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  1. Is anyone interested in an organization of villains, where individuals would mostly act on their own, but has a guild to count on for back-up in case something goes wrong?

    1. Baldur


      I will just let you know, that many people before have tried to set this up, and it always fails. Too many, particularly low level players, try do this whole mustache twirling "I'm a badass, even though I'm only level 4" stuff, and it ends up falling apart.

      If you wish to pursue this, keep it to PP and SP threads, avoid OP threads, and try to build up the story together until you guys get higher levels.

    2. Pick


      Well ultimately it's just for the fun of it. If no one wants to do it, sure thing. If people wanna do something like it, I'm sure it'll be fun.

      Also, forming an organization of villains has nothing to do with a low-leveled player wanting to be badass, so I do not see how that would cause anything to fall apart. If anything, it's probably the fact that no one is actually interested that causes the ideas to fail.

      And yes, thanks for the tips to avoid OP threads, however, I'm afraid that will not be necessary for Pick just because of the type of character he is. He doesn't necessarily need to be high-leveled to start with his villain-like behavior either. Nevertheless, I was just asking for interest, but thanks for the tips though.

    3. Baldur


      There are quite a few characters that are interested, but like I said, it's never been executed well for the reasons I mentioned above. It's been tried at least 4 or 5 times that I can remember off the top of my head, but they didn't die due to lack of player interest.

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