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Posts posted by Domarus

  1. Dang it he thought.  That was the question he tried, and failed, to answer while she was asleep.  He was so caught up with thoughts of revenge that he didn't take enough time to ponder it before he fell asleep.  And now Esther was asking him.  Why did he care for her?  Why did he do all of this for her?  Was it because of what she had done to him?  What she had done for him?  Or was it Esther herself?  Did he like her?  He never felt love before but neither had he cared for someone this much.  He cared for Keres yes, but she was technically a loose cannon.  Not to mention she was a mischievous little one who liked playing around with other's embarrassment for her own amusement.  And Esther...  Well he already said all those things didn't he?  She was the only person who not only plant the seed of belief that there really is some good in this world, but also showing to him that he helped others when he didn't realize it.  She was the only person who had seen his darker self and not fallen away in fear.  She had doubts of course but Domarus would call her stupid if she didn't.  However she knew everything, everything...  Everything except what the starry eyed potion had to tell him.  In truth he feared the potion at this point.  He was fearful of finding out what his greatest weakness was.  What others could use against him.  Domarus finally spoke, and he did so slowly.

    "Mhm.  I tried to answer that last night but to no avail.  There's something about you Esther besides your kindness that I can't help but want to lift.  The only friend I've ever had was Keres, and our relationship isn't exactly a friend-like one now is it?  And neither have I felt love, not even to my father, my only family.  So I don't know if what I feel is friendship, love or something else.  I don't know."  He pulled out the potion and set it on the side table with a thoughtful face.

    "This will of course.  However up to this point I've been avoiding the need to use it.  In a way I don't want to see what I'm weak to.  I'm not saying that if it said I loved you that you were a weakness Esther.  When I say weakness, I mean someone can use it against me...  Which that is the very reason I collected this potion in the beginning.  To detect my weakness and prevent others from using it against me.  However, I'm in a battle between using it or leaving it there.  That potion has the potential of telling us both the answer.  In my mind it's a very dangerous potion.  Players could use the torture potion on me all they like and get nothing out of me.  This one?  I wouldn't have a choice.  So Esther, I'll let you decide.  Just as I decided which potion to use on you, I'll let you decide whether or not I should use this potion."


  2. Domarus heard a voice and turned to his left, completely shocked to see Arc sitting there next to him.  He made his face light up with glee while his mind worked the body into a more relaxed, gentleman like pose.

    "Arc!  Nice to see you!  It has been busy!  And while I wish I could say I've been doing quests I'm afraid I haven't done that many.  I've been, ah, occupied with other business."  By other business he meant of course Esther and meeting potential followers.  That sort of thing didn't just happen after all.  After the meeting came the befriending, the trust, and once all that was set in foundation, then came the manipulation.  In fact this was the perfect chance to do just that.  Especially after Arc started talking and made it clear he wouldn't stop.  Domarus didn't know Arc well but he could tell when a player just wanted someone to listen to and not reply until they'd finished completely.  The player talked about the world and how it didn't make any sense.  Domarus could probably come up with several reasons for Kayaba to do all of this but he had a different response set aside for Arc.  Which as it turns out the best thing to say was the truth, ironically.  Then Arc talked about people manipulating others and thought how funny it was since he was doing just that with Arc.  Finally he talked about a girl.  When the man finished Domarus gave out his replies in a different order.  First he chuckled.

    "That girl sounds an awful lot like Esther if you ask me.  The sweet girl could get any man to smile, whether good or evil.  She's good company I guess.  As for your comment on this world?  Here's how I see it.  It's been made.  We're now trapped.  No use whining about it eh?  We just do what we can while we can.  No sense if we just scream at Kayaba for all of this.  And I'm going to make a guess that once the game is beat he'll probably just kill himself.  He himself said this world was his one and only dream right?  So if that dream is completed, I doubt he'll want to go happily into the waiting arms of police."  Domarus began to drink his glass, slowly letting the whisky fall down his throat.  Since he couldn't really get drunk...  Well, since it might take him thousands of glasses to do so, he usually did this, in order to lessen the burning sensation and taste the flavor a bit more, though it wasn't all that great.  The things people do sometimes.  His mind returned to Esther again but he pushed the thought aside.  He needed time to think about that.  That was all.

    "If your opening up I'm all ears my friend.  I notice a rare opportunity when I see it."

