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Posts posted by Lycan

  1. Updates we've discussed and accomplished:

    • Friendship Inventory - Ruled as an unsupported mechanic for large group sharing with liquid time as a factor. Completed.
    • New Player Guide - Agreed to a revision and actively identifying areas that need attention. In progress, barring limited staff time.
    • Player Etiquette Guide - Agreed to create a strict rule set of does & don'ts with logical punishments. To be enforced on players & staff indiscriminately. In progress.

    Suggestions that have been brought to me via IM or PM:

    • Balance of existing Unique Skills
    • PvP Viability and Rules of Engagement
    • Rework of the Merchant Profession to be more viable and useful
    • A "Rebirth" or "Harvest" system that makes player death less crushing for the writer.
    • A "Starter Package" for new players to pick up at a higher level than 1 since it creates IC conflict to have done nothing for 2 years in-game.
    • An easier to understand battle tutorial that includes the EN loss on misses and using post actions in lieu of the roll. (ex. Rolling a BD1, but saying your character searches for items in order to avoid a 2EN loss penalty and instead regaining 1 EN)

    As a whole and from a personal perspective, the entire PST, GM, and Committee staff should earnestly be the Community Representatives. Those that the Community sees as unfit for staff should be brought to light by the community in the Support Ticket area for others to weigh in appropriately. Staff, as a whole, should operate with the Community's best interest at heart while preserving a fair and balanced game mechanic across the board. As of present, the Committee, voted on by the public and staff for their respective positions have been tackling topics one at a time. We cannot seek out your voices, however, and we hope that you, The Community, will reach out to us with your problems and concerns. Thusly, we can bring them to light and make changes as necessary to continue improving SAO-RPG.com.

    If you feel your voices are not being heard, my inbox is open. I will personally see to it that your voice is brought before staff. You are also more than welcome to keep using the Support Ticket area and I encourage continued use of it so everyone may see your suggestions.

    I believe the Committee is what your staff as a whole should be. I believe that everyone on staff should be trusted to keep your best interest at heart and make SAO-RPG.com a fun place to write/play. If you have a problem with a member of staff, voice it. We volunteered our time to help the community, if it is not needed, let us know.

  2. Lycan snarled his lip and Orhalimi and the surrounding players which had all strongly voiced their decisions to move on. With his piercing yellow eyes fixed on the one dissenter from the corner of his vision, Lycan returned Harbinger to his back. Aggression was never the best solution to the problem, but aggression is sometimes the most necessary to prevent future casualties. In the back of his mind, the swordsman hoped his decision to stand down wouldn't result in a knife, sword, or axe in his back.

    "Fine," Lycan spat. "Don't think for a second that I'm not watching you. Pulling a blade on your injured comrades is not easily overlooked."

    With his words stated for anyone to hear, Lycan returned to the group gathered about the fire. He took his seat on the broken icy stalagmite and warmed his hands in the fire. He rubbed them together and brought them to his mouth with a puff of breath.

    "I'm fine with moving deeper. We should probably disband the current parties we're in. Speaking of, does anyone have the missing players in their party? Check your list and see if they're still alive."

    Lycan flicked his wrist and pulled up the user interface. He navigated to his party listing where four names should have appeared. Instead, only his name remained. The impromptu leader felt a heavy weight on his chest. He swiped to his contact list and found no trace of his three team mates.

    Dead. All of them.

    "Those monsters shouldn't have been here..." Lycan mumbled under his own breath.

    "Looks like just Jennet and Nikolai on mine," Itaro added.

    "What about you all?" Lycan asked the other survivors. "Who of us can tank and who of us has first aid?"

    "I can tank," Nikolai added.

    "I have First Aide," Jennet contributed.

    "DPS and Crowd Control," Itaro mixed in.

    "DPS," Lycan added, looking to the others.

  3. On 4/6/2016 at 11:06 AM, Husky said:

    Name: Cherry Cupcakes
    Profession: Cook
    Rank: 2
    ID roll: 55460

    CD: 11
    Tier: 1
    Item Type: Snack
    Quality: Rare
    Enchantment: [2 Herbs]

    Description: A small cupcake with mint flavor and herbal plants, increasing consumer's combat status.

    Name: Red Wine
    Profession: Cook
    Rank: 2
    ID roll: 55461

    CD: 12
    Tier: 1
    Item Type: Desserts
    Quality: Paerfect
    Enchantment: [3 Alcoholic]

    Description: A small bottle of high quality Red Wine

    Approved. Thank you for your understanding and for the edits. 

