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Darius Verand

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Everything posted by Darius Verand

  1. As the reflection got close to Darius, it pulled its arms back to its right, readying a horizontal swing. Darius smirked to himself. A horizontal swing would never work against the bulk of the tower shield. As Darius started to drop to one knee, he saw his own reflection smirk, as if it knew something he didn't..... "Shut it!," Darius said to himself angrily. he needed to concentrate. As he waited for the impact of the blade on shield so he could counter-attack, the most bizzare thing happened.
  2. 'Howl' seemed to work on the reflection because it charged at Darius, taking the sword in a two-handed grip. Its face was completely clear though. It didn't seem angry, or enraged. It puzzled Darius because 'Howl' was supposed to raise the 'Hate' status on enemies effected by howl, but then he remembered that he was in a fight and couldn't stand about contemplating the world. He scowled and held his tower shield out in front of him, ready to drop down into a crouch and hide behind it as the reflection swung at him.
  3. Darius stood before his reflection, growing angrier by the second. He hated the look of himself, or the reflection of himself. His alter ego. His demon. The rage boiled deep inside of him and sent a wave of heat rushing through his body. Technically, the reflection was still a monster and not a player, even though it looked like it; therefore, abilities would work on it. He smirked wolfishly to himself. He would beat this reflection like he beat everything else. He took in a deep breath and roared at his reflection, every once of hatred inside him boiling to be let loose.
  4. The reflection wasn't exactly him though. Its hair was jet black and its eyes were a deep crimson. It wore no armor, just a simlpe pair of brown shorts and a simple longsword. It tilted its head at him slightly, seemingly amused at Darius' startled state. Darius stood, picking up his shield and drawing his sword. His face was scrunched with confusion. It was supposed to be his reflection of his fears and insecurities, but it was the exact opposite as him. He just noticed, too, that it was standing on the water. It slowly walked off of it over to the flat ground next to the rocky cliff that the
  5. Darius then realized his flaw. He had nothing true to concentrate on to clear his mind. He nodded to himself, smirking while doing so and laughing hysterically as he opened his menu and brought out his honey. He had so few uses left, but they would be put to good use. He took a spoonful and put it in his mouth, savoring the sweet flavor and closing his eyes in bliss. He returned the honey to his inventory and let the honey sit on his tongue. He concentrated slowly onto the taste of the honey, until it wore off and left his mind blank. He opened his eyes and before him stood his reflection.
  6. Darius then approached the waterfall, seeing the large, flat stones in front of it. He was told that if he could clear his mind while on those stones, he would face a reflection of himself. He tried just that. He went and sat on the stones, closing his eyes as he rested his tower shield beside him. He tried clearing his mind, but it was a impossible cause. His mind was always restless, always thinking, and always curious. It came with the slight insanity. He sighed again, his etched with lines of stress and sadness. How could he conquer a reflection of himself if he couldn't conquer his own mi
  7. After a short while, Darius sighed again and took his head out of his hands to look at the jungle that had led him in circles for hours, only to jolt back in shock. Before him was no longer the harsh jungle that was there before, but a peaceful waterfall and cliff. There were no bugs. No annoying sounds. Nothing but the waterfall. Darius stood, looking skeptically at the entire ordeal. This certainly was crazy. A randomly appearing waterfall. Darius laughed aloud to himself.
  8. Darius had been at the 'supposed' location of the waterfall. He had the coordinates right, but there was nothing here but more jungle. He had been searching for hours and came up with nothing. He was now tired, covered in sweat, mud, and god-knows what else was in the jungle. Bugs swarmed him and constantly pestered him as he swatted at them. He had been pissed off for most of the search; now though; he was too tired to be mad. He slouched down onto the ground, a defeated look to his face. He sighed heavily, calming down and letting the bugs land on him biting him. He didn't care anymore. It w
  9. As Daeron moved to attack Bandit1, the other bandits went to attack him from the side and behind. Darius, not wanting his friend to get ambushed, used 'Howl' in the form of a hate-filled roar to draw them away from Daeron. The other three bandits turned and approached him, two fanning out to either side while one stayed in front of him. The two on the sides had swords while the one in front of him was equipped with a dagger. The bandit to Darius' left, Bandit2, charged at Darius. Darius dropped to a knee, raising his buckler and placing his other hand on his forearm to better support it, givin
  10. As Darius caught the sword, because he had to, he tossed it back. He was sick of other people's help. They didn't think that he could handle himself. He would prove them wrong. He drew his dagger, a rather pitiful looking weapon, but a deadly device in the right hands. Darius' chest was already heaving, anger,rage, and adrenaline coursing through his body like liquid fire. As he stepped forward to meet the bandits, his face split into a wolfish grin, a cackle of laughter breaking from his throat. He would kill them all.
  11. Darius followed behind Daeron as they walked through the forest, a grimace on his face. He had no problem from running away from whatever bandits they may come across. As soon as he got his new equipment, he would simply come back and slaughter them all.
  12. In response about his sword's durability, Darius simply smashed it off the rock floor, snapping the blade, casting it aside. He opened his inventory and equipped a curved dagger, a little over a foot long. It would be good enough. With a stern face Darius spoke, "Let's go."