  3. A lot had happened in the recent days.  Domarus' journal was filling up faster than he had expected.  A girl named Alisa proved to be a very potential general along with Arc.  If he was successful he would have two out of four generals within no time.  With their influence he could quickly gain followers and hopefully proceed through dungeons and gather col at an alarming rate.  As an artisan he planned on forging something that would have three prosperity enhancements, for when he fought against typical monsters.  With his dragon bone armor he had begun soloing monsters to gain experience and col but it was very slow process.  Hopefully it wouldn't take this long to gather col.  He needed to save up for those rumors and fast.  And then of course there was the matter of Esther's beatdown.  Domarus had brought her to his place where he cheered her up and, at her request, brought in whisky and allowed her to get semi drunk before putting her in the bed.  Domarus had added his first name to the enemy list that day.  Lycan would one day know what it meant to be on that list.  In the real world his first enemies outside of video games were the bullies at school but he quickly beat them down with himself and several of his most trusted followers.  Ever since he had ruled that school until the day came where he left.  Now Domarus made his way over to an npc bar in order to gather his thoughts and make a daily planning session.  It was something he did to make sure he was on top of things and that everything was in order.  As he sat down the bartender nodded to him and passed over a glass of whisky.

    OOC- It's getting late on my end so I'll hit the hay.  See you later @Arc

  4. As Domarus suspected she probably didn't remember certain pieces of the night, just chunks of it.  Hearing her talk about Lycan pressing his boot against her head brought up his dark thoughts toward Lycan but shook them away and placed the journal on the side table.  He kept stroking Esther as she had told him that she felt like trash.  He sighed and rested his hands gently on Esther.

    "You'll keep thinking that way only if you keep telling yourself those things.  So can you promise me this?  Replace all those demeaning thoughts and words with positive ones.  If you can't think of anything let me help you."  Domarus began to massage her shoulders.

    "You are a loving, caring person.  You are loved by others, whether you fail to realize it now or not.  You touch other's hearts in the best way.  Example?  Look at me Esther.  Your impossible not to like.  And you show others the good in them even when they cannot see it.  You're beautiful Esther.  Your gentle, your kind.  Your a shining star in the blackness of the void.  A star shining so bright that it lights other's paths.  Don't let the darkness taint that light Esther."  He leaned over and kissed her on the head.

    "You'll always mean something to me Esther.  Always remember that."



  5. Domarus woke up at Esther's touch and vaguely heard her mention something about cold.  Subconsciously he reached over and grabbed a small blanket and placed it over her shoulders and over his legs.  He took in a deep breath to wake himself up and pulled out the cure for hangovers.  It was surprisingly sweet to drink and he had no doubt that she would enjoy the beverage.  Before he grabbed it however he stopped by his ax and selected it, sending it into his inventory.  He then took the potion and handed it to Esther.

    "Twenty one or twenty two," He told her.

    "I think you might be twenty one or two.  Last night you asked me and that was what I came up with.  Seeing as how it was your first time drinking alcohol I assumed you had only recently come of age.  Drink that for the hangover."  After she took it and began to drink it he stroked his hand through her hair, comforting her in any way he could.

    "You feel any better?"  He looked to the doorway, wondering when Keres would wake up.  Domarus usually woke up later in the day but Esther woke him up a little early, not that he minded it.  He was fine with the matter actually.  He stretched his arms before fully relaxing in the chair.

    "How much of last night do you recall?  Normally people who get drunk can't recall much at all."

  6. Domarus watched as Alisa made a hit at last and it seemed to be a critical hit as well, and he watched as red pixels flew from it's body.  So blood was in this game.  It just only appeared with certain gear is all.  He'd need to ask Alisa about the weapon's enhancement's later to see if that was it.  The monster flinched and turned it's attention to Alisa now.  It rushed at her and Domarus charged after it, but he was too slow.  The monster ran into Alisa with full force and struck her in the midriff, it's force and aim well enough to cause a critical hit on her.  However that left it wide open.  When the monster turned around to Domarus he swung his two handed ax at it with enough force to knock the monster aside.  He checked to see if Alisa was alright before returning his gaze to the boar.  It twitched as the status effect kicked in, dealing some damage before it rose to it's feet again.  Domarus flourished his weapon and the boar hesitated.  Thus far the player had bested it in every way.  While it had managed a strike against Alisa she had also given it a status effect that would harm it over time.  The monster was caught in a situation it did not like whatsoever.  Thus it acted like a rat in a trap.  It charged recklessly at Domarus.

    ID#  68406  BD:  7  MD:  10

    Domarus:  50/60  -><-  3/6

    Boar:  83/100


  7. Domarus listened to her as she was satisfied with his comforting touch.  He knew she was a touchy person and he was used to doing something similar with Keres after a beating.  After his quick and gentle kiss Esther muttered something and he strained to hear her and what he heard only made him smile.  