  4. I must interject and unfortunately invalidate the Commandant Pendant trade. The item was lost on Zelrius' person at the time of the death. "Friendship Inventory" is not an SAO-RPG game mechanic, nor will it be. Therefore, it was not transferred to Tristan and is not eligible for trade. Should Tristan wish to purchase a vanity item in its likeness and continue the trade, he may.

    Please PM me with your questions and should you decide to take the Vanity Item route, please include a link to the vanity item as not to confuse it with the original. If this route has been taken, I will edit this post to include the compromise taken.

    I appreciate your understanding.

  5. Please Note:

    As a ruling by both staff and the player committee, "Friendship Inventory" is not an established mechanic nor will it be. All equipment possessed by Zelrius and Ssendom at the time of their PK has been lost and will not be transferred to anyone. Tristan is free to give away only his personal belongings and the Unique Skill in his possession. The Monster Arena is a project in progress and if/when launched, will have its own specialized rewards which will be of equal or greater interest to the players. Kiru and Rebekkah have free reign over the fate of the Azure Brigade and are entitled to the Guild Hall building regardless of remaining or disbanding as they are the last of the Commandants.

    Personal Note:

    It is unfortunate to see you leave, Tristan. We hope that in time, you decide to once again take up arms for Aincrad and re-join the fight. I have not been around for your entire career, but I can speak for many that your presence will be missed. Please take care of yourself, and we'll see you space cowboy.

  6. The cave became an orchestra of voices. Some tried to huddle together to discuss a plan of action, others nursed their wounds, yet the most racket came from behind. Lycan turned toward the commotion, a player which had gathered the attention of several in his delirium.  Worst off, the situation seemed to have escalated. Sword drawn, the boy hissed a word of warning toward Itaro while Jennet pushed herself from the cave wall she had been shoved into. Meanwhile, the injured girl Hydra mentioned tried to help.

    Lycan felt the situation deteriorating. Of all places and times for this nonsense.

    "Hey!" Lycan shouted, his voice deep and fierce. He shot from his seat around the fire and Harbinger hummed from its sheath as the swordsman closed the gap. Lycan placed himself between Orhalimi and the others and motioned his arm out to keep them at bay. With his grip firm and brow lowered in anger, Lycan prepared for the worst.

    "Stand down this second!" Lycan warned. "This isn't the time nor the place! Sheath your sword or be driven out into the storm!"

    "Lycan..." Jennet sheepishly called out, placing her hand on his arm. "I'm okay..."

    The teen jerked his arm away from her touch, his narrowed eyes fixed on Orhalimi.

    "No," Lycan continued. "We don't threaten each other. There's more than enough out there that can kill us. Last thing we need is to worry about our own. If he doesn't stand down, we can't have him here. I won't tolerate a PKer."

    "I don't think he's going to do anything," Itaro added with a sneer. "He's outnumbered. His attitude just sucks. Come on Jennet..."

    Itaro motioned to his team mate and coaxed her with him as they returned to the fire.

    "What'll it be? Calm down? Or, take your chances with the storm?" Lycan hissed, gesturing with his chin to the howling blizzard just paces from them.

  7. 11 hours ago, Ronin said:

    Your Profession:  Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 4: 100/160 EXP

    ID: 55540

    Roll: 12


    Stinkfist! II

    Item Type: Two-Handed War Spear
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: 3 Slots

    • +1 DMG

    • +1 DMG

    • +1 DMG

    An extremely heavy assault spear, built for war and all the agonies that come with it. 

    The base is adorned with a fist, hinting that the weapon has a brutal secret.


    ID: 55623

    Roll: 10


    The Knot

    Item Type: Shield
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: 1 Slot

    • Regen

    A weathered, knotted piece of wood fastened with a handle.


    ID: 55622

    Roll: 12


    Ronin's Cursed Armor of the Damned

    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: 3 Slots

    • Damage Mitigation: +9

    • Damage Mitigation: +9

    • Regen: +9

    A heavy breast plate forged to endure extreme abuse and damage. 

    The surface is adorned with demonic looking creature's skulls, hinting that the armor has a darker side to it.


    Nicely logged journal by the way.

  8. Before this can be approved you should be adding at least 3 lines of written IC content per creation post. Please add these to those posts.

