitter, coppery flavor. Upon consumption, a dark power stirs to the surface.
    ((+8 EXP))

    ID# 50720: -- CD: 1+1 ((Alchemist's Pestle)) --
    EPIC FAIL!!! - 1 Material Lost
    ((+1 EXP))

    ID# 50721: -- CD: 2+1 ((Alchemist's Pestle)) --
    EPIC FAIL!!! - 1 Material Lost
    ((+1 EXP))

    + 18 EXP
    - 4 Materials
    + 2 <<Beast Blood Elixirs>>

    Two of his ventures turned into some manner of hissing goo which Lycan had no choice but to scrap. The other two, however, came out perfect. Two <<Beast Blood Elixir>> to which the teen gave a confident nod. Immediately, he pulled up his inventory and added the two items to his personal stash.

    Now, with gloves at the ready and two damage booting pots, the boy was ready to spit himself some stone.

    <<End Day>>

    + 2 <<Beast Blood Elixir>> to Lycan
    - 2 <<Beast Blood Elixir>> from store
    - 4 Materials

  12. Lycan watched him place the items on the counter, wrapped in silk. As he unwrapped them, they were exactly what he was looking for. Not too polished to look gaudy, and not too crude to look poorly crafted. A happy middle ground of form and function.

    The menu appeared to Lycan with the information and the <<Complete Trade>> button.


    Name: Grips of the Twin Wolves
    ID: 50669
    Item Type: Armor - Gauntlets
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +3 Unarmed Damage
    Description: A pair of banded arm gauntlets covering the fist and up to the elbow. Each band is hammer forged
    and in such a way that it remains jagged. An the plate which covers the hands,
    the right depicts a fierce wolf devouring the sun in a raised motif. The left depicts a softer
    looking wolf devouring the moon in a raised motif. Each finger tip is crafted so that
    the tips are as pointed as fangs. The icon of the Blazing Typhoon is engraved
    on the largest band at the top of the forearm.

    YES / NO

    Lycan hit accept and they vanished form the counter into his inventory. He quickly pulled up his menu and unequipped his straight sword in favor of his new teeth removers and skull splitters. Immediately, the weight hefted down his arms, but Lycan recovered with a tense of his biceps and triceps.

    "Oh, yeah..." he remarked as he formed a fist, the metal claws grinding against the segmented plates on the palm. "That feels good."

    With the gloves still on, Lycan saluted the smith.

    "My compliments to the craftsman! I'll be seeing you again," he said. His payment already delivered in advance, the boy turned about face and made way for the door.

    He had a rock to pulverize.

    +1 <<Grips of the Twin Wolves>>

  13. It was only a few days after the request, but the teen received a PM whilst in the midst of a scuffle with a few of the local mobs on floor two. Fetching his loot from the critters, he booked it back to town and warped to the Starting City. Crowds in the streets here didn't condone fast travel, so a little improvisation needed to be made to parkour his way to The Blazing Typhoon. Out of breath and without much finesse, Lycan burst into the smith's shop with a clatter of the brass bell.

    He took a moment to catch his breath as he stood in the doorway, barring one such patron from leaving. The youth held up a finger, took a few more breaths, then stood up and gestured the man past. As a thank you, the patron grumbled some obscenity to which Lycan gave no mind. Instead, he strode quickly to the counter.

    "Afternoon," he mentioned, still struggling to speak fluently through the deep and steady breaths. "I heard my gauntlets were ready?"

  14. Awesome, but I do need to get my others approved, yes? If so, I have a few more DMG pots to post.


     ID# 50099 results: Craft: 10+1 ((Alchemist's Pestle))
    RARE ITEM!! (-1 Material)
    Name: White Lion Tonic
    Job Level: Apprentice Alchemist - Lv. 2
    Item ID: 50099
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 2
    Quality: [Rare]
    Enhancements: [+4 Damage]
    Description: A custom made potion in a clear galss vial decorated with silver filligree. The contents are an opaque white with a pina colada flavor. The cork is decorated with a small white lion head carving made from marble.
    ((+5 EXP))


     ID# 50100 results: Craft: 10+1 ((Alchemist's Pestle))
    RARE ITEM!! (-1 Material)
    Name: White Lion Tonic
    Job Level: Apprentice Alchemist - Lv. 2
    Item ID: 50100
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 2
    Quality: [Rare]
    Enhancements: [+4 Damage]
    Description: A custom made potion in a clear galss vial decorated with silver filligree. The contents are an opaque white with a pina colada flavor. The cork is decorated with a small white lion head carving made from marble.
    ((+5 EXP))


     ID# 50101 results: Craft: 11+1 ((Alchemist's Pestle))
    PERFECT ITEM!!! (-1 Material)
    Name: White Lion Elixir
    Job Level: Apprentice Alchemist - Lv. 2
    Item ID: 50101
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 2
    Quality: [Perfect]
    Enhancements: [+6 Damage]
    Description: A custom made potion. This potion is in a ceramic flask in the shape of a white lion head. The cork is adorned with a small golden crown. Inside is a light, bubbly mixture clear in color and with light citrus notes.
    ((+8 EXP))


