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Posts posted by Lee_Song-Fang

  1. Lee took a single hesitant step backward in a mix of confusion and shock as the raven haired woman would cock a brow in his direction. The silver haired man would listen as the woman would unload the abundance of information upon him. She spoke that she did this more out of the generous nature of her heart rather than unloading some sort of junk. Lee would quickly throw his hands up and shake his head rapidly in protest "N-no, I didn't mean it like that, not at all! I just didn't want to take something that someone else would have better use of is all! I think it is actually very admirable and unbelievably kind of you to do something like this. I just wanted to see for myself. I'm sorry if I came off rude or inconsiderate." He would point down at the items "Could I have two tier two Damage Mitigation eighteen potions and a two or three Health Recovery potions that you have the most of?"

  2. Lee turned his attentions over toward another contestant as he would be asked if this was indeed the place, to which Lee would only assume to be for the flyer in which case, he would nod in agreement. It would not take long for another to come, for either an item from this shop or to participate in the tourney itself was beyond him but the more the merrier. Rowan seemed the most interested in the pink haired newcomer out of the group and he would bring up that the contest would begin and that it would gauge their abilities in any given area of the market business and that would decide the qualifications. There would be a pause to which the silver haired man would nod his head "I'm as ready as ever. This should be an exciting contest to behold~"

  3. Lee Song-Fang was pleased at the overall politeness of the female player that he couldn't rightly place at the moment but she tended to him as she did all the others and that was admirable. She told him that of the items she had remaining, the list before him would be the indicator of what she had or at the most, had remaining. "Thank you kindly." He would then begin to look over the list of items and it would seem, for the greater majority, the potions that would be in high demand were swiped fast but he would continue to look over the stock in hopes of taking something off her hands. "I'll more than likely take what would be left, if anything at all. Everything seems to be flying off the shelves."

  4. zeqA7sQ.gif
    Lee Song-Fang

    [Broadsword Wielder] Level 5 [HP:20][EN:5]

    Used/Total Job Level: 5
    Total SP: 12
    Address Book:
    Samriel -
    Rowan Senki - orhalimi
    Ssendom - Ssendom
    Katsumi - Katsumi
    Rae Amalia Rose - Rae_Amalia_Rose
    Husky - Husky
    Date - Date


    COL: 903

    -Equipt Items: 3 Items that are Equipped
    1. Two-Handed Broadsword
    2. Phantom Chest Guard
    -Items: 5 different items
    1. x1 Damage Mitigation Potion +18(Tier1)
    2. x1 HP Recovery Potion +10(Tier1)
    3. x1 HP Recovery Crystal +20(Tier1)

    Equip Items:

    -x1 Phantom Chest Guard [+2 EVA] 
    Weapon Equips:
    -x1 Two-Handed Broadsword [+1 DMG]



    Thread Log:
    [Solo/Private/Open Thread][Thread Name][Prizes][Summary]
    [OP-F1] Training Oneself 40 Col & 1 SP = Was wandering around in the fields when I came across another player named Kroshma meditating. I join him but before we could continue, a whole slew of other players came and it became very hectic, very fast.
    [OP-F1] Free Potions & Crystals 50 Col & 1 SP, 1 Damage Mitigation and HP recovery Potion, Hp recovery Crystal = Was hanging out around the starting town when some commotion caught my attention and found that a player named Zandra was giving out free potions and I was given some. 
    [PP-F1] Outside of Town with a Smile 400 Col & 1 SP =Decided to take a trip outside of town and met a player named Dom whom, after the meeting was done, backed up his claim that he was one of the strongest players in the game and because of that, I plan on working on following in similar footsteps.

