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Posts posted by Lee_Song-Fang

  1. The slit-eyed man would listen as she seemed to be dressed for movement over all things to which he would cross his arms and nod his head in agreement. Like all games, clothing and armor came with its pro's and con's and female characters tended to get the more...revealing sets as compared to their male counterparts. He would then shake his head to her answer if it was a problem "Not at all, everyone has the right to wear what they want so why would I judge. I actually used to have a whole closet of clothes in the real world and in a number of games I used to play and at some point, I plan getting that kinda wardrobe in this game too."

    He actually seemed to brighten up as he began to talk about the clothes but he brought himself back "But your outfit complements you well. The colors definitely draw attention and your eyes are quite the attention grabber themselves."

  2. Lee was pleased that his invitation was accepted so that any negative actions against one another on accident would be avoided. Lee would then bring his attention toward Date about them offering to help "I'm more than willing to help." Husky spoke of following him and simply taking in the sights and it was then that they had truly began. It was not long before they had entered a battle and as they did, Lee Song-Fang would reach over his shoulder and pull his broadsword out and around into both his hands and as Husky spoke of taking on the monsters, he would charge what seemed to be a skill without a weapon but was thrown off.

    This looked to be bad but in the end, the armor the character wore seemed to reflect the damage back on the monsters in a very self-destructive manner and like that, it was done. Lee would let his sword be held in just one hand and let it rest its edge on the ground as he would speak "Well, you were not kidding about enjoying ourselves. So you fight unarmed?" He would look around to see if anything else had fallen but it would seem nothing had escaped.

    ID: 55445 LD: 8

  3. The male player would listen intently as Rae would speak about the real world in which she was actually good at making friends with others without much problem. Though, these relationships would end up turning sour after awhile and that i where the problem seemed to lay. She then seemed to go from her delightful demeanor to a lack-luster one. This could not stand for him though she would brighten back up just a bit at his comment which was good "Oh yeah, I'm pretty much sold on this.

    Which brings me to another question, what made you come up with that outfit? A pure positive statement by the way. Just wondering as I went with the simple and bland white." He would raise and arm as if to show it off.

  4. Lee was pleasantly surprised to hear that Rae was on the hunt for her own group of individuals to call friends and that she wasn't lacking in the department as she had come across some people. Lee would smile at this fact as even if it wasn't his own, he felt everyone should enjoy the company of others to his kind of degree but she would bring up a limit. She would then make a comment on her appearance before him to which he would chuckle "Yes though it was a happy accident. I am already enjoying the day far more than i had originally. So, what did you mean about a certain limit? Oh, and..." He would then open a screen and send her a friend's request.

  5. Lee would nod as she would go on about the simple reasoning's for what she was doing and it was her level that controlled most of it. That it stopped her from venturing out of the safety of the town and between the monsters and the player killers, it wasn't all that tempting. "Well, it would seem that we are at least on the same level in terms of, well, level. That, and dying is not really high on our to-do-list." She would go on to ask if her was from around this particular part of the area to which he would shrug his shoulders and nod hesitantly "I guess you could say that. I do tend to stick around this part of town a lot since I've come across it but I've been moving around trying to make friends and see people. I enjoy company and more than that, helping."

  6. He would raise his head and then nod it at her speaking that it was pleasant to meet him as well. She would then ask if he would like to move the conversation somewhere that they wouldn't get run over by some unknowing passerby. "By all means, I'm sure this isn't the best place to hold a conversation." He watched as she looked around and seemingly found what it was she was looking for. She would move herself to a bench and take claim to a seat on it and then ask if he wanted the other half to which he would nod "I think that I shall." He would pull himself up off the ground and make his way to the seat itself and sit while looking over to her "So, what brings you to this side of town?"

  7. Lee would watch as the face of the female player turned almost the same color as the rest of her clothes but after a moment of pause, she began to speak about interrupting. She would apologize for this act and then introduce herself to which the silver haired player would raise a sleeve to his mouth to hold in a minute amount of laughter. He would then shake his head lightly and lower his hand "No need for apologies, I enjoy others, no matter how it, and beg my pardon, falls into my company." He would then place his hand onto his chest and bow his head "It is a pleasure to meet you Rae. I'm Lee Song-Fang, Lee for all intensive purposes."

  8. The white clothed player would continue to admire the setting he had created for himself. The way the sun reflected off of both the waters surface and the flat side of his blade. Normally, this would usually end up being his day and he had no problem with this though it would seem that this would not be the case. There was a sudden thud and his head would quickly turn to see a female player on the ground to which he would turn over to have himself sitting facing her now with his hands in his lap "Nothing wrong with being a little clumsy, it makes for an interesting day, everyday."