    "Only favor I need is your company Esther."  He watched as she finally drifted off to sleep.  He let her lay against him for a moment before he confirmed she was fast asleep.  He then lifted her gently up and properly tucked her into his bed.  When that was done he sighed as he stood straight and began to put away the whisky and glasses for another time.  Once that was done he walked out of the room, locking it back and went to grab his journal that he left over by the counter.  He picked it up along with his pen and re-entered the room.  He sat in one of the chairs and opened up his menu and wrote Lycan a message, sending it but keeping his identity a secret.  It was a threat.  A warning.  Something that told Lycan to watch his back in the future that he had become someone's enemy.  As he did that he opened his journal to the plans section.  It was an excellent journal as it would increase page number if it was too filled.  He began to write down thoughts of what and how he would go about punishing Lycan.  He wrote long into the night before finally falling asleep, his ax by his side in case any player with a high enough lock picking skill had managed to get inside.


  8. Domarus listened to Esther give off what she wanted from him, and he knew she was honest.  All the alcohol did was mess up her words a little.  He lifted Esther up and sat down on his bed, placing Esther beside him and began to do as she said.  He let his hands flow through her hair, stroking her head and providing all the comfort he could.  He let her lean against him as she mentioned how his heat was comforting.  He was a bit shocked as she mentioned being his pet for once but before he could think about it she asked a question.  How if she kissed him if he would snap like Lycan.  He wondered why she would associate him with that lunatic but he pushed that matter aside.  It didn't matter.  What mattered was how he intended to lay her distressed thoughts to rest.  He turned her to him and gave her a kiss, on the lips.  It was just a little more than a peck but it was close enough.  He smiled to her.

    "There.  Now you don't need to worry about my reaction if you ever kiss me."  He continued to stroke her gently and carefully, keeping her close to him.  He had never acted or spoke this way before but he didn't mind.  He was attempting to not only calm esther but...  Well wait.  What was he trying to do?  Domarus realized that this might be the only time he wasn't planning or doing something with a specific purpose.  He made a note to ponder tonight later on and figure out exactly why he was doing these things.  It's not like he minded, because he didn't.  But it frustrated him when he didn't know the answer.


  9. Domarus said he might think her childish but he didn't mind at all.  He simply thought the word in itself was hilarious and now he needed to use it whenever Esther was fine with a tease or two.  Then she did something he didn't expect.  Two actually.  First was she only drank half a glass, which of course he expected her to down it completely.  Then she stood up and opened her menu and suddenly her attire changed.  He looked at her sleeping gear with a raised eyebrow but didn't question it.  Esther continued on to say to him that she wouldn't mind giving Domarus the col and mats she collected and to this his eyes widened with real shock.  Sure he manipulated others to get what he wanted but somehow it felt...  Wrong?  To take it from Esther.  However...

    "I don't want to take something of yours for free, but as I said before if you ask I shall do it."  Esther then grabbed the small glass and drained the rest of it before collapsing on Domarus' lap.  He chuckled lightly until he heard her words.  He listened to her as she pulled his arm closer to her and smelled him.  Her question was one he had not expected whatsoever.  He sat there for a moment, thinking about it.  In the end he shrugged.

    "No, not to my knowledge.  It's odd but I naturally have this hair and eyes in the real world.  As for the smell I'm not sure how that came about, whether it's natural or something else.  If it were natural I could never tell since I always smell that eh?  And I'm not sure about my body's heat.  Perhaps I should look into all of that."  He repositioned her on his lap in a more comfortable position.  He placed his arms in a way so that he could stroke her and allowed his heat and the room's coolness to work together, providing a luke warm setting on Esther.  If she wanted more whisky he'd do so.  If she wanted to go to bed he'd bring her there.  Anything she wanted he would help her with it.


  10. Domarus leaned against the corner and watched as the alchemist did her work.  He watched her succeed almost every time and fail only once.  He was very impressed with her work and saw her take his suggestion and made several memory wipe potions.  He made a note that she made antidotes closely afterwards.  She finished the two potions he requested and gestured him over.  Domarus approached and observed the two potions before looking at Mari again.  He listened to her words and nodded as she mentioned Esther.

    "That's all I would ever do Mari.  Anyone who would lay a finger on her will face my wrath."  While this may have sounded pathetic coming from a low level player he did now have the torture potion.  He thought about it and decided that it's main purpose could be a sort of...  Persuasive method to keep others from doing what they had done twice.  In fact.  After he was through with them they would wish they had never been born.  They would seek death but Domarus would not let them find it.  He would hurt them in every way, break them in any way, and when he was finally done with them, he'd let them go with a permanent scar using the skills he used for removing tattoos at his shop.  A scar that only they would be able to see unless they wished to be embarrassed.  He nodded to Mari and transferred the col, picking up the two potions and placing them in his inventory.

    "I'll put these potions to good use.  Thank you Mari and a pleasure doing business with you."  He turned to walk out of the tent.  Little did he know that he'd be using the torture potion much sooner than he'd realize.

    -450 col


    +Grief Seed

  11. Domarus watched her eagerly push her glass towards him and nearly chuckled when she failed to curse.  He lifted an eyebrow with a humorous smile.

