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Posts posted by ShinoTenshi

  1. At first Shino was unable to match Evander's walking speed, but she eventually caught up with his longer legs and matched his speed. In the silence of them walking Shino opened her menu and sent a party invitation to Evander. "Just in case we get in trouble, you know?" Soon after he began asking her what she would want, she looked up to him and gave him an almost demanding look, "I want ramen. Its my favorite food." Sure she was a little more drematic over something relatively cheap, but its just in Shino's nature. As they exited the safe zone Shino seemed very unsure of where she was. She would glance at any sound she heard and look around constantly. "Sorry if I seem a little jumpy. Im not the strongest player yet."

  2. Shino mirrored Jazmyne once again, tilting her head. "Crying? Im not crying." She wasn't sure what the girl was talking about, "Are you sure being in the presence of a psychopath isnt messing with your head?" She smiled to Jazmyne, the tears stopped flowing but still sat and dragged along her face. "Silly girl, Im not sad at all." Shino looked around and saw a few people staring at them, "Perhaps we're talking a bit louder than we intended." Then a child asked why someone was crying, Shino began to questioning herself again, "Am I the one that's crying?" She wiped her face, surely enough there were tears. Shino was stunned for a second, not realising the tears on her face. Did this mean she was losing emotions, or that she cared about something deeply? Not even Shino can answer such things.

    Shino shook off whatever made her cry and focused on the question Jazmyne asked. "I was 18 by the release. So I entered my name in a give-away for it. Though, I didnt win the prize. But I did see the person that did. You can guess the rest of the events that happened after." Shino giggled, it was so much fun being bad to her she never understood why anyone would be good in the first place.

  3. The tapping of Evander's foot frustrated Shino slightly more, but she was more curious on his answer to notice something like that now. She was now confident he figured it out, "it" being that she was a dangerous person. "Im not sure if he knows Im a murderer, but he isnt that comfortable around me." She listened to his answer and gave him a smile, "I thought you'd never ask sweetheart." Shino grabbed Evander not by the hand, but by the arm to pull herself up. Now on her feet, she wrapped herself around the arm that Evander held out to her, "Its your lucky day. You chose correctly." She looked up at him, looking as cute as she could  manage, "Lead the way."

  4. Shino began questioning herself if she was scared the first time she killed. "Was I sacred? It was so long ago I can hardly remember.. No. No I remember that I couldnt stop laughing that night." Shino looked at Jazmyne who seemed very interested in her and gave her response to the first question, "No, I was laughing the whole time. Maybe it was because I was nervous, but it was something I really wanted, so I wasn't afraid to do it." She then answered Jazmyne's second question. But seemingly out of nowhere, tears began to stream down her cheeks; though, she didnt seem like she was in an unhappy mood. "They took my life away from me. They took my friends away, they didnt let me live how I wanted. It was because they were praising their favorite child... But I dont have to worry about that any longer."

    Shino listened contently as Jazmyne gave her information on seemingly her favorite person, herself. She wiped away her tears, just realizing that they were there. "The hell? Where did that come from, Im not even sad." She listened to the brunette across the table brag about herself, looking her up and down from what she could see. She heard her talk about winning pageants and gave her a second glance, "Hm.. She does look rather pretty doesn't she?" As the girl came to conclusion, Shino had one question for her, "You can keep going, but I wonder. Why did you choose to get SAO?"

  5. Shino gave Evander a confused look as he said two completely different things. "Wait what? He just said he was leaving me here and now he wants me to come with him?"  Shino looked at Evander closely, seeing that he was kinda nervous, "Mm. Perhaps he figured me out.." She jumped up to her feet and brushed herself off, she gave Evander a smile while cancieling any of her true intentions. "The only question is.. now or later?"  Shino gathered her knowledge and came to one conclusion, "I'll let him decide." She looked out beyond the safe zone and back at the slightly taller boy. "Which do you want? Do you want me to come or go?" She spoke with a slightly frustrated tone with her eyes glaring at him questioningly.

  6. Shino gave Aster a smile as the began walking through the starting town. "So Aster, correct me if Im wrong. But were you someone that was forced through school by your parents? I think mine tried to do that, but I was always more rebelious than my sister." Shino brushed against someone as the two girls walked by and thought about stabbing him. "No no.. that would likely scare off your new friend and make you have a bounty. With this level you cant have that girl." Shino looked down at her feet as they walked, taking careful steps so as she was used to for silence when she was about to kill. Not that it mattered in-game anyway.

