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Posts posted by ShinoTenshi

  1. The old NPC led her behind his hut to a boulder that met the arm span of two of Shino. He explained the details that she didnt feel like reading over. The short man left and entered his hut abruptly before returning again. The old man motioned for her to bend down closer to him as if he was going to tell her a secret, just as she did, the old man pulled out a paint brush and drew whiskers on Shino's face. "Hey! Why the hell did you do that?! Do you have any idea who you are messing with you neko girl loving bastard?!" Shino chased the old NPC into his hut and he proceeded to explain that the whiskers wont come off until Shino splits the bolder with her bare hands.

  2. Shino was glad to be off the first floor for once, the calm grassy landscape of the first floor was a bit too easygoing for her. She was now up in the mountains of floor 2 in search of a quest she heard others talking about. "Ugh how much further is it? Its been at least 2 hours of walking." She unsheathed her dagger and slashed at the air a few times, "This is just what I need. From what I heard I get a new skill. That sure beats saving up for what I want without any real progress." Shino noticed a small hut a ways ahead, "Either this is the place or someone is dying." Upon approaching the hut she noticed an NPC in front. He was an older man from the looks of it, somewhat short but Shino saw a sense of power in him, despite being an NPC. "Hey gramps you the one with the quest?" Shino approached him and a small quest notification popped up, she hit the blue icon with a circle accepting the quest.

  3. As expected Evander jumped at her Shino's sudden appearance. But that wasnt the reason she came over. It was just a simple honest response that Evander gave but Shino knew how to play her emotions. In this case, ashamed would be good, "Oh.. Im sorry I didnt know. I was so blind that you were looking in that direction that I didnt consider you were looking at the flower." She sat next to him and looked off into the distance, "I guess Im just used to people seeing me in that way." She looked down at her school shoes that she arrived in and forced a few tears out, as it was one of her many acting talents. Then she looked at Evander with her tears streaming down her face, "Im sorry for judging you. I shouldnt do that so often. What is wrong with me..?" She played her act carefully for she could see how observant this boy really was and didnt want to arouse suspician. "Would you forgive me..?"

  4. Shino paid just enough attention to Evander's apology to hear what he wanted. "If thats the case why is he keeping such a close eye on me?" The boy began walking away and ended up sitting down a ways away from her. "It seems he doesnt mean for escape. So there isn't a necessity to kill him yet. Though it seems I've forgotten my end goal.." She glared at Evander from the distance they were separated. "Thats right.." She got up and wiped her tears away with her hands, "I just want to know something first." she thought as she walked over to where Evander was sitting. Shino crouched beside him and spoke, possibly startling him if he was unaware of her presence. "If you arent a perve then tell me why you are observing me so close."

  5. "Hmm.. This guy is kinda weird. Handicapping yourself to not teleport would be considered strange to anyone. Not to mention how close he was observing me." Shino's level-up high was wearing off now and she was beginning to settle back to her usual self. "Wait.. was he looking at the flower or my..?" Shino's face turned red out of embarrassment and anger. In response to Evander's apology she spoke as she assumed the worst, "You perve! Dont think I didnt see you lookin at my chest!" She threw her hand at him unaware of it being a misunderstanding. "Why are all the guys in this world perves huh? I'd like to go one day without someone looking me up and down trying to undress me with their minds!" Tears of frustration built up in Shino's eyes as she sat down where she was and curled up cursing at the world under her breath.

  6. Shino continued admiring the flowers, as Evander was asking his next question she decided to pluck on of the flowers and smell it. She chose a red cypress flower her personal favorite, strange that she found some of them in this world. "Ah the flower of death in her most beautiful color." She inhaled and soon after sneezed, "Ugh, you would think allergies wouldnt be a part of this game." Shino then proceeded to answer Evander's question, "Well.. Im afraid of increasing in floors. You understand right? I came here all alone at such a low level. What was I thinking?" "As if! HA! I've choked someone with their intstines while force feeding them their heart! Im not afraid of anything!" Shino had to pinch herself to hold her laughter, she put on an innocent look and looked back up to the taller boy at her side, "How about you..? All of your questions."