    "Funkernickle?  I'm going to have to remember that one."  He watched as the girl attempted and failed to stand up and bring the glass to him.  Well, half failed.  She pressed the glass into his chest but she was lying on the ground when she did.  He took the glass and felt her press herself against him.  As he filled the glass he heard her question and sighed as he handed the glass to her.

    "While I would love to shoot for a mansion first, comfort cannot be my first goal.  I heard about unique skills popping up every now and then but the rumor's are costly.  No doubt there will be more at some point and I want to get my hands on one.  Preferably one that allows me to deal more damage.  With that I shouldn't have much to worry about and I can then save up for a mansion, guild hall etc.  And, yes I plan on replacing this whisky as soon as I can to something more...  Enjoyable."  He slowly drained his glass and looked down to Esther who was beginning to get drunk.  He understood why she was doing it, as it was a big reason most people had alcohol.  To forget the pain.  To feel nothing.  It would only last so long however and he knew it.  He would be there for when she woke up in case the alcohols effects weren't enough.  If she showed signs of addiction however he would warn her against it and try to persuade her to ease up on it.  He didn't mind her constant downing it right now of course as she was eager to forget, but still.


  12. Domarus raised an eyebrow with a grin when she mentioned a favor.

    "While I don't seem to recall our agreeing to that I suppose it would only be fair.  Very well then.  Even though I've already made it clear that you simply need to ask any time for anything that I would give it to you, I'll go ahead and accept that debt."  He chuckled afterward and watched Esther grimaced when she downed the glass.  He should have warned her not to otherwise the burning sensation would be worse.  Then she asked what the stuff was and he chuckled again as he re filled their glasses.

    "Well to be quite honest, beer, whisky, all those alcoholic drinks don't exactly taste the best.  And if you drink it slower the burning doesn't hurt as much.  This isn't the best drink in the game but hopefully that will change soon enough.  I can't spend all my col as of right now.  I'm saving up for something big."  He was finally glad to have a conversation he was comfortable with whilst drinking with someone.  Normally he used these things to get his target drunk and subtly interrogate them while acting like he was drunk himself.  When in reality he wasn't.  It was nice to just talk and drink with someone for a change.  And when she became drunk, as she inevitably would, he would take care for her until she fell asleep and would let her sleep on his bed.  The npc who gave him the whisky had also given him a potion that cleared hangovers so he could give Esther that the moment she woke up.  Hopefully Esther would be much better when she did, both physically, emotionally, and mentally.

    Keres sat down behind the counter to think.  She was growing more and more jealous of Esther but she was realizing now that she had no reason to be.  Keres liked Domarus but not in a lovey way.  She smiled and hoped that Domarus found his love and that the two would let her be their servant.  She truly enjoyed calling Esther mistress.  It felt right.


  13. Domarus listened as Esther asked for a drinking contest.  He thought the request a little odd but from what she said earlier he could understand to a point.  He nodded to her, brushing her hair away again before rising.  He unlocked the door and called to Keres.

    "Yes master?"

    "Keres fetch the alcoholic drinks.  All of it."

    "Yes master, right away."  Domarus turned to Esther.

    "It will be a moment.  And no I would not let Keres do something like that.  She couldn't hold her liquor if it was the last thing on earth.  However if you truly want to drink some so be it.  I can't really get drunk at all as I've built up an immunity to it in the real world but I don't mind drinking with you.  Or entering a hopeless competition," he added with a wink.  Keres brought the large bottle and two small glasses and Domarus gestured for her to leave.  Keres bowed slightly to the two of them before walking away.  Domarus closed the door and locked it once again.  He walked over to Esther and dragged a small table behind him, placing it between the two seats.  He poured the two glasses.

    "This should last us about one hundred glasses each I guess.  I can start us off."  There was no point in showing off to anyone by downing it and puffing out his chest as it had no effect on him.  She knew he was immune.  He let the fiery liquid slip down his throat, the fire igniting inside him.  It didn't burn him.  It was more of an emotional ignite.  He sighed as he finished it and turned to Esther.

    "It's not the best medicine but I suppose it can be used for some issues.  I don't recommend it but if you ask I'll give it."


  14. Esther asked how he could hold her in such high regard and he smiled to her.

    "I could ask the same of you Esther.  I'm a dark man at times, I'll admit it.  Most would either cower in fear or hate me inside and out if they saw what you had seen and want nothing to do with me.  Being someone as dark as that I can tell you aren't nearly tainted.  You're a good person Esther."  He listened as Esther begged him, to use a potion, a trick, anything that could fool her mind into a calming sensation.  And after she said that she begged him to let her be selfish and stay with him.  He continued to stroke her then paused.  

    "No potion can cure this Esther.  In fact it would only make it worse.  However something that isn't an illusion will."  He leaned in and kissed Esther on the cheek, gentle and long enough for her to feel the emotions.  He cared for her.  She was all too precious to just toss aside.  She meant too much to Domarus at this point.  When he pulled away he smiled at her.

