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Posts posted by Pinball

  1. Pinball rushed the boar, throwing caution to the wind.  His green dagger glowed brightly, the start of the sword art <<Round Accel>>. He jumped, and the boar, still recovering from the last clash, had no where to dodge. His sword sliced through the boar, and with a sick crunch, the boar shattered into pieces. For a second, Pinball stood there, frozen, knife held outwards. The, with an audible sigh, his posture returned to normal. That had not gone how he thought it was going to. He had honestly expected much worse. But the reality was the opposite. He had annihilated that poor Boar Pup in a single attack, and afterwards, stood in some anime character pose. The teenager let out a laugh. This was a good start, but he wondered how long it would last. Taking one last look at the translucent polygonals drifting away, he spun on his heel, and ran towards his next opponent. 


    BD: 9 (Critical Hit!)  MD: 1 (MISS/Dead)

    Pinball- HP: 60 EN: 4/6

    DMG: 2 base + 1 enhancement + 1 crit= 4 * 1 * 2= 8 DMG

    Boar Pup: -3/5 HP <DEAD>

  2. Pinball took in the mini-speech, let it sink in a bit. He would have to ask about Atzo, see what it is that made Stryder leave to create his own guild.  Right now though, the teenager was freezing, and standing in place wasn't exactly helping that. After walking back and forth, mulling over his options, he decided it would be best to join this guild. After all, he didn't know really know anyone in his guild that intimately, and if the Emerald Harbingers were stalling out, there was really nothing there for him. He had only joined the Harbingers because he was asked, but this guild was different. After listening to Stryder speak, he began to see some sort of future ahead, whether it be good or bad. The only real choice he had to make was whether he wanted to get to that future alone, or with others. They both had their benefits, and Pinball might even decide to leave the guild one day, but for now, he would try to enjoy himself. To do that, joining the guild was the best choice. But he had questions first. Pinball walked up to Stryder, trying his best to hide unreasonable nervousness. "Hey, man. What happened with Atzo and the Harbingers? Why'd you leave?" 

  3. Pinball chose the first boar pup that came into sight. The thing he noticed immediatly was that they were much smaller, and that it seemed much angrier. The boar pup charged at the boy, squealing it's furiated little heart out. The sheer suddeness of the charge was enough to throw Pinball out balance, who in vain tried a swipe at the boar even while dodging, which ended with Pinball laying on his back. After muttering a few choice words, Pinball scrambled to his feet to face the boar, who seemed to be prepping itself for another charge even now. A bit embarrasing, thought Pinball. Well, damn good thing nobody was around to see it. Composing himself, Pinball gripped his dagger, the pale emerald blade shining in the morning sun. "Well, can't help it now," he said aloud, now completely dedicated to the task at hand. He knew what had to be done, and he would see it through. 

    ** ID# 88500

    BD: 2

    MD:5 - MISS, MISS 


    Pinball: HP: 60 / EN: 6 

  4. Pinball was strolling through the grassy plains of the First Floor when he recieved the notification. Pinball was taking his time, enjoying the warm breez, when it struck him. I've only been to three floors my entire life in the game. Not wanting to get left out on anything, Pinball headed to the Fourth Floor, which passerbys informed him was a snowy expanse. Upon teleporting in, Pinball immediatly took notice of a well placed flyer. Stepping off the pedastal and leaning in for a read, Pinball read: 

    Those seeking a guild, meet at Frostbite Lake

    "Well, that's a bit forboding," he muttered, knowing very well that it could be a PK trap. After mulling it over, he decided he would go and check it out. The frosty winds and the high level mobs could very well cost his life, but he decided it was worth it. The price of knowledge, he told himself. Bracing himself, he made his way to Frostbite Lake...

    Pinball slowly crept up to the assembly. He knew it probably wouldn't help, since the players on this floor were bound to easily overpower and or notice him, but creeping up made him feel safer. He was freeziing, but he put it out of his mind as he got closer and realized that two out of three of the people were Hei and Stryder, members of his current guild. "Oh, guys?'

