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Posts posted by Caspar

  1. As they got to the entrance of the forest, Caspar looked left and right of the tree line to make sure there were no other players or enemies lurking around. Once he saw the coast we clear he then turned and faced Ronin. After hearing his instructions, Caspar then nodded to him in acknowledgement as he the turned around and stepped foot into the forest. As soon as his black boots crossed the threshold of the forest the mist suddenly digitally materialized as it blanketed the floor of the forest. Slowly advancing forward, Caspar kept his eyes open as he tried his best to move through the forest as slowly and carefully as he could.  

  2. Frozen in place, Caspar sat there with his finger still pointed at nothing but empty air as he watched Ronin started to leave in a hurry. As he watched Ronin get up from the table, Caspar did so as well at the same time before uttering aloud: "Now?... Ok then I guess we're leaving." Following him out the front door in a hurry, the two were now back in the street as they planned their next move. "Good thing we have already been to the forest, so this should be a quick trip there." Caspar said as he swiped his finger downward in front of his body accessing his menu. As he did he scrolled until he found his inventory screen, once there he then selected his new sword he received from Ronin as it materialized in his hand. Gripping the crimson colored clothed hilt tightly, Caspar was ready to go as he then turned and headed towards the Forest of the wavering mist...

  3. After listening to Ronin speak of the quest, he continued to follow his lead as he sat down in the booth across from Ronin. As Caspar sat down in the booth, he looked around for a few seconds as he placed his elbows on the table and interlocked his fingers together in front of his face. Waiting patiently, he and Ronin waited to see if a game menu would pop up so they could accept the mission. After several seconds of waiting, a sudden menu popped up in front of Caspar's face as it seemed to take him by surprise. Looking over the game menu and at Ronin, Caspar nodded to his friend, indicating the quest seemed to accessible to him. Lifting his hand up in front of his face, Caspar then pressed the accept option and then awaited the result as the menu then disappeared from view. 

  4. "A battle companion huh? I guess it wouldn't be a bad thing to have around." Caspar said as he then followed his friend. To be honest, Caspar wasn't to familiar with... familiars... anyways, Caspar was still curious about them all. As he walked down the street with Ronin the two passed many shops and every one he passed he wondered what type of familiar he would even be able to receive. As the two arrived at the shop, Caspar stood in place as he let Ronin take the lead with the owner. After all, he had apparently been here before with Jambi...  

  5. "Thanks for the help." Caspar said to the female player as he then walked inside the shop as well. As he walked in with Ronin his eyes went right to the menu behind the counter as he made his way past the other patrons in the shop. Once it was his turn to order, Caspar order a large coffee as he loved the taste. Once the col got deducted from his account, Caspar took the large drink from the counter as he pressed the cup against his lips and indulged himself in the dark hot liquid. Lifting the cup from his lips, he then set it down on the table in front of him as he wipe his mouth quickly with his hand. "Man how I've missed this... Good find." Caspar said. 

  6. "I umm, well... I guess I do owe you guys after you saved me back there... follow me!" The young female player said as she smiled and hustled along the snowy street. Looking over at Ronin briefly, Caspar gave a quick look at him as if he was wondering if this girl was actually serious or not. Looking back over at the girl, Caspar decided to follow her to see where she ended up. As he followed her, he saw the young girl stop in front of a small shop that had a sign out front that said: "HOT DRINKS!"  "Here you go! Thanks again for helping me back there!" The female player said with a large smile. 

  7. As the tall male character struck the ground hard, Caspar then landed on the ground in a crouched position as he then looked over his shoulder and saw Ronin take the girl to safety. As the two speed off to safety. Caspar slowly stood up as he then turned around and looked down at the hurt stranger on the ground who could only moan and groan in pain as his looked out of alignment for the time being. Bending at the waist and picking him up by the collar of his breast plate with one hand, Caspar then pulled him up towards his face as he looked him right in the eyes. "If I ever see you around any floors doing [censored] like this again, I WILL make sure I use a teleport crystal to send your ass to a Boss." Caspar said as he then threw the unknown male character's head down towards the ground, watching it bounce off the frozen street. 


    Turning around, Caspar then walked out the alleyway as he then meet up with Ronin. "She alright?" Caspar asked as he didn't look at his friend, but instead helped be on the look out for a coffee shop. 

