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Posts posted by Snow

  1. So he was one of the first huh? He's been on the front lines that long... God, the things he must have seen...

    Snow felt her guilt deepen. She stared into her mug of tea quietly as her mind ran. To think he could remain so positive and casual after all that fighting. She thought of how she might act after all those life threatening battles. All she could picture was a shattered husk of her current self -- broken, damaged, apathetic.

    "That's a long time..." she commented. Her gaze stayed fixed on her tea as if it were to do a trick. The trick never happened.

    "Three months," Snow replied to Calrex, her voice low and soft. "Only three months. I lived not too far from here in the halfway houses. I lived with the other players too scared to leave the safe zones."

    I lived with the other cowards while you and Daire fought. While Daire and the others died. Just so I could feel safe...

    Snow shook her head and brought her mug up for another sip. She set the much back upon its saucer with a timid clink.

    "I only went to the safe zones, with..."

    With the Knights. The knights that no longer exist.

    "With a guild I used to belong to. They're all gone now."

    She turned to him.

    "I'm so sorry. Had I known how long you were fighting... I'm sorry for what I said in the plaza. You... you must've had to say goodbye so many times..."


  2. Snow frowned. The statement alone would have pained her to hear another player say. It hurt more when it came from one so young. The blonde took in a breath and stood tall and proper. 

    "Not gonna happen!" she declared. "Not with me around!

    She felt silly and could only imagine what she looked like to Assassin. Either way, it would divert the mood to something lighter. She deflated from her "heroic" pose with an exhale of air through pursed lips. She dramatically placed her hands on her knees and a waterfall of blonde hid her face.

    "Listen," she looked up through a cascade of hair. "No one is dying so long as we stick together and play safe."

    Snow righted herself and took a moment to fix herself up. She pulled a stray strand from her mouth, blinked a few times, then held a hand out to Assassin.

    "Come on, let's get back to town. I think that's enough adventure for today. Don't you?" Her lips turned into a smile.

  3. With a gulp, the blonde trekked deeper into the ruins. She decided to follow the screams despite her instincts crying out for her to turn back. If the minotaur at the entrance was any indication of what hid deeper beneath, Snow knew she would be fine. If it was any worse, she worried her screams would be the one's echoing in the halls next.

    The deeper she went, the scent of mold and mildew grew. The humidity sent her hair into a frizz and fray. The walls themselves reflected the light of the sconces as a thin sheet of slime coated them. The echo of her footsteps turned to moist sloshes and splats. At the end of the long stretch of damp dungeon, Snow saw a luminous light. 


    ID# 150006 results: Battle: 8+1 Craft: 7 Loot: 1 MOB: 10
    || HP: 200/200 || EN: 14/20 ||
    || DMG: 5 || ACC: 1 || MIT: 35 || THN: 9 || RGN: 10 || BLD: 12/8-10 ||


    • <<HIT>>  [3*5 DMG] Fatal Thrust!
    • <<BLEED>> Applied!
      [-(3-1) EN]

    ID# 150007 results: Battle: 3 Craft: 7 Loot: 17 MOB: 2
    Slime Queen
    || HP: 100/100 || DMG 30 ||

    • [-15 HP] <<Fatal Thrust>>
    • [-12 HP]<<BLEED>> (1/2)
    • <<MISS>>

    ID# 150008 results: Battle: 7 Craft: 5 Loot: 1 MOB: 4
    Slime 1
    || HP 30/30 || DMG: 9 ||

    • <<MISS>>

    ID# 150009 results: Battle: 7 Craft: 2 Loot: 1 MOB: 6
    Slime 2:
    || HP: 30/30 || DMG: 9 ||

    • <<HIT>> [9 DMG]  Basic Attack!
    • [-9 HP] <<THORNS>>


    1. Snow || HP: 199/200 || EN: 12/20 ||
    2. Slime Queen || HP: 73/100 || <<BLD>> (1/2)
    3. Slime1 || HP: 30/30 ||
    4. Slime2 || HP: 21/30 ||

    Snow emerged into another cavernous room. It reeked of decay and mold. It took everything in her power not gag. Glowing moss and fungus lined the ceiling like a starry sky. The tiled ground has all become decayed and rough. Several mounds of... sludge, or animal waste littered the room. In the center, a large puddle if blueish water steamed.

    Then, to Snow's surprise, a red marker appeared over it. The puddle came to life and beside it, two pinkish markers and smaller orbs of sentient goo. Snow fetched her spear from her back. Her sword art activated and she lunged headstrong into the largest of the three slimes. 

