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Posts posted by Mishiro

  1. There he remained by the doorway - frozen, as if he'd just woken up from a trance, and equally unsure. She thought it resembled the expression he wore back then, when he stumbled into that cafe at the second floor and looked about aimlessly as if he'd stepped in with no knowledge of what he wanted to do. It was rather odd. Mishiro tilted her head to the side slightly and entwined her fingers underneath the table, meeting his stare with an inquisitive one of her own. 
    ⁠—Pinball had strikingly blue eyes.
    Movement caused them to break eye contact. This time, she recognized the players entering the inn. Mishiro gave them a polite nod as the pair of regular lodgers passed by her table and made their way upstairs - a gesture they returned with a smile and a quick glance at the boy standing by the entryway. They disappeared into the second floor, and she turned back to Pinball.
    He'd inched closer to her table. He didn't proceed any further, and somehow, neither did she urge him to.
    "Waiting for someone." 
    Sliding her tray of food forward, she allotted enough space and stood her sketchbook on the table, facing Pinball. Occupying a large portion of the page was a drawing of a ferret standing on two legs with its head turned curiously towards the viewer. It was fully pencil-shaded with special attention given to the texture and pattern of its fur, but that all vanished at around its head and upper body - which she'd decided to ink. A bad decision, if any. She didn't know what came over her but all she could do at this point was finish it. "...and working on this. What do you think?" Off to the side of the page were blots of ink and pencil - it was evident she decided to practice on the same sheet instead of using another. Mishiro peered over the sketchbook, carefully watching him as he took in her latest work.
    'What are you doing here on Valentine's Day?' she would have asked, if not for the conversation upstairs coming to a close. She closed her sketchbook and slid it to the side, then pulled her tray of food back into place. 
    "Sorry to keep you waiting!"
    Mishiro turned away from Pinball and smiled as Roman approached.
    "You didn't take long enough to warrant an apology."
    "Really? That's good to hear." He stopped beside their table, absentmindedly running a hand through his damp hair. Somehow, he looked even less awake than he did fifteen minutes earlier. A brown ferret that bore a striking resemblance to the one in Mishiro's sketch hopped off his shoulder and scuttled towards her, climbing up the chair leg and jumping onto her lap. "I was just curious why they got back so early. Turns out the lines to some festivities in the Central Plaza were so long, they just gave up and returned to the inn..."
    He trailed off entirely when realized there was a third person in the room - and that the two younger players were facing each other as if they were just having a conversation. Subtly, he glanced at Mishiro, then back at the unfamiliar player.
    "Oh, hey." Roman drew closer to the seat beside her and placed a hand atop its backrest with a friendly smile. "I don't think I've seen you around here. You a friend of Shiromi?"
    Mishiro dropped her gaze and petted the ferret on her lap.
  2. Leaving. 
    He was... leaving?
    Mishiro dropped a handful of coffee beans into the wicker basket beside her. All of a sudden, she couldn't focus on her task. The coffee plants she had set out to gather were pushed to the back of her mind. He was at the corner of her vision but she watched him more than she did the little blue flame that had innocently floated back to her. She stood silent and unmoving as he spoke again, hoping that something would happen, that he would change his mind and decide not to go, that he would drop his mask and shatter all of her false assumptions, that she wouldn't be left alone spiraling deeper into thoughts of what she should have done, that there would be some sort of confirmation -
    And that he would stay and talk, if her suspicions turned out to be true. She told him before that she would listen to anything.
    But nothing happened.
    When he turned his back, she was struck with the urge to move. Mishiro buried it deep in her consciousness and reactivated her <<Detection>>. She mechanically assessed her surroundings. Felli, floating next to her. Huginn, still engaged with the flytrap and much farther than she expected. The familiar coffee bean plantation at the other end of the <<Garden>> that she had yet to visit. Ares, turned away.
    "It was nice meeting you too."
    She turned back, but not without sparing him one last glance.
    He carelessly raised his hand to wave them goodbye.
    The crystallized sword on his wrist glinted in the sunlight - the same way it had when she looked closely at it months ago. She remembered that moment. She remembered flipping the shop sign to 'Closed' a few hours too early. She remembered the silence and the bittersweet scent of the coffee she made for herself as she seated herself at another table. 
    Mishiro prompted Felli to return to her master. Pulling Roman's coat tighter around herself, she took a small step forward.
    "Will we... see each other again?"
    And then there was a shadow roused from its slumber. It passed through a hole in the cover of his knapsack and rose to the air like a plume of smoke, parting into clouds of black fog. 
    Her breath caught in her throat.
    She remembered everything. She remembered him.
    Mishiro breathed in deeply and left her basket behind. 
    This was what Pinball wanted. He made that clear the last time they met. He wanted to hide behind his mask. He wanted to leave.  He wanted to be alone. He didn't want her around, not anymore. 
    But this was the same person who told her he wanted to die.
    Her pace sped to a brisk walk. 
    Perhaps he only spoke to her this time around so he could tell her all that he had ever wanted to say before he finally cut her off. He told her just that when they met earlier: don't run from her problems, don't make the same mistakes he did, and have more trust in others. He told her to smile more. 
    But what about you?
    He was nearing the edge of the <<Garden>> now. 
    She threw caution to the wind and ran.
    He felt the unusually cold grip on his shoulder first. Mishiro came to a stop in front of him and held him at arm's length as she caught her breath. 
    "It's fine now. I know." 
    The girl lifted his mask with her other hand and she thought she felt her heart skip a beat. How long has it been since she last saw his face - and not one that she drew herself for the police department's wanted posters? She breathed out a sigh and shook her head, suppressing the urge to step closer. Mishiro wasn't smiling just yet - rather, she looked more conflicted as she took a small step back and held the kitsune mask in her hands. At a loss for words, she could only manage the first question that appeared in her mind.
  3. Alone at a table for four. Even though they no longer had much of a need for two extra seats, they continued claiming it out of habit. She thought that if she looked hard enough, she could almost see a girl with freshly-dyed hair seated at her usual place beside the chair directly across her. Then she blinked and it was gone. The empty seat beside her told another story. It was left vacant for friends who sometimes joined their meals though their newly-appointed guild leader had been occupying it more often recently. Leah had come by earlier, but she left as soon as she finished her breakfast. 
    Off to spend Valentine's with her husband, the woman had declared in a more subdued voice than usual as she left for the Monument of Life.
    Mishiro rested her elbow on the table and lightly tapped her pen against its wooden surface. In front of her, a newly-bought sketchpad with a hard cover lay open to a half-inked drawing of a ferret. Staring aimlessly down at the paper, she tugged on the edge of her white coat sleeve and tried to decide which lines to fill in next as she waited. Tap, tap, tap. She only shifted her position when the NPC innkeeper approached her table and served her lunch. Two plates of dumplings, salad, and udon with accompanying curry broth. And it refilled her vanilla latte. 
    She didn't start yet. Mishiro wasn't hungry, but she knew Roman disliked it when he was the only one eating at the table.
    "Put it on Claude's tab," she told the NPC simply. 
    Though it usually became a lively place at lunch hour, the inn was empty today. She could only attribute it to today being Valentine's Day and the streets outside being lined with special vendors and festivities. Players milled about the streets with their friends or partners. While she would never have any gratitude towards the game for making this day feel a bit more special, she was glad many were finding their reasons to smile today. 
    The door swung open and Mishiro raised her head, expecting to see one of the other lodgers step through the entryway. What she least expected, however, was the boy she had met one month ago standing by the door with an expression she couldn't decipher. They had talked a few more times after their initial meeting and he knew where she lived, after walking her home once. It made sense, but a part of her simply assumed he would be spending time with someone else. 
    Mishiro set down her cup of hot chocolate and regarded him with thinly-veiled curiosity.
  4. "Perhaps it has been," she affirmed with a small nod. Mishiro leaned forward on the bench, and there was a rough metallic sound as she entwined her fingers together. "But what can I say... whether good or bad, it's not easy to forget a moment that changes the course of your life."

