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Posts posted by Reinka

  1. @Steel

    "Yeah, I don't have a date either. Ha, I was a little embarrassed about walking in here alone, but I decided to own it you know? Hm, oh I know Hei, he made my dress for this evening." She replied. "I want to thank him, if people ask me about the dress I'll point him out, he did a good job. He's working on my armor too, but the next quest I have to do involves fighting monsters....Would you mind spotting me?" She asked him.


    She wondered if they knew each other too, but Steel hadn't pointed her out before still, it would be nice to get to know other people. She smiled happily at her and wondered what she was like as well. She saw her chat with Steel and smiled.


    She saw the person she felt they might be having a tough time at the party. She smiled at her.
    "To be fair I'm not sure what to do at this party. It's pretty extravagant here though don't you think?" She wondered how she'd get to know these two people better. "Do either of you have a shop I might be able to visit later?" She asked curiously to both Minako and Eatos. "Sorry if that's forward I'm just trying to make conversation." She wondered if she shouldn't talk about business here but wasn't sure what else to ask.

  2. @Steel

    "Did he already go in without me?" she looked at the door. "How'd he get in, oh shoot he must have someone already great. Third wheel here I come then. Well maybe it won't be as awkward?" she moved to the door and went inside then backed out of it. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to just waltz in alone? Though he was already inside. She sighed. "Give over it drama llama." She walked in. Seeing a few familiar faces. Hei was her tailor she'd have to thank him for the dress tonight. She looked for Steel and it was easy to spot him. She walked over to him. "I guess I found you. Sorry, I'm just nervous something really strange will happen. I don't want to ruin the mood or anything it's just....Well...The game inviting players to come in without equipping their armor. It just rubbed me the wrong way you know." She was a bit scared and timid to be around people. "You think acting would help with this...." She smoothed out her dress and took in a deep breath.

    "Anyone here you know? I only know you and Hei, but really personally I guess." she looked around for his date. "Hey, where's your date, or were you just allowed in?" She thought she wouldn't be let in either it surprised her.

  3. She had her hair the way it normally was but she had on her siren dress as she called it. She hoped it wouldn't be to extreme. It would be better to use than her starting equipment that was for sure, that one was way too flashy. She looked up at the large building and was on her guard. She pulled up her menu to call her 'date'. She almost felt unnerved but there was no way in heck she was going to enter a building in a death game without back up. Especially in a vanity dress, that wasn't her cup of tea at all.

    -To: Steel
    Hello, I'm at the event. Are you inside already? I'm not willing to go into that building without you, or unless you needed some help inside already. - From Reinka

    She bit her lower lip getting more nervous. One she was going with a man she met recently, it was clearly a romantic setting, and finally, anything could happen and it terrified her in a sense. She felt a bit angry at herself because she'd be relying on him to calm her down tonight as well. She sighed upset at herself. It might be nothing.

  4. She moved to the front of the room and looked out the windowed door. She didn’t see anyone but she was still worried about being harassed. She’d call Steel in a second once she learned what Lyle wanted from her.

    “Is this part two of the quest line?” she asked Lyle curiously.
    “It will be, did you want to take it later?” He asked her.
    “No, I’ll accept it in a moment. Um, where were the potions that Zack sent for me? I lost track of them sorry.”

    He put them on the counter for her to add them into her inventory.

    “Thank you for organizing everything for me my dear.” He smiled happily.
    “No problem I needed to kill time so thank you for helping me out. I was being harassed by some other players, I figured they ran out of things to do saftly so I’m not mad. To be honest it made me feel more sick than angry.”
    “I use to get beat up when I was a kid….Don’t tell anyone that please. It just gave me that same feeling and I had to bluff. Being an actress sure helps.”
    “I see. Well your first quest is complete.”

    word count 202
    5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)

    - 1 Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)

    -1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)

    2 SP
    1 SP for page.
    400 col for page (I think)

  5. The NPC didn’t seem to understand what was going on and just left it alone. He waited for her to finish and she dusted the soot off her clothes. She opened up her inventory and her body went blue and turned back to normal.

