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Posts posted by Cosi

  1. Cosi got up and charged the boar, preparing to dodge to one side and skewer the angry pig. The two charged each other and at the last second Cosi jumped to the side. But the boar had anticipated this and turned its head, catching Cosi with it tusks. Again Cosi's armor stopped most of the damage but the force of the blow still jarred him. Cosi's sword strike was thrown off, just skimming the boar's side and doing minimal damage. But with sheer force of will Cosi quickly shifted his strike throwing a powerful backhanded cut into the unprotected backside of the boar. It squealed with a mixture of pain and rage, red code shinning and particles bleeding from it. Cosi grinned, he was definitely getting the hang of this. Still thank goodness for good armor or he would have been impaled through the chest twice now. He grimaced at that thought but turned back to the fight at hand. That boar was most definitely still alive.



    ID# 104180-

    BD: 5+ 1 (using concentration)= 6- hit

    2 damage

    MD: 6- hit

    15 base- 17 MIT= 1min

    [H: 2] Cosi- Hp: 98/100- ENG: 7/10- MIT: 17

    Adult Boar- Hp: 37/50- DMG: 15


  2. The boar rushed Cosi again, bellowing in rage, its tusks glittering like sharped spear points. Cosi readied himself, preparing to side step as the boar charged and strike as it past. He switched to his murder- stroke grip and breathed out. He swung his sword and side stepped but the boar was too fast, its tusks swinging in a frenzy. The tusks caught Cosi right in the chest, goring him and throwing him back a couple feet. Cosi's stroke had completely missed and his sword art fizzled out without any benefit only serving to make him more tired. Cosi got to one knee, planted his sword point first in the ground, and leaned on it trying to catch his breath. Thankfully Cosi's plate armor had borne the brunt of the attack and had probably saved Cosi a beating. Cosi got to his feet gripping his hilt tightly and faced the boar which was coming around for another charge. Cosi decided to go meet him 


    Combat- Snake Bite

    ID# 104179- BD: 4- miss (-3 ENG) MD: 9- crit

    Boar's attack: 15 base + 1 crit =16 - 17 MIT = 1 min

    [H: 1] Cosi- Hp: 99/100- ENG: 7/10- MIT: 17

    Adult Boar- Hp: 48/50- DMG: 15


  3. Cosi turned to continue searching and found himself face to face with a boar. An angry boar and not like those boar pups he had fought with Katagawa but a full grown, extra nasty boar with hate on the side. Seems like in stumbling on the shield, Cosi had also stumbled inot the boar's little resting place, woke the boar up and was know faced with a cranky boar. The boar charged.

    By some stroke of luck Cosi reacted fast enough to dodge out of the charging boar's way,. As the boar barreled past him he swung his sword, just managing to nick the boar as it raced past. The boar squealed in fury, slowed, and turned back around to face Cosi again. Cosi weakly smiled holding his sword with both hands. This boar's hide was tough and covered in bristling hair, he'd probably have to use a sword art to really damage this beast. 



    ID# 104175- BD: 7- hit MD: 4- miss

    2 base= 2 damage

    1 energy

    [H:1] Cosi- Hp: 100/100- 9/10 ENG- MIT: 17

    Adult Boar- Hp: 48/50- DMG: 15


  4. Cosi literally ran out of the gates of the Town of Beginnings and into the rolling fields past burbling brooks and began searching for some items to identify. He hadn't gotten maybe thirty feet outside the gate when his running was interrupted. That is to say that he tripped over something. Something fairly large, very sturdy, and almost completely buried in the  relatively soft earth. Stooping down to inspect it, Cosi saw that it was something made of metal and after a couple minutes of digging in the dirt he discovered what it was: A shield. Covered in dirt and moss but a shield none the less. He picked it up thrilled to already have found an item in need of identification and completely by accident as well. He rubbed his shins when he had fell and slung the dirt encrusted shield over his back. Time to continue searching for items.


    Roll ID: 104171- LD: 18- CD: 7- item found: T1 perfect shield


  5. Log Entry Four

    This is about the time I got a job. Yep, in this game you can get jobs, make stuff, and sell it to other players. Surprising since in every other rpg I've played you simply get skill ranks in smithing or whatnot and make stuff for yourself. So needless to say I was intrigued and took the quest. Maybe I'll go for merchant, they always seem to make bank in rpgs...


