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Posts posted by Rain

  1. ID# 57179 results: Battle: 10 Craft: 2 Loot: 19 (17+2) MOB: 5 (8-3)

    After an hour of walking, The Wanderer notices that nothing seems familiar here. After giving it some thought, he decided to get lost back in the woods. He clearly doesn't know where this road went and so, he decided to follow the road less traveled, hoping to find his way back. Wandering around for about an hour, Rain found his way to a large boulder in the middle of the forest. Below the boulder grew small pink flowers. Without a second thought, The Wanderer ran straight to the flowers wanting to collect them. As he's about to swing, a wild wolf suddenly comes jumping on The Wanderer.

    Wolf | HP (8/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2
    Base 6 - MIT 18 = Total Damage 1 (Minimum of 1)

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (15/16) | Energy (4/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18

    The Wanderer, however, heard the wolf coming. He just barely dodged the wolf, only letting the wolf slightly scratch his face. Following the attack, the Wanderer slices at the wolf cutting through a part of it's hide.

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (15/16) | Energy (4/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 3 | MIT 18
    <<Reaver>>[Base damage(1) + Enhancement(1) + Crit Damage(2) + Skill(1)] = 5(1*1) = (Rain) Damage 5 - (Boar) MIT 2 = Total Damage 3
    -1 Energy, +1 Energy

    Wolf | HP (5/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

  2. ID# 57172 results: Battle: 1 Craft: 10 Loot: 15 (13+2) MOB: 1

    After an hour and a half of walking, The Wanderer finally finds his way to a road. This road seemed familiar. Now he had to make a a decision, right or left. After giving it some thought, he decided to look for a flat rock. While looking for a rock, however, he found a small white flower next to a flat rock. Without a second thought, rain quickly cut the stem of the flower collecting it. He then grabs the rock and marks one side of it. "Okay, marked means right, unmarked means left," he thought to himself as he tosses the rock in the air. After a few moments of suspense, the rock spins and eventually lands on the marked side. "Guess it's right," he told himself as he starts heading to the right.

    +1 Material

  3. ID# 57171 results: Battle: 1 Craft: 3 Loot: 21 (19 + LD 2) MOB: 9

    Ecstatic, The Wanderer wandered off deeper into the woods. He was determined to look for more materials to collect. Today was just his lucky day. As he went farther and farther into the woods, The Wanderer felt uneasy. After a few more minutes of walking, The Wanderer realizes he's lost. He had no clue where he was. Unlike most people, however, The Wanderer isn't prone to panicking. The Swordsman walked to the nearest tree. Back in reality, he once read an article on how to survive in the wilderness. There it said that moss always grows on the northern side of the tree. Not sure if it was true or not, he looked for the moss on the tree. After a few seconds he found some moss on the tree. The moss looked salvageable so with a quick slice, he collects some of the moss and heads towards the direction of the moss. 

    +1 Material.

  4. ID# 57166 results: Battle: 7 Craft: 6 Loot: 17 (15 + LD 2) MOB: 6

    Gay, The Wanderer strolled back into the forest. He was hoping to find more materials to collect. He checked every nook and cranny that surrounded him. After an hour or so, The Wanderer found himself at tree with a slightly large hole. Inside the hole, emanated an azure blue glow. The Wanderer peaked into the hole to the sight of an azure blue glowing mushroom. Another mushroom. With a big grin on his face, the Wanderer grabs his blade and swiftly cut off the mushroom. "Today's just a good day," he told himself.

    +1 Material

  5. ID# 57165 results: Battle: 4 Craft: 3 Loot: 20 (18 + 2) MOB: 6

    Extremely happy with luck right now, The Wanderer circled the tree to see if there were more materials to collect. To his surprise, there was another patch of mushrooms. With glee, he raises his blade and swings through the mushrooms. To his surprise, the mushrooms did not crack into a million pieces. Yet again, he was able to collect the mushrooms. This brought much joy to the Wanderer. It's been so long since he has had this kind of luck.

    Max Energy
    +1 Material

  6. ID# 57157 results: Battle: 1 Craft: 3 Loot: 22 (20+2) MOB: 10

    Elated from finding a material, The Wanderer began to search the area for more materials to collect. After a few minutes of searching he found himself at a clearing in the forest. It was just a field with nothing but grass, and a large tree in the middle. The Wanderer made his way to the tree slowly while keeping his guard up. As he scanned the area, there didn't seem to be any enemies near by. After getting a somewhat close to the tree he quickly notices a few red dots on the base of the tree. As he got closer and closer, he soon realized that those were mushrooms. He quickly ran to the tree and swung his blade at them. Before the mushrooms would disappear, but this time, a mushroom remained in tact. The Wanderer has finally won against his feud with mushrooms.

