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Posts posted by ShinoTenshi

  1. Shino got pissed, little did X know that telling her to calm down was the fastest way to heat her up. "You listen here sweet cheeks, I dont calm down until I've commited mass murder! Theres a better chance of me taking on everyone in Aincrad and winning than there is me letting you tell me what to do." Shino turned her attention to a tree and stabbed it repeatedly over 30 times. "God damn it!.... I wanna go home." She finally sat down beneath the tree and cursed the world under her breath.

  2. Shino felt like her ears perked up when she heard X. "Did he just say lay down..." She then pointed at him with her dagger again, "Perve! Dont tell me to lay down just so you can get an upskirt! I'll tell you that you wont be any different than anyone else whos eyes I've dug out!" She turned away from him crossing her arms again. "And congratulations, at least your music isnt complete crap." Shino walked back to X and glared at him dead in the eyes, "Why dont you fear me?" She said with a frustrated attitude.

  3. Shino scoffed at X, "Ha! Endearment? I killed my parents and framed my little sister, I dont feel endearment or anything related." She couldnt help but smile, remembering her first kills were like the average persons motherly warmth. Shino truly is a bad person through and through. She caught the crystal X threw to her, "Whether you were drunk or not, it was softcore sh*t. From what you say it sounds like real music, but lets see how you execute it." She pushed the circle as instructed and awaited the music.

  4. Shino looked at him disappointingly, "Make a joke of my stats again and I'll make sure I find you and kill you when I make it out of here." She opened her inventory and poked the recording crystal she caught. She side-armed it to X and spoke, "This better be good, your last song made me want to hurl, and pulling people's insides out to show them doesnt do that to me." Shino crossed her arms and waited, "What does this guy want? He knows Im a killer so why is he helping me? I gotta stay on my toes just in case this guy tries to lace me or something."

  5. "Somehow help him later... could he mean.." She grabbed her dagger once again and jumped back. "Dont you get any bright ideas about getting in my pants perve. I'll cut you into peices small enough for your little friend there to eat." She then weighted her options.. "He may be a creep but he's right. I do need some help." And it was just like Shino to use people to her advantage. She took a breathe to calm herself, "I dont know about a guild but I will accept your help, not that I'll need it very long."

  6. Shino looked at X's companion, she never had a dog in the real world. As far as she thought of the species, they were usually a slobbering alarm for the people they couldnt protect. "I miss the real world already, its too hard to kill people here. Look at you for example." She looked X in the eyes and leaned towards him, instantly she removed her dagger from the log and slashed at X's neck, stopping just before it could hit. "Game over." Shino stuck her weapon back in place and backed away. "The names Shino. I tend not to give my last name if you catch my drift. And I've been invited to Laughin Coffin, I havent taken them up yet."

  7. "People like me? You know nothing about me!" He kept talking, "shut up and go with him..? This guy has a serious deathwish. Lucky for him I can provi--" The performer grabbed Shino's hand and began pulling her into the woods from where they were. Finally after they were well in the woods she managed to break free of the performers grip. "Alright this is as far as Im going before you either buy me dinner or tell me what the hell your problem is!" The psychopath examined their surroundings.. They seemed safe for now. She pulled out her dagger and stuck it on a log that she sat on.

  8. The man's words struck Shino. "Did you just call me little?" She then raised her voice, "You'll be lucky I dont slice you from balls to chin for that one." Shino looked around, she knew that in the real world she would win but here HP is what matters. She closed her eyes to think for a second. Then it came to her, her means of escape. She took steps toward the man and sheathed her weapon again. She raised her hands above her head, and as she came within 5 feet of the man she screamed. "Somebody help! This brute is trying to rape me!" Shino threw herself at the mans feet and smirked at him knowing she has concerned at least a few people in the area. She continues to scream for help. "Come on, the guy behind him should at least do something. That'll buy time for more people to come."

