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Posts posted by Katsumi

  1. Katsumi was about to open the door to the musical hall, as she stretched out her hand to push on it she heard footsteps. She turned her head toward where the footsteps was coming from and noticed the woman just a slight bit too late. The speedy person ran into Katsumi hard, knocking the girl onto the pavement right upon her rump. She placed her hand on her head, "Owww, that is the second time in just two days that someone has run into me. I have to be cursed about that sort of thing or something." She chuckled as she slowly got up on her feet moving in such a way that her skirt didn't flutter in the wind

    She looked at the girl who apoligizing to great detail, Katsumi sighed then smiled at the girl, "No worries, it's not like you were intentally running into me to knock me on the ground or anything. Simple accident is all." She laughed as she tried to joke about the pain that was poking at her buttocks from slamming on the ground... Or more so the placebo effect of such a thing happening since her physical body wasn't actually in any sort of pain at all.

  2. Katsumi listened intently when Lee mentioned, that he had coincidentally met one of the players that happened to reside in the book. He dropped his menu and suddenly a message appeared in front of Katsumi, while at the same time Lee took the book from the girls hand. She read the message that asked if she would like to be one of Lee Song-Fang's friends. She smiled and chuckled, "I would happily be your friend Lee." She responded as she pressed the button accepting the friend request.

    Lee foolishly gave his true actual name in the real world to her, "I didn't mean for you to give me your actual first name! I apologize dearly, I wasn't trying to pry for said information. It was just strange that your name was very similar to one might have in the real world. Katsumi is not my real name, and I am not always comfortable giving it out in games. But since I cannot hide my identity, and if you read gaming news-articles you've probably seen my face before. I am Kikyo, Miharu Kikyo one of the lead designers of top gaming firm in Tokyo." She responded, a few different sets of emotions fluttering through her statement as she was trying to collect herself from the sudden surprise. She cleared her throat, "But do tell me of one of the players you happened to meet?" She asking with a serious amount of curiosity 

  3. Katsumi bowed in a somewhat lady like fashion as the man introduced himself as Date, she opened her eyes after her bow to look directly at the man, "Nice to meet you Date, my name is Katsumi. And I appreciate you worrying about my well being, you don't honestly have to come if you don't feel like it." She responded honestly. The Orangish-Blonde haired girl wanted someone to accompany her, but at the same time felt terrible for feeling like she was making the man do so. "Aside from that, thank you for understanding about my reasonings for wanting some extra people with me. And you don't have an Orange Cursor, so I don't exactly feel as though you're going to attempt to kill me. So I guess I'll place my trust in you." She stated again bowing hoping she hadn't irritated the man.

    She walked back up to the Teleportation Gate in the Town of Beginnings, she took a long and deep breath as she was trying to quell the nerves that were tingling under her skin. After exhaling she exclaimed, "Teleport: Urbus!" After which she was consumed by a very bright blue light. After a few seconds the light dissipated from her, and she could see she was in a completely different town, "Wow, I can't wait to utilize that some more!" She exclaimed as she took some steps away from the gate to await the man that said he would accompany her.

  4. Katsumi found herself waltzing around the Town of Beginnings. She was almost at the point that she had completely trekked every part of the town, albeit taking a few days to do so. But she always wanted to feel comfortable knowing all the in's and outs of city she resided in, even in the real world she was quite the explorer of such. After awhile of walking, she noticed a man staring up into the sky blissfully ignorant to the world around him.

    Curious the Orangish-Blonde haired girl approached the man with no lack of confidence in herself, "If you don't mind me asking, what might you be pondering about up in that head of yours?" She asked with a genuine smile and her eyes brought to a close as she was happy to ask. Her compulsion to rear her cute little head into other people's business was becoming evident once again. Her large pink rose sitting daintily in her hair, slowly moving in the light wind the floor constantly produced.

