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Posts posted by Cosi

  1. Cosi watched his enemy twitch and writhe, unable to respond, attack, or defend. This should make things easier, Cosi thought to himself as he prepared to strike the immobilized nepent a second time. He thrust downward into its twitching body and again while his attack did a small amount damage most of the force of the strike was mitigated by the natural armor of thorns and bark the nepent had. Cosi scowled. This fight would be a lot longer than the others. Still he needed that medicinal herb, the ovule, so he could give it to the townsfolk. He prepared to strike again when suddenly the nepent got back up. Seems the paralysis has worn of, Cosi though as he hurriedly back away from the nepent's vine whips. Looks he'd have to do this the hard way where his enemy was trying to kill him as well. The fight was back on.



    ID# 104427- BD: 7- hit

    3 damage- 5 mit= 1 min

    Cosi- Hp: 140/140- ENG: 1/14- MIT: 30- THN: 18

    Variant Nepent- Hp: 13/15- MIT: 5- DMG: 10

  2. "Th-th-than-thank y-you!" Cosi's teeth chattered in his skull as he struggled to keep a hold on his new mount, his new, extra angry, extra prickly mount. Cosi gripped his sword tight and tried to stab the boar again. It was nearly impossible to do that while riding the boar and holding on with his other but he managed to do so. The sword sank half way up its blade into the boar's neck. The boar bellowed in pain and bucked. Cosi left his sword still embedded in the boar- that was probably really uncomfortable- and hung with both hands. This had been a terrible, terrible idea. Cosi was going to fall off at any second and while he would roll as Katagawa suggested thst wouldn't protect him from the raging boar and how it would mostly trample him to death. That would be both unpleasant for Cosi and bad for Cosi's health. So he held on to the thick hair and tried not to die in any way shape or form, cause dying wasn't fun.



    ID# 104461- BD: 10- crit

    2 base + 2 maj crit

    [H: 5/0] @Katagawa - HP: 92/100 - ENG: 2/10
    [H: 0/6] @Cosi - HP: 97/100 - ENG: 1/10

    Boar A - HP: 0/50 - DMG: 15
    Boar B - HP: 25/50 - DMG: 15


  3. Cosi quickly walked into the shop, still sweaty from a day of killing boars, having just been notified that his order was complete. "Thanks for changing order at such quick notice" Cosi thanked Macradon the blacksmith, as Cosi inspected the equipment. The sword was perfectly balanced and razor sharp too. The plate mail was exquisitely crafted and was as beautiful as it was strong. He thanked Macradon again, the man was a genius with smelting and working with metal, waved to Katagawa who he had just been teamed up with and then left the shop to go do what ever came to him next.

    Items received: 


    Name: Richter
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 9
    ID: 104447
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: heavy armor- plate mail
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Two slots of Mitigation, one slot of thorns
    Description: Durable plate armor, with shoulder pauldrons a gauntlet and bracer for the right arm, as well as greaves and sabatons. The armor is silvered-steel chased with platinum embellishments giving the steel a blued look.
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-10-grand-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&comment=555211

    Name: Rasierklinge
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 9
    ID: 104442
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Longsword (1H Straight Sword)
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: One slot of accuracy and two slots of damage
    Description:  A simple arming sword with a single-handed cruciform hilt made of slivered- steel and chased with platinum filigree, and a straight, double-edged blade so sharp you could shave with it.
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-10-grand-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&comment=555208


  4. Cosi was too tired to actually dodge out of the way of the rampaging boar. Guess I'll just be tanking a boar to the face, he thought to himself. Then he had a wonderful idea, a simply terrible idea, but it was better than getting hit by five hundred pounds of boar muscle. Cosi smirked to himself. 

    Right as the boar collided with Cosi he shifted his weight, trying to absorb as much of the force as he could. Then before he was thrown off his feet, Cosi grabbed onto one of tusks and used it as an anchor to throw himself onto the boar's back. Cosi instantly regretted his decision. He was now on top of a charging boar. For good measure Cosi smashed his gauntlet into the boar's head. Then he held on for dear life and switched to a hammer grip. Then slammed the blade into the boar's head. The boar squealed in pain and tried to buck Cosi off, who gripped the bristly hide with both hands his sword barely clutched in his right. 