  4. A mocha huh? That's such a... sweet drink. Wouldn't have guessed him to be the type.

    Shortly, their drinks arrived and the server lightly bowed before leaving them to talk. Outside the window, his blue bird swooped down, disappeared, and came back with a dead animal in tow. Snow's face twisted in disgust with a note of intrigue and confusion.

    "So..." she started the same time he asked about her tea. Snow turned away, still feeling awkward and embarrassed. She diverted her attention to the ceramic cup of green tea in front of her. The girl carefully brought it to her lips and took a quick sip. The hot liquid nearly scalded her tongue. The mellow notes mixed with a slight hint of lemon, jasmine, and a touch of mint. 

    "It's good," she commented flatly. She set down her mug to cool for a little while longer. "Has some nice undertones in it. Not too much though, but just enough to make it different."

    She let the air stagnate for a brief moment while she tried to think of the words to say. He already seemed to bury the hatchet, but Snow held onto her actions with guilt. 

    "So, umm... Have you been on the front lines a long time?" Snow winced a bit at the question.

    Stupid, Alyssa. Stupid. Of course he has. God, you're an idiot.


  5. Spoiler

    ID# 149893: || BD: 10 || CD: 8 || LD: 3 || MD: 5 ||

    No Materials Found

    2 [T1 Materials]
    13 [T3 Materials]

    Shield's hand on her shoulder made her cheeks flush and an embarrassed smile cross her lips. His stoicism broke for a second time and he showed what she thought was a genuine smile. 

    "It definitely won't," she stated shyly. "I don't usually act out like that."

    Being right beside her new guild leader felt a little too... personal? Face still hot and flush, the young lady carried herself back to her own stalagmite seat. She tucked the fabric skirt beneath the steel hip plates and sat toward the lake. Even though she felt apprehensive at first, Shield somehow defused her. He listened to her, restored her confidence, and gave her a place to belong. Snow started to feel whole again.

    "Well..." Snow leaned back and let her legs swing just above the water's edge. "This day sure was better than I anticipated."

    Her legs stopped for a moment. Her memory brought a question to the forefront of her optimistic thoughts.

    "Oh yea, did you find something neat over there? Looked like you were really focused."


  6. "Don't worry about it," Snow chuckled with a smile. "You could say I like to help anyone. I'm sure that will end up with a knife in my back one day."

    Snow mounted Sif's Needle on her back again only to take a knee and inspect Assassin's wound. The cut slowly dwindled in size and thankfully didn't rupture red polygons. Snow knew the effect well, bleed. Her weapon was enhanced to cut deep and drain the life of those it touched. If she could affect monsters that way, surely some of them could do the same.

    "Looks like you'll be fine, look." By the time Snow finished speaking, the mark vanished. The blonde valkyrie stood up with a grin.

    "Lucky for you, the worst pain gets here is like stubbing your toe. After that, it feels like your leg fell asleep. Could you imagine if the pain was real here?" Snow's eyes got wide. "No thank you."

  7. After speaking with a crazed old NPC woman on the third floor, Snow went on a journey to see if she could find an animal to make her friend. The idea of having some form of companion welcome her home and keep her company in her little estate became an obsession. After days of trying to feed a willing creature, Snow concluded she needed help. Word on the street mentioned Spyglasses could be used as a temporary buff to identify better candidates for taming. The blonde’s search for a merchant lead her here.

    The building reminded her of the old temples in Kyoto. The architecture was rustic by Japanese standards but humble and welcoming. A faint lingering scent of deep, earthy yet floral smoke grew as she walked to the front doors. They slid open as she reached out and two young ladies frames each side. One with pink hair and one blue.

    Oh, hello,” Snow greeted. “I was hoping I could buy a spyglass from you?

    She assumed the two girls manned the shop. Neglecting to direct her attention to the central chair in the room ahead.

    The two pointed to the woman in the chair who drew a breath from a long smoking apparatus. 

    "800 and it's all yours dear," she spoke. "Moro, Maru..."

    The woman snapped and the two silent twins disappeared to room behind her. Snow opened a menu and sent over the col.

    The woman snapped again and the two girls arrived together. Each of them supported the same red, plush pillow with a spyglass atop it. 

    "All yours, dear. Do come again."

    "Thank you!" And Snow was gone.

    [800col sent to Simmone] [+1 Spyglass (3/3)] Acquired!

  8. Snow nodded with a smile to Galilea. A notification popped up in front of Snow with her friend request.

    "Thanks again, Galilea. Stay safe!" With that, they parted ways. 

    Snow watched the purple haired woman disappear into the crowd. She hoisted the package under an arm to free her hand and accepted Galilea's request. Her name appeared just above Opal's which permanently remained lined out.