    [OP-F1] A Late Christmas x1 Broadsword +1DMG = Received a message from a player named Mack that was holding a giveaway to new players to help them so I figured he was the kinda guy I'd like. After getting into the crowd, I was given the option of something and got another sword that was better than my previous one. 
    [PP-F1] Looking for Reasons to Smile 200 Col & 1 SP = I was admiring my new sword by the pond when a player named Rae tripped and it started a conversation between us. She was really nice and I really liked talking with her but had to leave in order to help a friend just as the sun was setting.
    [OP-F1] Ronin & Jambi's Giveaway x1 Phantom Chest Guard & 80 Col & 1 SP = Ended up seeing a 'Free' sign and found out that Ronin and Jambi were having a giveaway and I was able to get some light armor for free. It had two slots to its evasion so monsters get a minus two on their rolls against me.
    [OP-F1] The Wedding of Jambi & Ronin 1 SP = Went to the wedding between Ronin and Jambi. It was actually something that everyone really needs and I was happy to be able to witness it.

    Quest Log
    Quest Name: [Solo/Private/Open Thread][Prizes][Summary]
    Secret Medicine of the Forest [PP-F1] Secret Medicine of the Forest 133 Col & 1 SP = I was out and found two other people, one of which was doing a quest. We all decided it would be easier to do together and after defeating a few monsters, called it a rather happy day.





    Gender - Male
    PC Age - 23
    Hair - Silver 
    Eyes - He keeps his eyes constantly narrowed to slits, rarely ever opening his eyes enough to reveal their bright sky blue-color.
    Height - 6'7" [200 cm] 
    Tattoo(s) - Located on the upper left hip. A red circle that is just about to complete itself till the upper right side jolts upward in an stroke. A smaller circle is at its center.
    Appearance - Lee wears a long, white robe over his white hakama. He wears his robe open in a narrow 'V' down to his waist, closed to below the hips, and then open again to the hem, which falls about to mid-calf. His robe has long bell sleeves, into which he hides his hands. The lining of the robe and edges or layers of the under-robe(s) appear to be black.

    Weapon - Two-Handed Broadsword - A simple two handed broadsword that has a wing-like guard and a thin handle that has enough grip for both hands plus another. There is a simple design close to the base of the sword itself that is a line down and a curve toward the top though it is just an inch tall and half that across.  [+1 Additional Damage]

    Persona - Lee Song-Fang relishes in being a Helpful person and all things that come with it. He finds a strong sense of personal satisfaction when it comes to helping others as well as accomplishment. He will usually help anyone or thing so long as it is known that he is helping. This stretches to many different areas but so long as it will brighten someone's day, he is usually the first to jump on it. He is also very Reliable and he prides himself on this reliability. He wouldn't be very helpful if others couldn't depend on him to be helpful when they truly needed him. Even on short notice, Lee can be relied on to do what is needed, even if someone doesn't necessarily straight up ask for his help. Observant would be another word to describe him as years of gaming and social situations trained Lee to be very observant about even the most inconsequential things. From birthdays to favorite colors, to the anniversary of the death of that favorite aunt you had, he'll notice and remember for future reference. But he's not only just observant of people, but his surroundings as well. That's where the years of gaming comes in. He knows how programmers think and how to apply real life logic to games, looking for the odd things out or simply what's missing.

    But he isn't all perfection as he has his faults. He is a Pacifist by nature and doesn't like any form of confrontation with people. Even if it doesn't necessarily involve himself other than him being in the area. He doesn't like being a part of or being near arguments or fights. And he absolutely would avoid fighting another human being right up until the point that he knew he would die unless he did. Lee also seems to be an idiot when it comes to being flirted with as he see this a just people being friendly and he tends to unknowingly complement others which tends to be misconstrued as returning of these sort of emotions. Those he simply wants what is best for all around him and to make others happy before himself, this does tend to confuse most people, himself included. He can also be very Interfering and while he is a very helpful person, he can come off as rather meddlesome. Not everybody wants his help, even though he thinks that they need it anyways. So this can make him rather irksome to some people very quickly. Lee can also be rather Simple in some cases as he tends to assume most people would be speaking the truth and thus, rarely will he ever notice someone right off the bat as a bad person and this tends to hurt more than it helps in bad situations.

