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Posts posted by Spencer

  1. Spencer heard the man's name, Tantis, be said and he sighed just a little bit. He was afraid that for some reason that this guild might be hiding some things from them, that's why they said 'guild member' the first time  he was brought up. He was a little more relaxed now and looked around the group. "hmmmm..." He hummed to himself and bent down to look at the wall some more, he was expecting some sort of secret room or other passage away to be nearby, the trap was in a very peculiar spot, so he was still thinking that something had to have been around where they are. Spencer was busy looking at the walls, but Telrenya saying something about a warhammer made him look over confused. "O- oh I use a warhammer, that's what my mace is registered as anyways. I can try.." He trailed off and looked at them, unsheathing his mace and walking close to the crystal. He gripped it and spun it in his hands, looking for the best place to hit the crystal to shatter it. Spencer sighed a tiny bit and swung back and smashed into the crystal. He honestly didn't expect it to break, but a large chunk fell off and hit the ground, dissipating as it broke apart. He sighed and swung back and went harder, gritting his teeth and the crystal splintered and cracked all up on it. "One more should do it." He said and swung at it one more time, it breaking like shards of glass. Thank god, I thought I was going to have to like break the girls leg

  2. Spencer was listening to the group explain what was going on with them, being stuck in these tunnels and all. The woman brought up someone's name, but quickly changed to saying 'guild member' instead. He thought it was a little weird but decided not to mention it for now. She said something about there being a door in the mountains that led to this place, and the tunnels being like a maze, going many different directions. "Did you see anything like this when you found some caves on this floor?" He asked Telrenya as he started to walk around. He adjusted the cloak on his body, it keeping his warmth. He smiled and sighed a bit, he was really interested in learning what was going on, which was helping his horrible mood. "How long has your friend been gone?" He asked the group of three as he walked over to Telrenya, touching the crystal as well. "Kind of cold." He muttered and stuck his hand in his pocket. If there are traps down here, there must be something close by, why would there be random traps around a cave with no reason but to protect something He thought for a moment and began to look around the cave area, touching the walls and investigating things.

  3. Spencer agreed with Hestia, stronger players will not want to help all the weaklings start to push for levels, and others just want to kill off all the weak ones because they are all easy targets. He sighed and shook his head, it was horrible that people genuinely felt like this, but there are people in this game who think just like that. He smiled and watched Vigilon's familiar as it ran around, finding some materials and bring it back to his owner, the first material gained from the three of them thus far. At least someone is able to find them, unlike Hestia and me He thought and looked at the ore. He had never seen materials really, so there being an ore stuck in the ground was sort of strange to him, not expecting them to be stuck in the ground, he thought that they would just be in trees or bushes. He scoped the land out as much as he could, but alas, no materials were to be found for him at that moment. Where would they even be, do they respawn at the same spots? Or is more of like a random decision by the system as to where they are placed.. I don't think I'm really ever going to know that answer.

    ID: 89571 LD: 8

  4. ID: 89569 LD: 18

    The log must have been rotted down for a very long time, or just designed to break when someone was on it, but Spencer's foot went straight through the wood, making him gasp and almost yell out loud by the sudden breaking of the wood. Spencer grumbled and slowly lifted his foot up, but he realized that there was something glowing in the wood. He smiled a bit and bent down, grabbing the item, it was a snail's shell. "Strange, but hey, I'll take it." He smiled and put the material in his inventory, the counter going up from 1 to 2. Okay, now my goal is to find one more, then I go back to the man and get all of this going, I really hope that this gets over soon, then I have to work on the lessons quests... He trailed off and groaned.

    (Mats = 2)

  5. Spencer was confused, but almost pleasantly surprised that these three were very friendly and welcoming to the two of them. The woman pulling the green haired kid back made him internally chuckle and send a look at Telrenya, laughing silently to her at this strange event. "Nice to meet you Sanna, Kitten, and Levande. I'm Spencer." He said this after she explained about the fourth guild member and the girl being trapped in the ice, also about the strange crystals that were jutting from the ground behind them. He stared curiously at them and took a small step forward, not really sure what boundaries he could push or how far he could walk without them becoming suspicious. He looked at Kitt3n with a slight frown, he felt for her, feeling stuck and helpless at the same time. I get how that feels.. His mind tried to make him sad but he tried his best to ignore and be happy, which was kind of a challenge with how he has been feeling for the past few days. He started to think about the fourth person running off to find the way out, and he thought to himself.. How did they get down here? We didn't pass by anyone running by the floor or in the tunnels.. "How exactly did you four get into this tunnels? I had no idea these were even here." His curiosity took over his depressing thoughts, blocking them out for a moment as he looked around the walls and looking curiously at the three of them.

