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Posts posted by Lee_Song-Fang

  1. There was a pause before Dom would begin to speak of just how rare the item on his back simply was. Though it would seem that it was not the only thing that was rare upon his person. It would seem that it wasn't just a rare item, it was something called a demonic tier item. That would mean that it was one of a kind and surely immense in terms of power. Dom would continue to go on about another Commandant friend and, between the two of them, piecing themselves with nothing but the finest in equipment.

    Lee would raise his arms up and cross them over his chest and tilt his head to the side in bewilderment. After a moment to process, he would look the player from toe to head and then, finally, speak. "So, for a lack of better words, in comparison to myself, godhood would be a likely status to appropriately give." Another brief moment would pass as his smile would grow "You're what I need to aspire to be!"

  2. Lee would let his head tilt itself slightly to the side at the small jolt that the player had received from his sudden appearance. Lee's smile would grow just a little bit wider as the blue haired player would open an eye and greet him. He would wave his hand ever so slightly in a returned greeting and then, just as quickly as it had been broken, silence took over. Lee would move his hand back to his side as he would remain stationary and his smile, while still there, would dull slightly. It would however brighten as the red scarf wearing individual would speak once again.

    "Possibly. I'm, for the most part, trying to find someone to pass the time with."

  3. Lee would remain motionless as the snake-like dragon would begin to look him over to which he would reply to Hydra's apology "No worries, I actually like snakes." Once Twilight was content with whatever it was that it was looking for, it would return to its owner's head to rest. Lee was pleased that everything was going as smooth as it was and bowed his head in return of the greeting he had received. He was actually flattered at the comment of his name to which he would raise his hand up and scratch the back of his head bashfully

    "Thank's. Lee is fine. It would run someone's mouth off to say the entire name every time and I'm sure I'd drive everyone, myself included, insane to hear it that many times." He would give off a light chuckle afterwards. "What made you go with Hydra?"

  4. Lee was pleased to say the least that he was greeted with a name in return to his own. Lee would let his hand move outward as well to take the other player's in a proper greeting. The scabbard that held his weapon became just a bit more clear. With a whistle from his lips, Lee would tilt himself to the side and look back at the weapon "That is some nice hardware."

    Lee would withdraw his hand and look back at his own weapon "It's simple enough and hopefully it'll hold up till something else comes along." He would move his hands to his sides to rest "Is that a rare drop or did you get it as a gift from someone? It looks pretty impressive for a lack of better words."

  5. The white clad player strode across the grass lands with simple purpose, to enjoy himself as well as find something or more over, someone. Not someone specific, just someone. There might even be the off chance that he find a NPC that he could have a round-about chat with if worse came to worse. Though, with the appearance of a waving scarf caught in the wind, it would cause Lee's smile to grow just a little bit wider. Lee would carefully make his way over, slowly coming to a stop just ahead of the player as he would lean forward and look down at the player, raising a hand in a small greeting "Hi there." Lee would hope that he wouldn't be taken as some sort of creep, threat or unwelcome guest.

  6. The silver haired player would watch as the player would make his way toward him after a light bow. The thing that caught his attention and rightfully so was the frog that leap off the brown haired man's head but was caught midair by a small dragon with two heads or was it a snake with two heads? Lee would raise his hands so that they would slide out of his sleeves and let his slender fingers clap over one another in a minor bit of applause at the feat "Ten." The player would introduce his pet as a snake dragon to which he would commit to memory, as well as the names given to it. He would laugh genuinely at the compromise of the two names into one.

    As the player would introduce themselves as Hydra, Lee would offer a hand out to the player "Lee Song-Fang, a pleasure to meet you." He would turn his attentions to Twilight "And you as well."

  7. The silver haired player was still entranced by the overwhelming view when the sound of another had broke him from it. He would glance around, form one side to the other till his slit-like eyes would come to fall upon another player. He must have been so into the scenery that he didn't even notice he was not alone. It was easy to lose yourself in such a large game and forget that one might not be alone. Lee would turn to face the other player, raising a hand up slightly in a polite wave "Scenery for the most part. The game is just so big and I haven't really seen much, if any of it. You know what they say, no time like the present."

    He would move his arm back down to his side as he took note of the greatsword as they would be using the same kind of massive weapons, Lee's on the other hand, open with no case or scabbard and ordinary in almost every way. "I'm Lee. Lee Song-Fang."

  8. Lee Song-Fang stood just beyond a few pillar of stones jutting out of the ground in a circle a couple of feet in front of him. Beyond them would be a slope that could easily be mistaken for a cliff but it was what was beyond that which was the true view. The land outstretched before any and everyone that gazed upon it and off in the distance was the tower that would lead to the next level of the castle that was Aincrad. It stood like a pillar of both hope though it had just as much horror for those that would let it. The risen islands that held smaller islands on them dotted the landscape around the tower, some of them connecting by the over flowing water that would fall to another land below in a cascade that would fit perfectly on a canvas.

    Lee would let his unseen hands rest at his sides in the confines of his sleeves as he would simply enjoy the sight of it all.

  9. The player was still mesmerized by the water's surface when something else had caught his attention. Another player became the focus of his attention as they would move closer to the waters edge. This was all well and good had everything gone just a bit smoother but that wasn't the case. The other player took a swan dive into the pond which would cause Lee to take a step forward in concern as he wasn't sure if drowning was a thing in this game and if it was, was this player in any danger in a safe zone? His would-be fears would be put to rest as the player would rise from the water with a small companion in the form of a frog that, with a single croak which would cause Lee to raise a hand to quickly cover his mouth and hold in the laughter that would have surely erupted otherwise.

