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Status Updates posted by Nikodemus_Blackwood

  1. Well, looks like I will be holding off on doing <<Guardian of Fire>> and <<The Iron Guardian>> for a bit til this all gets fixes as no one is RPing right now.

  2. Well, things just got... interesting at work... I think I may be hiding beneath my desk for a bit...

    1. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      Yea. I was sitting here when someone hurried over and said they heard another employee tell a young lady that he was a terrorist after she mentioned she was lesbian. Now the whole office is on edge while it's being "looked into" by management.


    2. Khrysaor


      Okkkk, something is seriously wrong with that statement.

    3. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      Agreed. They are running a background check I guess. I have no real clue. I just know that those who have heard are all on edge because of this... I am seriously thinking about leaving early and taking tomorrow off...

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  3. What.... The.... Utter.... [CENSORED].... I just.... I mean... WHY?!?

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Ebony


      Sorry, i was in calculus. I'll see if I can get a screenshot for you, seeing as you dont seem to believe me. I would also welcome anyone in skype chat to scroll up and look for it as well if you want to think im making it up.

    3. Ebony
    4. Takao


      Neato. It doesn't really effect me in the slightest though, so I don't care too much. I said I was fine with killing them hours ago.

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  4. Whelp, I only need another.... 82 SP to make my armor, weapon, and buy a couple mods for them... Tis all good! *Sighs*

    1. Hakai


      Bro, I need about 300 to complete my build.

    2. Nikodemus_Blackwood
  5. Whelp, just did todays crafting... a poop item, and a failed craft... yay! Poor Ratatosk will be waiting for a couple days before I get his free item to him.

    1. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      Sweet. Thanks Ratatosk. Hopefully I will get a good craft tomorrow and can get your something decent for your troubles!

    2. Ratatosk


      Expect some 10+ mats in your shop by this Friday

    3. Nikodemus_Blackwood
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  6. Whelp, Nothing like beating an enemy mob to death with your weapons handle for 1 damage over.... waaaay to many posts....

    1. Takao


      this is why momma always told you to drink your milk, kids.

      the monsters listened.

    2. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      Yup. I ran outta energy. Thankfully Hydra knocked the wench down to 11 HP, and my thorns and 1 base DMG did her in.

    3. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      whole verdammt thing took 38 posts all together... I message Hikoru to see if he'd lock it, and I think he is overwhelmed with it the sheer quantity

  7. Whelp. I am out for the night. Hopefully by tomorrow my 3 weapons will be approved. Cya all later.

  8. Whelp. I will be back in a about 10 hours or so. Off for the night. Cant wait to kill a bunch of minotaurs!

  9. Whelp. Soon as all my RP's I have completed and submitted for today get approved and locked by Staff, I will officially be 5 SP away from Level 25! YAY! I'll also have Rank 4 One Handed Battle Axe and the matching Sword Arts!

  10. Whew! Finally got my Shop thread cleaned up and upkeep done. Now just waiting on my most recent thread to be closed, then I am caught up and ready to start new RPs/quests/help!

  11. Why did I decide soloing <<Secret of The Forest>> was a good idea? 2 Nepents have been tagging me with hits every post, and I am rolling bunk on my attacks!!!

    1. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      I'm not dying so much, just not getting GD hits!!! They are doing 1 DMG each as my mit is 30, and their dmg is 2, then plus another 2 per crit... but i mit it down to 1... so they have been chipping away at me for 5 posts, i regen, then they chipped at me for 2 posts before both fell to thorns... Now I have to kill the damned Variant, and hope it drops the Ovule on the first attempt...


      And help would be awesome, but since it's set as SP and I accepted it as solo'd, I thought I couldnt adjust it after the first post.

    2. Baldur


      Yea, you gotta keep going solo. You can get it though! I believe in you and your thorns!

    3. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      Thank the lord for <Thorns>, <Accuracy>, and <Regen>!

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  12. Why is it that from 1 PM to 5 PM there are only 2 calls an hour, then at 5:30 pm right as I am coming back from my lunch time, we get a constant flow of 20 calls on hold, and no matter what that number never lowers?!?! Oh yea, People procrastinate and realize today is the last day of the month. *glare*

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