    “Ah miss you can’t just do that!”
    “Huh what?” she looked up at her icon it was still green “oh thank the goddess. Wait what did I do wrong?”
    “You can’t just get undressed with people in the room it’s indecent.”
    “But you don’t see anything….Oh my gosh I’m sorry.” She was used to it backstage sometimes changing with other people that even in a game that censored things she felt safe to just change that way. “I’ll do my best not to do that again, I’m really sorry.” She apologized.
    “Hmph. It’s all right lass. Come to the front I have a quest for you to do if you’re ready.”

    word count 155

  6. “Yes he did. I’ll put these aside. Wait what are you doing?” he asked her.
    “I’m putting these away for you.” Reinka replied entering the back room. “Oh my gosh!”

    She stared the mess in the room. There was ore all over the floor. She covered her face for a second and went to organize it all. Putting same ores by each other and their smelted counterparts next to them as well. The NPC watched her surprised she wanted to help him without him asking her too. He crossed his arms waiting for her to finish and then looked up and pointed to a door.

    “There’s the back door I talked about.”
    “I might need it after all. If I stay here long enough they’ll go away.”
    “Who will?”
    “A group of players that thought it’d be fine to harass me. I guess if you’ve been here long enough you get bored and harass people, what a joke.” She sighed annoyed.

    Word count 161

  7. She watched them come to a halt outside the shop. She sighed. The blacksmith looked up and greeted her happily.

    “Hey, do you have a back door?” she asked as she walked up to the counter and placed the box of potions on the counter from her inventory.
    “Hm I sure do, oh is that from my pal?”
    “Sure is! I even made one here for you, but why’s it so heavy, do you really go through all of these?”
    “Nah, actually let me read the note.”

    She waited and leaned against the counter. Maybe she’d have to return the box or something. After all it was called the first few lessons are free, which meant there was more than one right?

    “Oh I see, Zack wants you to have these for doing such a good job and the speed you had done it in.”
    “Wait really he thought of me?” she pointed at herself surprised.

    Word count 156

  8. She used her menu and placed the item in her inventory so she wouldn’t have to carry it. She then opened up the quest menu to look at what direction he had to go and put a marker for it. She was alerted to where the quest was and walked towards it. That was when the group moved closer to her.

    “No, it’s not that way.”
    “Wrong way noob.”
    “Yup turn around newbie.”

    She turned her shoulder and moved between them. On grabbed her by the shoulder and pushed her back. Reinka sighed and took a defensive stance.

    “Hey, are you stupid you’ll go red and die.”
    “I’ll just let you turn red first so the guards run at you and kill you themselves to protect the town.”
    “Is that how that would work?”
    “Dunno never been red before.”
    “Hey ginger, how do you know that?”
    “Maybe I killed someone before, get out of my way.”

    Word count 156

  9. She looked up at the various shops and paused realizing she must be lost. How did that happen though? She knew which way she had to go.  She walked up to another player.

    “Excuse me can you point me to Lyle’s blacksmith shop? Yup the NPC.”

    She watched them point and looked to where they pointed. It was back the way she came. She scratched her head wondering when she had passed the store and walked back. When she looked up she saw Zack’s shop again. This wasn’t right. The player ran over.

    “Hey you went too far.”
    “Huh? I didn’t see it at all.” She admitted.
    “Go back that way.” She pointed.

    She walked over to where she walked away from and looked around. This wasn’t the way she took at all. She stopped and glanced over at the snickering group that the girl returned to. She put the box down and sighed.

    Word c4unt 155

  10. She got up and held the box the same way again going slower this time. She tried to avoid the hordes of people this time. She thought back on how nice ‘Zack’ was. The npc she was helping. She thought about doing him proud and opening up a shop of her own, other characters must suffer some pains and scrapes too. She didn’t mind foraging, and figured monsters dropped material items as well.so she’d have easy access to them all. She wondered if she’d steal his work then. What if an NPC wasn’t needed? What would happen? She’d do her best to have it on another floor and maybe visit him, but she knew he’d end up repeating his dialog eventually. She felt her heart almost break realizing that. It made her appreciate older people in her life now. She understood how they felt when they claimed a younger generation never listened, and yet she also saw that they were genuinely happy when that younger generation spent any sort of time with them.
    Reinka was nice told basically everyone in general, but she knew she wasn’t perfect at it, so she’d strive to give the elderly more of her time.