  9. Shino looked to her left, a few people were coming their way. "Ugh, why do you all want to ruin my fun?" She then drug her dagger across the NPCs throat leaving an orange trail of pixels. Thinking on her feet, Shino threw the NPCs body at the mob. It exploded with a flash of light blinding everyone just long enough for her escape. She scrambled through the streets until the two got to the outer city. She looked at the performer with rage, "What the hell?! Why did you run with me? They're going to link us together and know Im where you are." Shino was bottled up with frustration, "I have no choice I have to kill all of you... And I was hoping for a simple game."

  10. While on the bench she looked to where she killed the NPC. A large dark figure came into view. Shino's eyelids drooped halfway in dissappointment. "Is there only one of you? Here I thought the justice league travelled in groups." She stood up from the bench and pulled her dagger from its sheath located at the bottom of her back, "I suggest you turn around and pretend you never saw anything." She aimed her dagger at the figure, "Or I'll take my time with you instead." She looked passed the figure noticing something moving. "Thats more like it" she thought to herself.

  11. It was near midnight, the lights illuminated the main walkways of the Town of Beginnings. This was the perfect time for Shino to stalk her prey. She hid in the shadows waiting for someone to pass by the ally she was in. At last someone came within arms reach "This is the end" she said gritting her teeth as she pulled a helpless woman into the ally. The woman had no time to react as Shino plunged her dagger into the womans torso repeatedly, leaving bright holes of orage pixels in her. Shino checked the girl's eyes and stood up. "Damn, it was an NPC." The girl's body exploded into shards of information as Shino walked away into the light. "What a bore, no panic or anything." She looked around in search of a better target to no avail. So she sat down on a bench and waited.

  12. Shino was walking through the city, as usual, searching for her next unlucky contestant in her games. As she walked she could hear music, "Likely a street performer" she thought. She listened in the small gathering of people, hearing words of love. This was nothing like the music she listened to in the real world. It lacked the metal she wanted to hear since she got to this place. "Ugh this sappy crap makes me sick." When the song ended everyone around her cheered in their own way. Shino waited for everyone to leave, she looked at the performer closely along with his familiar. She met his eyes with a soul piercing glare and began walking away. She looked back to him and smiled, she found her next contestant. Making sure he didnt move she brought an NPC over and stood in front of him."Lets play a game hun" She said as she put her dagger to the NPCs neck. "Play a song I like and this man gets to live." She gave the performer a smirk of insanity and waited.

  13. 12541079_168275373535009_913695322621448

    Name: Shino Tenshi

    Age: 18

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5'6"

    Weight: 150ish lbs

    Story Before SAO:

    Shino used to be your average everyday child. She was an average student with slightly above average looks. Her parents were never the best in her opinion, due to their praise toward her sister. She pretended not to care for the longest time, seeing as her sister always looked up to her. After middle school Shino got into her first clique. Most would look to them as outcasts, but she felt it as the place she best fit in. She always loved the music they listened to which was filled with lots of yelling, guitars and, drums. Her friends would always convince her to go out with them to concerts and anything that meant breaking something or setting something on fire. As school went on her grades suffered more and more to the point she was a mere 10 points away from being held back a year. Her parents decided to take action after that. Grounding her didnt work, and any incentive they offered her didn't rise with success; thus, they sent her to military school at the start of her 3rd year in high school. There she had no friends, and she couldnt live how she desired. From that point she despised her family. She wanted nothing more than to see them die before her. Shino wanted this more than anything, and for months she obsessed over it. She refrained from making friends in that prison of a school and focussed on her work, getting straight A's. A single step in her plan. As predicted, her parents allowed her to come back home for summer. They would soon come to realize their mistakes... One night Shino met with an uncontrollable laughter in the middle of the night. She couldnt stop herself from smiling and giggling as she crept through her house. "The time has finally arrived" she said as she grabbed a knife from her kitchen drawers. She began walking towards her parents room, her heart began to race faster with each step. At last Shino was at the foot of their bed, standing over them in dead silence in a pitch black room. She took a breath, grasping the knife tightly her heartbeat was now normal to her. It was the disheartening beat of a psychopath.

