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Posts posted by Shadowpixel

  1. Pixel giggled a little bit too when Ruby said if she said so that Pixel wasn't that young. Ruby asled how old Pixel actually was and she was a little bit hesitant. "I'm 14 years old, not that young right? It still follows the age rating, so don't judge." Pixel answered. She started to blush when Ruby asked why she had looked at her chest and if she was jealous. "N-No! I ain't jealous. If anything, my boobs are bigger than yours. It's just that your swimsuit just makes them look really big. Sorry if that sounds perverted." Pixel said as kept her arms crossed over her chest, trying to hide her size. 

    The rumbling sound got louder and louder from above and more and more rocks started pouring down. "Wow, they must be mining something big up there." Pixel commented as more rocks started to fall down. Eventually, there was one loud crash from the ceiling and a ton of boulders came crashing down from the ceiling and onto the ground. It cut off the exit, and ended up seperating Pixel and Ruby's pool from everyone else. "What just happened?! Hello!?" Pixel called out as she climbed out of the pool and ran up to the boulders. She and Ruby were now trapped here, at least until the boulders were cleared.


  2. Pixel listened to Ruby's explanation and advice on what kind of swimsuit to wear. "Hey, I'm not that young! Even if I was, that doesn't mean I can't at least try to show off like the way you do. But you definitely stand out, most swimsuits I see never cover the legs." Pixel said as she took her headband off and set it down on the ground beside her. She looked down at her chest, then at Ruby's and sighed. "You know what, I'll just stick to a cute look for now." Pixel muttered as she crossed her arms over her chest.

    Pixel heard the rumbling sound again and this time a few rocks fell down. "There it is again. Did you hear it that time?" Pixel asked, looking up at the ceiling. Ruby had said that there was nothing really other than the floor boss. "Oh okay, nothing really has happened to me eventful either. The closest thing to eventful was fighting some giant worms in the forest." Pixel said as she put her hands behind her head and leaned back a little bit.


  3. Pixel listened to Ruby say that she wasn't a fan of the two seperate colors for the top and the bottom of her swimsuit. "Ah, okay. I'll probably switch it to just all purple then when I get a new swimsuit. Your swimsuit looks pretty good, not really cute, but more on the appealing side. It really makes your legs and chest pop. I might just copy it myself if I wanted to land a date." Pixel complimented, looking Ruby up and down in her swimsuit.

    Pixel heard a small rumble coming from above the water and a few pebbles fell down from the ceiling of the cave. "Did you hear something? It was something from up there." Pixel asked, looking up at the ceiling. Pixel shook her head and looked back at Ruby. "Never mind. So, anything you wanted to talk about? Anything you need to get off your chest lately?" Pixel asked with a small smile.


  4. Pixel listened to Ruby apologize after she introduced herself to Pixel. Ruby huh, a kind of interesting name, it was probably the red in her eyes that led to that name. Shadowpixel was just an edgy name Pixel had come up with on the spot, but she liked the name Ruby. "Nice to meet you too Ruby, but no need to apologize. I guess I have a bit of a nosy nature myself. It's been kinda stressful for me too." Pixel said as she let out a small chuckle.

    Pixel rested her arms on the sides of the pool and let out a relaxed sigh as she sank just a little deeper into the water. "Why did I come here today? Well, I've just been training a lot, so I wanted to relax. Call it a short break if you want. Also, I've just had this swimsuit sitting in my inventory for so long, I've been wanting to try it on. Do I look cute in it? That's the look I was going for." Pixel asked as she spread her legs out a little bit.


  5. Pixel was sharpening her katana with a smaller rock that was next to the one she was sitting on while she waited for Simba to come. She didn't have to wait too long however, as the man came after just a few minutes. This was going to be fun for Pixel, she always loved dueling with others. He greeted Pixel and referred to her as Shadowpixel and introduced himself as Simba. "Yep, that's me! But you can just call me Pixel. It's just what I like to go by. Thanks for coming out here to spar with me. I think this will be a good experience for both of us." Pixel said as she stood up from her rock and gave Simba a quick hug. "So, do you want to fight with or without armor? Like I said already, this is half loss, so we won't kill each other." Pixel asked as she took a step back.


