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Kain Hargraves

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About Kain Hargraves

  • Birthday 02/13/1989

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    SAO, RPGs, More

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  1. Well, after a couple days of being muse-less, here is hope that i can atleast finish the EaL quest!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kain Hargraves

      Kain Hargraves

      I have already been over the whole profession with with Nikodemus and Eibon, Kalesh, and others. I wanted the performer for things like the mass hp restore and some of the debuffs so that I could do the whole 'Cleric/Bard type' and who heals and buffs his allies, while debuffing the enemy and then slamming his huge hammer into things for moderately high damage. Plus, I got the connections to get weapons and alchemical items if needed for free.

    3. XWuZHeAR


      That's cool got some mad connects huh? X is mostly an RP character at this point with his build but he's a martial arts user who has a familiar and is a performer. I guess he'd sort of be a backline healer/assassin focusing more on getting last hits and dodging incoming attacks.

    4. Kain Hargraves

      Kain Hargraves

      Well, I am going for healer mainly, as my friend Nikodemus is going for tank, and I have no idea what Eibon is doing with his build. So I figured I'd take the healer role since Eibon mentioned he had no want of doing that himself. Plus, I've always been the Ranged DPS/Mage character in most other games, figured I would try support this time around.

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