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Posts posted by Dominion

  1. Dominion walked forward, the soft sounds of little critters around him beginning to grow in sound. Dominion had remembered something like this while he was in china. On one of his trips to the surrounding towns, he got lost and was stuck in a similar forest. However, that forest was much, much more scary. The legends about that forest were too gruesome and cruel to explain well with words. He was glad that this forest had a peaceful and almost friendly environment. He stepped on a twig and something came out of the forest. It was a Nepent. Dominion knew that he could beat it. He knew this, in part, because the last one he defeated was really strong and with the help of Row, he was able to finish it off without much injury. Dominion turned around to face the Nepent and quickly tried to dodge the vine attack directed toward him.

    ID# 76819 | BD:4 (miss) | MD: 3(-3) (miss)

    Dominion: 360 HP, 36 EN, 2 DMG, 3 MIT, 3 EVA, 3 LD, 3 CD.

    Nepent: 50 HP, 15 Dmg

  2. Turning back around to face the dark ominous forest, Dominion made sure to have all his gear equipped. He would be ready for whatever would be to come, except maybe something that would be plausible in the game... That Dominion probably wouldn't be ready for. So Dominion lifted his arms to move apart the branches of tightly compact bushes. Several feet past the thick underbrush, the ground became quickly barren, but really dark. The canopy of tree branches and leaves from higher layers of the forest blocked out any possible light from reaching the bottom. The only things that grew at the bottom layer of the forest was moss and vines, which seemed to go all the way up the trunk of most trees. Dominion finally got past the thick underbrush and immediately began walking forward. He needed to keep his eye out for the shack, the one with the old NPC woman.

  3. Some time went by, as he thought and kept placing one foot in front of the other. Dominion looked up and realized that he had made it to the forest. He was pretty startled by this, as he remembered the trek to be longer. Dominion turned around and looked back at the city gates and walls from far off. Only a bit past the tree lining was visible to his eyes, especially since Dominion was basically looking at lit up town. The sun was glaring above the tree line, which meant that he was covered by shade, but the city was like the city in the desert. Almost impossible to see from the shine of metal, wood, and stone from the sun's rays. Dominion half-heartedly smiled, great memories residing from that city. Soon, almost immediately, he would need to chose a different floor to stay on. He was, after all, a nomadic monk. He would keep this as he identification, especially since nobody else could claim that but himself.

  4. Following the path was easy, as his eyes would only trail away at brief times to scan the landscape. There were no mobs spawning near the path that lead to the forest lining. Dominion remembered that he would need to be in search of a purple vine, which happened to be the same spot that he was attacked by the monkey. I don't wish for that incident to happen again. I still have those bananas, so if I think this out wisely, it could go ok. Dominion was placing one foot in front of the other at a slower rate while he thought. He did not want to move too quickly because his mind was concentrated on something else. He stepped over a medium sized rock as he continued, as if remembering the path in his memory. Now, he would need to search for a Monkey that, for all he knew, was on another level than himself. Dominion kept walking as he thought about this.

  5. The grasslands were a dark natural green, with brown specs which were likely boars grazing. They were, for the most part, not aggressive creatures. However, you could never truly tell when one may turn to attack you, especially if you don't know that you crossed it's boundaries. The two main areas that players would commence combat near was both a tree and a patch of dried earth with little grass on top of it. The tree was the must common spot, but today, unlike most days, it was barren. Dominion couldn't make out much past that point, so he would need to approach the tree to get a better look. Dominion took another step forward, his feet taking his body past the invisible boundary of the city and into the territory of the boars. He kept his head held high as he walked forward, focusing on the dim dirt path that zig-zags in front of him.  

  6. Dominion had just exited Domarus's shop for the second or third time, depending on how you looked at it. He equipped the Monkey Ring, it appeared on his finger fitting perfectly. "Now to find that majestic monkey... Dominion said as he began to walk away from the shop. He had no reason to go back to the alleyway spot for at least another day, so he could spend all of the current day and possibly some of the next on finding that monkey. Dominion walked forward, his eyes wandering from side to side. Dominion noticed that the city was quieter today, for some reason or another. It wasn't out of his mind, the possibility that most of the starting players had begun to lose their fear and venture into the world, but he wouldn't think too much on this topic. He refocused his eyes to take a look out at the grasslands through the massive gate, which lead on a windy path out toward the far and distant forest.