    +1 Energy
    +1 Material

  7. ID# 57155 results: Battle: 4 Craft: 2 Loot: 17 (15+2) MOB: 7

    The Wanderer falls slowly on his back onto a soft patch of grass. "Man, that was a tough fight," he told himself while lying on the ground. The Wanderer spent the next couple of minutes there lying on the ground, when a soft breeze came rolling in. The Wanderer then opens his eyes. From his peripherals. He noticed something red and shining flowing in the wind. As he turned to look, he sees a crimson flower growing right next to a tree just a short distance from where he was. He stood up and walked over to the flower with his blade by his side. He then plucks the flower from it's stem with a quick cut. He was getting better at this.

    +3 HP, +1 Energy
    +1 Material.

  8. ID# 57153 results: Battle: 9 Craft: 12 Loot: 11 (9+2) MOB: 5

    After it's last failed attempt to attack, the wolf had fallen back to the ground. It couldn't get up anymore. The Wanderer expressed sympathy for the wolf. It was close to dying, yet it did not give up. It still kept fighting even though it knew this fight was over. The Wanderer slowly walks up the wolf, keeping his blade be his side and his guard up. "It was a fun dual, you can rest now," The Wanderer says to the wolf as he takes his blade and sinks it into the skull of the wolf. The wolf, cracks and pixelates into many pieces.

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (13/16) | Energy (1/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 2 | MIT 18
    [Base damage 1 + Enhancement 1 + Skill 1] = 4(1x1) = (Rain) Damage 3 - (Boar) MIT 2 = Total Damage 1
    -1 Energy, +1 Energy

    Wolf| HP (0/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

    +1 Material (100% chance)

  9. ID# 57133 results: Battle: 7 Craft: 12 Loot: 14 MOB: 3 (5-2)

    Reacting without a second thought after dodging the wolf, The Wanderer readies his blade and swings his azure sword as fast as he could. He cuts through the right back legs of the wolf, cutting it off.

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (13/16) | Energy (1/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 2 | MIT 18
    <<Reaver>> [Base damage 1 + Enhancement 1 + Skill 1] = 3(1x1) = (Rain) Damage 3 - (Boar) MIT 2 = Total Damage 1
    -1 Energy, +1 Energy

    Wolf| HP (1/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

    The Wolf, lands on it's 3 remaining feet before falling to the ground. It was close to dying but wasn't ready to give up. The wolf starts to glare at The Wanderer. With a fierce resolve, the wolf stands on it 3 feet. It then begins to walk forward, eventually, into a run. Jumping on it's 2 forefeet, it desperately tries to bite The Wanderer. Unfortunately, it missed.

    Wolf | HP (1/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (13/16) | Energy (1/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 2 | MIT 18


  10. ID# 57032 results: Battle: 1 Craft: 12 Loot: 1 MOB: 4(6-2)

    A strong breeze flows through the battle field. After a minute the breeze dissipates, in that moment, both fighters rushed at each other. With an azure glow in his sword, The Wanderer swings his blade at the wolf hoping to hit. Regrettably, he, however, swings at air. The wolf wasn't there. 

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (13/16) | Energy (1/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 2 | MIT 18
    -2 Energy, +1 Energy

    Wolf| HP (2/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

    The wolf had decided to circle around in the last second to blindside the swordsman. The wolf opens it's mouth ready to bite the swordsman's arms, only to miss. The hands were too fast for the wolf to catch.

    Wolf | HP (2/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (13/16) | Energy (1/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 2 | MIT 18


    Edit later... I'm really sleepy...

  11. ID# 56994 results: Battle: 2 Craft: 12 Loot: 12 MOB: 3

    Clearly this battle is of two titans. They were both fairly even. They both are terrible at landing blows and both barely do any damage to each other. This battle is gonna take longer than expected. The 2 gladiators glared at each other. Not one flinching. As their eyes are locked eye to eye, they circled each other. The Wanderer steady with his blade at his side. The wolf, fierce with determination to kill the swordsman. They both took their time, eyeing each other. Soon, in the next few seconds, one of them will fall.

    +1 Energy

  12. ID# 56985 results: Battle: 5 Craft: 12 Loot: 12 MOB: 9

    As The Wanderer dodges, he quickly tries to stab the wolf. Unfortunately, he missed. It would seem that The Wanderer couldn't detect the wolf correctly. He... doesn't have the skill to detect yet.