    "You can stay as long as you want Esther.  If you wanted you could live here.  Do what you need to do, or what you want or feel to do.  Don't hold yourself back.  It's good to be selfish every now and then Esther.  So have at it.  Whatever you want just ask."  He felt it very odd, very odd indeed.  This sort of situation was never the sort Domarus had ever ended up in.  Normally it was he who demanded or requested things from others.  Never before had he told someone to ask of him anything and he would do so.  And yet in this situation he was perfectly fine with it.  In fact he wanted it.  If it healed Esther and made her happy again he didn't mind.  Whatever she chose to ask of him he would give it to her.  However at the same time he refused to let her be harmed again.  He mentally thought about how he would go about with Lycan.  Should he send him a message?  Or should he just surprise him?


  15. Domarus listened to Esther's tale and his face was blank the entire time, except for a temporary frown at Addel's name.  Esther had mentioned the event once before with less detail.  He listened more carefully and refrained from growling as she spoke in detail of what Lycan had said and did.  When she finished she tried to stand and he let her but he kept a gentle hold on her hand.  After a quick moment of silence he stood up and kneeled down to look her eye to eye and raised her head slightly so they were even.

    "Don't lower your head Esther.  Never lower your head like that.  Clear your head of the [censored] Lycan told you.  It's all lies.  From what I know and hear Lycan is a paranoid idiot who can't tell apple from orange.  Don't forget that I specialize in manipulation and deceit, so I know it when I see it.  You Esther, do not tease or trick others, and you are certainly not associated with any pk guild in any way.  You have tugged at my heart Esther, yes.  But in a good way.  If it weren't for you the only friend I would ever have would be Keres, and her heart isn't nearly as bright as yours Esther.  My heart is black with experience, truth and cruelty.  Keres is dark in her own way but it's up to her to tell you her own history.  You Esther.  You are the only light that I've ever found myself enjoying.  And I'm not about to let some [censored]head moron end that.  You say your a tease?  I say you are the most loving person I have ever met.  That potion Mari made, that you tested for me?  It forced your true intentions and desires to the surface.  Would someone who wants to help everyone in any way truly do something as dark as what Lycan said?  So do as I say right now, and clear your mind of that, and listen to my words."  He led her back into his lap as he continued to comfort her.

    "And you don't need to leave Esther.  I am not hurt by anything other than your injuries.  Stay here as long as you like.  Anytime you need a break or encouraging words come to me.  If you need protection call me.  Or Mari if that suits you.  Don't push yourself away from people now.  Unless you intend to gain followers like I do, that will only lead to misery.  So don't run from everyone.  Run to those you can trust.  And Esther?"  He lifted her head once again and looked at him with shining eyes.  He couldn't believe he was about to say this but it was the truth.

    "You are truly, now and forever, my friend." 


  16. Domarus listened to Esther as she confirmed that he had done it and was completely confused by her following words.  He shook his head disagreeing completely with her but he allowed her to finish.  Then she asked if he could take her someplace else and rested her head by his neck.  Domarus stayed there a moment, processing her words.  They were wrong of course and he cursed Lycan for all eternity.  He lifted Esther up gently, keeping her in the position she chose, and made his way out of the town.  As he did other players noticed and gasped, but from what they had seen from Domarus, as well as the pain on his face, made them believe he intended to help the player.  This made his reputation rise quickly, despite that he had no thoughts about his reputation as he led Esther away.  He didn't notice the people running to tell others what they had just seen, or the shady men grinning as they found another player close to Esther.  He passed the gates and glared down at the monsters who had recently learned his wrath and they shied away from him.  He made his way over to the shop and kicked at the door.  It opened up and Keres responded at first with glee that her master was back, and then in shock to see Esther, beaten up in his arms.  Her first thought was that Esther wanted to try and feel the sensation Keres felt but dismissed that immediately and finally arrived at the true conclusion.  She knew Domarus' wrath and she knew that she wanted to be there to see whoever it was be punished.  She moved aside and Domarus went to his room, unlocked it and locked it again once inside.  He sat down in his chair beside the small fireplace.  It was a small and cozy room with a desk, bed, and filed in the desk were lists of plans, targets and other things that were for his eyes only.  Unless Esther looked through them she would not see them.  Esther was still in her comfortable position and he stroked her face, holding her close to him and pulled a glass of water over beside them.  He raised her head so she could drink it.  He knew she needed it.  Afterwards he continued to stroke her and hold her close.

    "Esther.  Tell me what Lycan told you.  Tell me his lies.  And I'll tell you the truth."