    ID# 104453- BD: 7- hit 

    2 damage

    [H: 4/0] @Katagawa - HP: 92/100 - ENG: 3/10
    [H: 0/4] @Cosi - HP: 97/100 - ENG: 1/10

    Boar A - HP: 10/50 - DMG: 15
    Boar B - HP: 29/50 - DMG: 15


  5. Cosi watched the second nepent disintegrate into particles and just on time Cosi heard the variant Nepent crash through the undergrowth. Let’s get this over with, Cosi gripped his sword and moved in to attack. Cosi rushed the big nepent before it had actually cleared the bushes and trees and had gotten into the same clearing Cosi had been fighting in all this time. He slashed at the variant nepent and while he connected the monster’s armor of bark and thorns deflected most of the damage. Still he cut the fibrous flesh and when that happened the gold runes on Messer flashed. The nepent stiffened and nearly fell back into the bushes. Cosi watched the monster as it sporadically twitched but not like it’s previous fellows. It seemed like it was immobile or.. paralyzed. Realization dawned on Cosi. Messer had a slot of paralyze on it, he just hadn’t seen the effect take place right. That must be what happened now. 



    ID# 104426- BD: 9- crit (paralyse)

    3 base + 1 crit= 4 - 5 mit= 1 min


    Cosi- Hp: 140/140- ENG: 1/14- MIT: 30- THN: 18

    Variant Nepent- Hp: 14/15- MIT: 5- DMG: 10


  6. Cosi slashed backwards with his sword, really just trying to get the nepent to release him. Once he felt its hold loosening, he quickly scrambled to his feet and saw the first nepent coming in for another attack. Cosi raised his shield, careful this time to position himself so he could see both of the plant monsters. He swung a diagonal slash at the first nepent, hoping to deal a little more damage to it. The cut connected and connected hard. The nepent was pushed back with the force of Cosi's swing and shrieked in pain. It swung haphazardly with its tendrils, Cosi merely ducked under the attack and then turned over to the second nepent which was currently attacking. Cosi ducked behind his shield and hoped the metal would stop the attack. it did, the tendrils bouncing harmlessly off of Rose Gold. I'm so glad I got this new shield, Cosi thought to himself. Then one snaked around and it’s spikes caught him in the arm. So Cosi responded in turn and smashed Rose Gold into the creature knocking it back. 



    ID# 104395- BD: 8- hit

    3 damage 

    MD: 1- miss

    ID# 104396- MD: 8- hit (regen activated, 3 turns)

    3 damage- 30 mit= 1 min

    [H: 1/ 0] Cosi- Hp: 139/140- ENG: 0/14- MIT: 30- THN: 18

    Nepent a- Hp: 0/7- DMG: 3 

    Nepent b- Hp: 0/7- DMG: 3 


  7. Cosi straightened up and groaned as he did so. That fight took a bit more out of him. Not health wise- no he was at full health still thanks to Rose Gold- but energy wise his bar wasn't even a fifth full.

    Still, it wasn’t too long before two more nepents hopped out of the bushes. I swear these things just keep coming, Cosi shook his head, if I could just get the medicine and leave. Cosi brought his sword and shield, ready for the upcoming fight. 

    The first nepent that made an attack at Cosi, Cosi simply cut off the vine like appendage then thrust Messer into its gut at least where it’s gut should be. The thing screamed and scuttled back. The bad thing about focusing on one opponent is that you forget about the others. Just as the first nepent retreated. Cosi felt something wrap around his feet. The second plant creature yanked Cosi off his feet. Cosi hit his chin on the ground, nearly biting off his tongue. It hurt but not too bad mostly just surprised him. 



    ID# 104378- BD: 9- crit (paralyzed)

    3 base+ 1 crit= 4 damage

     ID# 104379- MD: 10- crit (regen activated, 3 turns)

    3 base+ 2 maj crit= 5 damage- 30 mit= 1 min

    [H: 1/ 0] Cosi- Hp: 139/140- ENG: 0/14- MIT: 30- THN: 18

    Nepent a- Hp: 3/7- DMG: 3 Nepent b- Hp: 7/7- DMG: 3


  8. Cosi ducked under one vine whip and blocked the other with his shield as he charged towards the large, flowered nepent. He charged up a sword art, ready to kill this thing in one fell swoop- well three technically it would be three fell swoops?- but Cosi did not get the chance. Both arms of the nepent snaked past his defenses and- before Cosi could finish his first swing- struck. One wrapped around Cosi's leg, the other slashed him across the chest knocking him off balance. in that moment of vulnerability, the nepent swept Cosi off his feet- and not in the romantic way- then slammed him onto the forest floor. 