  7. Shino smiled lightly, not because Evander forgave her, but because she was successful on getting him to think about something completely different. But how would he know the difference? "You're right. We should really be taking in such a lovely day." Shino layed down on the grass and closed her eyes feeling the warmth of the sun above. "I wonder if you tan in this game.. It certainly feels like you can." She listened to Evander and thought for a short time abou her response, "I met a perve on my first day here. That is really it. I overheard a quest about breaking a rock or something. I figure its easy so Im gonna solo it." Shino let out a sigh realising how boring her life really is in this world.

  8. Shino had a puzzled look. She never took the time to understand what her parents wanted from her, so she supposed they wanted the same for her. "I wonder if that was why they flipped out so much.. Well I cant ask them now, or ever." But Shino felt a little bad for Aster. From the looks of it her parents always pushed her into what they want, not allowing her to live how she wanted. "I can sort of relate, except my gift was to come back home from military school. I have the smarts, but I lacked in motivation at the time. So they sent me away for a year." Shino got up from the bench and twisted her body, cracking her back. "You wanna walk around? Its bound to be more interesting than sitting here."

  9. "Ah yes, 17 was a major turning point in my life. I started my.. profession then." Shino took a quick breathe noticing she almost "spilled the beans" as they say. Aster's second response peaked Shino's interests for the time being, "A reward?" Shino turned to Aster with an eyebrow raised in curiosity. "She seems rather intelligent.. grades perhaps? That should be it, if she's still in school." Shino caught her first good glimpse of Aster's eyes through her glasses, she looked away quickly as she blushed ever-so slightly. "She has georgous eyes.."

  10. Still frustrated, Shino transferred her anger into her next punch. A rumbling was heard as she met the boulder with her knuckles, and the boulder's health bar changed from pure green to a mixture of yellow and green. "Stupid rock, you are NOT worth my time today. I could be out killing so many people right now." Shino got back into position to strike once more focusing her mind onto the boulder and nothing else.

    ID: 61726

    BD: 10

    Boulder HP: 37/50

  11. Shino shook Aster's hand slightly harder than she intended, just noticing how light this girl took her hand. She gave her a smile and looked out to the crowd of people, "This girl doesn't seem too comfortable at the moment. Perhaps I should go.. Nah, I can close the gap." Shino stretched her arms out far and let out a yawn as she did so. "So how old are you sweetheart?" she said as if she knew Aster well enough to call her that. But it couldnt be helped, that was just the way Shino spoke. "I turned 18 not too long ago, I guess in a way, this game was one of my presents"

  12. "I hear you, but this certainly isnt my escape." Shino began fantisizing about her past and how much she missed the reaction of her victims in the real world. "Yeah, I liked the real world way more. This place, as you said, just gets dull after a while." Shino took a seat next to the orange-haired girl and crossed one leg over the other, being sure to keep her skirt pressed down with her hands. "I really wanna go home.. I havent seen blood since I've been here. And not to mention killed an actual person as of yet." Shino looked to the unnamed girl and held out her hand, "The names Shino" she said as it was her usual greeting.

  13. After another attempt at punching the boulder, Shino grew frustrated. She managed to hit the boulder but it wasnt nearly hard enough to do any damage. "Hell! Why does this thing suck so much!?" Shino wiped her face with her hand out of anger. "At this point I would have much rather brought the perve with me." Shino shook her failed attempt off and focused back on the big rock in front of her.

    ID: 61449

    BD: 2

    Boulder HP: 40/50

  14. As Shino was crossing one of the allies, she couldnt help but notice a girl that seemed to be just as miserable as she was. "Who is she? Hm.. I cant tell if I met her or not.. Well there's only one way to find out." Shino ventured toward the unknown girl deciding to come from behind, as was her preference when approaching anyone. She leaned against the back of the bench next to the girl and spoke hoping not to startle her, "Rough night? Or are you sick of this place too?" Shino looked at the girl and was certain they hadnt met. "Nah I wont hurt this one, we are feeling the same kind of pain."

  15. Shino pressed her index finger and thumb over her eyes and rubbed them out of annoyance while letting off a sigh. "He'd have to be really damn lucky, and thats if I liked him." She removed her hand from her face as X made his second statement and had a hard time holding her arm back from hitting him. "Just ignore it girl.. You'll drive your dagger into him soon enough." Shino looked out through the trees at the town of beginnings, filled with people she had yet to dispose of. Old, young, smart, dumb, soon enough she would rule over them all. She focused back on X who had answered her question, "Haven't you been paying attention? I think Im pretty skilled at killing, I've been at it for months now. I do it EVERY day."