  7. Dominion trailed a few feet behind Takeshi, keeping his eye out for a hidden path. The glare from the sun was blocked by the buildings to both their sides. They had made there way to an Alleyway, so the path would likely be hidden or non-existant. The commotion of players dims behind them as they walk. Dominion swipes open his gear and equipped his Monkey King Armor, Monkey Ring, and Monkey Semblance, a few pieces of gear that serve him well. His shirt was beneath his armor, still unbuttoned and slightly dirty. Looking forward, Dominion just sees the dead end. Takeshi speaks, "Should be this way". Dominion couldn't know for sure if he was right, but they would be wasting more time by going back the way they came. Alright, you lead the way until we spot this thing... Are you able to produce a lot of damage?" Dominion asked as Takeshi lead through the "fragile" wall.

  8. Dominion entered into the shop again, this time very eager for the item. A ring that would improve his searching ability was just the item he needed. When he entered the shop this time, he notices keres and waved. However, it would be to the counter that Dominion would see his ring. It was a stunning item, made really well by Domarus. Dominion swiped open his inventory and withdrew 1500 Col and 7 Mats. He then exchanged the currency for the ring. "Hey, I thought I saw someone the other day in the forest on this floor. Any guesses to who that could have been?" Dominion only caught a glimpse of the moving body as he was in the forest and could not describe with any detail. Whoever... or whatever that thing was, it was definitely quick. Dominion just shrugged his shoulders as he remembered and picked up the ring. "Anyway thanks for the craft. I will hopefully see you soon." Dominion turned and exited the shop.

    -1500 Col and 7 Mats

    +Monkey Ring

  9. Dominion took in the information. A path inside the city that would lead to a forest. That was where they would find the "uncle" that they would defeat and rescue the cub. That was the best case scenario, and that was exactly what was going to happen. Dominion removed his hand from his chin and lowered his elbow to his side.  "Alright, we shall leave immediately, unless there is something we must do between now and rescuing that... lion?" Dominion realized that the someone was a lion of sorts, described as some sort of Nemean lion. Dominion drank the rest of the tea, still somewhat hot, and began to stand up. He pushed his chair under the table and opened his menu. He didn't want to equip his stuff yet, but he needed to make sure it was all with him and not still on the first floor. After double checking to make sure that he had his equipment, Dom waved his goodbye to the NPC and prepared himself for the journey. "So, where should we start looking?", Dominion asked Takeshi.

  10. Dominion took a sip of the hot tea when Takeshi got up and walked over. "Why, is it not Takeshi! Has your shop started to sell more?" Dominion said smiling with a positive tone. "Of course you can sit here. I haven't gotten good company in quite a while." Takeshi's next statement took him by surprise. Dominion hadn't been asked for assistance yet, even though that was his main goal. When Takeshi asked Dominion if it was ok to ask for help at rescuing someone, Dominion lost his smile. "No need to ask, I am always willing to help." Dominion thought for a brief second as Takeshi sat down. "If you are wanting to rescue someone, you must know who the enemy is, whatever may be putting endangered someone in danger, and a general location to look. Do you have any of these for starters?" Dominion asked his question and took another sip of hot tea. "If you know anything about the threat, it would be a safer rescue..." Dominion placed the cup down on the table as well as his elbow and put his hand on his chin to listen and think.

  11. Dominion was not accustomed to staying at inns or even traveling to different inns for that matter. He was, however, wanting to go to the second floor. He had done much on the first floor, and would need to begin moving up to the other floors. He arrived on the second floor from the teleport pad and entered the first inn available. There was a fairly equal ratio of players to NPC's, which Dominion had become more and more accustomed to seeing. At one table, Dominion recognized Takeshi, and his cigarette. However, Dominion knew better than to disrupt someone's breakfast and purposefully walked past that table and up to a counter. He waved over a NPC and asked for a hot cup of green tea. However, they were running short of green tea and asked if Dominion would like another beverage. Dominion settled with just hot tea and sat down at a table.

  12. Dominion was actually very surprised by her answer “Sure”. We are just friends... right? So why did I just ask… Dominion smiled in reaction to her response. He offered his right hand to hold her hand, and they began to walk into the castle of Amour. Dominion recognized the word from a Latin derived base meaning, love, and quickly understood it’s connection. However, if this event was about love…. was Dom in love? Dominion swept the thought away in his head. That would need to be a question for another time. The area was vast, as the entryway was lit up. The elegant designs engraved into the wood staircases and with dark pigments. Dominion noticed a door as they entered leading to great smells on the right. That area, when Dom got a glance inside, had drinks and pastries. Dominion could hear soft music that played in the background. Dominion felt welcome. He was oddly enjoying the environment set in the castle. He caught sight of Hydra, Beatbox, Sey, and a couple others whom he had met. He didn’t see anyone really “Dancing” but it seemed that Domarus was leading some couples toward the middle.


