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Posts posted by Lycan




    Rollbot Engaged!
     ID# 49844: -- BD: 2 -- CD: 5 -- LD: 5 -- MD: 3 --
    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1


    Combat Phase:
    Wild Wolf
    : 2/8 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Basic Attack: ((3-2EV)) MISS!

    Lycan: 9/16 HP -- EN: 1/4 -- HATE: 5 --
    Regular Attack: ((2)) MISS!


    Wild Wolf: 2/8 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Lycan: 9/16 HP -- EN: 0/4 -- HATE: 5 --


    They wove through the trees in hot pursuit. The mother, even though injured as she was, began to pull ahead. Lycan felt his legs burn from exertion, his body pushing harder and harder to give chase. She would not escape him. Lycan would not give her the mercy she likely deserved. With her pups slain and body racked with damage, he should have let her flee.

    Instead, teeth clenched, he sought to finish what he started.

    They continued pursuit and right when he thought she would elude him, her paws skid to a halt. Lycan entered the opening to see the cause of her hesitation. She turned to bare her fangs and backed herself up until she could no more. 

    Lye looked to the cliff behind her and the crags that encircled them both. Behind the boy lead the only exit. Lycan widened his stance and held Harbinger high and parallel to the earth.

    "We finish this here," Lycan growled.





    Rollbot Engaged!
    ID# 49843: -- BD: 5 -- CD: 11 -- LD: 14 -- MD: 4 --
    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1


    Combat Phase:
    Wild Wolf
    : 2/8 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Basic Attack: ((4-2EV)) MISS!

    Lycan: 9/16 HP -- EN: 1/4 -- HATE: 5 --
    Unarmed Attack: ((5)) MISS!


    Wild Wolf: 2/8 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Lycan: 9/16 HP -- EN: 0/4 -- HATE: 5 --


    Lycan charged her, blade raised and pointed toward her. The frightened and injured animal had just managed to stand. Seeing the beast the boy had become charge at her, the wolf did what her instincts dictated.

    She ran.

    Lycan stayed hot on her heels, both of them leaving wakes of light from their wounds as they recklessly charged through the forest. Lye made a lash with his blade, but she leap forward in a bound only sheering more fur from her tail. 




    Rollbot Engaged!
    ID# 49840 results: -- BD: 8 -- CD: 11 -- LD: 6 -- MD: 7 --
    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1


    Combat Phase:
    Wild Wolf
    : 3/8 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Basic Attack: ((7-2EV)) MISS!

    Lycan: 9/16 HP -- EN: 1/4 -- HATE: 4 --
    Unarmed Attack: ((8)) HIT! -- Wild Wolf: ((1-2MIT)) 1 DAMAGE!


    Wild Wolf: 2/8 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Lycan: 9/16 HP -- EN: 0/4 -- HATE: 5 --


    The gap closed.

    The boy couldn't pry his blade from the soil.

    Then, a dull thud echoed throughout the canopies.

    The boy's fist buried deep into the underbelly of the mother, his mouth open into a mighty roar. The force of the blow lifted her off trajectory, her gaping maw snapping shut just shy of his face. With continued momentum, Lycan push her body up, over, and launched her into the forest floor like a brute. Her rag doll body slammed into the ground and sent a shower of dry leaves skyward as she tumbled to a stop at the bast of a tree.

    As she struggle to stand, Lycan planted his foot next to Harbinger's blade and rocked it free from the earth. He spun his gaze toward her and bared teeth of his own. The beast mark on his arm burned with a fire that comforted him and encouraged him.





    Rollbot Engaged!
     ID# 49838: -- BD: 3 -- CD: 3 -- LD: 16 -- MD: 1 --
    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1


    Combat Phase:
    Wild Wolf
    : 3/8 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Basic Attack: ((1-2EV)) CRITICAL MISS!

    Lycan: 9/16 HP -- EN: 1/4 -- HATE: 4 --
    Sword Art: Vertical (1x1): ((3)) MISS! 


