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Posts posted by Rain

  1. The wanderer clenched his blade as he waited for the dark figure to move. "What was the purpose of this?" he thought to himself as he stared down at his opponent which began to look very much like him. "A gemini? No that's impossible. A gemini can only be found in The Gemini quest. This was something different." After a few more moments of staring at each other, the patience of the wanderer grew thin and he made his first move. With a quick and simple dash and slice, the wanderer managed to land the first blow on his opponent. The dark figure dissipated into nothingness. However, unlike everything else in this game, the dark figure did not pixelate into a multitude of pixels. Instead it just disappeared like a pile of smoke dissipating in the air.

    ID# 57576 results: Battle: 9 (6+3) Craft: 5 Loot: 2 MOB: 4 (7-3)

    <<Rain>> Level 4 | HP (16/16) | Energy (4/4) | DMG 4 | ACC 3 | EVA 3 | MIT 18
    [Base 1 + Enhancement 3] = 4 Total damage

    <<Shadow I>> HP (0/1) | DMG 1 | ACC 0 | EVA 0 | MIT 0

  2. The Wanderer suddenly felt an irresistible urge to walk towards the dark figure. As he got closer the dark figure began to take a shape of a human, about the size of the wanderer with similar clothing and build. The only difference was his body looked that of smoke. Up above him gave an ID of "???." The katana on the stand, also, looked different. As the wanderer got closer the sword got bigger and bigger. It wasn't that of a normal katana. It looked more like an nodachi with a really long blade. 

    As the wander stood right before the dark figure, thoughts came running through his head. "What's the reason for all of this? Why me? Why did you bring me here?" As the wanderer was lost in his thoughts, the dark figure stepped away from the katana encircling the wanderer almost as if gauging his skills. Likewise, the wanderer began to follow suit, gauging the dark figure. Uncontrollably, the wanderer unsheathed his katana, which he just recently bought from a blacksmith, and drew it facing the dark figure. Almost like a mirror the dark figure did the same, he drew a black katana. As it the situation came closer to what seemed to be a fight, the wanderer's thoughts became clearer. He doesn't know why he was brought here, but if it's a fight they want, it's a fight they will get.

  3. Item: T1 Grade-B Health
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement:  Instantly heals you for 20 HP for each slot used.
    Description: A vial of red liquid.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 57559
    Craft: 11 (10+1)


    Item: T1 Grade-B Health
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement:  Instantly heals you for 20 HP for each slot used.
    Description: A vial or red liquid
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 57561
    Craft: 11 (10+1)

  4. Today was just like any other day. The Alchemist knew he needs to make more potions to appeal to more customers. He gathered his materials and headed to the back of shop, where he creates his tonics that customers sought. He began to crush the materials through and through and after a few minutes, oh the materials did glew. He then threw the powder with a big bang, into the cauldron it goes and with a stir it clanged. After a few seconds of a quick mix, he poured the tonic into 5 vials... or maybe 6? As he looked and check every solution, he begins to realize this these concoctions are just meh.

    OOC: idk what happened... I had it at the first sentence then lost it. :s

    Day 5



    Attempt 1
    ID# 57557 results: Battle: 1 Craft: 5 (4+1) Loot: 22 (20+2) MOB: 9
    +2 Exp, +1 Salvaged Material


    Attempt 2
    ID# 57559 results: Battle: 8 Craft: 11 (10+1) Loot: 4 (2+2) MOB: 1
    Item: T1 Grade-B Health
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement:  Instantly heals you for 20 HP.
    Description: A vial or red liquid


    Rank up
    Rank 2 Alchemist  >>> Rank 3 Alchemist


    Attempt 3
    ID# 57560 results: Battle: 6 Craft: 4 (3+1) Loot: 17 (15+2) MOB: 8
    +2 Exp, +1 Salvaged Material


    Attempt 4
    ID# 57561 results: Battle: 5 Craft: 11 (10+1) Loot: 5 (3+2) MOB: 4

    Item: T1 Grade-B Health
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement:  Instantly heals you for 20 HP.
    Description: A vial or red liquid

    +6 Exp


    Attempt 5 (Extra)
    ID# 57562 results: Battle: 5 Craft: 4 Loot: 5 MOB: 2
    +2 Exp

    -3 Mats, + 18 Exp


  5. But, as we keep unlock more floors, wouldn't there be a need to spam more to keep up with the health of the bosses? idk... sorry I'm just looking at this from a solo to a small party perspective.. 

    on another thought... how come alchemy is the only consumable without an energy restore?

