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Posts posted by Mars

  1. Grinning he just lets the exchange continue once more with renewed vigor as he just enjoys the fight now as he lets his mind go for a moment in the sense of letting go of all worries about who he is fighting and the why. He just lets his blade become an extension of himself as he leans in fully to his style of fighting each strike aiming for a singular goal, each strike meant to be swift and filled with all his strength. The slim form of the katana and how this one was crafted not really being a perfect representation of his fighting choices. The unknown figure towards at least Pinball just trying to press the attack more and more as he just stares him down and lets this continue for one more minute. And after that he would just grin and dodge whatever next strike was sent towards him and takes off his mask by lowering it down towards his neck while looking towards pinball with a grin on his face. Adapting, dirty tricks, and quite a few other things i've noticed. Seems like you're a entirely different beast when trying to fight for your life Pinball. Nice use of the environment by the way. He says in a tone of sincere what sounds like pride and genuine kindness. I just wanted to test you and see if you've been keeping up, and get a bit of a taste of what our dual would be like when we fought. he says towards Pin with a grin.

  2. On the inside he can only be disappointed by the performance now as he can see the sloppy showsmanship in each strike and in each move that is being displayed. ' he would've fell asleep midfight with Cerberus.' he thinks to himself as his blade slashes along Pin's form as he does do some more stronger attacks that hack the boulders as he gazes towards the spear user. When the spear comes out though visibly he looks annoyed and angered. On the inside though he can't have been happier at seeing his rival finally get the spear out and ready to fight against him. Taking that opportunity for what it is worth as he would keep up the same ferocity against his rival to try and corner him against a boulder, but also allowing him hits against his body while using the spear. With only a singular thought as he would be doing so. 'I hope he doesn't get lucky and freeze me in place. I don't need to get murdered while trying to prove my point against him that the spear is the only weapon to counter me and keep up' he thinks idly to himself while staring down Pin while keeping his katana locked as best as he can with each clash in a slight stalemate with Pin, or give pin the victory of each small exchange in this mini war to let him get more comfortable with the spear. To see how much better it is doing.

  3. Adaptivity, underhanded, using tactics to cloud judgement. Seems like he underestimated pinball when he felt like he was fighting for his life. However, even if that was the case his rival would last only so long he could simply make this a game of just waiting out his rival, to just allow him to run his energy down into nothing. When he was tired he'd be making many more mistakes than what he was currently doing, and he was going to make sure to capitalize on that to teach him a lesson on also trying to get him to get some proper sleep. He doesn't need him sleeping and dying on the frontlines because of his induced Insomnia. he will force him to sleep if need be. Your days are numbered murderer. While the police force may require you captured. Assassin guilds don't tolerate your stain on this world. he says and doing his damndest at that to try and lower his pitch, and force a gravel like tone to his voice to try and make it sound as different as he could. he would switch his style to be more reactionary to go on the offense would only wear him down if he committed too soon for a swing with his weapon. He just needs to react and deflect each strike that gets sent to him. Wait for that moment when he gets his spear out, and when he does. Allow him that moment of getting more hits in. To try and condition the man to realize the spear is just better by allowing those odds to improve more.

  4. Gazing around the fields he slowly lets his eyes scan from one location to the next taking his time since he knows that if his friend is a killer, managed to escape a frontliner, and not be found it must mean he has above average stealth capabilities. However, even if he has none of that he won't allow this chance to just blow past him. he grins when he notices a small faint trail of smoke that seems unnatural for this floor even if it is all ash and shoot so with that he narrows down towards that boulder and rushes forward with his blade in hand. Once more nothing visible but his eyes if someone tried to detect hsi physical features. His all black outfit with the metal gauntlets around his wrists being the only clashing part of his outfit. Having even removed his typical red cloak he wears to further drive the point that he wasn't Mars towards his rival.

    When he gets into melee range he would take a quick swing of his blade while staring his rival in the eyes. his own seeming amused as the style of his fight is mixing maneuverability quickly trying to move around him trying to gain a advantage iwth position. With a mix of rapid attacks to give a feeling of desperation to his opponent, ot make his opponent think he is. with each strikes intention being to slowly force his opposition into a corner.

    #114673 LD:19 *player detected*

  5. 'A sword? Still using that silly weapon i see Pin. Though...maybe i can force you to realize that you need to take all forces seriously and fight me like a actual fighter.' He thinks to himself with a grin as he raises his natural darker outfit up to cover his face so all that would be seen are his eyes. He than runs forward drawing out his katana and holds onto it with a grin across his face with a singular thought in his mind as he does so as he tails after the should be spear using Pinball. 'Round 2 Pin. Fight like you mean it.' When he would reach the edge where he had seen Pinball slide down the cliff he would quickly let his eyes scan for the figure of his rivals the heavy metal gauntlets around his arms not feeling as heavy within the heat of the moment as he scans the distance and checks for each viable hiding spot his rival could be hiding. 'He won't even suspect it's me possibly since i don't remember if i told him i'd be getting heavy armor.' He thinks to himself in a amused tone of voice within his mind.