    Wild Wolf: 3/8 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Lycan: 9/16 HP -- EN: 0/4 -- HATE: 4 --


    A ring of steel cutting through the air filled Lycan's ears. To much dismay, it ended with a dull thud. No howl, no yelp, and no burst of blue data. The mother, in the opportunity given by the telegraphed move, managed to lunge herself away from the blow. His blade now lodged in the earth, she took the initiative to counter. Seeping red from several brutal wounds, the mother mustered all her rage from her fallen family and took to the air. This time, the boy would have little time to react.

    Yet, as she flew at him, Lycan stared her down with a look that could curdle blood.




    Rollbot Engaged!
     ID# 49834: -- BD: 5 -- CD: 3 -- LD: 3 -- MD: 2 --
    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1


    Combat Phase:
    Wild Wolf
    : 3/8 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Basic Attack: ((2-2EV)) MISS!

    Lycan: 9/16 HP -- EN: 1/4 -- HATE: 4 --
    Regular Attack: ((5)) MISS! 


    Wild Wolf: 3/8 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Lycan: 9/16 HP -- EN: 0/4 -- HATE: 4 --


    His blade lashed out for the injured matron. With the remainder of her strength, she narrowly avoided the blow. Wisps of fur scattered to the wind in testament to how near she avoided death. Lycan roared, his battle cry stilling her from an attack of her own. He rose Harbinger above his head, stared down at her with a lack of pity and a fire of bloodlust. Luminosity collected along the length of his blade, a hum filling the forest opening.




    Rollbot Engaged!
    ID# 49833: -- BD: 6 -- CD: 9 -- LD: 20 -- MD: 5 --
    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1


    Combat Phase:
    Wild Wolf
    : 5/8 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Basic Attack: ((5-2EV)) MISS!

    Lycan: 9/16 HP -- EN: 1/4 -- HATE: 3 --
    Regular Attack: ((6)) HIT! - Wild Wolf: ((4-2MIT)) 2 DAMAGE! 


    Wild Wolf: 3/8 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Lycan: 9/16 HP -- EN: 0/4 -- HATE: 4 --


    Harbinger crashed down on the mother, slamming her into the ground with a muffled yelp. Lycan's muscles tensed with the blow, his weight pressing down on her with all his fury. She scrambled and struggled to free herself. Each moment ticking away at her health. A desperate swipe of her claw came close to Lycan, forcing him to break the pin and retreat. The mother shook her head weakly, motes of red data scattering to the wind.

    Lycan shifted his stance, face rigid and calm, and closed the gap for another attack. They may have had the upper hand, but the boy now possessed their beastly ferocity. 




    Rollbot Engaged!
    ID# 49832: -- BD: 9 -- CD: 9 -- LD: 12 -- MD: 10 --
    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1


    Combat Phase:
    Wild Wolf
    : 8/8 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Basic Attack: ((10)) PERFECT CRITICAL HIT!!! - ((8-9MIT)) 1 DAMAGE!!!

    Lycan: 10/16 HP -- EN: 1/4 -- HATE: 2 --
    Regular Attack: ((9)) CRITICAL HIT! - Wild Wolf: ((5-2MIT)) 3 DAMAGE! 


    Wild Wolf: 5/8 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Lycan: 9/16 HP -- EN: 0/4 -- HATE: 3 --


    Lycan turned to face her. The mother's rage was valid, and so was the blow she struck. Fangs and claws bore down on the boy. Teeth buried themselves deep into Lye's shoulder, a near miss at the neck. However, with a mighty roar of his own, Lycan's free sword arm rose up and plunged deep into the mother's gut. The response to the blow freed his shoulder and he shoved her from him. Both put distance between one another. Lycan gripped at his injured arm, his breaths labored. The mother struggled to stand, but did so with bared teeth and a growl.

    Red motes of light drifted from both of them, each just one scratch from a foot in the grave.

    The mother prepared to lunge.

    Lycan bared his own fangs, the mark of the beast resonating with his personal fury and determination. Blade at the ready, and ignoring the pain, Lycan moved.

    The mother took to the air, claws outstretched.




    Rollbot Engaged!
    ID# 49830: -- BD: 8 -- CD: 1 -- LD: 10 -- MD: 3 -- 
    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1


    Combat Phase:
    Wild Wolf
    : 8/8 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP -- DMG: 1 -- MIT: 0
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Basic Attack: ((3-2EN)) MISS!