  7. The psychopath was slightly disappointed to hear that Jazmyne didnt want to kill for fun. But she quickly routed it back to the girls reason, "You can kill for what you want sure. But you can have fun doing it as well." The girl then proposed that they form a team, "Well she is definitely worth something. The best person I've met so far." But before Shino could answer Jazmyne asked her next question. Shino's face began to take the same form as before, holding a wide grin and soul piercing eyes. "Have I killed?" She began laughing again as she spoke, "I killed my parents. On top of that I framed my little sister. And so much more.." Shino began to choke on her laughter forcing her to stop her small fit of insanity. It was one of her favorite stories to tell, she calls it "Babies First Murder". Jazmyne then asked her about her acting and whether it was hard or not. Shino pulled a cute bright smile out and blushed just enough to make it noticable. "I think I could have been an actress if I chose a different route. This, to me, is easy as killing." She gave the girl a more serious look revolving back to the part she never answered to. "And for us to be a team.. I like the idea, but I need to know you a little better first. So lets keep talking." Shino mirrored the girl across the table resting her chin on her hands, "Tell me about yourself."

  8. Being ordered to sit down sent a satisfying chill down Shino's spine, "Takes me back to military school being ordered around like this." She also felt the words of this girl, what could her manipulative mind get out of her? Shino finally sat down across from the girl seeing the frustration in her face. "Jazmyne.. not a common name but it isnt anything hard to remember." She looked at the brunette up and down seeing if she seemed trustworthy enough for a name. Shino didnt want to take chances with PK hunters. Though she found no reason to deny talking to Jazmyne, "The name is Shino. As forth the thirst for blood..." Shino looked down and thought carefully on what she wanted to say, for killing is her passion. She looked back up smiling and slightly giggly and her eyes have changed seemingly shrinking her pupils, "Have you ever wondered what it was like to kill-no, to murder? When hope leaves your victims face and they resort to panicking in your presence. I love to see the glimmer in peoples eyes go out as I slowly drag my knife across their neck." Shino bursted out in laughter but managed to get it under control before too many people noticed. "In a quieter place I can tell you more of my experiences. But you seem fairly intrigued, what is in your mind?" Shino stopped giggling and her eyes turned back to normal so as to take in all of Jazmyne's response.

  9. The two began walking, starting off almost silent. Shino stared at the flowers as they passed, particularly red flowers seeing as it was her favorite color for obvious reasons. After a minute or so Evander let off a barage of questions all at once. She took a breath to calm herself, for she hated being pestered, "Im.. fine. Kinda nervous to be honest.." She thought about picking a flower and putting it in her hair, but decided against it thinking it would look bad no matter the color she chose. "I was gonna try and level up since this floor has stronger monsters. Looking back.. it wasnt that good of a plan. Im not very strong yet." She hid her smile by looking away from Evander, "Yet being the key word hun then everyone will die!" And she responded to the final question she was asked that seemed very unordinary, "Oh I know why we walk. I learned it in on of my classes at military school. Walking reduces stress and improves your self esteem" Shino gave a smile from being proud she remembers even the most meaningless information.

  10. Stubborn as can be, Shino refused to return. For a few moments that is. She thought about the ability she would have over everyone if she could level up faster, then turned back around. In an instant she was back in X's face, "Let me make this clear. When I am a strong enough level. I will kill anyone I dont like, so you better make sure you get on my good side before then." Shino's voice boomed with authority and anyone familiar with the topic could sense her bloodlust as she spoke.

  11. Shino turned away from Evander and looked out into the distance, she grazed her eyes over the mountains in the distance. "Good." She continued to ponder her reasons for infatuation while thinking of a time to strike. This battle in her head is bound to do some damage to her sanity. Evander offered her a walk through the medow, "Yuck, this place is so bright and flowery. If only I met him in the real world.. we would go down in my basement and.. I would.." Shino began laughing, not hard but not soft either so to conceal her insanity. After a few seconds to calm down she walked over to Evander, "Sorry I was thinking of the real world. I'd love to go on a walk through here." She gave an innocent smile and waited for him to lead the way.

  12. "I guess I should have done this in the beginning. That fake smile was proof enough he doesnt trust me." Shino looked up to Evander, seeing as he was taller, "Its time for some reverse psychology girl." She gave Evander a slightly upset look after he reccommended staying in town, "You dont trust me do you?" she mumbled. "I guess I cant blame you for not trusting me. I would say its fair.." Taking a few steps forward she spoke once again, "Just tell me one thing.." Shino blushed a more wild red than before, "I... I didnt.." She whpped around to face the boy again and spoke unmeaningly loud, "I didnt mess up my chances with you did I?" The girl stood there for a second. She wondered why she had developed feelings for this boy of all people.