  5. Hundreds of people passed Katsumi ignoring her completely outright. She didn't realize how her questions for assistance honestly came off to the others she asked assistance from. She sighed as she was about to give up and chance her survival in the world of Sword Art Online by herself in an area where player killers might be waiting at for prey to come into their area. As she turned around, a man happened to roll right into her line of sight asking how he could assist her.

    She would sigh in a way the expressed happiness, "Thank you kind sir, I was wanting to attempt this quest out in the fields of the second floor. It's noted that it's a relatively safe quest, but it is out of the safe zone. And to be completely frank, I didn't want to venture out alone in case player killers attempt to attack me. I have a real doubt they would, but the assurance that someone is there would be nice." She explained to the man in great detail, her fears weren't completely irrational. There were always rumors of people attempting to kill lower leveled players to prevent them from reaching the front lines, "D-do you mind if I ask for your assistance?" She asked somewhat nervously.

  6. Katsumi would stand in the middle of the busy town listening to the man talk about all the best Front Line players in Aincrad. Occasionally getting bumped into by other players who were trying to get around the large town. She would get somewhat uncomfortable with the amount of people who were crowding the town that she would put up a hand just after he finished talking about the Front-Liners, "If you don't mind, can we head toward a not so busy part of the town. I feel somewhat uncomfortable with the amount of people bumping into me." She told him directly and began to make her way toward a bench that was near the plaza but out of the busy amount of people.

    After she would make it and sit upon the bench she sighed, "Whew, that was just way too crazy out there." She then awaited for the man to make it up to her and continue sharing his opinions, "Well, I have never been one to openly want to harm another person. In games I could get out of that mindset because people's lives weren't at risk. But now that this game is officially a death game, I can't bring up the idea to harm another person. So I want to protect everyone I can." She stated with a very determined expression upon her face. Then the man admitted that he hadn't any proper plans for the future, "You should really began plotting out your stat allocations, it's good to be prepared."

  7. She chuckled as the man would notify her that it might be a more compulsive sort of thing with the two of them, "You know I couldn't agree more with you. It's just an impulse to jump into other peoples conversations or issues they are having." She stated honestly, to the man she had just recently met. She chuckled for a little longer till she had a sigh of relief from her laughter. Then the white haired man brought up his embarrassment, "You really need to read it! Have you even learned about the top five players in Aincrad?" She exclaimed her question flipping to the top five players page.

    She would hand him the book promptly after he appropriately introduced himself, "Lee Song-Fang... Is that your name out in the real world?" She asked him, her curiosity would be increased the more she talked to the man, "Regardless of it is or not. It is good to properly meet you Lee." She said happily as she tilted her head slightly as she smiled showing a cuter side to her personality besides solely her more confident personality.

  8. She listened to his ramblings happily as she stood there, yet still staring at the damned eye scar that the man possessed. He would abruptly stop himself as he would realize the amount of rambling the man was doing, "Oh please no, continue rambling I am enjoying your thoughts on those who are on the Front Line." She would attempt to encourage him to continue talking. She loved listening to other people talk, she enjoyed being the one to talk a lot as well. But listening to someone's opinions and thoughts were highly interesting to her for whatever reason.

    Husky would temporarily change the subject to finalizing the greeting and asking her what she had planned to do, "It is also a pleasure to meet you as well, Husky." She chuckled at the name a slight amount, "My plans for what I am going to do after I finish reading the guidelines? I am probably going to start working on getting a shield probably." She said as she put her delicate hand upon her chin and looked up into the bright blue sky that resided above the Town of Beginnings, "After you tell me more on your opinions of those who are in the Front Lines. You let me know what your plans are going forward." She retorted with a catlike grin, putting her fingers together and straight up just infront of her mouth as she gave a whimsical giggle.

  9. Katsumi listened to the man carefully, it seemed he understood her point about talking to other people, "Well I am glad we have the same general point of view." She giggled lightly covering her mouth with her hand. She watched his body movements as he covered his mouth to laugh, Katsumi enjoyed the fact that the man had a bit of a sense of humor. He then commented about the feeling of eavesdropping on people which caused her to look away slightly and scratch the back of her head, "I can't help but do it." She chuckled.

