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Posts posted by Pinball

  1. Pinball sighed as he got back to his shop. Now, he had 3 perfects to make on his plate. He had one order for Stryder he still had to make, and two from Kaya. However, since he ran out of materials while making Stryder's items, he would focus on making Kaya's items with the materials she had payed him with. It was only fair. In the chance that he managed to craft Kaya's items with the mats he had, he could then focus on Stryder's items once again. Pinball got straight to crafting, but only managed to craft 1 Rare item today. "Ah, well, it's a start," he muttered as he left the shop. 


    Attempt 1: 


    ID# 91279

    CD: 2 (Fail) 

    1 T1 Material Lost. 

    +1 EXP 

    Attempt 2 :


    ID# 91280

    CD: 10 (Success)

    1 T1 Uncommon item crafted.

    1 T1 Material Lost. 

    +3 EXP 

    Attempt 3:


    ID# 91281 

    CD:5 (Salvage) LD: 9 (Fail) 

    1 T1 Material Lost. 

    +2 EXP

    Attempt 4:


    ID# 91282

    CD: 9 (Success) 

    1 T1 Uncommon item crafted. 

    +3 EXP 


    • 2 T1 Uncommon Desserts crafted.
    • Gained 9 EXP.

    Started day with 18 T1 Mats, ended with 14. 

    EXP: 55/79 

  2. Pinball listened silently as Kasier explained that guild activity was low. There was nothing on her To-Do List, apparently. Pinball agreed that fun was difficult to come by in the game. The only times he's had "fun" was when he went out questing with good company, and getting pumped up in the rush of things. But his happiness didn't come easily, and when it did, it wasn't long before it left Pinball feeling devoid of energy. It was either the moment he left the group he was in, or if he spent to long with others. They all ended up leaving him feeling drained. Empty. The woman then asked if he himself was in a guild. In fact, he had joined one not too long ago. "Yeah," he rasped, then, clearing his throat, added, "The Guardians of a New Dawn. Everyone is pretty low-leveled... But they're good people." He found himself thinking back on the meetings he's tried establishing with members of the guild. Stryder, one of the guild leaders, in particular. "The leader... Stryder. He's a strange one. Always so happy, so eager to help others. Your run-of-the-mill good samaritan. Not too bright when it comes to problem solving and such, but he makes up for it. He's super protective of the guild, even though he's only level twenty-something himself." He shrugged. "It's weird." She didn't want to hear him talk about Stryder. She had asked a simple question, not for his life story. 

    Pinball jumped at the sound of a new person's voice. His head whipped around, and his eyes met those of the red haired girl that had stuck out earlier. Certainly not afraid of confrontation, Pinball noted. With a sheepish smile, Pinball muttered in response, "Sorry." His face bright red, he scooted as close as he could to the wall, so as to make room for the girl who seemed to be intent on joining the two. Pinball looked as if he was about to say something, but stopped himself. Kasier'll probably talk to her, I think. Then I can find an excuse to leave. 

    ((OOC: OHMYGOD I DIDNT FOLLOW THIS, IMSOSORRY. I was wondering what was taking Illia so long, so I came to check, and... It was me. So. So. Sorry.))

     @Kasier @Illia


  3. Pinball was going to keep trying to gather normally, but then Hei would have the advantage. When he had brought it up to the man, Hei told him that he would win the contest with or without Pinball's fishing, and that Pinball should go and "have your fun at the stream". Pinball's fist clenched, and his face went bright red. A mix of embarrasement and indignace was what the boy showed, and he exclaimed, "Fine! I think I will!" Pinball ran off the way they had came, opening his menu and materializing his fishing rod as he ran. 

    When he finally made it back to the stream, Pinball wasted no time in plopping his "bait" into the water. The boy took a seat in the grass facing the stream, and waited. Before long, he got a bite. Pulling out the rod, a small menu appeared, showing him his rewards. "4 T1 Materials," he breathed, standing up. He grinned then, and said aloud, "Alright, Hei, let's see what you got." Pinball plopped back down into the grass, and through his line back in the water. 



    ID# 91229

    CD: 11 (4 Materials fished up!) 

    Gained 4 T1 Mats. 