    Lycan: 10/16 HP -- EN: 1/4 -- HATE: 1 --
    Sword Art - Vertical (1x1): ((8)) HIT! - Wolf Pup4 DAMAGE! 


    Wild Wolf: 8/8 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Lycan: 10/16 HP -- EN: 0/4 -- HATE: 2 --


    The mother went again for the throat, an attack all too well telegraphed with open maw, claws outstretched, and a bounding leap. Lycan ducked underneath and rolled the beast from him with his forearm. The mother continued her flight, offset by Lye's shove and buckled her landing, unscathed. However, as she landed, the remaining pup took flight.

    With less targets to worry about, Lycan read the attack, gauged the distance, and Harbinger sang from its low position skyward. Like batting a baseball back in the real world, it connected with a sickening cry. At the apex of the swing, the pup's corpse flew to the low hanging branches of the nearest tree and shattered as it struck wood.

    The howl behind Lye raised the hairs on his neck. The boy turned to meet a ferocious open maw closing distance.




    Rollbot engaged!
     ID# 49829: -- BD: 8 -- CD: 9 -- LD: 17 -- MD 7 --
    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1


    Combat Phase:
    Wild Wolf
    : 8/8 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP -- DMG: 1 -- MIT: 0
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP -- DMG: 1 -- MIT: 0
    Basic Attack: ((7-2EN)) MISS!

    Lycan: 10/16 HP -- EN: 1/4 -- HATE: 0 --
    Sword Art - Straight (1x1): ((8)) HIT! - Wolf Pup4 DAMAGE! 


    Wild Wolf: 8/8 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Wolf Pup: DECEASED
    Lycan: 10/16 HP -- EN: 0/4 -- HATE: 1 --


    They were relentless. Another assault followed with no reprieve. This time, with a firm footing, Lycan made his move. The mother took charge this time, going for the neck as a finishing blow. The teen juked low and to the right as would a boxer, his sword arm coiled for the blow. He readied to strike when one of the pups came from under the mother's leap. In the continuation of his juke, Lye worked a few extra steps into a spin and skirted a rake of the claws. The pup only caught the edges of Lycan's Blood Wolve's Cloak, scattering red hairs to the canopy floor.

    Then, the opportunity presented itself. The other pup aimed to have a scissor attack apposing the opposite its kin. Now open and exposed, Harbinger sprung to life. The blade sang straight and pulled Lycan's body behind it. With a satisfying thug and heart-wrenching yelp, the blade sank deep and pierced through the pup. It pulsed, then burst into shards.

    As though connected by some unseen force, the other two unleashed a harrowing cry for their loved one. Both took an aggressive stance and sprinted at Lye.




    Rollbot Engaged!!!

     ID# 49827: -- BD: 1 -- CD: 5 -- LD: 19 -- MD: 10 --

    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1


    Combat Phase:
    Wild Wolf
    : 8/8 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP -- DMG: 1 -- MIT: 0
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP -- DMG: 1 -- MIT: 0
    Basic Attack: ((10)) PERFECT CRITICAL HIT!!! - (([8-9=1],[3-9=1],[3-9=1]))
    Total Damage Dealt: 3 DAMAGE!!!

    Lycan: 13/16 HP -- EN: 1/4 -- HATE: 0 --
    Sword Art - Diagonal (1x1): ((1)) CRITICAL MISS!!! - 2EN


    Wild Wolf: 8/8 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Lycan: 10/16 HP -- EN: 0/4 -- HATE: 0 --


    Lycan was too slow on the recovery. The beasts took immediate advantage of his stagger and lashed out a second time. The boy slashed nothing but air, and even failed to ward the pack. Coordinated as they were, the pups again took the legs. One swiped for the thigh, the other bit down where it had before, and the mother clamped her jaws on his arm.

    Lycan howled with pain of his own, and like a ravenous animal, flailed free from the beasts. He staggered backward from them with his breath labored. The bar in the corner of his peripheral ticked down to near half health. Lycan's teeth clenched and his stance firmed like Lessa had taught him. No more failures. 

