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Posts posted by Macaroon

  1. Macaroon did indeed blush even deeper for a moment, her face turning a shade of scarlet. It passed quickly, though, and she replied. "Of course I'm considering it; you're being so nice and helpful, and look at just how cute you are," she giggled, and winked again.

    Mack quickly followed Ruby when she began to lead the way, eager to get started on her journey. After a few moments, Ruby asked a question that really made her think. She sighed and crossed her arms behind her back, turning her head skyward again. "I suppose that was it at first, the initial shock of being stuck here wore off quickly, though. But yes, I guess I wasn't excited to risk my life. But after a bit, I grew complacent. I justified it by telling myself there were so many players ahead of me and I wouldn't be able to catch up. It's been so long though, and the front lines seems to have stalled, or at least slowed a bit. I figure at this point, if there's some help I can offer, I should be doing it." She shrugged and looked to Ruby, a smile on her face. "I guess you didn't waste any time, though."


  2. Macaroon smiled and laughed, "I was a little frustrated a first, but it's starting to grow on me, I think." When Ruby began to tease and flirt with her a bit, Mack blushed more deeply than before. "Oh my!" she giggled. "Let's start with the quests and we'll see about the date." Ruby was a sweet girl, and Mack hadn't been flirted with like this for a while, she had been so focused on school and art that dating had taken a backseat. She was unused to the attention, but it was a nice distraction.

    Mack smiled when Ruby offered to help her, she was more than thankful for the company. "Oh! You're a healer! That's so cool, I haven't really decided on what role to go with myself just yet." She gestured towards the plaza around them. "I'd be happy to have your company, and if you know the quests, please lead the way."


  3. Macaroon sighed a bit when asked about her screen name, she was a little embarrassed not to have scored Macaron. "Well, my mother is a baker, and as a child I would stuff my face with macarons all day. Unfortunately, Macaron was already taken as a username, so I used Macaroon. Little did I know at the time, macaroons are also cookies." She giggled and put her hand in front of her mouth for a moment. "I think Ruby fits you! Elegant and expensive," she winked as the last line left her lips.

    "What am I up to?" Mack's face drew into a thoughtful expression. "Well, I heard some rumors about starter quests somewhere around town and I got myself turned around looking for them. Maybe you'd like to help me find them?" she asked, a smile on her face. "Unless you're busy, of course. Speaking of, what are you up to down here?"


  4. Macaroon's embarrassment and blush didn't fade as the transition from awkward bump to complimenting one another occurred. She was very thankful that her new acquaintance hadn't been upset about being bumped into, some of the players here could be so aggressive and she didn't want any sort of confrontation. She giggled as Ruby called her beautiful, and managed to get out a, "Thank you!" before introductions began.

    Mack took Ruby's hand gently and gave a little curtsy before replying. "The name's Macaroon, but you can call me Mack, if you prefer. It's lovely to meet you! I really haven't met too many people here, yet." As she retracted her hand, Mack tucked her hair behind her ear again. She smiled sweetly, hoping that Ruby might be willing to give her a hand finding this quest and said, "You have a very pretty name, if you don't mind my saying so."


  5. After walking for a time, Macaroon found herself back at the main square. Her shoulders dropped and she groaned. "Oh maaan. I must've really gotten turned around to end up back here." Maybe she hadn't been paying enough attention to where she was going, but that wouldn't stop her from day dreaming as she crossed the plaza. She crossed her arms behind her back and looked up into the sky again. The clouds were peacefully drifting across the field of blue - it was gorgeous - and she found herself trying to find shapes in them. There was one that looked like a cute, fluffy, white bunny and that made her giggle.

    Mack was looking for another when she walked directly into someone. She stumbled back a step, closed her eyes, and immediately held her hands out apologetically, half-blushing from embarrassment. "Oh, I'm so sorry, please forgive me! I just get lost in my head sometimes!" She opened her eyes and took in the site of the woman standing before her. "Oh, my goodness! You're outfit is so cuuute!" she squealed. She shook her head, realizing she was being forward and maybe a little rude. "I'm so sorry for bumping into you. I'm so embarrassed."


  6. Macaroon made her way through the maze of streets that was the Town of Beginnings, taking in the hustle and bustle of the players and NPCs around her. She held the player's manual in hand, having been scanning it earlier for useful tips. She was thankful to have found someone who had been passing them out. It wasn't able to hold her attention for too long, though. She longed for something more than book reading now that she was stuck in this game. She looked up at the sky, so blue and full of white fluffy clouds. 'What a beautiful day,' she thought to herself, taking a deep breath and brushing her hair behind her ear. Stashing her manual and re-equipping her Beginner's Spear, she steeled herself. It was time to get to work; she had heard about a starter line of quests somewhere within this section of the city, and she was determined to find it.

