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  1. Why on earth did people add a rule about event SP and posts some of us are posting as often as we can with as many characters as we can?

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    2. Seul


      In a sense. They definitely provide an edge over the normal stuff, but that comes with being "unique". xD

    3. Teayre


      To be fair, Uniques were never fairly balanced. Take a look at Darkness Blade and BattoJutsu. When they first came out:
      Darkness Blade = Bypass all MIT
      Battojutsu = All attacks count as a NAT 10 roll if they hit.

      What I'm trying to say (very badly cause it's 0330 am here.) Uniques should give the players a slight edge, but not be completely game breaking. Kind of a one trick pony thing.

    4. Yua


      I agree with the fact that Unique's should only be slight buffs. Frankly though uniques could be taken out as they just are unfair as they tend to be handed out to the strong players who already don't need the extra buffs.

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