    Also, for the sake of logging, are these creations going into your personal inventory or are they going into your store to be sold? Your creation posts just state:


    Daily Crafting 

    ID: 55460 - 55462

    CD: 11 [Rare] ; 12 [Perfect] ; 4 [Salvageable: LD:7 = Failed]


    +14 EXP

    -3 Mat

    +1 Rare item

    +1 Perfect Item

    Please list the item details of your Evaluation into that creation post as well. This should be done for all the other items above for record purposes.

    I also notice your Journal states you have 21 materials but only used four. As of right now, your shop has used 13.

    If you have questions, please contact me by PM.

  9. 16 hours ago, Hydra said:


    Name: Portrait of Alakhir the Smith

    Your Profession: Artisan

    Your Rank: 5

    ID:  55592

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Project
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: CD +1

    Description: A portrait of the wild dance user who dissapeared long ago. It shows the user standing with their fists in the air, crafting a sword from the pure force of fists.


    Name: Fairy tail

    Your Profession: Artisan

    Your Rank: 5

    ID: 55594

    Roll: 11+1

    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Exp +1

    Description: A fairy forged from multiple kinds of stones and crystals, it has a long tail coming from the back. Depending on the way it is looked at it can be seen in blue, red, pink, gray or yellow shades.

    Edited just now by Hydra


  10. OOC Notes in Spoiler:



    Alright, moving forward, let me set some ground rules on the environmental effect. Per the forum rules environmental effects can only be negated by the Survival Extra skill. Considering most of us are in the lower echelon of levels, many of us will not have completed the Quest to earn that skill. That being said, here is the environmental effect:

    Blizzard: Each post outside of shelter does [Character Level] Points of damage per post. For example, Lycan is level 6, he takes 6DMG per post. Allania is level 13, she takes 13DMG per post.

    Setting: We are about 6 hours travel from the nearest safe zone. We were a hunting party of 4 teams of 4 or 16 players. In the fray, we lost four players and 3 are unaccounted for leaving us with 9. Of those, six of us are player characters and three NPCs. The NPC Players were the one that set the fire (Nikolai), the one who mentioned the change in weather (Jennet), and the one that asked if it was a blizzard (Itaro).

    The point of the hunting party was to explore a tip from an info broker about a material rich crystal field only accessible through a ravine in the mountainside. The team was following mountainside looking for the ravine when a field boss event proc'ed. This is the blizzard and the minions known as <Abominations>. They are a higher level than most mobs for this floor and there may or maynot be a final encounter depending on our actions in this thread. The cave we are in was one the hunting party passed. It is uncharted from the info broker map data, but does go deeper than the cave mouth everyone is currently in. Where it leads to is unknown as well as what it contains.

    Goal: The first and foremost goal of this thread is to test our teamwork and personalities. Lycan has a personal contact with an Info Broker and will provide data as they go along. While he is a lower level, he will act as a leading figure since the party lead was the one decimated in the first post (Gerald). Through this thread, I will evaluate your performances both by OC story crafting skills and IC character performance. Near the end of the thread (which may run more than a page or two) Lycan will throw out the idea of creating a guild with the players he grew closest to. That will begin the Crescent Moon.

    Loot Rules: Since this is not a Staff Sanctioned quest or event, I cannot provide loot special from the norm. As a loophole, I will buy something from a merchant to work as the end thread loot and award accordingly. It will be a perfect and I will see if my contacts can help me out with the item. It will either be a drop we find in the end field or from the boss drop. For any other drops that occur, last hit keeps the loot. That being said, players are welcome to give their loot to someone else should they see fit ICly.

    Player Stats: In your next posts, I want you to collect your stats and post them in a spoiler tag so I have data to work with to create our mob encounters and end fight. Once you post your stats, they cannot be changed and I will work with them from that point on. My signature is out of date, so I will post my stats at the bottom of this post.

    Questions: If you have any questions, you should be in the Guild Chat PM chain. Please ask them there or send me a personal PM.

    Let's have some fun. 

    As he warmed his hands by the flame, Lycan's attention turned toward the opening of the cave. There, he witnessed one of the players from the other party crawling his way into the cave. The youth's eyes widened and he shot to his feet. Nikolai, a member of Lycan's team and one who lit the flame, looked up to see his comrade rush to the injured player.

    "Hey, come on," the white-haired teen encouraged, briskly throwing Hydra's arm around his neck. "Let's get you inside. One of the others should have something to patch you up."