    ID# 50718: -- CD: 12+1 ((Alchemist's Pestle)) --
    PERFECT ITEM!!! - 1 Material Consumed
    Name: Beast Blood Elixir
    Job Level: Apprentice Alchemist - Lv. 3
    Item ID: 50718
    Item Type: Status Update Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: [Perfect]
    Enhancements: [+3 Damage]
    Description: A custom potion designed specifically for Lycan's personal use. The vial is plain, no frills and no nonsense. It is capped with a plain cork. The contents are a thick, red ichor with a bitter, coppery flavor. Upon consumption, a dark power stirs to the surface.
    ((+8 EXP))


    ID# 50719: -- CD: 12+1 ((Alchemist's Pestle)) --
    PERFECT ITEM!!! - 1 Material Consumed
    Name: Beast Blood Elixir
    Job Level: Apprentice Alchemist - Lv. 3
    Item ID: 50719
    Item Type: Status Update Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: [Perfect]
    Enhancements: [+3 Damage]
    Description: A custom potion designed specifically for Lycan's personal use. The vial is plain, no frills and no nonsense. It is capped with a plain cork. The contents are a thick, red ichor with a bitter, coppery flavor. Upon consumption, a dark power stirs to the surface.
    ((+8 EXP))


  15. Lye's chest beat heavily. Not fast, panicked, or erratic, but deep, steady, and strong. This was reality gripping him for the first time. Games don't put your life on the line. They don't make you walk a fine sliver of a red health gauge one wrong look from the reaper's doorstep. Worst of all, they don't gamble with your future, your dreams, and your ambitions with the very first challenge. A boar, level one, the lowest and least lethal creature in this world. It almost killed him.

    Not, "lol let's just respawn and try again!"... No. It almost killed him.

    Lycan's sharp amber eyes pierced into Lessa's his grip white knuckled on the plain hunk of pointed steel. He admired her help, but he wasn't about to tuck his tail between his legs and scamper back to town for a cup of hot cocoa and an "atta boy".

    "Fine," he remarked to Lessa's suggestion. In fact, he wasn't even aware his HP could regen naturally. Before this experience, he would have asked some half assed question about it, but he simply acknowledged that a full HP bar was better than half if he truly wanted to continue. He had to get stronger. It was the only way to guarantee his survival.

    Lye, instead of putting his weapon back in its sheath like any normal player of any normal game, only reversed his grip on the hilt and held it at a pseudo ready position against his forearm. Similar to how a mantis' claw remains coiled and close at all times. As he took a few steps beside Lessa, he noticed his HP bar tick up a point from the peripheral of his vision.

    He was silent as he walked with her. He didn't have any words to share. He just wanted to move on to the next step, whatever it took to avoid bursting into a spray of sparkling zeros and ones as his brain melted in the real world. Then, this thoughts found his lips.

    "How many?" he began, keeping his gaze straight and away from Lessa. "How many have you seen fall?"

    The question was entirely too personal, but it hung heavily on his mind as he remembered just the one. To Lessa, someone so hardened, yet so concerned... If he did die, it wouldn't have been her first... or second. Or even last, for that matter.

  16. The white haired teen opened the door to the smithy with a jingle of the bell. Lycan proceeded to the counter with a sack of col in hand. Behind it, a large framed man stood which Lycan only assumed was the owner.

    "Hello, sir," he began to catch his attention. "Could I trouble you for a request? I am looking for a pair of armored forearm gauntlets. I'm not really using them for defense, but I'm hoping to split a rock in two with them. You think you could smith up something like that? Maybe something with a wolf motif?"


    Name: [Grips of the Twin Wolves]
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 6
    ID: [Leave blank]
    Roll: [Leave blank]
    Item Type: [Armor - Gauntlets]
    Tier: [1]
    Quality: [Perfect]
    Enhancements: [+3 Unarmed Damage]
    Description: [A pair of banded arm gauntlets covering the fist and up to the elbow. Each band is hammer forged and in such a way that it remains jagged. An the plate which covers the hands, the right depicts a fierce wolf devouring the sun in a raised motif. The left depicts a softer looking wolf devouring the moon in a raised motif. Each finger tip is crafted so that the tips are as pointed as fangs. The icon of the Blazing Typhoon is engraved on the largest band at the top of the forearm.]

    As the boy finished speaking, he placed the 1,500 col on the counter and a trade window appeared.

    -1,500 col

  17. "Why thank you!" Lycan commented. He smiled at the larger offering of Col. With this, he might be able to purchase some new gear or some materials from a hunter. Lycan hurriedly fetched the bottles from his under-stand safe and produced them on the counter. He shuffled through a few menus, input a few values, and selected a few droplets from his alchemy set into each container. Light possessed them as they changed form and appeared anew for his client. Lycan pushed the three bottles over to the edge of the stand toward Ariel.

    "Here you go! I added a little flare to these as a custom value set just for you. Let me know if you like them!"