  17. Domarus sat behind the counter looking through his journal.  In the first section were three lists he kept whether in this game or the real world.  The three lists were organized as 'potential followers' 'allies and friends' 'enemies'.  The first list currently held two players, namely being Alisa and Arc.  They held the potential to be two generals and both seemed to be decent dps players.  However he would also need a tank, scout and healer as generals as well so he hoped one of these two could multitask.  The second list held five, possibly six people who could be allies.  The friends was limited to two players as of now and he didn't expect it to grow any more in this world.  The final list had made a recent addition.  Before he had no enemies.  But now, Lycan would know what hell was like, and the price he'd pay for assaulting Esther the way he did.  Suddenly the shop door opened up and he snapped the journal shut quickly, his focused face looking up.  His face lightened up in order to keep the pretense of the nice guy and smiled at Alisa.

    "Alisa!  I'm doing well enough.  Why are you here?"  He listened as Alisa asked for a tattoo and was a little shocked at her request.  He nodded that he was and listened to the details of the tattoo and handed over the listed pricing for a full body tattoo.  He was glad that he managed to finally gather more col but he was still surprised that she wanted this tattoo.  He shrugged and stood up, gesturing down the hall.  As they made their way Domarus called out to Keres.

    "Keres!  Handle the front for me will you?"  Domarus walked into the work room behind Alisa and gestured to the stool before locking the door.  He walked over to his tools and asked for her to pull up her shirt so he could get started.  His eyes focused only on the back and arms, and he began getting to work.  It took a long time but as he did he asked Alisa questions and held a decent conversation so she wouldn't get bored.  By the time he finished he stood up and told Alisa he was finished.  He led her over to an area with curtains and mirrors so she could view the tattoo in private.  He awaited to hear her reply.  After she left he attempted to make another item but failed and decided the tattoo was enough for today.

    +1000 col

    -2 MAT

    +2 Exp



    ID#  68358  CD:  9  -Alisa's Tattoo made

    ID#  68360  CD:  5 LD:  14


  18. OOC- Interesting how you managed to get an OOC mistake into IC.  Heh heh.  I like it

    Domarus listened as Macrodon mentioned the mixup and he nodded.

    "Yeah the ink came out too fast the first time.  They're both suppose to say just plain Hopebreaker.  It's a set and together they make the suit.  Sorry about the mix-up" he finished with a smile.  Hopefully the blacksmith could become an ally of his.  Domarus wasn't sure if he was a potential follower but he would need to find out at some point.  However.  At the current moment he decided that it was time for him to take a break and spend some down time with Esther.  He did invite her here after all.

    "Hey there's someone I invited and I figured it's time I spend time with her.  Catch you later ok?"  With that Domarus had jumped into the water and made his way over to Esther.  As he did he made sure to avoid the raging sea creatures limbs and avoid the fight altogether.  He emerged beside Esther and grinned at her.

    "I would have re-joined you sooner but a big something kept that from happening.  More and more people are joining by the minute it seems."  He looked at all the players currently here.  Lycan and the other player still had the company of the two ladies who seemed to be getting along.  Rin was still in hiding it seemed, and Beatbox and Itzal were gone but he noticed another woman approach Alisa.  Domarus would talk to Alisa about that later on for two reasons.  He wanted to learn a little bit about the other woman through Alisa before meeting her himself, and he wanted to know what kind of relationship the two had, whether it was friends or business.  And then of course Macrodon was in his towel on the beach.  The monster was being attacked by a blue haired man and a dark haired man whose names he did not know.  He would need to find out later.  If they themselves didn't share their names he was certain some of these players knew them and would get information from them.  All this took about two seconds before turning back to Esther with a smile.

    "So what do you want to do?  I'm all ears."

  19. OOC- managed a post

    Domarus felt Esther move slightly and heard her ask his name.  He allowed her to pull away just enough for them to make eye contact and he grimaced as he saw her face in greater detail.  Her bloodshot eyes, the constant streams of tears, all the pain transferred to Domarus as he felt grief for Esther.  This grief could show on his face.  He heard her ask why he was there and he shook his head.

    "I'm always on this floor.  I opened my shop and whenever I'm not working I'm fighting monsters or checking the town.  Lycan did this to you?"  Domarus had three lists of people in his book.  The first was potential, or converted followers of his.  The second was friends and allies.  The third was enemies.  Thus far in this world his first list held two potential followers.  The potential followers were Arc and Alisa, who would both be great dps generals.  The second list originally had only six people on it.  The allies were the three council members of the guild he intended to join on a temporary basis until they had nothing to offer him; Jonathan, Itzal and Kasier.  The other two allies were Mari and possibly Macrodon, though he doubted it.  Originally his only friend had been Keres but Esther had managed to slip into the friend side on that list and for that he was very grateful indeed.  However his third list had yet to be filled out.  And now one name had reached that list.  Anyone who made it onto the list would find hell's gates waiting for them and when the gates opened up.  They would seek out death any way they could or submit to Domarus' will.  And the name that had landed on that list was Lycan.  Domarus would make him pay dearly for what he did to Esther.  He was no idiot of course, he'd need to research into Lycan and learn everything about the teenager, his history, personality, build, etc.  Once he had all the information he required then he could set up his trap and spring it.  And once he did the boy would never attempt anything towards Esther, Domarus or his future followers ever again.  In fact, Domarus wondered if the teen's mind could handle the amount of torture he'd put him through.  He shook his head as Esther apologized.