  13. Shino sat silently for a moment thinking of how to clean up her mess. "Cheeky bastard saw right through me, I gotta give him credit for that." She let out a sigh and stood back up showing no mercy on her "hurt" leg. "Looks like I gotta come clean.." Figuring it would be the best way out of embarrassment Shino admited her lie, "Alright alright Einstien you caught me, no need to rub it in." "Time for act 2 of the play" She gave him a look of embarrassment and began twiddling her fingers. "I... I want to get to know you okay.. I didnt have any other way to grab your attention.." Shino began blushing knowing it wasnt all an act to her. Her voice started to trail off and get quieter as she continued to speak, "So can I um.. walk with you for a little while..?"

  14. Shino stumbled a bit as she came up to the boy who's name is now Evander. Shino searched her mind if the name was familiar. "Nope Im drawing a blank here. I think I would remember a face like that... Damn it Shino! Stop thinking of him like that!" As Shino battled herself she faintly hear Evander apologize once more and ask her for her name in return of his, "The name's Shino. I'll tell you now I dont like nicknames. So its just Shino." She looked to Evander and eyed him up and down, "What is his plan? As of right now I dont think he likes or dislikes me... Hmm.. I have to close the gap in order for this plan to work, no matter how lame it makes me seem." Shino let out a yelp and convinsingly tripped forward. She held her leg in performance pain and breathed hard enough to make it seem like hurting. "Ow! Im such a cluts.." She attempted to get up but writhed in pain, "I think I twisted my ankle." She looked up at him with crocadile tears in her eyes, hoping he would take the bait.

  15. Upon a second glance Shino thought the unknown boy was rather handsom. "He is kinda cute.. I suppose I'll let him live. He better not think Im just being nice out of the kindness in my heart." It was then the boy apologised, "He's really formal too.." She shook herself to clear her head, "What am I thinking!? Im a psychopath for god sake, a boy shouldnt be able to faze me at all." Shino thought of her predicament again and devised a plan to help her get over her troublesome feelings, "I can lure him into a false sense of security, and then  I--" Shino noticed the boy was walking away before she could finish, "Hey! What do you mean nice meeting you? You havent even told me your name!" She ran after the so-far nameless boy. "Whether we met by mistake or not I cant have you going around scaring other people." Shino was disappointed with herself, "Ugh great excuse Shino.. whatever so long as he lets me tag along Im fine. At least he doesnt seem like the last perve I met."

  16. With Shino's bloodlust quenched after recently leveling up, she was in a pretty good mood. Which for her is rare. She was wandering around the second floor in search of something entertaining, perhaps even her next target. She walked with her misleading school uniform flowing slightly behind her due to the gentle breeze. Her hair was up in a ponytail as usual, and her go-to weapon rested at the bottom of her back, unnoticable from the front. "One small step for me, one giant setback for mankind. It might be one level but I'll soon multiply that even more." Shino set her hands behind her head as she walked and admired the sky above. The clouds floated aimlessly, and the sun shone brightly. Her vision managed to catch a shadow to her left, instinctively causing her to reach for her weapon. Upon closer observation, she saw that it was a boy that startled her. Thinking as though he thought as she did she spoke, "Hey what gives, are you trying to give a girl a heart attack!? Well I got news for you hot stuff, I'm not your average everyday sweetheart and Im not gonna faint just so you can come to my rescue!"

  17. "Im not asking you if you are, Im asking if you've figured it out yet." Shino then pondered the words of the boy after being interupted multiple times as if he knew she was gonna lash out in anger. She looked down in dissappointment, she hated it when people liked her for her looks. It didnt allow her to decieve them into liking her so she could bend them to her will. "So I was right then.." She turned to face X with a fierce look on her face, "I'll tell you the same thing I tell everyone that likes me for my looks... Give up." She turned again and began walking away, one phase of her test that most fail.