    Maybe it is time to move on... Snow thought. Months passed and still she hadn't heard from any of her former guild mates. She hung onto the hopes they were still alive. Even if they wanted nothing to do with her, she hoped the others were still around. With a nod, the blonde continued on.

    She made her way down the streets a fair distance before the sound of steel on iron rang out like tiny bells. The marker on her map and her player icon overlapped which meant she arrived at the final step of the quest. A large, burly man hammered away on an anvil. He paused mid strike and plunged a red hot billet of metal into an oil bath.

    "Hey here, miss. That a package for me?"

    Snow nodded and approached Lyle. 


    +1 Thread SP
    +2 Quest SP
    +1 Quarantine SP
    +1 Yui's Grace
    +200 col
    +5 [T1 Rare Healing Potions (+40HP)]
    +1 [T1 Uncommon Damage Potion (+1DMG)]
    +1 [T1 Special Over-Health Potion (+50HP)]

    +1 Thread SP
    +1 Quarantine SP
    +200 col
    +7 [T1 Materials]

  9. Snow followed the bluenette to the table near the window. It was peaceful and the sight of people passing by gave her something to do beside make eye contact with the front line player. She took a seat in the chair he pulled out for her and thanked him.

    How chivalrous, she thought.

    When he came back, he handed her a menu. She took it and thanked him again. Snow could see why Daire liked him. Such manners; something especially rare online and among gamers. The menu listed only a few items, but they were all common dishes and drinks to be expected at a cafe. From the corner of her eye, she looked to Calrex and back to the drinks listed. Given her terrible behavior, she'd rather keep it simple.

    "What can I get for you two?" A young lady approached the table wearing an apron and commoner's clothes.

    "Could I just have some house tea please? No sugar." Snow ordered. Couldn't get more basic than that. 

    "House tea, got it. Usual for you?"


  10. Spoiler

    ID# 149534 results: Battle: 3 Craft: 7 Loot: 7 MOB: 2

    No Materials Found

    2 [T1 Materials]
    13 [T3 Materials]

    Snow knew she'd likely need to explain herself more. In all fairness, she did do so in a duel. So, by the system's standards, Snow never committed a crime. Still, her actions were unbecoming and fueled by misdirected anger. Before she could reply, Shield held up a finger and her words stuck in her throat. He hopped off his perch and mosied over to something on the shoreline. Curiosity got the better of her and she stood up to watch him. Like a small child, she peaked over the stalagmite he used as a seat.

    "It's okay, take your time," she called back to him. What was he doing anyway? Did he find something useful? 

    "As far as Calrex goes..." she began while he fiddled with something out of sight. "I used to have a room mate. She fought on the front lines. We used to write each other because, well, I was too scared to leave the Town of Beginnings. She wanted to fight."

    Snow folded her arms over the stalagmite and rested her chin on the cold steel of her bracers.

    "In one of the messages, she mentioned him by name. She kind of liked him. When I saw him, I-- I just saw red. I blamed him for not protecting her. I challenged him to a duel in broad daylight."  She remembered the fight and the unceremonious victory despite the handicaps it entailed. 

    "He was very understanding, honorable, and kind. When it was over, he took me to The Starlight Cafe and we talked. I felt like a fool."

  11. Spoiler

    ID# 149531: || Battle: 8+1 || Craft: 9 || Loot: 2 || MOB: 2 ||

    Snow: || HP: 200/200 || EN: 15/20 ||
    || DMG: 5 || ACC: 1 || MIT: 35 || THN: 18 || RGN: 5 || BLD: 12/8-10 ||

    • [+2 EN], <<Recovery>> Activated
    • <<HIT>> Basic Attack
    • <<Bleed>> Activated!
    • [-1 EN]

    Wolf: || HP: 5/20 ||
    || DMG: 6 ||

    • [- 5 HP]
    • [-12 HP] <<BLEED>> (1/2)
    • <<DEFEATED>>


    1. Assassin: || HP: 20/20 || EN 0/2 || 1 HATE ||
    2. Wolf: || HP: 0/20 || <<BLD>>
    3. Snow: || HP: 200/200 || EN: 16/20 || 1 HATE ||

    She didn't expect the beast to manage a counter offensive in its current state. Yet, as she had heard in a popular movie, cut off a wolf's head and it still has the power to bite. 

    "Hold on!" Snow called out, rushing to her companion's side. She felt horrible to let this happen despite seeing her lose only a small smidgen of health. 