    Cosi was walking around the town of beginnings wondering what quest to do next when out of one of the alleyways a young kid called out to him.

     "Psst, Mister," The kid was 13 maybe 14, "You wanna learn the finer art of cheatin- I mean making good sales?"

    He stood there waiting to for Cosi to respond. 

    "Oh! You're one of the master rank NPC in that profession quests. Heck yeah I'd love to be a merchant," Cosi said, elated to be doing something, "What do you need materials? need me to craft something?-"

    "What? I mean sure go get me some unidentified items and I can show you how to identify-" Cosi left the kid still talking and raced off to the the town gates. He hadn't been doing anything for ever so he was happy even to be doing a fetch quest.



    Level: 5

    Hp: 100

    Energy: 20


    1H Straight Sword: Novice

    Heavy Armor: Novice


    Battle-ready Inventory-

    Vanity One-handed Sword

    Rare T1 Heavy Armor (mit 1, thorns 1)

    5 uncommon healing potions (+40 Hp)

    1 Damage potion (+1)

    1 Pver Health Potion (50 extra Hp)


  6. Cosi watched as the girl pulled out, frankly, a massive zweihander, and then with two strikes killed three of the four boars Katagawa had spotted. Pausing only to softly whistle and remark to himself that two handed swords were awesome, Cosi sprung into action. The boars may be weak but he wanted to give them no chance to respond and make an attack of their own. "My turn."  He sprinted towards the final boar pup, switched his grip, and executed a mordhau against the last boar standing. Smashing his cross guard into the boar's head again, then again, and once more, Cosi felt a thrill of excitement- and a twinge of pity- from the fight that was now over so quickly. He sheathed his sword and turned to Katagawa as the final boar pup dematerialized as a cloud of code behind him. "lets go find some more."  Cosi said grinning.


    Combat- Sword art used: Snake bite

    Roll ID: 104158- BD: 9- minor crit

    2 base +1 crit * 3 sword art = 9 damage

    3 energy cost

    [H: 1] @Cosi Hp: 100/100- ENG: 7/10

    [H: 0@KatagawaHP: 100/100 - ENG: 2/10

    Boar Pup D - HP: 0/5 - DMG: 3 (doesn't gain damage from critical hits)

    Looting the killed boar pup:

    ID: 104159- LD: 6- Failure


  7. "Nice to meet you Kata-" The infernal menu popped up, interrupting him, and an ear-shattering notification went off in his head, "-gawa." He shook his head and looked to the menu which displayed a party invite from Katagawa. Well, there goes my immersion Cosi shrugged to himself and accepted the offer. He swiped the menu away and continued to walk and talk, " Yeah I noticed his orders seemed to be piling up as I left. Still I can't imagine he'll be behind to long with the the quality of his other wares he must be an extremely good smith." 

    Cosi doubled checked his inventory and gear as they neared the gate, and found himself nearly twitching in anticipation: mob hunting, The best part of gaming. That rush of energy and thrill as you put everything into a few couple moments. Learning move sets, dissecting strengths and weaknesses, failing, learning from mistakes, and inevitably winning. Cosi clenched and unclenched his fists. A black thought gnawed at him- now with the added fear of permanent death- Cosi then mulled over it more. Just like real life. 

    He grinned. Guess SAO was pretty realistic. He exhaled, gripped his sword hilt, and strode out the gates. He could get used to this.

  8. When Cosi heard another person calling to him, he could only think- what other NPC needs a fetch quest done- then he turned and saw that it wasn't an NPC. No this was another player, the blonde, short girl from Blazing Typhoon to be specific.

    Actually a little surprised to be talking with a real person, Cosi stumbled over his greeting, "H-hello there! And yes, I was just about to go monster hunting. Something about collecting boar tusks... But yes if you'd like to join me I'd love the company and could quite frankly use the help." 

