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Posts posted by Pinball

  1. There was a part of him that didn't like being around the woman, sure. 

    Alright, no. Maybe he just didn't like being around her at all. It had something to do with their past - er, well, his past, involving her friend. There was something about her that unnerved him. Some voice in his mind screaming at him to stay away, that she was somehow more dangerous than her stats would otherwise dictate. And what made him most uncomfortable was that it almost felt like she knew that. That she was somehow abusing that knowledge - and that maybe Pinball was just making it easy for her. 

    But she needed her help. Her supplies, rather, and it was always something she was willing - almost eager - to supply, for reasons that usually escaped him. 

    Today's order was one such occasion. He'd come to get healing crystals for the fight, though was surprised to find she'd already had the items in stock. Squinting, Pinball opted it was best not to question it, or worse, risk starting a conversation about it. He accepted them hesitantly but reluctantly, and then went on his way. 


    [x6] Lacrimosa
    T3 Perfect Support Song -- HP RECOVERY III (INSTANT)

    [reference] "Qua resurget ex favilla / Judicandus homo reus / Huic ergo parce, Deus." Hymn from Mozart's Requiem. The day of judgment is inevitable, yet mercy is all that shall descend for this hour.
    [151257] [151420] [151421] [151529] [152214] [157863]

    ^^taking these tysm arabelle ily never change ill pay you back sometime soon thANKS BYYEE E E E 

  2. "Uh. Yeah. That's how it's done." 

    Totally intentional.

    "Just like in a bowling alley," he echoed, as if he knew exactly what trick she was referencing. Of course, the truth was likely still written all over his face. Again. Totally intentional. Totally. "Uh, but really. It was no problem." Because seeing her clutch that plush close to her chest, a sweetness that had long escaped him - that was reward enough, as embarrassing as it was to admit it. It was hard to look at her. Like staring into the sun, he'd found over the course of their time spent together that he couldn't maintain eye contact for longer than a few seconds at a time. Why was that? Because he felt like he didn't deserve to, still? Or something else? 

    "The fat cat-?" Despite himself, he couldn't help but look and see. There was one, sitting in the corner admidst the other prizes, and for a brief moment Pinball considered playing just one more game while he had the chance. But that brief moment was all the time needed for him to shake away the silly desire. He didn't need it. No, he didn't want it, even if Mishiro's suggestion had been a joke in the first place. And maybe if he kept telling himself that, kept disregarding the fleeting images that passed through his mind when she smiled at him, when he took her hand in his, maybe if he stopped dwelling on the "but what if's" and stopped wondering what would have happened if he'd done things differently -- maybe then he'd start to believe it, too. 

    He nodded. "Yeah. I think things are starting to close up now, anyway. We should go."

  3. Embers rose and fell with the ringing tune, each note brimming with its own sense of impending finality. Pinball's feet would glide across cracked and scorched earth, the blistering hot nature of the cavern gradually fading with the destruction of the hellhounds. The creature radiated heat, hot blasts of air damaging him unless he landed careful blows, liquid fire dribbling from the corners of its jagged and twisted maws. But the fight was finally coming to a close, and Pinball couldn't help but sweat despite the skill that protected him from just that. 

    A cyclone of ice and color swirled around the end of his spear as Pinball thrust it forward, absolutely shredding through the base of the final head's throat, nearly separating its neck from its torso in a cataclysmic impact. Pinball's form flickered as he hit the ground, whirled around to face him, reeling backwards and preparing for what would more than likely be the final blow. 


    Action Taken: Sword Art - [Dimension Stampede] [-14 EN/+1 EN] // {+62 HP
    Cerberus Head 3: ID#168549 BD: 9 (Crit+1) MD: 3 (Miss) ~ 23+1= 24*15= 360-36= 324 DMG

    [H: 0] Arabelle: 425/560 HP | 43/56 EN | 14 DMG | 46 MIT | 3 Probiotics | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | Fallen | 2 Recovery | Regen
    [H: 6] Pinball: 1125/1240 HP | 61/124 EN | 23 DMG | 5 ACC | 6 EVA | 62 BH | 8-10/36 FRZ | Phase | 3 Probiotics 

    «Cerberus, Inferno's Rage»
    Head 3: 176/500 HP | 175 DMG | 75 MIT | 2 ACC | 30 Thorns


    • << Bringing Hell >> : "Cerberus, Inferno's Rage" gains 1 attack for each head alive.
    • << One at a Time >> : Players can only target one Head at a time before hitting another. AoE's do not work on this boss.
    • << Burning Bite >> : On successful attacks, the player is inflicted with "Burn" dealing 36 unmitigatable damage for 2 turns.
    • << Infernal Punishment >> : On a critical attacks, this boss gains additional damage and will phase through 50% of the target's mitigation on all attacks this turn. [9 = 25 | 10 = 75]
    • << Bloodless >> : This boss is immune to all status effects.
  4. Anger. They took offense to his presence, and honestly, Pinball would too. But why were they here? To kill him? It didn't seem the case, with how Oscar held his hand out to stop a particular snowy-haired swordsman from gauging his throat out. Honestly, it was Pinball's own curiosity that kept him here, silent, unmoving, watching. 