    Cosi felt his breath catch in his throat then he violently coughed it up. He rolled onto his stomach, and out of the way of the thorny tendrils, then struck behind him with his sword at where the nepent should be. Cosi heard the unnerving scream as he scrambled to his feet, turned, and saw the plant creature clutching its stomach area where crimson code ebbed from. Cosi watched as the thing dissolved into particles and thought to himself, lucky shot.


    Combat- Snake Bite

    ID# 104376- BD: 2- miss

    MD: 7- hit (regen activated, 3 turns)

    10 damage- 30 mit= 1 min

    Cosi- Hp: 139/140- ENG: 0/14- MIT: 30- THN: 18

    Variant Nepent- Hp: 0/15- DMG: 10- MIT: 5

    Looting the Variant Nepent-

    ID# 104377- LD: 11- failure


  9. "Oh I bet there is," Cosi shouted back, "Though they probably only serve toast or something" Cosi turned back just in time to see his boar charging headlong at him so Cosi dove out of the way. He struggled to get up- who knew wearing armor and fighting monsters would be so exhausting- but managed to do so. He was so tired that he couldn't even throw a proper cut at the boar. But thank goodness for gravity because somehow- thank the Random Number Gods- his oberhau sliced through the boar's shoulder. If this had been real it would've definitely severed tendons and muscles but this was Aincrad so only crimson red lines of code swirled about in the wound. 

    Alas while the blow was damaging it seemed to only serve to make the boar madder. It bellowed in rage and began to charge right at Cosi, its eyes redder than the code in its wounds.



    ID# 104413- BD: 10- crit

    2 base+ 2 maj crit= 4 damage

    [H: 1/0] @Katagawa - HP: 92/100 - ENG: 4/10
    [H: 0/3] @Cosi - HP: 97/100 - ENG: 1/10

    Boar A - HP: 20/50 - DMG: 15
    Boar B - HP: 40/50 - DMG: 15


  10. Cosi, tired as he could be, tried to quickly scramble to his feet before the boar barreled into him again. He had only gotten to his knees when he heard the thunderous sound of hooves on earth. As a complete reaction Cosi rolled to the side while simultaneously striking out with his sword. And again the boar was too fast. The animal was well past Cosi by the time he swung his sword so, as Cosi nearly fell over when his sword didn't meet resistance, the boar turned around to begin another charge. Cosi cursed his luck- the good and the bad- cause while he couldn't hit the boar it seemed that the boar couldn't hit him. Cosi dropped his sword arm, tired beyond belief, and slowly rose. Time to do this again, Cosi thought to himself, hopefully Katagawa is doing better. He turned to her, "Hey! how's that boar coming? We going to have pork chops any time soon?!" He chuckled then turned back to his priority. 



    ID# 104407- BD: 2- miss

    [H: 1/0] @Katagawa - HP: 100/100 - ENG: 5/10
    [H: 0/1] @Cosi - HP: 97/100 - ENG: 1/10

    Boar A - HP: 30/50 - DMG: 15
    Boar B - HP: 44/50 - DMG: 15


  11. Cosi was prepared to dodge out of the boar's way, then it actually charged at him and he kinda forgot to do that. The thing was monstrous- there was probably bigger stuff on later floors- and when charging towards you with tusks gleaming wicked sharp it was quite frankly terrifying. The boar plowed into cosi sending him flying. he didn't take any damage thanks to his armor but the hit definitely knocked the wind out of him. 

    Cosi flew a fair ways and landed with a crash but thankfully Cosi was tough- at least he liked to think he was- and stood right back up. He could think of nothing better to do so he charged the boar. He rushed it sword held ready for a murder stroke but before he could get to the now stopped boar, Cosi tripped and fell on his face. As his sword art's turquoise light fizzled out all he could think was I'm so dead and just when I made a new friend too  


    Combat- Snake Bite

    ID# 104398- BD: 2- miss

    [H: 1/0] @Katagawa - HP: 100/100 - ENG: 6/10
    [H: 0/1] @Cosi - HP: 97/100 - ENG: 1/10

    Boar A - HP: 40/50 - DMG: 15
    Boar B - HP: 44/50 - DMG: 15


  12. As soon as Cosi finished his sword art, the boar reared and tried to gore him so right quick he jumped away and attacked back throwing an unterhau at the beast. 