  8. "Haha-Huh?" Caspar started to chuckle at hearing Ronin call him by his real name, knowing he slipped up. As soon as he saw Ronin's face turn serious and yell down the alley, Caspar's expression followed suit as he formed a serious expression on his face. Racing down the alleyway along with Ronin, Caspar could see the crime in progress as it looked like a tall and bulky male player holding a young girl up by her shirt collar and pinning her up against the wall while a smirk was etched across his face. Narrowing his brows, Caspar then increased his rate of speed he was running at as he then jumped up and ran along the side of the wall momentarily until he kicked off the brick wall and swung in leg around quickly, striking the male character across the face with his boot laces. 



  9. Profession: Alchemist

    ID# 54746

    Craft: 10

    Item Name: Crystal (Potion)

    Item Type: Crystal 

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: 1 Slot

    Name: HP Recovery

    Cost: 1 Slot

    Cap: N/A

    Effect: Instantly heals you for (10 *Tier Level) HP for each slot used. 


    Description: A crystal that has the ability to heal its user upon activation. 

  10. Coffee was one of Caspar's favorite things in the "real" world. He always loved a hot cup of coffee in the morning when he woke up. To be honest, it was just one reason for him to get out of bed. Looking left and right, Caspar then was on the look out for a coffee shop. He could give a [censored] less about hot chocolate, he just wanted to get some caffeine flowing through his veins. Taking a few steps forward, Caspar's eyes bounced from shop sign to sign as he was on the look out for anything remotely close to selling coffee. "Yeah Rae, I'm not seeing anything on this street, lets cut in between these two buildings and get on the other street." Caspar suggested as he peered down the alley way where the parallel street was lit up and had some people walking by...

  11. "Yeah, we can further explore this floor and check things out. From what I have heard so far in passing, most the quests shouldn't be even attempted unless you are at least level 25 or higher." Caspar said as he then turned and looked over his shoulder and saw a few more people walking past them as they also seemed to be cold. "... Hmm, on second thought, given where are at and the level we are I'm comfortable with taking on any quest on any floor. We can always come back here when we have better and warmer clothing." Caspar said as he watched the small group of young players walk past them. "Which reminds me, I need to practice crafting some potions for us too... some teleport crystals won't be a bad idea either, but I need to get better at crafting first before I can make those." Caspar added as he then started to walk into the middle of the street where the rest of the people were walking by. "Lets see what [censored] we can get into then." 

  12. "Yeah, definitely. I'm down for anything that will get us stronger faster. We just need to be safe going about it." Caspar said as he then got off from the wall as well and flicked his cigarette away from them. As it flipped over itself end over end, he watched the small sparks fly off the cherry as it made a hissing sound once it stuck into a pile of snow. Brushing the palms of his hands together, Caspar then looked around as he took a quick head count of the people that were currently around them. "Alright, you want to see what this floor has to offer or go to a different one?" Caspar asked his blonde haired companion. 

  13. "Front lines? You really want to join them?" Caspar asked as he took the cigarette from Ronin. As Caspar took the cigarette from his friend he then placed it in his mouth as he took a slow drag off of it. After he did, he then inhaled and instantly coughed out a cloud of smoke that seemed to mix with the heat that came out of his mouth naturally as well. The large white cloud floated in the air and trailed off into the distance as Caspar covered his mouth with his black gloved fist. "... Ugghk, dammit!... I was hoping it would be easier to smoke these in game." Caspar said as he then coughed some more. Looking the cigarette up and down in front of his face, Caspar then slowly put it back in between his lips. 


    "Yeah, I'm just exploring this world... To be honest, you can say I'm actually scouting the floors for good areas to fall back to in case I piss off a guild or have a hit on me, that way I know where I can go and re-group if need be." Caspar said to his friend as he squinted and took another hit from the cigarette. "...*COUGH-COUGH*... Ahh-[censored]!.. ugh.. ugh..." 

  14. "Good question... if they are in fact players they seem quite at home about not getting out of here any time soon." Caspar replied as he kept his blue iris' on them. "... Then again, maybe they've already given up and accepted their fate here." Caspar added as he then turned and faced his blonde haired friend. Giving him a quick nod, Caspar then unfolded his arms from across his chest. "You got an extra one of those cigarettes I can bum off ya?" He asked as he continued to look upon his friend. Meanwhile, players and NPC's alike walked up and down the street next to them as they seemed to have equipped their winter clothing. 

  15. Through the steady falling snow, Caspar caught the light from Ronin's teleportation as he watched his friend materialize into floor four. As Caspar continued to lean up against the building, he then lifted his chin slightly as he yelled over to this friend. "Hey Ronin! Over here!" Caspar yelled to his friend in an attempt to get his attention. After he did, he then went back to watching the ice skaters skate around the frozen lake some more with there newly acquired significant other. Shaking his head slightly back and forth at the sight of them, Caspar then waited for his friend to approach him. 

  16. (Caspar and Ronin)

    Floor Four... 