  11. Spoiler

    Rollbot Engaged!!!
     ID# 49826: -- BD: 4 -- CD: 4 -- LD: 14 -- MD: 9 --

    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1


    Combat Phase:
    Wild Wolf
    : 8/8 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP -- DMG: 1 -- MIT: 0
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP -- DMG: 1 -- MIT: 0
    Basic Attack: ((9)) CRITICAL HIT!!! - (([7-9=1],[2-9=1],[2-9=1]))
    Total Damage Dealt: 3 DAMAGE!!!

    Lycan: 16/16 HP -- EN: 2/4 -- HATE: 0 --
    Sword Art - Horizontal (1x1+AOE): ((4)) MISS!!! - 2EN


    Wild Wolf: 8/8 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Lycan: 13/16 HP -- EN: 0/4 -- HATE: 0 --

    Lycan rushed his strike, again aiming to take out the two pups with one blow while scoring damage on the mother.

    As his steel began into motion, he saw their attacks were already underway. With his sword art activated, he could only watch in horror as his mistake unfolded. Both pups latched onto his ankles with their tiny teeth and as the animation for his attack ended, the mother concluded with a rake of her claws across his chest. Lycan immediately staggered, the pups letting go to avoid being swatted away with his blade. Lycan's back slammed into the trunk of a nearby tree. The dull pain from what would be excruciating wounds ached. Instead of blood, red motes of light fell from the bits and slashes.

    "This could be going better..." he grunted.

    Lycan pushed himself off the tree and readied his stance and his blade. From here on out, he'd have to take them one on one. Now, the odds were truly stacked against him. This time, he could die.




    Rollbot Engaged!
    ID# 49824: -- BD: 2 -- CD: 9 -- LD: 7 -- MD: 6 --

    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1


    Combat Phase:
    Wild Wolf
    : 8/8 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP -- DMG: 1 -- MIT: 0
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP -- DMG: 1 -- MIT: 0
    Basic Attack: ((6-2EVA)) MISS!!!

    Lycan: 16/16 HP -- EN: 3/4 -- HATE: 0 --
    Sword Art - Horizontal (1x1+AOE): ((2)) MISS!!! - 2EN


    Wild Wolf: 8/8 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Lycan: 16/16 HP -- EN: 1/4 -- HATE: 0 --


    The miniature pack lounged at him. The first to take the lead was the mother. Lycan pushed his blade out to deter her and effectively strafed to her side. Before he could manage a retaliatory blow, the two smaller pups made their strike. One of them bit low for his ankle and was easily avoided with a backstep. The other jumped up for his midsection, but a second backstep negated the pup's limited range.

    Lycan took the opportunity for a second sweeping blow. Hopefully, taking out the two smaller targets would permit him the opportunity to focus on the mother and be at less of a disadvantage. Harbinger hummed and swung wide with a miss. All three scattered to avoid its edge much to Lycan's disapproval. He needed to be faster. 

    Worse yet, he began to feel fatigued already from the sword arts. One more pass and he'd be struggling to make any advanced blows.  




    Rollbot Engaged!
    ID# 49822: -- BD: 3 -- CD: 5 -- LD: 20 -- MD: 1 --
    +1 Material Found

    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1




    Combat Phase:
    Wild Wolf
    : 8/8 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP -- DMG: 1 -- MIT: 0
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP -- DMG: 1 -- MIT: 0
    Basic Attack: ((1)) CRITICAL MISS!!! - AMBUSHED!!!

    Lycan: 16/16 HP -- EN: 4/4 -- HATE: 0 --
    Sword Art - Horizontal (1x1+AOE): ((3)) MISS!!! - 2EN


    Wild Wolf: 8/8 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Wolf Pup: 2/2 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Lycan: 16/16 HP -- EN: 2/4 -- HATE: 0 --

    With a cautious hand, he parted the foliage to get a better look. One wolf and two of her pups walked around in a clearing. The mother scratched at the dirt as if to unearth some sort of edible treat. She tasted something, but shook her mane in disgust. As she padded around the opening, the two pups engaged in friendly combat, tumbling over one another in a battle of ultimate destiny. As Lycan watched them, he noticed a bunch of berries on the branch he had set aside.

    His eyes looked to the wolves, then to the berries, and back to the wolves.

