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Posts posted by Spencer

  1. ID: 88924 BD: 10 CD: 5 LD: 7 MD: 4  No Materials Found (1 in Total)

    Was this really it? I find one and I die trying to find the rest of the dang quest? I think that might be my fate with how lousy my luck has been as of late. One material found and nothing else wants to show itself? Great... Just great. I wish I could actually start to move ahead and get this quest done so I can feel like I actually accomplished something and did something other than flail around the forest and plains with moss and nothing else in my back pack. Vale and Silver probably never had troubles like this... I mean they are higher level than me- No! That's not an excuse, I just need to keep faith, something will come up when the time is right, then I will get the material and move on, that is how it is going to go, It must.

  2. ID: 88923 BD: 6 CD: 5 LD: 4 MD: 9 No Material (1 Material Total)

    Okay, now he was kind of loosing hope. The little bit of optimism that he had at the beginning of this was kind of fading away, which was something he didn't like. "No! Come on Spencer you can do this, you can find more moss... or whatever materials look like and stuff like that. I just need to move and look in a different area? Yeah that makes sense, I just don't know exactly where I could start looking... Well time to start walking around. " And with that, Spencer packed up and began to start searching in a different area. Okay some where new, maybe the place that I was in was just material barren? I'm hoping for that. He thought meekly and walked to a field, just outside of the forest lines.

  3. Spencer smiled softly and looked around the room. The place was kept up to a level of care he wasn't expecting. It looked like it was never dirty, like it could never collect dust, dirt, filth, or really anything. Is there someone cleaning this house? I didn't see anyone on the way up, maybe they are out for the day? I have no idea He thought for a moment and saw Vale get up and move closer to him. He smiled a bit but in the back of his head he was worried. Wait, crap, does she know I'm gay? I could just be reading into all of this, I'll wait to say anything until I can tell if she really wants me. I hope not or this friendship will start out very awkwardly.

    "Wait, you are offering to give me things? I don't even know what to say. Thank you!" He laughed and smiled brightly, looking at Vale. "I feel bad for taking stuff though, only give me things you haven't used for months. Or else I'd feel really bad." He smiled and looked at Vale."Oh and I'm good.. Well I guess so." He paused for a moment."I haven't really been that active in doing, well, anything as of late. I've gone out twice with people, the second time is where I met you, I just don't know exactly what to do. I'm not a loner by anytime sense of the word, except that I just drift from groups. I don't like it about myself but it is something I do all the time. I just need to force myself to get out there, but its hard." He paused and looked at the water. "I am so sorry for unloading that on you." He laughed and rubbed the back of his head.

  4. Spencer stood there in awe of everything that was here in the Mansion. He couldn't even imagine how hard it was to get this mansion, but he didn't even want to begin to think how long it took to get all the Col for this. He almost shivered at the thought of it. He jumped softly from the voice echoing around the building, telling him to get a swim suit ready. "Good thing I have one." He mumbled and changed into one, sighing a bit where he was now slightly cold from less clothing on him. 

    He walked up the stairs slowly and took everything into view as he went up the stairs, including the girl in the water. "Hey Vale." He smiled and felt the water, very hot. "Thank god I'm cold." He laughed a bit and slowly started to sink into the water, happy the water would help cover up his body just a tad bit. He wasn't super self conscious about his body, but he would rather not have it on display for everyone to see, even though it was just her. "How have you been?"

  5. BD: 8 CD: 9 LD: 10 MD: 4 No Material (1 Material Total)

    Spencer was already in the mood to start this searching things.... but now he was at a tad stand still. He didn't know where to exactly start looking again. He already found one of the materials, which he was really happy about, but he had no idea where to move on from there. This is a little bit more difficult than I expected, and a little annoying if I do say so myself. Wait no! I can't get annoyed by all of this, it will get better. He thought to himself, but sighed in defeat anyways. He was a bit annoyed but he didn't want that to hold him back from doing stuff that he was supposed to do, well the thing he was doing at the moment which was looking for materials." Come on materials.. where are you?"