    Snow, without ceremony or remorse, plunged the head of her spear into the wolf's neck. Its jaw loosed Assassin's leg. The small chunk of its health dwindled and the monster broke into pieces. Considering the gap in level, it left her with no rewards for the kill.

    "I am so sorry, Assassin. I didn't think it was going to be able to move after that attack. You okay?" Snow asked. She held out her hand to help Assassin to her feet.

    Truth be told, Snow played a few games before, but she still hadn't grasped many of the working of Sword Art Online. Compared to others of her level, she would still seem a novice.

  12. "Thanks, Galilea," Snow replied with a relieved smile.

    Despite her confident exterior, Snow found Galilea to be exceptionally considerate and kind. Snow didn't feel pressured or judged in her presence. If anything, she felt safe. With Galilea by her side, the walk to town flew by like a breeze. Lower level monsters ignored them entirely. When alone, Snow remembered the wolves and kobolds in the area to have red or pink markers above their heads. With her traveling companion, the markers showed yellow -- a sign that both would remain safe from combat so long as they kept distance and didn't engage.

    When they got back to town, Snow approached the NPC.

    "Ah! You've brought the ingredients?" the old man spoke at her arrival. "I was worried you might have forgotten!"

    Snow pursed her lips in an apathetic response.

    Listen, the fields were pretty busy, okay? she thought to say.

    "Sorry, they were harder to find than I thought. What now?"

    "Here, take this." Zacharia handed Snow a mortar and pestle. "Put the ingredients in there and grind them up. Do it right, and I'll have what I need for the potion. Go on, give it a try."

    Snow took the tools and set them down on the counter which divided the three of them. She gave Galilea a quick glance and a shrug. Then, with a few presses of her menus, the herbs they gathered appeared in the mortar.


    ID# 149529: Battle: 4 Craft: 10 Loot: 15 MOB: 5

    +1 [Perfect Potion]


    -Help Zakariah in his workshop by crafting a Healing Potion.
    (Roll the CD by linking it to a post.)
    1-3 = Fail, try again | 4-6 = Uncommon Quality - Success | 7-9 = Rare Quality - Success | 10-12 = Perfect Quality - Success)


    Snow worked the pestle against the bottom of the rounded bowl. The course stone of both tools ground together and mashed the ingredients into a thick paste. Only a few seconds in, the goop started to emanate a glow. A prompt surprised Snow and notified her of her success. A perfect potion had been created.

    "Oh ho! Impressive young lady!" Zachariah exclaimed. "You have a natural talent! Your first try and you created a potion as good as any I've made. Congratulations!"

    Another notice appeared indicating quest completion. Several rewards along some col and experience were listed.

    "Here, take those as a gesture of my appreciation." The old man took back his tools from her and set them beside an array of glass instruments and candles.

    Snow accepted the prompt and another one took its place.

    "Say, young lady. If you have some more time, would you be able to deliver this package to a blacksmith down the way? His name is Lyle Tealeaf." Zachariah reached beneath the counter and placed a package in front of her.


  13. Spoiler

    ID# 149521: || BD: 3 || CD: 2 || LD: 13 || MD: 6 ||

    +1 [T3 Materials]

    2 [T1 Materials]
    13 [T3 Materials]

    She lifted her finger from the crab and a small, ornate shell had been underneath it. The opalescent hues caught Snow's eye. It wouldn't make for anything useful at the shop, but maybe a cute trinket or necklace? Snow popped up another menu and added it to her inventory for later. She heard Shield begin speaking again. Her emotions on the sleeve of her armor cued him to her embarrassment. She listened, but kept her rosy cheeks from view.

    That's when notes of emotion started to carry on his words. The walls of stoicism cracked, and it identified with her. She turned herself back to him. His words of doubt made her feel validated. It was true that she hesitated to him when they first met. Guilds held a soft spot for her and while he didn't know that, joining another one carried the weight of potential loss with it. Maybe... Maybe that conflict he mentioned attributed to the chaos and disarray that lead to the downfall of the Knights of Blood Oath.

    "I guess that makes sense," Snow remarked in regards to the coincidences. If in the face of doubt everything suddenly went as expected, it would be hard not to laugh or celebrate something finally going right.

    "Truth is, I used to be a Knight of the Blood Oath." Snow confessed. "I met Opal on my first steps into the field. She helped me earn my restaurant. She introduced me to the others, and they helped me with some of the gear I'm wearing. I swear I was only with them for a few weeks and something happened on the front lines. Some famous players started killing each other. We had a funeral for one of our own members, Azide. After that, things started falling apart. Opal disappeared and..."

    A heavy breath left her lips.