  16. Her cockeyness got the best of her as Shino finally failed an attack. She punched directly at the center of the boulder but just short to actually hitting it. "What? Did I take a step backwards or something? Aw man, it must have rolled a little from me punching it." Shino grew frustrated with herself, missing such an easy target. She took a step forward and went into her fighting stance once again.

    ID: 61445

    BD: 5

    Boulder HP: 40/50

  17. Shino could hear the old NPC's astonishment from his house, "Dont think I've forgotten about you gramps! You're lucky this isn't your ass Im kicking!" She punched the boulder once more dealing the hit that took the boulder to 80% of its health. "I think I'll take a break at halfway. That is if I ever mess up." Shino smirked and prepared for another attack.

    ID: 61428

    BD: 8

    Boulder HP: 40/50

  18. It was a lovely morning in the Town of Beginnings. Shop's were open, children were playing, and the sun was shining brightly above, "Ugh. Why is this place so happy? Its like they all have a deathwish." Shino walked through the alleys of the town, hoping to avoid people for the day. She pondered killing more people in the day, but gave up on it remembering the last time she did. Watching a few children run around her, she gave them a smile so as to conciel her true feelings. And in just a few moments they were on their way again. Shino opened her menu and looked at her inventory, she sighed seeing she had yet to earn enough Col to buy anything. "I'll have to get a job or go on some quests later. I really need a stronger dagger if Im gonna kill people and mobs alike."

  19. Shino let out a breathe of air before inhaling and striking the boulder once again, landing yet another critical hit! "At this rate I should be done well before twilight. If that's the case I'll have to be careful going back to a town to stay for the night." Shino focused back on the boulder's health seeing she only made a dent, "I better not get my hopes up though." And she readied herself for her next attack.

    ID: 61422

    BD: 10

    Boulder HP: 41/50

  20. Shino heard his response halfway through and suddenly remembered something wrong with her plan. "Im faking these tears too much and he must have noticed how quickly I switch emotions.. Hell do I have to fake this too..?" "No. No hard feelings."Shino shook Evander's hand and wiped her tears away. "Time for another act" She sniffle once and spoke again, "I must seem like a mess.. That's what I get for being a girl. You would think they would take out girl problems to make the game more enjoyable." Shino had a hard time keeping a straight face with this one. She knew that he couldnt argue that all of her moods were fake, not to mention the ones from here on out. "It might not be a pretty topic but it should keep his mind straight for now. Silly boy, you should just give in. It'll be too late by the time you figure it out. So just enjoy the ride while you can."

  21. Shino once again threw her hand at the boulder landing another critical hit! She was beginning to get pumped up and smiled as she watched the boulder's health go down a little more. "Its all numbers but this is actually feeling like Im doing this in the real world.. Perhaps I'll consider doing this once I get back. After a few murders that is, I almost forgot the smell of real blood since I've been here."

    ID: 61370

    BD: 9

    Boulder HP: 44/50

  22. After Shino's first attack being such a big success, she threw her other fist at the boulder. Her left arm was the weaker of the two and did a basic amount of damage as one would expect. "Damn, I knew I should have stabbed more with my left." She took another breathe as she saw the boulder's health go down barely enough to see. "Well.. that starter kit of food and water is gonna come in handy today."

    ID: 61358

    BD: 7

    Boulder HP: 46/50

  23. X said something about logic that Shino decided to ignore. Then he let off a barrage of questions that anyone would realize was about her treatment of him. "Alright then.. I can play nice until I can kick ass no problem." She sat down on the log beside him and gave him a clearly fake smile and an over the top happy voice as she answered the questions,"I treat them with the utmost respect and importance... I choose B... I treat that person like the saint he really is, and if he's lucky I can share something special with him." Then her happy act fell from her showing that she was still obviously frustrated. "1. Put them on my future hit list. 2. C. Remove the person's arms and legs then proceed strangling them. 3. See numbers 1 and 2." Shino let out a breathe to calm herself. Answering his questions in her head made her a tad bit happier. "What do you want to really teach me?"

  24. Infuriated by rage Shino walked over to the boulder. Anyone could sense her murderous aura at this time. Without hesitation she took a step with her left leg and threw her fist forward, sending a gust of wind around Shino from the contact point. Then a bar popped up labeled "Boulder" and showed how close she was to destroying it. "Ugh this is gonna take a while.."

    ID: 61357

    BD: 10

    Boulder HP: 47/50



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