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Posts posted by Arsenal

  1. “I trust you enough to tell you about my past. So I trust you to not betray me.” He smiles at the player across from him. His gaze falls down to his ice cream as he takes the first bite. “I don’t know if it’s your pretty face or you’re kind nature, but I trust you Spencer. Enough to tell you my name is Nicholas.” He says to the boy he had just told his story to. “I’ve never had a boyfriend though, so I’m a bit inexperienced in this department. This is all just an impulse to me.” He chuckles with a smile like his life had been void of any pain or suffering even though he knew inside that what happened was enough to drive a man insane. I never would’ve been able to stand up to that bully on my own. I’m glad Kan was there. But now I have to stand alone. Though I hope Spencer can be my support through this game. “Hey Spencer, wanna keep being my tank. Every DPS is pretty much an easy kill without a tank to back them up. I’m asking if you want to adventure together for long after this.” He gives the blond boy a sincere look of almost worry as if he was scared the man would say no. “It’s perfectly okay if you already have a DPS partner, but I don’t have a tank partner, and I’d be glad to enlist you in my little entourage.” He smiles, taking another bite of his bowl of ice cream.


  2. Arsenal is caught off guard by the question he had never had to answer before. When did I come out? He pulls himself together and smiles. “Early high school, back when I was bullied. I came out as bi.” He says, knowing exactly how different from reality that was. The timing was the same, but how it happened was not. I should trust him, in fact I do, but he doesn’t need to know about my past. It’s my problem, not his. My burden, not his. The man pulls the other player into the ice cream shop and sitting down. “I wasn’t entirely truthful. I was forced to come out. One of my few friends back in middle school found out and told the whole school I was gay. It was something I hadn’t entirely understood myself, so I ignored it. Then in High School I realized I’m not gay, I’m bi.” He says, calling over the waiter. “One vanilla, strawberry syrup and a cherry on top.” His hand points to Spencer, “order whatever you want, it’s on me.” He nods, leaning back in my chair. “So that’s my story.” He slouches a little.


  3. The man heard a voice ring out, commanding him through the shroud of trees between them. It was an unusual event, but the player was a bit curious at the least. He steps out, crossing the shrubs and into a little area, the cigar in his mouth about to burn out, he keeps his spear on his back as he stares blankly at the player in front of him. “Sorry.” His face was emotionless and his words followed suit. No fear, no happiness, no excitement. His eyes appeared dead already. “I was wondering if you could help me on a quest I had heard about, it sounds too difficult for me, but I’m sure if you helped we could get it done.” He smiled innocently at the man, putting his cigar out on a nearby rock as it explodes into blue crystals. He looks at the player’s spear and nods. “Besides, I’m not entirely sure I want to fight a man such as yourself. It appears you lack the restraint I require from a sparring partner.” He adds, pointing to the player’s orange cursor as he tilts his head. This man could probably kill me without even using his spear. I’d be smart not to try and cause any trouble. He pulls out a pair of cigars and offers one to the other player. “Cubans. They’re great, try it.” He puts his cigar in his mouth and lights it.


  4. Arsenal stops and turns. “Then let’s head back. I heard the next quest can be difficult.” He steps in towards Spencer, grabbing the tusk and turning to walk away. “What floor? Not food. Sorry, I must’ve said it wrong.” He apologizes and walks away from the field. I have to know which floor to take him to. So long as it isn’t too expensive. He pulls out a cup and begins to drink a little. The scotch is smooth, and makes the man feel warm when he drinks from it. That’s the stuff.

    They walk through the field, avoiding the monsters and making good time while doing so. As they cut through the field, Arsenal looks around to make sure no one was looking at them and he grabs Spencer, breaking off into a sprint and chuckling. “I know a good ice cream plaza around here, we have some extra time. Why don’t we stop there? We could learn about each other. Come on, it’ll be awesome.” He chuckles. “A hot date with some ice cream.” He laughs.


  5. Arsenal spins, flipping his spear around and spinning it around his waist. His body spins too, and his hand catches the spear in Reverse grip and launches it back at the boar as he looks at Spencer expecting the monster to be dead. That's Weird, no death noise. Sh*t! He spins as the boar jumps around him and into Spencer. It’s at this point the noise of crystals breaking rings out. The cloud of particles associated with death shows and a glowing blue item drops out. “That’s 2 of 3. Not much longer now.” He says, putting the item in his inventory. He puffs from the cigar once more and puts it out. “I can stop smoking if the smell bothers you. It’s not like I’m addicted or anything. Especially considering this game doesn’t have addictions.” He says, as he looks around for another boar. His eyes lock on one and he moves towards it. Not much longer and we get to have our candle lit dinner. I’ll take him up to his favorite floor and to a good restaurant on that floor. Hey Spencer, what’s your favorite floor?” He asks, not realizing how much that reveals of his plan.