    All he could really do was hope that halfway through their lecture, the two didn't end up changing their minds. 

    Pinball was so transfixed on those morbid ideas that it wasn't until Oscar went out of his way to point them out that he realized they were with someone. The man's face was unfamiliar to Pinball, and he couldn't help but notice that he seemed exponentially more nervous about this whole encounter than either of his two escorts. It was shady, and the whole situation was met with a quizzical glance between them. They wanted him to babysit-? And if the man tried to send a message or to get away, they expected Pinball to... kill him. 

    There really wasn't any reason for him to object. He shouldn't. He couldn't, really, all things considered. But there was something about the whole thing that didn't quite sit well with him. And it wasn't just the threat on his life - those things didn't even faze him anymore. It was something else. A distinct flavor in the air he couldn't place. Whatever it was, Pinball was sure that he wouldn't be killing anyone today. The very thought of it made his face twist up. 

    "Okay," he started slowly. His voice was rough. Pinball took a second to pause and swallow before he continued, more firmly now. "That's fine. But why? What did they do?" 

  5. Quickly, one head after another, Cerberus would inevitably fall. They hit hard, but Pinball hit harder, and their snapping jaws weren't quick enough to keep up with the nimble unarmored striker. He danced around attack again and again, a fiery death just barely passing him by each time, and then retorted with a quick and furious onslaught of stabs and slashes. Embers and shadow flew, alit by vibrant purple light and the golden-red glow of the lava all around them. Pinball grit his teeth. For a second it felt like he was suspended in midair, painfully open to a counterattack, but in the blink of an eye his sword art had finished, leaving him plummetting to the ground through an explosion of polygonal blue shards. With a huff, the young man righted himself and regarded his final target. Only the one head was left, and there was by no means any indication that the fight would grow any more difficult than it had already been. 

    Just a bit longer now. 


    Action Taken: Sword Art - [Dimension Stampede] [-14 EN/+1 EN] // {+62 HP}
    Cerberus Head 2: ID#155755 BD: 8 (Hit) MD: 1 (Miss) ~ 23*15= 345-75= 270 DMG // 30 THORNS 
    Cerberus Head 3: ID#155756 MD: 5 (Miss) 

    [H: 0] Arabelle: 455/560 HP | 42/56 EN | 14 DMG | 46 MIT | 3 Probiotics | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | Fallen | 2 Recovery | Regen
    [H: 4] Pinball: 1063/1240 HP | 74/124 EN | 23 DMG | 5 ACC | 6 EVA | 62 BH | 8-10/36 FRZ | Phase | 3 Probiotics 

    «Cerberus, Inferno's Rage»
    Head 2:  0/500 HP | 175 DMG | 75 MIT | 1 ACC | 30 Thorns
    Head 3: 500/500 HP | 175 DMG | 75 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 30 Thorns


    << Bringing Hell >> : "Cerberus, Inferno's Rage" gains 1 attack for each head alive.
    << One at a Time >> : Players can only target one Head at a time before hitting another. AoE's do not work on this boss.
    << Burning Bite >> : On successful attacks, the player is inflicted with "Burn" dealing 36 unmitigatable damage for 2 turns.
    << Infernal Punishment >> : On a critical attacks, this boss gains additional damage and will phase through 50% of the target's mitigation on all attacks this turn. [9 = 25 | 10 = 75]
     << Bloodless >> : This boss is immune to all status effects.
    Updated Battle-Ready Inventory

  6. "F-face?" He hadn't actually realized he'd been making any face, but when she pointed it out, there he felt it. The remnants of a smile, maybe? Pinball clenched his teeth, rubbing his hand along his chin, as if he couldn't quite believe it himself. Really though, he couldn't. How long had he been doing that for? Too long, probably, all things considered. Since when had he been so expressive? 

    "Yeah," he blushed, glancing over his shoulder and hoping beyond hope she didn't feel the sudden urge to look in his direction. "A little, I guess." It wasn't the game he'd been watching.

    While Pinball desperately tried to claw himself out of the pit he'd fallen into, Mishiro had already taken her next shot. A miss, again, Pinball realized with a frown. Seeing it made him sad, for some reason. It was the subtle changes in her expression that hurt the most. He adjusted himself, then nodded in agreement. "Right. Just a couple more should do it." 

    Or not.

    He'd figured the odds of her failing as often as she did would gradually diminish the more times she tried it. The results of that theory left a few possibilities up in the air: either Pinball was bad at math, or Mishiro was just super unlucky today. Maybe the game was rigged? Or there was something she was doing wrong -- she was barely missing her throws, but barely was still enough to keep her from her stuffed prize. 

    "Mm." Indecisiveness crawled up his skin. On one hand, he wanted to offer, but on the other-? Something was making him feel like he shouldn't. Only a moment passed as that internal conflict raged, but it felt like those few beats of silence had somehow stretched themselves out for an eternity. Finally, though, he came to a conclusion. 