  6. Pixel could tell by the girl's repeated sighing and the annoyed looks that she didn't want Pixel to be there at all, and was just hoping she would go away. The way that she said that she came here to relax by herself emphasized that. "You don't have to guilt me, I'll just go." Pixel said as she started to get up out of the water to go find another pool of water. But then the woman said that she could stay, which got Pixel slightly excited and she sat right back down in the water.

    The woman asked what her name was if she was going to be here. "Just call me Pixel, just a shortened version of Shadowpixel, my username." Pixel introduced herself as she crossed her arms beneath her chest. "So, may I ask what is your name?" Pixel asked as she leaned forward a little bit towards the woman.


  7. Pixel watched Kuro fly up above them while Hestia told her to get ready for the worms to come. There wasn't much time to get ready at all though as a worm that had been burrowing beneath them popped out of the ground just seconds after and it was quite clear it wanted to kill and eat them.

    Pixel drew her katana and prepared to strike while Hestia yelled at the worm to get it's attention. As soon as it was turned away and focused on Hestia, Pixel darted at the worm and jumped up to try and slash at it's head. Pixel raised it high and swung, but she missed and ended up rolling onto the ground. She stood right back up after rolling and gripped her katana. "Sorry, it just appeared so suddenly, I lost my focus for a moment." Pixel apologized as she moved a distance away from Hestia so she could tank the hit.

    [H:4]  Hestia: 520/520   ENG: 42/52 MIT: 72 l 5 DMG l Thorns: 14 DMG

    [H:0]  Pixel 180/180   ENG: 16/18   MIT: 1 I 5 DMG I Battlehealing (9 HP per turn)

    man-eating worm: 260/260    DMG: 78

    ID: 92514 BD: 2 MD: 3


  8. Pixel was getting more and more nervous as time went on, since nothing was attacking them yet. "Either this is just a peaceful area, or the game is purposely just building things up to try and make us nervous. Probably the latter is the case, since this isn't a safe zone. Of all the parts of this forest I chose to train in, of course this is the place we end up." Pixel said as she looked at all the worms. They all suddenly went into the ground at once, which was a little strange to Pixel.

    As they walked, Hestia brought up that they had been in the game for a year now and Pixel's smile faded slightly. "Yeah, it really has been that long. Time flies fast. I still prefer to stay happy. But it's okay to laugh, I just tripped." Pixel said as she tried to spot any more worms. All of them had gone underground, and it gave Pixel an uneasy feeling. "Be on guard, I don't know where the worms went. They might strike now." Pixel warned as she started to raise her katana.


  9. Pixel laughed a little bit at Hestia calling her the queem of edge. "I'm not that edgy, but my username is just a curse on me at this point. It will always remind me of my younger self." Pixel said as she looked up. The light was getting dimmer and dimmer as they went on.

    Hestia brought up someone named Domarus and asked if that was familiar and Pixel shook her head. "I've never heard him, but I'll make sure to stay away from him. Thanks for the warning." Pixel thanked as she started to hum a little tune to herself. Hestia told her not to let others affect how she acted, and Pixel shook her head. "Nah, I like being happy all the time honestly. It's better than being sad all the time." Pixel said as she turned around and flashed a smile at Hestia.

    Hestia then explained that the way everything was getting bigger was just a scare tactic and Pixel nodded. Just after that, Pixel nearly tripped on a leaf. She raised it up and turned it towards Hestia. "Yeah, they did a good job at that. This leaf is about as tall as me. I'm not really scared or anything, it just gives me a weird feeling." Pixel said as she set the leaf down.

  10. Pixel never really thought of how her build either and how she looked with her build. Pixel thought she fit the pure damage type kind of well, at least it fit better than Hestia as a tank. It bothered Pixel just a tiny bit that Hestia was calling her Shadow. "Umm, can you please not call me Shadow? Just about anything else works. I kinda regret making Shadowpixel my username. I guess I was just feeling edgy at the time." Pixel requested, chuckling a little bit.

