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Posts posted by Soredell

  1. Spoiler

    ID: 75549

    LD: 14

    OOC: Rules above in spoiler


    After his short rest, Soredell continues his search for the next root. His search takes a little bit longer, with the light level decreasing as the day shifts to afternoon. Because of this, his search does take more time, but soon enough, his search ends with finding his third root in the forest. "Huh, this really is easy. I don't know what I was so worried about. I just might have finished this quest and have time to eat." He says to himself, taking yet another rest in the shade of a tree.

  2. Spoiler

    ID: 75535

    LD: 16

    OOC: Rolls above in spoiler


    "Alright, let's do this." Soredell says to himself as he begins a more thorough search for the roots on the forest floor. The sunlight managing to break through the tree cover, providing enough light for Sam in his search. For now at least. After all, weather can easily change in Aincrad. Sam needed to do this quickly.

    After a few short minutes of searching, Soredells efforts were rewarded with him finding his second needed material. "Alright, that's two. Maybe this will be easy." He says before looking up. "I guess there's someone out there who likes me." He says, taking a short rest before he can continue.

  3. Spoiler

    ID: 75532

    LD: 20

    OOC: Rolls above in spoiler


    In doesn't take long for Soredell to get to the forest where he is supposed to get the materials, considering it was just outside the Town of Beginnings. The forest itself is pretty standard, but looks amazing nonetheless.

    "Alright, I'm finally here. Now, where would I find some Wildflower Roots?" He says to himself as he does a basic scan of the area. Almost immediately he finds what he's looking for. Jogging over, he picks one up and stows it away into his inventory. "Alright, one down, 4 to go. Hopefully the rest of this mission should be easy." He says to himself, preparing to search more thoroughly for the next one.

  4. Samuel.. Or rather, Soredell hasn't been stuck in Sword Art Online for very long. Even so, if he wanted to get out of here, he needed to progress and get stronger. Only problem is, only way to do that is to level up, and the only way to level up is to take on quests, which he hasn't done yet. That needed to be amended right away.

    Scrolling through the available quests, which wasn't much at his current level, he found one quest that caught his eye: <<The First Few Lessons Are Free>>. "Huh, that sounds easy enough. Just need to find an NPC named 'Zackariah' to get started, and he's in the Town of Beginnings." He says to himself, before setting off to find this Zackariah.

    It doesn't take him too long to find him in his workshop, brewing potions. "I would correct in assuming that you are Zackariah, and that you need some assistance?" He asks, the old man lifting his head up from his table. "Ah yes, I am indeed Zackariah. And who might you be?" Zackariah says. "Well, my name is Soredell. I'm here because I... Heard you needed some assistance? I'm guessing it would have something to do with these potions here?" He says, pretty sure he got that fact right. The old man's face seems to light up. "Why yes it does! You are quite a perceptive young man. The potions will come later, but for now, I do have a task for you. In my age, I'm afraid I cannot leave the safety of the city to gather the materials I need, which is why I require the aid of adventurers such as yourself to assist me. That's the first step at least. I'll tell you what you will need to do next as we continue, but for now, I need you to go and get me 5 <<Wildflower Roots>> in the nearby forest. It should be easy enough provided you don't get into trouble." The old man says with a smile, as a prompt to accept or deny the quest pops up. "Of course, I'll have those roots to you soon enough." He says to the old man, pressing the button to accept the quest, leaving the shop shortly after. "Not exactly how I thought things would roll, but, we all have to start somewhere." He says, beginning to make his way to the forest.

  5. 6958294-masked-anime-guy.jpg



    Username: Soredell
    Real name: Samuel Del Rosario
    Age: 22
    Gender: 12th March 2000
    Height: 180 cm/5’11”


    Samuel for the most part had a normal upbringing. Lived in a stable household with parents who loved him and he loved. He was a pretty average student in school, excelling in any IT related subjects and extracurricular activities he did. With this, he managed to get into university, doing a double degree in Digital Media and Programming.