  18. Shino was not impressed with what the armored man had to say. "What do you mean? Killing an NPC is killing a computer program essencially right? So killing them is no different than smashing a calculator. Feelings are only felt by the living sweetheart." Just after finishing, the unarmored one questioned her frantically. She knew there was one other murderer standing by, but out of respect for her joy of killing didnt desire to run into him. Shino was shaken by the guy that was feet away from her a moment ago, "Hey get your hands off me creep!" She spotted her next opening for escape, "Hah! Maybe the recruiters got some help from their higher ups. Im curious as to what Opal will do with you if you dont let me go quietly." Finally breaking free, the psychopath glared at them. "Its your choice if you wanna stick around and die."

  19. Shino looked at X in a confused way, "What do you mean Im not manipulative? I have you wrapped around my little finger. Though not the way I expected." She ripped her shoulder from X's hand, stood up and brushed herself off as if the digital grass would actually leave its resting position. She took a few steps away and spoke, "You are completely infatuated with me. I have you falling for my looks dont I perve?" Shino observed the wolf pup and it seemed to be completely oblivious to the talk of humans. She turned around just enough to see the boy and squinted at him for he had yet to answer, Shino raised her voice just below yelling, "Dont I?!" she spoke with a demanding voice that echoed throughout the woods.

  20. Shino felt almost as though she were being ignored with the two talking about Laughing Coffin so much. "I would kill them so quickly in the real world.. no need to remind them. But I do need them to drop their superhero act so I can get away." She looked at the two back and forth as the talked about the guild she was invited to. "Its strange how you make jokes about laughing coffin when their recruiters come to me every now and then. But I wouldnt worry about it, I kill simply for joy. And if I cant kill real players, what good would a trial do? Besides.. NPCs respawn. Im not hurting anyone." "In this case." she thought behind a week smile. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot with impatience, "What do you say Iron Man?"

  21. X mentioned a husband and Shino thought to herself, "Husband.. hmm. I dont NEED one. And who says I have to marry a dude?" She kept listening from under the tree. X's words had little effect on her. "Home is where my last view of the real world was. I lived in an apartment with my friend Annibel." "She had no idea of the real me, just as planned." X then talked about Dantes Inferno and hell and junk to her, "Sorry but I dont believe in fairy tails. As far as you know, your god is sitting right here." Shino  looked up and spun her dagger around her hand like she's been doing it for years. "If you dont kill, then you cant be as strong as me. At least not emotionally." This coming from a psychpath that has broken most of her emotions.

  22. The armorless vigilante managed to push Shino away from him. In a way, she was hoping he would. "This guy isnt my type anyway. Just from him trying to put me on trial is more than enough for me to decide that." She looked to the armored giant next to her and spoke, "I dont FEAR anything. The only worry I have is that I dont kill anyone else." She gave a disappointed look to them both and fantasized before smiling in a deranged way and began speaking again, "Do you know what it feels like? Watching all hope fade from someone's face, light leaving their eyes while they struggle in panic. You cant say it doesnt interest you in the least." Shino started laughing meniacally as she thought of all her past crimes. "You are an orange player, you must have some idea of what Im talking about."

  23. Shino has been arguing with this sad excuse of a server for way too long. "Thats it! Im finished with this BS! Im ending this now." She reached for her dagger and was ready to go crazy on this woman's meaningless life, but just as she was about to stab the barista in the hip, someone intervened. She spoke to the worthless trash of a server in a manner that showed her just that.. After she left the unknown girl spoke of getting rid of all the NPCs. "Trust me Id be way ahead of you if they didnt respawn" she thought to herself slightly angered by it. It was then that the unmet player slid into Shino's booth. She motioned for Shino to scootch over but she didnt see much point, what she wanted to say had to be quiet. "Thats a lot of authority for such a small body, I respect that. But what I dont like is someone talking about killing without meaning it." Shino lowered her voice to a whisper, "You can see it in peoples eyes you know. Thirst for blood is not in yours. I question whether you killed anyone at all." Shino finally stopped prying and gave the girl some distance. "Im right arent I?"

  24. "Damn now there's two of them." Shino thought for a new plan of escape "... nothing significant... unless.. Ugh this is gonna suck." Shino approached the two men in a rather flirtatious way. "What will it take for one of you to protect me from the other? I assure you Im of age if you wanted to ask." She walked closer to the men and wrapped herself around the one without armor. "How about it sweetheart? Care for this deal?" Shino carressed her finger along his face "One little fight for the time of your life." She winked at him and glared at the other, "Vigilantes are the worst. Such a waste of my time."

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