    After a bit of the man's talking, she had a realization which she would soon enact upon, "I can totally understand the feeling. There is a lot going on in this game, I am just trying to get a feel for it while reading the Information Broker's Handbook." She responded as she pulled out the book from her inventory and patted it with her hand. He would continue on to ask her a question, "I am just roaming around the Town of Beginnings trying to familiarize myself with the layout of town completely while at the same time trying to read as much of this book as I possibly can. Have you read it?" She asked, after a second she would clear her voice, "First it would be appropriate for me to introduce myself. I am Katsumi, it is a pleasure to meet you." She would lightly bow in a lady like fashion.

  10. The Orangish-Blonde haired girl had walked around almost 60% of the Town of Beginnings, a lot of it she traversed over and over so she got a true feeling for the Town she knew she would be spending a lot of her time in. She remembered a quaint little building that had some signs that indicated it was a musical building. In the real world, Katsumi was never that good at playing instruments. She could do many other things such as cook, fish, play sports. But she never got a handle for playing music.

    As she walked through the town she slowly made her way up to the store she was thinking about that was in the main plaza. The long orangish-blonde haired girl stood infront of the building with her topaz eyes gazing upon the main letters of the building. She was wearing a white frill-like blouse, a knee length black skirt that fluttered outward, black stockings with some black heels. She took a deep breath as she was collecting her thoughts before she would enter the building.

  11. Katsumi looked upon the Teleportation Gate with wide eyes, at some point she knew she would have to get familiar with the teleportation system. She turned her head a little to notice a job board that was stationed right next to the gate for convenience purposes. She strutted unintentionally to the board and peered it over. Hoping to notice some quests that weren't related to fighting enemies, she noticed a quest that would unlock people's potential to utilize their fists for combat.

    The Orangish-Blonde haired girl immediately pulled up her information brokers handbook flipping to the index so she could navigate to the page that talked about the Extra Skill: Martial Arts. She read up that the quest had no threat levels to it and the Rock doesn't fight back. All she needed to do was punch the rock until it broke, it was exactly what she was looking for. There was one issue, the quest was out of the safe zone of the second floor. And something about this world made Katsumi not to want to be alone.

    Dressed in her white frill blouse with a knee long black skirt that fluttered outward, black stockings and black high heels. She stood up near the gate watching as players walked along with little care, "E-excuse me... Can I get some assistance?" She asked with a somewhat weak voice, she was honestly scared about some of the people this world had to offer and had no idea just how much she could trust the people. But for the most part, since she was still wearing her beginners attire many people walked past her with little care of what she was asking for, expecting her to ask for money or something of the sort.

  12. Katsumi wouldn't stop staring at the scar that resided across the eye of the man she had run into, "Come on Katsumi, get your mind off his facial feature... It's rude to stare. But I am so damn curious!" She shouted into her mind as she listened to him lightly trying to keep up with what he was saying, while simultaneously not trying to look at the man's eye. He brought the topic up about the Information Broker book which caused her to look at it with surprise.

    "Yeah, I can't believe most people didn't grab one of these. I was just about to get to the pages that talked about the top five players in Aincrad... Have you read about them?" She asked the boy instinctively... She always wanted to be wary of the best players on the site so she always had an idea of whom she would have to stand up against. When the boy introduced himself she gasped a slight bit, "I apologize for my rudeness as well. Nice to meet you Husky, my name is Katsumi" She introduced herself bowing slightly, then extending her hand and accepted his handshake.

  13. Katsumi thought about what the person said, she put her delicate fingers up onto her chin. After a moment the Orangish-Blonde haired girl responded in kind, "I definitely understand what you mean, I find conversations with myself to be far more enlightening than most of those I talk to in person!" She laughed to signify that she was obviously joking about her comment, the obvious amount of sarcasm was rather evident as well. "Personally, I do enjoy the company of other people, the conversations you have with others tend to alter one's thought process. Just something I have learned in my years." She stated with a smile.