    Screw it. Right? 

    "Wanna, uh, maybe let me give it a try?" As soon as the words left his mouth, he got chills, like he'd somehow messed up and said something horrible. But surely that wasn't the case. Assuming she gave him the go-ahead, however reluctantly it may or may not have been, Pinball would move forward and buy himself a toss. If not, then Pinball would still be more than happy to hang back and watch for a bit longer. But the crowd was beginning to thin out, and he had the rising suspicion that they were probably running out of time. 

    With the push of a button, his col decreased and a ring materialized itself in his hand. It was a bit on the heavy side, just enough so to make it hard to gauge how hard or how softly you had to toss the damn thing. Upon closer reflection, Pinball realized that the pins were probably set up in a way to lower the chance of a win as well. And for what, exactly-? To emulate reality? It wasn't like their digital currency had any real value to anyone but themselves, and there was no way the plushes came equipped with any sort of special perks or effects, considering how low the price of a single play was. It was a bit frustrating, and it was a little easier to understand why Mishiro had been having a tough time with it. 

    Speaking of. "Try not to get your hopes up," he said warily, spinning the ring on his finger. In a way, it sort of reminded him of his old days. He'd used to play with daggers like this, toying around with it not as a weapon but as a way to show off a practiced, non-assisted dexterity using the game's physics. Of course, there were big differences. This was a ring, his old tool of choice had been a knife. As such, they were balanced differently, and you couldn't really juggle them the same because of the difference in their shape. Throwing them would require a separate technique too, without a doubt. Pinball took a breath. "Alright." 

    What happened next could only be described as complete and utter dumb luck.

    As soon as the item had left his hand, Pinball knew that he'd thrown the ring way too hard. And putting it that way was likely leaving it an understatement. He hurled that thing at the back wall with the average force you'd expect from a professional baseball pitch. Honestly, he was surprised it didn't completely disintigrate on impact. Instead, it ricocheted off the stall with a sharp thud, causing Pinball to visibly flinch as, rather than coming right back and cracking him square across the nose, the ring found its home spinning quickly around the neck of one of the jars in the center. 

    It took him a couple of seconds to properly register what had happened. Then a voice at the back of his head reminded him. Reindeer with the scarf. A rewards screen had appeared in front of him, of which Pinball was able to pick out a single item of his choosing. "Well, um..." He scrolled through it and then tapped on the one Mishiro had initially showed interest in. A few more clicks through his invenory, and he was holding it in both hands. He offered it to her. 

    "Here. Reindeer with a scarf. I hope you didn't want another one?"


    Action Taken: Sword Art - [Shadow Explosion] [-14 EN/+1 EN] {Well Rested} 
    Flying Monkey 1: ID#155439 BD: 5+3= 8 (Hit) ~ 15*9= 135-20= 115 DMG
    Flying Monkey 3: ID#155440 BD: 10 (Crit) ~ 17*9= 153-20= 133 DMG + 108 DoT 
    Flying Monkey 4: ID#155441 BD: 8 (Hit) ~ 15*9= 135-20= 115 DMG

    Pinball: 1320/1320 HP | 107/132 EN | 15 DMG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 9-10/36 BRN | 9-10/36 BLD | 9-10/36 BLIT 

    Flying Monkey 1: 0/150 HP | 70 DMG | 20 MIT
    Flying Monkey 3: 0/150 HP | 70 DMG | 20 MIT
    Flying Monkey 4: 35/150 HP | 70 DMG | 20 MIT

  8. He hadn't made it fifty feet into the forest before he heard it. As if on cue; the flapping of wings, the rustle of foliage around him - and then he was surrounded by a horde of airborne monkeys, cackling and chittering amongst themselves. That's it? They just... appear? 

    Ah, Pinball thought as he drew his weapon, well that's just lazy writing. 

    Thoughts on Cardinal's blatant and painful lack of care for a compelling narrative aside, Pinball was quick to respond. He didn't like it when creatures got the drop on him, especially when he cut through them like a hot knife through butter. What monkey-bird things he did hit had their health dropped harder than a newborn Spartan with a birth defect, leaving one flat out dead and another weak and wobbly, bobbing up and down in the air. The flash of steel cutting through skin and leaving bright, pixilated wounds were met with shrieks the likes of which filled the quiet of the woods perfectly. 


    Action Taken: Sword Art - [Shadow Explosion] [-12 EN] {Well Rested} 
    Flying Monkey 1: ID#155434 BD: 3+3= 6 (Hit) MD: 5 (Miss) ~ 15*9= 135-20= 115 DMG 
    Flying Monkey 2: ID#155435 BD: 9 (Crit) MD: 7 (Miss) ~ 16*9= 144-20= 124 DMG + 108 DoT
    Flying Monkey 3: ID#155436 BD: 2+3= 5 (Miss) MD: 4 (Miss) 
    Flying Monkey 4: ID#155437 BD: 1 (Crit. Miss) MD: 8 (Miss) 

    Pinball: 1320/1320 HP | 120/132 EN | 15 DMG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 9-10/36 BRN | 9-10/36 BLD | 9-10/36 BLIT 