  9. The silver haired player sat in the Town of Beginnings, more specifically the pond at the southern side. He had a long broadsword withdrawn and laid on one of his knees as he let his sleeve of one arm run across it, as if he were running his finger up and down the broad side of the blade. It was a small upgrade form his past blade but it was still something to admire over the simpleness of what he had prior. He had actually thought about heading out of the town to scrounge for some materials but at the very same time, he did enjoy where he was and like any player, when given some new equipment, he enjoyed it

    "One way or another, it'll come out the way it should and I'll be able to enjoy it when I do it." He was of course speaking of finding the materials. Though, the thought of seeing another one of his friends or possibly making new ones was an even greater prospect.


    The other player had called themselves Date to which Lee would commit to memory along with Husky's and it seemed everyone were okay with one another to a point. It would seem that Date would be looking for something himself, seeming to be something called a nepent. Husky would comment that this was part of a quest that he had done himself and that it could be problematic if one wasn't careful and would offer assistance. Lee would raise an arm so that his hand would slide into view from out of his sleeve. "I would like to propose a small group to better the chances of any sort of negative things befalling any of us. It could also make things go by a lot faster too."

    He would open his menu and with a flick of his wrist and a swift motion, he would send a friend request to Husky and then to Date. "It would also be fun. I haven't really fought much yet so being on a team would be enjoyable."

    ID: 55275 LD: 11

  11. OOC: Presents are always worth wait and thank you by the way for these

    The silver haired man would look to the blacksmith as he seemed a bit...displeased and for a moment and he thought that it had something to do with himself specifically. Lee would be handed what was deemed a simple broadsword that gave more damage than his normal weapon and he would take it with a smile "Thank you Mack and it is more than I had organically planned to have and as for armor, I'm taking a different route so, once again, thank you greatly." The white clothed man would bow slightly in the red headed man's direction before waving farewell with his new sword resting over his shoulder.

    {Exit Lee Song-Fang}

  12. Dom's words were something in and out of their own as he would talk about how putting one's best foot ahead is what really changes things. Dom would talk about how he took the game by the virtual throat and strangled it till it submitted. This was also why the Azure brigade came forward and asked him to come into the fold and that was before he was like he was now which made it all the more impressive. Lee would take in a deep breath and nod his head in a firm agreement, feeling as if he did say something, it would simply ruin the atmosphere. Dom would then make a drastic change as he talked about how he had been taking a break for long enough and that it was time to hit the grind once more and he would then come into what it was Lee would see to be the player that Dom had been speaking about.

    The change was like as if Dom he was speaking too wasn't a real thing anymore and replaced by what he was describing as the Berserker and as he left, he told Lee that he would be seeing him on the front lines to which Lee would stand firm and nod his head in agreement "I'll make sure to do my best and then some." He would then take in a deep breath and exhale as he would turn toward the field and wondered just what it would be like to have that kind of power and with renewed vigor, he would make his way back toward the town, with a new goal in mind.


    Both Players get 1 SP and Lee Song-Fang gets 400 Col(Ssendom is giving the col to him)

  13. Lee would smile just a bit brighter as his request was met with acceptance and we rather happy with the fact that she also seemed cheerful with the offer "Thank you kindly Katsumi." It was something he had made a point to try and get the ID's of people in order to better help them when the occupation arose when he would be in the position to do so. He gave way to pause as Katsumi would then bring up the point that he had actually given her his actual name to which he would place a finger onto his chin in a mild point of bewilderment as she would go on to say that it would be rude for her not to say her own at this point and that she was actually an article writer for a game magazine which reminded him of another friend he had that seemed to be in the same field of work. "You didn't have to tell me and I really am sorry if I made you think you had too. I just figure what could be the harm given our current situation."

    He would then move his arms to his sides "I think I might, I read a lot into games from gamer magazines though I tend to be a more hands on than anything." As she would bring up what player he had seen, he would nod in agreement "His name was Dom annnndddd...." He would look down at the book he was handed and use his finger to skim through the names and found the only one that would seem appropriate "...Dom....Dom...Sen Dom, Ssendom."