    Total T1 Mats: 16 


  4. "A cyborg dog?" Pinball burst out laughing, doubling over. "A cyborg dog!" Meanwhile, Fae got the correct answer. Pinball pointed her out, looking at Stryder. "You see that? That... that was the answer. It's a fire. But... I wish I could change it to Cyborg Dog." After a while, Pinball collected himself, and stood straight up once more. Wiping a tear from his eye, he asked the both of them, "Ah, this is good fun, isn't it? I'll try to think of more riddles while you do... whatever it is you're doing." Pinball watched as Stryder unequipped his gear, replacing it for something else. Was he trying to search for materials? Pinball didn't quite know, but time would soon tell. He looked at Fae in the mean time. "So, what have you been up to lately?" Pinball took a seat beside her, where he could watch what Stryder was doing. He was having a good time, but he hoped he didn't really have to come up with anything else from keeping the conversation from stalling out. He didn't like being the center of attention. 

  5. Pinball listened to the two's ideas, greatly interested in what they had to say. But, the anticipation was swelling up inside of him, until he wasn't able to hold back. "Alright, moment of truth. Let's get to it, eh?" A nervous chuckle escaped his lips, as his trembling hand reached for the latch of the wooden crate. The possibility that it was a mimic was always present, and he wasn't sure the fight would go as smoothly as it went with the Dark Elf, not with him around. Pinball, wincing a bit, opened the chest quickly, and jumped backwards, reaching for his dagger. But, no monster sprang forwards to bite his arm off, arrows didn't spring forth from the box, impaling him. No, instead of a monster, a small window appeared in front of Pinball, listing off the rewards. "Holy... This is.. Wow." Pinball couldn't believe his luck.

    Spinning around, he laughed, and asked the both of them, "So, how do we want to split this?" He showed them the list of rewards, smiling widely. "How lucky can you get?" Someone was going to end up getting more than the rest of them, and Pinball didn't want an argument to break out. "Someone is going to end up getting more than the other twoLet's try not to kill each other over this, yeah?"

    Opening Treasure Chest: 


    ID# 91226

    LD: 17 (Success!)  


    • {450} Col 
    • {8} Materials 
    • {1} <<Unidentified T1 Perfect Shield>>
    • {2} <<Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables>>

    @Krysta @Mina 

  6. Pinball was wiping the counters of his shop when the girl arrived. She seemed startled by him, then quickly explained what she needed. "Wasn't she that chick Stryder and I did the boulder thing with that one time?" he asked himself once she left. Shrugging, Pinball recieved the materials, and got ready for crafting. His first attempt was a failure, and he discarded the blackened item with a scowl. His second, however, was a rare! "Still not good enough," he muttered irritably.His third and finally attempt, too, was a failure. "Damn it!" He exclaimed, putting everything away. He was going to need to get a lot better if he wanted to fill in this order. Practice made perfect, and Pinball must be severely out of practice.


    Attempt 1: 


    ID# 91185 

    CD: 3 (Fail!) 

    - 1 T1 Material

    +1 EXP 

    Attempt 2: 


    ID# 91186 

    CD: 11 (Success!) 

    1 T1 Rare Dessert crafted.

    - 1 T1 Material 

    +5 EXP 

    Attempt 3: 


    ID# 91187 

    CD: 7 (Salvage) LD: 9 (Salvage failed) 

    - 1 T1 Material 

    +2 EXP 

    ((OOC NOTE: In the roller, I accidently rolled 4 times instead of 3. The 4th roll was not counted, as I was a R2 Cook, and could only craft three times.))


    • 1 T1 Rare Dessert Crafted 
    • +8 EXP 

    Started day with 21 T1 Materials, ended with 18.

    46/38 EXP - Rank Up! 

    EXP = 46/79

  7. After a while of walking, they finally reached a spot where Hei seemed to be satisfied. The change in scenery was always enjoyable, especially after the scare that had been the finding of the treasure chest. Hopefully materials were in higher supply on this part of the floor, as it seemed that all the mats to be found by the stream had been plucked clean. Pinball couldn't help but notice the distance they had put from any source of water. "Is this just some elaborate ploy to get me away from fishing? Have I been bamboozled?" Pinball, spurred on by his motivation to not pay for drinks, searched for materials anyways. He didn't have the gathering skill, and so he would only find one material for every successful search, but there was no point in crying over things you couldn't change. Pinball's search was immediatly rewarded with a material, gleaming in the sunlight. "Ah, lookie there. If my luck holds out, I might just keep the lead!"