    "Her name is still crossed out on my friend's list." Snow paused for a second to steel herself. "After that, I stopped hearing from anyone and I woke up one morning to see my guild marker had vanished. I know it wasn't but the timing of it all made me feel like a bad omen. Truth is, I've declined offers to join your guild a few times already."

    Snow turned her attention to his line in the water.

    "I attacked Calrex." She felt ashamed to say that. "I walked out on Mari after saying something stupid."

    Might as well clear the air. He is the leader after all...

    "And even though Galilea was nice, I just wasn't ready. In a way, it almost feels like I've already been a part of the guild. I just was afraid to lose something like that all over again." Snow huffed. Words just kept spilling out. Maybe he'd rethink the offer, she wasn't sure.

    "I guess that's why I said what I did. I'd love to meet everyone again -- clear some air. I just wanted to hear someone say it wouldn't just... vanish again."

    She shook her head.

    "Sorry for rambling."

    She turned back to Shield.

    "And thanks for sharing what you did too. I feel... better."


  14. Spoiler

    ID# 149518: || BD: 6+1+1 || CD: 7 || LD: 1 || MD: 3 ||

    Snow: || HP: 200/200 || EN: 20/20 ||
    || DMG: 5 || ACC: 1 || MIT: 35 || THN: 18 || RGN: 5 || BLD: 12/8-10 ||

    • <<HIT>> [(2*5),STUN] Twin Thrust
    • <<STUN>> Applied!
    • [-5 EN]

    Wolf: || HP: 20/20 ||
    || DMG: 6 ||

    • [- 10 HP]
    • <<STUNNED>>


    1. Assassin: || HP: 20/20 || EN 0/2 || 0 HATE ||
    2. Wolf: || HP: 10/20 || <<STN>>
    3. Snow: || HP: 200/200 || EN: 15/20 || 1 HATE ||

    From the thickets of grass, a light pink marker appeared. A wild wolf lunged for Assassin. Her reaction speed surprised the blonde. Before Snow could pull her weapon from her back, her companion and unleashed another sword art with her blade. The lancer knew dagger wielders were fast, but this was the first time seeing it in person. Unfortunately, Assassin missed her strike and thankfully, so too did the wolf.

    Snow dropped into her stance. The length of her spear took on a faint blue hue. It snapped into the wolf's legs twice and again, another monster crumpled to the ground. Two red gashes kept it grounded and easy prey for her party member to practice on. 

    "Again," Snow called out. She took a step back and gave wide berth for Assassin to act without reserve.

    Her spear swept wide and held high for another coup de grace. If her partner missed, the final blow would lie to Snow.


  15. Spoiler

    ID# 149448 results: Battle: 8 Craft: 2 Loot: 7 MOB: 4 <<MEAL>>
    <<FAIL>>, -1 [T1 Materials], +4 EXP

    ID# 149449 results: Battle: 1 Craft: 12 Loot: 4 MOB: 9 <<MEAL>>
    <<PERFECT>>, -1 [T1 Materials], +11 EXP

    ID# 149450 results: Battle: 7 Craft: 5 Loot: 9 MOB: 3 <<MEAL>>
    <<FAILED SALVAGE>>, -1 [T1 Materials], +5 EXP

    ID# 149451 results: Battle: 4 Craft: 9 Loot: 16 MOB: 3 <<DESSERT>>
    <<UNCOMMON>>, -1 [T1 Materials], +6 EXP

    ID# 149452 results: Battle: 9 Craft: 9 Loot: 10 MOB: 4 <<DESSERT>>
    <<UNCOMMON>>, -1 [T1 Materials], +6 EXP

    -5 [T1 Materials], +32 EXP, +1 [Perfect Meal], +2 [Uncommon Dessert]

    Profession Level up! Rank 4!!

    Items Acquired:


    Name of Dish: [Fortune Cookie]
    Dish ID: [149451]
    Chef Experience: [Rank3]
    Tier Level: [One]
    Dish Type: [Dessert]
    Quality Level: [Uncommon]
    Enhancements: [+1 LD]
    Description: [An almond flavored cookie in the shape of a crescent. Inside contains the message, "Determination is the key ingredient for success." On the back of the slip of paper are lucky lotto numbers: 4, 9, 16, 3]

    Name of Dish: [Fortune Cookie]
    Dish ID: [149452]
    Chef Experience: [Rank 3]
    Tier Level: [One]
    Dish Type: [Dessert]
    Quality Level: [Uncommon]
    Enhancements: [+1 LD]
    Description: [An almond flavored cookie in the shape of a crescent. Inside contains the message, "How you perceive and how people perceive you defines your experiences." On the back of the slip of paper are lucky lotto numbers: 9, 9, 10, 4]

    Name of Dish: [Crunchy California Roll]
    Dish ID: [149449]
    Chef Experience: [Rank 3]
    Tier Level: [One]
    Dish Type: [Meal]
    Quality Level: [Perfect]
    Enhancements: [+2 PTN, +1 MIT (+2 DMG,-5*Tier MIT)]
    Description: [A variation of a traditional maki-style roll popular in the States. Imitation crab, cucumber, and avocado rolled in nori with white rice outside. Toasted sesame and fried onion crumbles top the roll with a drizzle of spicy mayonnaise to keep it all together.]