    Snowfrost Town, the entire town reminded Caspar of the Holidays back in the "real" world. Snow settled on rooftops as even the streets were filled with the cold fluff. As the black clothed man walked down the street with his gloved hands in his jacket pockets, he could hear what seemed like Christmas music playing all around him. He wasn't sure if that was always supposed to happen on this floor, or if it was some type of glitch, perhaps he imagined it? Either way, he didn't care. As he continued to walk, he then let out a long sigh as the steam from his breathe escaped from his mouth and trailed off into the air before vanishing in a matter of seconds. Stopping in place, Caspar then walked over to the edge of a building as he leaned up against the side of it and watched the ice skaters skating on Frostbite Lake from afar. "... Must be nice not giving a damn in here." He thought to himself as he continued to waste some time...  



  17. After his friend grabbed his attention, Caspar then stopped in his tracks as he looked back at Ronin. "Hmm? What is it?" Caspar asked in a curious yet careful tone. After all, the last thing he wanted to hear all the way out here was bad news. The next thing he knew he was being told to catch the oncoming weapon that was being tossed his way. With his free hand, Caspar caught the two handed sword as he held it tightly. Instantly after that, his gunblade in his other hand instantly vanished as the game mechanics took over and only allowed him to carry one weapon at a time. Besides, he couldn't dual wield... yet. As he then held it in both hands a small menu popped up in front of his face giving the stats and description of his newly gifted item from Ronin. 

    "The Vampire's Tongue... +1 Damage and a bleed effect too, nice." Caspar said to himself as he then looked the sword over up and down in his hands, noticing the crimson colored clothed hilt. Looking up at Ronin, Caspar smiled. "Hell yeah, awesome. Thanks man." Caspar said to him as he then went back to looking the two handed sword over one last time. 


    Twirling the sword around quickly, Caspar then thrusted it into the ground with a grunt as it stayed in place so he could access his menu. Swiping down with his finger in front of him Caspar's menu illuminated his face as he started to scroll through it and click on his inventory. "Good point Ronin, since we are on the edge of this forest, I'm gonna go ahead and get my inventory straight. I made a potion earlier today too that we can use in case things go south in battle. Just let me know if you guys need it." Caspar said he continued to prepare before going into the forest.


    After he got everything straightened out and how he liked it, Caspar then gripped his newly acquired sword with both hands as he freed it from the Earth. Slowly letting it fall, the sword then rested along his right shoulder as he then turned and faced the forest. Looking up at the tall dark trees that rooted themselves into the ground before then, Caspar then slowly lowered his chin as he looked forward. "Here goes something..." Caspar whispered as he then walked toward the forest. As soon as his foot touched the forested land, a sudden white mist appeared before them, blanketing the surrounding area. The mist itself was not very dense, it just made it annoying to decipher where they were headed for now... 

  18. "Ha.. of course not." Caspar said out loud as he was both annoyed and not surprised at the result. Shaking his head back and forth slightly, the black clothed young man then decided to try his hand again at crafting two more potions. Taking his time and concentrating more at the task at hand, the brown haired man then decided that this would be the last attempts he does for a bit. It would be best he then take a break from trying to create these damn things. As useful as they are, and will be out in the field, crystal's sure were a pain in the ass to make. 

    "Alright, that should do it... come on, come on, come on..." Caspar said under his breathe...

    ID#: 54746

    Battle: 8  Craft: 10  Loot: 15  MOB: 6



    ID#: 54747

    Battle: 9  Craft: 7  Loot: 6  MOB: 7 

  19. After hearing Ronin's question, Caspar then nodded to him. "Yeah." He responded as he then looked over at Jambi to see what her response would be. Turning around and walking towards the door, Caspar then walked past the newly meet female as he saw she was in a trance starring at the shield. "You with us?" Caspar asked, not indicating if he meant it litterily or figuratively as he kept walking, attempting to snap her back into "reality". Walking to the door, Capsar collapsed his hand around the door handle as he pushed the door open and crossed the threshold into the outside world. Taking a few more steps forward, the black clothed male then swiped down in the air in front of him as he pulled up the game menu. After accessing the map section, he then observed the distance it would take them to reach the Forest of the Wavering Mist. As the glow of the holographic screen illuminated his expressionless face, he then calculated it would take them around forty five minutes to reach the forest from their current position. Forty five minutes in the dark that is. 


    Returning to the main menu, Caspar then turned and looked over his shoulder as he waited for the other two. Without looking Caspar selected his Colt Python Sword as it self generated in his hand. Gripping the gun bladed weapon in his hand, he then lifted it upwards as he rested it across his shoulders. Turning his attention back at his menu he then scrolled through it quickly before closing it out, returning his attention back to the dark sky'd world around him. 