    ID: 110263

    BD: 2


    MD: 7

    Boar Pup attacks Spencer

    498 - 1 = 497 HP

    5 -14 = 0 HP

    Arsenal: 60/60 HP | 2/6 EN | 5 DMG

    Spencer: 498/500 HP | 49/50 HP | 4 DMG | 74 MIT | 14 Thorns | 1 REC | 1 REG

      Boar Pup: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

    ID: 110285

    LD: 17


    2 total


  6. The man apologizes for kissing Spencer, then gets a kiss in return. This made him turn a little red because he never expected a kiss back. So he’s really into me. Guess I am a lucky guy. He spins his spear around and pushes it towards the enemy with a stern looks on his face. This is starting to become bothersome, though I’ve lost my temper before and that sometimes helps. He rotates his grip and drags the spear through the air, spinning the blade around his body and pulling it up, leaning on it to help hold himself up. “You’re cute, you’re strong, let’s see you kill this whelp.” He smiles at his special friend. “You’re the nicest person I’ve met since joining this game, and I’m damn glad I did meet you. Let’s get these done quickly so I can buy you your favorite dinner.” He chuckles looking at the blond man he had spent some time with over the past few hours. A whole day with a hot boy I’m going on a date with later, I could get used to this. He pulls out a cigar and lights it, taking a few puffs and smiling. “You wanna try one of these? They taste good.” He holds out a cigar towards Spencer. “Then again, cigars can make cute boys less cute.” He smiles.

    ID: 110201

    BD: 4


    MD: 9

    Boar Pup attack Spencer

    Arsenal: 60/60 HP | 2/6 EN | 5 DMG

    Spencer: 498/500 HP | 49/50 HP | 4 DMG | 74 MIT | 14 Thorns | 1 REC | 1 REG

     Boar Pup: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

    1 total


  7. Arsenal spins the spear in his hand and flips the point towards the boar. Keep the spear steady, grip firm. Keep your eyes on the boar and your focus on the area around it. The environment is the best weapon. He spins, launching the spear at the boar, as in spins to the side. The spear moves as the man spins. The boar lunges at the blond player and Arsenal decides to back away. “I’d say back up but you appear to have it covered.” The boar slams into him, but backs off having done little more than a bump to the player. That was weirdly hot. He can handle himself, and I’m sure he knows what he’d be doing on a date. His body begins to freeze, as he begins to turn red. “Hey Spencer...” He cuts himself off with a kiss between him and the player who was hunting with him. It was his first kiss, so it wasn’t perfect, but it was obvious he was trying. Not bad, but not amazing. Oh god, why did I do that? What am I still doing? Should I keep going or back off? He sort of backs away, not in any rush, in fact incredibly calm. Do I stick to confidence? Or do I bashfully play it off like I’m shy? “Sorry, got a bit carried away.” He says, turning incredibly red, his eyes locking with the other player’s.

    ID: 110187

    BD: 2


    MD: 9

    Boar Pup attacks Spencer

    3 - 74 = 1 DMG

    499 - 1 = 498 HP

    Arsenal: 60/60 HP | 3/6 EN | 5 DMG

    Spencer: 498/500 HP | 49/50 HP | 4 DMG | 74 MIT | 14 Thorns | 1 REC | 1 REG

    Boar Pup: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

    1 tusk total


  8. Nicholas spins his spear up and pushes it forward, as the spear is plunged into the side of the boar. He smiles, watching the boar disappear into a blue cloud of pixels and shards. That wasn't so bad, it wasn't fun, but it wasn't hell. The mob drops a glowing shard and the man picks it up. "I got my first material, 2 left to go." He says, smiling back at the player who was accompanying him on this quest. "So, I've told you the streamline version of my story, tell me yours." He says, tilting his head and thinking about how he had just said what he did. "If you want to, I'd love to hear about you. Always good to know a little about a future date." He gives him a smile to try and reassure the player, it wasn't often he cared about those who weren't super close, but this guy was the closest he had been to anyone in two years, so naturally he showed a little emotion to him.