  6. BD: 6 CD: 10 LD: 18 MD: 1 Material Found.

    His day seemed to actually be okay starting out, right off the bat he already found something, that he thought was some materiel. It was a weird green mold that was glowing against a tree, something he seemed to be almost placed there to be found. "Reminds me of the discoloration in cartoons so people know what to look for." He said with a laugh, taking the moss off and his inventory growing slightly, a small triumphant feeling spread through Spencer. "I got my first material." He mumbled to himself and quickly started to set off looking for another one, He knew that it wouldn't be this easy all the time. But hell, he wasn't going to be this optimistic about it all, no reason to get into a bad mood.

  7. Spencer walked out of the building with a little more spring in his step. The idea of finally doing something by himself, without another person or a group there was really making him feel a little more empowered. The only thing that really got to him was that he was still level 1. It really weighed on him that he wasn't up there at all. He had finally been doing stuff but yet he wasn't doing anything in the slightest. He had met people, went to a dungeon where he just cheered them on, and yeah.. he hadn't done much. "Today is the day I change it, after this quest I will level up and I will begin getting out there... whatever my build is going to be." He mumbled to himself, a habit he was starting to pick up.

    He began to come out of the city and into the soft wilderness that is past the city. He hadn't been out here quite much. He only came out here when he met Pinball and Silver, also when he felt like taking a small walk out into the woods... even though he really didn't go that far in fear of other players. I don't want to be afraid of players anymore He thought and stepped into a clearing, to being his search for materials.


  8. Spencer snorted awake to the sound of a bird screaming. "Ah ah AH I'm awake." He panted and rubbed his eyes. Falling asleep out in the public was never a good idea, especially with the fact that people could just come by and sign you up for a full loss duel and kill you, but that didn't stop Spencer from dozing off time to time. His HUD screen had a small notification moving up and down, which made Spencer look at it. He smiled softly and read the message that Vale sent him. "Spa day/ Don't mind if I do." He laughed a bit and slowly got up, stretching himself out, and cursing the bird out that woke him up.

    Spencer slowly walked through the clearing in the direction of the mansion, the coordinates given to him by Vale herself. He brushed a branch aside and saw the mansion, almost making him gasp. "Dang.. This girl got style." He laughed and began to walk up the path, taking in the beautiful sights the hill top mansion has to offer. He walked up slowly and went to knock, but remembered her saying to just go in. He sighed and slowly opened the door. "Hello?" He called out into the mansion, hoping Vale was actually here.

  9. Spencer was taking his next step out into the open, which in this case would literally be out in the open. The first floor was sometimes busy, and sometimes a ghost town. Right now, it was a complete and utter ghost town. Spencer walked around slowly, almost unsure of where to exactly go. He was told about a quest by a few players, a quest perfect for beginner, actually not allowed to higher leveled players. "My kind of quest." He said to himself as he left the group and set out to finding the NPC who gave the quest.

    In the middle of the Town Square sat a small store, which had a bouncing icon above it that kind of showed him that he needed to go to that specific store. "Wow I wonder where I could possibly be going." He mumbled with a slight laugh and entered the store. The sounds of crafting and bubbling of liquids filled his ears, making him look around and see everything that was going on. "Nice shop." He mumbled and looked around.
    "Hello Traveler. Are you here to shop? OR would you like some help setting yourself off?
    On Spencer's HUD screen, a quest accepting icon popped up. Spencer smiled and sighed, happy to actually be doing something worth while right now. He hit accept and the shop owner smiled. "Perfect. I can start helping you with the basics of crafting, but I do need some materials to start setting up my potions. Be a good lad and ge tthem for me? Then I can start helping you." He smiled and went back to the back, sort of letting Spencer realize what he had to do.

  10. Spencer didn't know why he was just messaging this girl he met a little bit ago on a snowy tundra to hang out. But hey, why not? He opened up his messaging interface and decided to say hi to his friend (more acquaintance) Vale, he wanted to see how she was doing.