    ID# 91165

    LD: 12 +  3 = 15 (Success!) 

    1 T1 Material found.

    Total T1 Mats: 12 


  8. She was right. Pinball wasn't making a good impression. His attempt to make conversation had crashed and burned, though it was his fault for asking her name of all things. It was literally the one thing that was seperating his health bar from hers on the HUD. "Oh. Right," he said, slapping his sides nervously, "I... I didn't see that." He needed to do something. Something that fixed the things he was messing up already. Desperate times called for desperate measures. Pinball's head darted from side to side, and stopped on a player that was just finishing fighting a boar. The player was within ear shot, but far enough away that he could get away with it if things got heated. Casting a quick glance at Iizyl, he cupped his hands over his mouth, and shouted to the swordsman, "Hey buddy! Yeah, you! Look out for the bear! The bear!" He accentuated his shouting by jumping up and down, and waving his hands, trying to convey the urgency of the situation to the player. The random guy who was suddenly convinced there was a bear behind him panicked, and spun around, swiping his sword around frantically. Long story short, the panicked fighter fell on his rump, dropping his sword. Suddenly realizing there was in fact no bear, the player stood, angrily retrieved his sword, and spun around without looking back. Pinball was bent over double, dying laughing. "There's not even bears on this floor," he wheezed. 

    After a few moments, the boy was able to calm himself. Wiping a tear from his eye, Pinball said, "There's really materials all around us, you just gotta look for 'em." Pinball yawned. "It'll take as long as it takes. Just depends on how lucky you get. Technically, it can last forever.

  9. She certainly has a way with words, he noted, accepting the party invite. The girl's blunt way of speaking was something Pinball respected. He appreciated honesty, and hated sugar coating. But... Pinball felt that the girl's bluntness was going to cause her a lot of trouble in the future. Already, she was coming off as pushy and rude. Pinball himself didn't mind, hell, he thought it was kind of funny, but, eventually, there was going to be someone who took major offense to one of her japes. He looked her up and down, studying her. Pinball had seen her type before, back in the real world. She seemed to want him to take the lead. Is... is she trying to get me to do the work for her? He couldn't quite tell, though he felt as if there was a bit of an intent to manipulate him in the girl. If she is, she's certainly subtle about it. Blunt, and intelligent. Damn it. Pinball was going to have to be more cautious around her than he had originally intended. 

    "We can go this way, I think," he said to her, pointing in the directions of the plains. "There's probably some materials over there." Pinball started walking, checking behind him every so often to make sure she was still following. God, I hope there aren't any bugs. As he walked, he tried to make conversation. "So, uhh.. what's your name?

  10. As the Dark Elf shattered into pieces, Pinball couldn't help but letting out a loud laugh. "We did it!" Mina tossed the material to Krysta, and Pinball put his dagger back into its scabbard. "Man, that was really fun. I guess all we have to do now is return the material to the blacksmith, huh?" Pinball's smile began to fade a bit. His adventure with the two girls was almost over, and then they would go their seperate ways. Damn, it kinda sucks. It really was fun, he thought, putting his hands in his pockets. He had enjoyed his time with the two, and he was sad that their questing was over so soon. Well, it can't be helped. It was fun while it lasted.  

    Pinball turned around, about to start walking back the way they came, when something caught his eyes. It was hidden in the bushes, but the size of the item compromised its stealthiness. It was a treasure quest! "Oh, guys! Check it," he shouted, pulling back the bushes to reveal the Treasure Chest. "You know what this means, right?" A smile crept across the boy's visage, and he took a seat in front of the chest, leaning an arm against the box proudly. "I'll open it, if you don't mind," he said, then, hurriedly explaining himself, as he didn't want to sound rude, "since I don't know if it'll be a mimic. With me around, a mimic would be a lot harder to fight than that Dark Elf, and I wouldn't want any of you two in the way if it tries to bite an arm off.




    LD: 12 + 3 = 15 (Treasure Chest found!) 