    Once the two of them were ready to go, Caspar wouldn't mind taking the lead. "Lets get this over with." Caspar said to them over his shoulder as he took off in the direction of the forest...

  20. Sitting in the empty shop that he hated, Caspar looked down at the wooden counter as he began to think of what to do to kill some time. Seeing that he was sitting in his shop he decided he might as well try his hand at creating some useful potions. Besides, who knew when these things would come in handy, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a large inventory of potions and other crystals just in case he needed them. If it meant staying alive in this world, well, he was just glad he had the ability to make sure he had everything that could keep him alive in a battle. If things got to bad he could always teleport out of there. 


    "Alright, lets see..." Caspar said out loud as he attempted to create some potions for the first time... 

    ID#: 54725

    Battle: 4  Craft: 6  Loot: 18  MOB: 4


    ID#: 52727

    Battle: 2  Craft: 9  Loot: 11 MOB: 8

  21. "Hey, whats up?" Caspar responded as he heard Jambi speak to him. The girl seemed to already be very friendly and didn't seem shy to show it either. "I've never been to this floor yet, no." Caspar said to Jambi as he produced a small smile at the corner of his lip. As Caspar walked inside the shop he immediately found himself bouncing his eyes off one piece of armor and weaponry to the other. The shop appeared to have the ability to produce some very impressive works of art. All of which Caspar wouldn't mind having at some point in time. The truth however, was that he never really was a fan of bulky armor that restricted his movement, and will never ever wear a helmet as long as he lived. In a perfect world, Caspar would like some clothes much like the ones he currently wore that were also very strong and could protect him. How that could ever work wouldn't be his concern, if the blacksmith was skilled enough and wanted their money, it would be their issue to deal with and figure out. 


    Walking through the shop, Caspar stopped in front of a shield that was at eye level with him. The shield was beautifully crafted and looked expensive, but in all honesty Caspar never was a fan of shields either. However, it wasn't the impressive looking shield that stopped him in his tracks. No, it was the perfectly polished front of it that showed his reflection. Looking at his reflection, Caspar couldn't help but turn his attention to the long scar that went across his face, in between his eyes. Slowly lifting his hand up towards his face, Caspar ran his black gloved hand down the scar as it helped keep him in a check. It was a constant reminder of the real world, something that was important for him and everyone else to get back too. It was almost as if the scar proved to him over and over again that this world is a game, that way he would never go insane here. 


    Snapping out of it and turning his head to the man as his longish brown hair followed suit, Caspar acknowledged the store owner as he nodded slightly. "...Thanks." 

  22. As the bright light quickly faded from his eyes after being teleported, Caspar had found himself in an area he had never seen before. It was already dark outside and he knew there was a good chance stronger enemies preferred to roam around once the sun had set. Expressing no emotion on his face, Caspar looked around from left to right until he saw a dim glow catch his attention. The slow red glow came from above a small stone wall that was about fifteen yards away from him. Right away, that's when Caspar knew it was Ronin. After all, he didn't know many other players that smoked in game. Placing one foot in front of the other, Caspar then began to casually walk towards Ronin and the unknown female player as he eyed her up and down the best he could in the dark environment. After all, this was now kill or be killed, and he didn't know anything about her. As he finally reached the two, Caspar stood in place as he then folded his arms across his chest and looked at Ronin. "Got your message... Armor Shop huh? " Caspar said. 

  23. As Ronin's voice echoed throughout the entire dark cave, Caspar continued down the path as he started to hear he faint sound of what could possibly be bats as well. The farther he got into the cave, the slower his pace was. He was careful to make sure he didn't scare any of them and cause them to go hostile on him and Ronin, the last thing he wanted was for a whole swarm of angry bats to descend upon them in the dark. Looking around at the walls and floor, Caspar hoped they'd get lucky and the remains of a bat would just be laying around somewhere... 

    ID#: 54372

    Loot: 17

  24. After reaching the cave's entrance, Caspar stood next to Ronin as he peered into the cave as well. With his arms folded across his chest, Caspar squinted a bit as he tried his best to see how far back into the cave he could actually see. Neither he or Ronin saw anything suspicious or life threatening and they both decided to go into the dark depths. As he walked inside he could hear his black in color boots connect against the cave's hard stone floor. As he continued forward, he kept his eye's peeled and his ears open for any sign what so ever of a bat. He just wanted to get this damn quest over with.  

    ID# 54368

    Battle: 10  Craft: 2  Loot: 13  MOB: 5

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