    Goal - Become Friends with as Many People As Possible





    Shang Fang
    Age: 23 // Country: Untied States of America // Occupation: Game Developer/Independent Worker/Game Player 
    Gender - Male
    Hair - Dark brown hair which is kept clean yet tends to spike from time to time.
    Eyes - Sky blue-color
    Height - 6' 7" [200 cm]
    Appearance - Shang is an Asian male in his early twenties. Fairly built with dark brown hair, blue eyes and a light complexion. Anywhere from six foot five to six foot ten. Usually wearing either a black shirt with black pants or a brown coat, black cargo pants, red shirt with boots and a gold necklace. 

    Personality - When Shang was younger, he was a quiet child and kept to himself. This of course kept him lonely and friendless. But at some point during his teenage years, after the constant pestering of him being too quiet by his peers and family, he broke out of his shell and ever since, the talking continued like an endless chain. Shang isn’t truly cruel, but he isn’t altogether a nice guy at first either. He has his own moral compass that rarely lines up with anyone person, if anyone at all. This leads to people speaking or acting against him and he willingly accepts this. He is a true friend to those he calls friends and is far nicer to them than all others but if you start out on his bad side, expect to stay there unless some pivotal moment strikes and the stars and his friends stride him over to your side.

    History -  Shang Fang was rather normal, all things considered. He came from an above average family that taught him that while money was important, it wasn't everything. They worked hard to give him a good life and he was not to squander it. He grew up in China and after he graduated school, he decided to study abroad in the United States. He enjoyed it to such a degree, he ended up settling down in the US permanently. Everyday was just like the last with only one real thing in it to really brighten up his mood. Video Games. Every pay check, he would end up dumping money into some form of video game, be it online, downloadable or hard copy. He could always escape into the virtual world and meet with people that seemed far more friendlier than those in real life and they were so much easier to approach than people in real life. It wasn't till the announcement of Sword Art Online and the world of Aincrad. It looked like a game he had played a few years earlier and because of that, he had to have it. He bought the game on release day and logged in on the spot. Little did he know, it would soon become his new reality, for better or for worse. 


  5. The white clothed man would listen as Dom would speak bout fighting boars to which Lee would raise his hands up in a mild protest. "I couldn't ask that. It would be ungodly trivial matter for you and I wouldn't want to be a burden." Lee would then pause as the other broad-swordsman would ask what his level was to which he would reply with a hesitant laugh and look off to the side whilst rubbing the back of his head "I'm....actually just level two." It was as if he was admitting something embarrassing. Dom continued to speak and say that he would explain what he would explain at another time about the particles.

    Lee was greatly pleased that Dom had spoke that it was a great thing that Lee had come across him as he was the top player in the form of the broadsword and he knew another who was the top in the field of the battleaxe and another in the two-handed sword. This gave Lee a giddy feeling as he would move his hands behind himself to hold one another "So you would be the best person to ask questions...." He would pause "....If I had them for some reason or another?"

  6. Lee would nod his head in agreement at Dom speaking if he saw the effects of the blade "Yes, yes I do and I say, it is quite the sight." He was even more astonished as Dom continued on saying that this was one of the rarities he possessed. More over, it would seem that it wasn't even the blade itself that did the effect but the player himself which made it all the more amazing. Before Lee was able to out a question, Dom had beat him to the punch and would show that when a Sword Art was activated, a glow would happen regardless and he would tell Lee of the rank three skill for the broadsword which filled Lee with a sense of wonder as he imaged himself with such a skill that would be able to take on at the minimum of four foes at one time.

    He would then go on to say that it would be a good show to give in which case Lee wondered if they would be able to find a pack of boars nearby but Dom would put away the skill to which Lee would point out into the field "I'm sure that there might be some boars or something if you want to show it off. I'd be happy to find some but you surely wouldn't get much out of it so I'll just admire the effect."

