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Posts posted by Caspar

  1. As he escaped the packed INN, the night sky loomed overhead as he tried to figure out his next move. The INN was packed, people were being denied there, and everyone around looked to be trying to join a party to survive. Not having any other choice, Caspar took a few steps forward before looking back a the INN. Right behind the INN was a large stone hill top that overlooked the majority of the town. Figuring it would probably be the next safest place to stay for the night, he went ahead and made his way up to the top. Just to spark his curiosity. 

  2. After witnessing everything that had just transpired. Caspar looked at Ronin who was still laying on the ground, then back to where the ghost was just at. Watching the ghost fly off into the dark night sky, Caspar kept an eye on it until he couldn't see it no more. Once the ghost left, the wind had calmed down and the faint rain drops had stopped. It appeared everything had gone back to normal as Caspar helped his friend off the ground. "...Yeah, I don't know either, lets just get outta here." Caspar said as he then took one last look at the tombstone and wondered whose ghost that really was... 

  3. Tumbling out of the Dune Buggy, Caspar skipped across the desert sand hard as he rolled to a slow stop. Sliding to a halt, Caspar moan and groaned as he slowly picked his head up off the ground. As he did, his vision was mildly blurry as he tried to get his bearings right. Doing a quick once over of his body, Caspar seemed to be alright as he then slowly climbed to his feet. "..Ehh.. What the hell happened?" He said as he looked at the rolled Dune Buggy. Slowly walking to the front of the buggy, Caspar saw what they hit, widening his eyes, he then began to dig at it. "Hey! Help me un bury this thing!.. I think we found it!"

  4. Watching the smoke vanish from sight, Caspar stood in place shocked at what he was seeing. As his eyes remained wide, he witnessed a ghost forming in front of him. The ghost then gave out a eerie long howl as it waved its arms back and forth. Taking a few steps back, Caspar looked for a health bar above the ghost but did not see one yet. Not taking any chances, he then equipped his gunblade as he held it in front of him in case the ghost should choose to attack. "WHOOOOO DAAAAREEESSS DISTURB MYYY GRAAAAAVE!?" The ghost wailed as its black mouth elongated... 

  5. Enjoying the ride, Caspar couldn't help but crack a smile. as the two of them raced around the desert. As they landed on the sandy surface again, Caspar looked around for his lost item he was supposed to find. "No, nothing yet!" Caspar said as he then looked out into the open desert to his right. "If she really lost her prize possession, I wish she would have given us some kind of clue." Caspar said as his eyes continued to scan the entire desert. Looking around at the scorching Earth, Caspar had no choice but to tell his friend to continue straight, hopefully something will pop up then... 

  6. "Oh my God you're right!" Caspar said as he carefully walked up to the object. Sitting in the ground in front of him was what looked to be an unmarked tombstone. It came up to Caspar's waist and seemed to be the only one around as far as he could tell. Crouching down to get a better look of it, he then investigated it more. As soon as he did, a bolt of lightning crashed down behind him as it then started to sprinkle and then wind kicked up. "...Is this supposed to happen?" Caspar said as he kept his eyes glued on the tombstone as it started to glow...

  7. Glad to see the dune buggy was running, Caspar didn't waste any time jumping aboard and got into the passenger seat. Holding on to the bars above his head, Caspar let his friend take control of the buggy. "Does anything around here look familar to you!?" Caspar said loudly trying to be heard over the loud motor. As the heat continued to blast on top of them, Caspar kept his eyes out on the next thing that caught his eye. So far he had been lucky, he had only hoped his luck would pay off when it came time to battle. Last battle he and Ronin were in, the only thing he hit was air. "Lets see whats behind those two sand Dunes to our left!" Caspar said as he pointed it out to the driver. 

  8. Not minding his friend having to go relieve himself, Caspar used this time to admire the scenery and soak it all in. The waterfall was giant and he could clearly hear its booming water fall from here. The sparkles and mist that shot upwards into the sky after connecting to the water below was almost memorizing. After hearing Ronin approach him from going to the bathroom, Caspar snapped back to reality. "Alright, lets go." Caspar said as he walked with his friend to the northern part of the lake. The dark wooden area seemed to get darker and darker as the sun went down. "Looks like we're here." Caspar said as they came up to the wooded area. "I'd imagine the cemetery isn't too deep inside... then again... maybe it is..." Caspar whispered to his friend, as he then heard the howling of a wolf in the distance as the sun finally set... 

  9. Helping his friend uncover their new discovery, Caspar got on his knees as he helped dig it out of the hot sand. After sifting through the sand and getting the majority of it free, Caspar then pulled the rest of it up and out of its sandy grave the best he could. After he did, he then inspected it over and from he could tell it seemed to be in working order. The only thing he needed to find out was if it could run. Looking over at his fellow swordsman, Caspar readjusted he white shirt around the bottom part of his face. "You know how to drive one of these things?" He asked, hoping he did. 