    Flying Monkey 1: 35/150 HP | 70 DMG | 20 MIT
    Flying Monkey 2: 0/150 HP | 70 DMG | 20 MIT
    Flying Monkey 3: 150/150 HP | 70 DMG | 20 MIT
    Flying Monkey 4: 150/150 HP | 70 DMG | 20 MIT

  9. It was during his aimless wanderings that, not unlike so many other times before, he ran into a problem.

    NPC Villagers were suddenly pestering him left and right about this evil witch thing holed up in some castle not too far from town. Now, Pinball just wanted to buy his bread - but it felt like every time an NPC walked past him, it was programmed to stop and try talking to him. It was annoying for more than the delightful crunch of that savory roll, though. Having attention drawn to him in the middle of a safe zone was a big pet peeve of his too, especially when he just wanted to get in, grab his baked goods, and then get out. 

    Still. As he left those houses and shops behind him, Pinball considered the option of actually pursuing the quest. After all, it wasn't really like he had anything planned. 

    Player Stats: 


    Level: 66
    Health: 1320 | Energy: 132
    DMG: 15 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | BH: 65
    Combat Skills:
    ►<<Battle Healing>> [50/50]: Rank 5 - Grandmaster
    Weapon Skills:
    ►<<2H Assault Spear>> [50/50]: Rank 5 - Grandmaster
    ►<<1H Straight Sword>> [50/50]: Rank 5 - Grandmaster
    ►<<Martial Arts>> [0/50]: N/A
    Armor Skills:
    Extra Skills:
    ►<<Familiar Mastery: Fighter>> [18/18]: Rank 3 - Grandmaster
    ►<<Survival>> ~ Active
    Utility Skills:
    ►<<Hiding>> [50/50]: Rank 5 - Grandmaster
    ►<<Searching>> [13/50]: Rank 2 - Novice 
    ►<<Extended Mod Limit>> [5/10]: Rank 2 - Expert
    ►<<Quick Change>>
    ►[Active] <<2H Assault Spear: Ferocity>>: +1 Base DMG
    ►[Active] <<2H Assault Spear: Finesse>> ~ Rank 3 
    ►[Active] <<Sneak Attack: Trickster>>
    ►[Active] <<Hiding: Vanish>> 
    ►[Active] <<Hiding: Untraceable>> 
    ►[Active] <<Hiding: Blindside>>
    ►[Active] <<Battle Healing: Emergency Recovery>>
    »[Equipped] [Demonic] Jack’s Hellfire: Burn, Blight, Bleed, Cursed 
    »[Equipped] [Perfect] Dragon’s Skin: +3 EVA
    »[Equipped] [Perfect] Warrior’s Focus: +3 ACC
    Battle Ready: 
    » [3x] Teleportation Crystal 
    » [4x] Spinach-Artichoke Dip: +2 EVA  
    » [4x] Hummus Dip: +2 Acc
    » [Demonic 2HAS] Cold Fervor: +2 Freeze, Phase, Cursed

    House Buffs: 


    Housing Buffs: 
    “Well Rested”:  -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    “Squeaky Clean”: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
    “Filling”: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30
    “Relaxed”: Increases HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    “Item Stash”: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot 


  10. He saw him across the way. The edgy swordsman that'd arrested him that Christmas. It felt almost like year ago, now, but that hatred burned his chest just the same. It was a familiar fire, something that rose in his throat and stayed there, leaving his eyes locked onto the man's back as he shot volley after volley of quiet insults at him. His heart was racing, his hands starting to shake, and all Pinball could think about was how easily the other frontliners accepted him. Granted, they'd also let Pinball in, too, but why hadn't they even questioned them? Nobody batted an eye at an orange cursor, less so at the dark and gloomy mask worn by someone who liked to masquerade as some fucked up police officer; and a bad one, at that. 

    Whatever, he told himself, it's fine. 

    If they were fine with it, he could try to keep that anger under wraps. But no matter how hard he tried to listen to the meeting, he couldn't keep his mind off him. Part of him wanted to stand up and just rip the mask off, just to look him in the eye and see who it was that ruined that night for him. He wanted  to see the face of the man that kept him locked up in a room for weeks, stationing some poor girl outside his door who he could've easily killed if he'd felt the need to. 

    And his voice. 

    God, it took everything he had in him. 

  11. "Uh, yeah. Right." Pinball grimaced. She didn't seem against the idea of taking up the quest with him, though, so all was well. 

    All. Was. Well. 

    Seriously though. How long would that last, he wondered? And when would his pessimism stop seeping its way into interactions like this? "Well," he sighed, watching Lessa thumb up a party invite. "We should get going." The faster they got the thing over with, the better, he figured. He started to turn away, but snapped back to attention when she said she hadn't seen him around. It was a good point. Once upon a time, Pinball would have felt the same - it felt like he ran with the same people, more often than not. Almost like he lived in his own little world. 