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (14/16) | Energy (2/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 2 | MIT 18
    -2 Energy, +1 Energy

    Wolf| HP (2/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

    Recovering from his last failed attack, the wolf readies his next attack. He glares at the swordsman. He lets out a loud howl and then begins to charge. The wolf jump on the The Wander hoping to bite his legs. Unfortunately, the wolf only managed to scratch him on the leg.

    Wolf | HP (2/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

    Base 6 + Critical 1- MIT 18 = Total Damage 1 (Minimum of 1)

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (13/16) | Energy (2/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 2 | MIT 18

  13. ID# 56982 results: Battle: 9 Craft: 11 Loot: 18 MOB: 4 (6 - 2 EVA)

    Not wanting the wolf to attack again, The Wander takes his right leg back and raises his blade to his side, while pointing the tip to the wolf. As his blade glowed azure, he began to run forward. Before the wolf could react, The Wanderer's blade sinks into the skin of the wolf.

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (14/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 2 | MIT 18
    <<Reaver>> [Base damage 1 + Enhancement 1 + Critical 1 + Skill 1] = 4(1x1) = (Rain) Damage 4 - (Boar) MIT 2 = Total Damage 2
    -1 Energy, +1 Energy

    Wolf| HP (2/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

    The Wolf flails away from The Wanderer, limping to a safe distance out of sight of The Wander. Rain, stood still waiting for the wolf to come back. He knew this wasn't finished yet. After a couple of seconds, The Wanderer hears footsteps coming from behind him. Soon, a wolf jumps out of the bushes behind The Wanderer. Sadly for the wolf, The Wanderer knew and dodged before the wolf could get close.

    Wolf | HP (2/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (14/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 2 | MIT 18

  14.  ID# 56974 results: Battle: 8 Craft: 6 Loot: 15 MOB: 3

    Taking the opportunity, The Wanderer pushes back the wolf. He then readies his blade. With an azure glow, he cuts into the chest of the wolf, knocking the wolf to his back.

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (14/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 2 | MIT 18
    [Base damage(1) + Enhancement(1) + Skill(1)] = 3(Reaver 1*1) = (Rain) Damage 3 - (Boar) MIT 2 = Total Damage 1
    -1 Energy, +1 Energy

    Wolf| HP (4/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

    After a few seconds, the wolf recovers back on his feet. Angry, the wolf charges at the swordsman. Unfortunately for the wolf, The Wanderer was too quick, and dodged the attack.

    Wolf | HP (4/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (14/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 2 | MIT 18

  15. ID# 56962 results: Battle: 6 Craft: 3 Loot: 11 MOB: 9

    After throwing the wolf off his arm. the wanderer raises his blade till it glows azure. He then quickly rushes the wolf and swinging wildly. He sinks the blade into the wolf hide, but only barely. 

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (15/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 2 | MIT 18
    [Base damage(1) + Enhancement(1) + Skill(1)] = 3(Reaver 1*1) = (Rain) Damage 3 - (Boar) MIT 2 = Total Damage 1
    -1 Energy, +1 Energy

    Wolf| HP (5/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

    The wolf growling from the pain, glares at The Wanderer. Then, in suddenly, the wolf pounces on The Wanderer, pinning him to the ground. While on the ground, the wolf tries to bite The Wanderer. Only to be stopped by The Wanderer's blade

    Wolf | HP (5/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2
    Base 6 + Critical 1- MIT 18 = Total Damage 1 (Minimum of 1)

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (14/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 2 | MIT 18

  16. ID# 56944 results: Battle: 5 Craft: 11 Loot: 8 MOB: 9

    Wanting to finish this quickly, The Wanderer quickly tries to attack the wolf before he could the wolf could react again. With an azure glow of his blade he quickly swings. Only to not touch anything. The wolf had dodged the blade right before it even touched it's hide.

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (16/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 2 | MIT 18
    -2 Energy, +1 Energy

    Wolf| HP (6/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

    Following his momentum, the wolf leaps at The Wanderer to bite him. With a quick reaction, The Wanderer raises his arm to block the wolf. The wolf sinks his teeth into the flesh of The Wanderer. However, The Wanderer shook the wolf off his arm. 

    Wolf | HP (6/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2
    Base 6 + Critical 1 - MIT 18 = Total Damage 1 (Minimum of 1)

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (15/16) | Energy (3/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 2 | MIT 18

  17. ID# 56929 results: Battle: 9 Craft: 1 Loot: 5 MOB: 1

    After The Wanderer finishes shopping for items, he's realized he's short on Mats and money again. He knew he had to start getting materials soon, and fast. He quickly rushed off into the woodlands of Floor 2. As he runs down a road, he spots an unsuspecting wolf. Without a second thought, he quickly rushed at the wolf catching the wold off guard. With an azure swing he cuts through the wolf, throwing the unsuspecting victim to the ground.

