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Posts posted by Caspar

  1. Barely walking into the INN, Caspar exhaled as he already knew they would have no more empty rooms. Which meant he would have to travel to the next town in order to get a good night's rest. Swimming through the packed crowd, Caspar eventually made his way to the front desk. Squeezing his way in between two other players, he then leaned forward onto the counter. Looking left and right, he could see other players complaining and wondering where or what they should do next. Some even mentioned just staying awake all night until day time so that travel was safer. 

  2. As Caspar stood in place, he heard the unique sounds of Jambi approaching, maybe it was the skates she wore. As Jambi approached them and said hello with her mouthful of food, Caspar nodded hello as he looked at her. Noticing her new familar, Caspar then had an idea. Leaning up against the shack, Caspar then folded his arms across his chest. "Speaking of food, what do you guys say we kill some time and earn some extra col by trying to get another familiar." He suggested. He wouldn't mind trying again, and besides he saw the benefits in having one... if they could pull off. Sometimes Caspar wondered if they were playing SAO or a bad luck game of dice...

  3. Walking up to Ronin, Caspar had arrived and was ready to tackle the day. As he approached Ronin he saw the fellow swordsman eating a piece of bread, almost as if he wasn't satisfied with it. After giving it some thought, he hadn't had anything really different to eat than bread himself. As soon as the thought entered his head, his stomach quickly growled as he also seemed to be very hungry. Lifting his hand up towards his head, he then scratched his cheek as he tilted his head. "Hey, don't you still have that hot dog in your pocket from that familiar quest we did yesterday?" Caspar asked. 

  4. Walking through the streets, he finally arrived in front of the INN as he saw the illuminated sign above its front door. The INN at the Town of Beginnings had no one around the outside of it and it looked to be pretty busy as all the lights in were on through the windows. Hoping for he best, Caspar then started to walk up the steps to the INN as he could already hear a ton of people talking coming from the inside. Lifting his hand upwards, he then grasped the door handle as he then pulled it open. As he did the loud noises and talking that he had heard from the inside were louder than before as the front lobby was PACKED...

  5. Received as an award from completing Quest: "Worn Out Welcome"

    Link to thread: Into the Forest <<Worn Out Welcome>>






    The master NPC Armorsmiths Griswold, and his wife Hanna, have opened his services to new players of SAO a custom armor shop. He takes orders for no price, but instead asks for materials. That's right. YOU, the player, have to tell Griswold what kind of armor you want. He'll give you the material names and how to get them, and it's up to you to retrieve them.

    Entering the shop on Floor 3, you encounter a surly smith and his loving wife. After describing the type of armor you desire (Cloth, Leather, Light Metal, or Heavy Metal) Griswold works with you to determine the right type of material, before sending you on your way to collect the needed materials. Upon returning with the correct materials in the proper quantities, Griswold and Hanna will create your very own set of Uncommon Armor. These materials can be found from fighting a dark elf in the Forest of Wavering Mists.




    Nightingale Jacket

    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: 1 Slot

     Damage Mitigation x1

    Black in color jacket that is lightweight, but protects it's user better than it appears.

  6. Walking through the town streets, Caspar kept his eyes on the ground several feet in front of him as he walked. As he walked he passed what seemed to be newly formed guilds as he could hear them all discussing strategy. He didn't feel left out or anything, he felt perfectly fine for now. Besides, the way he saw it, there was no use in rushing through this game. They were all trapped in here. No one in here is capable of beating the game yet. No one. Everyone was beginner's so there was no use in rushing into things. He was going to take his sweet time for now. He wasn't going to do anything unless he was overly prepared. 

  7. After watching both his friends miss their attacks, Caspar then landed on the ground as he instantly shifted his weight and swung around again, facing the Dark Elf. The Dark Elf was close to being dead as his HP gauge was in red and he was definitely pissed. One more hit should bring him down and they could get out of here with their flower and get that custom armor. Gritting his teeth, Caspar then yelled as he started to rush towards the giant dark elf. 