    "Esther no, it's not you who has to be sorry.  Unless you attempted to kill him or his friends or family, there is no justification for what he's done to you."  Esther tried to move away from him but he stopped her with a gentle and graceful touch, making her realize that he didn't want her to pull away.  He opened his inventory and was happy to see that the cloth he had soaked by the river was still there and pulled it out.  It wasn't soaked anymore but rather damp.  He brushed Esther's hair out of the way and began to clean away the dirt with the cloth, making her face pretty again as it was meant to be.  As he did so the bruise seemed to be slowly fading away as injuries weren't suppose to remain for long in this game.  The cardinal system usually didn't allow it.


  20. Domarus watched as Esther seemed to twinge in fear at his touch.  She began breathing much faster and heavier, her eyes wide and wild with horror.  She wasn't seeing him for real.  She was in the realm between the haunting nightmares and the harsh reality.  That was a face Domarus knew all too well.  It was a secret he never even told Keres.  And now Esther was haunted by it too.  Esther desperately tried to escape his gentle arms but he held her softly.  In fact he pulled her into a hug as she fought and fought.  She tried to scream but only rasped sounds escaped her.  He heard her scream in agony, begging him not to kill her.  As she did, attempting to break free and stabbing his arms with her nails, which only succeeded in bringing up the 'immortal object' icon, he spoke softly in her ear, telling her that it was alright that she was safe now.  He stroke her face even as she did all she could to harm him and escape.  As he continued to calm her down she finally collapsed and let out a moan.  His eyes opened with a flash as he now had a name.  Lycan.  So that teenager was the one responsible.  Lycan would pay dearly for this.  He would make the boy tremble before him and beg for mercy by the time he was finished.  He would make him cry like an infant before rendering him unconscious.  Maybe he would take the teen into his little extra and hidden room in his shop for an extra lesson afterwards.  Domarus kept holding Esther in his arms, speaking soft words into her ear before saying one final sentence.

    "Your safe now Esther, he can't touch you while I'm here, I care for you too much."  He continued to stroke the girl, deciding to make plans for Lycan at a later date.  Right now he needed to care for Esther.  He knew her mind was fragile right now after the trauma she had been through.  And she might even doubt the trust of each of her friends at this rate.  He needed to prove to her now, more then ever, that he was a true friend to her.  And while he realized this or not he was.  He cared for Esther too much to allow this to happen again.  If she would allow him he would ask to accompany her wherever she desired just to keep her safe as well as provide her company.


  21. After a reasonable amount of mob grinding Domarus was satisfied with his progress and decided to head back to town.  Normally he went back to the shop but he needed to daily return in order to keep up his 'knight in shining armor' appearance by checking in on the weak players.  It was essential, very essential, that he appear to be a player who would go out of his way to help others.  The nice guy appearance.  This way most players wouldn't be reluctant to befriend him, making the entire manipulation process much easier.  With a good reputation he could manipulate anyone he wanted.  Well, everyone besides Mari and Esther that is.  Mari because she was able to see right through his disguise and Esther because, well.  He didn't want to.  There was no way he could even.  As he walked through the town gates he wondered how Esther was doing.  He smiled and waved at players walking by and even patted the head of a little player who had gotten stuck in the game.  The kid laughed a little and went around through the town pretending to be an airplane which simply boggled the minds of the npcs who had no idea what an airplane was and just thought he was doing stupid, childish nonsense.  The player caring for the child called out for him but the child did not respond.  Instead the child turned into an alleyway and the player freaked out.  Mentally sighing Domarus told her he would get the child and she thanked him.  Domarus lunged forward, his massive legs taking him far, however the dragon armor was slowing him down just a little bit.  He didn't mind of course it just made the job a little harder.  He entered the alley and watched the kid turn a corner.  When he followed him there he caught up and stopped him, telling the kid he was scaring his mother and how he shouldn't run around in the alleys by himself.  The kid understood and went on his way.  Sighing Domarus continued walking through the alley, thinking that maybe he could get some privacy this way.  When he turned the corner however he spotted the last thing he expected.  His eyes widened as he saw Esther leaning against a wall, her hair unkept and bruises everywhere.  He rushed over and put his arms around her, moving her into a comfortable position against him.

    "Esther how- What."  He stopped speaking as he imagined the scene in his mind.  Esther having fun, meet up with new people and try to hang out with them.  Only for them to beat her up senseless.  His jaw tightened.