  5. The short jog out of the safe zone seemed a lot faster than it should have been. Maybe he was moving faster out of excitement. Maybe it was just a grim determination moving him. Pinball couldn't put a name on the feeling that seemed to grip his stomach, choking him up. It felt as if he could barely breathe, but he knew there was nothing wrong with his breathing just the same. He also couldn't tell if it was a good feeling or a bad one. The boar pups quickly came into sight, and he flipped his dagger out of it's sheath. The pale emerald blade shined in the morning light, blinding the boy when he glanced at it. The boar pups were wandering aimlessly, and haven't yet taken notice of the teen. Pinball took advantage of the mob's ignorance to stretch a bit, shaking off the weariness. "Alrighty, time to get to work," he yawned, flipping the knife in his hand.

  6. "I've been looking for you, lad," Lyle Tealeaf, the blacksmith grumbled. "You ready to take me up on the offer? I could really use a hand, if yer willin'." Pinball nodded. He wanted to finish these quests, to get better at this game, and, ultimately, to survive. "Yeah, I'll help you," the boy said. "That is, depending on what it is you need help with." The blacksmith stroked his chin, apparently deep in thought. Was the system searching for the appropriate lines to respond with? Lyle suddenly appeared as if had made up his mind. "Aye, there's boar pups runnin' about, causin' havoc. I don't usually enjoy askin' strangers for help, but I'm not a fighter." The blacksmith appeared in pain. The system had a weird way of exaggerating avatars' expressions. "I think I've found a way to stop the trouble these boar pups are causing, and helping others at the same time," the old blacksmith said. "Bring me 3 boar pup tusks, to help me restock me forge." The bearded man nodded, as if he himself was dedicated to getting it done.  "Of course," Tealeaf mumbled, a small smile on his face, "there'll be a reward if ya do take me up on my offer." Pinball nodded. "I accept," Pinball replied, nodding. A small window appeared in front of him, showing the quest completion requirements. "Be back in a jiffy," Pinball nodded, and started running to the town's safe zone borders.

  7. "Well, don't worry, there's plenty more wolves where that came from," Pinball chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "Well, that fight was fun, even if we missed a lot more than I would have wanted. Maybe interesting is the better word for it?" He dismissed the sentence with a wave of his hand. They had two choices, it seemed. He pointed with his dagger in the direction the wolf had come from. "I think if we go through that forest, we'll probably find more. Way more. Or, we can keep following the forest and go to the plains like we originally planned." He stopped pointing and let his hand fall with a thump against his side. "I'll leave the decision up to you," he said, returning his dagger to its sheathe. "I really don't mind either way. We'll probably find wolves regardless of which way we go. So, forest, or the plains?" 

    Out of Combat Healing 

    Pinball: 56/60 - 60/60 HP

    3/6 EN - (Do you gain one EN every Out of Combat post or two? I forgot, and can't find the post. Will edit later )

  8. 7:00 A.M. The sun had only just risen, and a well rested Pinball had just awoken. There was a slight breeze in the village, bringing cool air to the small village. It was high time he finished this questline. That is, if it is a questline at all. Pinball assumed it was, because it seemed to be a beginner focused quest, and there was a follow-up quest immediately after the completion of <<The First Lessons are Free>>. Pinball equipped his dagger, as well as some of the potions he had acquired as a reward for the previous quest. Personally, Pinball was hoping that it was a slaying type quest. As much as the gathering quest had helped him, he found that fighting was much more enjoyable. Whether the fighting was enjoyable because of the rush it gave, or because it served as a way to vent his anger towards the situation he was caught in, he didn't know. Stretching as he walked, he made his way to the Lyle Tealeaf's forge, where he would accept whatever challenge the blacksmith had to offer.