    "AAAAAHHHHH!" Caspar yelled as he held his two handed sword next to his right hip. As he ran towards the beast, sparks flew and spat up from the ground as he drug it across the floor. Once he closed the gap and reached the elf, Caspar then took a giant step with his left foot as he then swung the heavy sword with both hands like a baseball bat, attempting to slice their enemy clean in half. However, it seemed the dark elf had other plans as he managed to dodge the attack by leaping backwards. 


    As Caspar continued with his follow through swing, he was then looking over his right shoulder as his eyes were widened as his teeth clenched in annoyance. "...Why am I not surprised?..." He thought to himself... 


    ID# 55070 results:

    Battle: 3 = (Miss) -2 EP



    <<DARK ELF>> HP: 2/12 | DMG: 9


    Ronin • HP: 52/52 | EP: 11 | DMG: 2 | MIT: 27

    Jambi • HP: 12/12 | EP: 1 | DMG: 5

    Caspar • HP: 12/12 | EP: 0 | DMG: 2

  8. After seeing her accept the party invite, Caspar then placed his hands in his coat pockets as he then continued to make his way to the town INN. Finally alone again, Caspar was relieved. The truth was, in this type of situation he didn't really trust anyone else but himself currently. Maybe perhaps if this was still just a game, but now it was more than a game, this was now life or death. If you die in here, you die in the real world. He had to be careful, and he had to plan accordingly, he only hoped he could make it to the end. But for now, he needed to find a place to sleep for the night. Then in the morning wake up with a clear mind and plan his next move... 

  9. ".... I-I understand..." She said in a sad voice as she started to take the hint. Dropping her head, she then looked down at the ground as she slowly made her way over to the group of girls in a hesitant manner. Standing in place, Caspar watched with his expressionless face as the girl slowly made her way over to the group of five girls. He could tell she was nervous, scared, and most of all clueless on what to do. As the young girl finally made her way over to the group she then stood out side of the group as she waited for them to notice her. After several long seconds, one of the girls noticed her and said some words to her. Caspar couldn't hear exactly what was said, but the girl that slammed into him seemed to still be nervous. After a minute or so of conversation, Caspar then saw a menu pop up in front of the lonely girl for a party invite.

  10. Stopping in place, Caspar looked up into the sky as he mouthed the words: "Oh God." Running in front of him, the female player then looked up at him. "... I'm sorry, its just, I'm so scared and I don't know where to go or turn too. Can I join you for the night!?... Just until the morning?" She asked in a scared manner. Closing his eyes, Caspar was afraid of this, he did not want to babysit a young girl. "...Look, if its protection you want look elsewhere. If you don't want to be alone tonight, there is a group of girls your age right over there." Caspar said to her as he pointed at a group of young girls who were huddled in a circle next to a shop. 

  11. Pulling her up off the ground, Caspar then looked her up and down. She looked like she was going to be alright and to be honest, he didn't care either way. "Alright, see-ya." Caspar said as he then took off towards the INN in town. As his black boots hit the ground walking, the female player continued to stay in place as she watched him walk away from him. "H-Hey!.... excusuuuse me!" She cried out to him as he continued to walk away. "Heeeey! Wait up!" She cried again as Caspar ignored her some more. Then the black clothed man heard her fast approaching footsteps come towards him. 

  12. As Caspar made his way out of the courtyard, a female player slammed into the side of him as it knocked her down on the ground with a hard thud. "Aggh!... ooow!" She said in pain as she sat on the ground holding her hip. "... Damnit!" Caspar said out loud in annoyance as he brushed his left arm off. Shaking his head and exhaling loud, Caspar then put his hand outwards as he offered to help the girl up off the ground. Blinking, the girl starred at Caspar's hand. "...I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention!" She said as she reached for his hand. "Yeah, I know." Caspar replied. At this point he didn't care who he offended or what they thought of him. He was now trapped in the game, and for all he knew he would probably die in here... 

  13. Turning around as he narrowed his brows, Caspar saw a tall overweight player shake him frantically as he was starting to freak out severely. "WE'RE... WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! I KNOW IT!... WHAT THE HELL DID WE DO TO DESERVE THIS!?" The man yelled at Caspar as his eyes were huge. Pushing the man off of him, Caspar then gritted his teeth as he got into a defensive stance in case the fatass came back for more. "Get the hell off me!... If you're going to cry find someone else. I'm outta here!" Caspar said as he then closed the game menu in front of him and walked away with a look of annoyance on his face. 