  16. Spoiler

    ID# 149444: || BD: 9 || CD: 8 || LD: 13 || MD: 10 ||

    +1 [T3 Materals] Found!

    2 [T1 Materials]
    12 [T3 Materials]

    He laughed at me.

    Snow's stern expression softened.

    Mari laughed at me too...

    Her posture slouched.

    Was it something I said...? Why is it every time I open up, someone laughs... I feel...

    Snow deflated. Her cheeks flushed red both from embarrassment and frustration. Maybe she had much more to learn after all. In retrospect, she said something asinine to the situation both times. First, asking let Mari lean on her for emotional support when she clearly out leveled her and had stronger fortitude. Now, asking for a promise to keep her greatest fears from happening again from someone who already fights to prevent it. Still, she felt with Shield's help maybe she could see these things through herself. Then, maybe her concerns and fears wouldn't weigh so heavily in her actions.

    With a forced laugh and painted smile, Snow took Shield's hand and shook it.

    He returned to his fishing, and Snow returned her gaze to the placid and clear lake.

    I won't be a burden anymore. I'm going to get stronger and live for those who can't. That's my goal. That's what will keep me going, okay Alyssa? You got this, she internally pep-talked to herself.

    They can laugh, its okay. It's a big deal for you, but that's what they've grown to know as normal. That's why it's silly. It's not you. It's the difference in you and them. You'll get there. Give it time.

    With a deep breath, she nodded to no one. She kept herself composed before she completely collapsed upon herself like with Mari. She convinced herself to have a little bit tougher skin. ...and maybe be less vulnerable.

    "What's the twenty fourth floor like?" she asked to break the silence of her internal monologue. Snow glanced down to see yet another one of those little albino crabs staring up at her with pincers raised. 

    Really, you too?

    Without ceremony, she booped it with a finger square in the back and added it to her haul for the day.


  17. Spoiler

    ID# 149432: || BD: 7 || CD: 1 || LD: 9 || MD: 5 ||

    No materials found!

    2 [T1 Materials]
    11 [T3 Materials]

    That's right... Snow thought at his offer. Part of coming here was to listen to him talk about his guild.

    Snow watched Shield's lure gently swim about nearby. His control and movements caused the bait to wiggle and dance as though alive. Despite the skill displayed, Shield looked as though he were somewhat bored. He met her gaze as she watched him. She wanted to turn away but she couldn't. She felt sad, but not because of her own repressed memories. She saw isolation in his eyes. Something tugged at Snow's heart. She felt Shield had many more stories to tell but chose not to share them. Stories maybe one day he would divulge in confidence to someone that made him feel as comfortable as he made her.

    Her stare, for a moment, began to make the silence uncomfortable. She blinked, and looked away.

    "I've met a few of them," she admitted. "Gallilea, Calrex, Mari..."

    Some of them even asked her to join the guild. Yet none of them truly made her feel the way Shield did. A few of them Snow would be embarrassed to see again. Yet, like earlier, puzzle pieces started to fall into place with Snow. The felt her place in Aincrad starting to take form again, and the piece of the puzzle called 'Snow' fit somewhere in it.

    "Shield," Snow looked back to him with courage in her eyes. Her posture straightened. "I want to join Jacob's Ladder, but I have a condition."

    I don't want to lose anyone anymore. I don't want to be a burden anymore. I don't want to be weak anymore.

    "I want you to help me make sure we never lose anyone in our guild. Teach me, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that happens. I can't lose anyone else." Snow's heart raced. Fire burned in her eyes. She'd never think to say something so assertive to a man like him, but she steeled her resolve. She was ready. She had a path.

    "Can you promise me that? Can you promise me you'll do whatever it takes?"


  18. "O-oh," Snow stammered. She looked at the tavern and the little cafe further down. Her eyes met the soaring blue falcon in the sky and back to Calrex.

    Is he directionally challenged? Maybe he's...?