    "Used to," Pinball said. "I don't do much crafting or anything anymore, though. Closed up shop awhile ago. You?" With that, he'd finally start walking. What was the goal of this one? Were they going fishing? God, he hoped not. 

  12. "Gonna murder all of them, too?"

    Pinball could feel the hairs on the back of his neck bristle at the sound of Bahr's voice. 

    "Don't tempt me," he spat, but his threat was obviously an empty one. There was no confidence in his words, his voice quivered when he spoke - and what could the lanky teen even do in a meeting full of frontliners, anyway? The response came out of reflex, but unbeknownst to Pinball, just for a moment, his stomach stopped doing flips. He glanced over at the man, taking note of his typical attire and the flower tucked into his hair. He felt the briefest pang of... something in his chest. Was it jealousy? Pinball's cheeks flushed at the thought, and so he took Bahr's proclamation and decided it was best if he ran with it. "Mm. Right." Casting his gaze aside, Pinball followed. 

    With a closer look, Pinball quickly recognized a good chunk of the people present - but much to his dismay, there was an equal amount he didn't. Upon closer inspection, though, he started matching rumors with appearances. Ignoring Cordelia's glare entirely, Pinball strode through the crowd and came to a stop next to the swordsman who'd led him here. They'd went from a wall on one side of the room to another? Whatever. He slumped against it next to him, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets and refusing to make eye contact with him. 

    "Sure," he grumbled, biting his tongue, "but I'm at just as much of a loss as you are for most of these guys." 

    He wasn't sure who Bahr knew and who he didn't, so Pinball took a wild guess and ruled out Cordelia, at the least. "Baldur is the guy hosting the event. Seems like the nice sort. Likes to dress up as a samurai." As if the architecture hadn't given that away anyway. The teen then shifted his gaze to the familiar visage of Aincrad's top tank. "Shield is one of, if not the tankiest tank I've met. Straight to business type? He knows his stuff, anyway. Crozeph, the one in black, blue eyes, was in a guild called Guardians of the New Dawn, a long time ago. But he disappeared not too long after the recruitment. I'm surprised to see him here. Yuki, the pink-haired girl, attacked me a few days earlier and then got mad at me for it." Pinball hadn't noticed NIGHT, and so she was spared his dry, one-way introduction to Bahr.

    That just left... the murderers. He knew them like the back of his hand. Since he'd killed Kirbs, Pinball had made it his goal to familiarize himself with the killers of Aincrad, whether it was directly through the Monument of Life or via rumors from various brokers. "I'm not comfortable with the amount of murderers gathered here," he murmured, acutely aware of the irony in the statement. His tone soured. "Especially not the ones in sheep's clothing. I don't know her," he admitted, nodding in Mari's general direction, "but that leaves Zandra, Macradon, Morgenstern, and, unless I'm wrong... Ariel-? The white-haired woman with the kid. Something about a killing on the frontlines? I don't remember. But I'm sure it wasn't justified." 

    Pinball shook his head, his pale gaze falling back to the floor. "Sorry," he said curtly, "don't know the rest." Why the hell was he helping Bahr, again? Before he could follow up with that line of thought, a familiar woman approached the man and took Pinball by surprise. His expression immediately softened, and then completely froze over just a second later. Lessa had looped her arm in his, excusing the both of them. Not like she needed to. His heart sank remembering his past with her; at the thought of what she must have thought about him when she found out who he really was. Pinball didn't want to care about that sort of thing, but as if the world existed for the sole purpose of spiting him, it did. "Yeah. Sure." 

    They were already walking away, though. 

  13. Somehow, somewhere, he could feel the wolves watching him. Their eyes were like needles on his back, threatening reminders that urged him forward through a world of lush greens and deep blues. The winds whispered through the trees, the sea lapped gently at the shore, enveloping the individual islands in its beautiful ambience. He didn't find peace in these sounds. How could he? There was always that fear, that guilt, that icy dread, like there was always someone or something waiting to drive that sickening knife through his back when he least expected it. But when he looked over his shoulder, there was nothing. Nobody. He was alone, and he always had been. When had everything started to look so bleak? He knew why things were this way, of course, what events had unfolded to make it so. But he couldn't pinpoint the exact time he'd started to slip up. Had it been when he'd killed Sugutsuya? Attacked Dustin? Or had he been falling since the beginning? Since Mishiro? Since Lucy? Why had he forgotten? Why couldn't he remember? Was it because he didn't care? Or because he didn't want to remember?

    Somehow, somewhere, the birds were watching him. He'd passed through these woods more than once. He left a blackness in his wake, an inky trail of corrosive miasma that left the ground beneath him dark and withered. Grief? Anger? He tried to keep it bottled up but those turbulent thoughts were leaking anyways. It was in the defeated way he carried himself, in his cold eyes and dead expression. It was in his voice, dripping from his teeth like venom, and it was above his head, dark and orange and foreboding yet shinining even in the darkest of places, a medal presented to him to commemorate the sins he'd committed. 

    It had to be a mistake. 

    There was no other possible reason for it. Right? No, that wasn't true. It could be misinformation, negligence, a trap; there were plenty of things that could have happened that led to Pinball receiving that message. No matter which way he twisted it, though, one thing remained clear: he shouldn't be going. 