  14. Forcing himself to pull his attention away from his menu, Caspar looked around as he saw other players really freaking out. Some were on their knees holding their heads while they screamed loudly. Others had their eyes widened as they attempted to search financially through their game menu, looking for the log out button, thinking it was all just a big joke. Like some overdue April Fools joke. Turning his attention back to his map, Caspar then tried to locate an INN as his eyes searched around the map. Suddenly, he felt two hands grip both his shoulders hard as he felt his body be shaking forwards and backwards... 

  15. Looking back up at the world around him, the remaining light that was present in the world was starting to vanish. It would be night soon, and Caspar needed to find a safe place to stay for the night. He knew he was in a safe zone, but still, the comforts of a bed would be nice. Lifting his hand upwards in front of his body, Caspar swiped downward with his index finger as it pulled up his menu. Looking down at it, Caspar scrolled through his menu until he came across his floor map. After selecting it, Caspar watched as it popped up in a window in front of him. "...Alright, so I'm here. I need to find where the nearest INN is located so I can plan my next move."

  16. ((Takes place after the big announcement))

    After just hearing the big announcement from the game's creator in the courtyard at the Town of Beginings, Caspar was left in the court yard with the rest of the player of SAO. The looks of panic on their faces would be forever burned into his mind as their screams of terror echoed in his ears. Everyone seemed to be in a state of shock as he stood in place playing the game creator's words over and over again in his head. His avatar was no longer there, nothing felt there anymore, it was just him and the reflection of his "real" world face present for everyone to see now. As other players ran away from the court yard, some bumped into him as he continued to just stand there looking down at his hands. "...."

  17. As the dark elf surfaced, Caspar stood unsuspectingly in the elf's cross heirs. With the sudden pitter patter of Ronin's footsteps fast approaching, Caspar shot his head up as he saw him racing towards him and Jambi. "What the!?" Caspar let out as he then quickly turned around and saw the giant elf staring down at him mid swing. As the enemy missed his attack, Caspar's brown hair waved wildly in place as he felt the wind from the elf's sword woosh past him. With a look of shock on his face, all he could think of for that second was how that could have been the end for him. 

    Quickly getting his head back in the game, Caspar then narrowed his brows as he readied his newly acquired sword. As he watched Jambi leap into the air, he watched as she slashed the elf in a horizontal manner, damaging it. Seeing an opening, Caspar then jumped off the ground as he flew through the air towards his enemy. With the elf staggering back, Caspar brought his sword upwards as he held it behind his back. Once he got into range of the enemy, he then swung the sword downward in an attempt to cut the enemy in half. 




    Caspar's sword slashed vertically as he missed his target. "... [censored]! I  missed! How!?" Caspar said as he watched the dark elf move to the side of him with a devilish smirk on his lips... 


    Battle Roll:

    ID#: 55057

    Battle: 1 (Miss)



    <<DARK ELF>> HP: 2/12 | DMG: 9


    Ronin • HP: 52/52 | EP: 13 | DMG: 2 | MIT: 27

    Jambi • HP: 12/12 | EP: 1 | DMG: 5

    Caspar • HP: 12/12 | EP: 3 | DMG: 2


    The BD Result Chart

    [1] = Critical failure. (This effect applies even if the Dice value exceeds 1)
    [2-5] = Fail
    [6-8] = Success
    [9] = Critical Success. +1 damage done. (This effect applies even if the Dice value falls below 9)
    [10] = Critical Success. +2 damage done. (This effect applies even if the Dice value falls below 10)

  18. Making his way through the thick misted forest, Caspar waved his hand in front of his face every now and then to try and clear the mist so he could see. As he did, the white mist would part ways as he could briefly see the ground in which he was stepping on. Unable to locate any unique flowers, Caspar continued to trek on as he also kept his eyes open for any enemies that may be hiding in the crazy looking trees. Just as he stopped to take a quick break to get his bearings he heard Jambi cry out in the forest with excitement. Snapping his head to the side, Caspar looked over at Jambi through the forested area as he saw she had seemed she might have found the flower in which they were looking for. 