    "Where could it be..?" Mack said, aloud to herself, and she began her search, peering into each open door. She was supposed to be looking for a chemyst or apothecary of some sort, or at least that was the rumor she had heard. Either way, she was sure she would find it soon, and maybe she'd even make a friend or find one of the ones she was supposed to meet in the game soon.



    Sorry it took me awhile to get this up! Let me know if that pink is too light, btw.


  7. Image result for fire emblem mist

    Username: Macaroon
    Real name: Darcey Antoinette Dubois
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5' 8"




    Born in Vouvant, France, Darcey's early childhood felt like something out of a fairytale. Her mother, a talented baker, and her father, a computer engineer, spoiled their only child dearly. When she wasn't stuffing her face with vibrantly colored macaroons, she was exploring the forest around her hometown, pretending to be one of Charlemagne's knights. She and some of the other small children traipsed through the woods with swords (i.e. sticks) in hand going on courageous adventures. These early memories would shape the rest of her life. 

    When Darcey was still young, only seven, her family moved to Hida-Takayama for her father's job. From one fairytale town to the next. Though the transition and culture shock were hard on her at first, she eventually adjusted fine, and took to roaming the mountainside, again pretending she was a valiant hero, this time one of the honourable bushido. Her mother opened a little French bakery, and their family flourished there. 

    As she aged, Darcey became rather sociable, making friends easily and being somewhat of a heart throb in their small town. She got into playing videogames with her friends as a way to pass the time and bond. She also began to become interested in art. Drawing inspiration from her childhood memories, she poured much of her energy into fantastic oil paintings of beautiful French and Japanese landcapes, and intense battle scenes between knights, samurai and both eastern and western monsters. Her natural artistic ability and her devoted effort earned her a place studying art at a university in Tokyo.

    Darcey was attending school there when her friends informed her of the newcoming game SAO. Her family being well-to-do and furnishing all her needs, she was easily able to acquire a NerveGear and a copy of the game at launch. She and several of her buddies from Hida-Takayama planned to meet up once they got logged into the game, but were completely unprepared for what would happen next.






    Creative. Darcey has always had a creative and sharp mind. This allows her to bring an edge to problem solving. She likes to think about a problem for a bit, if she's able to come up with an efficient, if unorthodox solution. Work smart, not hard.

    Charismatic. Darcey is beautiful, charming, and sociable. This allows her to make friends easily and occasionally woo those who might otherwise be less approachable. She is capable of thawing cold hearts and good at de-escalating hot situations.

    Carefree. Darcey is mellow and not particularly worrisome. This keeps her free of anxiety and loose, allowing her to easily adapt to new situations without worry. Her airy and happy-go-lucky attitude keeps her from losing her cool in stressful situations.





    Idealistic. Though she is carefree, Darcey's penchant for "never finishing" a piece of art and her knack for overanalyzing a problem has caused her to be a bit of a perfectionist. She has unrealistic and overly optimistic expectations. This can be soul crushing when an outcome is undesirable or overly negative.

    Ditzy. Even with her sharp mind and her tendency to think things through, Darcey's carefree attitude can make her scatterbrained. She daydreams often and can be silly more than not. She doesn't really see it as a flaw, but in SAO, being checked out at the wrong time can get you killed.

    Trusting. Darcey's social appetites and charismatic ways can often make her too trusting. She considers acquaintances friends more often than not and is rarely wary of those around her unless she has reason to be. Though this has hurt her before, she generally shrugs it off and has never been in a situation where trusting the wrong person could get her killed before now.








    Skill Points 5/5 Spent




    Weapon skills
    » One-Handed Assault Spear Rank 1




    » Beginner's Short Spear (Uncommon 1HAS - Accuracy +1)
    » Beginner's Half Plate (Uncommon Heavy Armor - Thorns +1)
    » 3 Starter Healing Potions



    » [PP-F1] Day dreaming and flower picking <<The First Few Lessons are Free>> with Ruby - in progress

    » [PP-F1] Learning to Sew <<Earning A Living>> with Krysta - in progress




    Story Thus Far





    + 2,500 Col
    + 10 Tier 1 Mats
    + New Character Bundle A "Basic Package"


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