  6. Making his way through the area towards the direction of the cerberus keeping his eyes upon the player in front of him that looks rather paranoid from this distance the crystal color not being exactly clear either from this floor giving everything that weird little tint of color. The fact that everything has a red filter makes it hard to tell sometimes between orange and green when viewing the players that make their way through here. 'i wonder where player killers even try to hide their bases. you think eventually the scouts or info brokers would find their base of operations..or they have and they've simply been captured or killed for doing so is the more likely outcome probably.' he thinks to himself as he gazes towards the player and starts to pick up his speed to catch up towards the form of him or her. As the figure's details slowly come into view he finds that it is his rival making his way through this floor by himself. 'he does know that he could get captured again or killed right?' he thinks idly to himself.

  7. Making his way through the rocky terrain he takes out a bit of food he had packed for himself and eats the vanity meal that was made for him by a shop that costed him a bit of the col that he made during teh cleansing run he did with Pinball, but certainly worth not dying of starvation during two days of travel. After all one doesn't simply go out on a multiple day travel without being prepared and just hoping the floor will be kind towards you and make your survival easy. 'Though i guess that is what laughing coffin does unless they are cooks..yeah that is the only explanation they must go on food hunts and use some time and resources for that and have a few cooks lying about to prepare them meals. It's the only way they could survive without NPC shops.' he thinks idly to himself at the thought as he eats the food till it is gone for this meal at the very least as the form of someone in the distance slowly starts to come into view. Mars lets his right hand rest gently upon the handle of his sword.

  8. Making his way through the ninth floor was trivial at best for a compliment to such a thing he had gone on quests on much higher floors, faced much higher strength mobs, and if anything this was just a test for him on how much flashy and over the top he can get during combat. Using mobs as just tools to test different moves to his repertoire which is vastly limited into his combat to make it at least his own in some sense. To add more aggression into these stupid attacks, to add more rage, more strength, more of HIM into each of these swings of the blade. before it was so simply to feel into the combat when he could quite literally punch his problems away with his fists, but now because of this update that isn't viable and he is left playing with this stupid blade that is a hindrance to his enjoyment. however, at the sametime it is a huge buff towards his strength and thus he is dealing with it. Glancing ahead he just makes his way past the village not bothering stopping in it since this is a repeatable quest and thus the dog awaits him already and he is going to murder that mythical dog Cerberus.

  9. Making his way through the town was a trivial task as he would than be forced to travel through the vast wastelands of lava, shoot, and monsters that were plaguing the floor and stopping people from trying to travel in the locations. The intrusion of having to face such things that would stop himself and others from advancing floors. With a quick dash forward he would make a quick sidestep towards the left as a explosion of rock shook the earth around him as he stared lazily at the obsidian golem as his katana lashed out with a series of strikes as the creature would receive multiple red deep gashes along its form. Be gone beast you're impeding my travels. Comes the unenthusiastic voice of Mars as he kicks it in the chest kicking off of it before quickly spinning around and lettign the last hit carve horizontally across the chest of the golem as he would land. Stumbling slightly when doing so before falling onto the ground. Perfection takes practice Cassius. Perfection takes practice. He says softly to himself before getting up onto hsi feet and making hsi way back towards Cerberus once more.

  10. Making his way through the sands of the fifth floor he makes his way towards the destination of the main settlement alongside the rapier using girl he can only wonder what to do to try and improve his odds on teh frontlines since while he can agree that doing the no mit build thing would be amusing to test. He needs to prepare himself and accurately and promptly prepare for the worst case scenarios which involve also seeing if he can prove his point that as long as you have enough evasion you can out dodge the damage that would be thrown towards you. 'Tanks have always seemed so unnecessary and just wastes of damage outputs.' He thinks to himself idly while making his way through the sand at a steady pace his liger traveling alongside him. 'I'll also need to craft some perfect potions for myself and pin to guarantee our damage outputs are as high as they can be.' A small smile at that when it comes to the time for pin and himself to leave that boss room.