    When the other player came out of the water, Lee would be waiting "That was quite the dive. A solid seven point nine. The addition of a frog friend gives you style points to boot!"

  10. The starting town was actually a lot bigger than that of the game the silver haired man had played prior to this one. As the man continued to wander around the town, following the main road's and streets, moving in between and around the bystanders and non-playable characters, he began to lament the things that he used to love of his old game. The number one and most important was the fountain that he could usually be found around. This game seemingly replaced that with a massive landmark in the form of a clock tower and the only thing that resembled his former hangout spot was more of a pond or lake further south. The water was something he enjoyed the most and because of that, he opted to begin hanging around the lower regions of the town. 

    Once he arrived at the spot, he found that the pond was almost completely surrounded by small tree's to make it seem even more impressive. If he would note one thing about this game, it would be the detail and design that was put into it. Breathtaking seemed to be a cliche' description but the way that the sun hit the waters surface to make it sparkle as it did made the word the only one to come to mind. "Maybe this isn't so bad."

  11. Could someone also tell me how I can post a status? I went to the settings and I don't know if I'm over looking it or if it is going by a different name that I'm missing. 
    Please and thank you.
    ps. I didn't know where to post this kind of question so sorry if this is against a rule.

  12. AYGzKO3.png

    Username: Lee Song-Fang
    Real name: Shang Fang
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Height: 200 cm (6'7")
    Weight: 89 kg (198 lbs)

    About: History/personality

    Shang Fang was rather normal, all things considered. He came from an above average family that taught him that while money was important, it wasn't everything. They worked hard to give him a good life and he was not to squander it. He grew up in China and after he graduated school, he decided to study abroad in the United States. He enjoyed it to such a degree, he ended up settling down in the US permanently. Everyday was just like the last with only one real thing in it to really brighten up his mood. Video Games. Every pay check, he would end up dumping money into some form of video game, be it online, downloadable or hard copy. He could always escape into the virtual world and meet with people that seemed far more friendlier than those in real life and they were so much easier to approach than people in real life. It wasn't till the announcement of Sword Art Online and the world of Aincrad. It looked like a game he had played a few years earlier and because of that, he had to have it. He bought the game on release day and logged in on the spot. Little did he know, it would soon become his new reality, for better or for worse.


    (Helpful: Lee relishes helping others, in little or big ways. Whether it be helping a neighbor get groceries into their home, to helping a friend against a really hard quest or helping a guild clear a floor. He loves the sense of camaraderie, friendship and usefulness that comes from helping people, even if he doesn't get anything else out of it. )

    (Reliable: Lee prides himself on his reliability. He wouldn't be very helpful if others couldn't depend on him to be helpful when they truly needed him. Even on short notice, Lee can be relied on to do what is needed, even if someone doesn't necessarily straight up ask for his help.)

    (Observant: Years of gaming and social situations trained Lee to be very observant about even the most inconsequential things. From birthdays to favorite colors, to the anniversary of the death of that favorite aunt you had, he'll notice and remember for future reference. But he's not only just observant of people, but his surroundings as well. That's where the years of gaming comes in. He knows how programmers think and how to apply real life logic to games, looking for the odd things out or simply what's missing.) 

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html
    (Interfering: Although Lee is a very helpful person, he can come off as rather meddlesome. Not everybody wants his help, even though he thinks that they need it anyways. So this can make him rather irksome to some people very quickly.)

    (Pacifist: Lee doesn't like any form of confrontation with people. Even if it doesn't necessarily involve himself other than him being in the area. He doesn't like being a part of or being near arguments or fights. And he absolutely would avoid fighting another human being right up until the point that he knew he would die unless he did.)

    (Theatrical: A flair for the dramatic has always been a part of Lee's persona, more online than off, but still present nonetheless. He enjoys being at the center of attention occasionally and also enjoys how his theatrics can lift other's spirits. There's never a wrong time to be theatrical!)

    Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)





    Weapon skills:
    » Rank 1 Two-Handed Straight Sword

    » Basic Two-Handed Straight Sword
    10 bread, 15 water
    » Cloth Clothing

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)

    Story Thus Far 
    3/28/2016 What would have been just another normal gaming experience has turned into something more akin to a nightmare. The game developer has lost his mind and locked ever single player in the game and is forcing the 'fight-or-flight' theory to its limits. We have 100 floors to clear in order to have any hope of seeing the real world again. There are so many people scared and I am one of them. This was a hobby, fun and enjoyable but not something I was supposed to die for. What will happen if someone removes my NerveGear in the real world? I would have died for nothing! And there are so many people that just want to get home even worse than I. I don't know what to do...no, Shang Long doesn't know but Lee Song-Fang would. He would help people. I will help people.

  13. Hello all. I'm new to the Sword Art Online scene but not to the Rping one. I used to RP on a site that was for .hack and have had some free time lately and was really wanting to join another one but they aren't really all that popular anymore so I figure that I would just bump over to something similar. I'm currently in the process of transferring my .hack character over to SAO terms and rules though some things are a bit fuzzy. Anywho, I hope to be around for awhile and make plenty of friends and RP to my hearts content while I can. 


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