    ID: 110166

    BD: 6

    5 - 5 = 0 HP

    Arsenal: 60/60 HP | 4/6 EN | 5 DMG

    Boar Pup: 0/5 HP | 3 DMG



    ID: 110167

    LD: 20

    +1 Boar tusk

    1 total


  9. The man walks, as the question hits his senses. Tell him about myself? Like? The boring stuff? “Let’s see, I grew up in Japan, even though I’m half American and I got bullied for sticking out. Then I stopped talking to people. Then I joined Kendo club and met my best friend. Then I joined SAO. That’s about all the fun in my life.” He says, stepping out of the safe zone and equipping the crudely made spear he called pointy. He sees a boar pup and smiles, launching his spear at it and missing barely as he moved. “Crap, I’m usually better with a spear than that. This is gonna be annoying isn’t it?” He spins the spear back up and rests it across his shoulders. His arms move up and hold the spear in place as his arms dangle and he winks at the boy. Should I go for it here? Or should I wait til the date? He puts the spear on the ground and smiles.

    ID: 110080

    BD: 3


    MD: 5


    Arsenal: 60/60 HP | 4/6 EN | 5 DMG

    Boar Pup: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG


  10. “As a matter of fact, I do need your help.” The old blacksmith chuckles, looking at the the two men in his shop. “I’m gonna need some boar tusks, could you go fetch some for me? I’ll make it worth your while.” The smith not named smith says. The man turns to his friend and possible partner. He smiles and looks at the smith. “Sure, we’ll get this done. Isn’t that right?” He turns around and walks out. “See you on the flip side.” He says into the door as he walks out. After he walks outside, he turns to Spencer. “Let’s get these quests done and then head back to town, I’m ready for this date.” He turns to keep walking. “I’m hoping you know where we can get this done in a few hours.” He smiles, lighting a cigar. He puffs and releases some smoke as he walks. I’m hoping I can get this done to buy him some dinner. He seem so like a nice guy. Plus we get along, and he’s cute. I couldn’t ask for a better partner to go hunting with. He walks out of the town and into the field.


  11. Arsenal grabs the box the old man gave him, turning and saying to the man he would soon go on a date with. “Let’s get this box delivered. I’ll make sure you get your date.” He walks out of the shop, using his back to open the door. Sure, he could’ve carried it in his inventory, but there are some things you just shouldn’t get used to in this world. It would make adjusting to the real world far too difficult. Why waste the perfect opportunity to look strong anyways. They know I don’t reall have to lift this. He throws it up to his shoulder, carrying it with one arm as it rests above his head. Not much further now, then I can finally take him on a... did he say quest line? Oh sh*t, I didn’t know it was gonna be a whole bunch of quests. What have I gotten myself into? Though, I did get to meet that sweet guy. His gaze falls on the player who had accompanied him on his first outing. And I got a date out of it. Doesn’t seem all that bad Spencer, so you must have another reason to hate these quests. He reaches the blacksmith shop. His hand moves up, grabbing the handle and he pulls it open walking in. “In rain or sleet or hail, the Aincrad Postal Service will always deliver your mail.” He chuckles, setting the box on the counter. “I’m assuming you need help too.”



    - 3 SP

    - 200 col

    - 5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)

    - 1 Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)

    -1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)



    1 SP

    200 col

  12. Arsenal smiles at the other player, hearing him call him his hot date. “Sorry, apparently it’s a quest line. The date can’t happen until it’s done.” He says. “Hey old man, what happens if I don’t do this right away?” He asks, trying to see if he has time for a date. “Then you don’t get the rewards as fast.” The NPC replies with a response to a question he probably got a lot. Arsenal nods and turns to Spencer. “We should do the second quest right away, get these done as fast as possible so I can afford the dinner.” He says, a look of guilt in his eyes. “Sorry to make you wait, but will my hot date be coming with me?” The young man moves into the back of the shop and begins to mix the ingredients. The materials glow and form into a bottle. Having made the potion, Arsenal makes his way back into the front of the shop, where he sees Spencer and smiles. We should have time for the da...” a loud thud cute him off. The young man turns and sees a box of materials on the counter. “Damn it.” He whispers to himself.