    And neither was it easy to discard Mishiro's wrongful assumption that Runa was at least five years younger than her. She asked questions with the same polite inquisitiveness children often possessed and her actions and manner of dress weren't of any help. The girl had hopped off her bench and made a bold declaration. Defender of Sweets? So she was defending her candy stash? Mishiro had to withhold her giggle. It was a statement that would have been rather typical of a child playing pretend with their friends, with one important difference: she wasn't actually playing pretend.

    She worried the other didn't have a very clear grasp of the possible consequences and she wasn't sure where the girl came from either.

    "I have experience." At the quiet chime of her notification bell - she had lowered hers to a volume that wasn't as disruptive as Arabelle's full setting - she opened her PMs with a quick swipe of an armored hand and skimmed through the latest message. Arabelle was coming... alone, for some reason, but she still insisted on continuing on their excursion together. Mishiro sent back an affirmative and rose from her bench, passing the smaller girl as she approached the poster she had put up on the wall. "There was a change of plans. Whoever put up that request was... unable to continue. A friend and I are still heading out, so you can come along with us instead. That aside, you said you wanted to learn how to fight?"

    Mishiro pulled out the poster, folded it into a triangle, and tore off the excess. The smaller half disintegrated before it could reach the ground. 

    "I'd be willing to give you a few tips." 

    [ooc: Requesting to close for inactivity. If Runa wants to continue with what we started here, PM me and we'll start a separate thread.]

    ❄ SUMMARY ❄

    Mishiro, @Kirbs, @Neopolitan, @Runa@Jomei

    • 1 SP
    • 80 Col

    @Bell, @Arabelle

    • 1 SP
  5. Unbeknownst to herself, she was smiling as he laughed.

    This was nice. She didn't speak to many people in the same relaxed manner, and she felt a small sense of achievement at the thought that they were getting along rather well for strangers. 

    He was speaking up again, apologizing. 

    "It's alright," Mishiro responded evenly. She thought he was rather odd - one moment he was loud, excitable, trying to fill in every pause in the conversation, and she couldn't grasp what he was possibly thinking and another he was more subdued, awkward, sometimes asking for her confirmation like he couldn't believe it; and he made frequent, erratic switches between those moods - but not enough for an apology.

    Then she remembered his teasing and decided perhaps he did deserve to say that apology. 

    She was still red-faced when she admitted, "I don't 'get out' much either. With someone else, I mean."

    The cafe they had visited was now out of sight and they were walking down the cobbled path that led to Urbus's exit. She quietly admired the rows of medieval-style buildings as she sipped from her latte. Then she looked back up at him to ask a question that had been nagging at the back of her mind ever since he brought up the mountains. Beginner-safe as it was, that area was not something one would think themselves well-acquainted with after a short walk outside. "Do you leave the safe zone often?" 

  6. She wouldn't. Not after that day she found a girl sleeping beside the Waterfall of the Sage, unaware of the band of orange players closing in on her with their weapons drawn. They had both learned a lesson that day - that the system wasn't their only enemy but so were some of the players within it.

    Mishiro thought she already knew that, but experiencing it firsthand was considerably different. Memories of the thin sliver of red in her HP bar with her opponent's dagger pointed at her throat flashed across her mind. Her life was in danger. Jinx would have been matched one-versus-six if she had gone down. Perhaps... in that one instance, it might have been right to—

    "It was a close call, but you weren't wrong to hesitate."

    No, it wouldn't.

    Her gauntleted hand closed around a flat stone. The girl didn't feel any more unsafe now than she always did. Worrying about things that weren't very likely to happen wouldn't benefit her at this point, though she did take the necessary precautions of checking her surroundings regularly and having a Teleport Crystal at her belt as Roman had advised. 