  9. Pinball felt exhilarated. The adrenaline coursing through his veins would have let him run for miles without tiring. He saw Xander's attack miss, and couldn't help but let out a loud Woo! Then the wolf bit him. He saw Xander's health bar drop a bit, and the boy again remembered the gravity of the situation. However, it didn't stop him from feeling excited. This fighting was life or death. If he failed, he died. If he won, he lived another day, as well as became stronger. The cost of losing was so severe, and yet, he felt so alive. He wasn't going to let this mob, this wolf whose being was determined by 1's and 0's end him. Not today, at least. He grinned, and activated <<Round Accel>> once more. "One more time, baby!" he yelled, his dagger glowing blue. Two quick slashes and tempests of air ended the Wolf's being. Blue, translucent polygonal shard scattered with the sound of a clear bell. Pinball straightened himself, standing in the spot the wolf had been in only moments ago. He turned and faced Xander, a smile on his face. "A bit overkill, but... One down, five to go." 

    ** ID#87710

    BD: 9 - Critical Hit 

    MD: 8 - Hit - DEAD before turn~

    Dmg: 3 + 1 + 1 = 5*2 = 10 

    WOLF: -8 / 12 - DEAD 

    Pinball: 56/60 - 3/6 

    Xander Rush: 16/20 - 1/2

  10. "This is ridiculous," Pinball muttered through clamped jaws. Neither the two of them nor the wolf in front of them had landed a blow. Instead of fighting a wolf, they seemed to be fighting the air. Thing is, foolishly swiping at the air would do them no good. He got into position to activate <<Round Accel>>, a sword art that allowed the user two strikes, creating small tempests of air around it. He growled, and brought his dagger down on the wolf, two, quick strikes. The wolf let out a yelp as his slashes connected; it obviously wasn't expecting either of the two players to actually hit it. The wolf shrank back, growling, but there was a new sense of carefullness in it's eyes, the dark red orbs darting between Pinball and Xander. Pinball himself jumped backwards, landing behind Xander Rush in a sudden display of unprecedented atheleticism. Filled with renewed vigor, Pinball nodded at Xander, an almost confident grin plastered on his face. "We can do this.


    BD: 7 + 1 = 8 - Hit 

    MD: 5- Fail

    Dmg: 2 base, +1 dmg enhancement = 3*2*1= 6 DMG done to <<WOLF>>

    Pinball: 56/60 - 4/6 EN 

    Xander Rush: 20/20 - 1/2 EN 

    <<WOLF>> 6/12 

  11. Pinball straightened himself, gripping his dagger tightly. The wolf was off him now, and was now aiming for Xander. "Damn it," he muttered nervously. If the wolf hadn't gotten the jump on them, they would have easily over-powered the enemy. He watched with a wary eye as Xander unstrapped the sword from his back, and clumsily swung it at the wolf. The sword missed, and the wolf jumped backwards, teeth bared. Pinball let out a bit of a growl himself, though more out of frustration than anything. He rushed forward, hoping to get the wolf's aggro off of Xander. Pinball took a quick, unpredictable swipe at the wolf, but only hit air. Luckily, the wolf had flinched, and was now recovering. The wolf jumped at Pinball, but the teen swiftly jumped to the side, barely avoiding the razor sharp teeth of the animal. "Alright," he shouted, hoping to get Xander's attention. "We got off to a bit of a bad start, but so did this... thing." He motioned to the wolf, who seemed to snarl at Pinball's rudeness. Despite himself, Pinball chuckled. They weren't finished yet, and the adrenaline pumping through his veins made him feel alive. "Let's kill the mutt!"

    *** #87520 *** 

    BD: 3 +1 = 4 - Miss

    MD: 5 - Miss 

    Pinball: 56/60 - 5/6 EN 

    Xander Rush: 20/20 - 1/2 EN 

  12. OOC: For this thread, let's say the Wolf has 12 HP and does 4 base damage. Seems fair, only a bit above a boar. 

    After a bit of walking, they entered the wolf spawing territory. He didn't want to needlessly worry Xander, since they were only a bit into the area, so he just stayed a bit more alert, eyes darting to the trees that separated a lightly wooded area from the plains. "Well, I only say wolves are a step above boars since, by very nature, wolves are the more aggresive hunters," he replied, tossing his dagger up and down. "If you're unlucky enough, you could be killed by almost anything, so... there really aren't any clear "stages" the mobs follow." He shrugged. "Just gotta be careful." Further into the walk, he saw Xander adjusting the sword that hung across his back. "I know it might be uncomfortable now, but two handed weapons pack a wallop. At least, it's better than the butter knives I use," the lanky teen said, lazily stabbing the air. "Why Pinball? I don't mind at all, though It's not exactly a cool backstory," he shrugged, smiling. "When my mother and I moved to Japan, we had this cat," he replied. "Well, he would always dart around from room to room, and he had this black circle on the top of his head. The name 'Pinball' only seemed appropriate." He chuckled, happy and sad at the same time. "I miss that cat."