  6. Spencer was trying to keep up with Telrenya, he was not the most athletic of people so keeping up was actually showing to be kind of a challenge with how fast the girl seemed to be. "Are you a marathon runner or someth-" He broke off and stopped very quickly, gasping softly and his hand going right for his mace. His hand hovered over it and he paused, staring at the three players. Telrenya seemed to be on edge when she said something to them about the two of them were just investigating a noise they heard. He nodded and put his hands out, showing that they were indeed unarmed. "We don't mean any harm. We found a hatch in the ground on this floor and we decided to explore it, we are pretty confused why this place is here, and we were just on our way to make sure who ever made that noise was okay." He tried to calm the three of them when they got there. He gave a sigh of relief when he saw they were all green, but also looked concerned when the girl was trapped in the ice. "Oh no, is she okay?" He asked concerned and pointed at her. They don't seem to be a threat, but there is three of them and two of us, kind of nervous about this whole situation, but just stick with Telrenya and you should be okay.. 

  7. Spencer heard the two notifications that his friend requests were accepted and he smiled a little bit, happy to have made some of his first friends on this game. He looked at them while Vigilon and Hestia talked about their possible guild. "I don't know if I'll ever join a guild. I don't think I would work too well with other people in a group, but I mean hey I never know." He shrugged and started to look around for the materials they were searching for. It looked like Vigilon sent a friend request to Hestia and he smiled a bit more again, the three of them were finally friends. "But, that does sound like a great idea for a guild, helping low levels is something people don't think about that much." He looked around and adjusted the scarf around his neck. He was trying to find some materials, but it seemed that luck would not be in his favor for the moment, maybe  while they walk they can find some more items.

    ID: 89551 LD: 4

  8. Spencer nodded and rubbed his face, looking a bit better. The adrenaline was running through him the last time he jumped from a high distance, this time it was just a straight drop on normal blood pressure and everything. "You were in a crystal cave on this floor? Never saw them before, I hope they aren't da-" He stopped when she mentioned she didn't see any monsters," Okay nevermind, they aren't dangerous." He laughed and looked around. It was actually pretty, and he could put his umbrella away which was nice. with a swoosh of his hand he sent his umbrella to his inventory, the snow mostly dry on his body." I wonder why they are here." He spoke aloud to himself.

    Spencer followed close behind Telrenya as they started to walk. but something was odd about what they were hearing as they were walking. Was that a voice? He thought to himself, thinking he was going crazy. The look on Telrenya's face helped show that he indeed was not going crazy, and that there was someone talking, a girl to be exact. "Don't worry. I heard that to. Lets go." He looked concerned for who ever it could be stuck down here.

  9. Spencer looked at her and graciously took the teleport crystal. With the mansion, the evil man, and anything else that could possibly come there way, he was ready for this to be an easy way out, so he took and stuffed it into his pocket for safekeeping. He watched as Telrenya slowly moved over to the hatch, looking down on to the ground. Their eyes met as she slowly started to dangle her feet over the edge, a few feet down into the darkness. "Thank you for the crystal." He said before she jumped down, making sure she knew that she was appreciated by the blonde haired man.

    Spencer almost winced when she jumped down the hole on to the solid ground beneath him. He quickly looked down to make sure she was okay, luckily it wasn't a huge jump and she was perfectly okay. He sighed and looked down, not able to make out anything that Telrenya was seeing down there. She called back to him that it could  be a dungeon and his heart skipped a bit, kind of nervous with it possibly being a dungeon. "I can not take on a dungeon. Maybe she could." He muttered before scooting to the edge and letting his feet dangle. "Incoming." He yelled and shoved off to fall to the ground.

    He landed a little uneasy, his heart in his throat from his not favorite feeling of free falling. He caught himself on the wall and sighed, his lungs breathing a little fast but other than that he was okay. He almost shivered involuntarily, reflex from this floor. But, he realized that it was warmer down in the cave area. He looked confused and looked at the walls, the crystal structures jutting out of the walls in uneven patterns. "What the heck." He muttered and touched the crystals, confused by them. "If this is a dungeon, it's going to be completely different than I have ever seen before...."