    So why was he? Pinball hated himself just a little bit more with every step he took in that direction, and he hadn't even known that was possible. There were going to people that hated him there. Rightfully so. People who would want to attack him. They wouldn't fight beside him. They would want to lock him up, wouldn't they? Drag him into some sort of gloomy dungeon like last time and leave him chained up there for good. The options seemed pretty damn grim. At best, they'd eject him from the meeting. At worst, he'd have a collection of frontliners gunning for his throat. Pinball's normally stoic features twisted into an agitated snarl as he stomped his way down the shore. Whatever. He was going anyway. 

    There was a boat. A boy. Without greeting and without pause, Pinball got in, the raft rocking slightly as he settled down, and together they drifted across those tranquil waters. 

    The house - er, houses - were gorgeous, and styled after exactly the sort of architecture he expected from Baldur. Elegant arches bowed over well kept gardens, all the while maintaining a view of the oceans around them. He hadn't seen the samurai himself in a long time. And honestly? Seeing the buildings, and people milling about not far from the ferry's landing? He didn't feel any more inclined to. It was time for him to suck it up and go for it, though. Adjusting his jacket and resting the palm of his hand on his sword's pommel, Pinball stepped off and out of the boat and quietly made his way to the meeting place. No greetings from him, no acknowledgement to the others. He found his place to stand and he stood there, leaning against a support -- because there was no way for him to approach this that wasn't already horrifyingly awkward for all parties involved. Pinball maintained a healthy distance, both out of respect to the others who'd gotten here before him, and caution for the others. 

    Shield, Cordelia, Baldur, Morgenstern - with an orange cursor? And there, a ginger woman with another. Something about the white-haired woman and her child(?) didn't exactly seem too friendly either, despite their attire. Pinball frowned, running his fingers through his hair and trying to relax. 

    He wasn't liking what he was seeing already. 

  14. With the rapidly approaching threat of the 25th Floor Boss fight, Pinball was left scrambling for the supplies he needed to survive. Last time he'd taken part in a raid, he'd come ill-prepared for the deadly torrent that seemed intent on draining his health with every passing second. Now, with that lesson learned (as well as paranoia when it came to the people he'd be fighting alongside), it was more important than ever to procure the necessities. 

    He'd tried his hand at his old workshop, too... to disastrous effect. He just didn't have the same skill he used to. 

    So he went to someone a more experienced. Having an orange cursor made things, tricky, of course -- but if he'd have him, Pinball would be up front and direct about what he needed. 

    "I just need one each of Probiotics and Antibiotics, and another single Over-Health." 


    x1 Perfect T3 Over-Health 
    x1 Perfect T3 Probiotics 
    x1 Perfect Antibiotics 

    x9 T3 Materials 

  15. Pinball was not impressed. 

    But that was pretty on brand at this point, wasn't it? After casually launching a player into orbit, the one in charge of the three kings lifted a webbed palm, and Pinball felt his gaze inexplicably drawn to the monster's menacing form. 


    It was all they were left with as the three glowed with a golden light, ascending before their very eyes to an orchestra of doves and harps. No. He wasn't putting up with this anymore. He was disappointed, sure, that they weren't actually escaping Aincrad early - but honestly, what did he expect? He knew going into the... "fight" that there was no way in hell that they'd be so lucky. Again, though, what had he expected? As Pinball waded through a crowd of players, deciding to get as far away frorm here as he possibly could, only one real answer came to mind. 

    Certainly not this. 


  16. No emergence as he'd expected. Pinball's felt a frown on his face as he scanned the surroundings. Nothing. No sound, no visual - he could have sworn he kept seeing things in the edge of his vision, but when he looked, there was nothing. Pinball's white-knuckled grip betrayed the mild paranoia of the player killer. He didn't like not knowing what was going on around him. He'd been jumped by one too many hunters to feel comfortable around a hidden enemy. 

    It was when that tension reached its peak that he heard the soft thud of an item hitting the ground. An ornate vial containing a crimson liquid laid in the dirt. There was a rustle in the surrounding area. And then it was gone, and Pinball finally got the sense that he was alone. Moving over to the item and retrieving it, it only took him a second to confirm it was what he'd came for. But why had she given it to him-? 

    "Zomekko," he murmured, sheathing his sword. 

    The shadowy cat floated off his weapon and wrapped herself around his neck, blanketing him in a wave of comforting chills. It rubbed its gaseous head against his cheek, and for a moment the familiar almost felt solid. It was nice. Pinball's lips parted, and he found himself at ease. 


     ~ SUMMARY ~

    Pinball Receives: 
    6 SP (4 Quest, 1 Thread, 1 Event)
    5,000 Col
    15 T3 Materials
    Last Hit Drop: Bane of Blood (Given by NIGHT)

    NIGHT Receives: 
    2 SP (1 Thread, 1 Event)
    400 Col

  17. NIGHT vanished, in a similar manner as he had just moments before. He felt the slightest prick of dread in his chest, but brushed it aside. The clearing fell silent. Why hadn't she just attacked the frozen Blood Bane instead of setting up a sneak attack? Was she worried about it unthawing? Or was she after the Last Attack Bonus? Pinball narrowed his eyes, a slight quivering in his brow. He was going to ask nicely for it once the fight was over, he decided. And if she tried running off, or refused-? 