    Word count 200

  11. There was a flyer on the ground next to her with a shoe print on it. She set the box better on her stomach and picked up the flyer. She looked it over curiously.

    “Valentine’s event. It doesn’t look like there will be monsters there. There will be free items too. For pairs only. Hm. I should ask Steel if he wants to get some event items with me. Is that too lovey dovey? Maybe it’s stupid, but, I would get to meet people there. Oh, and there might be lower level characters like me who will go too. Steel could grow his guild easier. This is the best idea. Though, what if it was only a quest for married players and couples. Would they have to sneak in? How would the game detect that anyway?” she pouted a bit and put the flyer in her inventory feeling her face go red. “How do you ask someone that sort of thing without it being awkward I just met the guy jeez.” She huffed annoyed.

    Word count 174

  12. As she walked down the street she felt someone brush up against her shoulder and tipped her forwards. Reinka let out a surprised scream as she ran forwards and then pulled herself upright and leaned backward again. She let out a sigh and looked in the box to make sure everything was all there. Nothing seemed broken. She moved the box slightly in her arms being very careful. She then stepped into a puddle.

    “Ew, gross.” She sighed and moved to the busier side of the road.

    This time it was worse she had people running past her. She didn’t expect the first floor to be so stupidly busy. Her foot caught on something and flew out from under her going forwards. She allowed her body to lean back and fall on her rear. She heard the bottles clang together and gasped. She looked the potions over and let out a sigh of relieve then looked down to see what caused her to fall.

    Word count 164

  13. Reinka moved closer to the man and looked at the heavy box. She then looked at him and saw there was no way he was lifting this box at all.

    “My friend Lyle would be very so happy if you delivered this box to him.” He said.
    “Is his shop on this floor?” Reinka asked curiously.
    “Indeed. He’s just down the road from me, just be careful the box does slip out of your hands, please. I know it’s a bit clunky.”
    “No problem, I use to be a stagehand this is a piece of cake.”
    “No, it’s a box of potions.”
    “Um…Oh sorry, it’s a saying. Nevermind. Well, could you get the door for me on the way out please?”
    “Sure thing my dear.” He moved to the door and carefully opened it with another chime.

    Reinka smiled and lifted the box up against her chest. Her back was leaned back. It was poor form but she’d get the job done. She walked outside of the alchemist’s shop.

    Word count 169

  14. Reinka fished out the potion and looked it over.

    “Now you see there are different clarities.”  He held it up to the light.

    Reinka moved against him and looked up into the bottle. She could see light pass through it but it seemed a little thick.

    “Opps, I can try again.”
    “Ha, that’s the spirit, but to be honest this is a well-made potion, my dear.” He complimented her.
    “But you can’t see through it very well.”
    “Some people will fuss over that I’m sure but what I’m using it for it will serve just fine.” He explained.
    “So what are you using it for?” Reinka asked.
    “Oh, to have as an example of what one of these potions should look like, or in case Lyle my friend comes in with some cuts from his work. That reminds me he did need a salve like this.

    He moved and placed it in a box with various potions. He added to it.

    “Can you do me one more favor lass?” He asked her.

    Word count 172

  15.  ID# 95655 results:

    “Zackariah, I brought back the five materials you listed.”
    “Oh good, put those over there and come here for a moment.”
    “Sure thing.” She put the materials into some burlap sacks that were on the floor. She then turned and moved closer to the cauldron in front of the man.  “I have one of these at home actually, my family thinks I’m weird.” She sighed.
    “Ha, it’s okay to be a bit strange I think. Otherwise, it’s boring don’t you think?”
    “I wish you were my real grandpa now.” Reinka laughed.
    “Ha! It’s funny because I’m younger than you!”

    Reinka stared at him. That was true and ended up laughing pretty hard.

    “Now then. I’d like to show you how to make a potion. This one is simple. It just needs what I laid out on the side table. Just stir them in and wait for a nice red hue. Make sure it doesn’t thicken too much. Well, go on dear.”

    She looked at everything and put the materials into the cauldron. She stirred carefully watching it.