    With his other arm wrapping around Hydra's torso, Lycan hoisted the player up and pulled him into the safety of the cave. One of Hydra's legs left prints in the snow as he struggled to walk normally, while the other created a groove in the fresh powder from its dead weight.

    "Is it broken?" Lycan asked.

    Before his colleague could reply, several more bodies emerged from the haze of ice and wind. A girl with blond hair staggered toward the fire, familiar tight in her grip. A male with brunette hair stumbled into the clearing, his body more snow than person. Lastly, a blonde with the grin of victory on his lips, declaring supremacy over the three <Abominations> that lead them to this grim turn of events.

    "Thank you," Lycan commented toward their protector as he gently lay his injured charge near the flickering flame.

    "Do we have any idea how long these blizzards last?" asked one of the female players who made it to the cave prior to the rest. Lye remembered her name as Jennete, a Wild Arts user who partied up with with the same squad as Gerald, their leader. "I hope Gerald is safe out there. We need to search for him."

    "Don't bother," Lycan grimly added, his face washed of color from both the cold and recent events. "I saw him fall. He's gone."

    "Gerald?! No, he can't!" Jennet exclaimed, rising to her feet.

    "I saw it too," Nikolai added, rubbing his hands together in front of the fire.

    "No..." Jennet fell to her rear, expression blank in shock.

    "We had sixteen and now..." Lycan took a head count of the survivors, some in worse shape than others. "We're down to nine. I saw Gerald, Hotaru, and Kenny go down."

    "Kenny?! They killed Kenny?!" Itaro, a katana user asked. He wasn't one of Lycan's party members, but he knew the dark haired boy to be quite skilled as a DPS. Kenny, well, Kenny was a tank. Itaro gripped his face with his hand and took a deep breath. "Those bastards..." he muttered, muffled by his palm.

    "So, what d'we do now?" Nikolai asked, his stoic and expressionless features directed toward Lycan.

    The swordsman looked to his injured teammate as he settled himself.

    "First, he needs something to mend his legs. We need to treat our injuries," Lycan commented.

    "I got something," Nikolai replied as menus began to divide him from the rest of the group. In front of Hydra, a trade prompt appeared for a perfect tier one health potion.

    "It'll get you extra health, but the leg should mend over a few posts. Unless anyone has something else to remove the <crippled> status?" Nikolai continued, looking around.

    The others shook their heads quietly.

    "That should be more than enough," Lycan continued. "Like he said..."

    The swordsman nodded toward the blonde who slayed the beasts.

    "There might be more out there and that blizzard has us pinned. We'll need to wait it out. Could be a few minutes, could be hours, could be days. I'll ask my contact what he knows about the weather here."

    Lycan produced his menus and drafted a message to a contact named Axios. He met him in his first few weeks in Aincrad. Their initial meeting started on less than stellar terms, but after their run in with Lye's Beast Mark, Axios proved an invaluable resource for information. It helped to have a member of the Info Broker Guild on your friend's list.

    "We'll recoup our HP and decide what to do then. Thanks for the fire by the way," Lycan added, sending the IM and closing out his interface.

    "No problem," Nikolai retorted.

    "How're you doing?" Lycan directed toward Hydra, who had hopefully gathered himself by now.



    Level 6
    HP: 24/24
    EN: 6
    DMG: 5 (1Base + 2Weapon + 2Skill)
    ACC: +2
    EVA: +3
    MIT: +9

    Weapon: Harbinger [+2 DMG] (OHSS) - Rank 2 
    Armor: Blood Wolves' Cloak (LA) [+2 EVA +9 MIT], The Alpha's Maw (Charm) [+2 ACC, +1 EVA]

    Items At Ready:
    1 Beast Blood Elixir [+3 DMG Potion]
    Grips of the Twin Wolves (HA Gauntlets) [+3 Unarmed Damage]

    Sword Arts
    Rank 1: One-Handed Straight Sword Arts
    Slant - 1x1 - (1 Energy) - A simple sword art slashing diagonally.
    Vertical - 1x1 - (1 Energy) - A simple sword art slashing vertically.
    Horizontal - 1x1 - AoE - (2 Energy) - A simple sword art slashing horizontally in a wide area.
    Uppercut – 1x2 - Stun - (4 Energy) - A simple sword art delivering an uppercut.
    Rage Spike - 1x2 - AoE - (4 Energy) - A basic, weak skill that leaps at the enemy and follows with an upward strike.
    Snake Bite - 2x1 - (2 Energy) - A pair of brisk angular slashes chained in succession.