    1 Treasure Chest found, will be opened on Pinball's next turn. 

    ((OOC EDIT: I probably should have asked before searching. sorry sorry ;-;))

  11.  Pinball was staring off into space, daydreaming about nothing in particular. Something touched his shoulder. Involuntarily, he jumped, his first thought being, cockroach! Exclaiming, "Jesus!" the boy whipped around, swiping his shoulder in a frenzied attempt to get the roach off. There was a girl standing behind him, trying to talk to him. Pinball froze, stopping dead in his tracks. The girl explained she needed some help with her quest, and that he had been today's lucky winner. Pinball nodded absently, his face bright red from his first reaction. The girl gave off the aura of being extremely competent, and so he didn't quite understand why she was talking to him. "Y-yeah, sure. Whatever you need, yeah," he droned, his self awareness not entirely having returned. The roach thing had really done a number on him. "Wha- uhh, what quest is it now?" His face went red, and he kept rubbing his hands through his hair for some reason. He didn't even know the girl, and he was already agreeing to help her out. She knows you're scared of cockroaches. The thought creeped into his mind, sending goose bumps down his back. He knew very well he hadn't said anything out loud about cockroaches, but, an irrational part of him believed she could read minds. Besides, if he refused the girl, she could very well die, and, well, quite frankly, Pinball didn't want anybody dying because he was scared they knew he was afraid of bugs. "It- it sounds like it's that uhh, that beginner quest. With the old dude? I- I'll help, sure, sure. You... you know where to go, right? Or do I have to like... lead. Or... Yeah.

  12. As they walked, Thorsten found a material. And handed it over to Pinball. He offered an awkward smile, and then stuttered, "Thanks, but uhh- you... you should probably keep some for yourself, no? We can always just split everything straight down the middle. It's what I usually do with others." I don't want to seem rude, Pinball thought anxiously. He thought on Thorsten's question. "I don't really see how you wouldn't be you, if that's the case. I'm more of the belief that, uhh... that you're your mind. I feel like if the brain controls everything you're doing, then your body is really just a vessel. Kinda like driving a submarine, or something." He shrugged. Back in the real world, he had heaps of free time, and he would spend most of it lost in daydreams. During such daydreams, he would think quite deeply on topics rather similar to the ones Thorsten was presenting to him now. 

    Pinball looked to the floor, a clumsy attempt to find a material. He scored. He bent over and collected the material, putting it in his inventory. "That's one," Pinball said, standing straight, "well, two, if you count the one you gathered for me.



    ID# 91289

    LD: 20 (Success!) 

    1 T1 Material Gathered. 

    Total T1 Mats: 2 



  13. Pinball scurried away on his rump, bumping into Hei's legs. "It's not... It's not gonna bite my hands off or anything, is it?" Pinball stood, and walked back over to the Treasure Chest, examining it from every possible angle. His heart was pounding, and not just from thinking he was going to die ten seconds ago. No, that was still a real possibility. This chest could be one of those mimics he had heard about, that looked and acted much like a regular treasure chest, until the player went to open it... "Give me a moment," Pinball begged, sitting down in front of the chest. He needed a moment to calm down, a moment to think. 

    After a minute or two, Pinball sat up in front of the chest's handle. "Here goes nothing. Watch my back, 'kay?" Pinball gripped the latch... pulled it open, and cringed, thinking he was about to get devoured by a wooden box. But nothing happened. "Oh?" A small screen appeared in front of him, informing him that he had opened a treasure chest, and that he had recieved rewards. Filled with excitement, he read it aloud to Hei. "100 Col, 5 Tier 1 Mats,  1 Unidentified Tier 1 Rare Rapier, and 2 Unidentified Tier 1 Rare Consumables!

    Opening Treasure Chest: 


    ID# 91113 

    LD: 15 (Success!) 