    Word count 231

    ID95655: 6

  16. She saw a glimmer and leaned down picking up the nut and it went into her inventory. She looked back at the snowman. She grabbed a few twigs and went over to the creature and gave him some arms. She wondered how long it would stay there. Not likely an hour, but that was all right.

    “See you later Mr.Snowman.”

    Reinka went back into town to look for shop she had come from.  She wondered if he’d be all right with what she found or if she’d need to make another run to get something of higher grade. Was that even possible on this floor though? It was hard to tell. She felt too new, and yet she felt secure for the moment.

    “Is that the game’s way of making a trap perchance?” She wondered aloud.

    The game seemed possible to accomplish, but maybe this was just the tip of the iceberg and there was more under it.” She looked up at the castle in the sky, or in this case above.”

    Word count 172

  17. Reinka stretched happily. Everything was going fairly well. She then rolled up the last ball to finish the head for the snowman. She put that one on top and went to look around the grass again.

    “Hm I don’t see anything. Maybe if I look where I was looking before. Maybe I can find some stones to give the snowman some eyes.” As she searched the ground he found some rounded stones to use on the snowman and just kept looking curiously.

    She went over by the snowman and placed the rocks on his face and smiled happily at what she made. She then looked at the list of items she was supposed to collect. She went over by some trees seeing it said any type of nut. She bent down and searched for it wondering if there would be some with type of tree. She dug around the snow searching.

    Word count 151

    ID# 95653 results 19

  18. @ Hei

    "Hm if you think that's true about the regen maybe can I get Savvy on it instead?" She asked curiously. "Do you think that would be a better idea? I'm very grateful for your honest opinion. "I was also wondering if you had spare materials for a vanity dress for the ball. "If you need help collecting materials I'll do my best for you." She was really impressed with his craftsmanship. "Do you make armor for yourself too?" she was curious if he used his skills for himself too. Maybe that was how he knew so much. 
    "Here." She handed him another picture this one was for vanity. (Edited it, if he says that seems good she'll nod and pay upfront.)

    Name: Siren Song Dress

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 7

    ID: leave blank

    Roll: leave blank

    Item Type: Party Dress

    Quality: Vanity


    Description: voluptuous the sirens of the sea these rare silks and craftsmanship can turn any lady into a velupterious siren. Casting a spell on those that lay eyes on her, or so the tale goes.


    Post Link: leave blank

    Name: Siren of the Seas

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 7

    ID: leave blank

    Roll: leave blank

    Item Type: Light Armor Battle Dress

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Evasion (2) Savvy(1)

    Description: Armor from the uncharted seven seas that has been crafted for those who are pirates and tavern wenches, and suitable enough for robbers and thieves. Beware the pretty lass that wears this armor.

  19. Reinka's Monster Manual

    Under Construction

    Floor 1

    • Spoiler


      • Boar
        Drops: Pork Meat, Succulent Meat, Tusk, Fur, Green Herb, Red Herb,col
        Pup Boar
        Frenzy Boar
        Tusked Boar
        Razor Boar - miniboss that appears when you kill 35 of each type of boar within 24 hours (Rumor)
      • Wolf
        Drops:Fur,Sharp Tooth,Claws,Pork Meat,col
        Wolf Pup
        Omega Wolf
        Beta Wolf
        Alpha Wolf
      • Mimics
        This seems random on picking the lock on a chest poorly, Loot seems random

        Drops:Honey,Stinger,Insect Wings,random colored flower,col
        Worker Bee
        Bumble Bee
        Wind Wasp

        Little Nepenthe: Red Herb, Bitter Root, red flower
        Onion Page: Onion, metal scrap piece, onion salt
        Carroty: Carrot, bitter root
        Mustragon: Mustard Seed (Super rare)


      Floor Two



  20. Name: Siren of the Seas

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 7

    ID: leave blank

    Roll: leave blank

    Item Type: Light Armor Battle Dress

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Evasion (2) Regen (1)

    Description: Armor from the uncharted seven seas that has been crafted for those who are pirates and tavern wenches, and suitable enough for robbers and thieves. Beware the pretty lass that wears this armor.