    Hey! This might seem weird because we only met just the one time. But.... What's up? I'm bored up on the 8th floor with nothing really to do. I know you're much higher than me in level but I was wondering if you would like to adventure or hang out? I have nothing better to do and if it isn't too much trouble you come be bored up here and hang out.
    Love Spencer

    The brown haired boy sat against a tree, sighing a bit and yawning very slightly. Floor 8 was a calm mountain floor that he never really gave credit to for being so amazing. The birds chripped softly, the wind blew through the trees to make a soft swaying and quiet noise, the bugs buzzing around...... And Spencer shut his eyes and snored softly.


  11. Spencer smiled warmly to the group, it had been a while since he felt included in a group of people, it felt very nice. "Wow, we have our own little party coming together." He smiled a bit and looked at the other people, surprised that everyone just kind of congregated to the spot and hung out. The group talked, Macradon talking the most about everything and bringing up a dungeon. Dungeon? Lord I haven't done anything like that before. Little stressful if I do ask myself... But, with all these strong players I think we could do it. I know that with me being a level 1 I can't do anything except be a cheerleader in the sidelines... Would be a cute unifor- Okay lost train of thought

    Spencer shook his head and sighed a bit, losing himself in his thoughts was a common thing that he did a lot of the time. "So, whats the first stop? I think Vale said something about making stops on other floors? I'd love to visit some of the other floors. I haven't done really anything before." He mumbled and blushed slightly. He didn't really get out much, groups not really being his thing, but he was making himself get out there and this was the best way for him to do it.


  12. Spencer smiled a bit as Silver/ Thorsten talked and introduced himself to the two of them. The other man, pinball, seemed to visually relax and get used to the other two men in the group. "I can't really do much as in I'm a level 1, so no need to worry about me. And Silver seems very nice." He said to Pinball and shook his had warmly. "Also its nice to meet you two, forgot to say that." He laughed and a slight blush went over his cheeks when he said that. Spencer smiled a bit, the group seemed very calm and free going, he could get behind this and become friends with them all. 

    Silver started to walk away towards a patch of fields and Spencer began following him, taking in the sights that the first floor had to offer. It seemed as thought the day was actually going to be a somewhat normal and interesting day all in one. Silver still seems cool and laid back. Never knew there was someone who could be this extravagant yet chill in one person. Its refreshing.

    "Me? I just decided to go out for a walk and get myself out there finally. Its been too long where I have been holed up in my inn room with nothing to do but be with my thoughts and feelings. So now I am out and about, making my way around the floors, and forcing myself to get more and make friends." He smiled and shrugged. "How about you two?"

  13. Spencer bundled up closely with his jacket, the cold something he loved but couldn't quite stand at the same time. He heard stories about how pretty the Fourth Floor was, but he couldn't quite put it into context how pretty it really was. "Wow... This place is a winter wonderland." He mumbled when he first got to this floor. He spent a few minutes just haphazardly walking around, feeling the snow, and shivering like crazy. It took a few shops but he also got an umbrella, opening up to stop the pestering snow flakes from landing on to his head like they have been. With the cover he brushed himself off and wrung his scarf out, snow falling off of it." Okay, I'm here.... Now what?" He mumbled to himself and walked around with the umbrella up over his head, and took a walk through the winter forest.

    His travel slowly brought him up to a frozen lake, that in any other circumstances, he wold be inclined to go ice skating, a nice pass time of his. But, he was stuck in this game where something so sweet usually wont happen, also because he spotted a group of people that were talking near by. "Should I say hi? Yes.. Come on Spencer you are trying to  make friends." He spoke to himself and walked in there direction, keeping his bright brown eyes trained on the group, not sure exactly what to say."Nice Scarf" he said to a player (Macradon) and smiled softly at the group." Sorry, the floor has been quiet and lonely, saw a group of players and decided to slide in to say hello."