  10. Spencer listened to the two of them talk and he smiled a bit. He was glad to have some people around his level to help him out and to just talk to. "Yeah, finding the perfect familiar is going to be pretty difficult to do, but I'm hoping that when I do it, I'll find the best one that there is." He smiled and shrugged, looking around the ground for possible materials that could be scattered around the ground. He gave up looking for those pesky materials and decided to just involve himself in the conversation and worry less about the materials and finding items for himself and the others. He smiled when Hestia brought up friending each other and he nodded with that. "Yeah, lets friend each other." He opened his screen and sent one to Hestia and sent one to Vigilon.

  11. Spencer nodded and started to follow Telrenya through the forest, looking for adventure. He sighed and rubbed the back of head, he had no idea where to start looking for this 'adventure' the two of them were looking for. He still had a lot on his mind from everything, but he was trying to ignore it and get over it on his own, dealing with things on his own was something he was used to, but he wasn't upset over that, he could self-therapy himself to feeling better, but this seemed different. Feeling that helpless and unneeded was something he hadn't felt for a very long time and he didn't want to feel it again.

    Spencer adjusted his coat, the cold softly getting to him as he started to move through the winter floor. His umbrella was still up in the air, trying in vain to block the both of them from all of the snow that would not stop falling from the sky. He felt confident that a level 8 and a level 17 could take on things, aka Telrenya would take care of it.

    What took him from the mental thoughts and monoloque was Telrenya tripping over something that was hidden in the grass and snow. Spencer gasped softly and suppressed a chuckle, looking down to get a closer look. Telrenya had uncovered a door knob and he looked at her confused and looked back down at it. "Hell yeah lets look inside." He mumbled, trying to get his mind off of what had happened a couple days ago. He looked at her and opened it. It swung open with ease and the rest of the snow fell to the bottom of what looked like a room. He looked at Telrenya, still surprised as ever that this was here. "Should we go down?" He asked and looked at her, kind of nervous about entering something. The last time he entered a random area he found, he met the other three in his guild and almost died multiple times.

  12. ID: 89521 BD: 3 CD: 10 LD: 10 MD: 4

    Spencer sighed, kind of wanting to give up at this point. It was starting to seem like he wasn't going to find any materials out here except for the one he found at the river's edge. He sat down on a fallen tree and picked apart the bark, boring himself out even more than he already was. I just want to find like 2 more, just two more than I bring that back and do whatever the man says, finding materials out here shouldn't be this hard, I don't understand why it is this hard. He groaned out loud and flicked a piece of bark off the tree on to the ground, it disappearing into crystals when it hit the dirt. He sighed again and stood up, starting to walk across the log, trying to keep his balance as he walked, hoping he didn't fall off.

    (Mats = 1)

  13. ID: 89520 BD: 8 CD: 10 LD: 7 MD: 6

    Spencer was busy climbing the tree to not expect any branches to break on him while he was climbing, but he really should have been paying attention to that a lot more than he was. He was about 20-30 feet off the ground before he could actually hear the cracking of the branches. He froze for a moment and tried to climb down quickly. He made it 5 feet down before the branch he was on broke. He gasped and fell, grabbing on to the next branch he found. He grabbed onto it, 10 feet above the ground. He sighed and dropped, landing with a plot on the ground. "Well... Great." He muttered and sighed, kicking the branch that broke from under him. He sighed and looked around, there was still no materials around him and it was really starting to suck.

    (Mats = 1)

  14. ID: 89519 BD: 10 CD: 8 LD: 8 MD: 9

    It was taking him awhile to wake up, so he decided to climb a tree, it helped him find things the last time he went searching for materials. "Can't wait for this quest o be over, I'm hoping this will be the only quest that I have left to do that requires me to search for materials... I hate it with a burning passion." He sighed and grabbed a limb of the tree, pulling himself up till he got a good foot hold with his left foot. He stood up and yawned a bit, looking down at the few feet he made off the ground. He sat and wondered exactly how high this tree went, he couldn't tell exactly how high it was going from where he was at on the tree. He sat there for a moment before taking a few more feet in height, climbing the tree slowly.