    Snow stopped her train of thought. She didn't know him, but he surely had enough skill to make it to the front lines. Judging him as inept would be foolish and rude. She was plenty of both and needn't compile her shortcomings. She continued to follow Calrex until they entered the cafe. She followed behind him with a small ring of a brass bell to announce their entrance. Small and quaint, the interior looked as though it has seem many regulars. The person behind the counter waived. Did they know Calrex or was that just NPC hospitality?

    "I see you didn't bring Oikawa this time," the person mentioned to Calrex.

    "Wow, you must really frequent here. Do you have a regular table?" Snow asked. She felt nervous despite the few patrons in the cafe. They all seemed to mind their own business as regulars tend to do. 


  19. Spoiler

    ID# 149424: [] BD: 3 [] CD: 8 [] LD: 16 + 2 [] MD: 1 []

    +1 Material

    5/5 Obtained
    Objective Complete

    Snow heard Galilea. Silence served as the reply. She searched inside herself for an answer. Would she be useful? Would she only be a burden? Orange players like Opal, would someone kill them off too?

    Snow knelt down and gripped a leaf between her fingers. She took a moment to feel its texture, its fragility. She thought of herself as the leaf. The blonde plucked the leaf from the bush and another appeared in its place, a mechanic preventing change to the background of the game. Except Snow would not be so fortunate. She looked to the bush at its entirety. The many leaves making up one solid plant. Its roots ran deep and unlike a leaf, it could not be so easily plucked from the earth. The young woman's chest raised and fell with a deep, brooding breath. She stood and faced Galilea with a courtesy smile.

    "I appreciate the offer, Galilea. You are very kind. I just... don't think I'm ready," Snow admitted. The statement held some deep wounds and longing. She wanted family. She wanted friends. She also felt undeserving of them. She felt she needed to have the strength to protect them so she wouldn't lose any more of them. If she lost another guild...

    A little prompt appeared between them. All the items for this phase of the quest had been obtained. The leaf she plucked earlier must have been the final step!

    "Well look at that! Last one, finally!" Snow's voice switched gears entirely. Authentic enough, for she had plenty of practice. "How about we head back to the NPC and make that potion for him?"

    There was another pause, a crack in the charade. 

    "If I could have some time, I might be ready. I hope that's not too selfish..."

  20. He seemed genuine and kind to Snow. His mannerisms were relaxed and he seemed to value being comfortable. Snow felt more and more guilty for her actions. A part of her imagined what demons he had to fight under that calming exterior. To think someone like this saw so many players lose their lives... Either he coped with it well, buried the memories deep, or didn't care. The latter seemed unlikely, but as Snow thought more, she wondered.

    "Okay," she acknowledge and kept on his heels. Her head kept to the cobblestones of the street. Every few steps, she would look up to a pair of hawk eyes gunning her down as if she were a threat, or prey. Finally, his pet took to the skies again. Snow slumped and breathed out relief. She already felt terrible. The judgement from a bird was a bit much.

    When the two arrived at the entrance of the Tavern, it seemed homey and welcoming enough. Snow had collected herself enough not to look like a complete mess, but still harbored guilt, embarrassment, and endless questions for Calrex. 

    Most of all, she felt fortunate that he was willing to talk to her -- a no name girl struggling to cope with a world others have long since embraced and fought.

  21. Spoiler

    ID# 149267: || BD: 5 || CD: 12 || LD: 19 || MD: 10 ||

    +2 [T3 Materials]

    2 [T1 Materials]
    11 [T3 Materials]

    "Life Mending..." she repeated. Snow made mental notes. She heard him talk about minimal skill investment and the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. If she could heal and also be able to contribute to the fight, that would be ideal. That meant she could provide players with more skill the support they needed and also keep herself alive. She wouldn't be a burden, only an asset. 

    Snow pulled up her own menu. She swiped to her skills and scrolled to the only two she had at the moment. Compared to Shield's set up, she had plenty of room for growth. If she focused on defense, took those abilities he showed her, and added in a few skills to help with keeping the enemy out of the fight, it would be perfect. She knew she wasn't suited for combat and just taking the blows all the time like Shield sounded horrifying.

    Snow dismissed her menus.

    "Okay," she stated confidently. She got off her rear and stood up. "My mind is made up. That's what I want to do."

    She walked to the other side of Shield's impromptu seat and found a fragment that would serve as a smaller, lower stool than his. Hopefully it would prove better than the rocky ground. When she went to sit, she bounced right back up. Her hand rubbed at her butt while she examined the culprit being two small snails in pointy shells. What was with things trying to attack her down here? Snow loved nature, but caves were pointy and out for her.

    She picked up the two meaty snails with a raised brow. 