    She regarded the stone in her hand and tossed it into the lake, watching it skip once, twice, before going under. Mishiro watched the ripples in the lake and reached around her basket of coffee beans for another pebble.

    She didn't mind being alone.

  7. A pebble drops into the ocean and a tidal wave ravages the shores on the other side of the world. Chaos Theory. The ripples in the lake reminded her of it, but - watching the small waves glance off the edges of the shore - it didn't apply here. It was the opposite of a chaotic system; a stagnant body of water where changes are mostly self-contained, and the most a ripple could ever do to disturb the world around it was the occasional splash to the side.

    And it was detached from everything.

    The girl thought she liked its silence. Seated by the lake's shore, partially obscured by a clump of reeds, Mishiro pulled her legs close to her chest and watched a small family of birds taking turns dipping into the water and then taking to the air as quickly as they came. Even as she was resting, she left her gauntlets and combat boots equipped and was dressed in the cold black iron of her heavy armor set. Beside her was a wicker basket, filled with the coffee beans she had gathered from the nearby <<Garden>>. Casting it a quick glance, she pulled herself out of her own thoughts long enough to give a small, proud smile.

    She had well exceeded the amount she set out to gather today, and she thought a half-hour's rest by one of her favorite places in Floor 1 was warranted.

    It was quiet and peaceful.

    But she never kept her eyes closed for more than a few seconds.

  8. Mishiro almost smiled. 

    "Was that supposed to be impressive?" she lightly teased. The girl dismissed her gathered materials to her inventory and turned back to the masked man. Where she would have ended a conversation, she had decided to play along. It was harmless fun and part of her was, admittedly, glad for the company on a gathering trip usually spent alone. "Why every weapon in the game though? Most players would just aim to learn one or two."

    Dusting off the edges of Roman's coat as she stood, Mishiro briefly reactivated her <<Detection>>. She cast a quick glance at the other member of her party - still fighting, but now the flytrap was at a fourth of its HP - and she figured he wouldn't need any assistance. It was only when she had walked a slight distance away to pick leaves from a rosemary, did she take notice of the little blue flame that had followed her.

    "Felli, shouldn't you be helping Huginn?" She made a small shooing gesture with a gauntleted hand. The movement unintentionally fanned a puff of cold air at the familiar, which it quickly took to the side to avoid. Still, Felli continued dancing happily around her, leaving trails of light as it moved. Mishiro glanced at Huginn, then back at the little wisp who wouldn't leave her side. "Alright, you can stay..." Lowering herself in front of the rosemary, she let Felli circle around her hand with a soft smile.

    She would just have to apologize for both of them later. 


    ID: 118265 | LD: 17

    Total: 6 T1 Mats



  9. It didn't take him long to realize he wasn't the only lone player in the island - which was already unusual in and of itself. His scouting had led him a ways away from Paraneze, where even frontline-leveled players would be found in groups. Whoever that was must be confident in his stats and, most likely by Claude's own negligence, had gone undetected for however long they had been on the island.

    And they were coming closer.

    Claude stopped and turned to the newly-arrived player. His left hand disappeared under his cloak, coming to a casual rest on his sheath. Green cursor. A knife sheathed at his belt. Cowboy attire(?). And a smooth as heck Southern accent that gave him the impression of a guy who walked straight out of an Old West movie(??). Whether he was the real deal or not, you wouldn't normally expect to see cowboys playing a VRMMO themed around swords.

    "Yeah, he's mine." He gave a vague gesture to the ferret that was earlier nestled sleepily in his hood, but now had its paws on his left shoulder and was watching the man with slight curiosity. "Sorry, did he disturb you earlier?"

  10. "I've met him," the girl reminded with a small nod. The first, by a set of 'Wanted' posters and one of Aincrad's strongest warning the public of criminals. The second, at last year's Christmas fair with a smaller child riding happily on his shoulders. Both gave contrasting impressions, but more than anything, Mishiro wanted to believe - "He seems like a nice person." 

    She stayed by Jinx's side as the other took in the scenery before her eyes with a quiet smile. Deciding to herself that she did not interrupt this moment, Mishiro looked back down and took the time to admire the view for a few more moments herself. There was nothing but the rustling of the trees above them at the occasional breeze, and the sound of bird calls. Restful. Tranquil. It reminded her of the forests of her hometown, and she always held those fond memories close to her.

    Though it only did some to ease the heaviness in her heart, she was glad she had the chance to experience this moment with her friend.

    "Let's keep going?" she asked softly when she felt her friend was done. Mishiro offered the shielder a sincere smile as she turned and started along the path, and would drop a few steps back to walk alongside Jinx once she started moving.

  11. When he spoke again, she latched onto it. Onto his words. Onto the potentialities of the subject he brought up. It was better than the heavy silence, and it gave her something simpler to mull over. Mishiro pushed her concerns of the masked man's identity to the back of her mind where they rightfully belonged and gave a disbelieving hum.

    "Is that so? People who say that often intend the exact opposite. If your words were sincere, that statement would have been better said without that phrase. It's likely that no one would notice a thing since you never brought their attention to it," the girl casually remarked. If he looked over now (likely), he would have seen a faint teasing smile on her lips that was more friendly than condescending - hinting at the true intentions behind her comment. "How did you fare with martial arts?"

    Mishiro watched him from the corner of her eye as he gave out advice. Huginn and Felli's blue outlines, clashing against the Venus flytrap's orange in strong contrast to the muted background. 

    "Were you watching?" That question, she could ask him without any reservations, at least. Mishiro tucked a gauntleted hand into Roman's coat pocket and turned to Ares. "I'm not very experienced with a spear, but I could at least tell he missed his initial attacks because he was keeping his distance. It's a common mistake among fighters. They have a long weapon, they think they can reach far enough with its length. So in a sense, he's already doing what you told him to do, but a bit too much."