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (16/16) | Energy (4/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 2 | MIT 18
    [Base damage(1) + Enhancement(1) + Crit Damage(1) + Skill(1)] = 4(Reaver 1*1) = (Rain) Damage 4 - (Boar) MIT 2 = Total Damage 2
    -1 Energy, +1 Energy

    Wolf| HP (6/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

    It sadly wasn't enough to kill the wolf. The wolf eventually gets up on his feet and quickly retaliates. However, The Wanderer was nimble enough that he avoids the Wolf's attack with ease.

    Wolf | HP (6/8) | DMG 6 | MIT 2

    Rain | Level 4 | HP (16/16) | Energy (4/4) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 2 | MIT 18

  18. New to the 4th floor, The Wanderer, in his normal fashion, wanders around to see the area where his shop will be for awhile. After a few minutes of strolling, he makes his way to a shop called, "The Lion's Den." Intrigued, he walks inside. As he looks around, he notices that this place seems to be a tailor shop. There are many kinds of armors and clothing displayed all over. After a few minutes of browsing he makes his way to the counter where a blond woman stands. "Do you happen to take custom orders? I have a few requests I would like to make..."

    Name: Crafter's Gloves
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: (8) Provisional Master
    ID: 54712 
    Roll: 12 (11+1)
    Item Type: Tools - Gloves
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +1 CD while crafting
    Description: A Simple black pair of gloves I can wear while making potions.
     On the top part of the right glove, a semi transparent white crowned lion head logo is discreetly placed, the usual branding from the manufacturing shop.  


    Name: Crafter's Robes
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: (8) Provisional Master
    ID: 54897
    Roll: 12 (11+1)
    Item Type: Clothing - Robes
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +1 Exp while crafting
    Description: Black robes I can wear while crafting potions.
     On the left breast pocket area, a semi transparent white crowned lion head is discreetly placed, the usual branding from the manufacturing shop.  


    Name: Crafter's Boots Crafter's Panda
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: (8) Provisional Master
    ID: 54902
    Roll: 12 (nat.)
    Item Type: Plushie
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +1 Crafting Attempt
    Description:  A baby panda plushie that can be worn like a weapon attachment, similar to phone accesories but attached to the hilt. 
    On its back a semi transparent white crowned lion head logo is discreetly placed, the usual branding from the manufacturing shop.  


    Name: Assurance
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: (8) Provisional Master
    ID: 55024
    Roll: 12 (nat.)
    Item Type: Leather Armor - Boots
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +2 EVA, +1 MIT
    Description: A pair of leather boots made for a rogues. Black in color and on the exterior sides of each boot,
     a semi transparent white crowned lion head logo is discreetly placed, the usual branding from the manufacturing shop.

    Total: 16 Mats + 550 Col

    -550 Col
    -16 Mats

    +16 Materials and +550 Col to Ariel - The Crowned Lion

  19. "Man, what a day..." The Wanderer says to himself as he sits on the ground resting. As he looks up in the sky, he notices that the it's going to be dark soon. The sky is lit with a bright orange color. It was beautiful. He has never seen a sunset like this before. After his breather, The Wanderer slowly gets on up on this two feet. "He should get back to town now, before it gets dark," he thought to himself. He then begins to run on the road heading towards the town. He looks ahead of him, so far so clear. As he looks off in the distance, he sees the town gate get closer and closer. He's almost there. He's almost back to the safe zone.


    ~6 Collected Mats~

    ~+400 Col~

    ~1 SP (1 for completion)~

    ~13 Extra materials (rolled by GM with Loot Die upon topic completion)~

  20. ID# 56819 results: Battle: 9 Craft: 8 Loot: 11 MOB: 8

    With a loud wail, the boar falls to the ground. A few seconds, The Wanderer picks himself up from the ground. "This wasn't over yet," he thought to himself as he slowly walks to the fallen boar. He can see that the boar is almost dead. He didn't want to wasn't anymore time. The Wanderer readies his blade right up above his head. The blade then begins to glow azure. He stay in this position while waiting for the boar to get up. After some time, the boar eventually makes his way up on his 4 legs. The boar then faces The Wanderer as he stays still keeping his blade above him. The boar then savagely rushes the swordsman without any disregard for his own life. Before he even touches the swordsman, The Wanderer swings his blade downwards leaving a azure colored projectile in the air heading towards the boar. In that moment, the boar gets sliced in two, then shatters into a multitude of pixels.