    Pinball Recieves: 

    • {100} Col 
    • {5} Tier 1 Materials 
    • {1} Unidentified Tier 1 Rare Rapier 
    • {2} Unidentified Tier 1 Rare Consumables 

    Pinball's Gathered Stuff: 


    Pinball's Stuff So Far: 

    • {11} T1 Materials 
    • {100} Col 
    • {1} Unidentified Tier 1 Rare Rapier 
    • {2} Unidentified Tier 1 Rare Consumables 


  14. "Well, I think it'd just be cruel if I kept stunning it. Plus, it's not like I can keep doing that forever. So..." Pinball jumped back, giving himself enough room for a running start. He activated a Sword Art, not Side Bite, but <<Round Accel>>, the other Sword Art available to him. In comparison to Side Bite, Round Accel was a lot more forgiving when it came to Energy consumption. And, seeing as how Pinball had already reached his halfway point for energy in two hits, it was high time for a shift in strategy. "Alright," he muttered, releasing the Sword Art. He charged at the Dark Elf, who was just now recovering from its stun. Pinball's dagger bore into it relentlessly, and the boy landed a long, red, pixelated gash across the Dark Elf's torso. However, the Dark Elf, finally able to move again, managed to land a hit on the boy who had held it back for so long. As Pinball finished the Sword Art, the Dark Elf was quick enough to land a hit across Pinball's back. But, the leather chestplate he wore protected him. The Dark Elf's attack was a solid one, but one that barely even effected Pinball's HP bar visibly. With a grunt, Pinball jumped back, pointing his dagger at the Dark Elf. "Its got its attention on me, so just focus on attacking it! I'll take the hits for you all.




    ID# 91110

    BD: 9 (Small Crit!)  MD: 9 (+1 Dmg!)

    Pinball uses <<Round Accel>> on Dark Elf ~ 3+1= 4 * 2 = 8 Dmg! 

    Dark Elf attacks Pinball ~ 9 + 1 dmg - 9 Mit = 1 Dmg! 

    - 2 EN 

    Critical Hit = +2 Hate, Pinball 


      - Enemies -

     Dark Elf: HP 14/50 / 9 DMG 

      - Players -

    {H:1} Mina: HP 80/80 / EN 4/8 4 DMG / 9 MIT / 3 ACC 1 EVA

    {H:4} Pinball: HP 199/200 / EN 8/20 / 3 DMG / 9 MIT 

    {H:0} KrystaHP 60/60 / EN 4/6 / 4 DMG / 18 MIT 


  15. Pinball saw that Hei wasn't having much luck with his gathering. This is my chance to get ahead, Pinball thought excitedly. Pinball hopped down to where the stream was, and pulled out his Fishing Rod. "I refuse to pay for drinks! I refuse!" the boy shouted, casting his line. He waited. And waited. And waited some more. Then, he felt the familiar tug that accompanied a pull. Pinball started to pull it out, but the object he was fishing up wouldn't budge. Immediatly, Pinball's heart dropped in his chest. "Hei... Hei! Get your weapon!" There was no turning back now, and Pinball pulled with all of his might, hoping to pull out what he believed to be a wicked monster, so that he could get it over with. And, suddenly, the object budged. Pinball, knocked off balance by the sudden release of force, stumbled backwards and landed on his rump. Pinball's fishing rod was pulled out of his grip, and Pinball covered his face with his hands, bracing himself for the impact of some sort of gnarly weapon that would put his HP in the red. 

    A treasure chest landed with a loud thump directly in front of him. 



    ID# 91111

    CD: 12 (Treasure Chest fished up!!) 

    1 Treasure Chest fished up. 


  16. Pinball watched as the two both missed their next attacks. "Aw, damn. Don't worry, I'll get 'em again!" Pinball got into a half-crouch, activating the <<Side Bite>> Sword Art. He refrained from releasing it just yet, however. As he watched, the Dark Elf struggled to it's feet, the stun effect wearing off. Just as it seemed to regain its balance, Pinball released the Sword Art, his emerald dagger slicing deep into the Dark Elf's side. The Stun effect once again took hold, and the Dark Elf dropped to its knees, immobolized. "Rad! Have at it!" Pinball flipped his dagger up and down, in a playful, yet cocky manner. He had hit the monster twice, and such luck was unusual for him. He would usually only succeed at doing something just to fail miserably his second attempt. But, evidently, the odds were in his favor today. Maybe it was a sign; something showing him that he was growing stronger, getting faster, increasing his odds of survival. But he couldn't be sure. "We sure are kickin' the hell outta this thing, aren't we?" The question wasn't quite directed at anyone in particular, just the boasting of a youth who had an excuse to be proud. 