    There was only so much he could garner from her lack of expression. Disappointment might be one of them. She turned, just in time to witness Huginn land his first hit against the flytrap, taking a great deal of HP and paralyzing it. Mishiro suspected he might heed Ares's advice and revert back to his mistakes from earlier. The mob wasn't moving for a while. He had time to listen, time to adapt. Pausing to think for a moment, she called out, "Keep a reasonable distance. Not too close, not too far! Remember your failed attacks from earlier and learn from it! Don't overcomplicate your maneuvers, and keep your movements direct and simple. You need time to get used to combat, and you aren't doing yourself any better for rushing it along!"

    "...that was advice for a beginner. He looks like one," Mishiro quickly explained to the boy beside her. Satisfied with her input, she turned and walked a short distance away to pull up a patch of greens her vision had highlighted earlier.


    ID: 118126 | LD: 16

    Total: 4 T1 Mats



  12. At the sight of the wooden arch towering above Krycim's entry point and the settlement's familiar vine-riddled structures, she allowed herself a quiet sigh of relief and the tension in her shoulders eased. It was a much welcome comfort - and it lasted until her thoughts took hold. Mishiro stepped forward, further into the safe zone. Her gaze was blank, listless.

    She stared off into the distance, processing.

    Roman sometimes spoke of player killers, but until now, they had been nothing but a cautionary tale. They couldn't touch her, so long as she took the necessary precautions. But time and again, they brought down the strong and the innocent. Some whose names she knew, most she didn't. And today - she looked over her shoulder at Jinx, carefully handing off the sleeping ferret to Roman - she had witnessed an attempt firsthand. In a world where everyone would have benefited from working towards a common goal, they were a reality. 

    --She remembered the dagger raised above her head and all of the fear she should have felt in that moment came back to grip at her throat.

    "Then, I guess we part ways here. Are you sure you'll be alright?" Roman turned his head to the side, allowing the familiar to nestle comfortably into his hood, but he still looked at the shielder with concern. "If you have a guild or some friends, I think it would be best to stay close to them for the next few days. Or -" He looked over to Mishiro for approval. She took a moment to figure out what he was alluding to. Breathe. And she gave her agreement with a small nod. "- You can come over. Floor 3, Cafe Myosotis. It's a safe zone, and I know a few people you can talk to if you feel unsafe."

    So this was goodbye?

    Jinx's switch to German went unnoticed. Mishiro returned her small bow. "I was just doing what anyone else would have done." She straightened and considered the girl standing in front of her for a moment. Her name, their short exchange of words, and what they just went through. "Do you want to exchange contacts?" 

    Mishiro sent the girl a friend request and they said their farewells.

    Once Jinx had left, silence settled between the two. 

    --She remembered the dagger raised above her head, and she didn't feel like gathering those materials anymore.

    "Let's go home? I'll pull some materials from the treasury, have them make an exception," Roman offered. He rubbed her head in the fond manner she was familiar with, and she couldn't help but return his reassuring smile. "Okay? You need to rest."

    He reached for her hand, and they started down the short path to Floor 6's teleport gate. 


    ❄ SUMMARY 

    Mishiro and Jinx

    • 2 SP
    • 400 Col


    • 1 SP

    A name has been crossed out of the Monument.

    <<Haniel>> NPC
    Player-Killed by Claude NPC.


    ooc: Jinx did not provide the name of the scout Claude (Roman) killed, so I made one up.


  13. At his expression of gratitude, she nodded and bid him goodbye with a small wave of her hand. Mishiro watched him walk away until her vision was obscured by a passing group of players and he disappeared from sight. Shifting her cup of coffee to one hand, she summoned her menus to send Roman a quick message and began the short walk back to Floor 2's teleport gate.
    She couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness Huginn gave off when he first explained to her his sister was missing, and again when they spoke for the second time. Drawing in a long breath, she let it back out with a quiet sigh as her mind returned to considering her plans for their next meeting. She recalled her schedule for the next few days, and she was still lost in her own thoughts when she arrived at the plaza.
    Mishiro stopped walking and held her cup of coffee close to her chest. Still in his battle attire, Roman pushed off of the wall and opened his gloved hand, letting the last specks of a teleport crystal's residue be carried off by the wind. "I told you not to come if you were still out," she said quietly, even as they both knew what happened the last time she went alone. 
    "Well, the rest of the team's still pretty close and some of them were tired and starting to complain, so I got them a break and used that as an excuse. Besides, Leah's there and she always caves in easy when I mention your name."
    She looked at him blankly.
    "Sorry, I know. That did not make you feel better." He closed the distance between them and held out his hand with a reassuring smile. "But I told you it's a slow process, and none this is your fault. We were all affected in some way by that moment, and it's just a matter of helping each other recover. So do you want to let go of my hand this time?"
    Mishiro considered it. She looked at the teleport gate, and back at him. 
    She reached out and grasped his hand.
    Thread Rewards
    • 200 Col
    • 1 SP
  14. "--And you are. I know, it's fine." Mishiro accepted her takeout after a short wait at the counter. She discarded the paper bag and shifted the steaming hot paper cup back and forth in her hands. Lifting it to her lips, she took a sip. 

    Pinball was still talking.

    "I want to. I already said so, didn't I?" Honest, and straight to the point. Mishiro turned to face him, gray eyes betraying a slight hint of confusion. It was a fact to her that she wanted to go on a walk - why wasn't it to him? The boy went on, offering her two options though it was evident he was leaning more on the latter. His sentences dragged, he talked too fast, and there was an effort to make the two places more interesting. And now he waited, his ears red and his foot tapping repeatedly against the floor.

    The girl had a rather vague sense this conversation was a bit... off. 

    She considered his words. His repeated questions. He wasn't used to this; neither was she. But he told her he was trying. She thought she was, too. 

    "We can pass by the market any other day, and you seemed more interested in the other, so let's go for the mountains."