    Turning his body and facing her, Caspar walked towards her in a quickened pace as he looked to his left and right over and over on his way to her. He wanted to be sure no one would use this opportunity to take advantage of attacking them. As he was close to coming up on Jambi he then turned his attention to her. "If that's it, lets pick this thing and get the hell outta here." Caspar said. 

  19. "Alright, well that seemed to work well. Lets see what happens when I try again." Caspar thought to himself as he was proud of his last attempt. Even though he had failed at making crystals more than he was successful it still did not prevent him from trying. As he got everything together again he then set it all out in front of him nice and neat so he could learn how to do his a lot better. Following the same steps he did before on the successful one, he then wait to see the result of his work. Waiting patiently, Caspar was eager to see what the result would be... 


    ID#: 54944

    Battle: 1  Craft: 7  Loot: 6  MOB: 3


    ID#: 54945

    Battle: 4  Craft: 1  Loot: 3  MOB: 3


    Shaking his head in disappointment, Caspar then slammed his fist on the table in annoyance at his two failures...

  20. As the two of them stepped foot out of the forest, they found themselves right back where they started. Standing in place, Caspar extended his index finger as he swiped down in front of him. As he did so, he accessed his menu as he then placed his sword back into his inventory. As soon as he did the sword digitally vanished from his hand as he then looked at the empty black gloved hand. "Alright, sounds good." Caspar responded as he then let out a sigh of disappointment from this quest. He could only hope tomorrow would bring new adventures and new luck for them when they returned... 

  21. "I say we head out of here and go back to town. To be honest, I don't want to stay out here any longer than we have to. Who knows who or what we may run into out here. I don't want to get ambushed by anyone either if something followed us in here if their sneaking skill was high enough." Caspar said as he then slowly stood up and looked behind him quickly. "I say we come back with your wife and try again, if you're cool with that, I think it'll be easier on us all that way." Caspar said as he then looked around them one more time before making his way out of the misty forest. 

  22. "No... I can't see [censored] in here can you?" Caspar asked as he kept looking around. As he crouched down next to Ronin he then heard nothing but the ringing sound of silence that seemed to echo loud inside his head. "We should try again tomorrow with Jambi... what do you think? Maybe if we have more eyes around here we will be able to catch something moving around in here and it'll increase our chances." Caspar said as he then rested his elbows on top his knees. The forest was freaky and the trees all looked black as if they were poisoned by something horrific. The more he observed his surroundings the more he wondered what type of boss would be lurking in this fucked up area... 

  23. Slowly making his way through the fog, Caspar started to hear something unusual coming from the far distance to his right. Stopping in his tracks, he then heard the noise get louder and louder. Slowly crouching down and closing his eyes, he then started to concentrate on listening more intently to the noise that was approaching his location. "..itty kitty kitty.." Opening his eyes, Caspar knew that voice belonged to his companion Ronin. Slowly standing up, Caspar made his way to the sound of Ronin trying to lure out a familiar. "... Ronin!?" Caspar whispered loudly hoping his friend would hear him now... 

  24. Unable to hear his friend due to both his concentration being heavily used, and also the fact that he dense fog was being used as a barrier, Caspar continued to hide behind the tree and look out for anything that may seem like a familiar. As he crept his out the side of the tree, Caspar looked along the ground for any signs of an animal that may have ran through here. However, due to the dense and fast moving fog it was close to impossible to see anything above your knees. Sighing, Caspar then turned around as he looked around Ronin. Lowering his head, Caspar then turned his attention to Ronin as he tried to locate him. "... Ronin.... Ronin..." Caspar started to say as he tried his best to back rack through the dark, foggy, and twisted forest... 

  25. Looking left and right carefully, Caspar's eyes were widened as he slowly scanned from his left to right. That way he could pick up any type of movement more easily. Slowly, his black boots were placed in front of him one foot in front of the other as he continued to grip his sword tightly, just in case some monster decided to get cute and ambush the two of them. Looking down carefully, Caspar watched his step as he made sure not to step on any twigs or branches that may alert someone or something of their current location. Creeping his way up to a tree, Caspar then stood behind it as he slowly leaned up against it as he peeked around the large trunk looking out into the vast creepy forest that still seemed to be littered with creepy twisted trees... 

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