    "I can get it," he thought, reaching for the red berries. At this point, his arm poked through the cover and he tried to pick them without making a sound.


    As the berries dislodged from the branch, a loud snap sounded. Instantly, the pups stopped playing and the mother threw her snout in the air with a growl.

    Lycan swore internally, quickly setting the item to his inventory and reaching for his blade. The moment he laid his hands on the hilt, a trio of crimson red eyes met his own through the brush. Lycan clenched his teeth for his foolishness. As he drew Harbinger from its sheath, the blade began to hum and illuminate. Lycan burst from the brush and lashed out with a sweeping horizontal blow to hopefully hit all three beasts at once.

    The blade swung high, missing the two pups and the mother's instincts threw her back a step to avoid the tip. Now exposed, the boy returned the blade to his front and prepared for battle. The mother bared her sharp fangs with a threatening growl and while less intimidating, both pups joined her in this display.

    "And here I was hoping you two would have ran..." Lycan muttered, conflicted with attacking such youngsters, even if they were nothing but data.

  14. Spoiler

    ID# 49821: -- BD: 4 -- CD: 8 -- LD: 16 -- MD: 6 --
    +1 Material Found


    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +3 -- EN: +1


    Lycan: 16/16 HP -- EN: 3/4 -- HATE: 0 -

    Lycan moved at a creeping pace, the sound of shuffling brush and snapping twigs nearby. He used his hands to brace himself against the tree trunks as he maneuvered the woods. This deep, trees had become much closer than before. He had to squeeze through or move branches to make any headway. Paired with trying to remain as silent as possible, this proved difficult. As he was trying to pull himself through two massive pine trunks, Lycan's hand caught something sharp, which caused his HP to tick down by one point. With the shuffling of a nearby unknown, Lycan stifled the verbal response to the pain with a bit lip.

    "The heck was that?"

    The white haired swordsman lifted his hand and underneath, a gemstone faintly glowed, its point sticking from the park.

    "Is that?"

    Lycan tried to pry the gem from the wood and succeeded to so so with little effort or noise. With a click of a pop up, he placed it into his inventory for later review, and focused his attention on the moving shadow outside of the brush which concealed him. It looked like hostiles.

    That's right, hostiles. Plural.

  15. Feeling confident from yesterday's production, the boy set up his equipment in a similar fashion. This morning, as the sun crested the horizon, the streets were sparse with potential customers. He had hoped for a least one interested client, but with only two wares sitting on his little stand, he understood the lack of interest. Instead, he took a deep breath, generated the last of his two materials, and began to run them through the alchemical process.


    Rollbot Engaged!

    Level: 2 Alchemist
    22/40 EXP to Level 3
    Total Attempts: 3

    First Attempt
    ID# 49809: -- BD: 2 -- CD: 1 + 1 ((Alchemist's Pestle)) -- LD: 4 -- MD: 4 --
    CRITICAL FAILURE!!! - ((-1 Material Lost))
    ((+1 EXP))

    Second Attempt:
    ID# 49811: -- CD: 3+1 ((Alchemist's Pestle)) --
    BAD ITEM - ((-1 Material Consumed))
    Salvage Attempt: ID# 49812: -- LD: 18 --
    ((+1 EXP))

    Third Attempt:
    ID# 49813: -- CD: 4 +1 ((Alchemist's Pestle)) --
    BAD ITEM - ((-1 Material Consumed))
    Salvage Attempt ID#49815 -- LD: 12 --
    ((+1 EXP))

    + 3 EXP
    - (2) Materials

    Lycan carefully opened the valve on his first batch, but the moment a droplet left the tip, a blast of smoke erupted. Once it had cleared, a fine layer of soot covered himself and his stand. Lycan coughed a puff of dust and found his equipment in complete disarray. With a deep sigh, he got to cleaning and setting the equipment back up.

    On his second batch, the boy took more care in the process. He passed the fluid through the burners a little longer. When it got to the point of dispensing, the fluid came out as a thick, black tar. The process to filling the potion bottle was incredibly agonizing. When it was finally filled and capped, Lycan appraised the finished product. His face soured. The item's name was "Jar of Tar" and the description started off with the words "Do not consume!".