  10. Watching his friend speed off in front of him towards the lake, Caspar was quick to pick up his speed as well. If it was a race he wanted... well, it was a race he was gonna get! Kicking off the ground with blinding speed, Caspar struck the ground with his black boots quickly as he raced off with his friend towards the large lake area. Sprinting in unison, the two had finally made it to the large lake. The lake really was HUGE and had a waterfall that crashed down into it. Looking around, Caspar saw some people who could point them in the right direction, just in case they came up unlucky in their search for the cemetery. "Alright, looks like this is the place... Now we just head north of here where that dark wooded area is at and see what happens." Caspar said. As he then looked up into the sky, he noticed it was almost dusk and that the sun was about to set. 


    "Nice... that will set the mood perfectly." He said aloud. 

  11. Taking the H20 from his friend, Caspar unscrewed the top of the bottle as he then put up against his lips. With a couple of quick chugs of water, Caspar was ready to make his way down the sand dune and towards that glimmer he spotted. "Alright, lets go" Caspar said as he then unequipped the bottle of water. Jumping up and sliding down the side of the sand dune, Caspar made it to the bottom in no time as he then stood up and started to walk towards the object that the sun was reflecting off of. Placing his hand above his eyes, Caspar then tried to block out the bright rays as he attempted to make out what it was. After taking a few steps closer he then saw what appeared to be, to his best guess, her precious cargo half buried. Turning his head up towards Ronin he then yelled to his friend. "Is this what you found last time!?" He yelled, pointing to what he had just found. 

  12. "Yeah, we can try looking there first, if we don't find anything then we can just ask people around there." Caspar said. Caspar then opened up his main menu as he swiped his finger downward in front of him. "Alright, so here is how you access your map from the main menu..." Caspar started as he tried to teach it to Ronin. "So from here, you scroll down until you get to this tab here. After selecting that, your world map should appear at the bottom of the list since its in alphabetical order. Then you just select it like so annnnd.... wa-la!" As soon as Caspar got done explaining it to him, the world map popped up on a window in front of them. Using his index finger, Caspar then pointed to where they were currently located, which was a small dot on the screen. He then showed Ronin where the large lake was and where the cemetery COULD be.

    After closing the menu, Caspar then lead the way out of the town and headed towards the large lake... 

  13. As the two continued to walk for what seemed like hours on end, Caspar then saw a large sand dune that was taller than all the other one around. "Hey, I say we get to the top of that dune and see if we can spot it from up there." Caspar suggested as the wind started to pick up harshly again. Opening up his menu, he then selected his white under shirt as it then instantly formed in his hand. Taking it by both ends, Caspar then tied it around the bottom part of his face as he used it like a mask as well. One thing was for sure, and that was that the wind and elements of the game were a lot meaner out in the open than next to a small town.


    As Caspar eventually got to the top of the sand dune from crossing the heated sand, he then looked around in all directions for anything that stuck out of the ordinary. Slowly scanning the horizon and sand filled fields, he then spotted something glimmering from afar!

  14. Agreeing with his friend with a nod, Caspar was so [censored] excited he began to hop up and down while shaking his head a bit before turning around a punching a wall behind  him super hard, causing it to form a red fist in the wall as crystallized shards fell to the ground. "Damn, I can't wait! I hope its true" He said as he gained his composure. As the two walked from Ronin's shop and onto the main road, Caspar then walked up to the first player he saw. "Excuse me, by any chance do you know anything about a cemetery around here?" He asked. "...Hmm, I THINK there is one to the North of the giant lake... But I can't be certain, don't take my word for it though." He said as he then waved good bye and walked away from him. "Alright, thanks." Caspar said as he then waited to see what Ronin found out. 

  15. As Caspar and Ronin continued to walk through the hot desert, he noticed Ronin was un equipping most of his armor and clothing. It wasn't a bad idea, but it was definitely hot out here and wearing a black jacket wasn't helping. Accessing his menu as well, Caspar went to his inventory as he unequipped his black leather jacket, white under shirt, and his black gloves. It felt a little better but who knows how much better it would be the further out they get. Trying his best to keep his mind off the blazing heat, Caspar turned his attention to the task at hand, which was finding that cargo out here in the open desert. 

  16. After hearing his friend speak of a supernatural NPC, Caspar at first thought he was making it up. But then he got to wondering, if this game is as big as they say it is, then there should be no reason for it NOT to be true. Besides, the players needed to have some sort of fun besides fighting the whole time. "If you are serious about this, then lets definitely go check it out!" Caspar said as he was now excited about it as well. Offering his hand outwards to pull his friend out of his chair, Caspar then had to ask. "Which way do we go?"