  6. 1 minute ago, Takao said:




    I get what you mean with the energy regens but I honestly find those small...  what I was thinking was something more on the lines of something like this..

    Name: Energy Recovery

    Cost: 1 Slot

    Cap: N/A

    Effect: Instantly restores (5 * Tier Level) HP for each slot used 


    Just an idea..

  7. I'm just wondering, I noticed people have a hard time regening energy. Especially in higher levels. Why don't we add an energy restoring enhancement? We already have HP restoration, why not have energy also? I think it's sensible since in MMOs there's always mana potions or whatever they use. I'm not talking about electrolytes btw, that's just a turn by turn regen, right? If I'm mistaken on the use of electrolytes, I'm sorry. 

  8. In his typical fashion, The silver haired wanderer, has found himself in another artisan shop. As he looks around, he begins to notice something familiar with this shop. Almost like he's been here before. He quickly walks outside to check the name of the shop, and to his surprise, he's been here before. This is the place where he bought his Thief's Gamble, "Amethyst Boutique." He walks back in he quickly notices the red haired owner of this shop. "Ah! Done with making new items today?" he says to the lady as she was walking away from her worktable. The Wanderer quickly browses her items only to be captivated by a simple silver ring. "How much for the ring of accuracy? 4 Mats?" He opens his inventory and took out 4 mats and placed it in the counter. He quickly takes the ring off lady's hands and starts walking out the door. "Thank you for the ring!"

    +1 Ring of Accuracy [+3 ACC]
    -4 Materials

  9. Item:  Crafter's Respite
    Item Type: Status Potion
    Tier:  1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement:  Instantly resets all crafting attempts, so you can craft again during the same crafting day.
    Description: A vial of golden yellow liquid with a fragrant scent.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 57425
    Craft: 13 (12+1)

  10. "The 2 crystal will take awhile being that I'm still new to this, but if you can wait, I'll gladly make those two for you when I can. I'll pm you." As the customer walks away, Rain walks back into the back of the shop where he makes his potions. He hasn't been making potions for awhile now since he's been low on mats. Now that he has mats, he begins grinding 4 materials simultaneously. As the materials begins to glow he individually pours them into his cauldron and stir. Then poured them all into 4 vials he's set aside. He then watches the vials as the glows dissipate hoping to have made some quality potions. The first one was a great success. However, the remaining 3 had black smoke coming out with the liquids in the vials, black.  

    Day 4

    Attempt 1
    ID# 57425 results: Battle: 3 Craft: 13 (12+1) Loot: 8 (6+2) MOB: 5
    Crafter's Respite
    Item Type: Status Potion
    Tier:  1
    Enhancement:  Instantly resets all crafting attempts, so you can craft again during the same crafting day.
    Description: A vial of golden yellow liquid with a fragrant scent.
    +9 Exp


    Attempt 2
    ID# 57426 results: Battle: 3 Craft: 3 (2+1) Loot: 17 (15+2) MOB: 1
    +2 Exp


    Attempt 3
    ID# 57427 results: Battle: 10 Craft: 6 (5+1) Loot: 13 (11+2) MOB: 3
    +2 Exp


    Attempt 4 (Extra Attempt)
    ID# 57428 results: Battle: 2 Craft: 6 (5+1) Loot: 10 (8+2) MOB: 9
    +2 Exp

    -4 Mats, +15 Exp


  11. "Oh my..." wallowing in self-pity, The Wanderer had just realized that this was but a game. He had lost himself in this world for so long that he had forgotten what reality and what virtual reality was. He quickly opens his map and beings to map out his route with the help of the built in compass - really would've helped earlier - and the data given to him by his savior. The Wanderer quickly lowers his head and bids the blonde lioness, "adieu, thank you for the help again." Then quickly rushes off into the forest while waving goodbye.