  7. The white clothed individual laid lazily by the side of the waterfront of the first floor. He wasn't sure just what to do with his time at the moment. He would lean forward into an upright position. While the time by the water was pleasing for him, it did not make for a motivated communication. Lee Song-Fang would stand up into his full posture and hold his arms at his side and figured that he would wonder amidst the town and see just whom was wandering around.

    It would not take him long to come across a small gathering in and at its center as a simple stall. The stall containing just what the sign spoke of, free potions. Lee would stand at the side an looking on to see everything going on and would raise his hand in a polite wave "Hello there. What kinds of potions are being given away if I may be so bold as to ask?"

  8. The silver haired individual would nod his head in agreement that, against all odds, he would aim to keep his way. What was more, it would seem that Dom had shared his heart with another and that, along with events and details that he wished not to speak of, was the reason for his current status. It would seem that there was something to take away from this is that while friendship was fine and dandy, love would be an entirely new prospect that could lead to a downright pitfall. "Duly noted. I'll make sure to try and keep a clear eye on that line as not to cross it when the temptation comes." Though, he was curious now as to what kind of confrontation had occurred though he would not say it aloud.

    Was it a lover's quarrel and someone stepped in? An affair and someone was caught red handed? A man defending his woman and taken to far? All these things swirled around in his head but for the time being, he would make sure to keep them there. Dom would then raise his sword, simply gazing over it and just as quickly, Lee would find himself doing the same.

    While it was not a blade that would make many friends upon first glance, it did radiate with a sort of power over power, seemingly magnifying itself infinitely. "It is magnificent."

  9. The water of the first floor safe zone town was somewhat of a staple for himself now. Lee Song-Fang sat at the water's edge overlooking the almost crystal-like surface. This was something that made him wish for a large fountain. While it was breathtaking, it wasn't something that he was used too in such a large quantities. He would miss the small simple things of the other games he had played prior to being stuck in this one game. That was one thing that he really didn't like about this whole mess. He was permanently confined to this one game while there were so many others that could have his attention as well. It caused him to lean forward and rest his arms on his knees and let a long breath escape his lips.

  10. Lee was actually quite pleased at the overall size of those that had decide to come to the event and with it, the grand possibilities to find these people later on or even get a few friends in the here and now. There were so many that he wasn't even sure where it was that he wished to start. The man of the hour began strong and fast, shooting through player and player and player yet again. This was actually quite the sight to behold as he took a look at what each one had and replaced it with better gear and would move on to the next. So many items that the white clothed player was astonished that he had seemingly an endless supply for all that came.

    It was actually surprising when the large man would turn his attentions to Lee himself with a rather odd name of grandpa. Lee would move himself in the desired location that Mack had told him to be and once there, it was actually quite odd to see the height between the two but he would reply "Pleasure to meet you sir. A two-handed broadsword and anything else I could do to help." He wasn't sure if the question was the right kind but the place seemed busy and surely he could do something to be of service to someone.

  11. Lee was actually happily pleased as Dom would actually wish him the best of luck in reaching such a high goal intact. "Thank you. I really want to just help my friends." Dom would then turn his attentions toward the horizon. He would speak of power and happiness being things that rarely found solid ground with one another and that, in the end, one would more than likely be sacrificed for the other.

    Lee wouldn't say anything for the moment, letting it sink in and develop but would then reply "I like a challenge, bending a coin seems like a good way to start." Dom would chuckle at his thoughts on the hovering crystal and it was nice that it wasn't taken in a very stupid sort of way. "The fact that you consider it a curse means that you don't want it and from what you've told me, getting it wasn't something you really wanted in the long run. That makes up for it, for me at least. I know that might not account for much but it is more than nothing."