    She never had it, but why not give it a shot? She finally took her seat beside him and watched him fish.

    "Thanks for showing me a few things." She hugged at her knees. "I feel a lot better now. Thanks for coming with me too. It's nice to have company."

  22. Snow snapped her weapon onto her back and hurried to the ruin's entrance. Rushed down the stairs into darkness. Vines and webs assaulted her face as she continued, eyes still adjusting to the dark. When the stairs leveled out, it seemed to open into an array of rooms and tunnels. Several small sconces afforded dim light to the darkness. It was enough to navigate, but hardly enough to see everything. The floor was cracked and mangled. Marble tiles were lifted by roots and damp earth took the place of large patches of missing squares. The four walls that made up the chamber had several pitch black entrances to even more hallways. Some looked traversable, others had been caved in or taken over by growth.

    How big is this place?

    Snow snapped her head to the direction of another blood curdling scream. It came from one of three doors in the far back. The blonde took a deep breath. She felt this quest was about to take a turn for the worse.

  23. Spoiler

    ID# 149265: || BD: 8 || CD: 6 || LD: 12 || MD: 5 ||
    1 [T3 Materials] Found!

    2 [T1 Materials]
    9 [T3 Materials]

    Snow nodded and watched as he went through the menus. She didn't know there was a healing class. It perked her interest. As he went through the list, it began to make her think of the amount of effort it would take. Would she still be able to do quests by herself or would she need help? Healing appealed to her, but she worried about her longevity.

    "Hmm..." Snow looked out to the lake and pondered. Her gaze drifted down, toward her feet where she noticed another glint of crystal. She bent forward and picked it up in her fingers. This time, it looked like a cluster of inverted cubes. Instead of clear, the green formations were murky as though tea with milk. It reminded her of a pendant Galilea gave her. Perhaps it was the same kind of stone? Maybe she could ask her to make something of it?

    "I think I like the idea of healing," Snow admitted. "But I'm also worried about not being able to defend myself."

    She turned back to Shield and stretched a little bit. She shifted herself around on the shore.

    "Is there something like... a tanky healer? Or... like a healer that can apply status effects? Something with more utility?" She had no idea what she was talking about or if she was wording it right. She did know, however, this was a game of trade offs.

    "I... I don't want to always have to rely on people. But I do want to help and protect them..."


  24. Spoiler

    Out of Combat Post 2/2
    <<Rested>> Activates!
    [HP Full]
    [EN Fully Restored]
    Snow: || HP: 200/200 || EN: 20/20 ||

    Didn't choose her name? Thought I wouldn't help her?

    The name popped up in the corner of her vision: Assassin. How ominous. As well as her health. Snow raised a brow.

    "Well, I would have helped regardless. Some players in town who don't fight at all were scared off by it. I just wanted to lend a hand."

    As they walked, a moment of silence stood between them. 

    "You haven't been out in the field very long, have you?" Snow asked. They arrived at a large opening. Tall grass and rolling hills stretched far and wide. Several yellow markers hung above the top and moved in the distance. Deep grunts could be heard everywhere. While usually used to harvest meats for cooks, the field also proved a great starting ground for new players. It seemed though, that Assassin was well versed in games. More so than Snow. To have picked it up so quick and at a younger age...

    Were she my level, I'm sure I'd be the one needing protection.


  25. Spoiler

    ID# 149260: || BD: 5 || CD: 1 || LD: 15 || MD: 7 ||

    +2 [T3 Materials] Found!

    2 [T1 Materials]
    8 [T3 Materials]

    Healing? Another concept Snow had not considered. Given her low level, the ability to branch out and specialize didn't feel like much of an option. All she currently needed to worry about was survival. Yet, the idea of healing appeared to her. What a better way to help people other than to keep them alive?

    "I--" Snow paused on the statement. She worried he would judge her on her naivety. Yet, she felt comfortable enough around him to let it go. "I didn't think healing was a thing here. I mean, I know there are potions, food, and special armor that heals. I just didn't think you could use them on another person in a fight. But, I guess, when the bosses hit hard and they're focusing on you, there isn't much room to grab a bite, is there?"

    She laughed at her own statement. Then again, if he could stand against the blows of the worst things on Aincrad, he could likely scarf down a granola bar or energy drink in the midst of being wailed on. Given how laid back he was, Snow could visualize it.

    The thought spurned her into a laugh that closed her eyes. After a short while, she shook her head and dabbed her eyes dry.

    "I could see it though," she giggled. "I guess I still have a lot to learn."

    But I think I'm getting more comfortable knowing what to do... Thanks, Shield. She kept internally.


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