    "Who did this to you Esther?  Tell me who did this to you."  He would ensure they never did such a thing again, whoever it was.  They were going to pay dearly for this.  And Esther's wounds would look like a gift from heaven after he was through with them.


  22. Domarus walked through the first floor seeking any monster he could find to take down.  Now that he had his dragon bone armor he sought to monster grind as quickly as possible in order to level up swiftly.  It was time consuming yes and could be tedious, but overall it was worth it.  Especially if he gained some col along the way.  Keres rarely accompanied him now as she was in charge of maintaining the shop.  This made her anxious for his return and anxious for a beating, and she was overall fine with this arrangement.  Especially since she had to act whenever other players were around.  At the shop she didn't have to act as much.  As Domarus spotted the lowest level boar possible he drew his ax and charged.  The unsuspecting mob tried to retaliate by swinging it's small tusks at him but he cleaved the monster in half before it could and ended the fight.  It was far beneath his level for loot but that wasn't the purpose now was it?  He was seeking experience along with col and if he killed everything he spotted then he would have it.  As he sheathed his ax he wondered how Esther gained all of her experience if she didn't fight.  He was still new to many of the mechanics in the game and therefore didn't know about the different methods.  He would need to ask her about that when he got the chance.  As he thought about Esther he wanted to spend some time with her.  The girl was able to make Domarus comfortable which was nearly impossible nowadays.  Too much planning and scheming to be done that he needed to create plans for.  Plans on top of plans, and backup plans for those.  It wasn't something he hated, it was second nature for him.  However he learned from Esther that sometimes you need a break from even that.  And therefore Esther had slowly become a bigger influence in his life.  He was a bit eager to see her again.


  23. The goblin watched Domarus as it evaded the enormous player's attacks, avoiding the huge ax' strikes and keeping it's own flesh intact.  Occasionally it would try to counter attack but with each attempt the giant player blocked the attack with ease.  It needed a better way to go about this.  Finally it saw an opening.  The goblin ducked under the player's arm and weapon and slashed it's weapon at Domarus' side, striking in an area with minimal armor.  When it emerged on the other side of the player it turned around and slashed again with a grin.

    Domarus watched his health drop by two points before turning around to stop the goblin's second strike.  As he did he noticed it's grin.  Don't get so hasty in your victory he thought.  He shoved the monster back before charging it.  The monster continued it's evasive tactics, leaping around, over and under his weapon.  Only this time, Domarus left no opening to pass his strikes.  There was no way for the monster to hit Domarus.  With that he could slowly wear out the monster until it left an opening in it's defense.  And it was working.  Slowly, very slowly, the monster's movements became more sluggish.  Domarus smiled as he saw the effects and knew exactly what would happen next.  The monster slashed at Domarus and he hooked his ax blade around the sword and fling it across the field.  He released whirlwind and did the same thing with the monster as he had with the sword.  Just with twice as much force.

    Keres didn't wince when Domarus was struck, partly because he didn't flinch and partly because it was hardly any damage.  And besides, she knew that he would be giving it some payback pretty soon and was looking forward to it.  When it happened she wasn't disappointed.  

    ID#  68342  BD:  7  MD:  9

    Domarus:  57/60  -><-  4/6

    Goblin:  18/30

  24. When Domarus resurfaced he was disappointed to find Esther had not chased after him.  He was hoping to actually have some fun and swim with someone but that seemed to be as likely as hell freezing over now.  He heard a rumble suddenly and a blue haired player emerged from the waters riding/fighting a giant sea creature.  This day had just turned for the stranger.  He swam over to shore and once again tried to get his bearings.  Lycan was still where he was before.  Esther was opposite to him after his dive.  Itzal...  Was nowhere to be seen.  He frowned as he looked for the man until the player walked from the forest edge in his armor and with a sword on his back.  Why was he wearing his armor?  His posture wasn't relaxed either.  The player walked up to his friends before leaving the lake.  Confused Domarus decided he would talk to the player at a later date.  He turned around only to find another player had just joined the blue haired player in the fight.  He heard a voice behind him and turned around to see the blacksmith...  Dressed in nothing but a bath towel...  He cracked a grin.

    "Hey there master blacksmith!  Nice trunks you got there.  Any progress on my armor?"  He snickered after he mentioned the trunks as it was a joke.  He had recently placed an order for his armor and he was very eager to get his hands on it.  When he did no monster would stand a chance against him, and players would find it difficult to take him down.  He still needed to drastically increase his level of course, but that would come in time.  Along with followers which of course was why he was here.  All these festivities was nice but there was still work to be done.  After getting a response from Macrodon Domarus told him he needed to do something and dived into the water.  He swam around the giant sea creature and it's fight and reached Esther once again.

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