  14. The slit-eyed player would nod in total compliance as she agreed with him. "I know, right? I think my knack for trying to fix things goes to peoples problems and issues even if it isn't the most sane or healthy thing to do sometimes." She would then come to comment about the guidebook and just one of the many interesting subjects within and it just so happened to be on the subject of strong players and she would flip through the book to said page to which he would raise a finger and comment. "It is actually funny that you bring that up, I actually met one of the players that should be in the book coincidentally and before I forget."

    Lee would flick his wrist and the menu would appear before him as he would quickly go through the motions and send Katsumi a friend request. He would then dismiss the screen and reach out and take the book into his own hand as she offered it to him and he would glance down at it as she would ask if his real name was the same as his player to which he would shake his head "It's always nice to meet someone new and no, I just thought up the name one day and it stuck. Shang Fang is my real world name. Is Katsumi your name in real life?

  15. "Likewise." It would be his reply to her speaking of being rather happy with the fact that they were on the same level. As she spoke about not being able to help the fact that she intervened in conversations, he would add "I tend to physically drop myself into most situations so I think it might be a compulsive thing for us it seems." When she spoke of her understanding of just how much was going on with the so-called death game. He would turn his attention to a book that she withdrew that she dubbed the Information Broker's Handbook and that she was simply going where her feet lead her in the safety of the town itself and getting her bearings and asked if he himself had read the book.

    There was a bit of silence from the player as he would look off to the side, laugh hesitantly and scratch the back of his head "I kinda sorta...gave mine away before ever actually reading it." She would then begin her introduction and claim her name to be Katsumi and greeting him properly. He would clear his throat and raise an arm so that his hand would emerge from his sleeve and place it onto his chest and bow in her direction "A pleasure to meet you Katsumi. I'm Lee Song-Fang though you can just call me Lee.

  16. The tall white clothed player would move himself further out into a more open space to show that he was not meant to be seen as a threat from both players. The lance wielder would soon ask if they were looking for him and then would greet Lee in return to his own greeting but he would answer "I would like to say that I was if you need any sort of help." He would then turn his attentions over toward the brown haired player whom would also offer a greeting, his name and ask what the spear wielder what it was that he was doing there but before that, Lee would speak up just a bit

    "A pleasure to meet you Husky." He would then look between the two of them "My name is Lee, Lee Song-Fang." He would look around to find nothing standing out, at least to his own eyes.

    ID: 55104 LD: 13

  17. It was most pleasing to see that it was not uncommon for a person to be talking with themselves, more over that she was not unfamiliar with it. She herself seemed to have the same kind of feeling that he had of the subject. He would chuckle as she spoke of how speaking with other people would help change one's outlook on things and that was always a better thing. "I can agree with you on that. It's always good to be flexible when talking with others if you."

    He would hear her speaking about driving conversations that even she wasn't originally apart of going to which he would raise one of his arms so that his sleeve would cover his mouth as he would laugh lightly and then lower his hand. "I know that feeling all too well, for better or worse." As she would ask about the pond he would turn his attention to the water and then move his arms back to his sides as he would give his reply "It's become my own little spot that I can think to myself or hope that others might come to enjoy it too. There is enough going on in the game that it's always nice to take the time to simply enjoy the scenery in a safe area of the game." He would then look back toward the topaz eyed girl "What about yourself? Wandering around the tower for fun?"

  18. The whited dressed man would continue to look at himself till the sound of another would catch his attention. He would take a moment to straighten himself out and not go tumbling into the water and for once, not on purpose. As he would reach his full posture, he would let his head turn its attention toward the voice and once it had found the orange haired woman, it would stop, his seemingly closed eyes locking themselves on her as he would answer her question "Sometimes it's the most intelligent conversation I can get but for the most part, it's to keep myself company." He would look the female player up and down and from the looks of things, she was not a high level but at that very notion, he had been lead to believe that before and he was proved very wrong.

    Though, this wouldn't matter either way as he wasn't one for judging, be it better or worse. "What about you? Do you find yourself in conversations that are a bit one sided?" He would let his arms move themselves to his back and rest against one another comfortably as he awaited a response.

  19. The tall silver haired man would leave the safety of the town in search of two simple things. One would be materials that everyone seemed to need for just about everything and the second thing was to be helpful in one way or another. This was of course something that could be a bit harder than the first thing but he was always hopeful. The thick brush would surely be home to one, if not both of these things if he would count himself among the lucky. He would hear the rustle of leaves or bushes and then the sight of someone's back but the most interesting thing was that he was weaponless but he seemed to not be alone.

    Lee himself did not want to intrude but at the very same time, he did not want to be seen as some sort of stalker or threat. "Hello~?"