  17. Nodding in acknowledgement, Caspar then made his way over to the NPC as he looked her up and down. She seemed to have a smile on her face indicating she didn't mind this horrible environment. Then again, who cares, she was an NPC, not even real like the rest of the players here. As he approached her she then turned her attention to the black clothed man. "OH! Thank goodness someone came around here! You have no idea how long I have been waiting for someone to show up!" She said as formed a terrified look on her face. "Can you please help me? You see I lost my precious cargo in the desert and I need to get it back! Will you help me!?" The NPC asked as she then placed her hands together starring up at Caspar. "Whatever..." Caspar relied. Then as soon as he did a menu popped up for him to accept the quest. Reaching up and clicking the accept button, Caspar then walked away from the NPC as he simply ignored her next couple of words. Whistling to Ronin to get his attention, he then motioned with his head the direction they should go in... 

  18. Seeing no indication of his friend accessing his message menu to read his newly sent personal message. Caspar continued to walk towards his friend who was... sleeping! Thinking that Ronin was lucky he could sleep and take naps, Caspar didn't bother giving him a rude awakening. Instead he figured his approaching foot steps would do the trick. As he saw his friend perk awake, Caspar then replied to his friend: "Pretty good, got your message, so here I am. What is it you needed to show me?" Caspar asked as he then folded his arms across his chest. 

  19. Ronin had the right idea with the bandanna, however, Caspar didn't have anything like that to protect his face. Forcing himself to tough it out, Caspar nodded as he then followed his comrade down the street to find the NPC. As the two walked down the street, Caspar noticed there was little to no one around on this floor which meant they would not have to worry about other players. Liking what he saw, Caspar kept his eyes out for any sign of the NPC that would be used to access the quest. Even though they were walking down the street, they still got hot by random out bursts of sand that the wind carried with it. After a few minutes of walking, Caspar tapped Ronin on the shoulder as he pointed to what he thought was the NPC... 

  20. Crossing the street and making his way towards Ronin's shop, Caspar headed down the alley way as he could see his friend sitting from a distance. With his hands still in his pockets, he then released one as he opened up his menu and accessed the message option. As he walked he typed out a message to Ronin that read: "Heads up." and sent it to him with the press of a button. As he continued to walk, he looked to see if his friend would get the message in time before he got to him, if not, who cares. Walking up to his friend, he then stopped a few feet from him. "So, whats up?" He asked. 

  21. Standing in place so that he wouldn't get lost wandering around in the sand swept level, Caspar waited for this friend to arrive. As soon as he saw his friend arrive, Caspar placed his hand in front of his face to help cover and protect his eyes from the incoming sand that swept so quickly around him. "Hey!" Caspar shouted to his friend, hoping his voice would be heard over the hard blowing wind. Walking up to this friend, Caspar then nodded to him. "Alright, screw this floor, lets tackle this Traveler Quest real quick and go, this heat is annoying as hell." Caspar said to his friend. 

  22. After receiving a message from Ronin to come meet up with him, Caspar didn't waste any time in teleporting to him. As soon as he arrived at floor one he started his search for his friend. Walking through the peaceful streets, Caspar passed other players who were making there way to unknown locations. As he got to the main courtyard, he then realized that there were far less players here than usual. Which meant that either some of them died, which was very likely, or some of them have advanced in the game and longer needed floor one anymore... 

  23. Sending an invite for Ronin to meet him on Floor five, Caspar teleported there as he instantly felt the burning heat all around him. Sand was everywhere and hot sun beat down on top of his like a drum. He was only there for thirty seconds and he was already starting to feel himself sweat. The wind was blowing around sure, but it did very little to cool him off. If anything it was like standing in a frying pan and then being shot in the face with a blow dryer. Shaking it off, Caspar then look all around him as he surveyed the area and saw more and more sand. "I have a feeling this quest is gonna suck..." Caspar thought to himself as he waited for his friend to show. 

  24. Looking the cat like creature over, Caspar wondered why other types of species where out there for the taking when it came to familiars. It seemed Jambi and Japhy enjoyed each others company, so hopefully the next familiar they get, if they get one, will be just as obedient. After hearing Ronin's question, Caspar then let one arm escape from his chest that he had crossed against his chest. "Yeah, we just head that way... Although, we have been in that forest a lot lately. I say we switch it up and check out that giant lake area that is around here with the waterfall. They have to drink sometime." Caspar replied as he pointed north east of their current position. Getting up off the shack, Caspar then started to head for the forest before he stopped in his tracks. "Wait... we don't have to go to that booth again to accept the mission do we?" He asked. 

  25. "Hi there! Welcome! Can I help you?" The lady behind the counter asked Casper. "Yeah, by any chance do you have any rooms available?" Caspar asked, knowing the answer already. The lady behind the counter never broke her smile as she simply shook her head back and forth gently. "I'm sorry! But it seems all our rooms are taken currently. You are welcome to come back tomorrow night however!" She said. Nodding his head up and down slightly, Caspar then slowly made his way back out of the INN and back on the street as he figured out his next move... 

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