    Cosi began briskly walking towards the gate again, waiting for the girl to catch up, then stopped again and said, "I'm Cosi by the way. And you are?," Cosi offered out his hand, "I noticed you at the blacksmith shop, The Blazing Typhoon or something. You were ordering some equipment as well weren't you?" 

  9. Log Entry Three

    I kill some boars and some friends! I mean I made some friends... I still killed the boars though.


    Cosi decided to stop waiting around the Blazing Typhoon- it looked like his order would take longer than expected- and headed back to the Town of Beginnings. He still hadn't fought any monsters and was itching to test his skills. Besides he needed a lot more experience, in game and literally, before he wanted to take on the higher floors. He also should try to get a friend to team up with...

    While Cosi was mulling this thought over as he headed to the towns gate he was broken from his reverie. He turned, someone was calling his name. Cosi looked left then right and saw Lyle Tealeaf, the old blacksmith, waving at him. Surprised, Cosi headed over to the smith.

    "Lad! Could you give me a hand with something?" Lyle said, "I need better materials for my crafting, specifically boar pup tusks."

    "uhh.. Sure how many do I need to get?" Cosi responded.

    "just three, Lad"

    Cosi nodded and started to head out of the gate and into the wilds to kill some baby boars. 

  10. Cosi entered the shop a little hesitantly but once he did he stopped dead, his eyes growing wide as saucers as he took in all the arms, armor, shields, and tools that adorned the smithy. " You made all these!?" he exclaimed looking towards the blacksmith who was busy hammering away at what would be a two-handed greatsword. Then Cosi shook his head slightly remembering why he was here, he needed a better weapon and he wanted to pick up a shield as well, and this smith was offering a discount to inexperienced players which Cosi definitely was. "I'd like to place and order actually. A sword and a half plate, both simple and strong."  He then reached into his pocket pulling out eight of the iron ingots that he had received in his starting package, "I believe this will cover it, Sir?"  Cosi went and set the materials down on the counter with an order form, then began to wait. Also in the shop there was a blonde-haired girl sitting down waiting as well, Cosi said girl cause she was a fair bit shorter then him but he really didn't know. Still he grinned and waved to her, then looked up to admire the rest of the smith's pieces.


    Name: Rasierklinge
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 9
    ID: [Leave Blank]
    Roll: [Leave Blank]
    Item Type: Longsword (1H Straight Sword)
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: One slot of accuracy and two slots of damage
    Description:  A simple arming sword with a single-handed cruciform hilt made of slivered- steel and chased with platinum filigree, and a straight, double-edged blade so sharp you could shave with it.
    Post Link: [Leave Blank]

    Name: Richter
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 9
    ID: [Leave Blank]
    Roll: [Leave Blank]
    Item Type: heavy armor- plate mail
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Two slots of Mitigation, one slot of thorns
    Description: Durable plate armor, with shoulder pauldrons a gauntlet and bracer for the right arm, as well as greaves and sabatons. The armor is silvered-steel chased with platinum embellishments giving the steel a blued look.
    Post Link: [Leave Blank]


  11. Cosi followed her up to the second story of the Inn and to his trim which was the fifth door on the left. She unlocked the door, gave him the key, and bid him goodnight. 

    Cosi nodded his thanks, to tired to speak now, and entered the inn room. The room could’ve been called spartan but there was a cozy warmth to it that reminded Cosi of his own room. There was a window looking into the Town of Beginnings on the west wall with a double bed on opposite side of the room. There was a nightstand to each side of the bed and a dresser on the north wall that had a happy looking, well cared for potted plant atop it. The innkeeper must like  plants. Cosi shrugged and fell face first into the bed. The pillow felt so soft and downy and the quilted blanket felt like angel wings. Cosi was sure he was asleep and snoring in less than ten seconds


    Quest Summary:


    3 Additional SP

    600 Col

    Extra Skill: <<Concentration>>

    1 Skill Point and 400 Col for 1 completed page of rp


  12. “Yes, please” the words practically fell out of Cosi’s mouth as soon as he opened it. He then reached a hand into his belt pouch and fished out a handful of Col, the money of Aincrad. 