    "Great..." he muttered. Yet, with a little luck, he tried to salvage the material. With a little refining in the boiling flask and run off, he was able to produce an essence usable in another pass.

    Lycan quickly set to work on his third attempt. He rend the essence with some ether and extra heat, hoping it would become something usable. With his face foolishly close to the dispensing nozzle, Lycan turned the valve. The drop landed into the potion bottle and immediately evaporated. Lycan quickly turned the valve fully open in hopes of capturing some of the fluid. He slammed on a cap and held the bottle up to the light.

    It was empty.

    For kicks and giggles, he appraised it, hoping something useful was inside. Instead, it read: "Bottle of air - An empty flask full of the finest air one can breath... or is it just normal air? Who knows?"

    Lycan let out a defeated sigh. Today was a bust. With sluggish movement and the sun dipping low, Lycan set away his equipment, slammed the door shut, and sauntered off with his hands in his pockets and head hung low. 

  16. Spoiler

     ID# 49779: -- BD: 1 -- CD: 2 -- LD: 13 -- MD: 1 --
    No Mats Found

    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +3 -- EN: +1


    Lycan: 16/16 HP -- EN: 2/4 -- HATE: 0 -

    Lycan continued deeper into the forest. He carefully stepped as to remain as quiet as possible. The second floor still remained largely unknown to him. The fact he was venturing out here without a party attested either to his confidence or foolishness. Supposedly, floor two held better materials for alchemy.

    Or so Galli's notebook stated.

    Moss from trees, fungus from decaying logs, rare flowers, and even monsters with special properties existed in this lush expanse. This also meant larger, fiercer, and more aggressive foes. Lycan felt ready. With his Blood Wolves' Cloak and Harbinger, he felt the challenge was just right.

    As the boy continued deeper, he began to hear movement in the brush. Something was close.

  17. Spoiler

     ID# 49775 results: -- BD: 7 -- CD: 9 -- LD: 17 -- MD: 7 --

    Lycan no longer felt like this was a game, and he no longer felt like this was a battle. The boy simply acted. He had a target, a purpose, and a blade. The fact Lessa watched him from a distance vanished from his mind and in the wide expanse of the fields, he felt alone. Strangely, this somewhat comforted and kept him calm. As the boar came at him, he gauged its speed and momentum. Short legs, low center of gravity, and large mass hindered mobility once in motion. Lycan firmed his grip, held his blade in front of him, and waited.

    Closer, closer, and closer it came. Just a boy and a boar.

    Not a moment too soon, nor too late, Lycan sidestepped, a full picture on the animal. Blade out in front, he dropped it on the beast's back and pulled down to the side as not to let the steel get caught by the swine's momentum.

    The bellow of pain from the animal denoted success, but he didn't smile or cheer. Instead, he firmed his stance and returned the blade in front of him. As the boar shook off the blow, it started to show clear signs of fatigue. Regardless, Lycan kept his sights on target and matched the animal's strafing with his own.


    Two items made:


    Level: 1 Alchemist
    9/20 EXP to Level 2
    Total Attempts: 2



    First Attempt
    ID# 49727: -- CD: 11+1 ((Alchemist's Pestle)) --
    PERFECT SUCCESS!!! - ((-1 Material Consumed))
    ((+8 EXP))
    Name: Safeguard Potion
    Job Level: Level 1 Beginner
    Item ID: 49727
    Item Type: [Potion]
    Tier: [1]
    Quality: [Perfect]
    Enhancements: [Safeguard]
    Description: [The next successful hit to your player will do no damage.]



    Second Attempt:
    ID# 49728 results: -- CD: 10+1 ((Alchemist's Pestle)) --
    RARE SUCCESS! - ((-1 Material Consumed))
    ((+5 EXP))
    Name: Elixir of Vigor 
    Job Level: Level 1 Beginner
    Item ID: 49728
    Item Type: [Potion]
    Tier: [1]
    Quality: [Rare]
    Enhancements: [(2) Slots - 20 HP Recovery]
    Description: [In a small glass vial decorated with silver filigree, several ounces of a red fluid swish around. A basic heath elixir crafted from common field herbs. Sweet and cherry in flavor, it can restore fighting spirit to its user.]