       He kept walking, only to hear a rustle from a bush. Pinball quickly turned, swiping his dagger through the air, but he was too late. "Jesus!" he had time to exclaim. The wolf was on him with a snarl, hanging from his arm with jaws that tore his virtual skin. He threw the wolf off, but Pinball was the only one who sustained any damage. "Damn," Pinball muttered, glaring at the wolf. The wolf was crouched, snarling at them. "Found one," Pinball muttered to Xander with a nervous chuckle. 

    *** #87505 ***

    BD: 1 - Miss 

    MD: 8- Hit 

    Wolf: 12/12 HP 

    Pinball: 56/60, 6/6 EN 

    Xander: 20/20, 2/2 EN 


  13. Pinball smiled. The man seemed to have taken his little joke well, and Pinball appreciated that. Based on the man's reaction, he was a good natured person. Easy to get along with? Pinball would soon find out. Pinball shrugged when Xander gulped Wolves? "Well, consider the wolves one step above a boar. Not extremely difficult," he said casually enough. A grim, serious tone crept into his usually carefree voice. "Still very much deadly." He shook it off, returning Xander's gaze. As the man accepted the elder's quest, he added, "Should be easy enough with the two of us." Pinball was a bit impressed by his enthusiasm. People didn't usually dive in as optimistically as he just had. Especially not with a stranger. Thin line between bravery and stupidity. It didn't matter though. The man's true motive will become evident as they fight the first mob, and he seemed easy enough to get along with. Pinball returned the smile. "My name's Pinball. Nice to meet ya." Twirling his dagger in his off hand, he sent Xander a party request. "Let's get this done quickly, then," Pinball grinned, twirling on the back of his foot, and started walking, humming a tune. "Should be awhile till we find a wolf, seeing as the spawning points are a little past this farm. Any conversation topics?

  14. Pinball locked eyes with Xander, breaking out into a wide smile. This was just what he needed. Judging the man by his appearance, he was rather new as well. He quickly hid the smile as an idea crossed his mind. For Pinball, this idea was much easier than normally starting a conversation, even if it was a bit... peculiar. He lowered his head, and grinned with the most evil expression he could muster. Locking eyes with the newly arrived player, he raised his finger, and pointed at Xander. "You," he growled, his voice low and grave. He held the position for a solid 10 seconds, un-moving. The black haired teen couldn't hold it together, and produced a laugh that was half choking noise half snort. "I'm just messing with ya," he said. "I actually have a bit of a favor to ask. See, this farmer has been having some trouble with wolves." He pointed over his shoulder at the NPC, the quest icon hovering above his head.

  15. It was a breezy afternoon, and Pinball was wandering the First Floyd's wilderness. Now that he was Level 3 and had a decent weapon, he found he could travel most areas without unnecessary fear. On one of these walks, he came across a small farm. Strange, he thought. Farms were usually a lot closer to towns. Either way, Pinball decided to investigate. On the porch sat an old NPC man smoking a pipe. The NPC wore typical farmer's grab, and he stood up when Pinball approached. An icon floated over his head, signaling an available quest. Interested, Pinball talked to him. Upon hearing the details of the quest, Pinball was unsure whether or not he would be able to solo it. It was pretty risky, even if the wolves were only slightly stronger than the boars. But he really wanted to fight something. Pinball desperately surveyed the area, betting on the off chance he would find someone around to help.