    ID# 91102

    BD: 8 + 1 = 9 (Hit! No crit.)  MD: 10  {Stunned} 

    Pinball uses <<Side Bite>>, 3 * 2 = 6 Dmg! Dark Elf is stunned for {1} turn. 

    - 5 EN


      - Enemies -

    {Stunned} Dark Elf: HP 26/50 / 9 DMG 

      - Players -

    {H:1} Mina: HP 80/80 / EN 4/8 4 DMG / 9 MIT / 3 ACC 1 EVA

    {H:2} Pinball: HP 200/200 / EN 10/20 / 3 DMG / 9 MIT 

    {H:0} KrystaHP 60/60 / EN 4/6 / 4 DMG / 18 MIT 


  17. Pinball yawned. "Yeah, I get what you mean. If it's boring by yourself, who would even consider doing it with somebody? Point taken." Pinball rolled over, stretching. He hadn't been lying there for very long, but it felt wrong to lie around while Hei slaved away with material gathering. Plus, he wasn't in the mood to pay for drinks. Pinball decided to answer Hei's question about the fishing skill before getting up. 

    "I'm liking it pretty well, for the most part. But there's always this underlying fear, especially when you're with someone who's a higher level. There's always a chance, the smallest chance, that instead of reeling in riches, you reel in some giant boss monster that'll leave you in the red, sprawled out against a tree, and gasping for air. But other than that, it really is fun stuff." 

    Pinball, attempting to stand up, pushed himself onto all fours. With a giant yawn he opened his eyes, and was met with a flattened material where he had just been lying. "Oh, sweet. Still behind, I think," he called out to Hei, "but this'll help me out. I hope you don't find anything!~" He finished his sentence musically, and, putting the material away, he stood, with one last final stretch and a grunt. "I'll get back to fishin' in a bit." 



    ID# 91075 

    LD: 17+3= 20 (Found material!) 

    1 T1 Material Gathered. 

    Total T1 Mats: 6 


  18. Pinball yanked out his dagger, the familiar rush that battle brings coursing through his veins. The green blade seemed to glow in the mists of the forest. Pinball, spurred to confidence by adrenaline, shouted excitedly, "Alright boyos, let's get 'er done!" Pinball crouched, got into position. His knife glowed a bright green, signalling the beginning of a Sword Art. He was going to stun it. Seeing as the Dark Elf had literally just attacked Mina, it would be a moment before it found the strength to muster another attack. He figured he would make it easier for Krysta by stunning it, effectively cancelling it's next action. He didn't realize until after the attack, however, that there might have been no need for the stun, seeing as it could only really hope to attack one of the three of them per each of their attacks. In simpler terms, they would really be able to unload each of their own attacks until the Elf was able to return this volley with an attack of its own. Nonetheless, he unleashed his Sword Art, and, hit the Dark Elf, nearly missing. But, it was a solid hit, and the Dark Elf dropped to its knee, the effect registering. "I'll keep the stuns coming as much as I can! Hopefully you guys can get enough damage in until I run outta energy.

    He jumped backwards, smiling. Battle was one thing in SAO that he truly understood; the one constant. He gave Krysta enough space to attack, and waited in anticipation, his grip on the Emerald Shiv an unrelenting clamp.

    Stats n' Stuff:



    Lvl: 10 | HP: 200 | EN: 20 | MIT: 9 | DMG: 3


    • Plain Leather Armor: 9 MIT {1 Slot} 
    • Cloak of the Harbingers: +3 LD {3 Slots} 
    • Emerald Shiv: + 1 DMG, +1 ACC {2 Slots} 


    • Dagger Skill ~ Rank 1
    • Fishing 

    Battle Ready Inventory: 

    • {5} Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality ~ +40 HP

    Combat n' Stuff:



    ID# 91005

    BD: 5 + 1 = 6 (Hit!) 

    Pinball uses <<Side Bite>>, 3 * 2 = 6 Dmg! Dark Elf stunned for {1} turn. 

    - 5 EN


      - Enemies -

    {Stunned} Dark Elf: HP 32/50 / 9 DMG

      - Players -

    {H:1} Mina: HP 80/80 / EN 5/8 4 DMG / 9 MIT / 3 ACC 1 EVA

    {H:1} Pinball: HP 200/200 / EN 15/20 / 3 DMG / 9 MIT 

    Krysta: ???