    Hestia then brought up that there were things that could impede her reaching her goal, and make her not seem like a hero. "Yeah, I'm aware of that. That's why I'm careful about how I treat others. I always have to wear a smile and keep my patience with everyone. Just one little mistake can ruin your reputation. And as far as the red person, that was a long time ago. I think it was an NPC. All I remember was the red hair and that they tricked me into doing some work for free. It was so long ago, I can hardly remember." Pixel responded as she looked around even more. The deeper they got into the forest, the smaller Pixel started to feel. The trees were getting taller and taller. It's like this area was designed to make you feel small. The giant worm monsters that were starting to become more frequent helped that feeling. Although the worms were still at a distance, it was getting Pixel a little nervous. "Hey Hestia, is it just me, or does it feel like we're getting smaller?" Pixel asked.

  11. Pixel could tell that the woman in front of her was a bit annoyed by Pixel's presence, mostly due to her falling into the water. The woman had said smooth, which gave Pixel a small grin as she rubbed the back of her head while chuckling, feeling a little bit embarassed. "Sorry 'bout that, I kinda sorta tripped if you didn't see, but I'll just stay quiet if you want me too, I just came to enjoy the water since the boss is gone." Pixel said as she leaned back in the water against the ground a little bit.

    Pixel stayed quiet until the woman asked if there was anything that Pixel needed from her, or if she owed someone something. "The only thing I want from you is just your company. Do you really think I would come here in a swimsuit for business matters? I just saw you by yourself and I figured ya could use some company." Pixel answered as she pointed to her swimsuit briefly.


  12. Pixel nodded in understanding when Hestia had said that she was trying her best to make things safe and provide for all the lives she could. "Well, I didn't say there was anything wrong with what you were doing, all I said was that you didn't look to be the tanky type. It is admirable to try and keep everyone safe. My only goal is to fight in at least 5 boss raids. I want to be remembered as a heroic frontliner. I just need to train so I can get there. I won't manipulate my way there, unlike some red- Actually, I just like to keep a sense of honor, so I won't cheat to the top, the same with you right?" Pixel said as she looked around her surroundings to make sure no mobs were by them. Hestia then recommended a blacksmith by the name of Macradon to make a katana, and Pixel nodded her head. "I'll check him out sometime when I work up enough col." Pixel responded. She spotted what looked to be a giant worm, but it wasn't anywhere near them, so Pixel just let it slide for now.


  13. Pixel grabbed the girl's hand and shook it while she introduced herself as Hestia and introduced her lion as Kuro. "Nice to meet ya Hestia! You can call me Pixel, soon to be freelance mercenary. Thanks in advance for helping me out." Pixel thanked after introducing herself and letting go of the handshake.

    Pixel started to walk deeper into the shade of trees as Hestia explained that she was a tank build. "Oh, a tank? You didn't really look like the tanky type to me. But whatever your style is, you play it. I just prefer dealing damage." Pixel said as she lowered her katana to her side, prepared to strike anything that could strike at the two. Hestia commented on Pixel's katana and compared it to her sword and shield combo, which gave Pixel a small chuckle. "Well, this isn't really my best katana. That's why I'm on this floor. I just am trying to scrape up a little bit of col to get a better one." Pixel explained as she looked her basic katana over.

  14. Pixel looked up at the leaves above her, not seeing a single spot where the sun could go through, only the tiniest of cracks were visible. Pixel looked around for something to fight when she heard a voice call out from behind her asking if she needed help with what she was about to do. Pixel turned around to see a blue haired girl with a white winged lion beside her. "Sure! You can come along with me, I always enjoy company when I train." Pixel said as she back over to where the girl was. The lion with the girl did not seem to be at all happy to be here, but Pixel figured they just had a long day. "You caught me right before I was about to go training. I usually just go out and take on some mobs every day to train. I stick to the lower floors for safety. So, you wanna help me out?" Pixel asked as she rested her katana on her shoulder.

  15. Pixel had figured that she trained up enough to where she could actually spar with people and have a little bit of fun doing that. She had already messaged a player named Simba about having a duel, and they had settled on floor one to fight at. Of course being that it was floor one, they couldn't exactly fight in town, as there would be tons of people that would end up getting in the way.

    Pixel had walked out to the fields just outside of the safe zone where hardly anyone could get in the way of their match. Pixel opened her menu and messaged Simba where to meet her for their duel, and then sat down on a rock while she waited for him to show up. The duel was going to be half loss, so that way neither of them would end up dying. This was mainly just for training, but it could be a fun experience for the both of them.