    ID: 55082 LD: 11

  20. Lee Song-Fang stood at the ponds bank, leaning over just slightly enough so that he could look down onto the shallow water's surface at his own reflection. It was nice that he was able to enjoy the same type of things in the game as he did in others. While this life had become his 'real world' for the time being, it was still a game. A game that had costly consequences but a game none the less and because of that, he had to find all the elements he could as to why he would enjoy it like any other. Is any game, there was also some sort of safe area and in that area, usually some sort of fountain or source of water and if not, he would simply have to improvise. He would tilt his head to the side and continue to smile down at his reflection as if he were meeting another person.

    "Keep your chin up and surely all things will get better." Every now and again, it was always good to remind even himself this and of course, his smile never faltered. Though, he would end up having to take a wander around the town in order to see if there was another individual he could console or help in some way or another, it was becoming common place now and he was happy for that.

  21. Lee would slow his jog to a brisk walk, moving through the alleyway in search of the shop in question. This was actually going to be quite the something, aiming to be the winner and have a head start would be pleasing but something he wasn't completely aiming toward. This was a competition and not one that was of a hateful kind but more friendly which made all the difference. That meant that everyone involved would be enjoying themselves whilst it was going on. Though, he must find the place to be declared a winner and, for the time being, that would not be the case as he did not see anything of the like around so he would continue onward. 
    ID: 55002
    LD: 3

  22. Lee Song-Fang listened as as the male player would chuckle at the comment of being called 'mister' to which Lee himself would laugh lightly himself when the player said that he saw no one of that kind of description around. He would then address him to call himself Ronin to which Lee would nod politely and send a friend request "Nice to meet you Ronin." With their greeting completed, Lee and Ronin would look toward the shop keep as he would seemingly officially begin the event, saying that the first task was to find the shop itself. Ronin was not fond of this idea and, because of this, he would say his goodbye to Lee and head off. Lee would wave his hand in a goodbye.

    Lee would look around and take off in the opposite direction of Ronin as he was told that he would be getting informaiton about the shop and that he would need to send a message to Rowan once it is found. He would look back and wave at the person "I'll be seeing you all at the shop~

  23. "No problem." It was a kind gesture and Lee was pleased that it was taken. It was always enjoyable to actually help another in some way or another, at least that was enough for the white clothed man it was. He would raise sleeved hand up to his mouth to hold back a chuckle as the male player sniffed the contents of the bottle. It was something he figured some people were like and it was all the more for him to try and break through that. He would lower his sleeve as the player would enjoy the drink to a great degree and would soon ask what his name was. "Lee, Lee Song-Fang. A pleasure to meet you mister...?"

  24. Lee was actually very pleased and put at ease at Dom's words though, he was a bit surprised. Most people tend to stick to their own groups, higher players would usually only stick to other higher level players. When Dom would speak about his own level, Lee would be taken back to a major degree. "Forty-seven...to two. Man, those forty-five level difference." Lee would rub the back of his head in a hesitant laughter but he felt kinda honored by the overall fact.

    He would speak about that he was even less in terms of levels from the highest player in all of Aincrad. Even with that fact, they would still rank the same or that Dom would still be able to overpower him. "That is amazing and even more so that I'm talking to you." The white haired man would then listen as both of the individuals he had mentioned before had never actually bested him in one on one combat which in turn, seemed to raise him ever higher. He continued to say that while they are both great people, the one with the two-handed ax would surely try to conscript him into what he had heard as a guild called the Knight of the Blood Oath.

    Dom would show him a pendant and inform him that in all of Aincrad, it was the Azure Brigade that reigned supreme, another guild he had heard of. "I've heard of the Azure Brigade is the cream of the crop. The pedigree for Aincrad."

  25. The white dressed man would take note of the longer than a glance look the female player would give the sandy haired one. Lee Song-Fang would also take note that Rowan seemed to dislike the pink haired girl to some degree to which he would hope would gloss itself over by the end of the day if all went well. Rowan would then continue on to speak about just what the job would entail and what would be expected of them if one of them were to attain such a position. Lee's face would light up as he would be asked to exchange friend requests with Rowan as it was something he had planned to do in the first place. "By all means."

    Lee would flick his wrist and instantly appear at his friend request screen to which he would send Rowan a request. After that, he would turn to the other male whom asked if anyone had something to drink to which Lee would open his inventory and select one of the water's he had in his inventory. It materialized in his hand to which he would walk over and hold the bottle out "Here you are. Hopefully it helps."

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