  13. Dominion heard Row say that he fit the monk theme. The monk theme? Did she mean what he wore and how he acted? He was a monk... or at least that was how he grew up. He experienced harsh training and did not get much luxury. However, Dominion learned much about the world through many experiences traveling with his father. How was he supposed to respond to a question about owning a temple? Sure, they dwelled the majority of his childhood in a monastery, but that didn't mean that his family owned anything. Dominion opened his eyes and looked down at Row. "No, my dad was a monk, or so I came to believe. We left that lifestyle, living with the monks in the monastery when I was about 8 or 9, and we traveled the world. I am still not sure why we left." A question popped into Dom's mind. Dominion was completely innocent when he asked this, as he thought most people would reflect their true self in the game "Didn't you search for treasure in the real world?"

  14. Dominion decided to sit down, giving himself a chance to rest and think. The battle went surprisingly well for the two of them. He did not disagree with taking a break, but he didn't want spoils of a battle to go away, especially since Row would want them later. Dominion accepted the spoils into his inventory for the time being, and returns to sit down beside where Row lies. He crossed his legs and put his fists together in front of his abdomen. Concentrating there, Dominion closed his eyes and thought. Dominion had just recently discussed the idea of hate with Wolfie, someone who seemed to know and understand the subject well. Dominion still couldn't wrap his head around the idea of hate, but he recently underwent anger. Why did I lash out like that? It seemed like it was just, but it also seemed very... wrong? Why don't I ask Wolfie later, maybe he knows anger better than myself...

  15. Technically, Dominion did not get the last hit. However, neither did Row. The Nepent got the last hit. Dominion was close enough to the main mass of vines that he could hit just about any one of them and defeat the it. So Dominion chose a vine and slashed through it with his right hand. The Nepent did not react to this at all, which surprised Dominion. Suddenly, while Row was on the ground, a vine came down and swept across the ground, a direct hit on Row. Dominion turned to see the Nepent suddenly pixilate from the attack and a grin appeared on his face. "I wouldn't suppose you got the last hit." Dominion shrugged as Col and a mat dropped from the mob. "Either way, we have one defeated and we need another like this and then the boss... hopefully." Dominion walked over to where Row was knocked to the ground and extended his arm for the third time. "You are an impressive tank. I am not sure I could take as many direct hits as you did and defeat the Nepent at the same time... is that a passive aggressive ability?" Dominion was actually surprised that she was able to do so well. Then he realized that didn't get to use his first aid but once. "You do your job so well, I don't get to do mine!" Dominion laughed at this. He wouldn't get to use his own first aid ability since she healed up so quickly.

    ID# 76629 | MD:5 (miss) | MD: 7 (hit) 1 DMG to Row, 14 thorns DMG to Nepent | LD:17 (+1 From Row's LD bonus) (5x140)=700 Col

    Nepent 0/140 hp  (700 Col and T1 Mat)
    Row 100/100 hp 3/10 en hate: 9
    Dom 280/280 hp 28/28 en  hate: 8


  16. Dominion fell down onto the ground, his upper back taking the impact of the fall. Dominion didn't say anything, as there was no noticeable pain. He just rolled over so that his hands were beneath him and pushed his torso off the ground like a reverse push-up. When he was back up, he caught a glimpse of Row successfully attacking the Nepent. It was hit by the ax, which split the particles, but did not cause the bleed effect. Dominion shrugged. Maybe he would get the chance for the last hit anyways. Dominion ran forward, having a slow start from the vine entanglement. He crossed behind Row and struck a punch. Dominion thought he had done enough damage as there was no health bar left. Dominion didn't notice that the nepent actually did have health left, but it was so low that he overlooked it. Dominion backed up slightly, wondering how the Nepent was still alive. 