    ID: 109448

    CD: 9 (rare quality success)



  13. “A little, but it’s cool. I like hearing about you.” He smiles and laughs, reaching the edge of town and smiling. It’s starting to get late, I might have trouble working all the way through these. He looks at the other player. “Hey, what if we just went to dinner after this quest, but if you don’t want to, I wouldn’t blame you.” He looks at the see of weak players and walks, trying to split between the waves of the players, almost shorter than the two players sneaking through the crowd. Then Arsenal takes a back street, with less people than most other streets. “You can keep telling stories about yourself if you want, I’ll listen to you, I promise.” He slips his hands into his pockets, trying to keep to himself and slip past the other players unnoticed, when a short and skinny player bumps into the man. “Sorry about tha...” He says, getting cut off by the snap of the tiny man. “Hey, Giant, what the hell? Just ‘cause you’re a freak doesn’t make me invisible.” He says, poking Nicholas and trying to act intimidating.

    ”Woah, I tried to apologize, I’ll just leave you alone.” He says, trying to walk away. “Yeah, you better walk away prick.” He says as the man walks away, and Arsenal looks at Spencer. “The players still try to cause problems, but it’s understandable. It’s a game where you could die at any moment and I bumped into him, he had every right to be angry.” He says, obviously bothered by the interaction. Through the old man’s door the two moved, looking around for the man and Arsenal looks at his friend. “The items have been collected, I’m done with this quest.” He throws the items on the counter when suddenly a box is set on the counter as the old man asks for a favor. I was looking forward to dinner. I’ll try to get this done fast. Maybe do the date after this.


  14. Arsenal grabs his last material and smiles. The question makes the man think, and he nods. “I guess. The story starts with me being a small child. I look American right? I’m half American, but I grew up in Japan. So I stuck out like a sore thumb, and was constantly outcast for it. In pretty much everything except video games, I was different, videogames were a safe haven.” He looks back at the other player, and forces himself to smile. “Then I just kind of stuck with them after I disappeared from everyone’s radar. I just turned invisible in everything but the online world. That and Kendo were what kept me sane.” He nods, walking through and hiding the pain in his voice as best he can. He wasn’t perfect at it, but he was good enough to convince some people. I’m surprised he hasn’t stopped talking to me, usually cute guys don’t like me. He looks backwards, “We should actually get back, I want to get these done and buy you dinner.” He smiles, with a touch of red in his cheeks. Like this flirt was a bit too direct for him to be used to. I would like to take him out properly, like a man should. He smiles and begins to think of where he saw spaghetti last as he made his way through the woods and past his little crush.


  15. Arsenal looks off into space and thinks. “Red, cats, ice cream, winter, and don’t tell anyone, but Nightcore.” He smiles, taking another puff of his cigar. “What about you?” He asks, looking around rather lazily and back to the man next to him. Let’s get more info before I fully trust him. “What kind of stuff do you like?” He asks, nudging his shoulder, puffing from his cigar and releasing smoke. He puts it out and it explodes into a cloud of blue pixels. His eyes move back and meet the other player’s. Oh shoot, this is eye contact, I’ve never made eye contact with someone I like before. He blushes hard and spins his head quickly, looking the other way avoiding the moment from before. “Listen Spencer... Nevermind.” He slides his hands into his pockets, and chuckles nervously. “Let’s get back to the quest.” He stands up and nods, yeah? We should get back to work, I got distracted for a good time. He holds his hands in his pockets and looks back at Spencer, as he motions his head to get Spencer to follow.

    ID: 109432

    LD: 3

    total 4


  16. Nicholas recognizes the flirt, and blushing a little, tries to hit this pitch. “I’m down for as many rounds as you want.” He smiles, not sure whether he was flirting correctly, he had never done it before and wasn’t entirely sure how to do it. He spins and walks over to a rock sitting down, patting the spot next to him. “Sit down. Why waste so much energy standing when we could just sit and look?” he smiles at the other man. This guy is rather cute, and apparently into dudes. I’m pretty lucky that this is the first guy I met. He’s pretty damn cute. He pulls out a cigar and starts to try to light it. But the wind keeps it from lighting, also blowing his medium brown hair gently as he puff on the cigar and finally lights it. He puffs it a few times and releases smoke, looking over to the player and holding it out. “Wanna try it, it tastes just like they do in the real world.” He tilts his head, awaiting a reaction.