    Another stampede of slices and thrusts met the slowly melting wolf-cicle. As quickly as the status effect had worn off, it was reapplied, leaving Blood Bane's health at a sliver and Pinball alone with his pessimistic thoughts. He took a step back, then another, and waited patiently for the woman to reveal herself. Or, he reasoned, for something bad to happen.


    Action Taken: Sword Art - [Dimension Stampede] [-14 EN/+1 EN] 
    Blood Bane: ID#154365 BD: 8+5= 10 (Hit) ~ 18*15= 270-50= 220 DMG + FREEZE 

    Blood Bane | HP: 179/1250 (-220) | DMG: 225 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 3 | FENRIR FANG | CALL TO HUNT | FEAST OF BLOOD | INCARCERATED

    [2] NIGHT | HP: 678/1155 | EN: 42/110 (+1, -6) | DMG: 19 | MIT: 99 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5 | LD: 3 | BRN: 36 | BLGT: 72 | BLD: 36 | TXCVM: 24 | PARALYZE: 9-10 | TAUNT
    [3] Pinball | HP: 1280/1280 | EN: 50/128 | DMG: 18 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 6 | BH: 64 | 
    FRZ: BD8-10/36 | PHASE

    FENRIR FANG: On MD9-10, deal 200 mitigatable damage, apply BLEEDING (36).
    CALL TO HUNT: Raises all enemy DMG and MIT by 25 for 2 turns on CD rolls of 10-12. Cooldown of 2 turns.
    FEAST OF BLOOD: Heals by 25% of damage dealt after mitigation. If attacking a player who is BLEEDING, heal for an extra 200HP.

  18. The familiar weight of his spear in hand, Pinball gave the polearm a practiced twirl as he took a second to glance over the scene. It was stunned, and NIGHT took full advantage over it, unleashing the very same Sword Art she'd been slinging since the start. He didn't know much about the other two-handed weapons, but the damage seemed a bit lackluster. 

    Regardless, as Blood Bane began to recover, Pinball would be quick to throw himself forward. Unleashing a flurry of slashes and stabs with his spear, Dimension Stampede wasn't quite finished until he'd brought his weapon across the direwolf's jaw in another crude slam. As he did, frost began to creep from the wounds of the creature, rapidly freezing over and locking it in place once more. As he pulled back, globules of shadow mingled with flecks of ice and fading light in a beautiful and deadly dance. 


    Action Taken: Sword Art - [Dimension Stampede] [-14 EN/+1 EN] 
    Blood Bane: ID#154362 BD: 9 (Crit+1) ~ 18*15= 270-50/2= 245 DMG + FREEZE + 264 DoT

    Blood Bane | HP: 399/1250 (-245 -264) | DMG: 225  | MIT: 50  | ACC: 3 | FENRIR FANG | CALL TO HUNT | FEAST OF BLOOD | [264 DoT: 2/2] | FROZEN

    [2] NIGHT | HP: 678/1155 | EN: 47/110 (+1, -7) | DMG: 19 | MIT: 99 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5 | LD: 3 | BRN: 36 | BLGT: 72 | BLD: 36 | TXCVM: 24 | PARALYZE: 9-10 | TAUNT
    [3] Pinball | HP: 1280/1280 | EN: 63/128 | DMG: 18  | ACC: 5 | EVA: 6 | BH: 64 | 8-10/36 FRZ | Phase 

    FENRIR FANG: On MD9-10, deal 200 mitigatable damage, apply BLEEDING (36).
    CALL TO HUNT: Raises all enemy DMG and MIT by 25 for 2 turns on CD rolls of 10-12. Cooldown of 2 turns.
    FEAST OF BLOOD: Heals by 25% of damage dealt after mitigation. If attacking a player who is BLEEDING, heal for an extra 200HP.

  19. Holy [censored]. 

    Was this even for real? They were fighting over the boss, jumping on top of each other, and - and those two were [censored] dancing? Icy cold dread gripped Pinball like talons. He spotted some of the frontliners, but they were all acting equally as childish, weren't they? Had all the good ones died? Was this really all Aincrad had left to offer? Pinball's health had a lower maximum now than he'd ever remembered it having, but there was honestly no point in worrying about it. If this was an accurate depiction of what was left of the game's fighting force, Pinball was almost certain now that they'd be wiped off the map with one swift AoE. 

    The idea that Kayaba had sent these things here to kill them firmly ingrained itself in his mind - after all, Pinball found the whole situation unbelievable; he could only imagine what was going through Kayaba's head. If he was in the bastard's shoes, he'd probably just wanna end it all too. Honestly. Mass genocide seemed like the only appropriate way out at this point. 