    ~8 Collected Mats to Rain~
    ~+400 Col to Rain ~
    ~1 SP (1 for completion) to both Rain and Ariel~
    ~+4 Extra materials to Rain (rolled by GM with Loot Die upon topic completion)~

  12. "Sorry! Be right there!" boomed a voice from behind the shop. After a few seconds, a silver haired man came walking out from the back of the shop. "Hi, welcome to my shop," says the man a slight smile on his face. "The two Guardian's Tonics[safeguard potions] will be 8 mats all together. The order for crystals however, I must decline. I'm still new to Alchemy so I can't make crystals just yet," says the silver haired man while grabbing the guardian's tonics from the shelf. He then places them on the counter in front of the customer.

  13. "Aahhh! The Crowned Lion, now I remember you," exclaims The Wanderer as he lowers his blindfold. "So you're a tailor and a tamer, too?" says The Wanderer as he leaned over towards the white lioness and lightly pets it hoping it won't bite. Getting back up, The Wanderer looks at his savior in the eye, "I should head back to town before another wolf jumps on me. Do you happen to know where the nearest town is? I'm kinda lost."

  14. The wanderer took a moment to process what just happened? A woman with blonde hair came out of nowhere and struck the wolf down for him. "Why did you save me? Who are you?" crossed his mind as he slowly stood up. He swings his blade to his side into a scabbard that's kept at the left side of his waist. In a similar fashion, the wanderer lowered his head and bowed while letting out a subtle, "Thank you..." As he rose his head, he begins to notice something familiar with this woman. "You seem familiar, have I met you before?" the wanderer says as he studied his savior.

    +1 Energy, +3 HP

  15. ID# 57221 results: Battle: 3 Craft: 5 Loot: 13 MOB: 10

    Without any disregard for his own life, the pounces on the swordsman and begins to ruthlessly maul on the his feet. The Wanderer moaned in agony trying to kick the wolf off his feet, but sadly, it was all for naught. The wolf wouldn't let go if his feet. The Wanderer raises his blade until it emits an azure blue glow. Then he swung his blade at the wolf hoping to hit, however, the wolf let go of his feet before he could sink his blade in.

    Wolf | HP (4/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2
    Base 6 + Critical 2 - MIT 18 = Total Damage 1 (Minimum of 1)

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (13/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (13/16) | Energy (2/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18
    -2 Energy, +1 Energy

    Wolf | HP (3/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

  16. ID# 57220 results: Battle: 7 Craft: 8 Loot: 7 MOB: 7

    Following it's dodge of if The Wanderer's attack, the wolf savagely bites the swordsman's arms. The wolf latched on to the left arm of the swordsman not wanting to let go.

    Wolf | HP (4/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2
    Base 6 - MIT 18 = Total Damage 1 (Minimum of 1)

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (13/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18

    The Wanderer wails with anguish as he tries to throw the wolf off it's arm. Unfortunately, the wolf wouldn't let go. The Wanderer, takes his blade and slices through the wolf's front left leg. 

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (13/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18
    <<Reaver>>[Base damage 1 + Enhancement 1 + Skill 1] = 5(1x1) = (Rain) Damage 3 - (Boar) MIT 2 = Total Damage 1
    -1 Energy, +1 Energy

    Wolf | HP (3/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

  17. ID# 57216 results: Battle: 3 Craft: 5 Loot: 14 MOB: 8

    OCC: I won't lie. I rolled 3 times for this post... the 2 rolls before this both the wolf and my character missed.... some more.

    After a long pause of glaring and circling each other, both fighters began to rush at each other again. The wolf viciously bites the leg of The Wanderer leaving it somewhat scared.

    Wolf | HP (4/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2
    Base 6 - MIT 18 = Total Damage 1 (Minimum of 1)

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (14/16) | Energy (4/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18

    Reacting to the savage attack of the wolf, The Wanderer swings his blade hoping to hit, but sadly to no avail. The wolf was just too nimble for the swordsman to land a blow.