  14. Spencer didn't exactly know what to say to this man. He didn't quite know his name yet, but he seemed like someone who had thoughts about everything and could write a book on probably anything and it might be something that Spencer might actually go out and buy one of these days. He opened and closed his mouth, not sure exactly the correct answer for it. What do I say to him? He is a very intelligent person, but talking about this view in detail isn't how I would like to spend my time with a new friend. He reminds me of someone from the 1800 hundreds trying to pull someone into their high end tavern. Well spoken and very friendly He ended his mental monologue with the approaching other player timidly coming forth. It seemed as though he was scared of the two of them. I'm only a level 1, not much I can do He thought to himself and smiled warmly at the new person. "Hi, we are just out here admiring the view. I'm Spencer, I don't think I've met the two of you before." He smiled warmly again.

  15. To say Spencer was confused, intrigued, startled, and just kind of "meh" about everything at the same time... Would actually be completely 100 % accurate. He walked around SAO for days, just kind of exploring what it had to offer, and just seeing everything as it was. The scenery was incredible, something he didn't expect to look so amazing with it being a machine made and all. The people, more or less, were good people. The NPC's tricked him up because a lot of them are very very life like and that kind of made him uncomfortable for a while. Even with not talking to a whole lot of people (he is very much a loner by personality) he seemed to think that there were genuinely a lot of very nice people going on in this game. He used this time in this game to just relax and think about his life... but it didn't last long before he was clawing at the walls of the inn to get out and do something. So, that's exactly what he did. He went for a walk and decided that the first person he saw was going to be someone he tries to start a conversation with. Luck have it that he indeed did find someone, and he approached him slowly. "Man that view really is incredible."

  16. General Information:

    Name: Spencer
    Nicknames: S
    Age: 22
    Skin Tone: White
    Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 180lbs
    Blood Type: O-
    Eye Color: Bright Brown
    Hair Color: Mixture of Blonde and Brown
    Ethnicity: British
    Place of Living: Michigan, Used to be England
    Picture: Spencer

    Personality/ Appearance:

    Personality Traits:

    • The Good (Virtues)
               1. Non- Judgmental: Spencer comes from a wide understanding of life. His own life was strange and wasn't always that normal, so when he hears about all the things that people do or go through, he doesn't really bat an eye. The strange seemed to always comfort Spencer, so hearing about people's strange habits didn't bother him, and he would be there for anyone who needed it.
               2. Out-Spoken: With a need to make sure EVERYONE knows his opinions and makes his own physical presence known, Spencer is very adamant about speaking the his own truth, even if that might piss some people off. He is a truthful and no Bull crap kind of guy. If he sees something wrong, hes going to make sure people hear about that said thing.
               3. Warm Hearted: Stemming off his Non-judgmental personality, he is very warm hearted to, well, basically anyone. He has become accepting through out his life, which has made him not judge people for many things they have done. Along with this, he also accepts that people have done bad things and is there for them, accepts them in and comforts them when they need it most.
    • The Bad (Vices)
               1. Insecure: Even though his sweet judgement free attitude goes out to anyone in the world, his own judgement cloud his mind each and every day. It is very difficult for Spencer to do anything he wants without thinking that he is some sort of screw up. Late night thoughts run through his head, judging his every move and thought he makes. Anything people say he is good at makes him think they are just pitying him and giving him compliments to feel better.
               2. Loner: He isn't a loner by choice, but he just genuinely doesn't seem to seek out comfort from other people. He is fine with people coming to him with all of their problems and thoughts about things, but when it comes to himself, he doesn't go out searching for comfort, he tries to find it within. This usually leads him to a slight depressive state, but he always breaks out of it.
               3. Gullible: Moving on with his own philosophy about accepting everyone that comes to him, he believes people very very easily. Its hard for him to tell people that they're lying because he has no idea if they actually are lying or not. He accepts everyone for what they have done, but people have used that to their own advantages before, but Spencer never changes and never learns.