    "I tend to try and keep every single conversation I have driven by both people who are talking. Even if I'm not apart of the conversation as well!" She blurted out, giving out a hint that she had a slight problem with eavesdropping on other's conversations. Her striking up the conversation with the man would be a dead give away to that fact. Her Topaz eyes looked at his which seemed like they were perpetually closed, "What brings you to this pond, having a small conversation with yourself anyways?" She asked.

  14. Katsumi was strolling through the Town of Beginnings aimlessly, she wanted to get a full understanding of the lay out of time. She enjoyed the theme that the floors main town possessed inside the giant castle of Aincrad. The Orangish-Blonde haired girl hadn't even begun to think about venturing out into the world knowing her strength wasn't up to par to handle this world at all. She immediately got her hands on an Information Broker's Book that was left open for the newer players and anyone else who was honestly interested free for the grabbing.

    She was reading through the book idly walking in some random direction, reading each page explicitly. As she was about to turn the page she accidentally bumped into a man. He immediately responded for his carelessness, "Oh no, no please it is I who needs to apologize. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking in the slightest." She apologized in return, "I was reading the Information Broker's Free handbook they had out in the middle of the main plaza. I wanted to get all my barrings on this world before I ventured out of the safezone." She bowed slight and continued her apology and why she was being so absentminded to be bumping into another player.

  15. Katsumi was strolling her way through the Town of Beginnings, she had her scabbard attached to the side of her black knee-length skirt. Her white blouse unblemished by anything which displayed her lack of travel in the world. It was obvious she was still in her beginners outfit, aside from a very large pink rose that was placed in her hair on purpose for aesthetic's. Her long luscious orangish-blonde hair fluttering in the light wind that the floor produced on a semi-constant basis.

    Never had Katsumi been so afraid of doing actions in her entire life, it was as if her entire life were to be re-written for trying out a game from another company. She looked around somewhat frightened over the world that she now lived in, she noticed a man with white hair standing at a pond looking into his own reflection. As she slowly approached, the man spoke. At first she thought her presence was noticed, but it turned out that the man was definitely talking to himself. She began to chuckle slightly, "So, do you talk to yourself often?" She asked, her confidence in herself immediately renewing itself to her normal confident self.

  16.   golden time Kouko Kaga Bikini


    Username: Katsumi
    Real Name: Kikyo Miharu
    Gender: Female
    Height: 167.64 cm (5'6'' in)
    Weight: 53.9775 (119 lbs)
    Age: 22


    72                                                                    2013 10 13 611742


    Kikyo born and raised in Osaka, was an ordinary girl her whole life who worked hard to be able to accomplish everything she did. She was always adored and well liked throughout her years in school. People never found a way to have any animosity towards the girl as she was just a beautiful spirit through and through. Kikyo kept up perfect grades in all honors classes, she had even managed to complete a year and a half of college by the time she graduated as the Valedictorian of her Class. She gained a full ride scholarship to the one of the most prestigious schools in Japan.

    Everyone would always find a way to think about disliking her since she had perfect grades, a social life, and everything everyone would want during the time in High school. But everyone could find themselves forgetting their thoughts on the Student Council President as she worked very hard and diligently to keep her grades the way they were. Kikyo was never a hyper intelligent person, just someone who put her best foot forward. Always planning to stay ahead in her studies before she spent time with friends and family, but she managed to make time for them in each and every single day.

    Growing up, Kikyo was always a bright and happy soul. She was the first of four, one younger brother and two twin younger brothers. Unfortunately one of her twin brothers had developed a brain tumor before the age of 6, around the time she was the age of 11. The tumor slowly became worse until it was diagnosed as cancer, just two years later she lost her brother. Being the eldest she tried to console her younger brothers though tears streamed down her face. Since her parents weren't wealthy, but made enough to support the family and their small home. She vowed that she would become highly successful in whatever career she chose so she could afford to save her family.