    Rank 2: One-Handed Straight Sword Arts
    Sonic Leap - 1x3 - (3 Energy) - A charge-type sword art that allows the user to leap at their enemy to deal a downward strike.
    Vertical Arc - 2x2 - (4 Energy) - A simple two-hit sword art that form a "V" pattern.
    Horizontal Square – 4x1 - Stun - (7 Energy) - A mid-level sword art that traces the shape of a rhombus.
    Vertical Square - 4x1 - AoE - (8 Energy) - A mid-level sword art that traces the shape of a square.


  11. "Get down!" shouted Gerald as the towering beast of a creature swung its icy club toward the hunting party. As Gerald pointed Lycan and company toward a safe direction, his avatar vanished under the heft of the <Abomination>'s club. A dash of digital glitter marked the last of Gerald's life in this world, and the next.

    The shock alone from the blow blasted Lycan to his back. Harbinger wrested from his grip and slid beneath the snow. The teen winced from the force, but forced himself to his knees and scrambled to find his sword. Like a blind kid looking for his glasses, he feverishly dashed his hands through the snow in hopes of finding the familiar feel of cold steel. With a bright shine of fortune in his eyes, his fingers kissed the hilt of his blade and he lifted it from the porcelain powder. Triumphant in his success, he neglected to see the lumbering mass of anger and fur behind him.

    "Come on! We have to go!" shouted an unknown voice. Moments later, Lycan's collar jerked him forward and into a staggered sprint. One of the many in the hunting party pulled him from his kneel and just in the nick of time. Another ground shaking thud resounded behind him, the force again throwing off his balance, but not enough to floor him. As his legs carried him in the same direction he was pulled, Lycan noticed others fled in the direction with him.

    "Hurry! If we can make it to that cave, we might be able to ditch them!" someone shouted.

    "Them?! There's more than one!" Lycan worried, taking just a brief moment to look over his shoulder. Sure enough, one had become three. As they gave pursuit, stragglers to the pack were swatted away like rag dolls. Those who were less resilient either shattered to digital ash on impact or as their bodies collided with cliffside, tree, or unfortunately placed boulder. The teen's heart pounded. He knew he was too low a level to handle the forth floor, but this gathering party expressly tried to avoid conflict. Today was not their day.

    "Damn! The weather is changing!" Lycan heard someone else cry.

    "A blizzard?" another asked.

    "I don't know, but it looks bad, hurry!"

    Lycan reverted his attention forward and maintained his sprint. The darkness against the white of the cliffside indicated the opening of the cave's mouth.

    "I can see it!" Lycan cried out, pushing himself to move faster.

    As they closed the gap, the thundering footsteps of the <Abominations> grew faint. He and the others hooked, slide, and dove into the safety of the cave. Everyone scrambled to the nearest form of cover. Still near the mouth of the cave, Lye took a moment to peek out at their pursuers. To his surprise... they were gone.

    And replaced by a rolling wall of threatening ice and snow.

    Lycan's hazel eyes widened and he ducked back into cover just as the malestrom swept past the opening. The chill and brute force of the wind buffeted him, sending him staggering backward into the cave. As a result of its natural fury, Lycan witnessed his HP drop four points.

    "It's an environmental effect," he mumbled to the others. "We can't go out there or it'll kill us."

    "We'll have to wait it out," another replied, opening their menu to produce several logs of firewood and a starter. He klacked the flint against the stone and lit the tinder. With a few chestfuls of breath, the fire took.

    Everyone who had made it piled toward the warmth of the flame, Lycan included. He looked up at the unfamiliar faces gathered around and noticed only a fraction of their hunting party had made it. Hopefully others had made it or straggled behind. Silently, he drowned himself in the thoughts of worry and despair. Only the crackle of the fire and howl of the storm broke the silence.

  12. "Well, looks like we have our guide. Animals are usually better trackers than people," Lycan smiled as he tailed the lioness, oblivious to how wrong he truly was.

    Kimba lead them to the forest's edge where the brush parted ever so slightly for human traffic to make it through. The cub deftly disappeared into foliage. Lycan, despite his best efforts, didn't make his way through as gracefully. A low hanging branch thwacked him in the forehead and as he instinctively moved his head way from it, another dry twig jabbed him in the neck. Luckily, pain was just an assumption here, but by the faint tingle on his neck, Lycan knew it would have hurt like heck in the real world.