    Cosi was too quick- or the boar was too fast- and his attack missed by several feet. The boar kept charging but slowly came to a stop and turned back around to face Cosi. Cosi grinned weakly. Katagawa seemed to be handling her boar quite easily- her sword made mincemeat of the monsters. Or should I say pork chops, Cosi thought to himself. He gave a half chuckle, then noticed the boar preparing for a real charge. Cosi started then tried to find cover: there was none. So he readied himself to dodge out of the boar’s path of approach.  Hopefully he wouldn’t need Katagawa’s help but it was reassuring having her with him. It’s always nice to have back up. 



    ID# 104388- BD: 1- miss

    [H: 1/0] @Katagawa - HP: 100/100 - ENG: 7/10 (+1 regen; -2 miss) (Concentration CD: 1 turn)
    [H: 0/1] @Cosi - HP: 98/100 - ENG: 2/10

     Boar A - HP: 40/50 - DMG: 15
    Boar 2 - HP: 44/50 - DMG: 15


  13. Cosi moved back to engage the first plant monster. He could feel the cool energy from his shield wash through him healing the scrapes and bruises from the other evil plant's attack. He rushed the first one, his plate and armor clanking, and attempted to strike at it before it could crawl away. Cosi's Oberhau connected with the nepent, actually slicing through a tenril thrown up in defense. Messer chopped into the fibrous skin, then Cosi yanked it back out and took a couple evasive steps back to avoid the onslaught of vines that came his way. These things were at the same time easy to wound but tenacious. They held onto their weird plant lives as long as they could. 

    Cosi tried to get past the striking tendrils of both nepents to attack. All were easily avoided. He still needed the herb from the variant nepent and Cosi did not want to be here in the dark forest all day.



    ID# 104372- BD: 8- hit

    3 damage

    MD: 1- miss

    ID# 105342: MD: 3- miss

    [H: 1/ 0] Cosi- Hp: 140/140- ENG: 2/14- MIT: 30- THN: 18

    Nepent 1- Hp: 4/7- DMG: 3

    Nepent 2- Hp: 7/7- DMG: 3


  14. No sooner had he disposed of the variant nepent, too more regular one's emerged from the brush behind him. "Oh come on!" he shouted to himself. Its like these things were being drawn to this one clearing. the dumb things probably have some sort of have mind and they're all coming to kill me, Cosi thought to himself as he prepared to face these next two. The first one, surprisingly, charged Cosi its tendril legs scuttling towards him. Cosi brought up his shield blocking the two leaf like arms and pushed the fast moving creature away. However, Cosi's return strike was too slow and he missed the first nepent. Just as he was turning around to face the second one, He was thrown forward as the nepent's powerful tendrils raked across his back. 

    Cosi steadied himself and turned to the creature. Rose Gold glowed softly as it began healing Cosi's wounds, even though they were very small and unconcerning. Cosi then charged the second plant, bracing his shield against his left shoulder, and ramming into the nepent. The creature was thrown back with the force of his shield bash.



    ID# 104370- BD: 1- miss MD: 3- miss

    ID# 104371- MD: 10- crit (regen activated, 3 turns)

    3 base+ 2 maj crit= 5 damage- 30 mit= 1 min

    [H: 0/ 0] Cosi- Hp: 139/140- ENG: 2/14- MIT: 30- THN: 18

    Nepent 1- Hp: 7/7- DMG: 3

    Nepent 2- Hp: 7/7- DMG: 3


  15. Cosi let out a heavy breath. He wasn't necessarily tired but he had been fighting these creepy plant things for a good while. Cosi moved, circling counter clockwise around the thing, then Cosi lunged with his sword for the nepent's body. The thrust struck true, piercing the nepent's root like skin. Cosi then quickly pulled out his blade and attacked again. The blade sank even deeper and Cosi could hear the plant creature scream its inhuman scream. Then Cosi struck true throwing a half-sword strike with all his weight behind it as the cherry on top. The nepent screamed and scuttled backwards throwing a parting blow with its vines that struck Cosi on his upper leg. Cosi winced in shock more then pain then advanced on the fleeing creature. Cosi seethed. He took powerful strides- nearly leaping- and caught up to the creature. Once on top of it Cosi didn't even bother to throw a cut. He just took the fist gripping his sword and smashed it into the variant nepent. The thing fell and exploded into code and particles.