    (Mats = 1)

  15. ID: 89517 BD: 1 CD: 4 LD: 11 MD: 1

    He was still a little sleepy, so his mind was foggy and his eyes were still weighed a bit, but he bent down and splashed some water in his face, that helping him to wake up a bit more than he already was. He stretched his tired limbs out and wiped the water off of his face. He was more or less awake, so he was hoping he could actually start the search up again that he was suppose to be doing this entire time, but he thought a nap was better for a point of time. He was still pretty tired so he expected the wouldn't be finding any materials for a slight bit. I remember every time I would fall asleep randomly, my contacts would start to dry in my eyes and dry up to where I wake up I can't see right for at least 15 minutes while they got back to normal

    (Mats = 1)

  16. ID: 89516 BD: 6 CD: 9 MD: 4 LD: 1

    But sleeping is exactly what Spencer did. His eyes slowly started to flutter shut, and he fell into a dreamless nap. A while after he fell asleep, he for some reason jolted awake with a gasp and a slight spasm when he woke up. He gasped and sat up, sand was slightly collected in his hair. He panted for a moment, his forehead slightly slick with sweat. He sighed after a moment of gasping and shook his head like a dog, the sand flying out of his hair and hitting the beach he was on. He yawned a bit and rubbed his tired eyes. It didn't seem to be that long he was asleep because everything seemed the exact same as it was before hand, so he assumed it was only a little bit, at most an hour he was out.

    (Mats = 1)

  17. ID: 89515 BD: 9 CD: 1 LD: 2 MD: 2

    Spencer's luck still wasn't with him, but he was too busy sitting at the water's edge to really notice his lack of materials that he wanted. He sighed and laid back onto the sand. He loved just laying on the ground with the sun beating down on him, lulling him slowly into sleep. He didn't sleep this time, but it was a calm serenity that he really appreciated and enjoyed from time to time. He yawned a bit, his habit of yawning when he was alone was still prevalent and would not stop for anything apparently. He looked at the forest and the area around him before closing his eyes, the warmth from the sun was beating down on him and making him basically exhausted as hell and making him think sleep was an actual thing he should.

    (Mats = 1)

  18. "Uhh....... I have no idea. I literally have no idea." He laughed and blushed a bit. He didn't have many plans for things that he had to do. He had to finish the other two lesson quests, but she was too high of a level to help him out with that. The Earning a living quest was something he did by himself, familiar is going to be something he is going to wait for. He didn't have much. "We could search for materials and kind of just look around here?" He suggested. He didn't really know exactly what to do from here on out, his plans were basically to just mope around for a while before he headed back to an Inn and slept for the night, to repeat that again and again till he finally got over the feelings that had plagued his mind. He thought for a moment and nodded. "Yeah, that's the best I can come up with, you cool with adventuring a bit?"

  19. Spencer was almost happy that he had someone else that understood what he was going through. He smiled a bit and looked at her, the snow falling in between them softly. "I don't see you as a level 17, I see you in like the 30's/40's area." He smiled and shrugged. To him, Telrenya seemed like a sweet woman but was also pretty strong and confident. Even with the showdown with Death Adder, his opinions of the three of them did not change. They couldn't do anything to stop him, no one could. His mind was in turmoil, the depression and good thoughts swinging back and forth like ying and yang type of thing.

    "I still think you're cut out for combat, and I would like to be friends yes." He smiled and looked at her. His mood was improving a bit, but he still felt depressed. Death Adder brought out the worst parts of his self confidence also it shook him how big the gap was between high level players and himself, the gap possibly to big to even bridge anymore. He sighed stood up, stretching a bit and holding the umbrella to help cover the two of them better. "So, you're going to make it up to me? I'm always in the mood to get something so sure, why not." He laughed and his usual smile came back for a second.

  20. ID: 89506 BD: 10 CD: 1 LD: 14 MD: 10

    He was hoping that it wasn't going to be a one and done sort of situation. He had already found his first material, but a second one was not easy to acquire. The rest of the river bed was not providing him with anything useful, but he was hoping. He sat down at the water and looked out onto the water. He was happy he was doing all of this for himself, but he was still nervous that he will never get to where he has to be, he will always be less and weaker than everyone around him. I can't be stronger than literally every single person that I meet But I'm hoping to become a name that people recognize, like Calrex, the highest level player there is in this game, even though I have never met him, he seems pretty cool.  He shook his head and stayed sitting there.

    (Mats = 1)

  21. Spencer was still sightly concerned about Pinball. He seemed to not really want to talk to the two of them, and seemed like he was scarred of the two of them, or at least cautious of them. Makes sense, we kind of ate strangers here. He thought and smiled at pinball saying he won't be level 1 for long. "Can't wait to not be level 1, feel like I'm actually doing something in this game instead of sitting here. " He shrugged a bit and looked over at Thoreston. 