    Pixel's Stats

    Level: 9

    HP: 180 EN: 18 DMG: 5 MIT: 1


    Iron Katana

    Snowflake Sweater (+1 MIT)


    Charge - Rank 1

    Battlehealing - Rank 1


  16. Pixel had taken too long of a break from her training as of late. Her lazy side had kicked in and she put off training for far too long. She was only level 9, she needed to keep going if she wanted to get even close to a frontliner's level of power.

    Pixel was walking through the town of floor 2 on her way to the forest that she usually trained at, her katana at her side. Apart from gaining experience by killing wolves, she was also getting col from monster drops if she got lucky. Pixel had her mind on getting a new katana to replace the standard one she had, since she could use some enhancements, particularly accuracy, since Pixel didn't have the best record of hitting her target. The sun was still high in the sky, which gave her plenty of time to train. It would be more difficult to see the sun once she went into the woods, so it was important to check now. Pixel adjusted the headband in her hair and then put on her snowflake sweater on for protection and walked into the shady forest.



    Pixel's Stats

    Level: 9

    HP: 180 EN: 18 DMG: 5 MIT: 1


  17. After having trained for so long, session after session consecutively, Pixel figured it was finally time to get a break from her training. She had heard about hot springs on floor 21, but because of the boss still being around, Pixel never could bring herself to go to them. But after the raid and the boss being gone, Pixel now figured that it was a safe time to actually check out the springs, and that's exactly what she did.

    Pixel went through the cave to the hot springs and already started to feel relaxed upon entering the springs. She put on her swimsuit and looked around, trying to settle on where she wanted to go in the water. Pixel spotted a lone player in one of the more secluded areas and started to run over to her. Pixel ended up tripping as she ran and fell backwards into the water, creating a small splash. She stood up in the water and acted like none of that just happened as she waded through the water over to the player. "Hi, how ya doing? The water feels nice doesn't it?" Pixel asked as she sat across from her.


  18. Pixel took a big sigh of relief. So he wasn't there to kill them. "Okay, sorry. Just the way you drew the sword, then you were here for us, I just panicked." Pixel apologized. She felt like an idiot, assuming right away that Seul was there to kill them.

    He was there for the quest, so was herself. She looked at the snowy fields as well and continued shivering. It was still super cold, and the skimpy armor didn't help with that. "S-so Kaya, do you know where your pet is going to be?" Pixel asked, stuttering a little bit from the cold.

    While she waited for a response, Pixel gazed out at the landscape, it looked pretty and all, but it was just too cold to truly enjoy. Pixel then turned to Seul and looked up at him. "What do you mean that we're wimps!? At least we don't just sit in the safe zone and wait for others to beat the game." Pixel argued.

     @Kaya @Seul

  19. Pixel was sitting at a bench near the fountain at the middle of the Town of Beginnings. She was planning on helping out her new friend Kaya train a little bit in the fields. She just had to wait for her to show up. Pixel had thought of going to floor 2 to start out, but she didn't want to risk death just for more experience.

    Pixel hadn't gotten enough sleep last night and was a little drowsy, but doing some combat would definitely wake her up. Pixel simply watched the fountain water and the people that walked by while she waited. The fake sun shined brightly and brought a warm feeling around Pixel.

    It was nice, but it started to make Pixel feel even more drowsy. "Nope, gotta stay awake. That would be embarassing if Kaya showed up and I was asleep." Pixel said to herself as she shook her head a few times.


  20. Pixel was startled by what Seul had said next. "Here for us? W-what do you mean?" Pixel asked, backing away more. Was he an assassin? Pixel didn't want to take her chances. 

    It was still freezing cold, but Pixel didn't feel it as much. She was now more worried about what Seul was going to do. "Did Sey send you? Please don't kill me! I'll do anything!" Pixel begged, hiding behind Kaya in fear.

    Pixel tried to hide that she was scared, but she ultimately just couldn't help herself. Her whole body was shaking. She didn't know what to do. She was thinking of running, but she couldn't leave Kaya behind like that. "Kaya? Do you know him or why he's here?" Pixel asked nervously, hugging Kaya and looking up at her. Pixel was trying to think of a way to settle this peacefully, but she just couldn't focus at all.

    @Kaya @Seul

  21. Pixel immediately accepted the friend request and followed behind Kaya. "What familiar were you hoping to get?" Pixel asked as she opened her menu and scrolled through it.