    “How much is one room?” Cosi questioned the still smiling innkeeper, “Cost wise I mean.”

    the smiling woman shook her head  and held up a staying hand

    ”No charge, Honey. Not for strong adventuring types such as yourself,” she said, “we’d be happy to give you a room for the night.”

    She grabbed a key off the wall of keys behind her and moved out from behind her desk. 

    “Follow me Honey. I’ll show you to your room.” 

    She quickly, actually quite fast for which a short person, moved across the room to the stairs, waited a second for Cosi to catch up, and then she sped up the steps. And so up the steps Cosi followed. 

  13. “Yes, please” the words practically fell out of Cosi’s mouth as soon as he opened it. He then reached a hand into his belt pouch and fished out a handful of Col, the money of Aincrad. 

    “How much is one room?” Cosi questioned the still smiling innkeeper, “Cost wise I mean.”

    the smiling woman shook her head  and held up a staying hand

    ”No charge, Honey. Not for strong adventuring types such as yourself,” she said, “we’d be happy to give you a room for the night.”

    She grabbed a key off the wall of keys behind her and moved out from behind her desk. 

    “Follow me Honey. I’ll show you to your room.” 

    She quickly, actually quite fast for which a short person, moved across the room to the stairs, waited a second for Cosi to catch up, and then she sped up the steps. And so up the steps Cosi followed. 

  14. Cosi walked through the now open gates, a slow shambling walk, and back into the Town of Beginnings. 

    The gate creaked and groaned behind him then closed with resounding boom which actually made Cosi flinch. Still, he moved as fast as his tired body would let him towards the nearest inn. 

    And thank the Random Number Gods above that there was one practically right by the town’s entrance right on the main pathway. 

    So Cosi stumbled inside and was greeted by a cozy and warm interior. Candlelit lamps glowed softly, a fire burned in a hearth on the other side of the room, and there was at least three potted plants. So a very nice inn. 

    Cosi walked up to the innkeeper’s desk and was greeted there by the beaming smile of a short, plump woman. Compared to his mirror me’s smile this one was completely genuine and inviting. 

    “What can I do for you, Honey?” She asked, “Need a room for the night?”

  15. About five minutes later and after another guard had joined the conversation about the severity trauma to the petala caused by pointed missile objects Cosi had enough. 

    “I’m sorry but could you open the gates? I’m quite tired and don’t fancy sleeping outside the city walls!” 

    Both guards stopped mid argument. Then turned to look down at Cosi. They nodded vigorously. 

    “Forgive us, Sir. We shall make haste to open the gates.” And with that both guards scurried out of sight and within a couple seconds Cosi heard chains creaking and groaning as the gates were opened. 

    A hasty shout was called over the wall,

    ”You may want to stand back, sir!”

    and not wanting to be killed by an enormous wooden gate Cosi took many steps back away from it.

    The massive gate creaked upon as chains rattled. The guards only opened it part way as to only allow one Cosi-sized man to slip through. Guess they didn’t want monsters getting into the town? Cosi shrugged. While that would be terrifying, he didn’t think the monsters’ code had or let them do that or they would attack the town during the day when the gates were open. 

  16. Cosi could see his health bar slowly regenerating, it seemed the longer he stayed out of combat the passive regen he got. He also noticed the rewards he got for liking the Mirror: extra Col and skill points and a hidden skill called concentration. 

    Cosi was so busy looking in his inventory that he didn’t even notice when he walked straight into the main gates of the Town of Beginnings. They were closed. 

    Cosi slumped, his head banging against the heavy oaken gate. He’d have to sleep outside. Why him? 

    Then he heard something from the aptly named gatehouse atop the wall. 

    “Halt! Who goes there? Are you man or beast?”

    Cosi cocked his head and looked up. He just make out the outline and see the torchlight of a guard up there. 

    “Umm...man,” he called up to the guard. 

    “Ah, an adventurer I see! Doing some late night hunting?”he continued talking, “you know I used to be an adven-

    At this point Cosi tuned the watchman out. It was nothing but pointless NPC chatter and since he didn’t have a skip button all Cosi could was wait through it. 