    He emerged with leaves stuck to his attire and brushed them off, Kimba waiting patiently on the other side albeit with an amused grin. Lycan returned a furrowed brow and pursed lips in frustration.

    "Y'know we're bigger than you, right?" he asked the cub.

    As Ariel caught up, and the silver haired teen made faces at their feline tour-guide, a faint buzzing drew nearer in the distance.

  13. Lycan chuckled at his remark. In the real world, messing with bees was a masochist's game. Lycan remembered when he was a child and he kicked a tree with a hive in its branches. Winged, buzzing fury spewed forth with a vengeance and chased him back to his home. Lycan felt safe, but it wasn't until he got to the top of the stairs and halfway to his room, that one of the viscous insects stung him in the scalp. Last thing he remembered was coming to at the bottom of the steps with his parents looking over him and a dead bee kicking its last breath on one of the steps.

    "I hate bees..." he mumbled again under his breath. 

    "Alright, I'll follow you," Lycan spoke, this time louder.

    They made way through some of the forest thicket. Silence filled the gap between the two and unnerved Lye to a degree. He felt the need to open the channel of conversation.

    "So, is it safe to assume this is a much lower floor than you're used to?" Lycan probed, trying not to be completely blunt and rude. It was common knowledge not to ask about another player's level. Lycan could only assume Xion's was several higher than his own.

  14. Also, if you know anyone who would make a great leader, I am willing to create this Guild and point it in the right direction, even if someone else wants the helm. With my job and dedication to my future wife, I may not be able to dedicate 24/7 attention to operations as much as a player who is still in school or works part time. I am a great resource for ideas and have no problem leading the guild in the interim.

    However, should we get larger, I'll need points of contact to be available for decisions and leadership. After some IC and OC interactions, I can make that call.

  15. Alright, I am back from vacation and still under the weather, but I am feeling confident and ready to initiate this new guild. Again, I need at least 4 people to sign with me. I believe Kyr is inactive.

    So please post again and let me know you are interested so we can get this going. Once I have the four, I will make the Guild proposal to staff for acceptance.

    Our guild logo will be the two crescent halves of the moon (waxing & waning) joined at the curve. The color is dark blue outlined in pale yellow.

    Guild focus is leveling & camaraderie. We aim to help our own and those who show the initiative to survive. Our end goal focus on sub dungeon clearing on par with the frontline team. When we achieve high enough levels to be an asset for floor clearing, we will provide our own strike team for boss battles.

    Until then, we focus on leveling, quest clearing, and eventually sub dungeons. 

  16. Quote

    Name: Clover of Luckiness
    Your Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 3
    ID: 51633
    Roll: 11 [10+1]
    Item Type: Miniature Masterpiece
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +2 Loot Die
    Description: A wooden carving of a four leaf clover.

    Name: Bag O' Money
    Your Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 3
    ID: 51634
    Roll: 9 [8+1]
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Prosperity
    Description: A wooden carving of a pot of gold

    PM received about edits. Corrections are approved.

  17. On 3/14/2016 at 0:34 PM, Brice said:

    Name: Brice
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 2
    ID: 51355
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: Tier 1
    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Safeguard
    Description: A sky blue potion that, when consumed, negates all damage. From the next enemy that hits you.

    Name: Brice
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 2
    ID: 51361
    Roll: 10
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: Tier 1
    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: HP Recovery
    Description: A bright red potion that heals whoever drinks it. (+10 HP)


    Much better. Thank you for your diligence. Approved.

  18. 1 hour ago, Hataki said:

    Name: Apron of Aspiration
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: Rank 1
    ID: #51608
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Clothing
    Tier: Tier 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Ambition (+1 EXP for every craft)
    Description: A simple black apron that is to be worn before working on your craft so that it keeps your attire clean. At the center of it, it has a badly drawn doodle of a brown-haired guy and a black-haired girl smiling and holding hands.


  19. Quote

    Name: Frames of Clarity
    Your Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 3
    ID: 51632
    Roll: 11 [10+1]
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +2 Accuracy
    Description: A pair of thin wired frames.



    The remainders are NOT APPROVED!!!

    Roll IDs are incorrect and link to Ethereal. Please double check your work and resubmit with the correct rolls.

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