    Perhaps a different approach was better. 

    "A flat top mountain... you must be talking about the range in the northeast, right?" It was the nearest and located on the farther edge of one of the beginner-friendly areas. She had reason to assume he wouldn't take her straight to a high-leveled zone without asking for her stats first. Mishiro recalled the map Roman had once given her, affixed to the beta testers' guide to Floor 2. She had no need for it, but she would bring it out of her inventory and study it in her free time out of curiosity. "Then if it's alright with you, let's make a stopover in the middle. There's a hill in the middle of the grasslands, only a few minutes off the path." 

    This was weird, different, somewhat unfamiliar.

    "It has a good view of the surrounding area, and... I've only been there once, but it's a nice, quiet place. Consider it my contribution."

    But she was trying some more and maybe that was the point.

    Mishiro would follow after Pinball as he made for the exit. She remained a step behind him, clutching the warm drink to her hands as they stepped out into the cold January air. 

    "By the way, the vanilla latte?" The girl sped her pace until she was walking alongside him and held up her drink. "It's good, but I still think it's best enjoyed if you drink it slowly."

  15. February 14, 2023

    interlude: philia

    In the stillness of the moonlit hall, the performer turned to her enamored audience of one.
    "What did you dream of?"

    An amaranth blossoming in the moonlight.
    "I thought of you."

    He awoke to the scent of flowers and a melody playing by his ear; soft, cold, and gentle, like watching snowflakes fall from the night sky. February's winter chill lingered in the air, but the fluffy blanket on his shoulders enclosed him in warmth. A sigh escaped from his lips. This was nice. Moments of peace were sparse among the chaos of the past four months, so when they came, they were greatly appreciated. He kept his eyes closed and buried his head deeper in his arms. If the Suite bergamasque was lulling him back to sleep, then the faint scraping sound from the corner of the room - like metal sliding slowly across metal - was grating against the back of his mind and pulling him back through the veil of consciousness.

    --And he remembered that song and a pianist's slender hands gliding over ivory keys, and it ripped through whatever sense of calm that had briefly overtaken him.

    Claude lifted his head. He took note of the scented candle he didn't light and the blanket at his shoulders, then of the figure by his window.

    With one curtain already drawn, the small girl gently pulled on the other. She had left her shoes by the door as she was accustomed to and was dressed almost entirely in white. With sharp gray eyes narrowed in concentration, the girl looked up at the curtain rod above her head. Standing on tiptoes, she carefully tugged on the curtain again and it moved with the quiet but noticeable sound from earlier. She paused when it moved with less sound than before, and he already knew she was trying to remember what she did so she could replicate that same process.

    He smiled despite himself.

    Pure, delicate, quiet. Like she would break apart at a touch - and she almost did once. Mira Gonzales reminded him of snowflakes.

    But more importantly, what was she doing here at four-something in the morning?!


    She froze. And Claude considered that maybe calling out to her was a bad idea. He could see it in the dismay that took hold of her expression when she turned to him and resignedly loosened her hold on the cloth.

    "Did I wake you?"

    White light slipped through the gap in the curtains and spilled into the room, shining down on her as she took a small step forward. 

    It did not look like it was four-something in the morning.

    "You weren't coming down for breakfast, so I went over to check," she continued. "Go back to sleep if you like. It's best to take advantage of this rest day and recover your energy. I believe that's also what Leah said yesterday." Crossing her arms, she leaned back against the window and glanced at him. "Though I think it would be more comfortable if you moved over to the bed."

    It was really not four-something in the morning. Sitting up straight, his gaze flicked down to the bottom-left field of his UI. 12:30 PM, and Mira probably had breakfast alone on his one rest day. He expected a scolding, or a light jab at his sleeping habits. That was what she always did whenever she went over to wake him up a year ago - before SAO, before her accident. But there was none and only a thinly-veiled expression of concern, and it felt wrong.

     "It's okay. Oversleeping is bad too, you know? Any longer and I would've waken up with a headache." Claude quickly assured with a smile. He turned away from her and muted the crystal. "Sorry, did you want to do something today? Or do you already have plans with someone? That's good, too. You know, I noticed you've been out more often lately." 

    Mira moved over to sit at the edge of his bed and swung her legs in an almost childish fashion. "I don't have any plans." -- And Claude felt really bad for whichever poor guy had a crush on her this time, if there were any, 'cause she barely even paused to think. -- "And considering how you were in the middle of your yearly routine of taking out your frustrations on cleaning, you don't have any either. That makes the 25th year in the row. Congratulations, you are now at the silver anniversary of having no date on Valentine's Day."

    And Claude felt bad for himself 'cause that one went straight for the heart, where the hell did his cute, innocent Mira learn to say such things with a straight face -

    "I- I just didn't have any time, okay?!"

    "Mhm. You have another year. Do your best, Roman. I'm cheering on you."

    She encouraged. In a flat tone. As she disinterestedly picked up a dungeon map and its attached guide from the stack on the floor and began to leaf through its pages.

    Yeah, okay.

    "That aside..."

    Loath he was to admit, she wasn't wrong. He had gotten up early to tidy up his place... only to nod off halfway through. Even with SAO's magic unlimited inventory system, he kept most of his belongings manifested in his inn room. Some of Mira's sketches were pinned up on the wall, various vanity trinkets he hadn't disposed of yet were stored in the drawer, the guild's paperwork in cardboard boxes and his desk, and a statuette Leah had given him for Christmas along with a few others on the bedside table. In contrast, Mira left her room mostly bare with the only personal touches being a panda plush on her bed and her sketchpad and notebooks stacked neatly on her desk - and last he saw of it, she didn't even hang her clothes in the closet. 