    ID: 109430

    LD: 2

    4 total


  17. Arsenal catches the other player’s flirt and smiles. The man’s face turns red as he quickly turns away. So he’s into me. Nice, but what if we become good friends and it doesn’t work out? Would I lose my only friend? He slides his hands in his pockets, obviously in turmoil as he completely forgets to look for the next material. Can I trust him? Or is he just gonna use me and abuse me? He shakes his head. Damnit Nick, you’ve been waiting for life to give you the moment, just take the damn leap. He gives the other player a genuine smile, one he hadn’t given anyone except his best friend in the real world. “Is quest numero dos easy? Or am I gonna have to work harder for less of a reward?” He asks, hoping it would be the former, but knowing that the answer was probably gonna be the latter. “I can count on my cute friend to be there, right?” He asks, in an attempt to flirt but falling flat on his face as his blushing makes his intentions incredibly obvious.

    ID: 109351

    LD: 2

    4 total


  18. Arsenal heard the question and began to think. “I mean, I got this.” He slips out a spear that looks crudely sharpened at the top. The boring staff looks like it was never meant to be a spear. He turned to look at the rather cute boy’s reaction. “Other than that, the best thing that has happened was meeting you...” His face turns a bright red as he finishes the sentence and he can’t think of anything to try to cover it up. Sh*t, did I just say that? Why the hell did I say that? That attracts attention, I don’t want attention. His body stiffens like a board as he turns and walks over to grab a material. “I guess we’re one step closer to being done.” He smiles, trying to change the subject and the material moves into his inventory. The field being low made the boy unsettled because he had no where to disappear to if a confrontation occurred, he hated those because he hated to get in trouble. Then again, fighting is part of this game, but that doesn’t make it any easier. His brown hair blows in the wind as he tries to avoid the sentence ha had said earlier.

    ID: 109347

    LD: 15

    4 total


  19. Arsenal laughs as the other player catches himself rambling. The blushing caught the man’s attention and Arsenal began to blush a little too. This was highly uncommon for the generally masculine man, hiding his emotions from the world to make sure no one noticed him. “It’s fine, silence is worse than rambling.” He laughs, puffing the cigar and putting it out. He liked the cigars because it was something he could hold onto the real world with, like a bridge between realities. His only friend was on the other side, probably worried sick about him, and Arsenal was having fun in this world so he embraced both. “You know, this world is nice. Minus the whole die in game and die in the real world, it’s a really well crafted reality. I don’t regret coming here at all. Do you?” He asks, trying to make conversation last longer. That boy is kind of cute, especially when he gets all nervous and such, it makes him way cuter. He smiles as he walks, something most people almost never see. His eyes pan over the field in front of him in an attempt to find the next material for the quest. Not like he wanted this adventure to end, but he did want this quest to be over, especially after what he had heard about the quests in this game.

    ID: 109344

    LD: 8

    2 total


  20. Arsenal puffs his cigar as he thinks about his answer. Should I tell him the truth? Or should I keep myself hidden? He gets fed up with his thoughts and opts for the former. “I guess you can only be invisible for so long before you get lonely.” His voice carries, holding a little bit of smoke. The cigar was not an uncommon thing for the man, but his smoking had slowed down slowly when he joined SAO. It was something his father did and he stole a few from his dad and smoked them with his friend. His hands move down and grab a rock from the ground, not knowing that they had just picked up a material for the quest. It disappears, moving to his inventory and he looks at his hand with a puzzled look and quickly looks over at the other player. “What the hell was that?” He asks almost worriedly. He shakes it off and slides his hands into his pockets, walking forwards and motioning for the other player to follow him.


    LD: 18 (success)

    +1 Material

    (1 total)


  21. Arsenal looks at the man. “Arsenal.” He smiles, crouching down next to the penguin and petting it’s head. “Cute little feller isn’t he.” He stands up, looking to the man he had run into a few moments ago. “I was... I was gonna do a quest, wanna help me out with it?” He asks. This would be the first real time Arsenal had ever left the town of beginnings. He mostly lived his life in fear of being noticed, now he regretted it. It’s high time I get out and see the world, and I couldn’t ask for a more good looking... I mean, nice, friend to explore with me. His eyes quickly pan over the player next to him as he walks up to the old man. “I heard you were giving out quests, I was here to ask for one.” He says, the awkwardness behind his voice was apparent, for he didn’t like talking to people unless he had to. I hope this quest isn’t too difficult, but if it is, this other player should be able to help me. He opens his inventory, looking at the quest objectives, studying them to see what he needs to do. He turns to the man with a penguin with a fake smile, “Do you know the best place to get these materials?” He shows the quest to his new “friend.” I hope he knows, this will be harder if he doesn’t. He pulls out a cigar and lights it up, puffing a little and releasing smoke.