    ID# 76603 | BD:6 (hit) 2 Dmg | MD:3 (miss) |

    Nepent 2/140 hp
    Row 100/100 hp 4/10 en hate: 9
    Dom 280/280 hp 28/28 en  hate: 8



  17. Dominion heard a voice from behind him, calling his nickname, “Dom”. No player that Dominion knew called him that but Row, so he sighed in relief. Thank goodness I am not going… Dominion thought as he turned to see Row. His thoughts stopped abruptly. What was going on? He couldn’t speak. He gazed at Row, wearing her new outfit. She was stunningly pretty. He tried to act like himself, but he found this to be rather taxing when he looked at Row.. Dominion smiled saying, “Hello Row. I am glad you accepted. I hear that this event is one where we can just relax from combat and enjoy ourselves from constant grinding of mobs.” Dominion had never actually been to a “dance”, so he did not actually know what he was doing.

    Dominion waited for Row to stand near him before Dominion turned back to the guards. “Well, is there something you need us to give you, like an invitation or something?”, Dominion asked this respectfully. The first guard checked over the two of them to make sure that they were not wearing any battle gear while the second one spoke in a whisper, “You may bring weapons in, but please keep quiet about it. We want to keep the commotion pertaining to weapons down during the event.” Dominion nodded his head in agreement, and then turned slightly toward Row. The guards went back to their post's as Dom said in a whisper, just loud enough for her to hear, “I won’t lie, this is my first time going to a dance. Would you mind holding hands as we walk in?” Dominion had no clue what to do or say, so admitting it was his first time was the first step to finding out.


  18. On February 13, Dominion got a message notification. He was in his usual spot on the first floor, his cloths and armor dirty from use. When Dominion got the notification, he heard it *ping* and swept open his menu. When he pulled open the notification, he read it. There was mention of an event on the 14, something having to do with dance of crossed paths. It was supposedly a place where "Love can roam free", whatever that meant. Dominion knew barely anything about love, just rumors here and there about it being an actual thing. However, when he got to the part about taking a breather from combat, Dominion was totally drawn in. This must be like a party... I remember something about friends asking other friends to go to these sorts of things... but who could I ask? Row likes treasure.... Wolfie doesn't seem to be around much and I got no idea about Alice and Jazz.... Row it is then. Dominion swiped open his PM tab and sent a message to Row. *Hello Row, would you like to come with me to the Dance of the Crossed Paths?* Dominion signed the bottom of the message with -Dom the Monk. I really hope she says yes... Dominion realized that he didn't know what type of cloths he should wear to the Dance. Dominion stood up and placed his gear in his inventory, and while he began to walk to a tailor, buying a formidable black collared shirt and new blue pants. After he changed his attire, he stood on the teleport pad and arrived on the fourth floor. There, he ventured to the destination, by the name the castle of Amour. The guards were going to halt him, but Dom stopped several feet before entering. "Hold on. I am not going in quite yet, so if you would be so kind as to wait." Dominion stood outside the building, hoping that Row would show up. He did not have his hand wraps on at this time, as he had put them in his inventory.


  19. Dominion turned his head to see the Vanishing Dragon equip something and move to strike the rock. However, the sound from the rock made Dominion watch. Dominion's eyes widened. He did not believe what he just saw. A flash occurred within the rock as it split an entire third. "Woah", Dominion said rather loud as he took a step back, falling off balance and stumbling onto the ground backwards. "That was amazing", Dominion said with a rather solid voice. He was completely caught off guard with that attack. Dominion looked above the rock, the health bar already a fifth of the way depleted. Dominion was utterly speechless. He began to stand up again, this time getting up a bit slower. He did not wish to get hit by a punch like that on accident, especially one of such force. Dominion was standing back up again around the time Grave would make another strike.


    ID: 76536 | BD: 2 (miss)

    Grave: 59/60 EN | D: 16
    Dominion: 30/30 EM | D: 2

    The Unbreakable Rock: 34/50 HP


  20. Dominion could see his health bar slowly take the effect of the poison. Oh no. This is not good. I don't have any idea how much of this I can take, especially if that thing hits me again. Dominion tried to stand back up, but he was not going to take his chances. He remained where he was and hoped that the serpent didn't see him. However, the second snake continued to eye at him, making Dominion feel very uncomfortable. Dominion tried to strike the snake, even with his newfound fear. Dominion hoped that he would either successfully hit or the snake would miss it's attack. One of those things happened and it was clearly the latter of the two. Dominion moved forward extending out his fist, but quickly recoiling it as the snake bit out to try to take off his arm from his body. "NO, don't take my arm from me. I need it." Dominion said as he stepped back in defense, holding his arm near his chest.