    From the previous post and per the Profession Guide - Perfect 12 can yield a +1 CD Tool:


    Second Attempt:
    ID# 49377 results: -- BD: 6 -- CD: 12 -- LD: 5 -- MD: 1 --
    PERFECT!!! - (1) Material Consumed
    ((+8 EXP))
    Perfect Success!
    Item Name: Alchemist's Pestle
    Item ID: 49377
    Creator: Lycan (Lv.1 Alchemist)
    Enhancements: +1 CD
    Description: A professionally cured and treated pestle
    said to pull out the best qualities of ingredients
    when used to grind them down.


  19. Lycan held his hand up to block the morning sun. Another day meant another pass as improving his little stand's stock. Maybe he'd get something good, maybe he'd blow himself up? Who knows? The young alchemist reached beneath his stand and used his hand print to unlock the cabinet. He pulled out all the wares of his trade including the newly forged Alchemist's Pestle. He set them on top of the counter and fired up the burners. Water began to boil, and mixers began to stir.

    The teen opened his menu with a swipe and selected a pair of herbs. He laid one on a piece of parchment and tapped it with the Alchemist's Pestle. The herbs shifted form into a powder to which he threw into the boiling beaker. He let it simmer for a moment to draw the essence from it and with a pair of tongs, lifted it. He poured the contents into a higher container with a series of tubes and flasks connected. The liquid drained through the system until it began to collect at the tip of a dispenser. Lycan placed an empty glass container beneath it and opened the valve.


    Rollbot Engaged!

    Level: 1 Alchemist
    9/20 EXP to Level 2
    Total Attempts: 2

    First Attempt
    ID# 49727: -- CD: 11+1 ((Alchemist's Pestle)) --
    PERFECT SUCCESS!!! - ((-1 Material Consumed))
    ((+8 EXP))
    Name: Safeguard Potion
    Job Level: Level 1 Beginner
    Item ID: 49727
    Item Type: [Potion]
    Tier: [1]
    Quality: [Perfect]
    Enhancements: [Safeguard]
    Description: [The next successful hit to your player will do no damage.]

    Second Attempt:
    ID# 49728 results: -- CD: 10+1 ((Alchemist's Pestle)) --
    RARE SUCCESS! - ((-1 Material Consumed))
    ((+5 EXP))
    Name: Elixir of Vigor 
    Job Level: Level 1 Beginner
    Item ID: 49728
    Item Type: [Potion]
    Tier: [1]
    Quality: [Rare]
    Enhancements: [(2) Slots - 20 HP Recovery]
    Description: [In a small glass vial decorated with silver filigree, several ounces of a red fluid swish around. A basic heath elixir crafted from common field herbs. Sweet and cherry in flavor, it can restore fighting spirit to its user.]

    LEVEL UP!!!

    + 13 EXP
    - (2) Materials
    + (1) Perfect Item ((Safeguard Potion))
    + (1) Rare Item ((Elixir of Vigor))
    Achieved Level 2 Apprentice Alchemist

    Awaiting Approval


  20. Spoiler

     ID# 49643: -- BD: 6 -- CD: 4 -- LD: 6 -- MD: 1 --

    Lye groaned as he rose to his feet. Free from his dirt nap, the boy spit out the dirt and grass that found its way into his mouth. He rose to a knee and began to question what he was doing wrong. A few more passes and he would be lost. The thought alone gripped him with immeasurable fear.

    "What am I doing out here?!!" his panicked mind ran, "I'm going to die! I'm not ready for this! All I have is this stupid sword and the clothes on my back! Why am I --"


    The boy gasped at her tone, reality slapping him across the face as the boar barreled at him. Lye put all his weight into his bent knee and pushed off. Two handed, his sword swung from his side and as the boar passed, it bit against its side. The swine unleashed a bellow of pain.

    The teen took the moment to rise to his feet and ready his blade.

    "No," he ecouraged himself. "Not today and not here.Not to some pig."

    The boy's features now possessed an air devoid of emotion. His eyes and expression remained serious. 

  21. Lycan doubled over and staggered. His knee gave out and he found himself held up by the guard of his blade. The tip plunged deep into the grass. Though he was certain that the boar's tusk penetrated his gut, it only felt as if he was punched in the stomach. As he gathered the strength to rise, Lycan noticed the small green bar in the top left of his peripheral dip below 50% and turn yellow.