    @Xander Rush

  16. Pinball exited the NPC'S house he had been using to sleep in. It was rather cheap of him to do something like that, but the NPC's of the First Floor didn't seem to care much. As he stepped out, the smell of cooking food and the sound of voices, player and NPC alike met him. The City had been turned into a festival, seemingly influenced by Japanese culture. Pinball wandered the streets, keeping an eye out for any players. He didn't have any festival attire, only his starting cloth armor. He decided it didn't matter too much. He was more concerned with finding someone to talk to. Being alone for the most part had taken it's toll on him. NPC's weren't the greatest conversationalists, and even if the game was all an elaborate simulation, the players were real. With any luck, you'll meet someone, Pinball thought, rather desperately. I'm going to talk to the first person I see, he decided. Pinball started jogging, his head on a swivel, searching the streets for any sign of a green cursor. 

  17. Pinball pulled open the order form. He didn't want to seem greedy, so he decided he would hold out on taking anything from the man's shop. It didn't seem fair. He filled in the order. A simple cloak, with the guilds sigil sewn into it. Pinball had always hated extravagant clothing, and that trait had stayed with him. He would have asked for a green cloak in place of black, but he already had the green dagger from Eatos, and he felt like that filled in the implied "green requirement". "Here you go," said Pinball, sending the order form to the tailor. "Thank you so much, by the way. I really appreciate what you and the guild has done for me." Unsure of what exactly to do next, Pinball backed out of the shop. "I'll be back for that later, I guess," he said, walking out the door. "Thank you."


    Name: Cloak of the Harbingers
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: Rank 5
    Item Type: probably clothing 
    Tier: 1
    Quality: good 
    Enhancements: none
    Description: A plain, black cloak with the Emerald Harbingers's sigil sewn into it.


  18. Once again, it was Pinball's turn. Apparently, since Stryder stopped helping, they couldn't land a punch on the boulder. As a result, Pinball's confidence wasn't very high. It was his turn. Pinball stepped up to the boulder, greatly disturbed by their inability to even land a hit on the immobile lump of stone. He let out a deep sigh, and, half-heartedly threw a punch. His fist landed not with the smack of his usual critical hit, but with a bone crunching crack that left Pinball rolling on the ground, clutching his injured hand. Tears threatened to spill, and his hand felt like it was throbbing. The boulder, however, remained unchanged by his punch, with no damage done to it. Pinball walked backwards, behind Kaya, cradling his hurt hand. "Your turn," he said as he passed her. "Crack the bastard," he added, taking a seat in the dirt well away from the boulder.

    *** ID# 87405

    BD: 4 - miss 

    Boulder: 25/50

  19. Pinball stepped into the shop, his eyes taking in every detail at the shop. At the counter, there stood a blue haired girl, who he took for Eatos. His fellow guild members had told him to pick up a dagger from her shop. He had been hesitant at first, since he didn't have any money to pay for it, but when they had insisted it was free, he decided to finally pick it up. "Uh, hi there," he said, walking to the counter. "I'm here to pick up a dagger... I think." He took the dagger, and was pleasantly surprised with it. He hadn't expected anything more than a rusty piece of metal strapped to a hilt, seeing as he was a new member. "W-wow," he said. "Thank you so much. Next time I need a weapon, I'll be sure to buy from you." Pinball took the weapon, thanking Eatos over and over again as he left the shop. 



    Name: Emerald Shiv

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 5

    Roll ID: 86961

    Roll: 9 (+1CD) = 10

    Item Type: Dagger     

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: +1 Accuracy <Increase BD by 1, cannot cause crit> +1 Damage <Increase base damage by 1>

    Description: While having the appearance of a regular dagger, the blade is a emerald colour. 


  20. Pinball intently watched Kaya hit the boulder, causing no damage, and then Stryder, who caused enormous damage. He whistled to himself as the boulder hit half health. Stryder's use of the Martial Arts skill was impressive, to say the least. But when he heard and saw Stryder sit down, informing them he would be sitting out the rest of the fight. Immediately, Pinball became anxious. Again he would be forced to try and endure the mental and physical torment that is attempting to break the damned boulder. He sighed deeply, nervous yet again. Sidestepping Kaya, who was still recovering from her attack, he took a spot in front of the boulder, reeling his hand back. He took a swing, his fist hitting the boulder and then quickly slipping along the side of it, the momentum carrying him forward and onto his stomach. "Ouch," he said with a dull voice, sitting up. Dissapointed, he shuffled back next to Kaya, looking over to her. "Your turn, I guess."