  12. The silver haired individual would wait for an answer and shortly after his proclamation, he would hear the voice of another player from behind him. Lee would turn his head to the side and look back to see the player behind him was the one that spoke. Lee would turn around and take the hand of the player that was dubbed Rowan and he was the owner of both the job he was looking for and the shop. "A pleasure. I'm Lee Song-Fang and I saw your flyer..." He would hold the piece of paper up "...and figured it was a good way to help.


  13. It was nice to meet another individual and it would seem that Hydra and Allania had went on a quest of some sort through a desert. All things considered, that sounded like it would be more than pleasing with the right company. Hydra would then bring up that there was a pretty scenic route they could go take a gander at if they wished it. He would continue to say that it was outside the safe zone and, all things willing, wasn't a problem yet. "I'm ready and willing~"

    Another person would come into the vicinity that seemed to also know both Allania and Hydra and introduce themselves as Sinful which was quite the name but it was still just a name so he would not think much of it. He would speak about the shops that they owned and it peeked his curiousness and he would be sure to ask about it later.

  14. Lee was still in a state of a minor panic attack from the commotion that was starting to rise around them. If it wasn't enough to add to the fire that was burning in his head, another player would join them ready to fight. Another player, clad in black armor would arrive with a yell. "G-guys..." The player that had sat himself down beside the blue haired player would soon take his leave of the group. It would be then that the blue haired player would finally break forth and demand that his training would go on without these problems. Kroshma would be the name of the player to which Lee would quickly turn his attention to him in hopes that the attention would be successful

    "Great to meet you Kroshma!" Lee would then send a friend request to Kroshma with all due haste.

  15. I was thinking about something like this a few nights ago :0
    I was thinking of a 1 time quest/item that re-set all the points one has and then let the player redistribute them as they want.
    Every game that involves some sort of point system has this and I was surprised when there wasn't something like that in the RP already.

  16. The silver haired man seemingly was denied a reply as another player made his entrance onto the scene. This one seemed to know the blue haired one and the player wearing glasses seemed to lay down a line that he dared the blonde to cross. Lee was starting to become uncomfortable "H-hey, I'm sure this is all for fu-" The blonde would speak up saying that critiquing was something that shouldn't be punishable and insulted the group of human beings. Lee brought his hand up to rub the back of his own head as he took note of another player coming up and sitting beside the blue haired player and began the first step of the training to himself.

    It would seem though that the player wearing the glasses would not take the insult and lashed out at the player in an attempt to put him in a place which caused Lee to flinch at the attack and then quickly hold his hands out "Whoa, whoa, we don't really need to actually fight guys. Just harmless banter right?" Another raven haired female player would come to join the group and seemingly in the defense of the blonde "We can talk this out right? No need to fight!"

  17. Lee Song-Fang awaited the answer to his question but it was put on hold as another player had interjected himself into the mix which, all things considered, wasn't unwanted for himself specifically. The newcomer was a blonde and would speak of the mind training that was done and that in order for it to be of any use, the loss of an attitude would need to be done. The blue haired player would retort that the advice was noted but ultimately disregarded. Added to that that the player wouldn't be felled by anything that the game had to offer. Lee would then turn his gaze back toward the blonde and spoke of the arrogance rising up yet again and that....human's were not immune to anything and that he would skip the mediating and then proceed to....meditate?

    Or something of the sort. Lee would then give way to pause in which he would slap his fist into the palm of his hand "Oh, I don't know how I forgot. I'm Lee, Lee Song-Fang." He would then turn toward the blonde as well "A pleasure to meet you both."

  18. Lee remained silent as to not break any more concentration than he had already when he glanced over. His newly found acquaintance would quickly launch himself onto his feet and across his arms and proclaim that his mind was significantly fit for the time being. Lee would nod his head in agreement and lean forward, holding onto the ground with a single hand for balance in order to bring himself up to his feet and in an upright position. "So, what exactly would the second part of your regiment consist of?" So far, this was actually starting to become quite the experience and was actually happy to actually be included in it.