    "Damn it..." he growled under his breath.

    He stood, and readied his sword.


    ID# 49641: -- BD: 1 -- CD: 11 -- LD: 8 -- MD: 5 --

    "I can do this!" he called back to her. With that, the boy charged headlong into the combat. With teeth clenched he swung his sword like a baseball bat. He completely disregarded any form or restraint. This immediately backfired and before the blade could reach the roaring boar, the boy caught his foot against a rock. His balance faltered and his face found a mouthful of dirt and grass.

  22. The friend request popped up moment's later. Lycan looked it over briefly, his own friend's list only baring the name Axios. While he had met many people so far, not many felt inclined to add him. The swordsman selected accept.

    "Nice to meet you, Kyr. Why don't we focus on getting you some gear before we tackle mobs? Are you familiar with gathering materials?" Lycan asked. "They're worth more than Col to the smiths around here."

    Lycan had heard of a lake not too far from their current location. There, they could search the shores for washed up materials used in both tailoring and occasionally smithing. A friend of his frequented the area for crystals used in artificing and the occasional nugget of precious metal.

  23. Spoiler

    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +3 -- EN: +1


    Lycan: 16/16 HP -- EN: 1/4 -- HATE: 0 -

    The young swordsman let out a relieved sigh. Using his blade as a makeshift cane, he jabbed it into the forest soil and lifted himself upon it. Both his arm and leg still stung. Yet, by the time he was upright, the red wounds dissipated. Along with it, the pain vanished. Lycan ran his sleeve across his dampened brow and looked up to the canopy above. Sunlight danced through the leaves and speckled the forest floor with light.

    "Hmm..." the teen warmly sounded. "Dad would have loved this."

    Lycan stretched out the fatigue from his limbs before returning his blade to its sheath. Harbinger hummed happily into its furred scabbard at his back.

    "Suppose we keep hunting until the sun sets."




    ID# 49635: -- BD: 7 -- CD: 3 -- LD: 17 -- MD: 5 --

    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1


    Combat Phase:
    Wild Wolf
    1/8 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
    Basic Attack: ((5)) 

    Lycan: 14/16 HP -- EN: 0/4 -- HATE: 4 --
    Basic Attack: ((7)) HIT!!
     -- ((4-2MIT)) 2 DAMAGE!


    Wild Wolf: DECEASED
    Lycan: 14/16 HP -- EN: 0/4 -- HATE: 4 -



    +1 Material
    +40 Col 


    An open maw lunged for Lycan's next - the kill shot. A successful attack there would initiate bleed until he could pry it from himself. He had to be quick. Lycan's sword hand tensed. Harbringer's fanged tip shot up to defend its master and bit deep into digital flesh. The teen looked eye to eye with the wolf, its snapping teeth just an inch away from his face. Through its gut and out its back, Lycan's blade pinned it in place.

    "Bastard animal," the teen spat.

    The wolf pulsed, seized, and burst into glimmering fragments.




    Rollbot Engaged!
    ID# 49631: -- BD: 1 -- CD: 8 -- LD: 12 -- MD: 10

    Regen Phase:
    Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1


    Combat Phase:
    Wild Wolf
    1/8 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
    Basic Attack: ((10)) 
    CRITICAL HIT!!! ((6+2-9MIT)) 1 DAMAGE!

    Lycan: 14/16 HP -- EN: 0/4 -- HATE: 3 --
    Basic Attack: ((9)) 


    Wild Wolf: 1/8 HP (Attacking Lycan)
    Lycan: 14/16 HP -- EN: 0/4 -- HATE: 3 -


    With Harbringer held to the ready, Lycan charged the injured beast for a finishing blow. He closed in for the kill, rose his blade and bore down on his foe.

    A saying goes "Cut off a wolf's head and it still has the power to bite."

    That saying finally made sense to the boy. In it's injured state, the animal made a sudden movement not predicted by the boy. It avoided the fatal blow and managed to rend Lycan's leg with its fangs. A bolt of pain fired up Lycan's spine and doubled him over, now at the mercy of the beast.

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