    "Were you doing this all morning? You didn't have to, you know..." Or she could have just woken him up. Claude had noticed how she had already finished half of the clean-up for him, leaving the mess of drafted floor guides, dungeon maps, and paperwork stacked on the floor. And he could only attribute that to her not knowing what to do with it. He went over and ruffled her hair fondly. "That's really nice of you. Thanks. But seriously, wake me up next time, alright?"

    He thought he saw her turn a slight shade of red, but she only nodded quietly. 

    "How about this?" Mira held up the dungeon map in her hands. "Tell me how it should be ordered and I'll help."

    It was Valentine's Day. She should really be doing something else other than being cooped up inside for the rest of the afternoon.

    "I think we've done enough for now. How about we leave that for later and head down for some lunch?"

    It really didn't need much consideration. Mira nodded quietly and placed the map down on the bed. 

    "Before we head out..." She stopped him before he could say anything else. Mira procured a small cellophane pouch wrapped in a red ribbon from her inventory. Chocolates, he quickly realized. They were bite-sized and came in different cute shapes that were typical of Mira's usual Valentine's chocolates. She stood and presented her gift to him with a sincere smile. "Leah helped me make it. Happy Valentine's Day, Roman. Please take care of me for another year, okay?"

    He returned her smile.

    "That really goes without saying already but for the sake of formalities, please take care of me for another year too, okay?"

    He took the chocolates from her hand, but unexpectedly, she leaned forward. Instinctively, he stiffened as she pressed against his chest and wrapped her arms around him, but quickly relaxed and held her close. It was warm and soft, and she didn't hold him tightly - it was more like she was barely there. He pulled her closer and his hand rested against the back of her head. It felt... nice.

    Claude pulled away.

    "I'm gonna take a quick shower. Head downstairs and grab me the usual, alright?" He took another few steps back to allow her some space. "Thanks for the help today, but no offense, I hope it'll be different next year."

    "That's what you say every year." 

    Mira stopped by his closet to pull out one of his smaller coats and shut the door behind her quietly.

    Left in the silence of his own room, Claude stared vacantly at his desk. He took the recording crystal and absentmindedly turned it over in his hands. It had the appearance of the typical store-bought recording crystal, with the only difference being the engraving of a black phoenix on one of its sides. He hovered over the option to unmute it. Seconds ticked by. Then he tore his gaze from the options and dropped the crystal in his shared inventory with Mira where it would hopefully be buried underneath his candle collection, never to be seen again.

    The melody still lingers.


    @Pinball bcoz this lovely ship needs some more shippy moments that are not angst justification.

    A Valentine's Day thread, but it's June?! (No, I totally did not delay this thing for four months only to decide it's important after. Nooope. Definitely not!)


  16. 1075314420_DjVKxBhV4AIwe2h(2).png.6ac33855618a93849d177df4cf70fb92.png  

    A rubber ball whizzed from one end of the clearing to another, disappearing into the grove of trees at the other side.  Leaves rustled. A thin branch snapped and fell, disturbing the stillness of the small island. Chasing after its favorite toy was a small brown ferret. It paused as it reached the clearing, beady eyes fixated on where the ball had went, then circled around the open area. Midway through, the ferret descended to the ground but kept to the shadows of the trees, avoiding the watchful gaze of the predators circling above, and raced past a group of bushes to - 

    Skid to a stop inches before it could sail off the sudden drop that was the island's edge. The air seemed to distort in front of it - revealing for a split second the visage of a concerned observer's red cloak fluttering in the wind. Unaffected, the small familiar sniffed the air and returned to its search. It scuttled back to the undergrowth, where it found the red ball lodged in its leaves. Triumphantly, clutching its favorite toy in its mouth, the ferret returned to its master with its tail wagging in excitement. The chase was fun, but there was one thing it looked forward to the most when playing fetch.

    Claude deactivated his stealth.

    "Good boy, Bandit!" The scout stooped down to rub his familiar's head fondly and toss it a treat. As the ferret fully focused its efforts on chomping down its well-earned snack, he raised his head and ran another check on his surroundings. Aside from the bluish hue wrapped around the familiar and the orange markers of the mobs circling overhead, nothing stood out from the muted colors of the environment. Not that he was expecting anything to; he was just about done with this area, halfway through his initial survey of the newest floor which was literally only 24 out of a f*cking 100, get back to your damn job already--

    --And he still had one week to go before Leah's deadline, so all in all, he was feeling pretty proud of himself!

    Bandit finished its snack and chittered demandingly, snuggling up against his hand - the one that was still holding onto the rubber ball. Claude groaned inwardly. It wasn't out of plain affection. With the ferret mustering its cutest puppy dog face and only a slight hungry glint in its eyes betraying its true intention, he thought it was seriously being unfair! The scout dropped the ball into his inventory, and Bandit immediately stopped snuggling with his hand. "You used to be so nice."  

    --But he couldn't cave in even if he wanted to. Playing fetch beside a cliff was not the best idea.

    Claude gently scooped up his ferret and placed it on his shoulder, where it immediately moved to nestle in his hood. Sweeping his hair to the side, he stood and reached up to absentmindedly stroke the ferret's head as it let out a yawn. His cloak slightly lifted with that gesture to reveal the black cloth armor and belt bag worn underneath. His hand dropped down to his side as he ran another check on his surroundings. 


    Next area it is.


    Tag: @Clyde

    Some good fun. Mishiro will actually not be making much of an appearance in this thread, so I'm fine if she doesn't get any SP from this. Story stuff and playing around with this NPC player is more important, uwu~.