    The man talked about the game and it's looks, also that he had a friend already in here he was hoping to surprise when eh got here. When Spencer was asked if he knew of someone by the description he gave, he shook his head and gave an apologetic frown, not knowing really anyone but these two people. "I'll let you know if I see someone like that though." He thought about the world around him, mostly cause Thoreston brought it up, and he had to agree that in fact it was cool how everything acted slightly different. 

  22. Spencer was sitting on the bench while Telrenya talked about Ruby in the guild, which Spencer gave a sad chuckle as well when she explained her. She also told him to talk to them individually, which Spencer really did not want to deal with all the drama it could cause if he did say something to Jomei and Ruby. This is why he was out on floor four all by himself, he didn't want to deal with everything that was happen. He sighed a bit and ran a hand through his blonde hair, the snow semi dry from when he didn't have his umbrella up. "I... I just felt like you guys were trying to like build me up so I might be actually able to do something. It was probably with best intentions in mind, but to me it feels like I can't be as good as you three, like I can't do the things you guys do and I'll always be playing catch up to you three. " He rubbed his eyes, them slightly filling up with tears at his own self pity. 

    Spencer heard the woman talking about her own level and he looked at her quizicaly. "Aren't you around Ruby and Jomei's level? You don't seem weak at all. I thought you were a high level." He felt sorry for him a little less and looked at the girl. maybe I'm not as weak as I think I am.. wait yes I am look at me, I only have one skill, at rank one.  He sighed a bit, but he was making progress

  23. Spencer was walking with Hestia, looking for materials while the two of them talked. He listened to her explanations of everything, about her home life and what kind of character she wanted for her build. Spencer nodded at the support class and he smiled a bit when she brought up him possibly getting a familiar. "Yeah I want a familiar, I'm hoping on getting a Penguin from the fourth floor, hopefully that all works out in my favor, but I might wait a while before I get it, so I'm stuck in my ways and into my build pretty far before I start thinking of pets. I need to figure out all that out then I will be golden." He smiled at his long winded explanation of what he wanted. 

    He turned to look over at the man around them, almost forgot about him."Oh, I'm so sorry for ignoring you. What kind of build do you think you are wanting to go for?" He asked and looked at him. While he talked to the man he was making sure he kept an eye out for any materials that could be laying around, but unfortunately he couldn't find any. 

    ID: 89502 LD: 11 No Material. 

  24. The remembering of him saving Telrenya shot a hole in his thinking, but he quickly filled that hole with self doubt and pushed it all away. "Doesn't even matter. I'm level 8, me doing much isn't a possibility. I thought I was doing good, building myself up finally after months of not doing anything, but now I can see I'll never be good enough to protect people." The fact that he saved Telrenya was still nagging at him, he did something that other players couldn't have done, then again they could have ran up there and saved her.

    He shook his head and paced a bit more, now his turn to look down at the snow. "How do you know that they don't see me as that. Jomei invited me to the guild, and almost immediately had me to start training, I wasn't good enough for him." He mumbled. Being accepted was a big part of who he was, he came out when he was young and it was always nervous that he wouldn't be wanted by the people he meets or sees.

    When she brought up being his friend he looked up at her, a ghost of a smile dancing over his lips. "I'-I'd like that." He mumbled, sitting back down on the bench. "Why do I feel like this, I can't do anything for you guys and it's killing me, I'm not important Telrenya. I'm glad I'm apart of the guild, I really am, but I feel like I'm kind of just an add on to your three. You guys can do so much, I can't really do anything to help you out and it drives me insane sometimes."

  25. ID: 89501 BD: 7 CD: 12 LD: 8 MD: 5 

    "I think I took the Wasp queen because I would really like to start getting out there and leveling up. Working on my build and stats, and just start to grind for higher levels, it sounds like something I would greatly like to do right now." He smiled and shrugged, walking along the overgrown path, to where he hoped the Wasp queen was and was an easy target for him and Vale to kill it quickly maybe even hang out and start some material gathering.

    Spencer spotted Vale walking away, drifting through tree to tree before she found some materials for crafting purposes. He shook his head with a small smile on his face. How does she do it, she is very well off and has a great build so far, I hope I can get there, I bet I will get there hopefully soon. He smild a bit and listened to her talking for a bit, bringing up another possible spa day to talk and hang out. He nodded and looked around.

    She brought up him helping her out and he nodded with a smile. "I'd love to help you with anything you are going to do. I'm not sure exactly what I could do to help you, but count me in whenever you need the help." He smiled and started to look for his own material searching. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't find a single material on the trip, unlike Vale who could. Maybe I will find some on the way back. I hope at least.

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