    How She Was Brought to SAO:

    After she faked her innocence to the authorities, Shino developed a taste for more blood. She was heartless enough to kill her parents and frame her sister for it, yet genius enough to know what to expect. She stabbed herself in the arm and blamed it on the child her parents praised most. After she was sent home from the hospital Shino wished for more bloodshed. The months after were dark blurs of gore and the helpless screams of her victims. Shino spiralled deeper into madness, overlooking something with every kill. She was nearly caught by the authorities by missing a bystander seeing her. Barely managing to escape, she knew she couldnt continue murdering people. The idea came to her that some games are aimed specifically toward killing. She saw an advertisement for SAO and saw the player killing method. Naturally she tried to get a copy. Lucky her, she succeeded...


    Keen-Eyed: Shino, given her past, has led her to have a constant clear view of her surroundings. She is very cautious of those around her whether they are her target or even her friend, and nearly always has a plan of attack or escape. Shino also has a knack for spotting emotions and can sometimes use that to her advantage if she so chooses. Though, her favorite emotion to see is a mixture of fear and panic.

    Resilient: Shino has naturally always been able to change her plans on the go whenever a setback may occur. If there is a problem, she can come up with a new plan almost instantaneously. Shino is very goal oriented and doesn't succumb to defeat so easily. Fighting, for some time now, has been a strong suit for her, and she expects the same in SAO.

    Authoritative: Shino is someone that loves power and control. When she obtains any power she disposes it however she pleases, whether it causes fear, leverage in a fight, or just pleasure. Anyone she dated in the real world immediately knew that she was their boss and her commands were law. She achieves this through her demanding nature and power-hungry personality.

    Natural Actress: Being the kind of person she is Shino must be able to conciel her true feelings. Luckily she's able to control her emotions like any professional. If she wants you to think she's crying, she will use crocidile tears to her advantage. She may seem cute and friendly at first, but we know what's really behind that fake smile.


    Pschopathic: If you paid any attention at all to this journal, you would know that Shino is a bloodthirsty killer. She kills simply because it makes her happy. Though there are ways to insure she doesnt try to slash at your throat, she's is insane and may try looking for reasons to. The best method to avoid it is being as close as you can with her. Careful for her not to fall in love with you though, there are countless things that she has in store for those special few.

    Cold-Hearted: Typical for someone viewed like Shino (If people lived long enough to know). She shows next to no concern for anyone she doesnt care for. As far as she cares for most people, their screams are music to her ears. She doesnt care about age, gender, or backstory until someone proves useful to her, that will never change.

    Hot-Headed: You may have a bit of trouble having a normal conversation with a psychopath, but even more so with one that is always pissed. Shino has a hard time not yelling at someone in her everyday life. Her short temper finds the simplest of things annoying and isnt afraid to show you her oppinion on you tapping your foot so much. Its rare for her not to choose to hear words that piss her off. So choose words carefully around her, or they may be the last you speak.


    Total Skill Points: 7/7




    Weapon Skills:

    Extra Skills:

    Col: 533





    [PP-F1] Broken Minds (Nikodemus) +133 Col

    [PP-F2] Fortuitous Happenstance (ShinoTenshi) +400 Col







    Starter Dagger


    10 -Bread

    15 -Water



    In Progress:


    [SP-F2] One Way ORE Another {Breaking the Unbreakable}

    [PP-F1] Anything But Mainstream (Asteria)

    [PP-F1] What did i get myself into? (ShinoTenshi)

    [PP-NK-F1] Diamonds In The Dark (ShinoTenshi)



    [PP-F1] Broken Minds (Nikodemus)    +133 Col   +1 SP

    [PP-F2] Fortuitous Happenstance (ShinoTenshi)    +400 Col   +1 SP



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