  22. Nicholas walked through the town on the first floor, as it was the easiest floor and was easy to blend in with the crowd. He hadn’t let go of his fear of causing a scene, so he hid as well he could from those who do like starting scenes. The players on this floor are low enough level wise that they don’t care about who they see, as long as they get some help. He looks around and sees a shop that someone recommended to him. This is the place right? He walks in and a bell rings as he opens the door so Nicholas darts through as fast as possible to avoid being seen. Over estimating his speed and reaction time, he turns a corner and slams right into a person he had never seen before. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you like that.” He says, sitting on the ground, as the collision had knocked him off his feet and he had landed on his but. Ugh, this is gonna cause a scene, please be discrete. I’ll do anything just please, be a quiet person. He stands up and extends his hand, almost requesting a hand shake.


  23. Ookurikara - Touken Ranbu - Image #1859056 - Zerochan Anime Image Board

    Username: Arsenal
    Real name: Nicholas Salyer
    Age: 20 - 22
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6'1"

    About: History/personality
    Nicholas grew up in Japan, but his dad was American. He always stuck out, being an American at a school in Japan, so no one really ever spoke to him. That is, unless they wanted to start something and get Nicholas in trouble. Nicholas hated breaking the rules, so he embraced the loneliness and started to try to keep from being noticed. Everything about him was forgettable, as he intended. He wanted to blend in and keep from causing trouble, but it almost never worked out, he was too plain. Sophomore year he decided to take a kendo class where he quickly rose to the top. The club is where he found his best friend.

    His best friend is the one who told him about SAO. He recommended the game because Nicholas was a gifted swordsman, and his friend thought he'd be one of the top players. His friend got the Beta and told him how amazing the game was, so after his college classes Nicholas started to work a few jobs and saved up enough to buy a nerve gear. His friend came over and they played video games all night. His best friend slept in and Nicholas decided to let him sleep. That's when he put on the NerveGear, and said those words that started it all.  

    Tactical Genius: Nicholas was at the top of his Kendo class in the real world, and specialized in a multitude of weapons. But he was also good with looking at every move as a setup to the next, which made him a very hard enemy to beat in a fight. He felt at home when he held a weapon, so he naturally wanted to be good with it. It was one of his strengths and he wanted to have one do his life wasn't too boring. He cultivated this talent further when he joined sword art online.

    Loyal to friends: Nicholas keeps his emotions to himself, and his secrets hide underneath. The people who do see his emotions can know that he considers them a friend. Him having few friends made him cherish the ones who didn't try to leave him in the dust. It makes the man incredibly loyal to his friends. He will always stand by his friends, even if they're wrong, because he likes to hold on to the few friends he has and would never betray them.

    Calm: In order to draw as little attention as possible, the man has learned to let most things slide. There is a point at which he breaks, but he almost never loses his cool. He lets all the insults slip right off of him. They almost never get through to him and hurt him, it's how he disappeared. This helped keep him from causing trouble, and he liked not getting in trouble. Nicholas also learned to take the world in one piece of info at a time.

    Invisible: Nicholas spent the better half of his life hiding from the spotlight, so that he never caused problems. This fear of messing things up always makes him avoid making big scenes and drawing attention to himself. He hid from attention as best he could and now he's good at it, but he can't undo it. He still has trouble being memorable, and regrets his decision to live his life under the radar. But he had done made his decision and won't go back on his decision.

    Shy: Because Nicholas was always hiding from the spotlight, he never learned to talk to people. The words were always simple for everyone else, but Nicholas was always scared to mess it up. So instead of risking it and succeeding or failing, he decided to not attempt it at all. It's the easy going lifestyle he picked, but it was incredibly lonely, it's how he lived his life and was ready to be lonely for a long time. It's the sacrifice you make to be forgettable.

    Slow to Trust: Nicholas having no friends, never really understood when people tried to be nice to him, so he never trusted their intentions until they prove they mean what they say. His lack of trust in people tends to drive them away, so he had to learn how to survive on his own. Those he does eventually trust are incredibly dear to him. But getting that close to him can be difficult, cause getting him to trust you is the hardest part.

    Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)
    [Total SP: 14 | Available SP: 1]




    Weapon skills:
    » 2 Handed Assault Spear: Rank 2



    Name: Pointy

    Item Type: 2 handed assault spear

    quality: Rare

    Enhancements: 2x Damage

    Description: A silver spear, wrapped in chains with a crudely made point on the end.

    Vanity Black outfit

    (5) Starter Healing potions

    Col: 2500

    T1 Materials: 10

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    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

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