  17. --Accident or none, his attack wouldn't have landed anyway. Furry took to the air and was quickly moving out of striking distance when the boy had activated his Sword Art. "Tch...!" Her glare appeared to be directed to the mob. Upon witnessing yet another reckless charge with no sense of strategy, her calm demeanor was beginning to crumble. If they ever had the chance to speak, she would have a few choice words to offer him. But - breathing in, and out - she looked away from Dustin and up at the mob still in midair.
    Mishiro raced after the Easter bunny, holding one hand over her eyes as protection and her axe in the other. Closing in, she dropped her hand to hold her weapon in a tight grip and swung. Furry, still in midair and temporarily blinded by the spray of dust, failed to dodge. Her axe cleaved through its fur, leaving a long, deep cut at its torso.
    Another <<Bleed>> inflicted.
    The small purple bunny swayed on its feet as it landed. Furry seemed to pause and stare at the team for a few moments, though what ran through the AI's head was a mystery. It shook the dust off its fur and rocketed towards Jinx, hopping over Mishiro and Mace. Furry jumped high into the air once again, spun, and slammed down on the tank's raised shield with a kick that was strong enough to knock her a few inches backward and stun her. 
    Jinx's Thorns activated. With a bright flash, the little rabbit's body disintegrated into intangible red data shards.
    It was over.
    Mishiro stood aimlessly still for a few moments before it settled into her. She looked at the rewards pop-up and procured a small, round object. It was a colorful Easter egg made of plastic - much like the type that would normally be found in grocery stores - and twisting it open gave another rewards window. She struck her axe against the ground and quickly read through her loot before dismissing the window. This was more than enough.
    Dustin, Mace, and Jinx received the same Easter Egg. Jinx was still <<Paralyzed>>, but the last hit reward had gone to her.
    Truly an anticlimactic end for a drawn-out battle. 

    ID: 117934 | BD: 9 | MD: 4 + 2 = 6 | CD: 10

    1 DMG on Furry. Bleed procs.

    1 DMG on Jinx. <<Bunny Frenzy>> procs. Thorns procs.

    [H:4] @Mace: 257/260 HP | 11/26 EN | 4 DMG | 47 MIT | 1 Taunt
    [H:8] Jinx: 359/360 HP | 1/36 EN | 53 MIT | 2 THRN <18 DMG> | 1 REGEN <5HP> | 2 PARA <8-10> | 1 BLEED <9/10, 12 DMG> [Paralyzed]
    [H:1] Dustin: 394/440 HP | 20/44 EN | 11 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 4 BH
    [H:5] Mishiro: 100/100 HP | 8/10 EN | 1 DMG | 27 MIT | 2 Bleed

    <<Furry, Fluffy Avenger>>: -14/250 HP | 50 DMG | 25 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | [1/2 Bleed]


    • <<Creme Egg Power>>: On an MD roll of 9-10, Furry will eat a Creme Egg adding 10 DMG on a roll of 9, and 15 on a roll of 10.
    • <<Bunny Frenzy>>: On a CD roll of 9-10, Furry will use both of its legs to hit the player down with the highest hate adding “Paralysis” to its attack.
    • <<Rabbit Rampage>>: On a CD roll of 11-12, Furry will hop on the ground causing an earthquake effect adding “Area of Effect” to its attack (Does need to roll for each player.)

    Last-Hit Drop (Goes to Jinx)

    • Devil's Egg [Unique Item] - Changes the type of an item as long as applicable. Example: OHSS -> THAS

    ID: 117935 | LD: 9

    Mishiro's Loot

    • 2000 Col
    • 15 T1 Materials


  18. She smiled at her friend's words. Certainly, there was no contention. Roman was - and always will be - her closest family. "It took a while, and it was under some odd circumstances, but he did." She didn't elaborate, but under the context of their shared situation, one might guess that 'odd circumstances' referred to SAO in general. 
    Mishiro continued to walk alongside her friend and tried to suppress the gnawing sensation of guilt that lingered in her heart. She had been largely ignoring it, but being reminded of - speaking of - their closeness only brought it back to focus. Her family; the person she loved the most. If the quiet moment they shared earlier had the brightness of a clear summer day, her lie was an encroaching raincloud in the distant horizon. She knew why she did it. She had gone through all the options and possible outcomes in her head. If she were going to involve herself, releasing information that could lead to Pinball's arrest was not the best action.
    It had worked so well the first time.
    But the sincere smile and the usual round of "take care"s Roman gave her as she left was like a knife to the gut.
    This was a person who trusted her.
    And beside her was the person she came to meet. Her expression remained unchanging as she drew a quiet breath in and counted to ten. Back to the present. Back to the right headspace. They were having a quiet walk on the 22nd floor, getting to know each other properly after the chaos that had been their first meeting.
    "What about you?" Mishiro slowed them at the point where the forest trail curved into an upward slope. At the ascent's peak, the greenery parted to give them a view of Floor 22's lake. Sunlight reflected off of its calm blue waters and from her perspective - framed at the sides by the trees and the undergrowth - she quickly pulled up her menu and snapped a picture. It made sense that the trail would be following along the large lake; the waterfall they wanted to see was probably connected to it. She turned away from the view to look at Jinx. "I thought Arabelle was exaggerating when she said her guild was just like a large group of friends who come to hang out and level together. More like a family, if I should say. They seem like a nice group, so if it's alright to ask, how did you come to know them?"
  19. Neither of the tanks moved. Mishiro paused to listen with her axe rested on the ground at her side. Dustin broke off from the group and rushed the mob with another frontal attack. She lifted her axe and was right behind him, searching for an opportunity to make an opening for her teammate - but her steps faltered when the small purple bunny moved back and out of Dustin's reach. 
    She thought they had settled this already. They weren't getting anywhere with this approach.
    A few displaced puffs of cloud gently fell to the ground, left behind by the Easter bunny continuing its temporary retreat. It didn't take long for the team to realize why. 
    From the thick mass of clouds covering its fur, Furry pulled out a Creme Egg and chomped down on the sweet treat. Fully energized and buffed, the rabbit bunched up its little legs and jumped, higher than it had ever gone before. For a moment, its cloudlike body appeared to be floating - flying up to join the rest of the clouds in the bright blue sky. 
    Then it reached its peak and dropped like a stone.
    Mishiro left her axe behind and launched herself to the air.
    The ground shook, the grass blew back as the Easter bunny fell. A shockwave traveled outwards from its point of impact to the field, damaging all but the girl who was in midair. Dustin, who was closest to the attack, took the most damage.
    Mishiro landed on both feet and retrieved her axe.