    She got hired as an secretary right out of high school for a huge software developing company due to it being her major at the university she attended. Her boss never seemed to have a lot for her to do so she often had free time to spend on the computer to play video games. No matter what was asked of her she was able to complete it. Kikyo ended up renting a very nice apartment in downtown Tokyo where she spent her mornings working, her afternoons studying, and her nights playing video games.

    After 4 years of College at the age of 22 Kikyo had her PhD, being one of the youngest people in all of her university to do so. Get a promotion to lead developer of a gaming firm that made a slew of great games to hit the market in only 10 years, she made enough to have a very nice home of her own in Tokyo. She was able to pre-purchase her copy of Sword Art Online and the Nervegear so it was set aside opening day as she was not one of the people to get beta access. Still single, not yet looking for someone to settle down with she picked up the game just an hour after release and took it home in her convertible Rolls Royce. She plugged in the Nervegear and found herself in the Trap of all Traps.


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    Kikyo is a slightly taller than the average woman in Japan, she has long luscious orange-blonde hair, her eyes are a Crystal Topaz. Kikyo worked out enough to have the ideal slender image body, though she is not overly busty in either her bust or her rump. She has often been asked to do modeling though she has always respectfully declined.


    2014 02 17 634243


    Kind: Kikyo cares about her fellow human more so than she does for herself, she would often go to volunteer at homeless shelters and various other places to help out anyone and everyone she could.

    Nurturing: Kikyo loves animals and humans alike, and whenever one is in pain she finds herself obligated to go and help them out. Whether it is taking them to the Hospital/Vet or taking out her first aide kit to help cure a minor issue like a scrape or burn.

    Protective: Kikyo would go to the ends of the earth to protect people from violence and other issues. She would often put herself in between someone bullying someone else, or throw herself in the middle of a fight to attempt to break it up.

    Strong-Willed: Kikyo knows how to put her foot down when she needs to. She isn't a violent person and won't resort to attacking someone as the answer, she has managed to get herself out of any situation with her stern and independent voice.


    kaga kouko by sophie4391 d6tidil


    Passive: Kikyo can not find it in herself to harm another person, she never had the will to harm other people only to care and protect others. Never in her entire life had she actually punched, scratched, slapped, or anything else of the sort against another human being.

    Over-working: Kikyo often worked so hard on projects that she would forget to eat and do other things, she has the issue of letting stuff sit to when it's due. She always did things immediately as they came in regardless of how long of a project time it took, she would even become sick due to her pushing herself to the limits.

    Insomnia: Kikyo was diagnosed with Uncontrollable Insomnia after her twin brother had died, without the use of some very powerful sleep aids she cannot go to sleep unless her body finally stops resisting. Her Insomnia had helped with getting projects done and getting ahead, but often it caused her issues due to hallucinations. (She never drove her car after fifteen hours of being awake.)


    2013 12 31 626087


    Katsumi - Level 1
    4 HP
    1 NRG

    Skill Points Invested - 5
    Available Skill Points - 0



    One-Handed Curved Sword Rank 1 (5 SP Invested)
    Search and Detect Rank 0 (0 SP Invested)
    Fighting Spirit Rank 0 (0 SP Invested)
    Battle Healing Rank 0 (0 SP Invested)
    Heavy Armor Rank 0 (0 SP Invested)
    First Aid Rank 0 (0 SP Invested)
    Block Rank 0 (0 SP Invested)
    Parry Rank 0 (0 SP Invested)
    Howl Rank 0 (0 SP Invested)



    Emergency Recovery (0 SP Invested)
    Focused Howl (0 SP Invested)
    Field Medic (0 SP Invested)
    Safe Guard (0 SP Invested)
    Stonewall (0 SP Invested)


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