                 Spencer's usual outfit includes:
                 Grey Scarf, Tan Short Cloak, Blue Pants, Brown Boots, Brown tool belt, Brown chest piece under his cloak. Also usually has a Umbrella
                 His Body type is more of a Swimmers Body, Lean but definitely not bulky or huge muscles, slim cut type.
                 He has a nice smile and bright eyes, but he refuses to accept it.


    Spencer's life was slightly strange, but wasn't something that he hated, but at times he wished he could of changed some of it. Growing up in England, his family was picture perfect family. A mom, a dad, a dog, and a sister 1 year older than him. Everything was fine, till they moved to Michigan. The move really did affect him more than he thought, the customs and the differences between the two countries really messed him up. Making friends was hard because the humor was completely different between the two countries. SO, growing up sort of a loner got to him, but also at the same time it didn't bother him that much.  

    Around the time he was getting acquainted in his life in America, did his family life become a little uncomfortable. His parents raised him up to be an accepting person, but when his parents told him that they were in a polyamory relationship, it was more than a tad bit shocking on his part. This caused him to distance himself from his parents, only his sister was really there for him. For the next couple years, it was confusing to be around his parents because they would bring home people he didn't know and said that it was their boyfriend/ girlfriends. Lets just say growing up in America for the next few years was a bit difficult.

    Luckily for him, he still got used to it and got around to accepting his families strangeness from the picture perfect family they used to be in England. Around this time that he was growing up and accepting all of this, SAO just came out. With an excited look, he worked weeks upon weeks at jobs in order to get this game. The reason being is because he was kind of known as the weird kid with the weird parents, so he was hoping for a place where he isn't like that anymore. He bought after he finally made enough money, and plugged it in, in order to get away from everything and just make a new start in a new world.

    Game Stats:
    Level: 28
    Health: 560 HP
    Energy: 56 Energy
    Damage: 4
    Mit: 74
    Accuracy: N/A
    Evasion: N/A

    Profession: Cook

    Total Skill Points: 86
    Used Skill Points: 83
    Unused Skill Points: 0
    Skill Slots Total: 5
    Skill Slots Used: 4
    Skill Slots Unused: 1

    Utility/ Mobility Skills:

    Combat Skills:


    5 Ranks
    Effect: Requires an equipped shield. User’s evasion cannot be greater than 0 (can still be negative). Grants additional mitigation:

    • Rank 1: 5 MIT
    • Rank 2: 8 MIT
    • Rank 3: 12 MIT (Current Rank)
    • Rank 4: 18 MIT
    • Rank 5: 25 MIT

    Cost: 10 SP
    Active: Post Action
    Energy Cost: 10 Energy
    Effect: Adds +3 Hate each against up to 4 targets.
    Description: Taunt nearby enemies to attack you, increasing your Hate against multiple creatures at once.

    • [Howl Mod] Focused Howl
      • Cost: 8 SP
      • Active: Post Action
      • Cooldown: 2 Turns
      • Energy Cost: 8 Energy
      • Effect: Adds +5 Hate against a single target.
      • Description: Focus the enemy’s attention on you to gain a larger amount of hate by taunting a single creature.

    Weapon Skills:


    One-Handed War Hammer:

    5 Ranks (Rank 2 = 8 Points, +2 Base Damage)


    The effectiveness with which a player can use one-handed Hammer or Mace type weapons. (Example: Flanged Mace, Warhammer)

    Armour Skills:


    Heavy Armor
    5 Ranks
    Effect: Gain mitigation based on your rank in the Heavy Armor skill. May only benefit from one armor skill at a time.

    • Rank 1: 8 MIT (Current Rank)
    • Rank 2: 12 MIT
    • Rank 3: 18 MIT
    • Rank 4: 25 MIT
    • Rank 5: 35 MIT

    Description: You become proficient with heavy armor.