    Rain | Level 3 | HP (10/12) | Energy (1/3) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 0 | MIT 9
    [Base damage(1) + Enhancements(1) + Critical(1) + Skill(1)] x [Fell Crescent]1x1 =  (Rain) Damage 4 - (Boar) MIT 1 = Total Damage 3
    -2 Energy, +1 Energy

    Boar | HP (0/6) | DMG 3 | MIT 1(1.5 rounded down)

    +1 Material

    +1 Good Item


    Item: Trip Tonic
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Good
    Enhancement: Causes the drinker to hallucinate for 3 turns. (Use LD to see what kind of hallucination you get. 11+ being good and 10- being bad.)

    Description: A green liquid with some gold sediments in a small vial.


  21. ID# 56818 results: Battle: 8 Craft: 4 Loot: 1 MOB: 7

    A strong breeze flows in. With the strong breeze came with more leaves. The two hasn't move since their last round. As the wind finally slows down, the air became tense. They're both waiting for each other to move. Yet again, with the final leaf falling to the ground, both fighters turned around and started storming forward. The boar, determined to take down his opponent. The Wanderer, calmly raising his blade until it was azure. Slowly, they eventually collided. The Wanderer, piercing the hide of the boar, while the boar slamming the him and throwing him to the ground. 

    Rain | Level 3 | HP (11/12) | Energy (2/3) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 0 | MIT 9
    [Base damage(1) + Enhancements(1) + Skill(1)] x [Reaver]1x1 =  (Rain) Damage 3 - (Boar) MIT 1 = Total Damage 2
    -1 Energy, +1 Energy

    Boar | HP (2/6) | DMG 3 | MIT 1(1.5 rounded down)


    Boar | HP (2/6) | DMG 3 | MIT 1(1.5 rounded down)
    (Boar) DMG 3 - (Rain's) MIT 9 = Total Damage 1 (Minimum of 1)

    Rain | Level 3 | HP (10/12) | Energy (2/3) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 0 | MIT 9

  22. ID# 56815 results: Battle: 5 Craft: 2 Loot: 8 MOB: 2

    After a few seconds, both combatants slowly starts getting up. They weren't giving up. The Wanderer readies his blade again, raising it to his side until an azure blue glows. Similarly, the boar readies his legs, while glaring at The Wanderer. After a few more seconds, the boar begins to charge. With the big grin, The Wanderer begins to rush the boar. The two warriors got closer and closer to each. Then, in a moment, both combatants stand still. Both of them with their backs to each other. It seems that in that moment, The Wanderer swung his blade and missed. In the similar fashion, so too did the boar. 

    Rain | Level 3 | HP (11/12) | Energy (2/3) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 0 | MIT 9
    -2 Energy, +1 Energy

    Boar | HP (4/6) | DMG 3 | MIT 1(1.5 rounded down)


    Boar | HP (4/6) | DMG 3 | MIT 1(1.5 rounded down)

    Rain | Level 3 | HP (11/12) | Energy (2/3) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 0 | MIT 9

  23. ID# 56812 results: Battle: 6 Craft: 7 Loot: 14 MOB: 8

    As he walks down the road, The Wanderer quickly notices a wild boar smack in the middle of it. With a big grin on his face, He notices that the boar has already aware of him ready. The Wanderer raises his sword to his side as the blade begins to glow azure. All the while, the boar sneers at The Wanderer, locking eye to eye with each other. A breeze kicks in throwing leaves into the air. The two were just waiting for each other to move. As the last leaf falls to the ground, determination shines bright in the eyes of the boar as he charges forward. Likewise, The Wanderer rushes forward with his white hair and long blindfold flows behind him. Then, in a blink of an eye, both gladiators fall to the ground. It seems that while The Wanderer cut through the boar, the boar retaliated by slamming the swordsman with his rear.

    Rain | Level 3 | HP (12/12) | Energy (3/3) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 0 | MIT 9
    [Base damage(1) + Enhancements(1) + Skill(1)] x [Reaver]1x1 =  (Rain) Damage 3 - (Boar) MIT 1 = Total Damage 2
    -1 Energy, +1 Energy

    Boar | HP (4/6) | DMG 3 | MIT 1(1.5 rounded down)


    Boar | HP (4/6) | DMG 3 | MIT 1(1.5 rounded down)
    (Boar) DMG 3 - (Rain's) MIT 9 = Total Damage 1 (Minimum of 1)

    Rain | Level 3 | HP (11/12) | Energy (3/3) | DMG 3 | ACC 0 | EVA 0 | MIT 9

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