    - 2 White Lion Tonics


    Name: White Lion Tonic
    Job Level: Apprentice Alchemist - Lv. 2
    Item ID: 50099
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 2
    Quality: [Rare]
    Enhancements: [+4 Damage]
    Description: A custom made potion in a clear galss vial decorated with silver filligree. The contents are an opaque white with a pina colada flavor. The cork is decorated with a small white lion head carving made from marble.
    Name: White Lion Tonic
    Job Level: Apprentice Alchemist - Lv. 2
    Item ID: 50100
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 2
    Quality: [Rare]
    Enhancements: [+4 Damage]
    Description: A custom made potion in a clear galss vial decorated with silver filligree. The contents are an opaque white with a pina colada flavor. The cork is decorated with a small white lion head carving made from marble.

    -1 White Lion Elixir


    Name: White Lion Elixir
    Job Level: Apprentice Alchemist - Lv. 2
    Item ID: 50101
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 2
    Quality: [Perfect]
    Enhancements: [+6 Damage]
    Description: A custom made potion. This potion is in a ceramic flask in the shape of a white lion head. The cork is adorned with a small golden crown. Inside is a light, bubbly mixture clear in color and with light citrus notes.

    + 1,000 col

  18. Spoiler

    ID# 50569: -- BD:2 -- CD: 5 -- LD: 10 -- MD: 5 --

    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1


    Combat Phase:
    Wind Wasp
    : 2/10 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
    Stinger Jab: ((5-3EVA)) MISS!

    Lycan: 20/20 HP -- EN: 2/5 -- HATE: 2 --
    Snake Bite [2x1]: ((2+2ACC))


    Wind Wasp: 2/10 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Lycan: 20/20 HP -- EN: 0/5 -- HATE: 2 --

    The audible hum of insect winds filled the air of the forest clearing where Lycan narrowly ducked under the needle point stinger of a Wind Wasp. Somewhere in this forest the <<Queen Wasp>> waited for him and between the two, more of these Wind Wasps would try to thwart him. Lycan gripped Harbinger's handle and felt it sing with energy. Lycan's body moved with the assist of Cardinal and lashed out twice at the massive bee. Again, for the third time, the wasp avoided a killing blow. It darted free from damaged like a humming bird while its legs idly twitched in front of it.

    "I hated normal bees, but..." Lycan mumbled as he held his blade across his chest for the next exchange, eyes focused on his target. "Big bees are even more annoying." 

    The two strafed twice, keeping apposing direction and equal distance. Then, as a cooling breeze rolled through the forest canopy, the wasps wings hummed a higher octave and it began its attack.

  19. Spoiler

     ID# 50550: -- BD: 1 -- CD: 2 -- LD: 11 -- MD: 6 --
    No Mats
    No Mobs

    As Lycan journeyed deeper into the belly of the beast, the illuminescent crystals that lit his way became fewer and farther between. If at all, he definitely was trying to see his way through <<low light>> conditions. He tried to squint as if that would help, but to no avail. His only method of moving deeper were the few glowing beacons in the distance. Now, these crystals had become more of a safe haven for him.

    "Hope there are more of these things deeper down," the teen thought. "If not, I'm going to have to huff it back to town for a torch."

  20. We're looking for the lower level players that are aiming to catch up to the front lines. So if you're active and interested, then you're what I'm looking for. Once we have the 4 needed interested party, we'll do an IC meet'n greet so we have an IC reason to form the guild. 

    It'll also let me get a read on you guys as players to see if we jive OCly. Sound good?

    Just need two more at the least.

  21. "Sure, sure!" Lycan commented. He graced his hand upward to produce the main menu and fanned through a few sub menus to produce the Alpha Wolf's Jawbone on her counter-top. It materialized with a light tap against her glass case. Lycan swiped his palm downward and dismissed his menus.

    "It's a bit large, but I have no worries. If you can handle an axe, you can handle this." Lycan smiled pleasantly. When Lancelot decided to take the material, Lycan would find one of two cushioned seats near the entrance and wait patiently for what she could produce. Meanwhile, he would pull up some menus, organize his inventory, and tend to his messy and tattered appearance. By the time she finished, he would go from forest ragamuffin to clean cut adventurer.

    Moments later, the girl returned with an expertly made necklace fashioned with the teeth of his kill. Lycan got out of the seat and approached her.

    "Thank you so much! This is perfect! You'll be seeing me again, Lancelot," Lycan assured with a nod. He quickly completed the trade and donned his new addition. As it fell around his neck it felt... right. Primal, strong, and a testament to his survival on Aincrad.

    "You take care of yourself! And if you need a buddy to help hunt with, you let me know!" Lycan shouted as he made for the door and left the girl to her devices.

    - (5) Materials to Lancelot
    + 1 The Alpha's Maw


    Name: The Alpha's Maw
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 1
    ID: 50698
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Lucky Charm [Tier 1]
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +2 Accuracy and +1 Evasion
    Description: Expertly bleached, sealed, lacquered, and polished set of Alpha Wolf Fangs strung together on a simple leather chord. At its center lies a simple silver medallion with the Mark of the Beast stamped into it.


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