  11. The frontline were approaching and not in the most satisfactory manner that he would wish for them approaching as the clocks were slowly ticking towards completion of not having enough time to gain enough levels to utilzie the tier three armor is coming forward. Thus he was forced to purchase this new set of gear. The heavy metal gauntlets upon his wrists feeling slightly inconveniencing compared to his usual more so just full light armor look that he strived for. Though sacrifices had to be made for the improvement of his build to truly satisfy the constraints that time had placed upon him, and if anything it could be a good enough motivator to try and take a tanking spot given enough time with the frontliners since eventually they'll have no tanks.  Which will allow for him and Pinball to try and prove their point that their dodge builds are something that could be used and something that is vastly superior to that of the frontline tanks. Glancing around he sees himself in the main settlement of floor nine ready to get thsi quest started.

  12. Mars just nods his head and gives a wave towards the spear using man. I'll make sure to do just that Pinball don't worry. He says in a friendly tone of voice, and when he would make his way out he would take out a TP crystal and make his way off of the floor for now since he'll need to find something else to do for the moment. The frontlines are coming and he can't allow his time to be wasted by just idly sitting around and waiting for the next big thing to happen.


    All: 3 SP, 300 COL to each.

    For Pin: 1 rare unidentified T2 weapon, 1 perfect unidentified T2 consumable, 1 rare unidentified T2 consumable, 14 T2 mats, 11325 COL
    For Mars: 1 perfect T2 unidentified light armor, 2 T2 unidentified rare trinkets, 1 perfect unidentified T2 trinket, 11325 COL

  13. After we kill these we can hop out of this and try this again later. He says calmly towards his rival as he prepares his own attack once more for an AoE as he gazes towards each of the ghouls and imagine them each as one of the frontliners. He soon after rushes forward towards them to initiate the kill shot against each of them. As he approaches upon the enemies his katana cuts cleanly through them with four long arcing slashes into their form as they burst into red pixels before them as he glances back towards Pinball and offers him a slight smile. Pinball i think we need to take this as a lesson, and a rather personal one at that. We can only depend upon one another. Any others will just be treated as if they will leave eventually anyhow, but till they do so we can than use them for what they can offer. Since if they're just going to use us and possibly leave us to die. We'll give them that same kindness if need be. He says calmly towards the spear user as he walks over towards him since the fight is over now.

    #114663 BD:2+4=6 17x8= 136
    #114664 BD:6
    #114665 BD:8
    #114666 BD:5+4=9

    #114667 LD:6 CD:6  980, 980, 1470, 490,  1 rare unidentified T2 trinket
    #114668 LD:2 CD:10  1470 COL, 980, 980
    #114669 LD:19 CD:5 4 T2 mats, 1470, 1 perfect unidentified T2 light armor, 1 perfect unidentified T2 trinket
    #114670  LD:9 CD:3  4 T2 mats, 1470, 1 uncommon unidentified T2 consumable

    [1/1/1/1] Pinball: 766/980 HP | 30/98 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 6 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ  (not in the fight technically yet)
    [1/1/1/1] Mars:  HP: 693/840     ENG: 31/84   DMG: 17  MIT:12   ACC: 4  EVA: 3    Savvy: 1(ACC when dodge)   Regen: 10 HP 3 rounds

    Ghoul 1: 129/490 HP | 147 DMG {Stunned} 
    Ghoul 2: 129/490 HP | 147 DMG {Stunned} 
    Ghoul 3: 129/490 HP | 147 DMG {Stunned} 
    Ghoul 4: 129/490 HP | 147 DMG {Stunned}

  14. Name: Adrenaline
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 7
    ID: #114488/#114488-1,
    Roll: CD:11+1=12/LD:14
    Item Type: potion
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: x2 damage
    Description: A elixir that stimulates the muscles to increase in mass to increase the force one can exert when swinging their weapon to increase the damage output.

    Name: Teleport Crystal
    Your profession: Alchemist
    Your rank: 7
    ID: #114492
    Roll: CD:12
    Item type: crystal
    Tier: 3
    Quality: perfect
    Enchantment: TP crystal
    Description: during combat TP out when things get rough.


  15. Entering into the battling area he glances around and sees that ice cream has already set up her shop as he makes his way towards her and accepts the food buffs that have been laid out with just a curt nod as a thanks. I'll get your order done don't worry. Just needed to work on a few personal things to make sure that i was ready. he says with the faintest shows of a grin before making his way from her and opening up his inventory and sending the quick invite towards his favorite rival.




    here are the coordinates for the raid get over here, and keep a disguise on if you think somebody would be quick to try and arrest you again got it? I don't know you to be arrested so i'm stuck trying to save you this time around. Also have a TP crystal ready to go i have a vanity crystal ready for some use once we get things going if we need to make a quick escape.


    With the message sent he can now only play the waiting game to see if his rival arrives. The man wearing light armor that is just some basic leather armor with black cloth covering his body with a singular red flowing off his left shoulder. A katana in its sheathe at his left hip as well with the only bit of heavy armor being equipped on his wrists as gauntlets.