    Combat- Snake Bite

    ID# 104368- BD: 10- crit

    3 base+ 2 maj crit* 3 sword art= 15 damage- 5 mit= 10 damage

    MD: 9- crit (regen activated, 3 turns)

    10 base+ 1 crit= 11 damage- 30 mit= 1 min

    Cosi- Hp: 139/140- ENG: 3/14- MIT: 30- THN: 18

    Variant Nepent- Hp: 0/15- MIT: 5- DMG: 10

    Looting Variant Nepent- 

    ID# 104369- LD: 10- failure


  16. last one faded into the forest gloom, Cosi heard the unmistakable sound of the variant nepent moving towards him through the trees. Cosi turned to the noise and watched as the second variant nepent crashed out of the under growth, tendrils whipping about like they were living snakes. There was a hiss coming from the plant as if it knew Cosi had been killing its kin. Cosi stuck his sword point first into the ground and relaxed his grip on Rose Gold. He rolled out both of his shoulders and shook out his sword arm, trying to remove some of the worn feeling from them. Then as the variant nepent charged Cosi, its thorn studded tentacles trying to take off his head, Cosi picked Messer back up and brought up his shield. He swung at the large moving plant with Messer, charging up a sword art but the creature's vines batted away all three of Cosi's strikes. Although since it was preoccupied with Cosi's attacks the variant nepent couldn't make a real attack of its own and its other tendrils just bounced off of Cosi's shield.

    Cosi backed up and out of the reach of the flailing plant arms and tried to maneuver around the creature, looking for an opening. The flower on top of the nepent followed Cosi's movements, twitching sporadically. 


    Combat- Snake Bite

    ID# 104367- BD: 3- miss MD: 2- miss

    Cosi- Hp: 140/140- ENG: 5/14- MIT: 30- THN: 18

    Variant Nepent- Hp: 15/15- MIT: 5- DMG: 10


  17. Cosi let out a heavy breath. He wasn't necessarily tired but he had been fighting these creepy plant things for a good while. Cosi moved, circling counter clockwise around the thing, then Cosi lunged with his sword for the nepent's body. 



    ID# 105341- BD: 2- miss

    MD: 7- hit (regen activated)

    3 - 30 = 1 min

    [H: 3/ 1] Cosi- Hp: 139/140- ENG: 6/14- MIT: 30- THN: 18

    Nepent a- Hp: 0/7- DMG: 3

    Nepent b- Hp: 0/7- DMG: 3


  18. Cosi pressed through the nepent's last ditch attack, looking for a weakness to exploit, waiting for any kind of opening where he could strike. There! He said to himself as the creature's barrage of vines, and tendrils faltered for a moment giving Cosi just enough time to thrust at its leafy body. The sword sank nearly hilt deep into the already cut and torn fiber, and even though the nepent's vine like arms pulled at the sword trying to remove the deadly blade the damage had already been done. Cosi pulled his sword out with a yank as the final plant monster turned into nothing but shimmering red particles. And as soon as the that nepent died Cosi heard a shriek from the other nepent. He turned back towards it and brought up his sword. Now he just had to deal with this one. Before Cosi could attack though the nepent charged, spiked tentacles flailing. Cosi retreated a step and brought up his shield to block the incoming blows but still one tendril got through a hit Cosi. Cosi stumbled back with the force of the blow but he didnt feel too hurt.



    ID# 104363- BD: 8- hit 

    3 damage

    MD: 5- miss

    ID# 105338- MD: 9- hit (regen activated)

    [H: 3/ 0] Cosi- Hp: 140/140- ENG: 7/14- MIT: 30- THN: 18

    Nepent a- Hp: 0/7- DMG: 3

    Nepent b- Hp: 7/7- DMG: 3


  19. Cosi struck with his sword, throwing an oberhau, while keeping his shield tight to his arm and shoulder to protect as much of his body as he could. The nepent scrambled backwards, out of the reach of the glinting blade, its tentacles swiping at Cosi more in defense than in an actual attempt at an attack. Cosi tried to press his advantage, move up, and attack again but the creature's wildly swinging tentacles kept him at bay. Cosi cursed and raised his shield to block an incoming thorny appendage. This nepent didn't want to die and was not going to give up easily. Cosi tried to force the attack, pushing the slashing vines away with his sword and shield, just trying to get close enough to deal a killing blow to the nepent. If he killed this one it should draw in another variant for Cosi to kill. Then he could get the herb.