    ID: 76471 | BD: 2 (miss) | MD: 4 (Miss)

     -2 EN
    +10 HP
    -20 HP (Poison)

    [H:0]Grave: 580/600 HP | 57/60 EN | 12 D | 36 M | 2 REC | 1 CC | 18 Regen | 24 BLD | 20 BH | Sand: -1 to EVA and ACC | Poisoned: 20 DMG per turn (1/5)
    [H:0]Dominion: 222/300 HP | 27/30 EN | 2 D | 3 M | 3 EVA | 24 BLD | 1 PAR | 10 BH | Sand: -1 to EVA and ACC | Poisoned: 20 DMG per turn (1/5)

    Amphis Serpens: 175/175 | D: 70 | M: 45 | Critical Special - Twin Fangs: Strikes two highest hate players and poisons them with 20 DMG for 5 turns.


  21. Dominion got up after he secured another player to look after the wounded one. Dominion stood up and began walking again, this time with much more determination. He reached Zack's store and went up to the door. There, Dominion knocked and called out to Zack, "Hey Zack, the deed is done. I have given you package safely to Tealeaf down the road. Something got in the way, but it was a little matter that occurred after giving the package." Dominion said from outside the building. Zack opened the door, having heard what Dominion said and thanked him. You have been of much assistance player. I thank you for you willingness to help. Zack said this and then commented, "Currently, I am making something. I will hopefully talk to you at another time stranger." Zack turned and appeared to be in a rush. He shut the door behind him, and then Dominion heard some boiling sounds. "Looks like the man is back to whatever it is that he does. I surely wish him luck."


    5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)
    - 1 Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)
    -1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)

    3 SP, 400 Col

  22. Dominion could see the man's shadow in the reflection from a window. "Halt! Do not come closer to this player!" Dominion yelled. His voice was not intimidating on purpose. He knew that most people could not be simply scared off by the sound and appearance of another person. "Dare you try to hurt this player in a safe zone, you will face me!" Dominion said, his voice unwavering. Dominion stood up and turned to face the player. He was about his height, maybe a little smaller. "Leave at once!" Dominion shouted and pointed down the road. The player just smirked and turned his body. He was a player who seemed to hide in the shadows of the first floor constantly, while Dominion was a player who moved in the light. Dominion looked back down at the player that was bruised from the fist attack. "Hey, dude? Are you alright?" The player laid on the ground, his hands at both sides but breathing fine. He must have gone unconscious, which was not the worst thing in the game.

  23. Dominion turned to walk back the way he had come. There was not much left for him to do now, but return to Zack and explain to him that he delivered the package. He was walking back when he saw some commotion between to players. Dominion did not have an interest to join in the quarrel, especially one that was resulting in yelling and threats. Dominion stopped and thought. He knew that he could move over to the other side of the street and possible pass unnoticed by the players on that side. Dominion could not think of a better idea, and so he moved over to that side of the street. As he passed by, one of the players was hit and fell down in front of Dominion. Dominion's kind nature kicked in, "Hey dude, you ok?" Dominion asked. He helped the player up, but not before the other player came over to give another punch. 

  24. The response which Dominion was given surprised him more than just about anything from before. "Well, I would be him then. What is this message you need to deliver to me?" He said rather bluntly. Dominion was going to hold off from giving him the message until he realized that the man standing before him, the same man who asked the question, was Tealeaf. "OH, you are Tealeaf. Pleasure to meet you" Dominion said as he handed over the package message from Zack. "It is from Zachariah, so I hope you can find a use for it. I am not quite sure what it is, but I can tell you that I have not tampered with it." Dominion said with a smile. His golden, messy hair was as always and he had a smile on his face to convey his honesty. The man Tealeaf thanked Dominion for what he had done and began to open the door to his building.

  25. Dominion smiled as he walked up to the building to get a closer look. Inside, there was nobody visible. This was Probably because the light from inside was just a mirror reflection of the sun. Dominion stepped back to look at the name. It suddenly hit him that the name Tealeaf was the name he was actually after. "Hey, excuse me. Do you know where the owner of this shop is right now?" Dominion called out to the people walking on the streets. Most players just stared at him, and for a good reason. Almost nobody had heard of that name before, except those who lived or made a living nearby. An answer from someone on the street said, "Yeah, I think I know where he is. But, why does it matter to you?" The man was still seemingly young in age, which was fortunate for him. Dominion replied with the following: "Because I have a message for him."

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