    *** ID# 87388

    BD: 3 - Miss

    Boulder: 25/50

  21. Pinball heard the laugh. His face bright red, he focused on what Stryder told him. Concentrate, concentrate, he thought, fists clenched. It wasn't fitting that the one leading the quest misses a rock of this size, seeing as It's not even moving. Pinball took a deep breath, took a little jog past Stryder and Kaya, into a spot in front of the boulder. Concentrate, he thought again. "Please, please don't miss again," Pinball muttered. With a grunt, he swung his fist as hard as he could, his knuckles making contact with the lump of rock with an audible smack. He had successfully hit the rock, thank God. With Stryder and Kaya, this wasn't turning out as bad as his first solo attempt. Not nearly as bad. Especially with Stryder. Pinball wondered whether or not Stryder had had help or not. Either way, seeing how easily the guy tore chunks off the boulder, he knew that the Martial Arts skill was definitely going to be of use in the long run. Immensely relieved, he took a few steps back, wiping his forehead. He was lucky he didn't miss again, Pinball might not have been able to handle the embarrassment. "Alright," he said. "Next up."


    ID# 87369 

    BD: 9 - Critical Hit

    2 dmg to boulder done

    Boulder: 37/50

  22. Pinball knocked the door of "The Hanger", and hesitantly entered the shop. He still wasn't quite sure exactly what he planned on doing here, since he had no materials and no col to spare. Furthermore, even if his lack of funds wasn't a problem, he really didn't have an armor preference as of yet. However, if the man running the shop was friendly, then Pinball thought it was safe to at least walk in without getting chased out of the store. Pinball walked in to see a man at the desk, who he assumed to be Hei.  "Hello there," Pinball said, making his presence known. "I don't really have anything to pay you with, but I'm a new recruit to the Emerald Harbingers." Pinball took a breath, not wanting to make himself seen as obnoxious. "I heard I could get some type of uniform here," he continued. "But if my lack of fun prohibits that, I'm just as fine with just meeting you." Pinball stuck out his hand. "I'm Pinball, nice to meet you." 

  23. Pinball watched Stryder for a moment, oopen mouthed. Just from the way he swung at the air, Pinball knew he had chosen the right person for the job. He nodded at Stryder, and stepping up to where the NPC gave his quest, accepted. The old man quickly painted his face with the paint. It seemed there was a twinkle in the old NPC's eyes, something that said he knew about his previous failure. That's ridiculous, Pinball thought. He's just an NPC, after all. Not capable of truly remembering anything... right? Out of habit, he rubbed his cheeks, where the whiskers were supposedly painted. It was already dry. Pinball silently stepped up to the boulder, and took a wild punch... and he stumbled, missing the boulder completely. As quick as that, he decided he should let someone else take a swing. Pinball stepped back, his face red from the failure. "Kaya, you're up," he said, refusing to make eye contact with anybody.

    *** ID# 87295 *** 

    BD: 5 - MISS

    No dmg to <BOULDER> done. 

    BOULDER: 50/50


  24. Since Pinball had managed to struggle up the mountain once before, the climb wasn't as bad as the first time. Hard, yes, but not quite as difficult as his first hiking attempt. This time, he knew where to go, where to turn or go straight. They managed to find the Boulder relatively easily, though the hike took its toll on Pinball. Walking up to the Boulder, Pinball couldn't help himself to a frown and a glare, though that quickly changed to a wicked smile. With both Stryder and Kaya, the giant rock wasn't going to last nearly as long as it had when it was just him. This boulder was going to be broken in half by the end of the day, that's for sure. He was finally going to prove to himself that the lump of rock was in fact completely breakable. He had brung in a little muscle.

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