    ID# 104362- BD: 2- miss MD: 2- miss

    ID# 105337- MD: 3- miss

    [H: 2/ 0] Cosi- Hp: 140/140- ENG: 7/14- MIT: 30- THN: 18

    Nepent a- Hp: 1/7- DMG: 3

    Nepent b- Hp: 7/7- DMG: 3


  20. Seemingly enraged by the fall of its comrade the first nepent charged Cosi, its front two tendrils waving madly, trying to strike him. Cosi sliced one of the slashing tendrils, blocked the second with his shield, and then went for the main body of the creature. Again his sword sank into the fibrous flesh of the nepent but the blow did not kill the creature. Its tendrils writhed in pain and its entire body shuddered as it retreated from Cosi and his blade but the creature refused to die. The creature had backed a couple feet away and was currently cradling its injured tendril with the uninjured one. Particles slowly floated away from its two wounds. The thing was one hit away from death. So Cosi decided to oblige it. He stalked forward, Rose Gold held protectively out in front of him and his sword gripped tightly in his right hand. Just as he moved forward he was struck again by the second nepent, the one he had forgotten about.



    ID# 104361- BD: 7- hit

    3 damage

    MD: 2- miss

    ID# 105336- MD: 9- hit (regen activated)

    3 - 30 = 1

    [2/ 0] Cosi- Hp: 139/140- ENG: 8/14- MIT: 30- THN: 18

    Nepent a- Hp: 1/7- DMG: 3

    Nepent b- Hp: 7/7- DMG: 3


  21. And it seemed like he wouldn't have to go to far to find more nepents. Just as Cosi felled the big one, he heard shuffling in the bushes, turned, and saw two more normal sized plant monsters step out into the clearing. Cosi again wasted no time rushing them hoping to kill them quick and draw out another variant nepent. Both of the plant monsters came to meet him, their spiked tendrils flailing. Cosi ducked under the first monster's sweeping vines and slashed it across the midsection, a good hit but not a killing one, as he tried to fend off the other nepent's tendrils with his shield. Alas the grasping tendrils reached around Cosi's defense and stuck him in the upper arm, cutting himself slightly. Cosi winced as he pushed away the prodding vines, then quickly stabbed the second nepent twice in the torso, throwing up a small cloud of particles as Cosi shoved the evil plant creature away from him. Cosi turned back to the first creature- its wound glittered a crimson color from the code- and prepared to finish it off.



    ID# 104355- BD: 7- hit

    3 damage

    MD: 1- miss

    ID# 104356- MD: 9- crit (regen activated) 

    3 base+ 1 crit= 4 damage- 30 mit= 1 min

    [H: 1/ 0] Cosi- Hp: 139/140- ENG: 8/14- MIT: 30- THN: 18

    Nepent a- Hp: 4/7- DMG: 3

    Nepent b- Hp: 7/7- DMG: 3


  22. Mostly undaunted, Cosi rushed the beast trying to give it no time to counterattack. With his newly acquired shield, Cosi couldn't really efficiently execute a murder-stroke- well not without dropping his shield which he didn't want to do- so he'd have to use his sword art a different way. He smirked as he thought of something and moved in for the attack. 

    Cosi threw an underhanded cut, striking the plant monster, then  followed up with and Mittelhau across its torso, and finally he moved in close, grabbed his plate with his other hand for more control- this did make his shield loose and useless- and drove the blade deep into the extra big nepent's body. The blade was deflected by some of the large thorns but still it went deep into the creature. It shrieked its awful inhuman shriek and flailed its thorn covered tendrils. Without control of his shield Cosi had to try and evade the vines but he wasn't quick enough and took a cut across the jaw line. Cosi stared back at the plant creature in a rage and charged it. He bashed it with his shield- those gold thorns weren't just for decoration- and while it was off balance he switched to a hammer grip on his sword and drove into where a normal sized person's head would be. The nepent fell back and broke apart into red flickering code and particles. But Cosi didn't get the drop he wanted. Looks like he'd have to keep hunting. 


    Combat- Snake Bite

    ID# 104353- BD: 8- hit

    3 base* 3 sword art= 9 damage- 5 mit= 4 damage

    MD: 8- hit (regen activated, 3 turns)

    5 base- 30 mit= 1 min

    Cosi- Hp: 139/140- ENG: 8/14- MIT: 30- THN: 18

    Variant Nepent- Hp: 0/15- MIT: 5- DMG: 10

    Looting Variant Nepent- 

    ID# 104354- LD: 7- failure


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