    @Neopolitan taking a +30 MIT for T2 as well btw.

    1 protein (+2 dmg, -10 MIT)

    1 evasion

    1 accuracy

    1 probiotic

    1 antidote


    Bottled banshee scream (paralyze 1)

    Rare T2 overhealth crystal

    Perfect T2 damage potion




    Level: 44

    HP: 970/970     ENG: 88/88   DMG: 21 MIT: 73 ACC: 6  EVA: 5  Heavy Momentum:x2 Paralyze: 1  [Snowfrost] [probiotic] [Antidote]


    Heavy Armor Rank 5 MOD: atheltics +30 HP/+1 DMG

    Charge rank 5

    Curved Sword: Rank 1[5 SP]

    Katana: Rank 5 [50 SP] MOD: Ferocity +1DMG (15)  MOD: Precision +1 ACC (15)  MOD rank 3: Katana Finesse -3 Energy to all attacks (10)

    Fighter Familiar rank 3 T2r: +6 DMG



    War god's blade: +3 ACC

    War God's Grace: 3 slots EVA

    Second Chance: x2 Heavy Momentum, 1x mitigation


    x3 starter healing potions
    5 rare T2 healing potions
    2 rare T2 healing potions
    t tier one health potions of uncommon quality

    For Pinball



    1 perfect damaga potion

    1 rare overheatlh crystal



  16. Entering into the shop he looks around for what he is going to have to use for the next floor boss raid as much as he would rather not having to get tier two armor to just junk it soon after when he hit tier three in a few levels. Though looking around the shop he eventually finds a pair of perfect gauntlets and examines it before nodding and taking it over towards the owner of the shop. macradon right? I heard the name at the meeting. I'll need these please if you can do that for me. here is the payment. He says as he hands the six mats over towards the man and than gives him a polite and curt nod of his head before making his way out of the shop once he is given the go ahead to do so as he fastens on the gauntlets and grins to himself since it's just enough to count.

    Item being bought

    Item Name: Second Chances
    ID: 111358 | 111359 | 111360
    Roll: LD:12 | LD:15 | LD:12
    Tier: 2
    Type: Heavy Armor
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Heavy Momentum II, Damage Mitigation I
    Description: A pair of gauntlets made of thick iron plating with extra weight for increased force.

    Payment: 6 T2 mats

  17. Name: Caffeine
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 7
    ID: #114485
    Roll: 11+1=12
    Item Type: potion
    Tier: 2
    Quality: perfect
    Enhancement: Crafter's Respite
    Description: A elixir that gives one energy to craft once more.To restore their energy back to full.

  18. Making his way into the shop he starts the usual boring grind that he had skipped on fora bit to focus on some thoughts and prepare in a more mental manner for the raid having heard taht the last raid had gone to hell and thus he might need to preapre to see that side. Normally not finding that an issue, but since he is apart of this and thus could get pulled into teh chaos he'll need to be able to keep calm through what is going to be a rather chaotic fight if it is anything like the last raid that he had heard about. with that he starts crafting drinking a potion that he made along the way to have more perfects in the long run which he is rather happy about the results of this.

    #114478 CD:10+1=11 LD:18 (3 rares)
    #114479 CD:7+1=8 LD:9
    #114480 CD:8 LD:15
    #114481 CD:9+1=10 LD:8
    #114482 CD:10+1=11 LD:5
    #114483 CD:5+1=6 LD:13
    #114484 CD:7+1=8 LD:16
    #114485 CD:12 LD:7  (crafter's respite)

    Crafting respite used

    #114487 CD:7+1=8 LD:6
    #114488 CD:11+1=12 LD;14
    #114489 CD10+1=11 LD:20 (rare post 2)
    #114490 CD:3+1=4 LD:17
    #114491 CD:10+1=1 LD:7
    #114492 CD:12 LD:3
    #114493 CD:7+1=8 LD:5
    #114494 CD:9+1=10 LD:2

  19. Glancing towards the rapier using girl he would just nod his head at seeing her devour the various buffs she has seemingly had on her for what he could only assume was going to be questing in the future or something for the floor boss raid. Either way in the end it was a boom for himself since that means the girl could most likely keep up with him when they attacked the lions head on. Well no time like the present as i said lets go kill some herculean lions. Hopefully avoid dying like i managed to do last time. he says rather casually without any care while making his way forward as he exits his shop at a casual pace the boots that he wears during combat making a noticeable light 'thud' sound each time they impacted against the wood floors of the shop that he owns. the familiar that is Mars' makes its way towards his side. Glancing around in the various direction to try and get some bearings on where to go he just nods and makes his way in the direction of where he feels would be best for trying to find the herculean lions and more importantly where to get those mats.

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