    Extra Skills:


    Familiar Mastery: Protector
    3 Ranks

    • [Unskilled] -> Rank 1 - Novice = Free
    • [Novice] -> Rank 2 - Expert = 8 SP
    • [Expert] -> Rank 3 - Grandmaster = 10 SP (Current Rank)

    Effect: Prevent (9 per Rank * Tier) damage from successful attacks against you when fighting with your familiar. This does not stack with the Mitigation enhancement.
    Description: Your familiar helps defend you from enemy attacks. You may only benefit from one Familiar Mastery skill at a time. These bonuses cannot exceed your enhancement cap.
    Possible to obtain after completing the quest <<Feeding the Enemy>>

    Cost: 3 SP
    Effect: Increases out of combat health regeneration to (15 * Tier) per post. Grants immunity to most damage dealing environmental attacks/effects.
    Description: After braving the harsh sands of the desert, harsh environmental hazards no longer affect you.
    Unlocked after completing the quest <<The Traveler>>



    +1 Damage Mace - Equipped
    5 Tier 1 Health Potions Uncommon +40 Health
    1 Over Health Potion +50 Health
    1 Safeguard Potion
    Rubber Ducky  (Vanity Item)
    Shield (No Buffs)
    +2 Thorns Armor - Equipped
    Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
    Crafting Item (Vanity)
    Candy (Safe Guard)
    +1 Accuracy Ring - Equipped
    Perfect Shield (1 Recovery, 1 Regen, 9 Mit) (Equipped)
    +1 Martiarch Stinger +1 Damage for the thread
    1 Snow Frost
    1 Essence of Steel
    +1 LD Cupcake

    Familiar: PENGUIN YASSS




    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15287-f1-pp-the-meeting-of-souls-spencer-thorsten-pinball-complete/?page=2  1 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15301-f8-pp-friends-already-spencer-vale/?page=2  1 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15302-f1-sp-first-few-lessons-1/?page=2  3 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15305-f1-sp-second-lesson/?page=2 3 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15316-pp-f1-back-in-the-meadows-complete/?page=2  1 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15330-sp-f1-profession-earning-earning-a-living/?page=2  2 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15342-pp-f2-nk-all-in-ruby-telrenya-spencer/?page=4  3 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15385-pp-f11-fateful-encounter-telrenya-jomei-spencer/?page=4  3 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15415-pp-f4-recovery-of-the-broken-telrenya/?page=4  3 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15444-pp-f1-meeting-at-the-monument-holy-dragon-alliance/?page=2  1 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15468-op-f10-trick-or-treat~/?page=9  1 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15506-sp-f1-these-really-third-lesson/?page=2  3 SP/ +1 Accuracy Ring
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15520-pp-f10-batman-and-the-penguin-ryo/?page=2  1 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15522-pp-f6-guild-bonding-jevi/?page=3  2 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15734-pp-f1-welcome-to-hda-kimi/?page=2  1 SP/ Perfect Shield
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15742-pp-f11-holiday-get-together-holy-dragon-alliance/?page=3  2 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15797-pp-f2-long-live-this-annoying-a-wasp-ruby/  4 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15802-pp-f4-the-abominable-strange-ice-thing-jomei/?page=2  3 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15805-pp-f2-the-wrong-advice-spencererin/  1 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15807-sp-f1-are-we-done-yet/?page=2  3 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15879-f3-pp-that-awkward-moment-when/?page=2  1 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15904-pp-f4-pengu-hunting-hestia-kimi/?page=5  4 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15905-pp-f5-start-of-an-arc-teion-and-ryo/?page=3  3 SP/ Survival Skill
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15942-pp-f4-essence-of-off-brand-yeti-hestia/?page=2  2 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15967-f11-pp-guild-dungeon-delving/?page=7  8 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15979-f11-event-thread-masquerade-ball/?page=20  2 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/16125-pp-f21-nature-is-getting-pick-pocketed-teion/  1 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/16117-pp-f11-what-a-terrible-evening-for-rainhda-members/?page=2  2 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/16198-pp-f4-lets-try-this-again-hestia/?page=2  2 SP/ Familiar
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/16200-f2-pp-im-going-in-blind/?page=2  2 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/16651-pp-f01-«the-first-few-lessons-are-free»/?page=2  1 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/16661-pp-f01-«the-second-lesson-is-also-free»/  1 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/16679-p-f5-sand-isnt-suppose-to-be-that-color-neopolitan/?page=2  4 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/16685-pp-f5-the-king-of-the-ring/?page=2  4 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17247-ppf1-seen-for-the-first-time/?page=2  1 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17333-ppf1-second-date-before-the-first-date/?page=2  1 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17365-ppf1-who-keeps-making-these-things/?page=2  1 SP
    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17394-f04-event-christmas-extravaganza-2018/?page=13  1 SP
    https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/20593-pp-f1-memories-pre-sao/page/3/?tab=comments#comment-633842 3 SP