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (14/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18
    -2 Energy, +1 Energy

    Wolf | HP (4/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

  18. ID# 57213 results: Battle: 5 Craft: 8 Loot: 11 MOB: 1

    After the two gladiators fought each other, the both took a rest while slowly circling each other again. They were both really tire and exhausted, but none of them wanted to give up. The Wanderer raised his blade getting it ready for the next brawl. The Wolf, viciously growls at the swordsman, inching little by little towards The Wanderer. 

    +1 Energy

    OOC: Dude... both these two missing constantly is really making it hard to think of things to write about. Like ddaaaaaannngg man. kill me. x.x

  19. ID# 57209 results: Battle: 1 Craft: 7 Loot: 20 MOB: 3

    Both fighters waited for the breeze to stop. After a minute, the breeze stopped and at that moment, they both savagely rushed each other. However, they both terribly missed each other. It was like an episode of Dragon Ball Z where the fighters are just attacking and dodging each other with no serious winner in the brawl. 

    Wolf | HP (4/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (15/16) | Energy (4/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (15/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18
    -2 Energy, +1 Energy

    Wolf | HP (4/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

  20. ID# 57205 results: Battle: 2 Craft: 6 Loot: 10 MOB: 3

    It seems that Rain has been in this situation before. After both gladiators missed each other's attacks, they both began to circle each other while staring each other down. Rain knew this dance, the dance of man and wolf ready to duke it out. The Wanderer raised his weapon getting it ready for the next moment. The wolf grit's it's teeth, ready to bite in a moment's notice. Almost like in anime, a breeze blows in the battle field.

    +1 energy

  21. ID# 57201 results: Battle: 5 Craft: 1 Loot: 3 MOB: 3 (6-3)

    Angered at the swordsman, The wolf thought of savagely charged after him. But, the wolf isn't stupid. It circled The Wanderer slowly all the while glaring intensely at him. After getting behind the swordsman, the wolf savagely rushed the swordsman. 

    Wolf | HP (4/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (15/16) | Energy (4/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18

    The Wanderer, however, had his guard up the entire time. He saw foresaw the wolf attacking and at that moment, decide to ready his weapon. His blade then glows azure right before the wolf attack. As The Wanderer dodges the wolf, he swings his blade hoping to hit. Unfortunately, The Wanderer missed his chance to cut the wolf.

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (15/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18
    -2 Energy, +1 Energy

    Wolf | HP (4/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

  22. In his normal fashion, Rain, The Wanderer, found himself wandering into a large forge in the first floor. On the sign, it states, "Gurando Foji." As he walks into the store, he sees many swords and spears and other assortment of weapons. "This place has a huge selection," The Wanderer says to himself as he browses the store's selection. After spending the next few minutes, the swordsman eyes get caught on a particular item. A certain black bladed katana called, "Bakuzan." In the description, it says it is strong enough to cut through most armors. Without thinking clearly, Rain had to have this weapon. He quickly grabs the katana from the display, and brings it the counter. "I want this blade," the wanderer says as he drops 6 materials for the blade. 

    • Bakuzan: (Katana)(Perfect)(Tier 1)(+3 Damage) Description: (A black bladed katana. It is strong enough to cut through most armors.)

    Transfers 6 Materials from Rain to Oikawa

  23. ID# 57189 results: Battle: 6 Craft: 12 Loot: 1 MOB: 3 (6-3)

    The wolf wails from the pain of the cut. It unfortunately wasn't enough to fall the wolf. With resolve in it's eyes, the wolf circled the swordsman. Suddenly it rushes The Wanderer from it's side. Sadly, The Wanderer was too quick on his feet, and dodged the wolf.

    Wolf | HP (5/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (15/16) | Energy (4/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18

    Following the wolf's attack, The Wanderer readies his blade and glows in azure. With a single swing and dashing a few steps, The Wanderer cuts through the wolf again. with ease. Not as strong as the his last attack, but still did damage.

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (15/16) | Energy (4/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18
    <<Reaver>>[Base damage 1 + Enhancement 1 + Skill 1] = 3(1*1) = (Rain) Damage 3 - (Boar) MIT 2 = Total Damage 1
    -1 Energy, +1 Energy

    Wolf | HP (4/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

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