    Post Link: leave blank

    She looked the sheet over and started to fill it out for the man. She looked over what it could all offer.  The list was longer than she expected and she filled it out with the new information. She thought about it for a moment.

    "Do you think this armor will be okay at my level? I'll need it to last me for awhile." She asked nervously. 

  21. It was just her luck there it was an orange blade of grass. She put that in her inventory as well and realized she only needed two more.

    “It’s not really that easy is it? It can’t be.” She was a little skeptical about all of this.

    She pushed to make the second part of the snowman making the torso. She started humming to herself. She never really got to enjoy most winters in the states. It was nice to see it. The most she got to enjoy was figure skating. She looked around for more ice she might try to skate later. Until then she pushed the second snow piece onto the snow man.

    “Okay time to look around. I have a lot of grass to cover.” She looked around the place she just cleared up. It was true she hadn’t looked at every place she cleared so she might have to comb it over a few times.

    Word count 159

    ID# 95570 results:16
    4 mats (Slow down I have to get 20 posts in here still dice XD but thanks)

  22. “Hey it’s the sage he had in that bubble bottle.” She started to dig it up and placed it in her inventory.

    This really wasn’t so bad. She then smiled to herself realizing something that could be fun to do. She started making a big round ball. She was getting the beginnings of a snowman, This would clear up some of the snow from the ground so she could maybe see better. She just kept rolling it and lost track of time having fun with her new project. It was easier to distract herself with this quest than she thought it would be.

    “Oh shoot I didn’t bother looking behind me at all.” She quickly turned around and inspected part of the trail that she had made on the ground. “He needed some sort of orange grass but it’s all bent over from me rolling the snow it might be harder to find, not that I could see it in the first place. At least not well.” She sighed.

    Word count 169
    ID# 95569 results: 18 (I'm dreaming right now right?)
    3 mats

  23. She smiled brightly pulling up one of the saplings she was looking for. There was no way it’d grow there. She placed it in her inventory and pressed forwards. Maybe this wouldn’t be as hard as her first quest taking out that stupid boulder.

    “This won’t be as hard, but I was hoping for something more engaging. I feel like a kid doing yard work.” She laughed realizing she couldn’t say she did much yard work to begin with. “Well I can’t just work all the time.”

    She looked at the snow and laid down making a snow angel before getting up and inspecting it. She then just moved on from her work and tried to keep a sharp eye out for materials. Instead however her foot found some ice and she ended up tumbling to the ground and rolling. She naturally tucked herself in like her class taught her to do and she looked around at the earth in front of her.

    Word count 163
    ID# 95568 results: 18


  24. “Nothing again. This place is pretty empty. It’s mostly all plains here. It’s wide open so I can see enemies pretty well but I can see why the old man had a hard time finding anything here.”

    She moved her arms behind her head and she continued walking enjoying the light breeze. Even though it was winter she could still see the grass.

    “Maybe that’s the problem, maybe it’s too cold for anything to grow right now that I might not be able to find anything.” She looked down and knelt down.

    Reinka started digging in the snow to see what she might unearth. Her fingers felt cold and she shivered. She was not prepared for the cold weather in her dancer outfit, and yet it wasn’t terribly cold to her senses. She whipped her hands on her lap and kept pushing snow aside to get a better look at the earth beneath her fingers.

    Word Count 155
    ID# 95567 results: 19

  25. “Hm I don’t see anything here. It’s like this tree is just randomly placed too.”
    She rubbed the back of her head and continued to look around curiously. She wondered what kind of potion the old man would make. With this many NPCs that were so helpful did people actually visit normal player shops. “How does anyone turn a profit anyway?” she asked herself while keeping her head down looking around for any type of flower of sapling he had previously mentioned.
    “It’s a pretty nice day thankfully. I wonder if there’s a weekly forecast posted someplace.” She looked up making sure there were no enemies around and kept looking.

    “This is kind of relaxing actually I wonder if this is what treasure hunting feels like.” The thought of hunting for a treasure chest hidden away in the first area dawned on her, but the idea also scared her.

    She then looked down to check around her feet again and knelt down looking for flowers, herbs, and saplings.

    Word count 168
    ID# 95566 results: 2

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