  17. Cosi stumbled back to the Town of Beginnings not even registering the ding of a level up and additional rewards from completing a quest. All he wanted to do was find a bed somewhere, anywhere so he could fall asleep in it. He didn’t care if it was fake and virtual he just wanted to sleep. His arms might have been both jello and lead weights-useless and heavy- and his chest was killing him, not even plate armor could stop gravity and the weight of a 6’2” man behind a steel sword. So he sheathed his sword and walked back to the gates of town. Cosi was surprised he could find it considering how dark it was and how he was pretty much just asleep on his feet walking. In reality the Town of Beginnings was massive, you really couldn’t miss it no matter how dead tired you were and dark it was outside. 

  18. But before Cosi could strike again the Mirror swept the legs out from under him. 

    Cosi fell, his sword flying from his grasp. He hit the ground and felt the air knocked out of him. Spots danced across his eyes but he could still see his Mirror rise, sword in hand, and his slasher smile back on his face. 

    “You thought you had me”, the Mirror laughed, “My how the tables have turned.”

    The Mirror gripped his sword with both hands, raised in above his head, then thrust downward with all his might straight towards Cosi’s exposed neck. 

    Had the Mirror been listening he would’ve heard Cosi say, “falling glass breaks” but he was too enthralled with killing Cosi. He wouldn’t get to.

    Cosi brought up his gauntleted hand and just barely tipped the Mirror’s blade so that it plunged into his armored chest. And as he did this he reversed his grip on his longsword, reached behind the back of the Mirror’s leg, and slit his hamstring. 

    They both screamed as pain. The Mirror crumpled in agony clutching his leg. Cosi, wounded but not gravely, rose from the ground and regarded his opponent. His identical match. His twin and copy. His mirror now writhing in pain. Broken on the ground. 

    “Guess you just honed my edge” Cosi brought the pommel of his sword down on the Mirror silencing his cries. 

    As Cosi walked away from that grove of trees under the darkened sky he could just hear the Mirror breathing. Just. 



    Roll ID: 103924

    MD: 7- hit

    Cosi-Hp: 51/60 ENG: 5/6 DMG: 2 MIT: 9

    Mirror- Hp: 0/30 DMG: 15 MIT: 5


  19. As the Mirror struggled to catch his breath and tried to rise Cosi walked relentlessly forward, sword blade gripped tightly. He raised the weapon avove his head the reinforced metal cross guard protruding like a hammerhead. And as he stood over the Mirror he swung down with all his might. Light surged from the sword, a turquoise sparking like lightning. 

    He smashed the cross guard into the Mirror’s chest piece, denting the plate. He struck again and again till the blow punched through the armor hitting flesh. The third blow knocked the Mirror back into his back. More red code drifted away from him. 

    Cosi breathed out heavily. He had put way too much energy into that strike and for too little reward. The Mirror was still kicking. Still, Cosi had the Mirror where he wanted him. He raised his sword once again for another strike. 

    Tume to shatter this mirror. 


    Combat- Snakebite

    Roll ID: 103923

    BD: 7- hit 

    Cosi- Hp: 60/60 ENG: 3/6 DMG: 2 MIT: 9

    Mirror- Hp: 9/30 DMG: 15 MIT: 5

  20. “Why you...” TheMirror cursed under his breath and got back to its feet. He charged, a mad light shining in his eyes, and tried to impale Cosi through the chest. 

    Surprised by the sudden surge of wrath, Cosi tried to redirect the wild thrust with his sword. Stepping to the side and pushing with his blade, Cosi was able to easily evad the Mirror’s thrust. 

    With nothing to stop him the Mirror went flying, tripping over his own feat and sprawled into the dirt. He turned over into his back looking dazed. He gleamed red from many cuts the shining code flickering in the wounds. This Mirror could only take so much more before it shattered. 

    Cosi shifted his grip on his sword grabbing it by the blade with both hands and approached the prone man. 

    Time to use his extensive video game knowledge and one of Sword Art Online’s fancy sword arts. 



    Roll ID:

    MD: 1- crit miss

     Cosi- Hp: 60/60 ENG: 6/6 DMG: 2 MIT: 9

    Mirror- Hp: 10/30 DMG: 15 MIT: 5


  21. Cosi scrambled away from his Mirror, clutching at his should even though there was no blood to staunch, just the blue-green code that gleamed from between his fingers. 