    Action Taken: None again because w o w


  20. When Pinball disappeared, Blood Bane's only target was the girl he'd left hanging out to dry. It was absolutely crucial that he timed his attack perfectly - one wrong step, a fumble with his sword, and he'd break stealth and lost the element of surprise. And without that, Pinball wouldn't do any damage at all. As he leapt forward, it felt like time itself came to a halting stop. 

    And then everything happened all at once. 

    What could have been a dozen or more sword strikes carved thin gashes in the wolf's form in a second or less, followed by a quick and precise concussive slam to its temple that would ideally rock its system and leave it stunned. Pinball would waste no time in dancing aside, putting as much distance between him and the hopefully prone creature as he could. As he did, the young man flipped the sword in his palm. In a flash of bright light, the weapon glowed blue and elongated, thinned out, and became Pinball's Cold Fervor. A quick glance at NIGHT was all it took for Pinball to register that she was alright. Then, he returned his attention to Blood Bane. 


    Action Taken: Sword Art - [Nova Ascension] [-12 EN/+1 EN] // Sneak Attack: Trickster & Blindside --> [Quick Change]
    Sneak Attack: ID#154236 LD: 3+7= 10 {Stealth Maintained} 
    Blood Bane: ID#154236 BD: 4 (Hit) ~ 15*9= 135/2= 68-75= 1 DMG +72 BLEED + 72 BLIGHT + 72 BURN + 48 TOXIC VENOM + STUN 

    Blood Bane | HP: 985/1250 (-1 -264) | DMG: 250 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 2 (-1) | FENRIR FANG | CALL TO HUNT [1/2] | FEAST OF BLOOD | INCARCERATED | [264 DOT: 1/2] | STUNNED

    [0] NIGHT | HP: 678/1155 (+180 -151) | EN: 53/110 (+1) | DMG: 19 | MIT: 99 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5 | LD: 3 | BRN: 36 | BLGT: 72 | BLD: 36 | TXCVM: 24 | PARALYZE: 9-10 | TAUNT
    [1] Pinball | HP: 1280/1280 | EN: 84/128 | DMG: 15 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 6 | BH: 64 | BRN: 36 | BLGT: 36 | BLD: 36 | TXCVM: 24 [QC: 0/3]

    FENRIR FANG: On MD9-10, deal 200 mitigatable damage, apply BLEEDING (36).
    CALL TO HUNT: Raises all enemy DMG and MIT by 25 for 2 turns on CD rolls of 10-12. Cooldown of 2 turns.
    FEAST OF BLOOD: Heals by 25% of damage dealt after mitigation. If attacking a player who is BLEEDING, heal for an extra 200HP.

  21. With the wolves dead, thanks only in part to him, the Blood Bane was finally targetable. It was a monster of considerable size, a beast of bloodied white fur and muscle. Its jaws looked equally as powerful as the rest of it, and its eyes looked between the two players hungrily. As the giant wolf reared its monstrous head back and unleashed a powerful howl, Pinball took another step back... 

    ...and vanished completely. Zomekko had learned to consume his form at a more rapid rate in combat, and it looked as if Pinball had been there one minute and then disappeared the next. Pinball dashed off to the side, approaching the quest boss in a wide arc, his sword gripped tight in one hand. He needed to land a good blow, and then he would switch to Cold Fervor. It was all about the opening strike. He just had to find a good angle. 


    Action Taken: [Vanish] [-6 EN/+1 EN]
    Vanish: ID#154200 LD: 9+7= 16 Stealth Rating

    Blood Bane | HP: 1250/1250 | DMG: 250 (+25) | MIT: 75 (+25) | ACC: 3 | FENRIR FANG | CALL TO HUNT [2/2] | FEAST OF BLOOD
    Warg Wolf #2 | HP: -181/500 (-208) | DMG: 175 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | SONIC FANGS | PROTECT THE ALPHA
    Warg Wolf #3 | HP: -88/500 (-208) | DMG: 175 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | SONIC FANGS | PROTECT THE ALPHA

    [0, 6, 4] NIGHT | HP: 649/1155 | EN: 52/110 (+1, -13) | DMG: 19 | MIT: 99 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5 | LD: 3 | BRN: 36 | BLGT: 72 | BLD: 36 | TXCVM: 24 | PARALYZE: 9-10 | TAUNT
    [0, 1, 2] Pinball | HP: 1280/1280 | EN: 89/128 | DMG: 15 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 6 | BH: 64 | BRN: 36 | BLGT: 36 | BLD: 36 | TXCVM: 24

    SONIC FANGS: DMG 225 on CD10+.
    PROTECT THE ALPHA: Blood Bane is untargettable until all Warg Wolves are defeated.
    FENRIR FANG: On MD9-10, deal 200 mitigatable damage, apply BLEEDING (36).
    CALL TO HUNT: Raises all enemy DMG and MIT by 25 for 2 turns on CD rolls of 10-12. Cooldown of 2 turns.
    FEAST OF BLOOD: Heals by 25% of damage dealt after mitigation. If attacking a player who is BLEEDING, heal for an extra 200HP.

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