    @Vale Acquaintance

    @HestiaHe First met her, then forgot her, then met her again when he didn't even know that it was her. After their bumpy, and strange beginning interactions, this woman has turned into more than just a friend. She was inducted into the guild by their guild leader Jomei, and being integrated into his budding guild family, the woman turned into an older sister to the man, and someone he considered to be close family to him now.

    @TelrenyaHe first met this woman when she was drowning in a bathroom blocked by a dresser in the middle of a haunted mansion, yeah it was strange. Since then, this woman, even though their ages are very close, has become a motherly person to him. He feels as though he can go to her for everything, and it is something he is so happy for involvement in his life, and is someone that can kind of keep him sane in times when he doesn't really feel it.

    @RubyA feisty red head that Spencer has had the pleasure of meeting. He doesn't know much about this woman, but she is definitely funny and very, very outgoing

    @JomeiWho knew gingers could be cool? When Spencer first met the man, he was a bit nervous at getting to know him, with the whole I am big leader who is very strong. But after he started to see how great he was to everyone, and especially Telrenya, he knew that this man was someone that was worth getting to know. Now he is the musical, cool, ginger leader who he can call Guild Daddy

    @JeviIs that a Bi in the wild? Hell yeah it is! When he met Jevi, it was at a stressful time during the guild's exposition, but with careful introduction to the guild through Ruby, and a mission with the two of them, it slowly became a mutual friendship. The two get along well, and even though they haven't had many interactions, it is nice to know that they are close.

    @RyoWhere do we get started with Ryo. He first met the man at Halloween, and he fell instantly for him. Maybe it was that he was a great guy, or maybe because it was he is the ONLY guy he has met that also likes men, but something that was inside of him was causing him to fall for him harder, and harder. Only recently was Spencer's feeling changing, and his own depression was not something he was blaming on Ryo anymore.

    @KimiThis adorable woman was not someone he was expecting to meet, but he is happy that he did. She is a bubbly, great person, who is also a heavy hitter. Her personality, mixed with her relationship with Hestia, it made that the woman was happy, healthy, and just a bit weird to topped it all off.

    @TeionThe woman was the winning the attention of the man he loved, but the god mother of his penguin familiar. He met the woman when he first started to feel the affects of his one-sided love for Ryo, but after his initial hatred of the woman, he started to sincerely care for her. After a moment of heart to heart between the two of them, they have come to a good understanding and actually are becoming a lot closer.

    @Kairi Big Bo- Personality woman who was with Hestia for a moment. He doesn't know much about her, but he knew that she was actually a good person at heart, even though her personality was a tiny bit weird and seemed to be a bit attention needing, but she seemed to be genuinely okay and good.

    @Tyonis Meeting him on the first day that this game had started, Tyonis seemed to be a calm man in the middle of a hurricane. He knew what he had to do, and even had a pretty good sense of humor during the entire thing. This solider accept him right away, and it was nice that Spencer had such a good first friend, and someone who could become a strong ally in the future.

    @Neopolitan Meeting her on the fifth floor, and not knowing she was mute till soon after that. The two of them adventured into the desert together, and hit it off well enough, she was a sweet woman who also had a knack for hitting sharks.

    @Calypso The first mute woman he met on the game, and a very sweet woman at that. She seemed to know what she was doing, and she also was nice to get along with. She could talk, and the two of them got a long very well, even discovering a language between the two of them

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