    Fear gripped Cosi. He needed to get away before he was killed, before he died for real. He needed to flee. He couldn’t die, not now, not here in this god forsaken game. 

    Then as he stumbled away something stopped him. Maybe it was just a gut feeling or maybe it was catching a glimpse of the Mirror in his peripherals. Either way he looked back and saw the Mirror, reflecting exactly what Cosi felt: pain and fear. 

    Cosi could win this. 

    Pulling a healing potion from his belt Cosi drank it as he stalked back over to the Mirror. A coolness surged through him and Cosi felt rejuvenated. He felt his wounds close and a peace came over him. He was ready.

     Ready for round two. 


    Cosi drank a uncommon healing potion

    -1 Healing potion


    Cosi- Hp: 60/60 ENG: 6/6 DMG: 2 MIT: 9

    Mirror- Hp: 10/30 DMG: 15 MIT: 5


  22. The Mirror thrust his long sword straight towards Cosi’s unprotected neck with a terrifying fevor and hungry that was reflected in his eyes. The Mirror seemed to not only want to hone his skills but also kill Cosi and he seemed to be slipping a little into the deep end. 

    Cosi flinched back trying to avoid the deadly blade and brought his own sword up in a counter in hopes of pushing the thrust aside. 

    Cosi turned the strike aside but the point only sank into the unarmored flesh of Cosi’s lower shoulder. The blade cut deep and Cosi heard that whine again, piercing inside his head, and saw the green bar drop into the yellow. 

    But through the pain Cosi saw the grinning face of the Mirror and in a small act of vengeance Cosi put his blade against his inner thigh where no armor was and slid the blade across it cutting the flesh. 

    As the Mirror grimaced it pain, Cosi pushed him away and gasped as the sword was pulled from Cosi’s wound. 



    Roll ID: 103921

    MD: 10- Crit

    Cosi- Hp: 39/60 ENG: 5/6 DMG: 2 MIT: 9

    Mirror- Hp: 10/30 DMG: 15 MIT: 5

  23. Cosi didn’t know how much longer he could keep fighting. He knew this wasn’t his real body but the NerveGear was hooked up to his real body back in the real world, every fiber, muscle, and nerve so everything he felt here it felt back there and while Alec had played sports he’d never been in a life or death duel with a mirror clone so... yeah. 

    With no tact at all, Cosi swung his sword again just trying to hit the Mirror. The swing was a wild diagonal cut across the Mirror’s chest. It scrapped across the plate throwing up sparks but at the very end the sword blade nicked his neck throwing up red code. 

    The Mirror stumbled back from the force of the blow. He felt at his face feeling the cut there. Then he grinned that terrible grin. 

    “Maybe this wasn’t such a waste  after all!” He laughed. 

    Then suddenly he lunged at Cosi



    Roll ID: 103920

    BD: 8- hit

    Cosi- Hp: 51/60 ENG: 4/6 DMG: 2 MIT: 9

    Mirror- Hp: 19/30 DMG: 15 MIT: 5


  24. The Mirror rushed forward, taking his sword in two hands, and struck again aiming for Cosi’s head. The blade hissed through the air like a snake coming so fast Cosi barely thought he could avoid it. 

    But he did, stepping backwards and ducking as much as he could Cosi watched as the sword blade passed within inches of his face. 

    A single strand of cut hair floated past Cosi’s face. He scowled and tried to back and the Mirror but there was no momentum, no real force behind the thrust and it skidded of the plate armor. 

    Cosi stood up, wind milling just a tad, and readied himself for the next attack all while two words raced through his head on repeat, don’t die, don’t die, don’t die, just don’t die! Cosi didn’t want to die just yet, no! He wouldn’t die just yet he’d beat this grinning bastard copycat and then he’d go and take a nap cause damn it was getting late and his arms were killing him. 



    Roll ID: 103917

    MD: 5- miss

    Cosi- Hp: 51/60 ENG: 5/6 DMG: 2 MIT: 9

    Mirror- Hp: 20/30 DMG: 15 MIT: 5


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