    Pixel eventually found her leopard top and skirt, and equipped them in place of her kimono. "Sorry if my outfit is a bit revealing, it's the only thing I have with mitigation." Pixel explained as they continued to walk.

    As they reached the exit of town, Kaya had started to panic that there was an orange player. Pixel didn't get why he was there, but it wouldn't hurt to say hello. "Um, hi. I'm Pixel, and this is Kaya. Is there something you needed?" Pixel asked, stepping in front of Kaya.

    Internally, Pixel wanted to face palm herself for how she said it. Pixel thought it sounded to formal, and even a little condescending. Pixel took a few steps back just to be safe.

    @Kaya @Seul

  22. Pixel saw the notice for help on the Feeding the Enemy quest and thought, why not? She could get some experience like this. "Snowfrost Town, haven't been here before. It shouldn't take that long to find Kaya." Pixel thought to herself as she stepped out of the portal of the fourth floor.

    Pixel noticed right away that it was super cold and the snow didn't help much. She tugged on her kimono and started to shiver. Her only clothes with mitigation covered very little of her, so it would be a tough task to get through this. "This better be worth it. It is way too cold, even for summer." Pixel murmered as she walked. 

    Pixel spotted the quest NPC and looked around, and sure enough, she saw Kaya standing closeby walking back and forth. "Hey Kaya!" Pixel called out as she ran towards Kaya.

    Pixel ran up to Kaya and did a small wave with her hand. "Is anyone else coming?" Pixel asked, looking up at her.


  23. Pixel giggled a little bit and shook her head. "Nah, yours is cuter. My bikini feels a bit more basic." Pixel commented, crossing her arms. It seemed as though Kaya had calmed down, so Pixel loosened up in her speech.

    Kaya mentioned that both of their bikinis were small and Pixel nodded her head. "Yeah, you're right. I've had this bikini for a while now, so it's probably just grown on me. It's kind of annoying honestly." Pixel said as she looked down at herself.

    Pixel shook her body a bit and sighed. "You see? My bikini is so tight my boobs don't even jiggle a little bit!" Pixel said in frustration and crossed her arma again.

    Pixel tried to stay positive and put her smile on. "I got mine from an NPC shop on the first floor almost a year ago. If you want, I could go shopping with you some time." Pixel offered. It was nice getting to know Kaya a little better.


  24. Pixel was at first confused why Kaya couldn't even pronounce out her own name, then she realized it was just a nervous breakdown. Pixel herself was on the verge of it, but she overtime had taught herself how to stay calm in crowded places. Pixel didn't want to make Kaya any more nervous, so she used her soothing voice and try to calm her down. "Hey, it's okay Kaya. I'm Pixel. It's nice to meet you." Pixel introduced herself soothingly, putting her right hand on Kaya's shoulder.

    Pixel patted Kaya's before taking her hand off. "Cute bikini you have, it suits you." Pixel complimented. Whenever Pixel was nervous, compliments usually helped, so she figured that it might help Kaya out.

    While Pixel waited to see how Kaya would respond, she adjusted her bikini top again and loosened it a little bit, as it seemed almost ready to pop off. She then looked back up at Kaya and smiled.


  25. Pixel giggled a little and licked some of the frosting around her mouth. "It's fine! I like talking to just about anyone. Nice to meet ya Dazia! I hope we can spar sometime once this party is over." Pixel said, winking at the end.

    Pixel wiped the rest of the frosting off her face and continued talking. "I don't know when the volleyball game is going to start, but I bet you would be great at it. You are probably stronger than me anyway. I don't think stats have to do with it, so it should be an even game." Pixel stated.

    Pixel then realized how short she was compared to everyone else. "Aww man,  I guess my height won't help me any." Pixel sighed. It was kind of her fault in the first place, since she was barely old enough to play the game.

    Pixel was about to say something else, but she saw a girl in the distance fall flat on their. "Hey! Are you okay!?" Pixel shouted as she ran up to her. Pixel rolled her over facing up and noticed how skimpy the swimsuit she had on was.It made her boobs look almost as big as Pixel's.

    While Pixel waited for her to say something, she looked back at Dazia briefly and signalled her hand as to say, "Come over here!"

     @Dazia @Kaya

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