    ((@Krysta, you're up :3))

  19. Pinball again cast his line into the water, with a smile on his face. Hei had a sense of humor, too, as it would seem. Lovely. The scene was so relaxing for him, he couldn't help but take a seat in the soft grass as he fished. "This is pretty fun, huh? Gathering materials is just so dull alone. Why would you even want to do it solo?" Pinball's line started to glow a faint blue again, signalling that something had bitten his rod. However, when he pulled the line up, there was nothing on the end of it. "Ah man, now you're in the lead!" Pinball punched the grass next to him, but he couldn't stop grinning. He was enjoying himself too much. "Only thing that could ruin this moment would be if I pulled up a monster or something," Pinball muttered in a stale tone. He placed his fishing rod to the side, and lie on his back, watching the clouds roll past through the tree branches. "Ahh, nothin' like quite like it. Even if it is all virtual, nothing beats layin' down, and just.. relaxing. It really is quite lovely." Pinball would lie there for a while, his eyes slowly closing. He wasn't asleep, rather, enjoying the serenity of the scene. 



    ID# 90975

    CD: 4 (Nothing fished up.) 

    No Materials Gathered. 

    Total T1 Mats: 5 


  20. Pinball stood when Thorsten arrived, and was about to offer his hand, when instead, the man bowed. Pinball, flustered and blushing, awkwardly returned the man's bow with nowhere near the same grace. "H-... Ayyy," was all he managed to say to the man. Thorsten greeted Pinball in return, and started talking about the same thing Pinball himself wondered everytime he pondered Sci-Fi related scenarios. "I know what you mean," he said, suddenly interested in the conversation, "but, I don't think we would have to worry so much about that here. After all, we're already hooked up to a suicide box. Right now, we're really just a bunch of 1's and 0's. However! I do believe you hold a valid point, and it's a question that would be asked if teleportation was ever actually invented..." He trailed off with his last word, as if he were finished, but then suddenly jumped back into it. "But that'd really be something to think about! Like, would teleportation have to kill the you that's standing there, just to transport your consciousness to another place where they reassemble your flesh and organs n' junk, and just slap your memories and being into that new body?" Pinball too, now, was rambling. Upon realizing this, he quickly shut his mouth. 

    "Anyways, I think we have some gathering to do, yea? Let's hop to it."

  21. Pinball flipped his knife up and down in his hand, whistling as he waited for the two girls. He didn't want to seem rude by taking the lead. He felt like the two girls were more than in their own rights to play leader. It seemed to him that they had already made plans to do this quest before he had rudely interrupted, and Pinball didn't feel like testing his dynamic with the girl. Pinball casually opened the door, his face a bit red as he did so. "H-hey, you guys doin' alright in there? We ready to move out?" Pinball himself stepped into the shop, just to verify the details with his party. "So, we're after a Dark Elf. Just one? Should be easy enough, no?" He smiled with another blush, and held the door open as he walked out of the forge. "Well, we might as well get to it! This Dark Elf isn't gonna kill itself." He had heard about the Dark Elf, from other players, and from members of his guild. By all accounts, it was something even Pinball could probably Solo with enough time, and he was really only good for taking punches. His armor had a bit of MIT, and his level outstripped the two girls he was with (or so he believed), meaning he had higher health. But his DMG output was on the same level as the two of them. 

    "Alright, I'm pretty sure the forest we're looking for is somewhere in... that direction," he offered helpfully, pointing in the general direction they would find the Forest of Wavering Mists. He wasn't sure how much they knew about the quest or the Floor, and he also didn't want to seem imposing, so that was all the boy offered in advice. 

  22. Pinball made a mental note to get back to the blonde about the loss of her cousin. Statistically, they would all lose somebody In the future. It was a cruel world they had been pushed into, and it was the reality of the situation. He didn't want to push the memories back on her and worsen the mood of the party. He'll gently ask about it after the quest, and if she didn't want to talk about it, that would be that. "I don't actually need the armor either. I have an order I put in with my guild's tailor not to long ago. You can have it, Krysta.With a shrug, Pinball jumped up to the door of the smithy, and held it open for the two girls. "Y'know, ladies first and all that. The quest should be accepted by the party leader, then we can get to it. You guys go on in and accept the quest, I'll wait out here.