  13. Seeing the last of his enemies shatter to pixels, Darius sighed. He had put his sword under a lot of stress from using so many abilities so fast. He would have to get a more durable one, In the meantime however, Darius simply sheathed his sword, waiting for whatever loot they would get.
  14. Daeron jumped at the right time. He had evaded the effect that had bucked the skeletons up so that they fell back down into a heap on the stone. Darius would show no quarter however. He stepped forward, his sword glowing crimson once more as he charged 'Vertical Square,' which make a square-shaped cut to again hit all of the skeletons as they lay in a tight heap, limbs caught on limbs. As Darius charged forward, roaring, he jumped into the air, activating 'Vertical Square,' his face nothing but lines of hatred. [1-8]- 'Vertical Square' hits the skeletons, dealing two damage to each. [9-10]
  15. Darius would watch as Daeron's ability had failed.The skeletons were now sorting themselves out and starting to get up. Darius wouldn't allow that. He raised his sword above his head, gripping it with both hands as it again glowed a crimson color. He charged 'Serration Wave,' an area attack that would keep them all on the ground. Darius said the simple word "Jump" to Daeron, before slamming his sword into the ground, embedding it there with a savage growl as a jagged ripple shot from around him, heading out in a circle around him. The skeletons who were on their hands and knees were hit by it,
  16. The skeleton's blow was stronger than Darius expected, his arm locking in place from the impact, creating a stalemate. Darius had just been about to stab the skeleton, when another came soaring from the air, bowling over both of his. Taking his chance, he pulled his sword over his head in a two-handed grip, charging 'Vorpal Strike,' which extends the reach of his blade by two and doubles the damage dealt. His sword's blade began to glow crimson as Darius' face twisted into lines of rage and hatred. He let out a roar as he brought his sword down upon the enemies before him. [1-8] Vorpal str
  17. As Darius swung at the skeleton, he only got one strike in before it leaped back to avoid the second. He scowled; then remembered Skeleton2. It came charging at him again, reeling its arm to the side for a horizontal strike. Darius held his buckler out. A simple strike it would be extremely easy to block as he pushed his arm out to intercept the attack, push the sword out, and open the skeleton up for an attack; which he was charging 'Savage Fulcrum' for the job. [2,7]- The blow is strong than Darius expected, deadlocking his arm with the sword, creating a stalemate and not allowing Darius
  18. Darius would block Skelton3's strike with his sword, but while not paying attention to skeleton2, skeleton2's sword had slid of the side of his shield and cut him down his front. Darius had plenty of health, so he wasn't worried about dodging. He turned his attention fully on Skeleton3 now, since it was wide open for an attack. He charged 'Vertical Arc' and then, stepping forward with a roar, activated it trying to cut the skeleton up. [2,5,7]- Darius lands the first strike, dealing two damage, but not the second before Skeleton3 jumps back. [1,3,4,6,8]- Darius lands both strikes, dealing
  19. As the two skeletons charged him, Skeleton2 was on his left side and Skeleton3 was on his right. His face turned grim and dark as he prepared for the 2 v 1. It shouldn't be hard. Skeleton2 swung a vertical strike towards him while Skeleton3 swung a horizontal strike at him, in complete unison. In response, Darius pushed his shield up to try to intercept the vertical blow while uses the ability 'Parry' in the form of an upward slash to try to intercept the horizontal blow. [2,5]- Darius somehow blocks neither strike, getting hit by both strikes. [1,4,7]- Darius blocks the vertical strike wi
  20. As Daeron 'switched' with Darius, Darius watched Daeron use an ability that devastated the dragons. The one he had just struck shattered into pixels while the others three were put into critical health and pushed back. Darius charged forward, taking his sword in two hands as he charged 'Vorpal Strike'. He switched with Daeron and attacked the vulnerable while growling in hate and rage, using 'Vorpal Strike' as his blade seemed to extend double its distance to attack the dragons. [1-8]- Vorpal Strike does double the normal damage, as is its ability description, dealing four damage to the dra
  21. Darius unsheated his sword and stepped forward. All of the dragons looked cute and cuddly. Darius would have an especially fun time crushing them under his boot. He took a deep breath before letting out a hate-infused roar that activated the ability 'Howl', drawing the dragon's attention to Darius. They all turned to him, their small wings fluttering and not being big enough to support their weights. They had to resort to running towards Darius on their four, scaly legs. The first dragon approached him, the four of them being too pudgy to be able to attack him all at once. He didn't even t
  22. Darius would simply follow Daeron wherever they were going. He came along for the EXP and ore. Not for small talk. Throughout their journey to their destination, Darius would be rather anti-social and always have a rather grim expression on his face. He was sick of having the starting equipment and wanted something different.
  23. Darius had entered the town he was supposed to meet Daeron in. He had brought enough supplies to last him long enough for their adventure. Multiple health potions, food, and water; along with his trusty sword and buckler. The main reason he was going on this trip was to get the dragon heart stones. He needed them to be able to have someone make him better equipment so he could get to the frontlines faster. Darius appears through the teleporter, a neutral expression on his face as he searches for Daeron.
  24. Profile » Username:Darius Verand » Real name: Darius Verand » Age: 18 » Gender: Male » Height: 5'11 » About: » Virtues: » Flaws: Profession: _____________ Skills: Weapons/Tools: Roleplays Past Ten Transactions:
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