  19. Lee Song-Fang had been starring at a flyer he had pulled from a poster board asking for some sort of help. This seemed right down his kind of alley but he was not sure about how shops worked in the game. He had never really played a game where he was to be the one who  actually ran the shop and as for how the system went in SwordArt Online, he was lost. Though, this would not detour him in the slightest as he would take the flyer with him as he would do as it implied and would hurry along. Lee would end up at his desired destination and would simply call out as he would look around for the flyer giver "Heeeellllooooo~? I'm here to apply for the shop assistant position."

  20. The silver haired player had received a curious message in his inbox from a player that went by the name of Mack. The player had sent out a mass of the same mail to many other players to which caused Lee to take note of this. That must mean that he was a friendly individual and that also meant that he could also become friends with such a person and, in turn, become friends with even more people. With that, Lee Song-Fang would rise from the water front of the pond and make his way to the location that was indicated on the mail to find that, of course, it was well received by a great deal of other players.

    The white clad player would head to the original site that was to be the meeting place but once there, it would seem that the party had moved itself to another floor. "Nothing ventured." It was a simple enough thing to do, moving to another floor, so long as it was a floor that was unlocked by the frontlines and a player didn't wander to far off the beaten path. The snow of the floor though was something else. Lee felt that if he were to lay down, he could disappear completely and would surely enjoy this floor far more with friends on a later date. 

    "This is quite the sight." He would say with his ever present smile upon his face as he looked over the shop and the line that had formed. It would seem that the Mack person was a shop owner...smith? That must mean he interacted with people daily and that only made him wish to meet this man even more. 

  21. Lee would nod his head to show that he was listening to what it was that the player was saying. Saying that the peace of mind of training one's mind was enjoyment in and out of itself and Lee could see the appeal of such a thing. "I see, I see." This was just the first part of a regimen that he had come up with for himself.

    He would nod again to show that he understood this process and he would move his own hands in front of himself and placed them onto his lap and lower his head in silence. If this was something that could be used to help, surely someone else joining in the endeavor would make it either go by quicker or make it even more enjoyable.

  22. Lee was pleased that his comment wasn't met with a negative response and it would seem Dom enjoyed the claim of godhood. Rightfully so as it would seem that, at least from his standpoint, he would rank himself fairly high in the list of individuals that would likely finish the game. The last he had heard, the floors have entered the teens which meant that the power of each player in that rank was something in their own league. Though, it would seem that Lee had taken his admiration just a wee bit to far overboard. "Oh?"

    Dom would begin to explain just a small bit of just what the orange courser over his head actually meant. It was that he had taken the life of another individual in the game and ended a life. Lee, would raise his hand up and rub his chin lightly "So That is what that means! I thought that it was purely an aesthetic choice given to players and the choices were really, Really limited with the default being green." He would then nod his head in agreement of this new knowledge.

    "Aspire would be a bit much huh? No one likes a follower on their heels I guess."

  23. Lee would cross his arms over his chest as Hydra would begin to speak of how he came up with the name. He actually became a bit hyped the more Hydra went on. It was far more interesting and exciting than what he had originally thought. This was a more than welcome surprise and Lee would begin to give a light applause to Hydra as he would clench his fist "Bravo! I've never had a real good knack for creating things from scratch like that but that would be something I'd watch!"

    He would let the applause die down as they would be joined by another that Hydra seemed to know. The blonde haired woman would soon be introduced by Hydra as Allania to which Lee would bow ever so slightly and hold a hand out "A pleasure to meet you Allania."

  24. The white clothed man continued to wait as the other player seemed to think over this proposal. Though, after just a few more moments, the player would agree that Lee would be able to join him which was good to hear but there was a catch. The training that was being done was not to be interrupted and this was a seemingly strong stipulation. Lee would raise his hand up and place it to the side of his temple in a minor salute and agreement "Righto!"

    He would then look around and move himself beside the player and kneel down and rest on his legs and then silence would begin again. Lee would look around and then to the player and speak "So, what kind of training are you doing specifically?"

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