    Samuel has spent most of his life living in Australia, only temporarily moving to Japan just recently due to things happening in his life. During his stay in Japan, he managed, through living expenses and school payments, to get his hands on a NerveGear and a copy of Sword Art Online. He had seen people play, and he had been skeptical about it. He had never liked RPG games as to him, they were nothing more than a game of grinding and luck to get anywhere. On the other hand, this was the first VR game that was truly immersive, and he had to try it, even just once.

    Fortunately, or unfortunately for him, his friend’s place where he was staying at had internet. And with two simple words, he would be thrown right into the deadly crucible known as Sword Art Online…



    Before SAO, Samuel was a reserved person, often preferring to listen to conversations, and other people as opposed to being actively involved in conversation. Inside SAO, he is a more confident person, preferring to take action and doing whatever needs to be done, even when others can’t do it.

    In both real life and in game, Samuel is a person who loathes any kind of harassment, discrimination and racism. He always fights for those subject of discrimination. This stems from his childhood, where he was constantly bullied. As opposed to shutting himself off, he fought, constantly. Always in an attempt to prove to everyone that he was not weak, and that he can fight. Fight the battles that he believed needed to be fought.


    Justice: Justice of the seven virtues is defined as “Prudence to judge between actions with regard to appropriate actions at a given time.” Sam is someone who will always fight for what he believes is right. He always fights for those subject of discrimination. He will fight against any kind of harassment, discrimination and racism, no matter the cost.

    Charity: Charity of the seven virtues is defined as “Generosity, charity, self-sacrifice.” Samuel is a giving person, always willing to put the needs of others before his own, and giving others what he has if they truly need it.

    Humility: Humility of the seven virtues is defined as “Modest behavior, selflessness, and the giving of respect.” Samuel is not one who brags about what he has done, or what he has accomplished. To him, it doesn’t feel right to place himself higher than anyone else, believing that everyone is equal, that no one is better than anyone else.



    Wrath: Wrath of the seven deadly sins is defined as “Uncontrolled feelings of anger, rage, and even hatred, often revealing itself in the wish to seek vengeance.” This vice goes hand-in-hand with the virtue justice. Although Sam will fight for justice, if not held back, he would let his emotions take control over his actions, clouding his judgement, and hurting others. Even when justice isn’t involved, he will also do what needs to be done, even if it’s at the expense of another person.

    Greed: Greed of the seven deadly sins is defined as “an artificial, rapacious desire and pursuit of material possessions.” Going against the virtue of charity, and going hand-in-hand with envy, if Samuel gets his hands on good gear, Col, or anything else of use to him, chances are, he wouldn’t give it to anyone, not unless he truly believed they needed it. If not, he would keep it for himself.

    Envy: Envy of the seven deadly sins is defined as “a sad or resentful want towards the traits or possessions of someone else.” This vice stems from his time playing several RPG’s during his life. To him, they were nothing more than a game of grinding and luck to get anywhere, only a few getting the best, while everyone else was left in the dust. This sparked envy in Sam, especially seeing people with better gear, because he believes that it is near impossible for him to get gear as good as high level players. Then again, who doesn’t want good gear?


    In real life, he is studying as a university student. To cover his costs in living and school, he has taken up a job in retail. In game, he does not have a job.


    Skill Points:
    » Total: 46
    » Used: 46
    » Unused: 0


    Weapon skills:
    » One-Handed Curved Sword (5/50 SP)
         » Rank: 1/5 – Novice
         » Passive
         » Effect: The effectiveness with which a player can use one handed slashing swords. (Example: Scimitar, Kilij)

    » Katana (41/50 SP)
         » Rank: 4/5 – Master
         » Passive
         » Effect: The effectiveness with which a player can use two handed slashing type weapons. Unlocked by investing one rank into the One-Handed Curved Sword skill as well as a thread where you acquired Katana.