    Pinball took a seat next to the door of the building, and watched the clouds roll lazily by. He unsheathed his dagger, and the sun hitting the emerald blade temporarily impaired his vision. He hated the dagger, and would soon be rid of it. He just needed the Col to drop the skill, and the points to put into a different weapon. This quest would be one of the many he would need to take if he hoped to get rid of the dagger skill. "It's been a long time coming," the boy muttered.

    @Krysta @Mina

  23. Pinball laughed as Hei stepped out of the stream, soaking wet. "Aw dude, how'd you manage to do that?" It wasn't a mean laugh, it was really one of genuine enjoyment. He felt at ease around Hei. The man was surprisingly easy-going, something Pinball appreciated with all of the psychopaths and idiots running around the game now. "Ah, check it," Pinball called out, reeling in another material. "That makes five!" Pinball's success was making him uncomfortable. He knew that, if he kept fishing, he would soon enough reel in something that could easily kill him. Especially with Pinball's luck, he would soon be met with consecutive failure... at least, that's what the pattern seemed to be with him. Success, success, fail, fail, fail, success, success, he recalled from his time spent gathering alone. He decided to share his concerns with Hei. "Hey man, I'm not gonna keep fishing the entire time. I'll do maybe... three more attempts, and then it's back to normal gathering for me. I'm not in the mood to die today, y'know?" Then, he added with his previous joking tone, "let's just hope I reel in enough mats to keep me ahead of you, eh? It wouldn't do to lose the lead now.



    ID# 90932

    CD: 6 (1 Material fished up!) 

    1 T1 Mat found.

    Total T1 Mats: 5 


  24. It was eight in the morning, and all the noob players were leaving the Town of Beginnings looking for some sort of safe adventure. Pinball sat on a bench on the First Floor, slouching. He was bored. "Jesus," he groaned, opening his menu. He needed something to do today. He scrolled to the guild tab of his menu, and scrolled through the members. He had met up with almost everyone. The only ones left were Jade Eye, Crozeph, Thorsten, and Eatos. Closing his mind, he did eeny meeny miny moe. The teenager's finger landed on Thorsten, one of the three in charge of the guild. Opening his keyboard, Pinball quickly typed up his message. A faint woosh told the boy that his message had been sent. Pinball remembered Thorsten from the time he had spent with Spencer and him. "There's definitely going to be some sort of conflict, I think," he muttered to himself. The two's views differed greatly, and so Pinball was expecting the worst. However, it wouldn't do to break his own rules, and he was going to have to reach out to Thorsten just as much as he was going to have to reach out to Jade Eye, Crozeph, and Eatos. "I'll get to it whenever.



    To: @Thorsten

    From: Pinball 

    Subject: Gathering 


    Hey man, it's been a while. Just wondering if you were up to come gather some mats with me on the First Floor. Maybe I'll fish up a thing or two, just to spice things up. I don't know. You down? Lemme know, I'll be in the Town of Beginnings, just a little ways from the tele-pad.


  25. The stream's soft bubbling was soon heard by the party. Filled with renewed vigor, Pinball rushed past the trees, where he arrived at the riverbank. "Hei, look! It's deep enough to fish in!" Pinball excitedly opened up his menu, sifted through his inventory, and materialized his fishing rod. It wasn't particularly fancy, just a plain wooden rod that looked like the boy had whittled it himself. Pinball closed his menu, and jumped to the side, facing the stream. "Alright Poseidon, take it easy on me..." Pinball cast the line, and the hook submerged, where it sat under the water for a while, motionless. Then, the hook suddenly became visible under water, as it started to glow a faint blue. "Oh, something's biting!" The boy exclaimed, and he reeled in his catch in a wide swing inwards. A small menu appeared in front of him, informing Pinball of the results. "Well well well, I think that puts me ahead of ya. I now have myself 4 T1 Materials. How many do you have again," Pinball teased with a sly smile. "I can taste that drink already. I wonder what I should get." 



    ID# 90930 

    CD: 10 (3 Materials fished up!)

    3 T1 Mats found.

    Total T1 Mats: 4 


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