    ID: 117908 | BD: 5 - 2 = 3 | MD: 5 + 2 = 7 | CD: 12

    50 - 53 = 1 DMG on Jinx

    Thorns procs.

    <<Rabbit Rampage>>
    ID: 117909 | MD: 8 | 50 - 47 = 3 DMG on Mace
    ID: 117910 | MD: 9 | (50 + 10) - 14 = 46 DMG on Dustin
    ID: 117911 | MD: 2 + 2 = 4 

    [H:4] @Mace: 257/260 HP | 12/26 EN | 4 DMG | 47 MIT | 1 Taunt
    [H:8] Jinx: 359/360 HP | 1/36 EN | 53 MIT | 2 THRN <18 DMG> | 1 REGEN <5HP> | 2 PARA <8-10> | 1 BLEED <9/10, 12 DMG>
    [H:1] Dustin: 394/440 HP | 21/44 EN | 11 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 4 BH
    [H:3] Mishiro: 100/100 HP | 7/10 EN | 1 DMG | 27 MIT | 2 Bleed

    <<Furry, Fluffy Avenger>>: 16/250 HP | 50 DMG | 25 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA |


    • <<Creme Egg Power>>: On an MD roll of 9-10, Furry will eat a Creme Egg adding 10 DMG on a roll of 9, and 15 on a roll of 10.
    • <<Bunny Frenzy>>: On a CD roll of 9-10, Furry will use both of its legs to hit the player down with the highest hate adding “Paralysis” to its attack.
    • <<Rabbit Rampage>>: On a CD roll of 11-12, Furry will hop on the ground causing an earthquake effect adding “Area of Effect” to its attack (Does need to roll for each player.)


  20. Furry broke out of its stun, leaving Mace yelling in frustration as her warhammer struck empty ground. The team's morale - which had previously been uplifted - was beginning another steady, downward descent as the bunny displayed its superior speed with a couple of quick hops. It almost seemed that with every attack they connected, they would miss three in turn. 
    Realistically though, it wasn't as simple as a system generating numbers based on a predetermined pattern.
    "Don't go for the flank." 
    But the boy had already taken off. Following Mace's orders, Mishiro followed closely after him. Furry cleanly avoided Dustin's punch and skirted around the DPS player with two quick hops. It was clear who the event mob was going for. The small purple bunny bunched up its short legs - and had to throw itself back as the head of an axe slammed against the ground in front of it. It came up too short, too early, but did at least half of its job by cutting off Furry's path. Another round of <<Bleed>>, and the little mob continued its temporary retreat. It looked cautiously at the team. Furry's HP was practically just a sliver of red now, in comparison to what it had earlier.
    She glanced at their main DPS's weary expression and figured - they needed to regroup.
    "Don't just make direct attacks; anticipate its movements," she advised simply. Dull gray eyes were fixated on Dustin as she approached the team. All she could offer, for now, were words of advice from what she'd observed. "It's clearly too fast for us. So when you're attacking, pay less attention to where it is now and more on where it will be. " 

    ID: 117876 | BD: 5 - 2 = 3 | MD: 1

    [H:4] @Mace: 260/260 HP | 11/26 EN | 4 DMG | 47 MIT | 1 Taunt
    [H:8] Jinx: 360/360 HP | 1/36 EN | 53 MIT | 2 THRN <18 DMG> | 1 REGEN <5HP> | 2 PARA <8-10> | 1 BLEED <9/10, 12 DMG>
    [H:1] Dustin: 440/440 HP | 22/44 EN | 11 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 4 BH
    [H:3] Mishiro: 100/100 HP | 6/10 EN | 1 DMG | 27 MIT | 2 Bleed

    <<Furry, Fluffy Avenger>>: 34/250 HP | 50 DMG | 25 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | [BLEED 0/2]


  21. With Furry's HP approaching the red zone, the team had regained their confidence.
    She cast a glance at the three's interaction and found the blue tank moving away from the pair. Prepping her axe, Mishiro spotted the telltale bursts of an activated Sword Art on the girl's warhammer and repositioned herself. Mace dealt a heavy blow to Furry mid-jump as the bunny, still reeling from the two DPS players' earlier attacks, attempted to make a temporary retreat.
    The mob's small body was smashed to the ground. She thought she heard Mace talking, but a quick look at the bunny's slowed state would have been enough of an explanation.
    (You can just say you stunned it.)
    Jinx <<Howled>>. Furry rolled away from Dustin's attack, but found itself straight in the path of Mishiro's. The shadow of <<Widower>>'s head loomed over the little event mob and the wielder's cold eyes offered no comfort as the weapon came crashing down and cut deep into its skin. Black smoke clung to the puffs of cloud the axe's blade had touched, turning the fluffy white material to a dusty gray. 
    <<Bleed>> refreshed.

    ID: 117825 | BD: 10 | MD: [stunned]

    1 DMG.

    Bleed refreshed.

    [H:4@Mace: 260/260 HP | 11/26 EN | 4 DMG | 47 MIT | 1 Taunt
    [H:8] Jinx: 360/360 HP | 1/36 EN | 53 MIT | 2 THRN <18 DMG> | 1 REGEN <5HP> | 2 PARA <8-10> | 1 BLEED <9/10, 12 DMG>
    [H:1] Dustin: 440/440 HP | 23/44 EN | 11 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 4 BH
    [H:3] Mishiro: 100/100 HP | 7/10 EN | 1 DMG | 27 MIT | 2 Bleed

    <<Furry, Fluffy Avenger>>: 46/250 HP | 50 DMG | 25 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | [BLEED 1/2] [Stun 1/1]


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