    Armour skills:
    » None

    Combat skills:
    » None

    Utility skills:
    » None

    Locked skills:
    » Survival
         » Passive
         » Effect: Increases health regenerated to 20 out-of-combat. Gives immunity to environmental effects that deal damage.
         » Quest: <<The Traveller>>

    » Familiar Mastery: Fighter (0/18 SP)
    » Rank: 1/3 – Novice
         » Passive
         » Effect: Gain +(1 * Tier) base damage per Rank when fighting with your familiar. This does not stack with the Damage enhancement.
         » Quest: <<Feeding the Enemy>>

         » <<Cruento Reaver>> - Perfect T1 Katana (Mod: 2 Bleed, 1 Damage) [IMAGE] [EQUIPPED]
         » <<Jade Dragon>> - Rare T1 Katana (Mod: 2 Damage)
         » <<Ornate Wakizashi>> - Rare T1 Curved Sword (Mod: 2 Damage)

         » Wakizashi - Good T1 Curved Sword
         » Basic Iron Curved Sword

         » <<Sicarius Vesti>> - Perfect T1 Light Armour (Mod: 1 Damage Mitigation, 2 Evasion) [IMAGE] [EQUIPPED]
         » <<Coat of Daggers>> - Rare T1 Light Armour (Mod: 2 Thorns Mitigation)
         » <<Stalker's Cloak>> - Uncommon T1 Light Armour (Mod: 1 Damage Mitigation)
         » <<Armored Scarf>> - Uncommon T1 Light Armour (Mod: 1 Damage Mitigation)
         » Basic Light Armour

         » <<Sin of Greed>> - Perfect T1 Lucky Charm (Mod: +3 LD) [EQUIPPED]
         » <<Hunter's Vestige>> - Perfect T1 Lucky Charm (Mod: +3 BD) 
         » <<Wanderer's Eyes>> [LOANED by Domarus] - Rare T1 Lucky Charm (Mod: +2 LD) [Returned to Domarus]

         » 5 Tier One Uncommon Health Potion (+40 HP)
         » 1 Tier One Uncommon Damage Mitigation Potion (1 slot Damage Mitigation)
         » 1 Tier One Safeguard Potion (Next successful hit deals no damage) (Can only be used in the quest 'The Third Lesson, is Just as Free')
         » 1 Tier One Unique Potion - Freylise Love Potion (+2 DMG when near spouse)
         » 1 Tier One Unique Item - Heart Sticker (Transforms one item into another type)
         » 1 Tier One Perfect Snack "Lucky Joe" (+3 LD) [Used in Familiar Quest to find Familiar]

         » 1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP) [Used in Valentines Day event against Freylise]
         » 1 Tier One Damage Potion (+1 Damage) [Used in Valentines Day event against Freylise]



    Material Transactions


    • T1: 10
    • T2: 10



    • -1 T1 Material given to Domarus
    • -4 T1 Material given to Beat


    Col Transactions

    Currently: 16,992 Col



    • -1,700 Col purchasing <<Sicarius Vesti>> from Aereth
    • -1,000 Col purchasing <<Cruento Reaver>> from Teion
    • -1,100 Col purchasing <<Hunter's Vestige>> from Domarus

    Sword Skills

    Curved Swords


    RANK 1

    • [x1 Stun] Fell Crescent (4 Energy) - The user charges at a high speed at the opponent and makes one strong uppercut, stunning the opponent.
    • [x2] Rage Blow (2 Energy) - The user makes one heavy blow, cleaving into the opponents chest.



    Rank 1

    • [x1 AoE] Tsumuji Guruma (2 Energy) - A simple sword art that spins the user on their heel to slash in every direction.
    • [x1 Stun] Ukifune (4 Energy) - Knocks the opponent high into the air.
    • [x2] Han'ei (2 energy) - Two fast swings with the length of the katana blade.

    Rank 2

    • [x3] Hi Ougi (3 Energy) - Upward, downward, then thrusting combo.
    • [x4] Tsuji Kaze (4 Energy) - A straight, long-ranged drawing strike.

    Rank 3

    • [x5] Wa Shu (5 Energy) - A fast combo of slices that ends with a vertical chop.
    • [x6] Gen Getsu (6 Energy) - A half-circle that moves irregularly.
    • [x6 Stun] Ra Setsu (9 Energy) - A horizontal slash with a stunning punch after, then another slash.

    Rank 4

    • [x7] Zekkai (7 Energy) - A simple skill in a concept that draws the user's blade across the target's body to deal great damage.
    • [x8] Haku Senpu (8 Energy) - A vast whirlwind of strikes that cause the wind to spin around the user, knocking over the target.

    Evaluation Thread:

    Soredell - Evaluations

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